[libreoffice-users] Importing CSV file into Calc with records determined by the number of field separators instead of Line Feeds

2016-04-10 Thread Philip Rhoades


I need to import a CSV dump from an Android SMS Sqlite DB - the problem 
is, many of the SMSs have line breaks in the text body of the DB record 
and this messes up the import into Calc.  There does not seem to be any 
way of saying to Calc: "Count x fields for each record" instead of 
recognising a record by a LF . .

Can anyone think of a nice, easy fix for this problem?


Philip Rhoades

PO Box 896
Cowra  NSW  2794
E-mail:  p...@pricom.com.au

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[libreoffice-users] Simple Neural Network idea for Calc

2016-04-10 Thread Philip Rhoades


I have an idea which I hope will help me understand Neural Networks 
better - and I wonder if anyone who understands NNs would be interested 
in helping me to get a shared Google spreadsheet of a very simple NN 
going.  For example the SS could have:

- two input nodes

- three hidden nodes

- one output node

all represented on a block of lines where I can copy this block to 
another block directly below the first block - representing each 
iteration of a loop in a program - then I can see easily by direct 
comparison what happens to the set of numbers with each iteration (ie 
each copied block).

What do people think?  Is this doable?  I looked around and found some 
Excel example NNs but I don't think they will import into Google Calc - 
and it would be better for my understanding to do it from scratch anyway 
. .

If we could get it going, it would be Open Source of course and it might 
be useful for other people who want to understand NNs by looking at a 
simple example in a familiar environment?



Philip Rhoades

PO Box 896
Cowra  NSW  2794
E-mail:  p...@pricom.com.au

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: question about the best version of libreoffice - MY God is better!

2016-01-28 Thread Philip Rhoades


On 2016-01-28 01:13, Charles-H. Schulz wrote:


Please take your philosophical discussion elsewhere. It is wildly off
topic here, as this is a mailing list dedicated to supporting users of

That is what I have been saying all along!  The discussion should never 
have needed to occur except that the OP was proselytising with her post 
and email "signature" - which was inappropriate for this list and 
offensive to me and others.


Philip Rhoades

PO Box 896
Cowra  NSW  2794
E-mail:  p...@pricom.com.au

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: question about the best version of libreoffice - MY God is better!

2016-01-28 Thread Philip Rhoades


On 2016-01-28 00:52, Virgil Arrington wrote:


Setting aside religion, superstition, and science, (and LO) may I
humbly suggest that you might benefit from a lesson in common courtesy
and respect, which all men and women are due, regardless of their
beliefs or whether they choose to express them in a way that others
find inappropriate.

Irrelevant - the OP was proselytising and offensive by posting a sermon 
which she shouldn't have - that needed to be pointed out.

Sadly, your insistence on belaboring this by insulting everyone who
suggests a more tolerant approach, lacks such common courtesy.

No discourtesy, just making the point that needed to be made and then 
responding to other ignorant and delusional people who feel compelled to 
"defend" someone else's sky fairy proselytisation because a logical 
attack on one sky fairy is an attack on all sky fairies . .

Speaking more pragmatically, I find it ironically interesting that, in
defending your position, you draw even more attention to the very
proselytizing to which you object, by quoting, in full, Nasrim's
original message (which I had long forgot).

"Forgot" (BTW, it should be "forgotten") or preferred to ignore? - it 
was clearly a sermon and could NOT, in any reasonable sense, be called a 
signature . . you are desperately trying to avoid dealing with that fact 
. .

Were I you, I might label
such a tactic, "clueless."

However, I know you don't know how to use English very well so I 
understand your inability to put forward rational arguments . .

But, I'm not, so I won't for even you
deserve our courtesy and respect.

That sentence doesn't make sense . . but I can translate what you are 
trying to say and my response is: I'm shattered if I don't have your 
courtesy or respect . .



On 01/27/2016 07:37 AM, Philip Rhoades wrote:


On 2016-01-27 03:34, Felmon Davis wrote:

On Wed, 27 Jan 2016, Philip Rhoades wrote:

Sure - but I will still respond as I originally did if I come across 
more proselytising (by anyone) . . it is inappropriate and offensive 
and should not be condoned or encouraged.

by one standard definition of 'proselytize'/'proselytise' your last

"ise" is English English not Yankee English . . clueless . .

several posts are guilty of it.

Then you don't understand what the word means.

I thought 'signatures' were generally off-topic. though I'd keep my
mouth shut, I admit though I'd be wrought up if someone advocated
Microsoft Word! but a 'blessing' from 'sky fairies'? some must have a
terrible time in flu season with all the 'God bless you!' in the air!
anyway, I agree: stop the proselytizing!

You need to learn how to use a dictionary.

(well, except in 'signatures' where it doesn't count).

This was the beginning of the original post:

"in the name of god the most compassionate the most merciful."

This was the end of the original post:

"i have a gift for you for all of you one of the english translations
of the holy quran.
the message of god for all mankind, in the all universe in all times,
the message for salvation of mankind in this world and the hereafter,
the message of monotheism, mercy, compassionate, fraternity, kindness,
justice, friendship, goodness and happiness for all mankind.
the holy quran encourages his followers to appreciate kindness of 

reply them better or returnthere goodness and do good with the same.
And when you are greeted with a greeting, greet with a better
[greeting] than it or return it; surely Allah takes account of all
for this reason its my duty to be grateful to you, your kindness, for
your great software and efferts for helping other people, and i offer
my gift to you.
for any question about the english translation of the holy quran, for
any question about the islam and your idea andyour  experiment, be in
contact with me.
and for reading more books and morerecognition about islam, please
visit website.
this website has many useful books in different aspects of islam."

As someone else pointed out - this was NOT a signature - it was a 
SERMON and completely inappropriate and offensive to me and others 
(and NOT because of the particular superstition being proselytised).


All Hail the Great and Glorious Jibbers Crabst!



On 26 January 2016 at 04:37, Philip Rhoades  


On 2016-01-26 07:24, Virgil Arrington wrote:

On 01/25/2016 01:40 PM, jomali wrote:

Please note that the original message by Nasrin was on a topic 
germane to
this list. One member with an excessively tender sore spot 
objected to
something in Nasrin's signature that expressed his sincerely 
held faith.

There was no intent on Nasrin's part to pr

Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: question about the best version of libreoffice - MY God is better!

