Re: gpg decrypt from a script

2024-02-17 Thread Cameron Simpson

On 14Feb2024 22:49, Alex  wrote:
You don't need sshpass if you have the private key matching the 
public key already stored on the server. Just use ssh.

This would be for use in a script - I'm assuming someone would use it as
part of an automated backup script or when it's not possible to be at the
keyboard to enter that passphrase.

I usually make a special purpose keypair with no passphrase for this, 
with a distinctive filename, eg .ssh/id_dsa_backups and its .pub 
partner. You can lock down the authorized_keys file at the far end to 
constrain its use, too.

Remember "expect"? It sounds reminiscent of that from the 90s.


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Re: running auto apps on tgt srvr via ssh access

2024-02-02 Thread Cameron Simpson

On 02Feb2024 11:29, bruce  wrote:

But setting up ssh is no issue. My issue, I'm wondering how to "run" a
cmd on srvr2 via ssh when I'm on srvr1.

How is:

ssh srvr2 the-command...

not enough? I feel that I'm missing some larger context here.

And a larger issue, is this
even the "right" way to handle testing "stuff" within Github?

Shrug. Why not? If you want to test "run some command on srvr2" and 
you're orchestrating things from srvr1, the above ssh seems fine to me.  
Obviously it glosses over the target user on srvr2 and the ssh key 
setup, but you say you've got that side of things sorted.

Example: I've got a little script to twiddle our firewall's routing as 
needed. It looks like this:

set -ue
if [ $# = 0 ]
then  ssh fw cat /etc/isp-state
else  set-x ssh fw doas -u root "$@"

It just sshes to the firewall and runs the required command.

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Re: rsync fails when transferring multiple files

2023-12-21 Thread Cameron Simpson

On 20Dec2023 13:59, Alex  wrote:
This also isn't a disk space or inode problem or corrupt filesystem 

- the same command works from a different host to this one problematic host
without a problem.  Destination directory also doesn't matter.

Does the different host have the same version of rsync?

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Re: ssh forced command in syslog?

2023-12-17 Thread Cameron Simpson

On 10Dec2023 10:14, Alex  wrote:
I'm trying to use the "command=" ability with ssh and rsync to restrict 

commands that can be run with a passwordless ssh key. The problem is that I
can't figure out the exact rsync that's being executed on the remote side.
I recall in the past being able to somehow log this information to syslog,
but now I can't remember and can't find it.

The command= is a shell command, so you can go:

command="set -x; rsync "

but surely you know the command, it's right there in the string?

If you're trying to figure out what rsync is invoking for the server end 
in order to fill out the "command=" stuff, the --rsync-path option is in 
fact a shell command too, so you can go:

rsync --rsync-path='set -x; rsync' .

to see it when invoking rsync.

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Re: might be off topic -- using digitalocean to test

2023-12-17 Thread Cameron Simpson

On 16Dec2023 18:56, bruce  wrote:

Does anyone have digitalocean (DO) experience creating
droplets/snapshots/cloning etc.

I've only made a droplet, not cloned one.
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Re: ssh connection and selinux

2023-08-18 Thread Cameron Simpson

On 14Aug2023 09:18, François Patte  wrote:

Here is the part I get with ssh -v:

debug1: Next authentication method: publickey
debug1: Offering public key: /home/patte/.ssh/id_rsa RSA SHA256: 

I have a server accepts line after this:

debug1: Next authentication method: publickey
debug1: Offering public key: /Users/cameron/.ssh/id_rsa RSA SHA256:* 
debug1: Server accepts key: /Users/cameron/.ssh/id_rsa RSA SHA256:* 

Do you?

If I go "ssh -G hostname | grep -i pubkey" I get this:

pubkeyauthentication true
ignoreunknown PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes,ProxyJump

What's that say for your "pubkeyacceptedalgorithms" ?

I suspect some ssh configuration has changed with the upgrade,
possibly in /etc/ssh/ssh_config. Certainly some key types (or smaller
sizes) fall out of favour as they become inadequately secure.

Where will it be mentionned?

I expect the default is wired into the ssh client command. You can add a 
particular algorithm back in with a ~/.ssh/config line like this:

PubkeyAcceptedAlgorithms +missing-name-here

But algorithms are disabled for a reason; after diagnosing this issue, 
you should probably make yourself an additional keypair of an accepted 
type and add its public half where wanted.

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Re: ssh connection and selinux

2023-08-13 Thread Cameron Simpson

On 13Aug2023 23:23, François Patte  wrote:
Since I upgraded to f38 it is impossible to connect to a machine using 
ssh rsa-key

the file .ssh/authorized_keys has not change, but any remote 
connection to this machine asks for a password

Is there something to change with selinux?

Almost certainly not. If it were selinux you wouldn't get a connection.

More likely you're not offering the RSA key any more or the remote isn't 
accepting it. Run "ssh -v" to see what's happening. Here's some example 
output from a run here:

debug1: Will attempt key: /home/cameron/.ssh/id_ecdsa ECDSA 
SHA256:* agent
debug1: Will attempt key: /home/cameron/.ssh/id_ed25519 ED25519 
SHA256:* agent
debug1: Will attempt key: /home/cameron/.ssh/id_dsa DSA 
SHA256:* agent
debug1: Will attempt key: /home/cameron/.ssh/id_rsa
debug1: Will attempt key: /home/cameron/.ssh/id_ecdsa_sk
debug1: Will attempt key: /home/cameron/.ssh/id_ed25519_sk
debug1: Will attempt key: /home/cameron/.ssh/id_xmss
debug1: Authentications that can continue: publickey
debug1: Next authentication method: publickey
debug1: Offering public key: /home/cameron/.ssh/id_ecdsa ECDSA 
SHA256:9UgXjVSJOlQUHfv25eXgy2fU/RiUJBsK10q4xCvefBs agent
debug1: Server accepts key: /home/cameron/.ssh/id_ecdsa ECDSA 
SHA256:9UgXjVSJOlQUHfv25eXgy2fU/RiUJBsK10q4xCvefBs agent

I suspect some ssh configuration has changed with the upgrade, possibly 
in /etc/ssh/ssh_config. Certainly some key types (or smaller sizes) fall 
out of favour as they become inadequately secure.

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Re: 'mutt' issues

2023-03-05 Thread Cameron Simpson

On 04Mar2023 16:13, Slade Watkins  wrote:

On 3/3/23 21:59, Jon LaBadie wrote:

While there may be some mutt expertise on the Fedora list,
you might consider posting to the mutt-users list.  Not
high volume, but high expertise.  Here are the list headers
from a recent post:

Thank you so much, I will reach out to them.

Definitely join us at mutt-users.

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Re: tar

2023-02-01 Thread Cameron Simpson

On 01Feb2023 20:24, Patrick Dupre  wrote:

To create a tar file, I used to create a list and to make
tar -cvzf arch.tgz $list

However, if there are file names with a space, this space is
interpreted as file name separator.

If you can match the files with a glob (shell pattern):

tar cvzf arch.tgz *.ext

Obviously replacing *.ext appropriately. And of course you can give that 
many times.

If the files are the entire content of a directory, merely mentioning 
the directory is enough:

tar cvzf arch.tgz directoryname

Of course you can give multiple directories or globs.

And in modern shells there's a "**" pattern means a recursive walk. So:

tar cvzf arch.tgz subdir/**/*.py

to name all the .py files in subdir. And so forth.

All of these are space (and other weird characters) safe.

If you must make the tar file in a few goes/batches, do the first with 
"c" (create) and the rest with "r" (replace), which does an append.

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Re: tar

2023-02-01 Thread Cameron Simpson

On 01Feb2023 13:07, Jerry James  wrote:
If you can make your list with find, you can also do something like 

find [top directory] [find criteria here] -exec tar -cvzf arch.tgz {} +

This recreates the tar file once per file, ending up with a tar file 
containing only the last file found.

Or, if you can generate the list with null characters instead of
spaces as the filename separators, you could do something like this:

[generate the list with nulls] | xargs -0 tar -cvzf arch.tgz

Unless there are enough files for xargs to break the files into multiple 
groups, in which case... again a tar file containing only the last 

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Re: OT: xplanet cloudmaps

2023-01-28 Thread Cameron Simpson

On 27Jan2023 21:43, Ranjan Maitra  wrote:
For several years, until pre-pandemic times, I used to download 
cloudmaps and overlay them on my xplanet. It was kind of cool, and also 
I could see some of the heavier weather tracking around the world. 
Then, I believe that that source got hacked and I never found a 

I used to do that, long ago.

Have a run through these maybe?

I don't know of anything offhand.

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Re: Weird multiple display issue

2023-01-26 Thread Cameron Simpson

On 26Jan2023 12:31, Michael Hennebry  wrote:

My guess is that if one really and truly wants a 3x1 and a 1x1
the effect could be got by running two instances of the server.

Yes. Or you can run the one server with two "screens", eg :10.0 and 
:10.1; there's a reason for that trailing ".0" on $DISPLAY!

I'm not at all sure how to do that and I expect
having separate instances would cause its own problems,
e.g. no dragging a window between them.

Yes, that doesn't work. You do want just 1 "screen" to drag windows 
between them.

A given "screen" is a big rectangle, and each monitor shows a rectangle 
of that larger space. Anything you do has to accomodate that constraint.

(BTW, those rectangles can overlap if you want).

Anyway, to the OP's problem:

The weird thing is, it seems like the desktop THINKS my screen looks 
like this:

+ + +
+ + +

The "display" looks like this. Portions of it are shown on each monitor.

So what happens is, when I do something like use a background image 
across multiple monitors, it stretches it so that half the image shows 
up on my top three monitors, and about
a third of the bottom of the image shows up on my small monitor down to 
the right.

What you need to do is construct a callage of suitably scaled images.  
Use a shell script and ImageMagick or GraphicsMagick. I used to do this 
for my old multimonitor setup. Here we go:

That (a) was for a '+ + +' or similar setup and (b) does some caching of 
the constructed wallpapers for performance. But the GraphicsMagick calls 
are in there for you to adapt. See the "Multiple images - assemble into 
montage" part.

The "xrandr" command reports on all the screens on your current display, 
and can be quite useful for querying its current geometry.

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Re: production env linux??

2023-01-10 Thread Cameron Simpson

On 10Jan2023 15:00, Samuel Sieb  wrote:

On 1/10/23 10:40, bruce wrote:

just curious.. no flames..
 for you guys who are sysadmins. what linux do you run in production?
any reasons why you use the flavor you use/?

I use Fedora everywhere.  That keeps things simple and I like having 
the latest versions of what I'm running with little difference between 
the desktops and servers.

For personal servers this might be fine. I'm looking to reinstall our 
home server (yet again grrr) and might move from Ubuntu LTS to their 
rolling release, and do more aggressive updates (I'm in update hell just 
now - appearently I can't upgrade any more and it's only been a year, 
meaning I can't upgrade to the next release).

But for client facing servers, stability is very important. I was 
running servers serving an entire state, and stability far outweighed 
having the "latest" versions of anything. Security patches backported by 
RH is a huge service for such a platform.

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Re: SSH problem

2023-01-10 Thread Cameron Simpson

On 10Jan2023 18:25, Joe Wulf  wrote:

I don't know how to solve the problem but can confirm that I have the
same one. From what I have deducted so far is that sshd in F36 and F37
generates new xauth token and replaces the old one every time new
connection is opened.

An alternative is to use a persistent ssh connection, reusing the X11 
token from before.

BTW, an incantation of:

ssh host 'x11-client &'

has some scope for dropping the ssh before the client hooks into X11 
(thus keeping things open) _if_ the client closes its own output before 
connecting to X11. WHich on reflection would be vanishingly rare, since 
then it wouldn't get to report failure to connect :-)

Shouldn't the new xauth setup be just fine, though? THe sequence should 

- ssh in
- xauth setup on host end
- x11 client connect, _using that new xauth_

I find the xauth scenario a little unconvincing because of this. I'm not 
in a position to try to reproduce things though.

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Re: production env linux??

2023-01-10 Thread Cameron Simpson

On 10Jan2023 14:54, Roger Heflin  wrote:

Redhat Enterprise compatible variant, mostly because there are security
updates for a long time, most versions.

And most paid support applications will only officially support RHEL
variants or SLES variants (enterprise variants).

We used to run RHEL for the same reasons. Stable and patched for long 

The flipside was that the _supplied_ versions of software also remain 
the same. But you can always build/install modern versions for 
particular application needs (in a distinct area from the OS, of 
course). And things like Docker make running almost arbitrary Linux 
software on an old-but-stable release almost trivial.

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Re: ls --color

2022-12-05 Thread Cameron Simpson

On 05Dec2022 14:22, Patrick Dupre  wrote:

If I do

ls --color=auto -lt "$@" --color | more

BTW, what's in "$@" ? For example.

and that the last displayed color is red,
this red color is used for all my following ls

That's odd, and does not seem like correct behaviour. Does it do it if 
you do not pipe through "more"?

I can't reproduce this (Ubuntu 21.04 here, not Fedora).

How can I reset the color setting?

The --color is supposed to only control ls's decisions about how to 
colour the output. Does making the trailing --color either --color=never 
change anything?

Have you tried something like:

ls --color=auto -lt a b --color | od -c

i.e. exactly 2 filenames, the first or second or which will be "red", 
and examined the ANSI colour sequences in the (now small) output?

There _should_ be a "default colour" as the final colour sequence to 
reset the output to the terminal's default colours. That should be "ESC 
[ 0 m". Example:

[~]borg*> ls -ld --color=always . | od -c
000   d   r   w   x   r   -   s   r   -   x   5   5   c   a
020   m   e   r   o   n   c   a   m   e   r   o   n   8   1
040   9   2   D   e   c   6   0   7   :   4   2
060 033   [   0   m 033   [   0   1   ;   3   4   m   . 033   [   0
100   m  \n

See the "033 [ 0 m" sequence? That is the one which restore's the 
terminal's colour output the the default.

