Re: CGIs gehen nicht mehr

2005-08-09 Thread Daniel Bradler
On Tue, 9 Aug 2005, Sven Löschner wrote:

 Ich habe einen Linux 9.0 Server, der bisher mit einem Apache 2.0.48 mit

Was ist Linux 9.0?

 Confixx (ist in diesem Falle zumindest zu erwähnen) lief. Auf jeden Fall
 hatte ich kein Problem mit irgendwelchen CGIs. Jetzt habe ich einen neuen
 Server (2.0.54) aufgesetzt. Ich lade u.A. auch mod_cgi und susexec. Aber ich
 bekomme bei sämtlichen CGIs die Fehlermeldung Serverfehler, Error 500,
 Premature end of script headers: hello.cgi .


 Hat noch jemand einen Tipp?

Logfiles lesen.

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RE: CGIs gehen nicht mehr

2005-08-09 Thread Sven Löschner
  Logfiles lesen.

Ok, womit wir bei dem nächsten Problem wären, wie ich gerade sehe: meine
logfile suexec.log ist nicht vorhanden...also wenn ich suexec2 -V aufrufe,
steht da:

 -D AP_DOC_ROOT=/srv/www/htdocs
 -D AP_HTTPD_USER=wwwrun
 -D AP_LOG_EXEC=/var/log/apache2/suexec.log
 -D AP_SAFE_PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin
 -D AP_USERDIR_SUFFIX=public_html

Die Log-Datei ist aber nicht vorhanden

Die Apache-Log meldet aber, das Suexec erfolgreich gestartet wurde.

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Re: Sprungmarken in der httpd.conf?

2005-08-09 Thread Bernhard Wiz
am dienstag, 9. august 2005, morgens um 9:49 uhr hast du geschrieben:

 Hast du evtl. schon mal nach anderen Programmen geschaut, die eventuell
 auf den Proxy-Einsatz spezialisiert sind (z.B. Squid) oder muss es
 unbedingt Apache sein? (nur aus Interesse)

Hallo Paul,
das freut mich jetzt, dass doch noch jemand auf meine unqualifizierte
Frage antwortet.

Apache scheint für uns nach umfangreicher Recherche die einzige Lösung
zu sein (zumindest ohne unverhältnismässigen Aufwand). Wir haben uns
bereits mit diversen Proxy-Tools beschäftigt, insbesondere mit Squid.
Aus verschiedenen Gründen sind wir schliesslich bei Apache gelandet.

Bevor ich mich eingehend mit Apache beschäftige und damit beginne, die
Bücher durchzuackern, wollte ich erst rausfinden, ob unser Vorhaben
mit Apache überhaupt realisierbar ist. Aus diesem Grund muten meine
Fragen wohl auch etwas komisch oder zumindest unbeholfen an...

Bis jetzt sehe ich leider immer noch keine Lösung, wie ich anhand
eines Variablenwertes in der Apache-Config gewisse Filter und
Umleitungen ausführen lassen kann.

Ich habe zwar rausgefunden, dass ich bei mod_rewrite- und
mod_ext_filter-Regeln angeben kann, dass diese jeweils nur gelanden
werden, wenn eine bestimmte Umgebungsvariable _vorhanden_ ist.
Allerdings konnte ich nicht rausfinden, ob die Regeln auch über einen
bestimmten _Wert_ einer Variable ausgelöst werden können. So das z.B.
eine Umleitung nur aktiv ist, wenn der Wert einer Variable der Zahl
023 entspricht.

Zudem muss ich noch rausfinden, wie ein Perl-Script gleich zu Beginn
einer Anfage ausgewertet werden kann. Sonst fehlt mir später bei
meinen Regeln der Wert der erwähnten Variable, die mit Hilfe eines
Cookies und einer DB gewonnen wird.

 bitte produziere kein ToFu (Textoben, Fullquote unten), danke.

Wird in Zukunft hoffentlich nicht mehr passieren.

Gruss Bernhard

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Re: Re: Sprungmarken in der httpd.conf?