2016-01-28 Thread Philip Rhoades


On 2016-01-28 22:44, Gary Collins wrote:

Phil,you wrote:

Just observation - you believe in sky fairies 
- Albert Einstein, Erwin Schrodinger, Paul Dirac, Antony Flew, all
believed in a God; as do Richard Swinburne, Francis Collins, William
Lane Craig, to name just a few.

you also wrote.
Well if you weren't clueless (which is not consistent with you 

in fairy stories) you would have realised by now that I don't have any
and that I don't approve of others proselytising on this list . .

I hope you would not refer to any of those I've listed above as 

Being very smart or even a genius does not mean you have any "common" 
(more like "uncommon") sense.  However, WRT your first example, people 
like you always claim Albert Einstein as a "believer" but in fact he did 
not believe in one or other of the common sky fairies that you seem to 
think he did - you probably know that and are just being dishonest about 
your claims . .

Posts like yours could easily be seen as being offensive.

The OP's post was offensive to me and shouldn't have included the sermon 
that it did.

Philip Rhoades

PO Box 896
Cowra  NSW  2794
E-mail:  p...@pricom.com.au

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: question about the best version of libreoffice - MY God is better!

2016-01-28 Thread Philip Rhoades


On 2016-01-28 00:02, Tanstaafl wrote:

On 1/27/2016 7:20 AM, Philip Rhoades  wrote:

You continue to misunderstand (I am not surprised) . . I am NOT
defending my "beliefs" I am saying clearly that a technical list is 
a place for proselytising on superstitions or politics or anything 

that does not have something to do with what the list if for.

What you are doing is attacking,

You call it "attacking", I call it pointing out logical, childish errors 
of thinking.

even insulting people who believe
differently from you by calling their belief system 'superstition',
rather than the normal term, 'religion'.

What is the difference?  Is there any evidence for either?  No?  I guess 
not . . so as far as I can see, MY God, Jibbers Crabst is better than 
your God:


Atheism is just as much a 'superstition' - per your meaning - as any
other religion.

Clueless . . how can not being convinced - about an argument that has no 
evidence to support it - be construed as a superstition?  You need a 
dictionary too . .

Atheists simply choose to have 'faith' in the belief

Clueless . . see above . .

that everything in the world today is just there by some random 

of nature.

Which, until some evidence is provided to the contrary, is more logical 
and rational than believing in sky fairies . .

So, Philip, how about coming down off your high horse, and LET IT GO.

Get a life . . and some lessons in English, logic and rational thinking 
while you are at it . .

Philip Rhoades

PO Box 896
Cowra  NSW  2794
E-mail:  p...@pricom.com.au

To unsubscribe e-mail to: users+unsubscr...@global.libreoffice.org
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: question about the best version of libreoffice - MY God is better!

2016-01-27 Thread Philip Rhoades


On 2016-01-27 03:34, Felmon Davis wrote:

On Wed, 27 Jan 2016, Philip Rhoades wrote:

Sure - but I will still respond as I originally did if I come across 
more proselytising (by anyone) . . it is inappropriate and offensive 
and should not be condoned or encouraged.

by one standard definition of 'proselytize'/'proselytise' your last

"ise" is English English not Yankee English . . clueless . .

several posts are guilty of it.

Then you don't understand what the word means.

I thought 'signatures' were generally off-topic. though I'd keep my
mouth shut, I admit though I'd be wrought up if someone advocated
Microsoft Word! but a 'blessing' from 'sky fairies'? some must have a
terrible time in flu season with all the 'God bless you!' in the air!
anyway, I agree: stop the proselytizing!

You need to learn how to use a dictionary.

(well, except in 'signatures' where it doesn't count).

This was the beginning of the original post:

"in the name of god the most compassionate the most merciful."

This was the end of the original post:

"i have a gift for you for all of you one of the english translations
of the holy quran.
the message of god for all mankind, in the all universe in all times,
the message for salvation of mankind in this world and the hereafter,
the message of monotheism, mercy, compassionate, fraternity, kindness,
justice, friendship, goodness and happiness for all mankind.
the holy quran encourages his followers to appreciate kindness of 

reply them better or returnthere goodness and do good with the same.
And when you are greeted with a greeting, greet with a better
[greeting] than it or return it; surely Allah takes account of all
for this reason its my duty to be grateful to you, your kindness, for
your great software and efferts for helping other people, and i offer
my gift to you.
for any question about the english translation of the holy quran, for
any question about the islam and your idea andyour  experiment, be in
contact with me.
and for reading more books and morerecognition about islam, please
visit website.
this website has many useful books in different aspects of islam."

As someone else pointed out - this was NOT a signature - it was a SERMON 
and completely inappropriate and offensive to me and others (and NOT 
because of the particular superstition being proselytised).


All Hail the Great and Glorious Jibbers Crabst!



On 26 January 2016 at 04:37, Philip Rhoades  


On 2016-01-26 07:24, Virgil Arrington wrote:

On 01/25/2016 01:40 PM, jomali wrote:

Please note that the original message by Nasrin was on a topic 
germane to
this list. One member with an excessively tender sore spot 
objected to
something in Nasrin's signature that expressed his sincerely held 

There was no intent on Nasrin's part to proselytize or to demean
faith, as Phil's diatribe does.

I tend to agree about signature lines. They can contain all kinds 

things having nothing to do with LO. Sometimes they're funny;

That would be fine . .

times they are informative about the writer. Phil's signature line
includes his address in Australia, which is informative, but has
nothing to do with LO. Nasrin's signature line includes a a few 

about his Muslim faith,

Another person with low general knowledge . . again I am not 
surprised . .

also informative but also having nothing to do
with LO.

I pretty much ignore signature lines, and I can't possibly imagine
being offended by one, regardless of what it might say.

a Christian who loves Muslims

And there we have it - another person who has an agenda - they can't
criticise someone else for proselytising their superstitious 
because they have their own superstitious nonsense . . a person who 
someone else but does not even know that the person they "love" is a 

and not a "he" . . clueless . .


Philip Rhoades

PO Box 896
Cowra  NSW  2794
E-mail:  p...@pricom.com.au

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List archive: http://listarchives.libreoffice.org/global/users/
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Felmon Davis

Philip Rhoades

PO Box 896
Cowra  NSW  2794
E-mail:  p...@pricom.com.au

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: question about the best version of libreoffice - MY God is better!

2016-01-27 Thread Philip Rhoades


On 2016-01-27 03:22, Tom Davies wrote:

Hi :)
I feel really bad now, that you seem to be forced into defending

Don't worry too hard . . I don't need defending . .

And Virgil needing to defend himself doubtless with others
on all sides feeling more and more pushed into defending their views
or beliefs.

