Re: samba changes?

2011-11-16 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
On Wed, Nov 16, 2011 at 3:13 AM, Tom Horsley wrote:
 I've copied my smb.conf file from release to release for
 years now, but with fedora 16 my windows 7 box is
 now telling me I don't have permission to delete files
 from a directory where I always had permission

Just a shot in the dark...

User IDs in Windows are GUIDs, that is, more or less random 64-bit (I
think) numbers.

A while back I had a Win2k box with just one non-Administrator user,
this user being mike.  For some good reason I reinstalled the system
while keeping all my data files.  After the reinstall I found that the
new mike user did not own any of the old mike's files.  I was able to
fix this by logging in as the Administrator then changing the
ownership of all of my files.

User IDs on Linux are I think 32-bit integers, with the first user
that root ever creates typically getting UID 1000, then incrementing
by one for each additional user.

Samba must maintain a mapping between the nearly random 64-bit GUIDs
and the very non-random *NIX UIDs.  Maybe your problem is that that
mapping got messed up somehow when you upgraded to F16.

I'm quite certain that there must be some way to have Windows accept
an explicitly assigned user GUID, but I have no clue how to do it.
Possibly such a feature is only supported for Windows NT Domains,
which I haven't much experience with, I've only used Workgroups on my
own Samba setups.

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Re: Fedora 16 on MacPro

2011-11-09 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
Does Fedora 16 boot on UEFI computers that do not have the legacy 16-bit BIOS?

If not, you will need to install Bootcamp under Mac OS X with the Boot
Camp Assistant.  It is in /Applications/Utilities under Mac OS X.

Bootcamp installs a 16-bit BIOS emulation as a 32-bit UEFI
application.  rEFIt, among other things, creates a Master Boot Record
with a partition table that can be synched with the UEFI GUID
Partition Table.

Linux knows all about GUID Partition Tables.  I do not know whether or
not GRUB does.  I think your problem is that GRUB wants the 16-bit

There is a 32-bit UEFI boot loader that may work for you, that would
not require either Bootcamp or rEFIt.  I looked into it a couple years
ago, but it was not then considered mature enough for production use.
Possibly it is now.  I don't recall what it is called, though.

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Re: gnomebaker [WAS: Re: question(s) on Brasero (maybe bug)]

2011-11-05 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
The find command will easily determine the longest path in your directory tree.

If ~/foo is the root of the tree that you want to burn, try:

   $ cd ~/foo
   $ find . -print  ../paths.txt

I expect there is some simple combination of command-line tools that
would yield the length of the longest line in paths.txt, but I don't
know what they would be.

 Instead I suggest opening it in your favorite text editor, then
scrolling from the top to the bottom of the file.  Whenever you see
that a line has wrapped, make your window wider.  You will likely have
to move the left edge of the window offscreen.

Once you get to the bottom of the file, scroll back up to find the
line that just touches the right edge of the window.  Copy that line
to the Clipboard, then paste it into a new file.

The wc command - for word count - will tell you how many characters
are in that new file.  Suppose it is called longest.txt:

   $ wc longest.txt

I was mistaken when I said that the UNIX maximum path length was given
by the MAXPATH #include file macro.  It's actually PATH_MAX.

The chances are pretty good that PATH_MAX is defined by a C Standard
Library header on Windows.  While PATH_MAX is a UNIX operating system
concept, the Windows C Standard Library more or less attempts to be
source-compatible with the simpler kinds of UNIX source code.

If PATH_MAX for Windows doesn't turn up in a Google search and you
don't have Visual Studio, there is a free-as-in-beer version of Visual
Studio, but that would be a lot of stuff to install just to look up
one line in a header file.  Instead look for PATH_MAX in the MinGW

MinGW is a port of the GNU toolchain that produces Win32 binaries that
is Free as in Freedom.  If PATH_MAX is defined for Windows some MinGW
header would have it.  Quite likely you could find that header where
you could get at it with a web browser without having to actually
install anything.

In general, UNIX allows directories to be nested to arbitrary depths.
It's just that the total length of an absolute pathname is limited.
If your file and directory names are shorter, your directories can be
nested more deeply.

A while back I discovered a bug in Mac OS X which was quite similar to
this, but rather than file paths, OS X has something called a device
path.  The device drivers in the OS X kernel are connected in a tree
structure, just like a filesystem heirarchy.  At the root of the tree
is the motherboard driver, at the tip of a branch for a storage device
is the name of a filesystem.

The company I was working for developed a storage driver for a client.
 On PowerPC Macs, our driver worked great.  The identical driver
source when compiled for Intel would not work at all on Mac Pros, the
high-end desktop Macs.  It did work on less-powerful Intel Macs such
as my MacBook Pro.

A great deal of debugging as well as poring through much of what is
fortunately open source determined that OS X' Disk Arbitration daemon
- the OS X equivalent of the UNIX automounter - was asking the kernel
for the device path for the volume it wanted to mount.