Cameron Simpson 

Patrick DUPRÉ | | email:
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Cameron Simpson  (formerly

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- overhead by WIRED at the Intelligent Printing conference Oct2006
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Re: Can't unsubscribe from a list

2022-10-27 Thread Cameron Simpson

On 27Oct2022 11:18, fs 3000  wrote:
I keep getting mails from arm@ no matter what i do. I have tried 
sending mail to arm-leave@, it says i'm not a member. I went to the 
page and unsubscribed from there, nothing works. Any idea?

Maybe you're subscribed under a different address. Examine the Recived: 
headers closely on an example message - it is likely to show how it 
reached you.

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Re: Mailing lists and Discourse

2022-10-25 Thread Cameron Simpson

On 25Oct2022 17:26, Patrick O'Callaghan  wrote:

As Pete point out earlier, that doesn't mean it keeps working exactly
as it does now. Read his post for details.

To be clear, I mean the post I pointed to in the head item of this
thread, i.e.

I'd mentioned that threading's fixed in current Discourse, but I though 
I'd take some of the other points in this post from my perspective 
(email user, long mailing list experience, likes email a lot).

So, Pete Biggs wrote:

As a mailing list replacement.
We have been told that we just need to login once to Discourse and set
things up, then all interaction will be by email and we won't notice
any difference. Really? What planet are they on?

Discourse does try to present a decent email experience. It is not 
perfect, but I use email instead of the web forum almost all the time.

  No topic tags on emails. So no easy way to filter topics. If you
  watch more than one topic, all mails are the same. 

Discourse divides a forum into catgeories and topics. Categories are the 
various forum areas, and topics are discussions (the topic is the 
`Subject:` line).

You can see the categories for the Python Discourse forum here:

You can filter on "topic" using the `Subject` header.

You can filter on category using the `List-ID` header. For example, my 
mail filer uses this rule:

python  discuss-users   list-id:/

to file messages in my "python" folder with the `X-Label` 
"discuss-users", which is presented in my folder index in my mail reader 

  Own posts not notified of. It removes context for a mailing list. I
  keep copies of mailing list posts as a sort of private archive -
  mainly so I can see what I've answered to queries before. That's

Annoying, agreed. I keep a copy of my message in the source folder 
locally for exactly this purose. But it's something my personal setup 
arranges, not Discourse.

  Slow or sporadic email notifications make discussion difficult.

I've found these fairly good, myself. Notifications using the app? An 
open Discourse web page? Your mail system as the email version arrives?

  No or broken threading on emails. This one is so annoying.  Doesn't
  any of the people who use Discourse use threading anywhere. Context
  is everything.

As mentioned, now fixed.

  Plain text emails sent to Discourse have formatting mangled (white 
space isn't honoured). There's no point in nicely formatting plain

  text, it will be mangled. (These indents will be lost - if I sent it

Plain text messages are interpreted as Markdown. Frankly, this is good!  
I can preserve code indents by marking code as such, either with code 
fences (triple backticks):

the code
goes here

or by indenting by at least 4 spaces:

indented code
goes here
etc etc

which works perfectly. I use the latter.

As a bonus the code looks like code and the prose is in a nice variable 
width font. (On the web forum.)

  Mails are really just notifications - there's no nested quoting of
  content to provide context. You can choose to have previous replies 
at bottom or include an excerpt, but that's not contextual quoting.

As with ordinary email, this depends on the author of the post.

Discourse has a feature where you can do a quoted reply; on the web I 
access it by selecting some text in the web forum and pressing the reply 
button. In email, I do a regular inline-and-trim reply as in this 

You can see one of my posts with here, composed from email:

Each email copy of a post has a link to the web version of the post at 
the bottom; I sometimes use that to visit the forum for context.

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Re: Mailing lists and Discourse

2022-10-25 Thread Cameron Simpson

On 24Oct2022 22:36, Barry Scott  wrote:
I've been rebuilding a server recently with a fresh Ubuntu, and 
systemd has been a massive PITA. Gah!

The idea's ok (parallel boot with dependencies and associated service up/down 
though a single daemon). We've all written them. But when it's going sour, it 
is remarkably unhelpful. To the point of wanting to throw the keyboard across 
the room.

If you need help with systemd, feel free to reach out.
I been building solutions on systemd for a long time and happy to help.

Thanks, I may. Cheers, Cameron Simpson 
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Re: Mailing lists and Discourse

2022-10-23 Thread Cameron Simpson

On 23Oct2022 22:25, Slade Watkins  wrote:

On Sun, Oct 23, 2022 at 4:55 PM Cameron Simpson  wrote:

These days I'm a big +1 for Discourse. From being a big -1.

I'm not that huge of a fan, haha.

I think it bring more inclusion for the web first crowd, while still 
being effective from the email side. It doesn't kill the former mailing 
lists; I'm still on the Python mailing lists, and my filer stuffs them 
all into my "python" folder anyway.

It does have some issues, and I hope to discuss some of them with the

And yes, definitely raise those with them!

Aye. I need to make a list and send them off in least controversial 
first order. In my spare time :-(

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Re: Mailing lists and Discourse

2022-10-23 Thread Cameron Simpson

On 23Oct2022 17:03, Tom Horsley  wrote:

Obviously the next step is to merge the Discourse server with systemd!

&^$*$^*$&^$ systemd. What a heap of (^&(*^&(&^

I've been rebuilding a server recently with a fresh Ubuntu, and systemd 
has been a massive PITA. Gah!

The idea's ok (parallel boot with dependencies and associated service 
up/down though a single daemon). We've all written them. But when it's 
going sour, it is remarkably unhelpful. To the point of wanting to throw 
the keyboard across the room.

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Re: Mailing lists and Discourse

2022-10-23 Thread Cameron Simpson

On 23Oct2022 16:50, Patrick O'Callaghan  wrote:

2) In some ways many of us consider the Discourse platform to be
significantly inferior to a mailing list. It does offer a mailing list
interface but in several respects it is inadequate. I refer you to this
post which goes into some detail:

With respect to this item in that post:

  No or broken threading on emails. This one is so annoying.  Doesn't
  any of the people who use Discourse use threading anywhere.
  Context is everything.

This is fixed in current Discourse, and the the Python discussions are 
running the fixed version. The Discourse devs were _very_ welcoming and 
responsive once the problem was well described and the required semantic 
fixes specified. Maybe the RedHat instance would benefit from updating 
the version.

As a long time antiwebforum email first person, I'm pretty happy with 

I do use mailing list mode for most Discourse forums and work almost 
entirely through the email interface. Happily.

Discourse brings some advantages:
- email to email users and forum for forum users (many of the young 
  things these days)

- an app (whose primary benefit to me is reply notifications)
- the web interface also does notifications
- uses and renders Markdown for the text - this IMO is a BIG step up 
  from normal email (I've little use for HTML email and plain text email 
  _is_ a little less expressive than Markdown, which is as easy to type 
  as plain text anyway)

These days I'm a big +1 for Discourse. From being a big -1.

It does have some issues, and I hope to discuss some of them with the 

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Re: email tracking, is it possible in fedora mail clients?

2022-09-14 Thread Cameron Simpson

On 14Sep2022 10:25, Tim  wrote:

Likewise (and no image loading by default), though I did once have
someone tell me that I'd read a message they sent me because they had
the receipt.

They are a bit of a furphy.  I may have glanced at an email, but not
read it.  I may have a received an email but not ever looked at it, or
my server may have (there are receipts for them, too).

Aye. I stashed this message in my sig quotes long ago:

Netscape Messenger has displayed the message. There is no guarantee
that the content has been read or understood.
 - reality check by Return-Receipt handler in NS Messenger 4.5

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Re: opinions: backups

2022-08-14 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 14Aug2022 15:22, Emmett Culley  wrote:
>I've been using BackupPC for many years.  It can use rsync via ssh for 
>remote backups or rsync directly for local (LAN) backup.  It can 
>automatically dedup as well.

We had a client using BackupPC. Maybe for a single PC it works well.  
They were backing up several (well over 10) PCs to a NAS. It hammered 
the system in both I/O and CPU. Combined with some (old kernel) 
filesystem bugs, it would mangle the filesystem. It seems to do the 
rsync protocol _in Perl_ at the BackupPC end, and uses an elaborate 
hash-named file tree for the deduplication function. It needed a special 
web interface to browse/restore.

It kind of works, but does not scale.

Now we use histbackup (disclaimer: a script of my own similar in use and 
implementation to rsnapshot). The backups are MUCH faster and we haven't 
had the (again, ancient kernel) filesystem bugs at all. because even 
though we run the backups in series, it is still much faster.

Basic scheme is:
- a directory per target (machine:subdir)
- timestampted hardlinked subtrees in each of the targets
Hardlink the previous backup to a new tree for today's backup, rsync 
from the target into the new tree.

rsnapshot does the same kind of thing and modern rsync even has a mode 
to do the "new hard link tree and sync" part of this as a command line 

The trees are just... directory trees you can cd around in etc.

We NFS export them from the NAS read only so they can be directly 
browsed. Because its NFS, the UIDs etc are identical and therefore 
people can't brwose stuff they can't browse in the live filesystems 

These days I use this script:
for my personal backups. I'm usually prepared to rebuilt an utterly 
failed machine instead of restoring an OS from backup.

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Re: Firefox - how to lose top bar / title bar - ?

2022-08-13 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 13Aug2022 09:05, lejeczek  wrote:
>How to lose title bar in current version of Firefox.
>I have my user whose Firefox "profile" I kept for many years as Fedora 
>& Firefox kept updating - there I have no title-bar.
>I sudo to another user and title-bar is there.
>I tried to search through & compare about:config but I failed to find 
>relevant setting.

I do not know the setting, but find the prefs.js file in each of their 
profiles. Diff them.

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Re: Is there an officially Fedora supported replacement for the old rc.local? - still an issue

2022-07-19 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 18Jul2022 22:50, Peter Boy  wrote:
>> Am 18.07.2022 um 22:18 schrieb Peter Boy :
>> I got it finally working.
>After some tests: It isn’t.
>The programs I have to start depend on the existence of some (virtual) network 
>interfaces. rc.local is ordered after, which doesn’t mean, the 
>network is functional then. Therefore, the program start via rc.local is in 
>indeterministic process. Sometimes it works, sometimes not, sometimes only for 
>Documentation mentions a drop in at 
>/etc/systemd/system/rc-local.service.d/network.conf. But there is no 
>subdirectory  /etc/systemd/system/rc-local.service.d/
>Should I really mess around with vim and mkdir in the directories 
>managed by the distribution? Seems like a bad idea to me.

Not to mention messy and annoying.

I've got a personal script called "await" which waits for a condition to 
become true (by polling). If you can write a command which tests the 
virtual interface (maybe "ping -c 3 -q virt-addr" or checking for a 
route?) you could go:

( await virt-network-check-command-here
  start programs
) &

in your rc.local file. Simple and direct.

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Re: custom '.local' folder - ?

2022-07-18 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 18Jul2022 12:05, lejeczek  wrote:
>Won't do for me - fails with any bit more "complex" case when multiple 
>nodes are involved and user landing on each such node would have 
>unique/different '.local' dir,  having whole home dir net mounted.

If the whole homedir is net mountd (shared from a central storage 
server, yes?) what does the .local actually do? Surely as things are it 
would be common to all. Or is that the problem you're trying to solve?  
If so, you really need to sort out some per-node persistent personal 
area. That might need a per-node custom solution :-( And /tmp might be 
too unstable for you. And you'd still need to get things to hook into it 
of course...

>I was hoping (& expecting) that would be controlled via a env var but 
>it does not seem that way - which makes me wonder - that must the 
>software which knows/chooses '.local' internally or might ignore that 
>all rogether and use own path(s), if it is not the OS providing that 
>information? hmm..

It will be per app. There are some conventions, which is why all these 
things land in .local, but each app will honour them in its own way. I 
do not know if there is a recommended envvar to govern ~/.local as a 
whole. You may need to find a solution on a per-app basis.

Note that your _should_ be able to fiddle the $HOME envvar. How well 
that works again depends on the app, but you'd hope that most things 
would use it in _preference_ to looking up your homedir from the passwd 
mapping. Then you can do a hack like:


in your startup. And then you can put symlinks in $SHARED_HOME for the 
common top level things (.profile, etc etc) but have a per-hostname 
.local. A bit inverted, and some things will doubtless not play nicely.

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Re: custom '.local' folder - ?

2022-07-15 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 15Jul2022 16:12, lejeczek  wrote:
>would anybody know if user's '.local' folder, its path & name are 
>configurable in some way?
>Perhaps by a var or/and os-wide configs?

Maybe not, but nothing stops you making it, or particular things inside 
it, symlinks to better locations. My local machine:

[~]fleet2*> ls -ld .local
drwxr-xr-x  3 cameron  cameron  96 27 Jun  2020 .local
[~]fleet2*> L .local/
total 0
drwxr-xr-x3 cameron  cameron96 27 Jun  2020 .
drwxr-sr-x+ 223 cameron  cameron  7136 16 Jul 08:22 ..
drwxr-xr-x5 cameron  cameron   160 26 Jul  2021 share
[~]fleet2*> L .local/share
total 0
drwxr-xr-x  5 cameron  cameron  160 26 Jul  2021 .
drwxr-xr-x  3 cameron  cameron   96 27 Jun  2020 ..
drwxr-xr-x  3 cameron  cameron   96 27 Jun  2020 direnv
drwx--  4 cameron  cameron  128 26 Jul  2021 fish
lrwxrwxr-x  1 cameron  cameron   12 14 Aug  2020 vt -> ../../var/vt

I keep a lot of things in ~/var, a lot of configs in ~/rc, yea, even to 
the point of:

[~]fleet2*> ls -ld .config
lrwxrwxr-x  1 cameron  staff  2 11 May  2017 .config -> rc

and machine specific configs in ~/rc-local.