You continue to misunderstand (I am not surprised) . . I am NOT 
defending my "beliefs" I am saying clearly that a technical list is NOT 
a place for proselytising on superstitions or politics or anything else 
that does not have something to do with what the list if for.

A belief-system that defines all other's beliefs as being
"superstitions" sounds alarmingly intolerant to me.

Then you don't understand Science (why am I still not surprised?) - 
Science is based on creating hypotheses that are capable of being 
falsified - superstitions are beyond the purvue of Science.  Things that 
are claimed but can't be proved false are superstitions - nothing to do 
with tolerance.  However, it is true, I have no tolerance for people who 
claim they know the truth, with absolutely no evidence whatsoever and 
thousands of years of evidence to the contrary, and proselytise their 
nonsense on lists where this should not occur.  AGAIN - it is 
unacceptable and offensive to rational people.

Anyone who thinks
that everyone who disagrees with their own belief is "clueless" seems
to me to be scarily arrogant, to me.

Don't put words into my mouth - I did not say that - I said you were 
clueless because of your statements - I stand by what I said and you 
have only added to this conviction since.  See above re Science.

But that is just my own personal
belief and i'd probably defend individuals who felt the need to
postulate alternatives, in a discussion (but preferably not on this
mailing list because, as we all seem to agree, this is probably not
the place for it).

About time!  Why didn't you say that in the first place?

As someone, who i believe was amazing, once said "An eye for an eye
and the whole world goes blind".

Yeh, yeh, a nice homily but no replacement for intelligent thought and 
rational deliberation.


Regards from
Tom :)

On 26 January 2016 at 14:57, Philip Rhoades  wrote:


On 2016-01-27 01:19, Virgil Arrington wrote:

Chill, Phil.

I can't believe the level of antagonism coming through your keyboard.
I'm "clueless" for not knowing Nasrin's gender? Harsh, man. While I
have many contacts with Muslims from around the world, I had never
heard the name Nasrin before and recalled nothing in her emails that
betrayed her gender.

If choosing to love people, regardless of my knowledge of their
gender, is an agenda, then I suppose I have an agenda. I'm genuinely
surprised that my decision to love a Muslim I've never met upsets you
so much that you feel it necessary to accuse me of having "low 

knowledge" and being "clueless." Where does such a miserable world
view come from?

Just observation - you believe in sky fairies and supporting others 
who are
attacked for proselytising their sky fairies because an attack on one 

fairy is an attack on all sky fairies . .

I won't use the LO list to advance my views of Christianity.

Good - and others should not use it to advance their superstitions 

I use
other lists for that, where it is admittedly more appropriate. But, I
reserve the right to come to the defense of another who has been
unfairly attacked for what she happened to put in her signature line.
(I'll blindly accept your assertion that Nasrin is female.)  I felt
your attack unwarranted and unworthy of a gentlemen, regardless of
your religious views.

Well if you weren't clueless (which is not consistent with you 
believing in
fairy stories) you would have realised by now that I don't have any 
and that

I don't approve of others proselytising on this list . .


Sorry, Tom, I had to respond to Phil, and I felt I had to do it on 

I'll let it go, now.


On 01/25/2016 11:37 PM, Philip Rhoades wrote:


On 2016-01-26 07:24, Virgil Arrington wrote:

On 01/25/2016 01:40 PM, jomali wrote:

Please note that the original message by Nasrin was on a topic 

this list. One member with an excessively tender sore spot 
objected to

something in Nasrin's signature that expressed his sincerely held
There was no intent on Nasrin's part to proselytize or to demean
faith, as Phil's diatribe does.

I tend to agree about signature lines. They can contain all kinds 

things having nothing to do with LO. Sometimes they're funny;

That would be fine . .

times they are informative about the writer. Phil's signature line
includes his address in Australia, which 

Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: question about the best version of libreoffice - MY God is better!

2016-01-26 Thread Philip Rhoades


On 2016-01-27 01:19, Virgil Arrington wrote:

Chill, Phil.

I can't believe the level of antagonism coming through your keyboard.
I'm "clueless" for not knowing Nasrin's gender? Harsh, man. While I
have many contacts with Muslims from around the world, I had never
heard the name Nasrin before and recalled nothing in her emails that
betrayed her gender.

If choosing to love people, regardless of my knowledge of their
gender, is an agenda, then I suppose I have an agenda. I'm genuinely
surprised that my decision to love a Muslim I've never met upsets you
so much that you feel it necessary to accuse me of having "low general
knowledge" and being "clueless." Where does such a miserable world
view come from?

Just observation - you believe in sky fairies and supporting others who 
are attacked for proselytising their sky fairies because an attack on 
one sky fairy is an attack on all sky fairies . .

I won't use the LO list to advance my views of Christianity.

Good - and others should not use it to advance their superstitions 

I use
other lists for that, where it is admittedly more appropriate. But, I
reserve the right to come to the defense of another who has been
unfairly attacked for what she happened to put in her signature line.
(I'll blindly accept your assertion that Nasrin is female.)  I felt
your attack unwarranted and unworthy of a gentlemen, regardless of
your religious views.

Well if you weren't clueless (which is not consistent with you believing 
in fairy stories) you would have realised by now that I don't have any 
and that I don't approve of others proselytising on this list . .


Sorry, Tom, I had to respond to Phil, and I felt I had to do it on 

I'll let it go, now.


On 01/25/2016 11:37 PM, Philip Rhoades wrote:


On 2016-01-26 07:24, Virgil Arrington wrote:

On 01/25/2016 01:40 PM, jomali wrote:
Please note that the original message by Nasrin was on a topic 
germane to
this list. One member with an excessively tender sore spot objected 
something in Nasrin's signature that expressed his sincerely held 
There was no intent on Nasrin's part to proselytize or to demean 

faith, as Phil's diatribe does.

I tend to agree about signature lines. They can contain all kinds of
things having nothing to do with LO. Sometimes they're funny;

That would be fine . .

times they are informative about the writer. Phil's signature line
includes his address in Australia, which is informative, but has
nothing to do with LO. Nasrin's signature line includes a a few lines
about his Muslim faith,

Another person with low general knowledge . . again I am not surprised 
. .

also informative but also having nothing to do
with LO.

I pretty much ignore signature lines, and I can't possibly imagine
being offended by one, regardless of what it might say.

a Christian who loves Muslims

And there we have it - another person who has an agenda - they can't 
criticise someone else for proselytising their superstitious nonsense 
because they have their own superstitious nonsense . . a person who 
"loves" someone else but does not even know that the person they 
"love" is a "she" and not a "he" . . clueless . .