On Mac Pros, but JUST Mac Pros, the hardware was so much more complex
and there were so many more devices in the tree that the resulting
path would not fit in the fixed-size buffer that the system call
allowed.  I think that was 512 bytes.  There was absolutely no way
that length could be increased without breaking binary compatibility
with existing programs.

I reported the bug to Apple.  They fixed it in the next build of the
system somehow, but without increasing the size of the buffer that
system call could take.

I never looked into it, but I expect they worked around it by asking
for the path one component at a time.  That would make Disk
Arbitration work just fine, but any other userspace program that
depended on retrieving the device path would still break on Mac Pros,
and would have to use the same workaround that Apple used for DIsk

Don Quixote de la Mancha
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Re: A general history question

2011-11-05 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
 architecture, or just could not be ported at
all.  To enjoy the full power of the GNU software, one had to drop a
lot of dollars on an expensive UNIX computer, only to replace the
proprietary software - which you had no choice but to pay a lot of
money for - with the GNU software.

RMS by this time was well into the development of HURD, the GNU
operating system kernel, but in his usual fashion he wanted it to be
light-years ahead of existing UNIX kernel technology.  It was a long,
long time before HURD could do anything useful at all.

While it was developed with portability in mind, a kernel is a very
least portable of any kind of software, because its source code
depends on all kinds of minute, picky, arbitrary and often downright
disgusting ways on the hardware that operates the kernel.  Quite a lot
of those hardware details are only available to developers who sign
non-disclosure agreements.  Even when the hardware interface isn't a
trade secret, it happens all the time that the document is just plain
wrong, or doesn't even exist!

Eventually a Finnish Computer Science undergraduate student by the
name of Linus Torvalds got really tired of waiting around for HURD to
be usable as well as ported to the 80386 PC clones, so he wrote from
scratch, and more or less all by himself, just about the simplest
possible operating system kernel that would work more or less like
UNIX did, but ONLY on 80386 PCs.

That kernel was called linux, and it still is.

Without the work of Richard Stallman, his colleagues at The Free
Software Foundation, as well as countless others who contributed to
the GNU source code, the linux kernel all by itself would have been
largely useless.

The original distributions were little more than the Linux kernel and
the GNU user space software.  That's why they should be properly known
as GNU/Linux.

The distributions of today come with a great deal more software than
the kernel and the original GNU stuff.  There are some who argue that
we should call it Mozilla Linux because most of us spend most of our
time using the Firefox web browser, which was developed by the Mozilla

But the essential core of all of our distributions - not just Fedora,
but Ubuntu, Slackware, Debian, all the Live CDs - is the GNU software.

If you don't want to call it GNU/Linux instead of just Linux, it
would really be better not to call it Linux at all.  Call it by a name
that gives credit to ALL of its contributors.  For us, that is just
Fedora.  On my MacBook Pro, it is Ubuntu.

I'm really beat, so I'm not going to address your question about the
package managers quite yet.  The package management is an important
part of creating a usable distribution that end-users or system
administrators can easily install, upgrade and maintain.

 In particular the mind-numbingly idiotic way in which all UNIX-like
operating systems spread vitally important programs, code libraries,
configuration files and other data files such as national language
localizations All Over Creation makes it damn near impossible for
anyone but an expert to UNINSTALL a program without the use of a
package manager.

The package managers didn't used to work so well though.  It's not as
bad these days, but it used to happen all the time to just about
everyone that installation, upgrading or uninstallations would totally
break a system.

Debian did a better job with the packaging at first.  Red Hat with RPM
- the Red Hat Package Manager - had a well-deserved reputation for
being totally brain-damaged.

But those days are largely behind us.  Not completely though; for no
reason I can fathom, just last night, without doing anything at all,
the Ubuntu Natty Narwhale installation on my MacBook Pro started
reporting that it had broken dependencies that so far I have been at a
total loss to repair.

I'll Send You My Bill In The Mail.


A Grey-Bearded Old-Time UNIX Hacker
Don Quixote de la Mancha
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Re: corrupted MAC error using scp

2011-11-04 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
You may have flaky hardware.  I once had bad RAM that was sensitive to
the particular way the memory was accessed.  The only problem it ever
caused was that FTP downloads to that machine were *always* corrupted.
 I never, ever had any other problems.

Memtest86 discovered the bad memory module, but I had to let most of
its tests run for a long time before one of the later tests found the

Memtest86 got forked; there is also Memtest86+.  The two tests are
somewhat different now, as development has continued independently on
both of them.  For complete coverage you probably want to run them
both.  The tests will take a long time, but let them run to

These tests not just your memory, but also your CPU, memory controller
and motherboard.

You might also have some bad data on your hard drive.  Every hard
drive vendor offers boot floppy and often also CD ISO images for
low-level diagnostic tests.  Download the image for each of your
drive, make a disk from it, boot the disk, then run all the read-only
tests for each of your drives.

From time to time it's a good idea to do a complete backup, then also
do the destructive tests on your drives, then restore the backups.  It
exercises the bits on the drives, you see, thereby preventing them
from getting flabby and out of shape.

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Re: Samsung ML1640

2011-10-21 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
Apple's Mac OS X provides driverless installs for both printers and
image input devices.

