Re: ISIS-970 ... (new annotations) please review if you get a chance...

2015-01-03 Thread Dan Haywood

Thank you all so much for your contributions to this thread and also one I
created on users@isis.a.o [1], discussing simplified a new set of
annotations, as suggested in ISIS-970 [2].

I've decided to continue the discussion on this thread as it's hosted most
of the conversation to date.  If you reply then please include both users@
and dev@ so both users and contributors are kept in the loop.

It seems to me that there's no clear consensus as to what set of
annotations we should go with; any decision will be seen as not ideal by at
least some users.  The most debate has been about whether to retain
@ViewModel, or whether or not to merge it into @DomainObject.

Oscar, David, Ahmed, Vladimir, Jeremy and Mike all (I think) expressed a
preference for retaining @ViewModel.  Jeroen, Martin, Kevin and I all
preferred removing @ViewModel and merging it into @DomainObject (though
some of those opinions were made prior to the spirited debate that
followed, so I don't know if anyone in this second list has revised their

If @ViewModel is retained, then there was a subsidiary idea as to whether
to replace @DomainObject with @DomainEntity (so it would be @ViewModel and
@DomainEntity).  One or two have been in favour of that idea, but it's not
had overwhelming endorsement.

Ged offered the opinion that a view model is more like a domain event.  No
one else replied to that idea.  For myself, I don't think that's correct,
but it got me thinking.  Rather, domain events are what we emit through the
(current) @ActionInteraction/@PropertyInteraction/@CollectionInteraction
annotations.  In ISIS-970 I proposed replacing @ActionInteraction with
@Action(interaction=...) etc.  Ged's mention of domain events makes me
think it should instead be @Action(domainEvent=...).   I've updated the
JIRA ticket accordingly.

I also made a proposal about adding Domain as a prefix to @Property,
@Collection, @Action... but no-one seems particularly in favour of that.

Before I go onto my own proposal for resolving this debate, let me just
remind everyone that in Isis it's possible to write metamodel validators.
We use these to check for no orphaned methods such as disableXxx(); I'm
sure many will have encountered this.  But it's also possible to write and
register your own metamodel validators via

Also, for Isis 1.8.0 we'll be releasing an Isis Maven plugin that allows
the metamodel validation to be performed as part of the build, rather than
rely on running up the app or its integration tests.  There's an example of
this in the simpleapp example [3] (and thus, will be part of the 1.8.0

I mention this because it opens up the concept of dialects of the Isis
programming model, enforceable through the build pipeline.  Out-of-the-box
Isis can provide support for all dialects, but individual projects can
constrain these by registering appropriate metamodel validators as they see

So, my proposal is as follows:

for the UI/app layer, retain/introduce:
* @ViewModel
* @ViewModelLayout

for the domain layer:
* @DomainObject(nature=JDO_ENTITY | EXTERNAL_ENTITY | UI_VIEW)
* @DomainObjectLayout

for both:
* @Property(domainEvent=..., ) and @PropertyLayout
* @Collection(domainEvent=..., ) and @CollectionLayout
* @Action(domainEvent=..., ) and @ActionLayout
* @Parameter and @ParameterLayout

Those that want to draw explicit attention to UI/app layer view models
should use @ViewModel, and should ignore @DomainObject(nature=UI_VIEW).
These folks might want to use a metamodel validator to ensure that
@DomainObject(nature=UI_VIEW) is not used anywhere in their codebase.

Conversely, those that consider that its all just domain objects should
ignore @ViewModel, and instead use @DomainObject(nature=UI_VIEW).  These
folks might want to use a metamodel validator to ensure that @ViewModel is
not used anywhere in their codebase.

The @DomainObject(nature=JDO_ENTITY) is for regular Isis managed/persisted
entities, while @DomainObject(nature=EXTERNAL_ENTITY) is for entities that
are managed by some external system.  Internally Isis installs a
ViewModelFacet for these so that it knows how to manage their ongoing
identity (in essence corresponding to the external system's URI for that
entity), but that's an implementation detail.

@ViewModelLayout and @DomainObjectLayout are basically identical.

The above proposal does NOT include the introduction of @DomainEntity.

Opinions?  I'm kinda hoping this will get us to some sort of consensus ...



On 3 January 2015 at 11:23, David Tildesley wrote:

 Hi Oscar,
 Seems to me it's the same thing:
 Let me add some clarity to that DDD example you shared:
 Port --- Domain Model ---Adapter
 is just a 

Re: ISIS-970 ... (new annotations) please review if you get a chance...