2005-08-09 Thread Marcus Reimann
Hallo Bernhard,

Astrid (Kess) hat den entscheidenden Hinweis gegeben:
 Du brauchst keine Sprungmarken, du musst entsprechende Container 

Allerdings schreibst Du in Deiner Antwort, dass Du 100 verschiedene 
Profile hast und dass Du eine Variable hast, anhand deren Wert Du
jeweils andere Umleitungs- und Filterregeln aktivieren möchtest.
Anders formuliert hast Du also eine Url, die an einer bestimmten
Stelle den Wert Deiner Variablen beinhaltet.

Hier hätte die Variable userid den Wert 1.

Um nun anhand des Wertes verschiedene Einstellungen vorzunehmen,
kann Dir mod_rewrite (in Deinem Fall im Zusammenspiel mit 
mod_proxy) helfen.

mod_rewrite erlaubt es, mit Hilfe von regulären Ausdrücken die
URL zu untersuchen und den Wert der Variablen zu extrahieren.
Anschließend kannst Du innerhalb einer RewriteRule mit Hilfe der 
Option [P] mod_proxy ansprechen. Für solche einfachen Sachen
wie im og. Beispiel reicht eine einzige RewriteRule, unabhängig 
davon, ob Du 100 oder 1000 Profile hast.

Beispiele dazu findest Du unter
und unter

 Marcus Reimann
 M. Reimann Systemberatung

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RE: CGIs gehen nicht mehr

2005-08-09 Thread Thomas Goik

 Ok, womit wir bei dem nächsten Problem wären, wie ich gerade sehe: meine
 logfile suexec.log ist nicht vorhanden...also wenn ich suexec2 -V aufrufe,
 steht da:

Check mal ob die suexec2 auch die richtigen Rechte besitzt:
chmod 4755 /usr/lib/apache2/suexec2

Bei z.Bsp. debian nach einem apt-get install apache2 löscht er die rechte
immer, daher würde ich das mal checken, kann ja sein das es daran leigt.

Mit freundlichen Grüssen
Thomas Goik

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Re: Sprungmarken in der httpd.conf?

2005-08-09 Thread Bernhard Wiz
am dienstag, 9. august 2005, abends um 8:34 uhr hast du geschrieben:

 Anders formuliert hast Du also eine Url, die an einer bestimmten
 Stelle den Wert Deiner Variablen beinhaltet.

 Hier hätte die Variable userid den Wert 1.

 Um nun anhand des Wertes verschiedene Einstellungen vorzunehmen,
 kann Dir mod_rewrite (in Deinem Fall im Zusammenspiel mit 
 mod_proxy) helfen.

Dieser Lösungsansatz klingt vielversprechend. Daran habe ich ehrlich
gesagt noch gar nicht gedacht.

Das würde allerdings voraussetzen, dass ich die URI von der Datei,
welche vom Proxy-User angefordert wird, gleich zu Beginn von einem
Perl-Script um den String mit der Variable (?userid=1) ergänze.
Kann ich irgendwie erreichen, dass dieses Script gleich ganz zu Beginn
ausgeführt wird?

Zumindest die Umleitungen und Bildmanipulationen (im Zusammenhang mit
Apache::ImageMagick) würden so sicherlich klappen.

So das z.B.
eine Umleitung nur aktiv ist, wenn der Wert einer Variable der Zahl
023 entspricht.

Beispiel für mod_rewrite:

RewriteCond %{ENV:variable} 023

vgl. dazu

Juhuu! Das wird ja immer besser. Genau diese Bedingung würde mein
Problem ja lösen. Vielen herzlichen Dank fürs Nachschlagen. Werde mir
gleich die Seite ausdrucken und gründlich studieren.

Den Cookie könnte mod_rewrite ebenfalls mit RewriteCond %{HTTP_COOKIE}
auslesen, aber ich glaube, Du bist mit den Cookies auf dem Holzweg.
Dein Browser wird sicherlich Cookies mit den Webservern austauschen,
die Du besuchst, aber wieso sollte Dein Browser einen Cookie an
einen dazwischengeschalteten Browser-Proxy (und dafür möchtest Du
den Apache ja gerne missbrauchen) senden?

Also das Cookie wird dem User per PHP nach dem einloggen zugesteckt.
Ein Perl-Script (mod_perl) schaut nur welche id darin ist und schaut
in einer MySQL-DB, welches Level der Proxy-User hat. Dieses Userlevel
wird dann als Variable gesetzt.
%{HTTP_COOKIE} würde sich also nicht eignen, weil die nötige Variable
noch nicht im Cookie steht.