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Re: ffmpeg

2022-06-20 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 20Jun2022 16:02, Bill Cunningham  wrote:
>Does anyone used or has anyone used ffmpeg to convert iso to mp4? I 
>have looked at the documents and they explain how to do everything but 
>what I want to do, so it seems. I do use CLI. That is the only command 
>I know that converts from CLI.

In addition to what commands you've tried, can you specify what you mean 
by "iso"? Typically in these forums the term "an ISO" means a CDROM or 
DVD-ROM image conforming to ISO9660:
i.e. a data CDROM image.

But I suppose it could mean something else. For example ISO 14496, which 
defines their base media format. But MP4 conforms to that!

So, when you say "iso" what do you mean in fuller terms?

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Re: pympress

2022-06-14 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 14Jun2022 05:57, stan  wrote:
>On Tue, 14 Jun 2022 08:11:13 +1000
>Cameron Simpson  wrote:
>> On 13Jun2022 15:07, Joe Zeff  wrote:
>> >On 6/13/22 13:51, Patrick Dupre wrote:
>> >>Defaulting to user installation because normal site-packages is not
>> >>writeabl
>> >
>> >That just means that you should have done this with root privs.
>> I certainly DID NOT want it done with root privileges. Gadzooks!
>Doesn't that require a --user in the command?  My understanding is that
>without the --user, it tries to install in system libraries,

If you're not root, it can't do that. And I'm pretty sure the default 
has been a --user install for quite a while.

>This is really problematic because it confuses the package managers,
>and can end up with an unworkable system.


>Or does pip now default to using a ~/home/ directory as its install and
>update location?

I think so. Seems to work fine here.

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Re: pympress

2022-06-13 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 13Jun2022 15:07, Joe Zeff  wrote:
>On 6/13/22 13:51, Patrick Dupre wrote:
>>Defaulting to user installation because normal site-packages is not writeabl
>That just means that you should have done this with root privs.

I certainly DID NOT want it done with root privileges. Gadzooks!

This should do a persoanl install of pympress for comparison and 

Patrick: does the local pympress run?

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Re: pympress

2022-06-12 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 12Jun2022 21:08, Patrick Dupre  wrote:
>Following the instructions in
>I did
>dnf copr enable cimbali/pympress
>dnf install python3-pympress
>But then,
>[55bc9c452fc0] vlcpulse audio output error: PulseAudio server connection 
>failure: Connection refused
>Traceback (most recent call last):
>  File "/usr/bin/pympress", line 33, in 
>sys.exit(load_entry_point('pympress==1.7.0b1', 'gui_scripts', 
> 'pympress')())
>  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pympress/", line 
> 105, in main
>  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pympress/", line 110, in 
> __init__
>self.gui = ui.UI(self, self.config)
>  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pympress/", line 263, in 
> __init__
>  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pympress/", line 339, in 
> make_pwin
>pane_handles = self.replace_layout(layout, self.p_central, 
> self.placeable_widgets, self.on_pane_event)
>  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pympress/", line 309, 
> in replace_layout
>parent.pack1(w, True, True)
>  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/gi/overrides/", line 1580, in 
> pack1
>super(Paned, self).pack1(child, resize, shrink)
>TypeError: Argument 1 does not allow None as a value
>Any idea?

This looks to me like a GUI toolkit issue rather than a PulseAudio 
issue: it is still setting up the widgets and I would guess that 
"child1" above is None.

But that _could_ be the result of failing to connect to PulseAudio, 
since apparently that failed too: there's an OS-level COnnection refused 
message up the top.

Is PulseAudio running? Does pympress need to be told how to connect to 

I'm not in a position to test here; I'm on a Mac. I can install pympress 
but it complains about no Gtk.

I notice that you've got pympress==1.7.0b1, whereas if I do a "pip 
install pympress" I get pympress 1.7.2.

Have you tried installing pympress without dnf? Try:

python3 -m pip install pygobject pycairo pympress

That should install a personal copy.

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Re: network mystery!!??

2022-03-27 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 28Mar2022 08:42, Cameron Simpson  wrote:
>I'm wondering if you're worrying about routing when you should be
>worrying about the port forward.

Just to follow up to my own post, here's a description of my home LAN:


I can ssh to my home server because the NBN modem has a public address.  
The configuration required is:

NBN modem: static route to via the fw addr,

NBN modem: inbound port fwd of TCP port 22 to

fw: Firewall rule permitting TCP traffic to from the 
public interface.

Default route for the home server if the fw internal addr.
Default route for the fw is the NBN modem internal addr.
NAT happens only on the NBN modem.

That's all.

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Re: network mystery!!??

2022-03-27 Thread Cameron Simpson
I'm wondering if you're worrying about routing when you should be 
worrying about the port forward.

Routing: can the server ping, say, Can other hosts at various 
points on your LAN? If so, your routes are just fine.

Also, where are your NAT points? There has to be one on the innermost 
box with a public address, but is there one between your 10. and 192.  
networks? Hopefully the public router is the only thing doing NAT.

Port forward: have you inspected the inbound port forward settings on 
the router (the box with the public IP address, I've lost track). You 
need one mapping inbound TCP to ws-public-address:443 to 

Can you run a tcpdump on one of the routers in the chain to see what 
happens? My local firewall's a UNIX box so I can do this there to watch 
any traffic between an internal host and the outer world.

ANd of course what others have been saying: traceroute does not tell you 
everything: various nodes may not respond as needed, and it certainly 
will not be passed through to your WS server inless the inbound rule is 
wide open (all traffic types), which would be a bad thing.

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Re: network mystery!!??

2022-03-26 Thread Cameron Simpson
I normally don't top post, but there nothing I can meaningfully trim 
from your excellent detailed description. So I'm leaving it below.

To your traceroute, route tracing (IIRC) depends on setting a max hop 
count on the outbound packets. When the hop count is exceeded, you get 
back an ICMP error packet indicating that the count was exceeded from 
the router which decremented the counter to 0.

So to trace a route you send a packet with a max hop count of 1, and get 
a packet back from your router, and that tells you the router IP. Then 
you send one with a max hop count of 2 and get an error packet back from 
the next router upstream, telling you its IP address. And so on.

Plenty of network routers do not respond to pings and do not return 
these error packets - they just drop the packet on the floor. These just 
show up as gaps in the traceroute, because traceroute does not receive 
the ICMP response from the routers at that hop count.

So what you see below is normal. Don't sweat it. Here's an example from 
where I'm sitting to a host on a TPG network:

traceroute to  (, 64 hops max, 52 byte 
 1  cskk-3g (  2.220 ms  1.824 ms  1.716 ms
 2  * * *
 3 (  31.144 ms  26.018 ms  55.897 ms
 4 (  33.860 ms  34.792 ms  36.855 ms
 5 (  49.968 ms  41.517 ms  30.999 ms
 6 (  35.888 ms  34.900 ms  26.032 ms
 7 (  27.825 
ms  31.547 ms  31.129 ms
 8 (  28.825 
ms  32.709 ms  35.956 ms
 9 (  30.886 ms  25.857 ms  
29.599 ms
10 (  29.719 ms  
28.821 ms  28.611 ms
11 (  33.221 ms  31.921 ms (  40.022 ms
12  * * *
13  * * *
14  * * *
15  * * *

Cameron Simpson 

On 25Mar2022 19:29, Jack Craig  wrote:
>i have a networking mystery ; i hope someone might give me a clue.
>i am working to restore a web server to internet access that is failing
>after att update
>the att older modem (pace 5238ac) with arris BGW210-700.
>i have a static ip from att in the range,
> is the external ip for the server.
>the bgw210-700 is the primary router/modem and is connected to a 3rd party
>router, netgear nighthawk,
>the internal  connects to the netgear nighthawk
>ATT's broadband configuration is
> Blackhole-ATT (wireless name)
>   Broadband connection source  DSL
>   Broadband connection up
>   Broadband network type   lightspeed
>   Broadband ipv4 address
>   Broadband gateway address108.90.204.1
>outbound packets from the server (WS), are routed from the
>nighthawk to the ATT router to the internet.
>the network routing from the att router to the att's gateway.
>.76 is the router, .1 is the GW.
>sample route, ...
> (internal IP) 2 packets
>transmitted, 2 received, 0% packet loss, time 1033ms
>   Blackhole-NH 2
>packets transmitted, 2 received, 0% packet loss, time 1018ms
> Blackhole-ATT2
>packets transmitted, 2 received, 0% packet loss, time 1001ms
> att subnet (local router)2 packets
>transmitted, 2 received, 0% packet loss, time 1002ms
> subnet (remote GW)   2 packets
>transmitted, 2 received, 0% packet loss, time 1001ms
> (public IP) 2 packets transmitted,
>2 received, 0% packet loss, time 1001ms
>   linuxlighthouse (public GW)  2 packets
>transmitted, 2 received, 0% packet loss, time 1001ms
>now the  mystery. where is a publicly visible ip for the
>server, a remote traceroute is wonky!!
>consider the below traceroute, it reports hops up to,
>stopping there instead of doing one more hop
>  1<1 ms<1 ms<1 ms  Linksys35675 []
>  2 9 ms 8 ms17 ms
>  312 ms10 ms11 ms
>  414 ms13 ms13 ms
>  512 ms14 ms11 ms
>  619 ms13 ms14 ms  lag-16.lsancarc0yw-bcr

Re: Kinda OT: Email clients and Email Management

2022-03-12 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 13Mar2022 02:17, Tim  wrote:
>How much trust do you put in gmail in getting this automatic
>categorising correct?

Me, not much. But my suggestion for writing a filter on a catgeory to 
apply a label was aimed at making the categories visible is IMAP folders 
for Neal's purposes.

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Re: Kinda OT: Email clients and Email Management

2022-03-11 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 08Mar2022 07:22, Neal Becker  wrote:
>I've never used evolution, but decided to try it.  This time speed to 
>was much more acceptable.  But there is one barrier to using evolution over
>gmail web interface.  Gmail sorts mail automatically into "categories",
>distinct from the mail folders that you can manually create.  I find these
>categories just too useful, and they are not reflected into imap folders.
>Without this sorting, my inbox is too cluttered with e.g., Promotions,
>which I would normally not bother with when using gmail/web.

IIRC GMail "folders" are also its labels. Can you write a filter rule in 
GMail which labels messages in a category with a label made for that 
category? Then they should all land in a matching "folder" as well.

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Re: Evolution: Starting Over

2022-03-02 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 26Feb2022 20:35, Tim  wrote:
>On Sat, 2022-02-26 at 00:07 +0100, greg wrote:
>> I am not sure if there are readers on this list for these obvious
>> things.
>> Regardless, "you" above should not refer to me, if it does.
>It's the global "you," or "not me."

So, "you" configured for the whole computer then :-)

I suspect part of the OP's intent with the reset is in case he, or some 
earlier install process, had differing defaults in the global area.  
Aplenty of things install a global config, if only to make the available 
configs apparent.

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Re: Kinda OT: Email clients and Email Management

2022-02-15 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 15Feb2022 17:12, Barry Scott  wrote:
>Centos 7 is frozen to versions of packages from about 7 or 8 years ago.
>The whole point of centos is to support old versions of software for the long 
>It’s not my choice for desktop os because the apps are so old and hard 
>to get help with.

CentOS and RedHat release stick with the version which came out with 
their release (7.0, 7.1 etc). That gets you stabilty, often wanted on 
production systems. Security fixes (and some bugfixes) get backported by 
RedHat.  You only get new package versions (versus new builds of the 
stable versions) when you upgrade releases.

Stability is the release objective for these distros.

Fedora, OTOH, is fast moving.

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Re: Kinda OT: Email clients and Email Management

2022-02-13 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 13Feb2022 18:15, Ranjan Maitra  wrote:
>I am tempted to send your IPO soaring. What/how does your pop3 tool 
>work? It seems to have only 4 lines of code, but I have no idea what it 
>can do:-)

"pip install cs.pop3". All the code's in there.

The script is just a stub to call the module c0ommand line mode.

>For the record, I use fetchmail on multiple accounts and then procmail.  
>Three cheers for local email!

Aye. It is the correct path.

For those liking IMAP, there are definitely tools to keep your IMAP in 
sync with a local set of folders, allowing local email and also IMAP 

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Re: Kinda OT: Email clients and Email Management

2022-02-13 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 13Feb2022 12:58, c. marlow  wrote:
>How do you do that? When I tried IMAP, on this sat dish connection,
>here in Claws, Claws slowly loaded the whole inbox and displayed
>everything in the inbox.

Ah, satellite land. Me too! >600ms ping times, best case (for 
geostationary).  However, throughput can be ok, you just need to drive 
it well. That's what drove me to write my pop3 tool - things like 
ftechmail and getmail do synchronous fetch/delete steps per message. My 
tool stremas the fetches and also the deletes. Full speed throughput 
after the login step. Even over a 4G link it is far faster than getmail.

>And every time I switched folders it took it a min to display everything
>in that folder.

The downside of serverside email, writ large. This is one of the reasons 
I like my email local. My filing system forwards "important" things to a 
distinct mailbox for my phone to access if I want an "in the cloud" 

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Re: Kinda OT: Email clients and Email Management

2022-02-13 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 13Feb2022 13:02, c. marlow  wrote:
>On Sat, 12 Feb 2022 11:11:15 +1100
>I've tried ALPINE before and I found it hard to use.
>But I kinda liked it though.