Philip Rhoades

PO Box 896
Cowra NSW   2794
Web:  http://philiprhoades.org
E-mail:  p...@philiprhoades.org

To unsubscribe e-mail to: users+unsubscr...@global.libreoffice.org
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: question about the best version of libreoffice - MY God is better!

2016-01-26 Thread Philip Rhoades


On 2016-01-26 23:29, Tom Davies wrote:

Hi :)
Phil, i know you think you probably think you are just an atheist and
acting reasonably but this topic didn't arise in all the years that we
have seen Christian messages in various people's signatures.  The
discussion only arose after the only Islamic quote in all these years.

It certainly was not the first - but it should be the last.

This has happened at a time when it's popular to attack Muslims for
their faith, and for the stereotypes pushed out by mainstream media to
demonise and vilify Muslims.

Ridiculing religions in general might seem reasonable but choosing to
do so right now, only after the first Islamic quote in a signature and
not in any of the previous several years of Christian quotes (and
hundreds of them) is Islamaphobic.

No, superstitionphobic . .

It has been good to see people on this mailing-list increasingly make
a stand against the increasing level of Islamaphobia in this thread -
even people who don't understand or don't agree with Islam.  In my
opinion standing with someone who seems to be being given a hard-time
by 'the mainstream' is FAR more impressive than just taking cheap
opportunistic pot-shots that are

People should not be proselytising on this list - period.  To hijack my 
intention as "Islamaphobia" is childish . .

LibreOffice and the OpenDocument Format are making a stand against the
mainstream and although the tide may be beginning to turn for us i am
sure we can all remember moments where mainstream-people have done or
said things, without even realising it, that are extremely pro-MSO and
their ever-changing, unreliable formats.

OK, but I don't what that has to do with the legitimacy of people 
proselytising on a technical list.

Please can we drop this topic and get on with the questions at hand?

Sure - but I will still respond as I originally did if I come across 
more proselytising (by anyone) . . it is inappropriate and offensive and 
should not be condoned or encouraged.


Regards from
Tom :)

On 26 January 2016 at 04:37, Philip Rhoades  wrote:


On 2016-01-26 07:24, Virgil Arrington wrote:

On 01/25/2016 01:40 PM, jomali wrote:

Please note that the original message by Nasrin was on a topic 
germane to
this list. One member with an excessively tender sore spot objected 
something in Nasrin's signature that expressed his sincerely held 

There was no intent on Nasrin's part to proselytize or to demean
faith, as Phil's diatribe does.

I tend to agree about signature lines. They can contain all kinds of
things having nothing to do with LO. Sometimes they're funny;

That would be fine . .

times they are informative about the writer. Phil's signature line
includes his address in Australia, which is informative, but has
nothing to do with LO. Nasrin's signature line includes a a few lines
about his Muslim faith,

Another person with low general knowledge . . again I am not surprised 
. .

also informative but also having nothing to do
with LO.

I pretty much ignore signature lines, and I can't possibly imagine
being offended by one, regardless of what it might say.

a Christian who loves Muslims

And there we have it - another person who has an agenda - they can't
criticise someone else for proselytising their superstitious nonsense
because they have their own superstitious nonsense . . a person who 
someone else but does not even know that the person they "love" is a 

and not a "he" . . clueless . .


Philip Rhoades

PO Box 896
Cowra  NSW  2794
E-mail:  p...@pricom.com.au

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Posting guidelines + more: 

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All messages sent to this list will be publicly archived and cannot be

Philip Rhoades

PO Box 896
Cowra  NSW  2794
E-mail:  p...@pricom.com.au

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: question about the best version of libreoffice - MY God is better!

2016-01-26 Thread Philip Rhoades


On 2016-01-27 01:19, Virgil Arrington wrote:

Chill, Phil.

I can't believe the level of antagonism coming through your keyboard.
I'm "clueless" for not knowing Nasrin's gender? Harsh, man. While I
have many contacts with Muslims from around the world, I had never
heard the name Nasrin before and recalled nothing in her emails that
betrayed her gender.

If choosing to love people, regardless of my knowledge of their
gender, is an agenda, then I suppose I have an agenda. I'm genuinely
surprised that my decision to love a Muslim I've never met upsets you
so much that you feel it necessary to accuse me of having "low general
knowledge" and being "clueless." Where does such a miserable world
view come from?

Just observation - you believe in sky fairies and supporting others who 
are attacked for proselytising their sky fairies because an attack on 
one sky fairy is an attack on all sky fairies . .

I won't use the LO list to advance my views of Christianity.

Good - and others should not use it to advance their superstitions 

I use
other lists for that, where it is admittedly more appropriate. But, I
reserve the right to come to the defense of another who has been
unfairly attacked for what she happened to put in her signature line.
(I'll blindly accept your assertion that Nasrin is female.)  I felt
your attack unwarranted and unworthy of a gentlemen, regardless of
your religious views.

Well if you weren't clueless (which is not consistent with you believing 
in fairy stories) you would have realised by now that I don't have any 
and that I don't approve of others proselytising on this list . .


Sorry, Tom, I had to respond to Phil, and I felt I had to do it on 

I'll let it go, now.


On 01/25/2016 11:37 PM, Philip Rhoades wrote:


On 2016-01-26 07:24, Virgil Arrington wrote:

On 01/25/2016 01:40 PM, jomali wrote:
Please note that the original message by Nasrin was on a topic 
germane to
this list. One member with an excessively tender sore spot objected 
something in Nasrin's signature that expressed his sincerely held 
There was no intent on Nasrin's part to proselytize or to demean 

faith, as Phil's diatribe does.

I tend to agree about signature lines. They can contain all kinds of
things having nothing to do with LO. Sometimes they're funny;

That would be fine . .

times they are informative about the writer. Phil's signature line
includes his address in Australia, which is informative, but has
nothing to do with LO. Nasrin's signature line includes a a few lines
about his Muslim faith,

Another person with low general knowledge . . again I am not surprised 
. .

also informative but also having nothing to do
with LO.

I pretty much ignore signature lines, and I can't possibly imagine
being offended by one, regardless of what it might say.

a Christian who loves Muslims

And there we have it - another person who has an agenda - they can't 
criticise someone else for proselytising their superstitious nonsense 
because they have their own superstitious nonsense . . a person who 
"loves" someone else but does not even know that the person they 
"love" is a "she" and not a "he" . . clueless . .