2015-01-03 Thread David Tildesley
Hi Oscar,
Seems to me it's the same thing:
Let me add some clarity to that DDD example you shared:
Port --- Domain Model ---Adapter
is just a different set of terms for the same layers:
User Interface -- Problem Domain --- System Interface
Chaining applications together in an integration you get Adapter A of AppA  
calling Port B of AppB and so on - which I am guessing is what you meant by 
Inter Domain.
Clearly ViewModel fits into Port quite nicely.  In fact it's the only place 
it belongs.
But  Intra Domain? Does ISIS in some way prevent a domain object calling 
another domain object's operation directly?  Anyway I suspect that's a separate 
The bottom line is that we can't stop people bleeding domain model behaviour 
out into viewmodels, however what we can do  is to make it as clear and 
unambiguous as possible by avoiding/reducing overloading of terms/concepts and 
suggesting the correct approach to building an application.
My single piece of advice to folk: If you want to avoid a disaster then make 
sure you model your problem domain in a just enough consensus modelling 
exercise before your team goes anywhere near View Models or any other part of 
the UI layer. ISIS offers nothing new that would change this advice. 
However View Models could be the scaffolding that you end up hanging yourself 
and your team on if you don't understand that they are not part of your domain 
I guess I should shut up now as I am  just repeating myself.
In summary: Big Tick for the addition of: @DomainObject (External)  so that 
we don't have to misuse @ViewModel

 On Saturday, 3 January 2015 10:24 PM, GESCONSULTOR wrote:

 Hi David!

What it's clear is that properties/collections can be useful not only for 
domain layer objects, so the @Domain prefix should not be added.

Regarding the Application Layer, I agree that sometimes it can be a clear 
indication of an anemic domain. But properly implemented and used, it's well 
accepted on the DDD community as a way to create a layer over domain entities 
for orchestrating them. They're useful for representing Domain Entities the way 
is most useful for the end-user as perhaps the Domain Entities have been 
designed from another perpective different from that concrete use case.

There are some examples on the latest book, Implementing DDD by Caughn Vernon.

That use case is really similar to the most common use in Apache ISIS, with the 
advantage that the UI is automatically generated from it

Anyway I don't advocate for using ViewModels only for the Application Layer, 
but in all case where views can be useful, including intra-domain or 
inter-domain use cases (for example, for modeling the integration patterns 
described on the Implementing DDD book such as Ports and Adapters.

as an example sure you will find interesting this sole implementation made by 
Vernon, and how they could be implementing by Apache Isis[1].

So yes, as you said we must be careful with anemic domains :))




 El 1/1/2015, a las 20:45, David Tildesley escribió:
 Hi Oscar,
 I think we may be looking at the tail wagging the dog in this part of the 
 thread. I.e. the reason why Jeroen has found ViewModels for some of the 
 scenarios he outlined (e.g. External Entity service integration) so useful 
 was because there was no alternative available to him. This is where Option 1 
 tidies things up from a conceptual layer point of view, as discussed earlier 
 in the post, but doesn't in any way prevent you from doing what you suggest 
 below if that is what you believe is correct i.e. there would nothing forcing 
 you to use @ DomainObject (External) - you could instead carry on using 
 @ViewModel within your domain layer if that is what you think is correct. 
 For those of us that believe this is conceptually wrong, Option 1 keeps us 
 happy because now we have @ DomainObject (External) available to us and 
 furthermore, it allows @DomainObject (External) to evolve independently of 
 @ViewModel sometime in the future.
 i.e. Option 1 removes the layer overloading as Dan already points out. 
 On a further note, I don't like to use the concept Application Layer - this 
 layer was invented by those that ran into difficulty when forced to use EJB 1 
  2 and unfortunately persisted even when the POJO movement started (maybe 
 because it was easier to migrate from the EJB 1  2 legacy). I.e the presence 
 of an Application Layer concept is a very strong indicator of the presence 
 of Anemic Domain Model anti-pattern [1] and this is pointed out by Martin 
 Fowler. Assuming a rich domain model then, what may be thought of as the 
 Application Layer is really just part of the UI layer.
 [1] bliki: AnemicDomainModel 
 bliki: AnemicDomainModel
 If you use 

Re: Isis + Neo4j 2.1.6

2015-01-03 Thread Martin Grigorov
Great work, Jeremy!

I haven't checked your changes yet but since there is a task about
upgrading to DataNucleus 4.x [1] I think it would be great if you send a
Pull Request [2].
The Neo4j demo app could be used as a test in Isis to make sure we don't
break the integration by accident in the future.


Martin Grigorov
Wicket Training and Consulting

On Sat, Jan 3, 2015 at 12:00 AM, Branham, Jeremy [HR] wrote:

 If you are interested in running Isis with Neo4j -
 Have a look at this branch that contains a sample application [neoapp]
 based on the 'simpleapp' example.

 And a small extension that enables the embedded Neo4j services - including
 the Neo4j browser, admin tools, and rest services.

 The Isis extension is small, and the one class could be copied and pasted
 into your application rather than building the jar.

 Hope this helps someone!

 Note - This branch uses DataNucleus 4.0.4 so there are currently many
 deviations from the master, though all tests are currently passing.

 Jeremy D. Branham
 Technology Architect
 Sprint University Performance Support
 Fort Worth, TX | Tel: **DOTNET
 Office: +1 (972) 405-2970| Mobile: +1 (817) 791-1627


 This e-mail may contain Sprint proprietary information intended for the
 sole use of the recipient(s). Any use by others is prohibited. If you are
 not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and delete all copies
 of the message.

Re: IntelliJ Templates + Apache Isis

2015-01-03 Thread Martin Grigorov
Thanks for sharing, Jeremy !

@Dan: Maybe it is a good idea to add a link to this repo at ?
Or even fork Jeremy's repo to or your/mine
own GitHub account so it is easier for us to update it in the future. For
example I'd prefer to namespace the template names. Or make them File
Templates instead of Live Templates.