A friend of mine uses Alpine IIRC. Seems to like it.

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Re: Kinda OT: Email clients and Email Management

2022-02-13 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 13Feb2022 13:02, c. marlow  wrote:
>On Sat, 12 Feb 2022 11:11:15 +1100
>Cameron Simpson  wrote:
>> I read my email with mutt (a terminal based mail reader). It can talk
>> directly to POP3 or IMAP if you want to leave your email upstream,
>> but I use it locally on my laptop.
>I've tried ALPINE before and I found it hard to use.
>But I kinda liked it though.
>I've always wanted to know, where does your POP email get stored if
>you're using a email client via the terminal?

Depends on the client. The client inherently has to download any email 
it doesn't have, so there will be some local storage. But in principle 
it can leave the email at the server.

POP3's not great for that - there's only one serverside mail folder, not 
much state (I think you can mark things as read maybe - or maybe that 
too is client side). _If_ you're keeping your email server side, IMAP is 
a better choice.

Most people using POP3 with mutt do not have mutt do the POP3 stuff - 
they collect it regularly from the server with a tool like fetchmail or 
getmail or my own "pop3" tool (which has a vast user base of 1, I think) 
and delivery it locally, either via something like procmail to spread 
the messages to suitable local folders or directly to some kind of spool 
or inbox folder for later refiling. Anyway, normally the collected 
messages are deleted from the server.

Then you just run mutt against your local folders.

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Re: Kinda OT: Email clients and Email Management

2022-02-11 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 11Feb2022 12:15,  wrote:
>So I am just curious if there is any POP users still out there

I use POP3 to collect email from my mailboxes and store it locally in my 
mail folders. That way all my email is here, and I can use what I like.

>And what are some pros and cons switching to IMAP?

Mostly that your email is effectively in the cloud (even if you run the 
server yourself) and accessible from multiple readers and locations (eg 
from your phone, from your laptop, from your desktop).

Downside is that either your mail reader needs to maintain a local cache 
(most do anyway, if just for performance) or you can't read email when 
offline (eg on a train).

>And what program do you use on Fedora for your email?

I read my email with mutt (a terminal based mail reader). It can talk 
directly to POP3 or IMAP if you want to leave your email upstream, but I 
use it locally on my laptop.

I'm on MacOS right now, but did the same on Linux when that was my 
desktop. And on Solaris etc etc before that.

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Re: Does it is better to '''python3 -m install the_program''' instead '''pip3 install the_program" when it is missing in the downloader primary ?

2022-02-11 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 11Feb2022 18:31, Dorian ROSSE  wrote:
>Does it is better to '''python3 -m install the_program''' instead 
>'''pip3 install the_program" when it is missing in the downloader 
>primary ?

That would be:

   python3 -m pip3 install the_program

The version with `python3` is generally better because it ensures that 
the install is associated with your `python3` command - that way when 
you run a programme with `python3` the module is available.

This is because a module is installed against a particular version of 
Python, and it is possible the the `pip3` you run is not associated with 
the same Python as `python3` in complicated setups.

You will of course want to adjust `python3` to be whatever Python 
executable you're working with, but in the basic case that is just 
`python3` as you have in your example.

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Re: Interactive task scheduling (system) ? How do I run a list of tasks consecutively on a server ?

2022-01-21 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 21Jan2022 10:39, linux guy  wrote:
>I'm using a server to run a bunch of simulations.  By bunch I mean
>hundreds.  Each simulation takes from 10 minutes to 10 hours to run.  All
>of the simulations are run from the command line.  Every day I generate
>more simulation cases.
>I'm looking for a method/system/app that I can give a list of tasks that
>will run them on the server, automatically, one after another.

If you can define a task in a single line of text you could run 
something like this on the server:

tail -f task_list.txt | while read -r spec; do run the task from $spec; done

Put that in a tmux or screen session.

Task submission is then just appending a spec to the text file:

echo "specification here" >> task_list.txt

Dumb as rocks, but effective. I've run simple workers like this.

Probably "run the task from $spec" should invoke a shell script to run 
exactly one task collecting the output, logging the times etc.

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Re: bash line feeds in a variable problem

2022-01-20 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 19Jan2022 20:32, ToddAndMargo  wrote:
>into a variable
>X=$(curl -s -o -)

That is robust (well, it loses trailing whitespace).

>But I lose all my line feeds when I
>echo -e $X
>How do I get my line feeds back?


echo -e "$X"

Unquoted it is broken into "words" on whitespace, and echo prints the 
words with a single space between each. With quotes, echo has exactly 1 
argument, the string in $X.

Oh, and try to use $lowercase variables for unexported/nonconfiguration 

But add tz says, if it is JSON, better to parse the JSON if you're 
picking things out of it.

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Re: Where is PATH stored these days ? Why isn't .bash_profile executed in F35 ?

2022-01-12 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 12Jan2022 18:35, Stephen J. Turnbull  wrote:
>Running a new shell under the old one is always safe (since the old
>shell is still there when you exit this one), and if you need "login"
>behavior, "bash -l" gives you that.

+100 for this. Ashamed that I forgot to suggest it. Thanks, Cameron
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Re: Where is PATH stored these days ? Why isn't .bash_profile executed in F35 ?

2022-01-11 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 11Jan2022 15:32, linux guy  wrote:
>Comments below.  Thanks for such a comprehensive answer.
>- when you start a terminal it may or may not run a login shell; this
>>   can be controlled with the settings for your terminal emulator. What
>>   are you using?
>Konsole.  According to its settings, it runs /bin/bash when it starts up.

If that setting is a command string, try changing it to:

/bin/bash --login

>OK, so there is my issue.   ~/ does not have a .bashrc.   I has
>.bash_profile only.

I would put env settings in .bash_profile myself.

>> These days you can often get away with making every new terminal run 
>> a
>> login shell. Look into that setting first up - it is the easiest fix.
>Doesn't appear to be editable in Konsole, though maybe I could specify it
>as a parameter to /bin/bash that gets executed at startup.  Haven't tried
>that yet.

See above.

>Here is my .bashrc:

Thought you didn't have one of these?

># .bashrc
[... stock presupplied .bashrc, seems reasonable ...]

>Here is my .bash_profile:
># .bash_profile
># Get the aliases and functions
>if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
>   . ~/.bashrc

This is because bash runs the .bash_profile xor .bashrc (login vs 
interactive, not both). So having your .bash_profile source .bashrc is 
usually sensible. I do that last, at the bottom. Given that .bashrc is 
for the "interactive" stuff I test $- (the shell mode options). My 
~/rc/shell/rc mentioned earlier goes:

: ${SHDIR:=$HOME/rc/shell}
case "$-" in
  *i*)▸ . "$SHDIR/rc.real" ;;

i.e. only both with all that stuff (and there's a _lot_ of stuff :-) for 
an interactive shell (has the "i" option).

>> If your terminals run login shells, opening a new terminal will do. 
>> For
>> that terminal, of course.
>> Or you can source your .profile (or separate script):
>> . ~/.bash_profile
>Right.  This doesn't seem to be working for me.

Odd. Try this:

set -x; . ~/.bash_profile; set +x

should show what's happening, or not happening.

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Re: Where is PATH stored these days ? Why isn't .bash_profile executed in F35 ?

2022-01-11 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 11Jan2022 14:15, linux guy  wrote:
>I'm trying to add a few directories to PATH in F35.  I'm embarrassed to
>admit it isn't going well.
>Where is PATH stored in F35 ?

In your processes' memory. Unhelpful. But it is _initialised_ by your 
login sequence. Yes, being pedantic here.

>When exactly does .bash_profile get executed ?

1: Is your shell bash? (My interactive shell is zsh, by contrast.) 
Echoing $SHELL should confirm bash for you, or looking in /etc/passwd.

2: .bash_profile (or .profile, if the former is missing) gets run by 
_login_ shells.

On a text based terminal (eg the Linux console without a GUI), your 
login runs a login shell.

In a GUI such as a desktop the situation is more complicated:

- the GUI startup does not automatically run a login shell (to some 
  extend because interaction or mistakes can then easily break the GUI 

- when you start a terminal it may or may not run a login shell; this 
  can be controlled with the settings for your terminal emulator. What 
  are you using?

Shells usually have a login and nonlogin startup mode - for bash this 
loosely means a login shell sources the .bash_profile (or.profile) on 
startup, and nonlogin interactive shells source the .bashrc. The 
specifics vary for other shells (eg zsh) but the idea's the same. The 
exact process for bash is explained in tedious details in "man bash".

The basic idea is/was that you'd put expensive stuff which only needed 
to happen once in the .bash_profile (setting $PATH, consulting some 
summary information, etc) and interactive-useful stuff in your .bashrc 
(setting interaction modes like command line editing, defining aliases, 

These days you can often get away with making every new terminal run a 
login shell. Look into that setting first up - it is the easiest fix.

I discourage you from polluting your .bashrc with complexity. Though a 
lot of distros prepollute it for you (have a look at /etc/bashrc, often 
a nightmare of complexity).

Personally, I keep my environment setting stuff in a distinct script, 
which I source from my .profile. Here's my .profile:

umask 002
[ -f $HOME/rc-local/profile ] && . $HOME/rc-local/profile
: ${SHDIR:=$HOME/rc/shell}
. $SHDIR/rigenv
. $HOME/rc/shell/rc

Setting $PATH (and a billion other things) is done in the "rigenv" 
script mentioned above.

>How does one get the bash environment reloaded without logging out and
>logging in ?   $source  ?  $exec bash ?  ./bash ?

If your terminals run login shells, opening a new terminal will do. For 
that terminal, of course.

Or you can source your .profile (or separate script):

. ~/.bash_profile

>$env should include everything in .bash_profile, right ?

"env" shows the exported environment - that which is inherited by 
subprocesses. Example:

export PATH

$PATH gets exports, $foo does not, so env will show $PATH and not $foo.  
But your local shell has $foo for whatever purpose.

Note that _inherited_ variables are automatically reexported. Because if 
this, good practice is to only export $UPPERCASE names, and to use 
$lowercase names for unexprted variables. This is because only 
discipline controls the use of this namespace. besides, it also makes it 
obvious which variables you expect to be local and which exported.

>Why doesn't F35 have ~/.profile or ~/.bashrc and instead has
>~/.bash_profile ?  Does .bash_profile replace .bashrc and .profile ?  Would
>bash read .profile if I created one ?  If so, when ?

See "man bash". Bash uses .bash_profile for logins and .bashrc for 
nonlogin interactive shells.

>What happened to .inputrc ?

The .inputrc is for controlling the readline library (used for 
interaction in bash and various other things). Maybe the defaults are 
considered nice enough - you can always add your own. Here's mine:

set editing-mode emacs
set blink-matching-paren on
set completion-ignore-case on
set completion-query-items 1024
set disable-completion off
set expand-tilde on
set horizontal-scroll-mode off
set mark-directories on
set mark-symlinked-directories on
set match-hidden-files off
set page-completions on
set print-completions-horizontally off
set show-all-if-ambiguous on
set visible-stats on

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Re: mp4 to dvd

2021-12-27 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 26Dec2021 16:22, michael hennebry  wrote:
>On Sun, 26 Dec 2021, Joe Zeff wrote:
>>On 12/26/21 12:53 PM, Michael Hennebry wrote:
>>>dvdstyler might be a good thing to have even if it does not do conversions,
>>>but right now, I'm looking for a conversion tool.
>On sourceforge, I was told that dvdstyler does convert mp4.

If that turns out not to work, ffmpeg will convert many formats. You 
could probably script something to take what you've got, prepare it as a 
format dvdstyler can use, then use dvdstyler.

Remembering that MP4 and MKV etc are container formats, which can hold 
video and audio in a variety of encodings. So saying "it supports mp4" 
is a vague statement, alas.

Disclaimer: I've never used dvdstyler. But I convert video a fair bit in 
simple ways using ffmpeg.

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Re: The definitive guide to replacing a disk in raid1?

2021-12-24 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 24Dec2021 12:09, Gordon Messmer  wrote:
>># install bootloader on new disk
>>grub2-install /dev/sdd1
>That looks wrong, it should probably be 'grub2-install /dev/sdd'.  
>Additionally, it should be performed *after* adding the replacement 
>disk to the RAID set, not before.

Is that true? My (blurry) mental model for this issue is that the boot 
block isn't in the area maintained by the RAID, which is also the reason 
that RAID1 doesn't automatically make all drives in the set bootable.  
That suggests that you could do this before or after.

Can you explain what's going on here?

Aside: external ("hardware") RAIDs don't have this problem because they 
present you a single logical drive - linux doesn't see the blocks 
associated with marking the physicial drive RAID stuff, only the result.  
So Linux/grub writes a single boot block to the logical drive and it 
gets mirrored by the hardware RAID.

>(Note that this step is not required and should not be performed on 
>UEFI systems, only BIOS.)

This also I'd like explained. Is this because the UEFI stuff _will_ be 
in the area mirrored by the RAID?

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Re: Easy way to keep my F35 laptop and desktop computers perfectly sync'd. Rsync ?

2021-12-17 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 17Dec2021 10:26, linux guy  wrote:
>These days I find myself constantly going back and forth between 
>working on
>my laptop and working on my desktop computer.  It is very tiring setting up
>the same applications twice, moving files back and forth etc.
>I would like to find a way to keep my laptop and desktop computers
>perfectly sync'd.   Same applications installed, same setup, same files,

There are a few aspects to this:
- installed packages
- personal files
- dev files

I used to maintain a small fleet of RedHat servers, and had a couple of 
scripts for package comparison:

You moight need to replace the command "yum" with "dnf" these days, but 
they should help. In particular rpm-comparehost has a --yum option to 
install missing packages.