Philip Rhoades

PO Box 896
Cowra  NSW  2794
E-mail:  p...@pricom.com.au

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All messages sent to this list will be publicly archived and cannot be deleted

Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: question about the best version of libreoffice - MY God is better!

2016-01-25 Thread Philip Rhoades


On 2016-01-26 07:24, Virgil Arrington wrote:

On 01/25/2016 01:40 PM, jomali wrote:
Please note that the original message by Nasrin was on a topic germane 

this list. One member with an excessively tender sore spot objected to
something in Nasrin's signature that expressed his sincerely held 
There was no intent on Nasrin's part to proselytize or to demean 

faith, as Phil's diatribe does.

I tend to agree about signature lines. They can contain all kinds of
things having nothing to do with LO. Sometimes they're funny;

That would be fine . .

times they are informative about the writer. Phil's signature line
includes his address in Australia, which is informative, but has
nothing to do with LO. Nasrin's signature line includes a a few lines
about his Muslim faith,

Another person with low general knowledge . . again I am not surprised . 

also informative but also having nothing to do
with LO.

I pretty much ignore signature lines, and I can't possibly imagine
being offended by one, regardless of what it might say.

a Christian who loves Muslims

And there we have it - another person who has an agenda - they can't 
criticise someone else for proselytising their superstitious nonsense 
because they have their own superstitious nonsense . . a person who 
"loves" someone else but does not even know that the person they "love" 
is a "she" and not a "he" . . clueless . .


Philip Rhoades

PO Box 896
Cowra  NSW  2794
E-mail:  p...@pricom.com.au

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: question about the best version of libreoffice - MY God is better!

2016-01-25 Thread Philip Rhoades


On 2016-01-26 05:40, jomali wrote:

Please note that the original message by Nasrin was on a topic germane
to this list. One member with an excessively tender sore spot objected
to something in Nasrin's signature that expressed his sincerely held
faith. There was no intent on Nasrin's part to proselytize

How naive are you?  Of course it is proselytising! - why else would that 
sort of nonsense be in a signature?  All superstitious and political 
organisations depend on increasing their numbers, otherwise they die as 
organisations - it is just marketing - and it is objectionable.

or to
demean another's faith, as Phil's diatribe does.

My "diatribe" is just as valid and provable as Nasrim's diatribe or 
nonsense . .

In my opinion, Nasrin has a perfect right to express his personal
beliefs anywhere he chooses, including on this list, if it is not the
subject of the post.

I think you will find Nasrim is a "she" - so much for your general 
knowledge - but I am not surprised . . it is as useful as your opinion . 


On Sun, Jan 24, 2016 at 10:56 PM, Philip Rhoades 

Nasrin (and others),

On 2016-01-21 21:38, nasrin khaksar wrote:
hi every one.
i thank you for your time and answering my question.
i was waiting to see all comments and after that reply them.
i recieved my answer from tom and also i i appreciate him specially.

On 1/21/16, Andreas Säger  wrote:
Am 21.01.2016 um 01:42 schrieb Tom Davies:
Hi :)
Many people on this mailing list have had signatures that include
Bible quotes or such-like without anyone grumbling or anything.  I
thought it was nice to see something similar from a different
for a change.

Regards from
Tom :)

And I tend to ignore all of them instinctively. I would not have
answered this topic if I had noticed that sermon.
Interesting how the least relevant null topics trigger the most
extensive discussions on this list. Trolls at work.

O people! there has come to you indeed an admonition from your Lord
and a healing for what is in the breasts and a guidance and a mercy
for the believers.
Say: In the grace of Allah and in His mercy-- in that they should
rejoice; it is better than that which they gather.
holy quran, chapter 10.

please visit al-islam.org [1]

Since it appears that it is OK to proselytise on this list I will tell
you about MY God - who is better than your gods (since your gods don't
really exist):

MY God is Jibbers Crabst and was revealed to the world in a great
sermon by the Muchly High Priest and First Prophet, Matt Inman:


Jibbers is a fire-breathing lobster who lives behind the rings of
Saturn.  Jibbers is THE ONE TRUE GOD and replaces all previous false
gods.  Everyone who is believer in other false gods should immediately
repent of their mistaken beliefs and adore and commit their lives to
Jibbers - our Lord and Saviour.

The Yankee People are the chosen people of Jibbers (see the sermon for
details - I am Australian BTW but that does not affect my belief in
Jibbers as the ONE TRUE GOD) and will dwell forever in The House of

If you do not see the light and immediately switch your belief from
your false gods to Jibbers, the soldiers and children of Jibbers,
giant Bombardier Beetles, will rise up and send flaming balls down all
of your unbelieving throats for the rest of eternity!  After that
eternity, giant Brazilian Wandering Spiders will inject you all with
venom that will cause more pain than is imaginable for another

So Nasrin, and others, repent of your erroneous faiths and before it
is too late, pledge your lives to the ONE TRUE GOD - Jibbers Crabst!
and be saved from eternal pain and damnation!  and live with Jibbers
forever around the most beautiful planet in the Solar system!

Have a nice day.


Philip Rhoades

PO Box 896
Cowra  NSW  2794
E-mail:  p...@pricom.com.au

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Posting guidelines + more:
List archive: http://listarchives.libreoffice.org/global/users/
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[1] http://al-islam.org

Philip Rhoades

PO Box 896
Cowra  NSW  2794
E-mail:  p...@pricom.com.au

To unsubscribe e-mail to: users+unsubscr...@global.libreoffice.org
Problems? http://www.libreoffice.org/get-help/mailing-lists/how-to-unsubscribe/
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All messages sent to this list will be publicly archived and cannot be deleted

Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: question about the best version of libreoffice - MY God is better!

2016-01-24 Thread Philip Rhoades

Nasrin (and others),

On 2016-01-21 21:38, nasrin khaksar wrote:

hi every one.
i thank you for your time and answering my question.
i was waiting to see all comments and after that reply them.
i recieved my answer from tom and also i i appreciate him specially.

On 1/21/16, Andreas Säger  wrote:

Am 21.01.2016 um 01:42 schrieb Tom Davies:

Hi :)
Many people on this mailing list have had signatures that include
Bible quotes or such-like without anyone grumbling or anything.  I
thought it was nice to see something similar from a different 

for a change.

Regards from
Tom :)

And I tend to ignore all of them instinctively. I would not have
answered this topic if I had noticed that sermon.
Interesting how the least relevant null topics trigger the most
extensive discussions on this list. Trolls at work.