Martin Grigorov
Wicket Training and Consulting

On Sat, Jan 3, 2015 at 4:30 AM, Branham, Jeremy [HR] wrote:

 I've added a few code templates for IntelliJ IDEA that help me build
 domain objects and services rapidly.
 Available here -

 It only takes me a few seconds now to scaffold new classes and properties.

 Dan/Martin -
 Thanks for turning me on to IDEA. I'm really digging it.


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 sole use of the recipient(s). Any use by others is prohibited. If you are
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 of the message.

Re: Best Documentation for writing first Isis App

2015-01-03 Thread Dan Haywood
Just bringing this back on-list...

... Joshua was asking about some tutorial documentation for Isis, something
in the style that Rails has [1], [2] so I've started working on some.

It's still work-in-progress, but I think there's already enough there for
it to be useful. There's a page on our website [3], with corresponding
github repo [4].

I'll continue to add to it as and when I have time.  My intention is to
flesh out the use cases for this app, and then in later iterations to
refactor in order to demonstrate how Isis supports decoupling using
contributed actions/collections and also the event bus.



Re: ISIS-970 ... (new annotations) please review if you get a chance...

2015-01-03 Thread GESCONSULTOR

Hi Dan!

Thanks for this proposal.

Just some thoughts. i don't see compatible an option called UI_VIEW in a 
domain object.

Perhaps just VIEW?

If that's the case, what would differentiate it from a @ViewModel?

That said, it would keep JDO_ENTITY, EXTERNAL_ENTITY (I love that concept 

Regarding the VIEW option, if implementation is nearly the same as @ViewModel 
the only reason to keep it would be the consensus. So it ok for me.

If that wouldn't be introduced, the only options available would JDO_ENTITY 
and EXTERNAL_ENTITY given as a clear indication that the annotation could be 
named @DomainEntity ... :))

What a pity!!!

 El 3/1/2015, a las 12:59, Dan Haywood 
 Thank you all so much for your contributions to this thread and also one I
 created on users@isis.a.o [1], discussing simplified a new set of
 annotations, as suggested in ISIS-970 [2].
 I've decided to continue the discussion on this thread as it's hosted most
 of the conversation to date.  If you reply then please include both users@
 and dev@ so both users and contributors are kept in the loop.
 It seems to me that there's no clear consensus as to what set of
 annotations we should go with; any decision will be seen as not ideal by at
 least some users.  The most debate has been about whether to retain
 @ViewModel, or whether or not to merge it into @DomainObject.
 Oscar, David, Ahmed, Vladimir, Jeremy and Mike all (I think) expressed a
 preference for retaining @ViewModel.  Jeroen, Martin, Kevin and I all
 preferred removing @ViewModel and merging it into @DomainObject (though
 some of those opinions were made prior to the spirited debate that
 followed, so I don't know if anyone in this second list has revised their
 If @ViewModel is retained, then there was a subsidiary idea as to whether
 to replace @DomainObject with @DomainEntity (so it would be @ViewModel and
 @DomainEntity).  One or two have been in favour of that idea, but it's not
 had overwhelming endorsement.
 Ged offered the opinion that a view model is more like a domain event.  No
 one else replied to that idea.  For myself, I don't think that's correct,
 but it got me thinking.  Rather, domain events are what we emit through the
 (current) @ActionInteraction/@PropertyInteraction/@CollectionInteraction
 annotations.  In ISIS-970 I proposed replacing @ActionInteraction with
 @Action(interaction=...) etc.  Ged's mention of domain events makes me
 think it should instead be @Action(domainEvent=...).   I've updated the
 JIRA ticket accordingly.
 I also made a proposal about adding Domain as a prefix to @Property,
 @Collection, @Action... but no-one seems particularly in favour of that.
 Before I go onto my own proposal for resolving this debate, let me just
 remind everyone that in Isis it's possible to write metamodel validators.
 We use these to check for no orphaned methods such as disableXxx(); I'm
 sure many will have encountered this.  But it's also possible to write and
 register your own metamodel validators via
 Also, for Isis 1.8.0 we'll be releasing an Isis Maven plugin that allows
 the metamodel validation to be performed as part of the build, rather than
 rely on running up the app or its integration tests.  There's an example of
 this in the simpleapp example [3] (and thus, will be part of the 1.8.0
 I mention this because it opens up the concept of dialects of the Isis
 programming model, enforceable through the build pipeline.  Out-of-the-box
 Isis can provide support for all dialects, but individual projects can
 constrain these by registering appropriate metamodel validators as they see
 So, my proposal is as follows:
 for the UI/app layer, retain/introduce:
 * @ViewModel
 * @ViewModelLayout
 for the domain layer:
 * @DomainObject(nature=JDO_ENTITY | EXTERNAL_ENTITY | UI_VIEW)
 * @DomainObjectLayout
 for both:
 * @Property(domainEvent=..., ) and @PropertyLayout
 * @Collection(domainEvent=..., ) and @CollectionLayout
 * @Action(domainEvent=..., ) and @ActionLayout
 * @Parameter and @ParameterLayout
 Those that want to draw explicit attention to UI/app layer view models
 should use @ViewModel, and should ignore @DomainObject(nature=UI_VIEW).
 These folks might want to use a metamodel validator to ensure that
 @DomainObject(nature=UI_VIEW) is not used anywhere in their codebase.
 Conversely, those that consider that its all just domain objects should
 ignore @ViewModel, and instead use @DomainObject(nature=UI_VIEW).  These
 folks might want to use a metamodel validator to ensure that @ViewModel is
 not used anywhere in their codebase.
 The @DomainObject(nature=JDO_ENTITY) is for regular Isis managed/persisted
 entities, while @DomainObject(nature=EXTERNAL_ENTITY) is for entities that
 are managed by some external system.  Internally Isis installs a
 ViewModelFacet for these so that it knows how to manage 