Personal files:

I have a script "putacc" I use to drop my primary persoanl stuff onto 
other machines - this is config files and related stuff. It assumes you 
have a "primary" - for me this is my laptop. But given that, I routinely 
go "putacc host1 host2 host3 ..." after I've updated something. It uses 
ssh and rsync, so "host1" etc is just an ssh Host clause name.

For example, if I record new account credentials in my GPG-encrypted key 
store, I go "putacc home borg" to put it on the home and local servers.  
putacc/synacc run from a core list of files (an "rsync --files-from" 
file) and a per-host list - the key store is only present in the home 
and borg per-host lists, not the other hosts. SO there's a limited 
degree of customisation available. I've been doing this for years.

Dev files: Mercurial or Git repos. Then you've only got to go "hg fetch" 
or "git pull" in a work area before continuing and the updates from 
upstream will be pulled in.

Finally, there's a bunch of pretend shared filesystem things you can 

1: Things like Dropbox or SyncThing will sync folders between machines.  
Sometimes a little clunky.

2: sshfs: I keep a few things from the home server mounted on the laptop 
using sshfs. The files are not local, but I can cd in there and do 
things, and the changes apply to where they're stored. If you're remote 
with poor internet cding etc and editing text files works quite well 
still, doing things with large files will be infeasible due to 

If you've got a VPN you can use NFS and SMB/CIFS too. Sshfs is more 
flexible, though a clunkier approach in theory.

3: backups: I've got arun-backups script to back up specific stuff from 
a host to wherever. A combination of image backups (plain rsync onto the 
backup image) and histbackup (rsync with history).

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Re: Problem with script

2021-11-19 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 19Nov2021 20:42, Ulf Volmer  wrote:
>gxmessage relays on an X11 display. You have none in a session started 
>via atd.

You're confusing this with cron. At preserves your environment. If he's 
still logging into his X11 session this should work.

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Re: SSH with ecdsa key pair asks for password since yesterday on fully updated F34 setup (both sides)

2021-09-13 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 13Sep2021 18:20, Ranjan Maitra  wrote:
>   Thank you very much for your help! After hours on this, I finally 
>   found
>   that somehow in some manner, my permissions had changed on my home
>   directory  (by something I had done, I guess, that I am still trying to
>   track dwn) and which made the permissions global (for my home
>   directory). Which is not a big deal since I am the only user, but
>   selinux does not like it. So, the problem is fixed now.

ssh does not like loose permissions either, as they mean your keys etc 
etc can no have been affected by a user other than yourself. It will 
refuse to use key files in this circumstance.

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Re: NFS mount

2021-08-31 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 31Aug2021 18:43, Stephen Morris  wrote:
>I have an old nas that is nfs version 1, and in order to mount it in 
>Fedora 34 I have to specify vers=3. Vers=1 or vers=2 wouldn't work for 
>me, the same may apply to your device.

We've a PVR here and need to use "-o nolock" to mount our media server 
onto it (small machine, busybox, probably an old kernel).

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Re: scanner no longer detected?

2021-08-02 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 03Aug2021 08:50, Cameron Simpson  wrote:
>I know the firewall complains constantly about this:
>arp info overwritten for by 00:f7:6f:d5:2d:d4 on vr2
>arp info overwritten for by 68:d9:3c:8a:bd:dd on vr2

It's the Apple TV. It has both wifi and ethernet and the same static 
address for each. Normal, like Samuel's setup.

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Re: scanner no longer detected?

2021-08-02 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 02Aug2021 09:04, John Mellor  wrote:
>On 2021-08-01 7:08 p.m., Cameron Simpson wrote:
>>We've got a few unmanaged netgear switches here and have had some
>>weirdness ourselves.  I have lossely discovered that having my Mac on
>>both ethernet and wifi at once causes the LAN to go sour.
>>. . .
>Huh?  Am I misinterpreting?  The MAC is supposed to be world-wide 
>unique to each interface.

As I said, the actual meachanism is unverified. We have strong 
circumstantial evidence that if my Mac has wifi on and I activate the 
ethernet as well, sometimes the local LAN wigs out. There's no router 
stuff here - access to other hosts on the same LAN stops working.  
Unmanaged switches involved, and power cycling a switch has sometimes 
brought order again.

I conjecture stuff like ARP requests getting answered from the wrong 
interface, or something. I'd have to experiment with tcpdump some time.

I don't have the same MAC on two interfeaces, but other confusion may 
abound. I know the firewall complains constantly about this:

arp info overwritten for by 00:f7:6f:d5:2d:d4 on vr2
arp info overwritten for by 68:d9:3c:8a:bd:dd on vr2

I'm actually unsure what's using that address :-(

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Re: scanner no longer detected?

2021-08-01 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 27Jul2021 15:22, Tom Horsley  wrote:
>Never mind. I rebooted the router and it works now. I've noticed
>a lot of weirdness with this router (Netgear Nighthawk RAX200)
>and routing between wired and wireless devices on my local network.
>You'd think a top of the line router could get that right :-(.

We've got a few unmanaged netgear switches here and have had some 
weirdness ourselves.  I have lossely discovered that having my Mac on 
both ethernet and wifi at once causes the LAN to go sour.

I imagine a Linux system might do similar stuff (I know from bitter 
experience that the Linux IP stack default behaviour answers on any 
interface for any of its IP addresses, causing hard to debug pain if you 
plugged in multiple ethernets to the wrong ports.)

My theory (unverified as yet, but supported by "did you just plug in 
your ethernet? the internet's gone away!" complaints) is that the Mac 
answers ARP requests on both the wifi and the LAN, suggesting to the 
switches watching traffic that (say) its ethernet address is also 
available on the wifi, and/or vice versa.

The local network topology is like this:

fw  desk-switch living-room-switch  airport-wifi
+--- secondary-switch  mac-ethernet

This might confuse the desk switch about where to send packets for the 
Mac and seemed to have secondary effects for other users of the LAN 
(loss of local connectivity). I'm imagining the MAC<->port tables in the 
switches became insane.

Now I run my Mac in wifi only or LAN only, and the problem has gone.

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Re: unusual error from gzip recently

2021-08-01 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 01Aug2021 08:40, George N. White III  wrote:
>gzip can store the file date in the archive, and (per
>supports dates from 1970-01-01 00:00:01 UTC through 2106-02-07 06:28:15
>UTC.  As the Debian
>bug report notes, gzip may be hitting a limit in the kernel or a library.

Likely gzip has a fixed size binary field for the timestamp, which some 
timestamp value from afio's data is exceeding.

Can you use gzip's -n option?

 -n, -‐no‐name This option stops the filename and timestamp from
   being stored in the output file.

That might mangle dates on restore, depending on how afio does that.

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Re: Long wait for start job

2021-06-17 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 17Jun2021 12:15, Patrick O'Callaghan  wrote:
>On Thu, 2021-06-17 at 07:20 -0300, George N. White III wrote:
>> > The technical specifications of the drives should mention startup
>> power
>> management.  There may also be some power management in the dock.
>> I've noticed that it is becoming more difficult to find detailed
>> documentation
>> of add-on hardware.  At one time you could open the box, identify key
>> IC's
>> and get the spec. sheets, but now you may find a general-purpose CPU.
>It's a cheap dock so probably not easy to find any technical
>documentation. One thing I might try is to swap the two drives around
>just to see if it's always the same one that causes the delay.

On the subject of power as raised by George, I had trouble with too many 
USB bus powered drives on the home server. A powered USB 3.1 hub helps 
me out there. Doubtless it has its own limits.

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Re: OT: diagnosing download problem

2021-06-16 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 15Jun2021 09:12, Geoffrey Leach  wrote:
>Configuration: Fedora 32 with Netgear Nighthawk R7000 router talking to
>Hughes satellite.
>Problem: Connecting (only) to Amazon, (any) page hangs attempting to
>download (apparently) an image from
>Download succeeds for a dozen or so jpegs, then it hangs. Problem
>appears to be independent of browser (chrome, firefox) and OS (happens
>on (gasp) Windows 7 also).
>Traceroute shows the round trip time to
> around 2000 ms.

That seems large. Is it always around 2000ms or particularly when this 

I've a satellite connection to a geosynchronous service (Australian NBN 
SkyMuster) and ping times are generally in the 600ms-700ms range unless 
things are very bad.

>So why am I bothering the list? It's Amazon's problem, after all.
>Question: are there any settings on my end that might be tweaked to get
>around the problem? Is there any way to diagnose the problem on my end?

I'd start with trying to separate things out a bit. Do you have a log of 
the image URLs? Is this tied to a specific URL?

Do you run a web proxy? Bypass it.

If you have a list of the URLs (up to and including the stall) you could 
run a series of _distinct_ wget or curl commands to fetch the images, 
and see how they behave. This bypasses persistent connections which 
might be maintained by a web browser (or a batch fetch of many URLs from 
a single wget/curl command). Thinking about a persistent connection 
going sour here.

The problem with a persistent connection is that it only takes a single 
intermediate stateful router to decide to drop the connection state on 
the floor for things to go bad. Usually you should get a failure and the 
browser should retry though.

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Re: Long wait for start job

2021-06-16 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 16Jun2021 10:17, Tom Horsley  wrote:
>On Wed, 16 Jun 2021 14:46:42 +0100
>Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
>> I haven't seen any errors, so it's probably a feature rather than a 
>> bug
>> with this drive.
>I have two USB drives on my system, and one of them takes about
>30 seconds to spin up. It is very annoying when I'm rebooting the
>system but it decides it has to spin up the unmounted drive
>before it can finish. I can understand the need to scan everything
>when it boots up, but can't imagine why it needs to scan everything
>on the way down.

I've seen systems need to spin up drive to umount then - to sync the fs.  
Even for an idle fs the kernel seems to want something, maybe formally 
closing a journal or something?

To test, do a sync, wait for the drive to spin down, then umount. See 
what happens during the umount.

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Re: Configuring a Fedora 33 system as NAS

2021-03-16 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 15Mar2021 17:54, Tom Horsley  wrote:
>I installed TrueNAS on an old system (along with a ton of disk
>space), it isn't as familiar as fedora, but it seems to work very well
>and you get used to it after a while. Been putting all my videos
>on it and running a Plex server in a jail.

Our home NAS is also our local Ubuntu server (pick whatever distro you 
like).  It's got a pair (well, 2 pairs) of big drives in RAID-1 - there 
live our media and other large things. It shares via NFS and SMB/CIFS.

I do recommend, if you have the $s, to RAID your storage - it gets you 
redundancy on drive failure. While this means things stay up of you lose 
a single drive, more importantly it means you don't need to restore from 
backup after you lose a single drive; that is a huge boon.

We like RAID-1 because either drive is standalone. Any can be dropped 
into a cradle or other machine without the RAID for recovery. We just 
use the md RAID stuff, no LVM etc.

Our machine is an HP Proliant G8 - cheap, 4 3.5"  SATA drive bays (not 
hot swap alas), a SSD up the top for /home and swap, and the OS on an SD 
card on the mainboard. How I wish we could still buy them.

Plex: I keep toying with plex. I find it very frustrating.

a) you need a Plex account
b) it infers metadata (movie names, what have you) from filenames, which 
forces a particular naming scheme on you. A schema I hate. I have a 
whole script to make a parallel Plex link tree for that reason.
c) No decent way to add (or present) better metadata. Once there were 
plugins but these days they seem unsupported. I've got metadata, but the 
best I can do is plex friendly filenames.

I'd love to hear about your setup. We still play media on our PVR, which 
has the server's media tree NFS mounted on it.

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Re: Using a Windoze application

2021-03-01 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 01Mar2021 23:45, Doug McGarrett  wrote:
>On 3/1/21 11:33 PM, Geoffrey Leach wrote:
>>I have a Windows 10 application on a USB stick. I need to run it
>>occasionally on a laptop that does not have Windows, but does have
>>fedora 32.
>>I could, of course, install Windows, fiddle the partitions, then
>>install Fedora. Lots of work for something that would be used
>>occasionally. To say nothing of the annoying rebooting.
>>Any suggestions on a better approach would be appreciated.
>Install Wine on your Linux machine. Then the command
>wine windowsapp.exe should install it and let it run
>when you need it.

And if Wine isn't sufficient, there's always making a VM.

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Re: Ethernet port "bounce" command?

2021-03-01 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 28Feb2021 13:41, Doug H.  wrote:
>P.S. I found a Belkin cable for $3.99. I like that name better, so 
>ordered it.
>Belkin 3-Foot CAT5e Crossover Molded Networking Cable (Yellow)
>It seems worth the test and worth having such a cable.

Aye. FWIW, in a former life the place I worked at made all our crossover 
cables yellow so that we knew what we were looking at.

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Re: Ethernet port "bounce" command?

2021-02-27 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 27Feb2021 09:50, Doug H.  wrote:
>I am having an odd problem with my ethernet port. I assume this came
>with a dnf update but that was some weeks ago so I can't help figure
>out what update might have done it. When first discovered I think I
>found that booting from an older kernel did not fix it. I assume that
>the physical interface is not the problem since a physical "bounce"
>always fixes it and it shows no other problems. To explain that...
>The simple fix is to physically unplug and replug the cable. When it is
>not working (each reboot) there are not lights on. The physical
>"bounce" lights up the LEDs and it comes right up.
>So, I am asking for something to add to rc.local that does the same

Have you tried something as simple as:

ifconfig enp5s0 down
sleep 2
ifconfig enp5s0 up


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Re: Virtual background for Zoom video

2021-02-10 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 10Feb2021 14:17, Tim  wrote:
>The same kind of thing could be done by storing a still image from the
>camera before you step in front of it, and always comparing it with the
>current live camera.