Wenn ich das Perl-Script zum auslesen des Cookies hinbringe und das
gleich zu Beginn (noch vor den mod_rewrite-Anweisungen) ausführen
lassen könnte, würde von mir aus gesehen also alles klappen :)

FÜr das, was Ihr in Eurer Projektarbeit umsetzen wollt, würde ich
Euch generell eher empfehlen, einen kleinen Proxy-Server mit der
Programmiersprache Eurer Wahl selbst zu schreiben. Für Perl gibt es
einige Tutorials, die erläutern, wie man einen HTTP-Proxy baut.

Danke. Werde die Tutorials morgen mal gründlich studieren. Ich denke
aber trotzdem, dass es einfacher wäre, den Apache und seine
Filter-Module zu missbrauchen ;)

Einen schönen Gruss

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[EMAIL PROTECTED] httpd file config

2005-08-09 Thread Billy Duke

Hello again,
I am trying to get all of the bugs 
out of my install. I found that I was still using php4 instead of php5 and 
wanted to change that.I madesureI had the correct php.ini installed 
in C:\Windows and i got a message saying thatthere were two different 
module complieings. So I went snooping around in my httpd.conf file and found 
that I was still trying to use the old dll's so Ireplaced these 

LoadModule php4_module 
C:\php\php4apache2.dllAddType application/x-httpd-php .php4 .php .htm .php3 
.inc .fireAddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps

with these lines;

LoadModule php5_module 
C:\PHP1\php5apache2.dllAddType application/x-httpd-php .php4 .php .htm .php3 
.inc .fireAddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phpsPHPIniDir 

They are two totlay seperate php 
folders. I took everything to do with php4 and put it all in the php4 folder so 
no files are in any system path. I am running on windows 

Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] mod_rewrite vs Content Management Systems

2005-08-09 Thread David Blomstrom
--- Brian Candler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Not exactly - I'm suggesting doing this with
 mod_rewrite but with an
 external rewriting program. Something like this

Thanks for all the tips. I'm just on the verge of
learning how to make my basic CMS script, so I hope to
tackle this in the next few weeks.

Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page 

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Unable to Upload files through my application

2005-08-09 Thread Scott Hamm
Nope, not stupid problem. You will never know it might help others ;)On 8/9/05, Mohit Kumar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 wrote:The access rights on the folder were not correct. Hance it was not able
to upload the file. Sorry for taking up so much time on the forum for a
stupid problem.
On 8/8/05, Scott Hamm [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Pray tell what was the solution? 

On 8/8/05, Mohit Kumar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Thanks guys I got it up and running finally. 

On 8/5/05, Joshua Slive [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

On 8/5/05, Mohit Kumar 

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:[Thu Aug 04 22:44:53 2005] [error] [client] Unable to PUT new
 contents for /mohit/howlinuxworks_ch3.pdf.[403, #0] [Thu Aug 04 22:44:53 2005] [error] [client
] (13)Permission denied: An error occurred while opening a resource.[500, #0]Does the User/Group specified in httpd.conf have write access to therelevant file/directory? Joshua.-
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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Problem with logrotate causing segfaults with apache

2005-08-09 Thread Joshua Slive
On 8/8/05, Rheault_Rob [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am using Apache 1.3.27 and logrotate 2.6. I have noticed recently that
 core files are being generated roughly at the same time that my logrotate
 cron job runs to rotate my apache log files. Has anyone else experienced
 this problem and if so what did you do to resolve it. 

Load the core dumps in a debugger to see what the cause is.


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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Environment Variable contamination between vhosts - 1.3.33

2005-08-09 Thread Joshua Slive
On 8/8/05, Marc Powell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Well... no luck there. PHP's Rasmus Lerdorf said in direct response to
 my inquiry --
 These variables are set by Apache and PHP repopulates them on each
 request, so I don't really see how PHP could be causing this.
 I feel like the middleman in a he-said-she-said fight ;) Judging by a
 Google search for his name, he should certainly be in the know.
 Any other suggestions?