O people! there has come to you indeed an admonition from your Lord
and a healing for what is in the breasts and a guidance and a mercy
for the believers.
Say: In the grace of Allah and in His mercy-- in that they should
rejoice; it is better than that which they gather.
holy quran, chapter 10.

please visit al-islam.org

Since it appears that it is OK to proselytise on this list I will tell 
you about MY God - who is better than your gods (since your gods don't 
really exist):

MY God is Jibbers Crabst and was revealed to the world in a great sermon 
by the Muchly High Priest and First Prophet, Matt Inman:


Jibbers is a fire-breathing lobster who lives behind the rings of 
Saturn.  Jibbers is THE ONE TRUE GOD and replaces all previous false 
gods.  Everyone who is believer in other false gods should immediately 
repent of their mistaken beliefs and adore and commit their lives to 
Jibbers - our Lord and Saviour.

The Yankee People are the chosen people of Jibbers (see the sermon for 
details - I am Australian BTW but that does not affect my belief in 
Jibbers as the ONE TRUE GOD) and will dwell forever in The House of 

If you do not see the light and immediately switch your belief from your 
false gods to Jibbers, the soldiers and children of Jibbers, giant 
Bombardier Beetles, will rise up and send flaming balls down all of your 
unbelieving throats for the rest of eternity!  After that eternity, 
giant Brazilian Wandering Spiders will inject you all with venom that 
will cause more pain than is imaginable for another eternity!

So Nasrin, and others, repent of your erroneous faiths and before it is 
too late, pledge your lives to the ONE TRUE GOD - Jibbers Crabst! and be 
saved from eternal pain and damnation!  and live with Jibbers forever 
around the most beautiful planet in the Solar system!

Have a nice day.


Philip Rhoades

PO Box 896
Cowra  NSW  2794
E-mail:  p...@pricom.com.au

To unsubscribe e-mail to: users+unsubscr...@global.libreoffice.org
Problems? http://www.libreoffice.org/get-help/mailing-lists/how-to-unsubscribe/
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List archive: http://listarchives.libreoffice.org/global/users/
All messages sent to this list will be publicly archived and cannot be deleted

Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: question about the best version of libreoffice:

2016-01-20 Thread Philip Rhoades


On 2016-01-20 19:49, Erik Jan wrote:

Philip Rhoades schreef op 20-01-16 om 09:15:


On 2016-01-20 19:05, nasrin khaksar wrote:

hi every one.
i tested many versions of libreoffice since version 4.2.5
all versions have there advantages and in cases there bugs and
whats the best version of libreoffice since version according
to your experience?
whats the best version with more stability, reliability and with less
bugs and crashes, compatible even with the old and not powerful
computers and also sutable for none professional home users?
i only use writer and only use writer for reading books, articles etc
and for writing.

Please leave superstitious nonsense (like the stuff below) out of 

to lists that are about real-world technology.


The beauty of the free world is that everyone is free to speak their
mind. You are free to think and proclaim that religion is
superstition, and others are free to think and proclaim God's mercy.

His words are in the "signature"; ignore them if you want to, but do
not despise them by judgmental words, but respect the other human
being who who wants to be known by these words.


OK, so this list is "anything goes" then - great!  Here is some stuff 
which is incredibly funny and very much more worthwhile people spending 
their time on than ghosts and goblins:

  BAHFest West 2014 - Matt Inman: Jibbers Crabst





thank you and god bless you all.

O people! there has come to you indeed an admonition from your Lord
and a healing for what is in the breasts and a guidance and a mercy
for the believers.
Say: In the grace of Allah and in His mercy-- in that they should
rejoice; it is better than that which they gather.
holy quran, chapter 10.

please visit al-islam.org

Philip Rhoades

PO Box 896
Cowra  NSW  2794
E-mail:  p...@pricom.com.au

To unsubscribe e-mail to: users+unsubscr...@global.libreoffice.org
Problems? http://www.libreoffice.org/get-help/mailing-lists/how-to-unsubscribe/
Posting guidelines + more: http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Netiquette
List archive: http://listarchives.libreoffice.org/global/users/
All messages sent to this list will be publicly archived and cannot be deleted

Re: [libreoffice-users] question about the best version of libreoffice:

2016-01-20 Thread Philip Rhoades


On 2016-01-20 19:05, nasrin khaksar wrote:

hi every one.
i tested many versions of libreoffice since version 4.2.5
all versions have there advantages and in cases there bugs and 

whats the best version of libreoffice since version according
to your experience?
whats the best version with more stability, reliability and with less
bugs and crashes, compatible even with the old and not powerful
computers and also sutable for none professional home users?
i only use writer and only use writer for reading books, articles etc
and for writing.

Please leave superstitious nonsense (like the stuff below) out of posts 
to lists that are about real-world technology.


thank you and god bless you all.

O people! there has come to you indeed an admonition from your Lord
and a healing for what is in the breasts and a guidance and a mercy
for the believers.
Say: In the grace of Allah and in His mercy-- in that they should
rejoice; it is better than that which they gather.
holy quran, chapter 10.

please visit al-islam.org

Philip Rhoades

PO Box 896
Cowra  NSW  2794
E-mail:  p...@pricom.com.au

To unsubscribe e-mail to: users+unsubscr...@global.libreoffice.org
Problems? http://www.libreoffice.org/get-help/mailing-lists/how-to-unsubscribe/
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Re: [libreoffice-users] introducing my self and a gift for appreciation to you:

2015-10-07 Thread Philip Rhoades


On 2015-10-08 03:38, James Wilde wrote:

Actually it is a compliment and thanks to LO and TDF for a good
product which he is able to use, blind as he is.  I would suspect that
his english is next to non-existent and that he has simply written the
message he would send to a fellow countryman, and run it through
Google translate.  And yes, he does appear to be religious, but we
have lots of Christian users, including some clerics, in here.
Admittedly they don't often go to the extremes of this man's message,
but perhaps in his country you are expected  to address an
unknown/organisation in this manner.

Perhaps if someone writes back to him to acknowledge his message, he
will not think it necessary to send the message again.  (I believe I
have seen it twice.)  I'll do that when I've finished this.

And he's offered us a present in thanks, perhaps not one that many of
us will take him up on, but nonetheless one which he thinks is a
valuable present.

I think it is equivalent to a Nigerian phishing email . . it doesn't 
matter what fairy story they are promoting . .


Just my 2c


On 07 Oct 2015, at 18:15, James Knott  wrote:

Apparently his religion allows him to violate this list by posting
religious crap.