Zoom on my Mac seems to do this, but neater: no background required, 
seems to detect that I move and that my background is static. I'm 
surprised by how effective it is. - Cameron Simpson 
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Re: I need help writing to the gtk3 clipboard

2021-01-12 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 12Jan2021 11:59, ToddAndMargo  wrote:
>On 1/12/21 11:29 AM, Samuel Sieb wrote:
>>See if it works, but there's also 
>>which might be relevant.
>Hi Sam,
>By any chance, do yo know were I can find the structure
>for GtkClipboard?

Well, I went digging through the gtk source. There ain't no 
gtk_clipboard_store any more, and a grep on the type said this:

[~/src/gtk(git:master)]fleet2*> agf GtkClipboard
5465:* GtkClipboard
5525:* GtkClipboard
6751:* Add types for GtkRowReference, GtkClipboard [Jonathan 
Blandford, James Henstridge, Owen]

427:### Replace GtkClipboard with GdkClipboard
429:The `GtkClipboard` API has been removed, and replaced by 
485:The convenience API for specific target types in `GtkClipboard` 
has been
488:| GtkClipboard | GType |

So I'd say you've got a version 4 Gtk kit.

You say you need help with the gtk3 clipboard - maybe your dev stuff 
isn't version 3?

Here's the relevant bit:

The architectural issue you're dealing with (aside from the API change) 
is that a clipboard needs to be stored somewhere.

The basic X11 clipboard stuff stores it on the server in some global 
properties (there are 2 flavours of that, too, one with a primary and 
secondary clipboard and anthor with a ring of 10 buffers). For added 
fun, the clipboard is owned by a particular X11 client - when the client 
goes, so does the value, in part for cleanup and in part because in 
principle the client is involved in returning the contents, as you're 
supposed to be able to indicate what kind of contents you need (a float, 
some text, some rich text, maybe an image) - the clipboard's a reference 
and the client supplies it on demand.

From earlier comments in this thread I gather Gtk supports a special 
client which is a clipboard manager, which stored stuff for people.  
Possibly persistently (means, to me, over a logout/login or 
alternatively just beyond the life of the client the clip came from).

Anyway, the above suggests the API have changed. See the web page above 
for the stuff you're meant to use now.

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Re: automount requests

2020-12-31 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 31Dec2020 11:08, Greg Woods  wrote:
>On Wed, Dec 30, 2020 at 11:04 PM Chris Murphy 
>> On Wed, Dec 30, 2020 at 10:12 AM Greg Woods  
>> wrote:
>> > pub.automount: Got automount request for /pub, triggered by 242640
>> (PT3122): 1 Time(s)
>> >
>> > I want to determine why this is happening, because the drive containing
>> /pub (on a different machine mounted via NFS)  is spun down when idle, and
>> these events are likely causing it to spin up. My understanding is that the
>> part inside the parentheses is the command name of the process that
>> triggered it, but I don't know what the "PT" syntax means.
>> >
>> One of those should be PID.
>Yes. The format is  "Got automount request for /pub, triggered by #PID#
>(#command#): 1 Time(s)
>The problem here is that, by the time I see one of these entries and
>investigate, the PID is for a process that is long gone, and I'm not
>getting any useful info about what command is triggering this.

Had you considered something like this (untested, and needs work):

tail -F /var/log/messages \
| while read -r line
case "$line" in
  *'Got automount request for /pub, triggered by '*)
... extract the PID from $Line, do a "ps axf" and locate the 
process and its ancestors, write to log ...

There's a few things to note here:

- might be the wrong log filename
- "tail -f" and "tail -F" (reopen the file if it gets replaced, eg by 
  logrotate) have unbuffered output, getting timely response
- I'm using the shell to read line by line, again to act immediately
- filtering the "tail" with awk or something would buffer the awk 
  output, meaning response gets delayed (likely until after PID is gone)

Also, regarding your /pub automount: if you make the export from the 
server cross mounts (use the "crossmnt" option in /etc/exports) then you 
could make /pub itself be a small directory on some always spun up disc 
on the server eg / but put the _contents_ lower down mounted from other 
spun down discs.  If you use bind mounts into /pub on the server you 
don't need to rearrange the source data.

Doing that may isolate the spun down drives from /pub itself, thus 
deferring spin up until something genuinely tried to access the data in 
the spin down subdirectories.

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Re: Use iSCSI for remote /home?

2020-12-25 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 25Dec2020 13:53, Richard Shaw  wrote:
>Based on the feedback, I settled on NFS for /home sharing because I
>really just want to share files, [...]

I just want to reiterate what Jorge Fábregas said: DO NOT use iscsi to 
_share_ a filesystem. I know you're not, but it isn't clear to me that 
you realise that this is a direct recipe for corruption and disaster.

A filesystem expects sole access to whatever block device it stores its 
data on. Two systems with the same block device mounted (i.e. via iscsi) 
_will_ walk all over its data structures without coordination, and 
_will_ mangle your data.

NFS or equivalent is definitely the go: you want _file_ level sharing, 
not _block_ level sharing, because that way the system managing "files" 
out of a block device is just one system (the remote system holding the 

An NFS (or equivalent - cifs, sshfs etc) mount is essentially a file 
based proxy to a remote mounted tree.

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Re: What is the system call for time?

2020-12-20 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 20Dec2020 22:26, ToddAndMargo  wrote:
>>>This is my fault for not being clear enough.
>>>I can't use a "C" (time.h) library for what
>>>I am doing.
>>>What I need is a call to something inside
>>>  /usr/lib64/
>>>And I do not know which one will give me the


Well, the "date" command loooks up the time. What libraries does it 

[~]borg*> ldd /bin/date (0x7fffc3b5b000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x7f1976012000)
/lib64/ (0x7f197622f000)

So that's where the libc library .so lives.

I was going to suggest the "nm" command, which should access the symbol 
tables of object files (including executables and library files). But it 
doesn't work on my Linux box here.

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Re: What is the system call for time?

2020-12-20 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 20Dec2020 16:31, ToddAndMargo  wrote:
>I just want to read the time back from the system.

Then you want time(2). From "man 2 time":

   time - get time in seconds


   time_t time(time_t *tloc);

   time()  returns  the  time  as  the  number of seconds since the Epoch,
   1970-01-01 00:00:00 + (UTC).

   If tloc is non-NULL, the return value is  also  stored  in  the
   memory pointed to by tloc.

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Re: how to install "4K Video Downloader"?

2020-12-11 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 11Dec2020 14:17, home user  wrote:
>bash.6[~]: youtube-dl -F
>I put the output in the attached text file "output.txt".
>If I understood things correctly,
>will give me 1280x720 video and 22050Hz audio as "best".  How is that 
>"best"?  It seems that "best" would be 1920x1080 video and 48000Hz 
>audio.  How do I get that in one file that VLC can play properly?

Note that VLC isn't your only choice. I use mpv a lot myself.

youtube-dl looks for a config in ~/.config/youtube-dl/config.
Mine says:

--cache-dir '~/.cache/youtube-dl'
-f 'bestvideo[ext=mp4]+bestaudio/best[ext=mp4]/best'

The -f option is what you want for control. It doesn't always seem to do 
what I want, but that is the section of the manual you want.

The above often chooses a MKV download for me, maybe because of audio 
formats? For purposes of my DVR I convert MKVs to MP4s with:

ffmpeg -i blah.mkv blah.mp4

>Another question: If I want to know what resolution was used to make 
>the original video and audio, and download with the result being that, 
>how do I do it?

I don't know if the "original" format is a knowable thing, I just 
presume youtube itself doesn't upscale and that therefore the highest 
res should be the original.

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Re: RSYNC copy -

2020-12-10 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 10Dec2020 09:25, Mauricio Tavares  wrote:
>On Thu, Dec 10, 2020 at 7:34 AM J.Witvliet--- via users
> wrote:
>> And —progress
>> So you see where it is, handy during bulk transfers.
>  And --partial

For big transfers where I expect to restart an interrupted large file, 
yes. Conveniently the -P option means "--partial --progress".

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Re: RSYNC copy -

2020-12-09 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 09Dec2020 11:29, todd zullinger  wrote:
>Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
>> You can also do a dry run to check:
>>--dry-run, -nperform a trial run with no changes 
>For testing, the --verbose, -v option is very handy too.  I
>often run `rsync -avn ...` to do a dry-run and check that
>the files/directories I expect to be transferred/updated are
>indeed included.

I find -i (itemise) better than -v these days.

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Re: Strange error with 'man'

2020-12-08 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 08Dec2020 00:24, Chris Murphy  wrote:
>On Mon, Dec 7, 2020, 6:15 AM Patrick O'Callaghan 
>> $ rpm -qd lutris
>> /usr/share/man/lutris.1
>> [poc@Bree ~]$ man lutris
>> No manual entry for lutris
>> [poc@Bree ~]$ ls -l /usr/share/man/lutris.1
>> -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1433 Jul 19 00:02 /usr/share/man/lutris.1

I think Patrick pointed this out already. That's the wrong spot for the 
lutris.1 file, it would normally be:


There's a little per section hierarchy under /usr/share/man. So "man" 
won't be looking at that upper level at all.

Why the rpm is putting things there is unknown to me.

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Re: locale LC_CTYPE wrong...?

2020-12-07 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 03Dec2020 00:31, Iosif Fettich  wrote:
>After a fresh install of Fedora 33, I see occasional errors popping up in
>the console, similar to
>$ locale
>locale: Cannot set LC_CTYPE to default locale: No such file or directory
>locale: Cannot set LC_ALL to default locale: No such file or directory

This line looks very wrong. Normally $LANG is a separate environment 
variable. I'd say someone/thing has misedited wherever these values are 
coming from and folded the $LANG setting only the $LC_CTYPE line 

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Re: Application-specific networking

2020-11-17 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 17Nov2020 09:00, William Oliver  wrote:
>I normally use a VPN that routes through another country.  This works
>fine.  However, a site I often use recently changed its security
>policies and now will only allow connection from networks that claim to
>be based in the US.  So, in order to connect, I either have to turn off
>my VPN or rout it through a US proxy or just my ISP -- which I can do,
>but I resent it a little.

My approach isn't app sepecific, it's domain/website specific.

I run a local proxy (squid in my case) and route everything through it.  
I've got a persistent ssh tunnel to a US VM etc, with a proxy on the VM.

Then I just configure the proxy rules to choose the appropriate upstream 
proxy for special domains (including "DIRECT" - no upstream proxy).

"What a PITA" I hear you say. But I actually drive the rules from a 
simple text file. AN upstream proxy is defined thus:


and a rule looks like:


Obviously, pick memorable proxy nammes. The name "DIRECT" is special in 
my script and turns into "no proxy". Like any ACL, rules apply in the 
order in the file: first match is chosen.

I run squid via my svcd command, which accepts a signature argument - 
when the proxy rule file changes, the squid.conf ACLs get recomputed and 
squid is restarted. So adjusting the rule just means editing the file 
and waiting a few seconds for the restart.

The rule generation is done by my proxy-peerage script, which emits acl 
definitions and cache_peer directives. I patch the squid.conf from that.

My proxy-peerage script is here:

along with everything else.

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Re: Need help with rsync

2020-11-12 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 12Nov2020 18:55, ToddAndMargo  wrote:
>On 2020-11-12 18:07, Samuel Sieb wrote:
>>On 11/12/20 5:45 PM, ToddAndMargo via users wrote:
>>>I am trying to use rsync to
>>>1) copy new files on the source to the destination

I like -a for this.

>>>2) remove all files on the destination that do not
>>>    reside on the source


>>>Problem: the extra files on the destination are
>>>not being removed.
>>>Options="--recursive --verbose --delete --delete-excluded 
>>>--modify-window=5 --times --inplace --copy-links "

Looks ok. Why --inplace? rsync has a nice make-temp-file-then-rename 
default behaviour which means the target file is the old file or the new 
file and never some partial chimera of the two.

># UpdateMyCDs
>Resetting permissions
>Resetting ownerships
>rsync --recursive --verbose --delete --delete-excluded 
>--modify-window=5 --times --inplace --copy-links  --exclude='wine-*' 
>/home/CDs/Linux /mnt/MyCDs/.

_Is_ there something odd mounted are /mnt/MyCDs or below? As opposed to 
plain old Linux filesystems?

>sending incremental file list
>symlink has no referent: 
>IO error encountered -- skipping file deletion

What if you leave our --copy-links? I suspect a symlink pointing at 
something which doesn't exist.

From the manual:

   ‐‐copy‐links, ‐L transform symlink into referent file/dir

I imagine this involves repointing an absolute symlink to an absolute 
but adjusted symlink at the far end. Maybe what it refers to would not 
exist, causing trouble for the adjustment. I've never tried this option.  
Leave it out and see if it is the source of the problem.

>Does "IO error encountered -- skipping file deletion" just
>skip the file or does it terminate the command completely?

It omited the --delete phase because there was other trouble.

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Re: rsync and weird characters, Invalid argument (22)

2020-11-12 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 12Nov2020 19:06, ToddAndMargo  wrote:
>How do I get rsync to recognize weird characters that
>my file system is okay with?
>rsync: [receiver] open 
>"/mnt/MyCDs/Keepers/Linux/Perl/Perl5/perl.->.txt" failed: Invalid 
>argument (22)
>rsync: [receiver] open 
>"/mnt/MyCDs/Keepers/Linux/Perl/Perl5/perl.HTTP::Response.html" failed: 
>Invalid argument (22)

I don't think this is anything to do with characters. Looks like your 
rsyncing to a CDROM. Is that even sane?