Did you tell him that the variables are correct in CGI scripts but not
in php pages?  That seems pretty conclusive to me.


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[EMAIL PROTECTED] Redirect in .htaccess w/ FileInfo off.

2005-08-09 Thread Chris Johnson

 New problem.  We wouldf very much love to allow users to use
Redirect in .htaccess but must disallow FileInfo to turn off things
like PHP.  FileInfo is needed to allow Redirect.  

 Is there any way to either re-enable redirect specifically
without allowing FineInfo?  I'm thinking no and it's a little
upsetting that Apache doesn't seem to have finer granularity here
unless I'm missing something.  Oh, using 1.3 here, but 2.0 appears to
have the same problem.

 Thank you kindly.

Chris Johnson   |Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Systems Administrator   |Web:
NMR Center  |Voice:617.726.0949
Mass. General Hospital  |FAX:  617.726.7422
149 (2301) 13th Street  |Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very 
Charlestown, MA., 02129 USA | persistant one.  Albert Einstein

The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project.
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RE: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Environment Variable contamination between vhosts - 1.3.33

2005-08-09 Thread Marc Powell

 -Original Message-
 From: Joshua Slive [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, August 09, 2005 8:14 AM
 Subject: Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Environment Variable contamination between
 vhosts - 1.3.33
 On 8/8/05, Marc Powell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Well... no luck there. PHP's Rasmus Lerdorf said in direct response
  my inquiry --
  These variables are set by Apache and PHP repopulates them on each
  request, so I don't really see how PHP could be causing this.
  I feel like the middleman in a he-said-she-said fight ;) Judging by
  Google search for his name, he should certainly be in the know.
  Any other suggestions?
 Did you tell him that the variables are correct in CGI scripts but not
 in php pages?  That seems pretty conclusive to me.

Yes, and provided the exact script used --

Using --

##  printenv -- demo CGI program which just prints its environment

print Content-type: text/plain\n\n;
foreach $var (sort(keys(%ENV))) {
$val = $ENV{$var};
$val =~ s|\n|\\n|g;
$val =~ s||\\|g;
print ${var}=\${val}\\n;

I do not see the issue. This is why the apache guys thought it was a php


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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Redirect in .htaccess w/ FileInfo off.

2005-08-09 Thread Joshua Slive
On 8/9/05, Chris Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  New problem.  We wouldf very much love to allow users to use
 Redirect in .htaccess but must disallow FileInfo to turn off things
 like PHP.  FileInfo is needed to allow Redirect.
  Is there any way to either re-enable redirect specifically
 without allowing FineInfo?  I'm thinking no and it's a little
 upsetting that Apache doesn't seem to have finer granularity here
 unless I'm missing something.  Oh, using 1.3 here, but 2.0 appears to
 have the same problem.

No, there is no direct way to do this.  But there are plenty of other
ways to accomplish the same goal.  For example:

1. Allow FileInfo but use a php_admin_flag engine off or similar
setting to assure that php can't be used.

2. Allow FileInfo but use other administrative measures to keep your
users in line.  (A rule with posted consequences for violations plus a
simple cron job for enforcement should work fine.)


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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Redirect in .htaccess w/ FileInfo off.

2005-08-09 Thread Chris Johnson
On Tue, 9 Aug 2005, Joshua Slive wrote:

 On 8/9/05, Chris Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   New problem.  We wouldf very much love to allow users to use
  Redirect in .htaccess but must disallow FileInfo to turn off things
  like PHP.  FileInfo is needed to allow Redirect.
   Is there any way to either re-enable redirect specifically
  without allowing FineInfo?  I'm thinking no and it's a little
  upsetting that Apache doesn't seem to have finer granularity here
  unless I'm missing something.  Oh, using 1.3 here, but 2.0 appears to
  have the same problem.
 No, there is no direct way to do this.  But there are plenty of other
 ways to accomplish the same goal.  For example:
 1. Allow FileInfo but use a php_admin_flag engine off or similar
 setting to assure that php can't be used.

 Turns off php true, but there's also perl.  Is there anything
like this for mod_perl at all?

 2. Allow FileInfo but use other administrative measures to keep your
 users in line.  (A rule with posted consequences for violations plus a
 simple cron job for enforcement should work fine.)