On 10/07/2015 08:29 AM, Philip Rhoades wrote:

Can this junk be stopped please?

On 2015-10-06 20:54, nasrin khaksar wrote:

in the name of god the most compassionate the most merciful.
hello every one.
my name is zahra.
i used microsoft office before.
but since we can not buy the payed softwares and my religion does 

allow to violate the right of others,
and i wanted to use the computer according to my religion and with 

legal way,
i decided to use free softwares since last year.
i searched in the internet for the free softwares for one year.
my sleep was only 2 or 3 hours in the night and most of the times i
tried and tested different free softwares.
since i am blind, i should test programs first for to select free
softwares and the second accessibility for me was very important to
use this programs.
after one year efferts and search, i found my favorite programs in
different aspects. like: multemedia, screen reader, writing program,
text editor, internet browser, system information, office program 

i spent many times for finding an accessible, free and opensource
program replacement for microsoft office.
i found your program libreoffice the best.
for its translation to most languages, for accessibility, for its
compatibility to the microsoft documents, for its completeness and 

best point: the intimacy, kindness, support and help between the
members of your group.
for this reason i wanted to appreciate you for sincere efferts and
your great program libreoffice.
i have a gift for you for all of you one of the english translations
of the holy quran.
the message of god for all mankind, in the all universe in all 
the message for salvation of mankind in this world and the 
the message of monotheism, mercy, compassionate, fraternity, 

justice, friendship, goodness and happiness for all mankind.
the holy quran encourages his followers to appreciate kindness of
reply them better or returnthere goodness and do good with the same.
And when you are greeted with a greeting, greet with a better
[greeting] than it or return it; surely Allah takes account of all
for this reason its my duty to be grateful to you, your kindness, 
your great software and efferts for helping other people, and i 

my gift to you.
for any question about the english translation of the holy quran, 
any question about the islam and your idea andyour  experiment, be 

contact with me.
and for reading more books and morerecognition about islam, please
visit website.
this website has many useful books in different aspects of islam.

for recieving my giftplease  download it from one of the following


the best website address that i mentioned has many books about islam
in various languages is:

i am very happy to be contact with me and share your ideas, 

and so on.

god bless you. from: zahra.

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Posting guidelines + more: 

List archive: http://listarchives.libreoffice.org/global/users/
All messages sent to this list will be publicly archived and cannot be 

Philip Rhoades

PO Box 896
Cowra  NSW  2794
E-mail:  p...@pricom.com.au

To unsubscribe e-mail to: users+unsubscr...@global.libreoffice.org
Problems? http://www.libreoffice.org/get-help/mailing-lists/

Re: [libreoffice-users] introducing my self and a gift for appreciation to you:

2015-10-07 Thread Philip Rhoades

Can this junk be stopped please?

On 2015-10-06 20:54, nasrin khaksar wrote:

in the name of god the most compassionate the most merciful.
hello every one.
my name is zahra.
i used microsoft office before.
but since we can not buy the payed softwares and my religion does not
allow to violate the right of others,
and i wanted to use the computer according to my religion and with the
legal way,
i decided to use free softwares since last year.
i searched in the internet for the free softwares for one year.
my sleep was only 2 or 3 hours in the night and most of the times i
tried and tested different free softwares.
since i am blind, i should test programs first for to select free
softwares and the second accessibility for me was very important to
use this programs.
after one year efferts and search, i found my favorite programs in
different aspects. like: multemedia, screen reader, writing program,
text editor, internet browser, system information, office program etc.
i spent many times for finding an accessible, free and opensource
program replacement for microsoft office.
i found your program libreoffice the best.
for its translation to most languages, for accessibility, for its
compatibility to the microsoft documents, for its completeness and the
best point: the intimacy, kindness, support and help between the
members of your group.
for this reason i wanted to appreciate you for sincere efferts and
your great program libreoffice.
i have a gift for you for all of you one of the english translations
of the holy quran.
the message of god for all mankind, in the all universe in all times,
the message for salvation of mankind in this world and the hereafter,
the message of monotheism, mercy, compassionate, fraternity, kindness,
justice, friendship, goodness and happiness for all mankind.
the holy quran encourages his followers to appreciate kindness of 

reply them better or returnthere goodness and do good with the same.
And when you are greeted with a greeting, greet with a better
[greeting] than it or return it; surely Allah takes account of all
for this reason its my duty to be grateful to you, your kindness, for
your great software and efferts for helping other people, and i offer
my gift to you.
for any question about the english translation of the holy quran, for
any question about the islam and your idea andyour  experiment, be in
contact with me.
and for reading more books and morerecognition about islam, please
visit website.
this website has many useful books in different aspects of islam.

for recieving my giftplease  download it from one of the following 


the best website address that i mentioned has many books about islam
in various languages is:

i am very happy to be contact with me and share your ideas, questions,
and so on.

god bless you. from: zahra.

Philip Rhoades

PO Box 896
Cowra  NSW  2794
E-mail:  p...@pricom.com.au

To unsubscribe e-mail to: users+unsubscr...@global.libreoffice.org
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All messages sent to this list will be publicly archived and cannot be deleted

[libreoffice-users] Re: Remove all paragraph and other formatting except for character attributes eg italics, bold etc

2015-09-07 Thread Philip Rhoades

At Sat, 29 Aug 2015 16:12:36 +0100 Brian Barker wrote:

On 2015-08-29 21:34, Philip Rhoades wrote:

I know about the "Clear Formatting" commands but that removes ALL
formatting - I just want to remove page and paragraph formatting and
leave character attributes alone eg italics, bold etc - is it possible
to do that somehow?

You cannot remove page and paragraph formatting, since every page and
every paragraph has to have some format or other. But you can reset
these to some other value or default.

The only page formatting in a Writer document is page style formatting,
so you need just to modify the page style(s) in your document or to
apply a suitable page style - perhaps Default - to all your material.
Open the Styles and Formatting window, put the cursor in turn into each
range of pages with a particular style, and double-click the Default
style on the Page Styles panel.

Your paragraph formatting may be paragraph formatting or paragraph 

formatting, but resetting paragraph style formatting seems to trump
paragraph formatting, so is all you need to attend to. Open the Styles
and Formatting window, select all the material, and double-click the
Default style on the Paragraph Styles panel.

I trust this helps.