Re: Showing action results as tabs attached to entity pages

2015-01-03 Thread GESCONSULTOR
Many thanks, Dan.

 El 3/1/2015, a las 16:39, Dan Haywood 
 I've raised
 * ISIS-993 [1] - for splitting out object into multiple tabs and 
 * ISIS-994 [2] - contributed properties that return a URL should be shown 
 inline within an iframe.
 On 13 December 2014 at 17:32, GESCONSULTOR - Óscar Bou wrote:
 Hi to all.
 I've uploaded some screenshots.
 I'm going to explain different behaviors or implementation alternatives that 
 perhaps are of interest, including the ones exposed on previous posts on 
 this thread.
 On [1], you can see the general current appearance of our entity forms. 
 Perhaps we wouldn't choose the toolbar paradigm right now, but it allows to 
 keep all forms with similar lookfeel and a predefined set of actions 
 The green menu button contains menu items for all factory methods of the 
 current entity.
 The grey one contains the available actions detected through Isis metadata.
 I'll explain on a coming thread an alternative implementation for default 
 entity delete and collection remove actions.
 As you can see, there are 2 different rows of tabs: the outer ones 
 (Contributed Tabs) and the inner ones (Views).
 On screenshot [2] I've identified the inner tabs. 
 Those are automatically generated as a complement to sections. We call 
 them Views.
 That way, we can divide entity properties and collections not only in 
 sections, but also on different views. There's always a General view 
 present by default.
 The annotations for Entities (@XMSViews)  Property (@XMSInViews - same 
 property/collection could be shown in more than one view) can be used as in 
 this example:
 @XMSViews({ @XMSView(name = Dependency Assets, sequence = 110), 
 @XMSView(name = Impacted Assets, sequence = 120),
 @XMSView(name = Associated Costs, sequence = 130) })
 public abstract class Asset extends AbstractMultiTenantEntity {
 // {{ RelationshipsWithDirectlyImpactedAssets (Collection)
 @Persistent(mappedBy = sourceAsset, dependentElement = false)
 private SortedSetRelationship relationshipsWithDirectlyImpactedAssets 
 = new TreeSetRelationship();
 @Named((SUMMARY) Relationships - Directly Impacted Assets)
 @XMSInViews(Impacted Assets, Other View)
 @MemberOrder(sequence = 999)
 public SortedSetRelationship 
 getRelationshipsWithDirectlyImpactedAssets() {
 return this.relationshipsWithDirectlyImpactedAssets;
 public void setRelationshipsWithDirectlyImpactedAssets(final 
 SortedSetRelationship relationshipsAsSource) {
 this.relationshipsWithDirectlyImpactedAssets = relationshipsAsSource;
 // }}

 On screenshot [3], I've identified the contributed tabs.
 They should the result of a contributed action on a different tab, instead 
 of being showed as a contributed property/collection.
 For example, in [4] you can see the form corresponding to the Entity 
 returned by an action that has been properly annotated on a Service with 
 @XMSContributedView (our current implementation is a bit different, as we 
 were including translations on them; but I've preferred to simplify).
 public class AssetsBCMInformation extends 
 AbstractSingletonMultiTenantObjectRepositoryAndFactoryAssetBCMInformation {
 @DescribedAs(Contains the detailed Business Continuity Requirements for 
 a given Asset)
 public AssetBCMInformation businessContinuityInformation(@Named(Asset) 
 final Asset asset) {
 Perhaps both Entity  Contributed Views could be showed all-together on the 
 same tab control, without requiring two tab rows.
 On [5], the content of a Contributed View is an external URL (on this case 
 is a highly customized diagram editor).
 Hope all this helps to clarify past posts ...  :)
 El 12/12/2014, a las 15:31, GESCONSULTOR escribió:
 I'll send them this weekend.
 El 12/12/2014, a las 14:47, Dan Haywood 
 Some screenshots/sketches would probably be useful; I'm not certain I'm
 following everything you're saying here.
 On 12 December 2014 at 13:37, GESCONSULTOR wrote:
 Also, not sure about the default...
 I think that they should be shown by default on the same page.
 At least, is our current implementation and is 

Re: Showing action results as tabs attached to entity pages

2015-01-03 Thread Dan Haywood
I've raised
* ISIS-993 [1] - for splitting out object into multiple tabs and
* ISIS-994 [2] - contributed properties that return a URL should be shown
inline within an iframe.