 Yeah.  Problem there is that this is an after thie horse has
escaped deal.  True I can do nasty things but only after my server is

Chris Johnson   |Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Systems Administrator   |Web:
NMR Center  |Voice:617.726.0949
Mass. General Hospital  |FAX:  617.726.7422
149 (2301) 13th Street  |The two most abundant things in the Universe
Charlestown, MA., 02129 USA | are hydrogen and stupidity.  Harlan Ellison

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[EMAIL PROTECTED] Patch against httpd-2.0.49 Bug#: 10722

2005-08-09 Thread Shahzad Bhatti
  I am trying to setup Reverse Proxy Server on Windows 2003 machine. I am using 
Apache 2.0. One of the software
we are deploying uses cookies and javascript for redirect and that caused 
problem with the reverse proxy modules I had.
I was suggested to apply patch for bug #10722 
( However,
I don't have windows compiler to create DLL file for mod_proxy. Does anyone has 
mod_proxy.dll for this patch?
Thanks in advance.

Shahzad Bhatti
Integrated Software Specialists
1901 North Roselle Road, Suite 450
Schaumburg, IL 60195
Phone: 847-558-5342
Fax: 847-240-5073

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[EMAIL PROTECTED] Why does Apache use up all my memory?

2005-08-09 Thread George Adams
I read an earlier thread on memory consumption (, 
which may be related to my problem... but because of some differences, I'm 
not so sure.  Any help would be appreciated!

I have an Apache 2.0.54 server on a Gentoo Linux (2.6.11) box which has 1Gig 
RAM and an additional 1Gig swap space.  The server handles a lot of people 
downloading sermons from our church website (which are no larger than 18Meg 
MP3 files), but I can't figure out how to keep the server from running out 
of memory.

Here's my Apache2 prefork configuration:

IfModule prefork.c
   StartServers 5
   MinSpareServers  5
   MaxSpareServers 10
   MaxClients  20
   MaxRequestsPerChild  5000

And here's what the Apache /server-status URL showed earlier today (I had 
just restarted the server, but it immediately filled up with download 
requests, all from the same guy, apparently using a download accelerator 
judging by the duplicate requests):

Srv  PID M CPUReq Request
0-015822W 0.48 0GET /out/181.mp3 HTTP/1.1
1-015823W 0.001742573500GET /out/388.mp3 HTTP/1.1
2-015824W 0.001742573499GET /out/238.mp3 HTTP/1.1
3-015825W 0.001742573499GET /out/504.mp3 HTTP/1.1
4-015826W 0.001742573496GET /out/388.mp3 HTTP/1.1
5-015832W 0.001742572495GET /out/801.mp3 HTTP/1.1
6-015834W 0.001742571493GET /out/504.mp3 HTTP/1.1
7-015835W 0.001742571489GET /out/504.mp3 HTTP/1.1
8-015838W 0.001742570476GET /out/388.mp3 HTTP/1.1
9-015839W 0.001742570484GET /out/504.mp3 HTTP/1.1
10-015840W 0.60 0GET /out/238.mp3 HTTP/1.1
11-015841W 0.001742570477GET /out/388.mp3 HTTP/1.1
12-015846W 0.25 0GET /out/181.mp3 HTTP/1.1
13-015847W 0.001742569347GET /out/181.mp3 HTTP/1.1
14-015848W 0.001742568761GET /out/801.mp3 HTTP/1.1
15-015849W 0.001742568761GET /out/801.mp3 HTTP/1.1
16-015852W 0.19 0GET /out/181.mp3 HTTP/1.1
17-015853W 0.17 0GET /out/801.mp3 HTTP/1.1
18-015854W 0.22 0GET /out/504.mp3 HTTP/1.1
19-015855W 0.28 0GET /server-status HTTP/1.1

And here's a portion of what top showed at the same time:

top - 18:09:59 up 64 days,  7:08,  3 users, load avg: 21.62, 10.57, 4.70
Tasks: 154 total,   1 running, 143 sleeping,   1 stopped,   9 zombie
Cpu(s):  0.8% us,  2.3% sy, 0.0% ni, 0.0% id, 96.3% wa, 0.3% hi, 0.2% si
Mem:   1034276k total,  1021772k used,12504k free, 6004k buffers
Swap:  1030316k total,   985832k used,44484k free,83812k cached