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Re: Oh God! More helpful software :-).

2020-11-09 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 09Nov2020 22:47, Tom H  wrote:
>On Sat, Nov 7, 2020 at 10:22 PM Cameron Simpson 
>> Dunno, but maybe you can disable what it measures. Do your xterms
>> make entries in wtmp (listed by "w" and "who")? Is so, ISTR that
>> xterm has an option to not do that (look for "wtmp" in the manual
>> IIRC). See if disabling that helps.
>"w" and "who" look at "/var/run/utmp".
>"last" looks at "/var/log/wtmp".

Thank you for this correction, brain fade on my part.

>You can use "xterm*utmpInhibit: true" in "~/.Xresources" to prevent
>xterm from updating utmp. But it's hard to believe that this is what's
>messing with the other Tom H's system. Maybe...

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Re: Oh God! More helpful software :-).

2020-11-08 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 08Nov2020 11:13, Dave Stevens  wrote:
>On Sat, 7 Nov 2020 17:28:01 -0800
>jdow  wrote:
>and then others wrote
>"The current console user is generally allowed to reboot the system."
>why?? isn't that a giant security hole? just from mistakes, not to
>mention malice.

Cannot the console user type Ctrl-Alt-Del anyway? So I'm not sure this 
is of itself a security hole. Except in as much as it relies of software 
correctly deducing the physical presence of the console user at the 
console, and mucking that up would indeed be a security hole.

So I think of itself it seems half legit, but it increases the attack 

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Re: Oh God! More helpful software :-).

2020-11-07 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 07Nov2020 17:28, jdow  wrote:
>On 20201107 16:47:03, Samuel Sieb wrote:
>>On 11/7/20 3:16 PM, jdow wrote:
>>>On 20201107 13:21:47, Cameron Simpson wrote:
>>>>On 06Nov2020 21:50, Tom Horsley  wrote:
>>>>>For as long as I can remember I've run dnf update in a root
>>>>>xterm and when all the akmod activity and wot-not is finished,
>>>>>I've run reboot from another terminal.
>>>>>Now, it won't reboot "because root is logged in".
>>I think you're misunderstanding.  A root user is logged in and he's 
>>trying to reboot using his normal user.  The current console user is 
>>generally allowed to reboot the system.
>Thank you. That detail was not part of the context included. I'll go 
>back to sleep now.

I think it was implicit, or inferrable. But I also missed this nuance.

Thanks Samuel,
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Re: Oh God! More helpful software :-).

2020-11-07 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 06Nov2020 21:50, Tom Horsley  wrote:
>For as long as I can remember I've run dnf update in a root
>xterm and when all the akmod activity and wot-not is finished,
>I've run reboot from another terminal.
>Now, it won't reboot "because root is logged in".
>Gah! Who cares if root is logged in?
>Can I disable this helpful feature any way?

Dunno, but maybe you can disable what it measures. Do your xterms make 
entries in wtmp (listed by "w" and "who")? Is so, ISTR that xterm has an 
option to not do that (look for "wtmp" in the manual IIRC). See if 
disabling that helps.

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Re: tool to backup/restore just ACLs, xattrs, selinux context, etc?

2020-11-05 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 06Nov2020 02:17, Tim  wrote:
>I'm not sure what special attributes you're concerned about, though.
>If you're backing up personal data files, they don't tend to have
>*special* attributes.

There's lots of scope for using xattrs for tagging.

But it also souldn't like the OP may have a backup system for bulk 
archives which doesn't honour all the fiddly weird stuff and wants a way 
to apply that after a restore (or to quickly reapply after some process 
which is known to damage it).

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Re: OT: Maildir vs. mh folders?

2020-10-20 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 20Oct2020 10:58, Samuel Sieb  wrote:
>On 10/20/20 10:52 AM, Todd Zullinger wrote:
>>While tac is handy (and amusingly named), I don't think it's
>>what you want.  The reason is that the find output order
>>isn't deterministic.  It's in the directory entry order,
>>which depends on when the directories were created.
>I can't imagine how it could work like that.  It has to go recursively 
>so it will *always* find the parent directory first.  How could a 
>subdirectory possibly be created before its parent directory?

WRT to the recursion side, yes, you're right. But at a particular level 
the names won't necessarily come out in lexical order (the come out in 
directory entry order), so a sort is often useful anyway.

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Re: OT: Maildir vs. mh folders?

2020-10-19 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 19Oct2020 08:22, Ranjan Maitra  wrote:
>OK, thanks! I have subfolders inside my Mail directory as follows:
>etc, so my real question is with Mail/research which has both mail messages as 
>well as a sub-folder inside. Of course, I can change it but wanted to also 
>know if that is possible to have  both messages and subfolders with mutt (say) 
>and Maildir.

Mutt should be fine - it doens't care about your directory structure, 
only what format to use for the folder you're looking at right now.

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Re: OT: Maildir vs. mh folders?

2020-10-17 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 17Oct2020 20:48, Ranjan Maitra  wrote:
>On Sun, 18 Oct 2020 11:41:05 +1030 Tim via users 
> wrote:
>> On Fri, 2020-10-16 at 08:35 -0500, Ranjan Maitra wrote:
>> > According to this post here: t
>> > he filename has this "" which I presume comes
>> > from the hostname. How do I get this changed to something else
>> > (unique, but not to the hostname)? Is this where mutt or procmail is
>> > to be told to do this, how?
>> I want to ask:  Why do you care what the filenames are (that they have
>> hostnames in them)?

I was wondering this myself. I was imagining some aesthetic issue.

>> The mail client and server certainly doesn't care, it just needs unique
>> names.  So if you can get mail files from machine A onto machine B,
>> it'll just use them however they're named.  They don't need to have the
>> same filename as its hostname.
>Thanks, would it not matter if there is a combination of files in the two 
>folders? I don't know, that is why I am asking.

Doesn't matter. They just have to be unique and have a legal ,flags 
suffix. I've got a mix myself (historical change of the things writing 

I'm having trouble getting at the site, but on Wikipedia this 

describes the filename components which may be used to assemble a unique 

>> Trying to change maildir filenames requires care, so you don't break
>> the mail system.  And you use a mail client to read your messages, it
>> gives you an interface where you don't need to know the filenames that
>> it's making use of.
>There is one approach and that is set LD_PRELOAD to set the hostname as 
>localhost.localdomain from this example in:  
>But if it does not matter, then I do not need to worry at all.

I wouldn't worry, myself.

The hostname component is useful for when mulitple hosts might be 
writing into the Maildir (eg over NFS to a shared spool). For a 
single host Maildir it isn't necessary.

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Re: OT: Maildir vs. mh folders?

2020-10-17 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 17Oct2020 08:29, Ranjan Maitra  wrote:
>On Sat, 17 Oct 2020 20:23:37 +1100 Cameron Simpson  wrote:
>> I think I'd still be using FVWM - I had a nice setup with no window titles or
>> borders and keyboard driven layout/positioning, many desktops indexed by name
>> with supporting scripts to make new ones ("nd TASKNAME" => new desktop and
>> new menu item), etc. [...]
>Thanks, Cameron! I just checked at and it appears that fvwm is still 
>back under active development (with a v3 apparently in the works). However, I 
>have to say that openbox (and even pekwm) have been pretty good to me.

I'll try to keep them in mind for when I next use an X11 desktop.

>Btw, can I get your filer? It turns out that procmail does not allow the 
>format of a Maildir file to be changed. One option is to figure out setting 
>the hostname env for procmailrc (and mutt) to say localhost.localdomain (that 
>name would be generic enough to be common across machines) or give up and 
>continue with the MH format (though in that case, I need to figure out what is 
>in a .mh_sequence in order for a mail-monitoring program -- originally xbuffy 
>-- I spent days/weeks modified for sylpheed to work).
>But I am interested in your filer script for curiosity's sake also. I looked 
>around your bin pages but could not easily figure out which one it was: of 
>course, it may not also be there.

You want the "mailfiler" script in my bin directory, but that is only a 
stub which invokes the Python module. The easiest way 
to get that is:

pip install

which should also get you a "mailfiler" command in the Python bin directory.

The source code is here:

being the code, the command line man page and the rules syntax man page 

You'll see that the rules syntax is far more succinct and readable than 

It does require some setup, and if you bother to try it I'd be interested 
to know how that plays out and might be improved, because it doubtless 
has an assortment of assumed things about my personal environment.

The basic command is "mailfiler monitor", which watches a set of 
Maildirs as incoming mail spools, and applies per spool folder rules to 
each message which arrives. So you fetch mail into the spool folder, and 
the daemon files from theere, separately from the mail fetcher.

Like you, I have a few mail identities - my main personal one and some 
workplace ones - I fetch each into distinct spool folders basic so that 
they can get a ittle per-workplace cross filing, then copy them all 
additionally into my "spool-in", where my main rules live.

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Re: OT: Maildir vs. mh folders?

2020-10-17 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 16Oct2020 21:11, Ranjan Maitra  wrote:
>Btw, I also noticed that you use(d) fvwm. I used that for a long time, 
>switching to openbox (with bouts of pekwm) about 10 years ago.

I think I'd still be using FVWM - I had a nice setup with no window titles or 
borders and keyboard driven layout/positioning, many desktops indexed by name 
with supporting scripts to make new ones ("nd TASKNAME" => new desktop and 
new menu item), etc.

I've been on a Mac for several years these days, and I'd be missing iterm3 
greatly if I were back on an X11 desktop. A keyboard driven window manager 
(Divvy for me), autohiding menu bar and dock, and minimalist iTerm3 setup 
gets me a setup pretty much as seamless as my FVWM setup.

Example FVWM  screenshot:

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Re: OT: Maildir vs. mh folders?

2020-10-16 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 16Oct2020 20:40, Ranjan Maitra  wrote:
>> >So, in this code, there is a command called ismhdir -- where does this come 
>> >from? Is there something missing here? (I think it also shows up in your 
>> >newer code.)
>> Oh, there's probably a few of my scripts in that one. They're all
>> available from the same URL (go up to the bin/ URL). Or I can ship you a
>> tarball or you can clone the repo, whatever you find easy.
>No, thanks, I got it. Wow, you have a lot of scripts: some more may be useful.
>So, I tried your code:
> cd ~/mail
> for mhdir in [a-z]*; do (set -x; mh2maildir "$mhdir") || break; done
>But it only did the first folder and quit: I was thinking that it would go 
>through the whole list of folders and sub-folders.

The above for-loop quits if mh2maildir exits nonzero (some error). That 
way I get to debug without frying every following folder. Or digging the 
error output of a lot of other successful output.

>I did get the following warning:
>procmail: Couldn't chdir to ""
>However, it appended the hostname. I looked at the script, but I could not 
>figure out where this comes in from: is it the default in the procmail?

Maybe you have no $MAILDIR envvar? Just guessing. That is an old script, 
and doesn't abort on unset envvars like my recent ones do.

The script writes a procmailrc file like this:


I presume procmail expects $MAILDIR to exist?

Invoke the script like this:

sh -uex /path/to/mh2maildir your-mh-folder

and see what the output looks like. That will show you what is happening 
in more detail.

>Perhaps I should try the newer version, but am  a little confused with how to 
>make it convert the mh to mhdir?
>Do I simply set  set mbox_type=maildir in my .muttrc?

Nah, it isn't using mutt. It sets $DEFAULT to $mhdir/, and that trailing 
slash says to treat $mhdir as a Maildir.

The script moves the original MH folder to $mhdir-mh and makes an empty 
$mhdir to be the new Maildir. It looks like it expected procmail to make 
the tmp/new/cur subdirs.

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Re: OT: Maildir vs. mh folders?

2020-10-16 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 17Oct2020 11:37, Cameron Simpson  wrote:
>>Yes, I can switch to getmail but I honestly don't know how much a learning 
>>curve that would be. Or are you recommending that I use getmail and then mutt 
>>on that (instead of procmail)?

Oh, and getmail doesn't replace procmail, it replaces fetchmail. You  
still need a message filer.

I can't offhand remember why I because unhappy with fetchmail (which I was 
using). It may be because it will only deliver to SMTP/LMTP or a delivery 
programme like fetchmail; when I left procmail for my own mail filer I 
wanted to deliver directly to a Maildir folder ("spool"), which is 
monitored by the mailfiler daemon.

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Re: OT: Maildir vs. mh folders?

2020-10-16 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 16Oct2020 18:53, Ranjan Maitra  wrote:
>> >Thanks very much for this! I will try it out, but it appears to be for 
>> >individual folders, is that correct? So, I will maybe write a script to 
>> >call it.
>> Yes. I just wrote a for loop on the command line. Something like:
>> cd ~/mail
>> for mhdir in [a-z]*; do (set -x; mh2maildir "$mhdir") || break; done
>So, in this code, there is a command called ismhdir -- where does this come 
>from? Is there something missing here? (I think it also shows up in your newer 

Oh, there's probably a few of my scripts in that one. They're all 
available from the same URL (go up to the bin/ URL). Or I can ship you a 
tarball or you can clone the repo, whatever you find easy.

>> Yep. But the conversion is pretty trivial. Mutt autodetects the folder
>> type. If a file, mbox. If a dir with tmp,new,cur, a Maildir. Probably MH
>> otherwise.
>> So provided you _make_ an empty Maildir (mkdir $d $d/tmp $d/new $d/cur)
>> mutt will deliver into it correctly - no special modes. You only need to
>> instruct mutt when _it_ creates the mail folder, by setting:
>> set mbox_type=maildir
>> as your preference for new folders.
>My apologies, so my plan is to first get the change from MH to Maildir done 
>and then start fetchmail/procmail to add to those folders after running it 
>through sylfilter (which I package for Fedora) and then fire mutt up after 
>that for reading/responding, etc. Of course, I am not sure if it is worthwhile 
>to use sylfilter anymore given that it was integrated with sylpheed in the 
>training but perhaps I can still keep that. (I will deal with that later.)