On 13 December 2014 at 17:32, GESCONSULTOR - Óscar Bou wrote:

 Hi to all.

 I've uploaded some screenshots.

 I'm going to explain different behaviors or implementation alternatives
 that perhaps are of interest, including the ones exposed on previous posts
 on this thread.

 On [1], you can see the general current appearance of our entity forms.
 Perhaps we wouldn't choose the toolbar paradigm right now, but it allows to
 keep all forms with similar lookfeel and a predefined set of actions

 The green menu button contains menu items for all factory methods of the
 current entity.
 The grey one contains the available actions detected through Isis metadata.

 I'll explain on a coming thread an alternative implementation for default
 entity delete and collection remove actions.

 As you can see, there are 2 different rows of tabs: the outer ones
 (Contributed Tabs) and the inner ones (Views).


 On screenshot [2] I've identified the inner tabs.
 Those are automatically generated as a complement to sections. We call
 them Views.
 That way, we can divide entity properties and collections not only in
 sections, but also on different views. There's always a General view
 present by default.

 The annotations for Entities (@XMSViews)  Property (@XMSInViews - same
 property/collection could be shown in more than one view) can be used as in
 this example:

 @XMSViews({ @XMSView(name = Dependency Assets, sequence = 110),
 @XMSView(name = Impacted Assets, sequence = 120),
 @XMSView(name = Associated Costs, sequence = 130) })
 public abstract class Asset extends AbstractMultiTenantEntity {

 // {{ RelationshipsWithDirectlyImpactedAssets (Collection)
 @Persistent(mappedBy = sourceAsset, dependentElement = false)
 private SortedSetRelationship
 relationshipsWithDirectlyImpactedAssets = new TreeSetRelationship();

 @Named((SUMMARY) Relationships - Directly Impacted Assets)
 @XMSInViews(Impacted Assets, Other View)
 @MemberOrder(sequence = 999)
 public SortedSetRelationship
 getRelationshipsWithDirectlyImpactedAssets() {
 return this.relationshipsWithDirectlyImpactedAssets;

 public void setRelationshipsWithDirectlyImpactedAssets(final
 SortedSetRelationship relationshipsAsSource) {
 this.relationshipsWithDirectlyImpactedAssets =

 // }}




 On screenshot [3], I've identified the contributed tabs.

 They should the result of a contributed action on a different tab, instead
 of being showed as a contributed property/collection.

 For example, in [4] you can see the form corresponding to the Entity
 returned by an action that has been properly annotated on a Service with
 @XMSContributedView (our current implementation is a bit different, as we
 were including translations on them; but I've preferred to simplify).

 public class AssetsBCMInformation extends

 @DescribedAs(Contains the detailed Business Continuity Requirements
 for a given Asset)
 public AssetBCMInformation
 businessContinuityInformation(@Named(Asset) final Asset asset) {


 Perhaps both Entity  Contributed Views could be showed all-together on
 the same tab control, without requiring two tab rows.


 On [5], the content of a Contributed View is an external URL (on this case
 is a highly customized diagram editor).

 Hope all this helps to clarify past posts ...  :)




 El 12/12/2014, a las 15:31, GESCONSULTOR


 I'll send them this weekend.

 El 12/12/2014, a las 14:47, Dan Haywood

 Some screenshots/sketches would probably be useful; I'm not certain I'm
 following everything you're saying here.

 On 12 December 2014 at 13:37, GESCONSULTOR wrote:

 Also, not sure about the default...

 I think that they should be shown by default on the same page.

 At least, is our current implementation and is working nicely.

 Sorry ... :)

 El 12/12/2014, a las 14:29, Dan Haywood


 ok, yes, that helps.

 In which case I think that all would be required is to 

Re: Default implementations for Delete Entity and Collection Remove actions

2015-01-03 Thread Dan Haywood
I've raised ISIS-991 [1] and ISIS-992 [2] for these two points.

The first (collections) I agree with, shold be implemented; the second
(delete action) I'm not so sure.



On 13 December 2014 at 18:08, GESCONSULTOR - Óscar Bou wrote:

 There are a lot of cases where the implementation of those operations is
 the same, and Isis could avoid to explicitly implement it.

 For entities, normally is something like:

 public void delete(Entity entity) {

 Perhaps flush can be optional, perhaps if implemented directly on the
 entity there shouldn't be any params, but base code remains the same.

 If all entities have a common descendant, it can be implemented on a
 generic service that accepts one instance as a param. But perhaps that
 basic operation could be implemented directly by the framework.

 Its deletion could be vetoed by means of the Isis removing() method, for
 example, and also by means of the EventServiceBus.

 Perhaps a default implementation on an Isis service could be given?

 But there's another case that it's polluting our domain entities and we
 haven't achieve a standard way to implement it, despite I think it's

 For nearly each collection, we need:
 - an addXXX action (that normally accepts one existing instance of the
 collection elements - i.e., a Price List adding existing Items -).
 - sometimes, a createXXX action (that create an instance and after that
 calls addXXX; think of an Aggregated Root creating all contained Entity
 instances - i.e., an Order creating new Line Items -).
 - a deleteXXX action (that mainly consists of a
 getCollection.remove(entity); if the collection was annotated with
 dependentElement=true, the instance will removed AND deleted by
 DataNucleus after executing it).