15846 apache16   0  132m  89m 1968 S  0.3  8.9   0:01.46 apache2
15840 apache17   0  130m  83m 2008 D  0.0  8.3   0:00.90 apache2
15849 apache16   0  120m  82m 1968 S  0.3  8.1   0:01.02 apache2
15852 apache16   0  120m  81m 1968 S  0.3  8.1   0:00.91 apache2
15848 apache16   0  109m  73m 2008 S  0.3  7.2   0:00.85 apache2
15855 apache16   0  107m  70m 2076 D  0.3  7.0   0:00.76 apache2
15822 apache17   0  179m  55m 1968 D  0.3  5.5   0:00.88 apache2
15854 apache16   0 98024  55m 1968 D  0.0  5.5   0:00.58 apache2
15853 apache18   0 98.9m  53m 2000 S  0.0  5.3   0:00.51 apache2
15847 apache17   0 86884  52m 1968 D  0.0  5.2   0:00.42 apache2
15841 apache17   0  110m  36m 1964 D  0.3  3.6   0:00.64 apache2
15826 apache17   0  173m  20m 1968 D  0.0  2.0   0:00.57 apache2
15825 apache16   0 97.7m  19m 1968 D  0.0  1.9   0:00.36 apache2
15834 apache16   0  117m  14m 1968 D  0.3  1.5   0:00.42 apache2
15839 apache17   0  115m  12m 1968 D  0.0  1.2   0:00.40 apache2
15838 apache15   0  182m  12m 1968 D  0.0  1.2   0:00.59 apache2
15823 apache16   0  180m  11m 1968 D  0.0  1.1   0:00.65 apache2
15824 apache15   0  103m 9980 1968 D  0.0  1.0   0:00.27 apache2
15832 apache16   0  116m 9112 1968 D  0.0  0.9   0:00.29 apache2
15835 apache16   0  162m 8844 1968 D  0.0  0.9   0:00.41 apache2
(everything else listed on top below this was less than 0.5 for %MEM)

The memory usage swelled very fast as the download requests came in, and 
based on previous experience, the server would have slowed to a crawl and 
possible crashed as it tried to save itself if I hadn't run killall 
apache2 at this point.

So it seems like this guy's 19 download requests are enough to pretty much 
exhaust my 1 Gig of physical RAM and 1 Gig of swap space.  That just 

Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Redirect in .htaccess w/ FileInfo off.

2005-08-09 Thread Joshua Slive
On 8/9/05, Chris Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Tue, 9 Aug 2005, Joshua Slive wrote:
  1. Allow FileInfo but use a php_admin_flag engine off or similar
  setting to assure that php can't be used.
  Turns off php true, but there's also perl.  Is there anything
 like this for mod_perl at all?

Almost certainly yes.  I'm not a mod_perl expert, but PerlOptions
-Enable seems to do it.  There's also
SetHandler default-handler
Options -ExecCGI


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RE: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Environment Variable contamination between vhosts - 1.3.33

2005-08-09 Thread Joost de Heer
  These variables are set by Apache and PHP repopulates them on each
  request, so I don't really see how PHP could be causing this.

Perhaps shared memory?


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[EMAIL PROTECTED] Managing enterprise deployments of Apache

2005-08-09 Thread Nathan Benson
greetings fellow Apache users,

i've been looking around for solutions for managing enterprise (or
just larger) deployments of apache and have found some older projects
(comanche, mohawk, etc) that seem to be out of date and long since

i've also found the Novell Apache Manager which looks like what i'm
searching for, but it has next to no documentation.  it also seems to
be lacking pieces that would make it possible to use.

anyway, on to my point.  is there any OSS solutions (or any for that
matter, OSS or not) that anyone is using with success?  i'm looking
for the ability to manage current deployments/configurations
(httpd.conf) and roll out new deployments quickly and efficiently.

i figured i would ask the list before i started devoting my time to
rolling my own solution (that time would be better used contributing
to something already existing).

thanks for any ideas or information you have,
-nathan benson

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[EMAIL PROTECTED] [Fwd: ApacheCon US 2005 CFP slightly extended]

2005-08-09 Thread Joshua Slive
I don't think I've seen an announcement for the ApacheCon US Call for 
Papers on this list.  A little last minute, but check the link below for 
more details.