Thanks for that info - it did help - I am producing short stories 
consisting of standard paragraphs for inserting into a templated xhtml 
file - so I need to get rid of most of the formatting.  What I have 
ended up doing is:

- Use your method to get rid of some of the junk from submitted short 

- Export to an xhtml file
- Use pandoc to convert to Markdown file format (which removes the rest 
of the junk I don't need)
- Use pandoc to convert back to an xhtml file format which is almost 
ready to insert into the xhtml template


Philip Rhoades

PO Box 896
Cowra  NSW  2794
E-mail:  p...@pricom.com.au

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All messages sent to this list will be publicly archived and cannot be deleted

[libreoffice-users] Remove all paragraph and other formatting except for character attributes eg italics, bold etc

2015-08-29 Thread Philip Rhoades


I know about the "Clear Formatting" commands but that removes ALL 
formatting - I just want to remove page and paragraph formatting and 
leave character attributes alone eg italics, bold etc - is it possible 
to do that somehow?


Philip Rhoades

PO Box 896
Cowra NSW   2794
Web:  http://philiprhoades.org
E-mail:  p...@philiprhoades.org

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Does something resembling this Macro already exist?

2014-09-20 Thread Philip Rhoades


On 2014-09-20 18:43, Luuk wrote:

On 20-9-2014 08:26, Philip Rhoades wrote:


I want to set up a Macro in a Writer doc that will, when started:

- search from the top of the doc, for any occurrence of each of a 

different words (stored in array?)

- stop on each word found, allow editing etc

- continue on to the next word occurrence by clicking a "Continue"
button until the end of the doc is reached

Does anyone know of something that already resembles this macro that I
could hack around to do what I want?



If you hit CTRL+H (find&replace) and expand the 'other options', you
can check the 'Regular expressions'

When searching for 'one|two|three', you will find all occurrences of
'one', 'two' or 'three'.

When something is found, you can click in the document to change what
you like. When ready the 'find' button will find the next thing.



Philip Rhoades

GPO Box 3411
Sydney NSW  2001
Web:  http://philiprhoades.org
E-mail:  p...@philiprhoades.org

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[libreoffice-users] Does something resembling this Macro already exist?

2014-09-19 Thread Philip Rhoades


I want to set up a Macro in a Writer doc that will, when started:

- search from the top of the doc, for any occurrence of each of a dozen 
different words (stored in array?)

- stop on each word found, allow editing etc

- continue on to the next word occurrence by clicking a "Continue" 
button until the end of the doc is reached

Does anyone know of something that already resembles this macro that I 
could hack around to do what I want?



Philip Rhoades

GPO Box 3411
Sydney NSW  2001
E-mail:  p...@pricom.com.au

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[libreoffice-users] Bar chart extending from a low to a high value?

2014-04-05 Thread Philip Rhoades


I want to create a chart from a table that has just a low and a high 
value for each category - so each end of the bar, for each category, 
corresponds to the low or the high value for that category - this does 
not look possible as far as I can see?


Philip Rhoades

GPO Box 3411
Sydney NSW  2001
E-mail:  p...@pricom.com.au

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Writer macro to export to PDF - WITH password - Followup Q

2013-04-28 Thread Philip Rhoades


On 2013-04-27 02:51, Luuk wrote:

On 26-04-2013 08:20, Philip Rhoades wrote:

On 2013-04-22 22:37, Philip Rhoades wrote:



Only a reply to the group will do,
thank you

This WAS the reply to the list,
(and you didnt respond to it sensibly . . )
thank you

Philip Rhoades

GPO Box 3411
Sydney NSW  2001
E-mail:  p...@pricom.com.au

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[libreoffice-users] Re: Writer macro to export to PDF - WITH password - Followup Q

2013-04-25 Thread Philip Rhoades


On 2013-04-22 22:37, Philip Rhoades wrote:


On 2013-04-22 03:44, luuk wrote:
On 21-04-2013 14:08, Philip Rhoades wrote:


When I record a macro to export to PDF with file-open password
protection, the resulting PDF does in fact have password protection.
However, if I run the previously recorded macro again, the resulting 

is NOT password protected!  I have found a mention of this problem with
OO but haven't had any success using the suggested solution there with
LO . .

Another solution would be to use unoconv - but the version on Fedora 18
(0.5.2) does not seem to work with password protection either (although
it is in the help info) . .

Does anyone have a WORKING macro that will export PDFs with file-open
password protection?


... [show rest of quote]

Ok after some searching.
i found the answer in this discussion:

Here it is :
REM  *  BASIC  *

Sub ExportPDF


Many thanks - I would never have had time to work all that out . .



Is it possible to cause this macro to run when the file is saved (ie as 
the normal ODT file NOT when exported)?  I guess what I am asking is: 
are the menu functions accessible from/to macros?


Philip Rhoades

GPO Box 3411
Sydney NSW  2001
E-mail:  p...@pricom.com.au

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[libreoffice-users] Re: Writer macro to export to PDF - WITH password

2013-04-22 Thread Philip Rhoades


On 2013-04-22 03:44, luuk wrote:

On 21-04-2013 14:08, Philip Rhoades wrote:


When I record a macro to export to PDF with file-open password
protection, the resulting PDF does in fact have password protection.
However, if I run the previously recorded macro again, the resulting 

is NOT password protected!  I have found a mention of this problem with
OO but haven't had any success using the suggested solution there with
LO . .

Another solution would be to use unoconv - but the version on Fedora 18
(0.5.2) does not seem to work with password protection either (although
it is in the help info) . .

Does anyone have a WORKING macro that will export PDFs with file-open
password protection?


... [show rest of quote]

Ok after some searching.
i found the answer in this discussion:

Here it is :
REM  *  BASIC  *

Sub ExportPDF


Many thanks - I would never have had time to work all that out . .


Philip Rhoades

GPO Box 3411
Sydney NSW  2001
E-mail:  p...@pricom.com.au

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[libreoffice-users] Writer macro to export to PDF - WITH password

2013-04-21 Thread Philip Rhoades


When I record a macro to export to PDF with file-open password 
protection, the resulting PDF does in fact have password protection.  
However, if I run the previously recorded macro again, the resulting PDF 
is NOT password protected!  I have found a mention of this problem with 
OO but haven't had any success using the suggested solution there with 
LO . .

Another solution would be to use unoconv - but the version on Fedora 18 
(0.5.2) does not seem to work with password protection either (although 
it is in the help info) . .

Does anyone have a WORKING macro that will export PDFs with file-open 
password protection?


Philip Rhoades

GPO Box 3411
Sydney NSW  2001
E-mail:  p...@pricom.com.au

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