 From those three, createXXX need custom business logic to work and cannot
 be easily generalized (createXXX needs required fields of the entity

 But addXXX and deleteXXX, when available, have a quite generic

 @Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceStrategy.NEW_TABLE)
 @Discriminator(value = BusinessService)
 public class InformationSystem extends ApplicationComponent {

 // {{ UsesSoftwareServices (Collection)
 @Persistent(mappedBy = usedByInformationSystem, dependentElement
 = false)

   private SortedSetSoftwareService usesSoftwareServices = new 

 @MemberOrder(sequence = 710)
 public SortedSetSoftwareService getUsesSoftwareServices() {
 return this.usesSoftwareServices;

 public void setUsesSoftwareServices(final SortedSetSoftwareService
 usesSoftwareServices) {
 this.usesSoftwareServices = usesSoftwareServices;

 // }}

 // {{ addSoftwareService (action)
 @MemberOrder(name = usesSoftwareServices, sequence = 010)
 public void addSoftwareService(@XMSBulkParam @Named(Software
 Service) final SoftwareService softwareService) {

 // }}

 // {{ deleteFromUsesSoftwareServices (action)
 @MemberOrder(name = usesSoftwareServices, sequence = 020)

   public void deleteFromUsesSoftwareServices(@XMSBulkParam @Named(Servicio
 de Software) final SoftwareService softwareService) {

 // }}


 Couldn't they be provided by default also by Isis?

 For example, by annotating the collection with something similar to:

 @Collection(addAction=Add Software Service, deleteAction=Remove
 Software Service)

 Which would reduced the code to:

 @Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceStrategy.NEW_TABLE)
 @Discriminator(value = BusinessService)
 public class InformationSystem extends ApplicationComponent {

 // {{ UsesSoftwareServices (Collection)
 @Persistent(mappedBy = usedByInformationSystem, dependentElement
 = false)

   private SortedSetSoftwareService usesSoftwareServices = new 

 @Collection(addMethodName=Add Software Service, deleteAction=Remove
 Software Service)
 @MemberOrder(sequence = 710)
 public SortedSetSoftwareService getUsesSoftwareServices() {
 return this.usesSoftwareServices;

 public void setUsesSoftwareServices(final SortedSetSoftwareService
 usesSoftwareServices) {
 this.usesSoftwareServices = usesSoftwareServices;

 // }}


 If I remember it well, Martin suggested once something similar for

 Perhaps am I missing anything not allowing such generic implementations
 being supported by Isis ?



RE: Removing the ObjectAdapter mappings

2015-01-03 Thread Branham, Jeremy [HR]
 So either your machine is much slower or your changes made the build slower ?!

I suspect it's this enterprise laptop that's loaded down with services [and 
streaming music =]
But I'll need to check if I left extra validations turned on during the 
integration tests.

Jeremy D. Branham

-Original Message-
From: Martin Grigorov []
Sent: Saturday, January 03, 2015 6:42 AM
To: users
Subject: Re: Removing the ObjectAdapter mappings

Hi Jeremy,

On Fri, Jan 2, 2015 at 8:15 AM, Branham, Jeremy [HR] wrote:

 So removing the HashMaps turned out to be more work then I'm ready for
 right now. [I threw that branch out]

 The good news is that the DN 4.x branch is now working. There were
 some 'instanceOf' checks for PersistenceCapable that I missed before.

 Now to use the latest Neo4j =]