 Original Message 
Subject: ApacheCon US 2005 CFP slightly extended
Date: Tue, 09 Aug 2005 16:09:30 -0400
From: Rich Bowen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Since folks are always rushing to get their talks in at the last minute,
we've extended the CFP just slightly to allow you to get in under the wire.

The new deadline is THURSDAY, AUGUST 11th, 23:59 PACIFIC TIME (USA).
Talks received after this time *cannot* be considered, since we will be
starting our meeting Friday morning to choose the talks which will be


Rich, for the ApacheCon Planners

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See URL: for more info.
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[EMAIL PROTECTED] mod_proxy/mod_proxy_html

2005-08-09 Thread Shahzad Bhatti
I am trying to setup Reverse Proxy Server on Windows 2003 machine. I am 
 using Apache 2.0. 
The application uses a single-sign-on software, which redirects to the 
application upon successful
authentication. So, the user first accesses, which is name of apache 
reverse proxy server. It redirects to the 
single-sign-on application
Now, internally the application uses internal server names, so after 
successful login, the sso application uses
302/Location field in the header to redirect to the application server. 
However this is not caught by mod_proxy
and user can't access to the application. Is there any way to catch 
this at the reverse proxy so that it can rewrite
the internal server name.
 Thanks in advance.
 Shahzad Bhatti
 Integrated Software Specialists
 1901 North Roselle Road, Suite 450
 Schaumburg, IL 60195
 Phone: 847-558-5342
 Fax: 847-240-5073

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[EMAIL PROTECTED] Virtual Hosts public_html Folder

2005-08-09 Thread David Blomstrom
This is how most of my virtual hosts are set up:

VirtualHost *:80
ServerName geoworld
ServerAlias geoworld *.geoworld
DocumentRoot c:\sites\geoworld

However, I read somewhere that it's better to put your
sites inside a folder named public_html, then set up
your virtual host like this:

VirtualHost *:80
ServerName geozoo
ServerAlias geozoo *.geozoo
DocumentRoot c:\sites\geozoo\public_html

Can anyone tell me if that's better and why? I've set
a couple sites up like that, and everything seems to
work OK, but I don't want to go to the trouble of
changing all my sites if there's no real advantage.


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The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project.
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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Virtual Hosts public_html Folder

2005-08-09 Thread John Hicks

David Blomstrom wrote:

This is how most of my virtual hosts are set up:

VirtualHost *:80
ServerName geoworld
ServerAlias geoworld *.geoworld
DocumentRoot c:\sites\geoworld

However, I read somewhere that it's better to put your
sites inside a folder named public_html, then set up
your virtual host like this:

VirtualHost *:80
ServerName geozoo
ServerAlias geozoo *.geozoo
DocumentRoot c:\sites\geozoo\public_html

Can anyone tell me if that's better and why? I've set
a couple sites up like that, and everything seems to
work OK, but I don't want to go to the trouble of
changing all my sites if there's no real advantage.

The second alternative is probably better for most installations.

Remember that any file that lies under the document root is potentially 
visible to all the world. Any files that will never be served via Apache 
should not be under the document root. Having that extra layer of 
directories gives you more flexibility in organizing and controlling 
your files.

Of course there's no reason why the document root needs to be called 
'public_html' in particular.

The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project.
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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Virtual Hosts public_html Folder

2005-08-09 Thread David Blomstrom
Oops, I think I goofed. I should have clarified that
these are for my LOCAL sites. All my online sites are
insisde a folder named public_html.

Do your comments still stand - is it a good idea to
put my websites inside folders named public_html even
on my computer?