You don't need to "switch to mutt" yet. You can still use it as a 
conversion tool :-) Keep the previous MH folder there until you're happy 
the Maildir is a faithful reproduction.

>Yes, I can switch to getmail but I honestly don't know how much a learning 
>curve that would be. Or are you recommending that I use getmail and then mutt 
>on that (instead of procmail)?

No obligation to switch to getmail, I was just describing the tools I 
use for content.

>I see. I do have a lot of conditions set by procmail so would like to try to 
>keep that if possible. Perhaps I will stick to procmail. But does procmail 
>handle Maildir according to any recipe that has to be set: for instance, I 
>clearly do not want the hostname in the filenames.

Stick with procmail until unhappy with it. It will deliver to Maildirs, 
you change the form of the folder name. A trailing slash or something to 
indicate the format. [...digs around...] I think "folder" for mbox, "folder/" 
for Maildir, "folder/." for MH.

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Re: OT: Maildir vs. mh folders?

2020-10-16 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 16Oct2020 14:48, Ranjan Maitra  wrote:
>On Fri, 16 Oct 2020 12:14:13 -0700 Samuel Sieb  wrote:
>> I run my own mail server, so all the emails are in my house which is
>> local enough.  I access my email from many devices, so this keeps them
>> all in sync.  dovecot does some initial email sorting for me and all the
>> devices download the emails so they're available offline if necessary.
>Thanks :-) But my employer provides my e-mail that I need to use for 
>professional reasons, otherwise I would likely be making different/simpler 

Just a side note: in a former life my boss suggested to me strongly that 
I should separate my work and personal email. That has proven to be good 
advice, and I recommend it to you. Keep two accounts.

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Re: OT: Maildir vs. mh folders?

2020-10-16 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 16Oct2020 16:20, Patrick O'Callaghan  wrote:
>On Fri, 2020-10-16 at 08:44 -0500, Ranjan Maitra wrote:
>> As I said in the other response, the reason for how I set things up, and 
>> that has worked reasonably well, is that I read e-mail at work and home, but 
>> the work machine is the one that I consider to be reliably backed up. It is 
>> also bigger in terms of disk. So what happens is that I fetchmail with keep, 
>> process e-mail at work using sylpheed and then fire up my home machine (a 
>> laptop) and fetchmail with keep from the POP server and the rsync it down 
>> (including the .sylpheed_mark and .sylpheed_cache). Then I work on the home 
>> machine, continue to fetchmail process e-mails, etc with sylpheed and when I 
>> am done (before I hibernate), I rsync it all up before I go back to work, so 
>> that when I go to the other (work) machine, I have the same status as I left 
>> at home/work. Of course, I need to be careful and vigilant for the reasons 
>> you alluded to.
>TBH I long ago gave up trying to juggle multiple machines and syncing
>mail. I just use IMAP and let somebody else worry about it. In fact I'd
>do that even if I was the somebody else, as I once used to be. People
>say there are reasons for using POP, and perhaps there are for some
>people, but frankly I've never been convinced by any of them.

Local email lets me read and respond while offline, such as on a train.
And it is so much faster :-)

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Re: OT: Maildir vs. mh folders?

2020-10-16 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 16Oct2020 08:35, Ranjan Maitra  wrote:
>> >This may be a stupid question, but does this problem still happen if I use 
>> >fetchmail to pull mail and store messages in files via procmail?
>> Well, it is an issue regardless of the tool. procmail may do the initial
>> placement, but your mail reader probably moves messages around, if only
>> from one folder to another, which is the same task (new message in
>> target folder).
>I see, yes, that is possible, but I have not seen this problem for me. Perhaps 
>the way I have (inadvertently) used it so far may be the reason, or I have 
>been plain fortuitous.

As long as they share an agreed locking protocol it can all be fine.

>> >Thanks very much for this. I have found a tool that can convert mh to 
>> >mailbox:
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >It seems to work, but can not handle a second level of subfolders: brings 
>> >them all out as individual folders at the first level, so Ihave to fix 
>> >that. Also, I don't like the new folder names, seem too unnecessary for me. 
>> >(I was expecting to the old MH folder names inside my Maildir.)  Also, the 
>> >mails get stored as something like: 1602799622.116065_21187.hostname:2, not 
>> >sure if this is the recommended way that files are stored in the Maildir 
>> >format. I was expecting to have something that I could have control over.
>> Yah. I wrote one when I made this switch:
>> Hmm, some years ago now, looking at the opening comment. And I'm using
>> procmail for the conversion (!!!), so indeed quite a while ago. This
>> script moves the MH folder sideways and makes an empty Maildir in its
>> place, then delivers every message from the MH folder into the new
>> maildir.
>Thanks very much for this! I will try it out, but it appears to be for 
>individual folders, is that correct? So, I will maybe write a script to call 

Yes. I just wrote a for loop on the command line. Something like:

cd ~/mail
for mhdir in [a-z]*; do (set -x; mh2maildir "$mhdir") || break; done

because I feared disaster. Easy as.

>> These days I'd use mutt for the bulk conversion instead of procmail. You can
>> see an example of that approach in this script:
>I see, this is for converting to mbox and needs to be modified for

Yep. But the conversion is pretty trivial. Mutt autodetects the folder 
type. If a file, mbox. If a dir with tmp,new,cur, a Maildir. Probably MH 

So provided you _make_ an empty Maildir (mkdir $d $d/tmp $d/new $d/cur) 
mutt will deliver into it correctly - no special modes. You only need to 
instruct mutt when _it_ creates the mail folder, by setting:

set mbox_type=maildir

as your preference for new folders.

>> >I have to look into this some more. I am not sure if this is the standard 
>> >way to store Maildir format messages.
>> mutt doesn't care - there's no "standard". There was a recent discussion
>> on mutt-users with another user moving to Maildir, who had nested
>> folders. He's still got nested folders, exactly as before. Just don't
>> name a subfolder like one of the three reserved names: "tmp", "new",
>> "cur".
>> So do it how you like it.
>Yes, that is what I would like: I do not have any subfolders with one of the 
>three Maildir subfolders as a name.
>According to this post here: the 
>filename has this "" which I presume comes from the 
>hostname. How do I get this changed to something else (unique, but not to the 
>hostname)? Is this where mutt or procmail is to be told to do this, how?

Not sure. The hostname is, IIRC, an optional component for making the 
filesnames; I'm not sure mutt offers any control over that. Here're a 
couple of names from my main inbox:


The former has a hostname in it, the latter does not. [looks...] Hoo, 
the one with a hostname is Very Old. Likely delivered by procmail and 
spamassassin. These days I collect with getmail and file with my own 
mail filer. The code for making a new Maildir folder in the latter is 

def newkey(self):
''' Allocate a new key.
now = time.time()
secs = int(now)
subsecs = now-secs
key = '%d.#%dM%dP%d' % (secs, seq(), subsecs * 1e6,
assert self.validkey(key), "

Re: OT: Maildir vs. mh folders?

2020-10-16 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 15Oct2020 23:02, Samuel Sieb  wrote:
>On 10/15/20 10:15 PM, Ranjan Maitra wrote:
>>It seems to work, but can not handle a second level of subfolders: brings 
>>them all out as individual folders at the first level, so Ihave to fix that. 
>>Also, I don't like the new folder names, seem too unnecessary for me. (I was 
>>expecting to the old MH folder names inside my Maildir.)  Also, the mails get 
>>stored as something like: 1602799622.116065_21187.hostname:2, not sure if 
>>this is the recommended way that files are stored in the Maildir format. I 
>>was expecting to have something that I could have control over.
>>I have to look into this some more. I am not sure if this is the standard way 
>>to store Maildir format messages.
>Maildir has all the folders at the top level with dots to indicate 
>subfolders.  And that is also the standard filename format.

This isn't strictly true. Some IMAP _servers_ require you to use such a 
scheme, but if you're not presenting the folders via IMAP there's no 
need for such a system.

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Re: OT: Maildir vs. mh folders?

2020-10-16 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 16Oct2020 00:15, Ranjan Maitra  wrote:
>On Fri, 16 Oct 2020 10:14:48 +1100 Cameron Simpson  wrote:
>> Mostly the races.
>> To add, remove or flag in MH probably requires a locking mechanism while
>> updating the message number lists (and correspondingly, allocating new
>> message numbers). You also don't know an arriving message is complete unless
>> it isn't numbered yet; I imagine an MH insert goes
>> save-completely-to-tempfile, allocate-number, rename-tempfile-to-number,
>> update-number-lists. A lock would need to be held over the last three
>> steps.
>This may be a stupid question, but does this problem still happen if I use 
>fetchmail to pull mail and store messages in files via procmail?

Well, it is an issue regardless of the tool. procmail may do the initial 
placement, but your mail reader probably moves messages around, if only 
from one folder to another, which is the same task (new message in 
target folder).

>In my experience, messages have been given unique numbers in their respective 
>folders. (Of course, my MH is really not MH, but rather sylpheed-mh, since 
>they do not update the .mh_sequences but use .sylpheed_mark.

Well, the requirement for MH is of course that they have unique numbers 
because their filenames are so named. The important thing is that 
delivery tools cooperate - more than one tool might be trying to deliver 
to the folder at once, and only one can work on the .mh_sequences or 
.sylpheed_mark files at a time. So: locking.

Maildir lets you do this without locking because of the noncolliding filename 
approach, and the "is this message file complete?" issue by doing all 
preparation in the tmp subdir, before renaming the completed file into the 
new subdir.

>> Maildir is race free. Messages get unqiue filenames (composed of various
>> sufficently unique values combined), are created in the "tmp" subdir,
>> and renamed into the "new" subdir. Read messages are renamed from "new"
>> to "cur". No shared number lists, no locks. You only look for messages
>> in "new" and "cur".
>Thanks very much for this. I have found a tool that can convert mh to mailbox:
>It seems to work, but can not handle a second level of subfolders: brings them 
>all out as individual folders at the first level, so Ihave to fix that. Also, 
>I don't like the new folder names, seem too unnecessary for me. (I was 
>expecting to the old MH folder names inside my Maildir.)  Also, the mails get 
>stored as something like: 1602799622.116065_21187.hostname:2, not sure if this 
>is the recommended way that files are stored in the Maildir format. I was 
>expecting to have something that I could have control over.

Yah. I wrote one when I made this switch:

Hmm, some years ago now, looking at the opening comment. And I'm using 
procmail for the conversion (!!!), so indeed quite a while ago. This 
script moves the MH folder sideways and makes an empty Maildir in its 
place, then delivers every message from the MH folder into the new 

These days I'd use mutt for the bulk conversion instead of procmail. You can 
see an example of that approach in this script:

>I have to look into this some more. I am not sure if this is the standard way 
>to store Maildir format messages.

mutt doesn't care - there's no "standard". There was a recent discussion 
on mutt-users with another user moving to Maildir, who had nested 
folders. He's still got nested folders, exactly as before. Just don't 
name a subfolder like one of the three reserved names: "tmp", "new", 

So do it how you like it.

>One aspect of MH that I have liked is that I pull mail on two machines (using 
>fetchmail via a POP server) and they are assigned the same filenames 
>(numbers). Then, if I use rsync with delete, I can delete the corresponding 
>message in the remote machine if I have deleted it on my local machine. It has 
>worked like a charm over the past 15 years (I would say).

Ah. This is a little trickier with Maildir, because message flags are 
stored in the filename. If you change the flags on both machines 
without an rsync in between you might run into trouble. With MH the 
flags are in the .mh-sequences file IIRC. You've still have an 
equivalent problem though - I presume you're excluding the .mh_sequences 
files from the rsync?

Is one of your machines considered the "main" machine where you read and 
maintain email, and the other a backup? Or do you delete at both ends?

I use getmail via a POP server to collect my email to my

Re: OT: Maildir vs. mh folders?

2020-10-15 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 15Oct2020 11:06, Ranjan Maitra  wrote:
>Thanks, yes, I used to use mbox long ago, when I did not understand things 
>clearly, and I used pine then, but I moved to mh with the move to sylpheed. An 
>added benefit is in backups. I have never lost any mail on mh so far, but I 
>wonder if I am simply tempting fate by not moving to Maildir (I do not 
>completely understand the issues).

Mostly the races.

To add, remove or flag in MH probably requires a locking mechanism while 
updating the message number lists (and correspondingly, allocating new 
message numbers). You also don't know an arriving message is complete unless 
it isn't numbered yet; I imagine an MH insert goes 
save-completely-to-tempfile, allocate-number, rename-tempfile-to-number, 
update-number-lists. A lock would need to be held over the last three 

Maildir is race free. Messages get unqiue filenames (composed of various 
sufficently unique values combined), are created in the "tmp" subdir, 
and renamed into the "new" subdir. Read messages are renamed from "new" 
to "cur". No shared number lists, no locks. You only look for messages 
in "new" and "cur".

>Separately, I am still trying to figure out if there are still major 
>advantages to using mutt vs. neomutt.

My advice would be: start with mainline mutt (because I know the maintenance 
situation is active) and consider neomutt if there's some specific missing 
feature you want (if neomutt has it, of course). But ask on the mutt-users 
list about features; some things are available and/or doable without always 
being immediately obvious.

You can also try both - mutt, hmm missing feature, neomutt. You may need  
to maintain distinct config files for each, but they can share mail folders. 
Also, config files can source other config files, so you might have:


with the last 2 both sourcing .muttrc-common-config and then adding 
a few specific tweaks.

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