 [INFO] Reactor Summary:
 [INFO] Apache Isis Core .. SUCCESS
 [2.668s] [INFO] Isis Core Unit Test Support ...
 SUCCESS [7.635s] [INFO] Isis Core AppLib
 .. SUCCESS [10.587s] [INFO] Isis Core
 Log4j Impls . SUCCESS [0.871s] [INFO] Isis
 Core MetaModel ... SUCCESS [42.513s]
 [INFO] Isis Core Runtime . SUCCESS
 [13.920s] [INFO] Isis Core Wrapper Service .
 SUCCESS [2.948s] [INFO] Isis Core WebServer
 ... SUCCESS [0.906s] [INFO] Isis Core
 (Bypass) Security ... SUCCESS [0.693s] [INFO] Isis
 Core Shiro Security .. SUCCESS [2.455s] [INFO]
 Isis Core Spec Support  SUCCESS [0.911s]
 [INFO] Isis Core Integration Testing Support . SUCCESS
 [1.545s] [INFO] Isis Core RestfulObjects Viewer AppLib 
 SUCCESS [3.395s] [INFO] Isis Core RestfulObjects Viewer Rendering
 . SUCCESS [3.072s] [INFO] Isis Core RestfulObjects Viewer
 Server  SUCCESS [3.164s] [INFO] Isis Maven Plugin
 (isis-maven-plugin) . SUCCESS [4.312s] [INFO] Isis Wicket
 Viewer  SUCCESS [0.230s] [INFO] Isis
 Wicket Viewer Applib . SUCCESS [0.569s] [INFO]
 Isis Wicket Viewer Model .. SUCCESS [2.586s]
 [INFO] Isis Wicket Viewer UI Components .. SUCCESS
 [20.864s] [INFO] Isis Wicket Viewer Implementation .
 SUCCESS [3.407s] [INFO] Isis TCK App
 .. SUCCESS [0.174s] [INFO] Isis
 TCK DOM .. SUCCESS [2.157s] [INFO]
 Isis TCK Fixtures . SUCCESS [0.664s]
 [INFO] Isis TCK IntegTests ... SUCCESS
 [2.958s] [INFO] Isis RestfulObjects Viewer TCK tests ..
 SUCCESS [6.109s] [INFO] Isis TCK Wicket Viewer tests
 .. SUCCESS [3.455s] [INFO] ToDo App
 .. SUCCESS [0.089s] [INFO]
 ToDo App DOM .. SUCCESS [3.398s]
 [INFO] ToDo App Fixtures . SUCCESS
 [0.972s] [INFO] ToDo App Integration Tests 
 SUCCESS [25.814s] [INFO] ToDo App Webapp
 ... SUCCESS [18.974s] [INFO] Simple
 App  SUCCESS [0.010s] [INFO]
 Simple App DOM  SUCCESS [1.911s]
 [INFO] Simple App Fixtures ... SUCCESS
 [0.639s] [INFO] Simple App Integration Tests ..
 SUCCESS [8.050s] [INFO] Simple App Webapp
 . SUCCESS [16.134s] [INFO]
 todoapp-archetype . SUCCESS [20.689s]
 [INFO] simpleapp-archetype ... SUCCESS
 [6.850s] [INFO] Isis Scimpi Viewer 
 SUCCESS [0.362s] [INFO] Isis Scimpi Viewer Dispatcher
 . SUCCESS [10.513s] [INFO] Isis Scimpi Viewer
 Servlet  SUCCESS [1.043s] [INFO] Apache Isis
 (Aggregator) .. SUCCESS [0.485s] [INFO]
 [INFO] Total time: 4:22.458s

How long it takes to build Isis master branch at your machine ?
Here it takes 01:26min and my laptop is 2+ years old now.
So either your machine is much slower or your changes made the build slower ?!
I guess it is the first but wanted to check.

 [INFO] Finished at: Fri Jan 02 00:11:45 CST 2015 [INFO] Final Memory:
 130M/920M [INFO]

 Jeremy D. Branham
 Tel: **DOTNET

 -Original Message-
 From: Branham, Jeremy [HR]
 Sent: Thursday, January 01, 2015 

RE: Isis + Neo4j 2.1.6

2015-01-03 Thread Branham, Jeremy [HR]
Thanks guys - I'm glad to make the contribution.
I've been leveraging OSS for more than 15 years; it's about time I start paying 
the community back ;)

Jeremy D. Branham

-Original Message-
From: Dan Haywood []
Sent: Saturday, January 03, 2015 7:48 AM
To: users
Subject: Re: Isis + Neo4j 2.1.6

Jeremy, really good stuff.  Appreciate I didn't get round to answering all of 
your earlier questions, but happy with the direction you've gone.

Picking up on Martin's email, I've created a new branch ISIS-789 on origin and 
merged in your branch there.

Obviously, I want to do a full review of the work first, plus run some 
regression tests, before merging into master.

In particular, I need to wrap my head around the use of 
org.datanucleus.enhancer.Persistable instead of 
javax.jdo.spi.PersistenceCapable.  I suspect it's all fine and won't impact 
end users, but need to double check etc.

But thanks a lot, again.  I appreciate that there's a lot of work in that 

Meantime, if you add any further commits, please add the ISIS-789:  as a 
prefix to the commit messages.


On 3 January 2015 at 11:14, Martin Grigorov wrote:

 Great work, Jeremy!

 I haven't checked your changes yet but since there is a task about
 upgrading to DataNucleus 4.x [1] I think it would be great if you send
 a Pull Request [2].
 The Neo4j demo app could be used as a test in Isis to make sure we
 don't break the integration by accident in the future.


 Martin Grigorov
 Wicket Training and Consulting

 On Sat, Jan 3, 2015 at 12:00 AM, Branham, Jeremy [HR] wrote:

  If you are interested in running Isis with Neo4j - Have a look at
  this branch that contains a sample application [neoapp] based on the
  'simpleapp' example.
  And a small extension that enables the embedded Neo4j services -
  the Neo4j browser, admin tools, and rest services.
  The Isis extension is small, and the one class could be copied and
  pasted into your application rather than building the jar.
  Hope this helps someone!
  Note - This branch uses DataNucleus 4.0.4 so there are currently
  many deviations from the master, though all tests are currently passing.
  Jeremy D. Branham
  Technology Architect
  Sprint University Performance Support Fort Worth, TX | Tel: **DOTNET
  Office: +1 (972) 405-2970| Mobile: +1 (817) 791-1627
  This e-mail may contain Sprint proprietary information intended for the
  sole use of the recipient(s). Any use by others is prohibited. If you are
  not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and delete all
  of the message.

This e-mail may contain Sprint proprietary information intended for the sole 
use of the recipient(s). Any use by others is prohibited. If you are not the 
intended recipient, please contact the sender and delete all copies of the 

Re: Isis + Neo4j 2.1.6

2015-01-03 Thread Dan Haywood
Jeremy, really good stuff.  Appreciate I didn't get round to answering all
of your earlier questions, but happy with the direction you've gone.