--- John Hicks [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 David Blomstrom wrote:
  This is how most of my virtual hosts are set up:
  VirtualHost *:80
  ServerName geoworld
  ServerAlias geoworld *.geoworld
  DocumentRoot c:\sites\geoworld
  However, I read somewhere that it's better to put
  sites inside a folder named public_html, then set
  your virtual host like this:
  VirtualHost *:80
  ServerName geozoo
  ServerAlias geozoo *.geozoo
  DocumentRoot c:\sites\geozoo\public_html
  Can anyone tell me if that's better and why? I've
  a couple sites up like that, and everything seems
  work OK, but I don't want to go to the trouble of
  changing all my sites if there's no real
 The second alternative is probably better for most
 Remember that any file that lies under the document
 root is potentially 
 visible to all the world. Any files that will never
 be served via Apache 
 should not be under the document root. Having that
 extra layer of 
 directories gives you more flexibility in organizing
 and controlling 
 your files.
 Of course there's no reason why the document root
 needs to be called 
 'public_html' in particular.

Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page 

The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project.
See URL: for more info.
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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Virtual Hosts public_html Folder

2005-08-09 Thread Sean Conner
It was thus said that the Great David Blomstrom once stated:
 Oops, I think I goofed. I should have clarified that
 these are for my LOCAL sites. All my online sites are
 insisde a folder named public_html.
 Do your comments still stand - is it a good idea to
 put my websites inside folders named public_html even
 on my computer?

  It's neither here nor there.  public_html came about as a means for
people with accounts on a Unix system to put their homepages.  Back when I
was in college, with an account on the Computer Science and Engineering Unix
system, all a user had to do was create a public_html directory [1] in
their home directory (in my case, my home directory was /home/spc, so my
website would served up from /home/spc/public_html/---for my friend Ken,
his home directory was /home/ken and his homepage would be
/home/ken/public_html/) and was referenced via a URL like:

  So that's where the public_html portion comes from (and in Apache, one
would do

UserDir public_html
Directory /home/*/public_html
# stuff to limit what could be done
# in the user's homepages

  Now, on to your question---what directory you use really depends upon what
you need done with the site.  For the sites that I directly control, I have
the following:


  This directory contains all the sites I own (or host for my friends).  The
/http/ directory contains all web related data on the server, and the
spc/ directory beneath that is where my sites are stored (there are
several different groups---this makes it easy to keep track of who owns
what).  Under sites/ I have, for example:

  As you can see, some of my domains have (what I later learned were called)
sub-domains---I just treat them as seperate sites as far as Apache is
concerned.  Under each of these I typically have:


  Although I could have called both of these by other names---I could have
used html, httpdocs, web, public_html or heck, even Fred if I
were so inclined.  

  Yes, the structure is a bit deep, but it allows me the ability to store
all data associated with a site under its own directory, even if not all of
it is directly served by Apache.  For instance, under my
site, I have:

htdocs/ # static pages for my blog
cgi-bin/# CGI scripts
journal/# where the templates and database (roughly)
# for my blog is stored.

  This has all the information pertaining to my site
/http is the location of *all* the webpages served up by the server. 
spc is where all *my* sites are stored (there are several groups here), 
Within the sites/ directory, I have directories for each site I serve up,
and inside 

htdocs/ # web pages
cgi-bin/# CGI scripts

  The reason I include the full name instead of just the domain name is
because a few of my sites have sub-domains that have content---for instance


  I have:

htdocs/ # static pages for my blog
cgi-bin/# CGI scripts
journal/# data files for my blog, including templates and 
# entries

notify/ # scripts used to notify people via email when
# I make updates

  Now, if what you have works, by all means, continue using it.  My method
works for me (and I use this structure, more or less [2], across several
servers and about 1,200 sites), it may not for you.

  -spc (There's more than one way to do it ... )

[1] If you are unsure what I mean by directory, think folder---I
personally find the Windows stuff a bit confusing and prefer Unix.

[2] There are some groups where the structure is:

/http/group/domain/logs # log files
/http/group/domain/web  # webpages
/http/group/domain/web/cgi-bin/ # CGI scripts

Similar to the structure I use, but just slightly different names
and a slightly different layout.

 --- John Hicks [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  David Blomstrom wrote:
   This is how most of my virtual hosts are set up:
   VirtualHost *:80
   ServerName geoworld
   ServerAlias geoworld *.geoworld
   DocumentRoot c:\sites\geoworld
   However, I read somewhere that it's better to put
   sites inside a folder named public_html, then set
   your virtual host like this:
   VirtualHost *:80
   ServerName geozoo
   ServerAlias geozoo *.geozoo