Picking up on Martin's email, I've created a new branch ISIS-789 on origin
and merged in your branch there.

Obviously, I want to do a full review of the work first, plus run some
regression tests, before merging into master.

In particular, I need to wrap my head around the use of
org.datanucleus.enhancer.Persistable instead of
javax.jdo.spi.PersistenceCapable.  I suspect it's all fine and won't
impact end users, but need to double check etc.

But thanks a lot, again.  I appreciate that there's a lot of work in that

Meantime, if you add any further commits, please add the ISIS-789:  as a
prefix to the commit messages.


On 3 January 2015 at 11:14, Martin Grigorov wrote:

 Great work, Jeremy!

 I haven't checked your changes yet but since there is a task about
 upgrading to DataNucleus 4.x [1] I think it would be great if you send a
 Pull Request [2].
 The Neo4j demo app could be used as a test in Isis to make sure we don't
 break the integration by accident in the future.


 Martin Grigorov
 Wicket Training and Consulting

 On Sat, Jan 3, 2015 at 12:00 AM, Branham, Jeremy [HR] wrote:

  If you are interested in running Isis with Neo4j -
  Have a look at this branch that contains a sample application [neoapp]
  based on the 'simpleapp' example.
  And a small extension that enables the embedded Neo4j services -
  the Neo4j browser, admin tools, and rest services.
  The Isis extension is small, and the one class could be copied and pasted
  into your application rather than building the jar.
  Hope this helps someone!
  Note - This branch uses DataNucleus 4.0.4 so there are currently many
  deviations from the master, though all tests are currently passing.
  Jeremy D. Branham
  Technology Architect
  Sprint University Performance Support
  Fort Worth, TX | Tel: **DOTNET
  Office: +1 (972) 405-2970| Mobile: +1 (817) 791-1627
  This e-mail may contain Sprint proprietary information intended for the
  sole use of the recipient(s). Any use by others is prohibited. If you are
  not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and delete all
  of the message.

RE: ISIS-970 ... (new annotations) please review if you get a chance...

2015-01-03 Thread Branham, Jeremy [HR]
This is a good compromise IMHO.

Jeremy D. Branham

-Original Message-
From: Dan Haywood []
Sent: Saturday, January 03, 2015 7:27 AM
To: users
Subject: Re: ISIS-970 ... (new annotations) please review if you get a chance...

On 3 January 2015 at 13:14, Jeroen van der Wal wrote:

 I have one more thought: since @ViewModel and
 @DomainObject(nature=UI_VIEW) are the same concepts it might be more
 intuitive to use

Yes, that probably does make sense; we are just providing two equivalent 
syntaxes for describing a (UI) view model.

So the revised proposal is:

for the UI/app layer, retain/introduce:
* @ViewModel
* @ViewModelLayout

for the domain layer:
* @DomainObjectLayout

for both:
* @Property(domainEvent=..., ) and @PropertyLayout
* @Collection(domainEvent=..., ) and @CollectionLayout
* @Action(domainEvent=..., ) and @ActionLayout
* @Parameter and @ParameterLayout

where @ViewModel and @DomainObject(nature=VIEW_MODEL) are basically equivalent; 
choose whichever notation you prefer (and use a metamodel validator to exclude 
the other).


This e-mail may contain Sprint proprietary information intended for the sole 
use of the recipient(s). Any use by others is prohibited. If you are not the 
intended recipient, please contact the sender and delete all copies of the 

Re: ISIS-970 ... (new annotations) please review if you get a chance...

2015-01-03 Thread GESCONSULTOR
Good consensus for me also :)

 El 3/1/2015, a las 18:48, Branham, Jeremy [HR] 
 This is a good compromise IMHO.
 Jeremy D. Branham
 Tel: **DOTNET
 -Original Message-
 From: Dan Haywood []
 Sent: Saturday, January 03, 2015 7:27 AM
 To: users
 Subject: Re: ISIS-970 ... (new annotations) please review if you get a 
 On 3 January 2015 at 13:14, Jeroen van der Wal wrote:
 I have one more thought: since @ViewModel and
 @DomainObject(nature=UI_VIEW) are the same concepts it might be more
 intuitive to use
 Yes, that probably does make sense; we are just providing two equivalent 
 syntaxes for describing a (UI) view model.
 So the revised proposal is:
 for the UI/app layer, retain/introduce:
 * @ViewModel
 * @ViewModelLayout
 for the domain layer:
 * @DomainObjectLayout
 for both:
 * @Property(domainEvent=..., ) and @PropertyLayout
 * @Collection(domainEvent=..., ) and @CollectionLayout
 * @Action(domainEvent=..., ) and @ActionLayout
 * @Parameter and @ParameterLayout
 where @ViewModel and @DomainObject(nature=VIEW_MODEL) are basically 
 equivalent; choose whichever notation you prefer (and use a metamodel 
 validator to exclude the other).
 This e-mail may contain Sprint proprietary information intended for the sole 
 use of the recipient(s). Any use by others is prohibited. If you are not the 
 intended recipient, please contact the sender and delete all copies of the 