Of course the printers must have drivers from somewhere.  OS X bundles
that Gutenprint drivers, that are obtained from the Open Source

I'm pretty sure that Apple either requires or maybe somehow convinces
the printer vendors to maintain their Gutenprint drivers.

 From time to time I manually update all my third-party software on OS
X; when I went to get the latest Epson driver, it said to run Software
Update from the Apple Menu in OS X.

So it can be done.

Steve Jobs and Richard Stallman haven't always been the best of
friends, but in general Apple has contributed a great deal to the Open
Source community.  I don't know because I never checked, but I imaging
that Apple contributes patches to the Gutenprint maintainers.

I don't have a clue how the image input is done.  That's for scanners
and digital cameras.  That part doesn't come from Linux and is quite
likely under Non-Disclosure Agreement, as many color image input
device vendors have all manner of trade secrets around color

It's not so good for Open Source, but for the end-user like my Mom, I
bought her a nice digital camera for Christmas and It Just Worked with
iPhoto on her iMac.  There was no software to install.

Having to hunt down and install drivers for arcane hardware is a
Windows thing. There are lots of driver search databases, as well as
binary driver installer websites for Windows.  I've used them when
hunting for drivers for obscure hardware and they are a real PITA.

 Linux need not be that way.

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Re: restricted shell

2011-10-16 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
On Sun, Oct 16, 2011 at 5:53 AM, Tim wrote:
 On Sun, 2011-10-16 at 14:17 +0530, Benjamin wrote:
 I want to allow specific  commands only to my local admin , means he
 can use only commands which i allowed for more commands or any
 other bash facility he can't use.

 You can look into chrooting, where the other person has a different
 root directory, and all the sub-directories, and you copy the commands
 that they're allowed to use into their directory tree.

Chroot is great for securing certain kinds of things, but if the
intended user is an administrator, he won't be able to administer any
of the files outside of his chroot jail.

I'm pretty sure bash doesn't provide a facility like this, but there
should be a different shell that does.

A simple hack that would work for any shell would be to remove the
others execute permission from all of your executable programs,
other than the commands you want him to be able to use.  You will also
need to place him in his own group.

chmod o-x

will do it.

But some daemons run as unpriveliged users, either their own username
or as nobody.  You will need these daemons to be in a group that can
run the commands.

Wholesale alteration of executable permissions could break your system
in a big way, though.  The permissions might get reset by software
updates.  It's probably best to keep looking for a shell that does
what you really need.

Don Quixote de la Mancha
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Re: Dennis Ritchie

2011-10-13 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
I'm pretty sure I still have mywafer-thin first-edition The C
Programming Language by Kernighan and Ritchey that I bought from the
Caltech bookstore in the Spring of 1983, for use in Computational

I had some trouble at first with C's lack of a Boolean type.  The
result is that I still have Line 7 of Page 41 memorized verbatim - as
well as the advice's precise page and line numbers:

   True just means non-zero.

I'm pretty sure the much weightier second edition, which covered ANSI
C, contains the exact same statement.

Kids These Days.  You simply have not lived until you have written
KR C - as opposed to ANSI C.  That is C without prototypes;
you're lucky if you get a forward reference.

The following is perfectly legal KR C:

#include stdio.h

int argc;
char **argv;
   printf( Hello, World!\n );

   return 0;

There was a period of a couple years of my early career where a
significant portion of my work was going through huge codebases to add
ANSI C prototypes and to declare ints explicitly rather than having
them just assumed where such assumptions were legal.

Dennis Ritchey may be a diety but he is not quite a God.  God Almighty
would have had function prototypes from the very start.

Ever Faithful,

Don Quixote

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Re: Dennis Ritchie

2011-10-13 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 1:10 PM, Mike Wright wrote:
  The same issue talks about how
 different groups tried to minimalize object code sizes, and the
 differences they were scrabbling over were measured in bytes.

My friends Dave Johnson and Bob Polaro were two of Atari's first seven
video game coders.

 If I remember correctly the Atari 2600 had a 6502 eight-bit
microprocessor.  They didn't even bother with compilers; one couldn't
get anywhere with those games without using tightly hand-rolled

There was a single eight bit frame buffer in which the graphics were
rendered by rapidly varying the value in that byte in synchronization
with the electron beam sweeping across the TV screen.

The actual game processing would take place in many very small chunks
during the horizontal blanking intervals, during which the dimmed beam
would be swept back to the other side for the next line, or in fewer
longer chunks during the vertical blanking interval.

The coders had a choice of 1 KB ROM cartridges or 2 KB.  One could get
richer, more complex graphics and gameplay into 2 KB, but because the
ROMs were so expensive to manufacture, the per-unit royalty that the
coders earned was twice as much for the 1 KB cartridges!

Dave told me once that it happened all the time that a game would go
over 1024 bytes by just a few bytes, but that any changes that made
the code fit in the smaller cartridge would screw up the timing for
the graphics.

The result of that was that the coders would often go insane in the
middle of their coding projects.

I don't recall what game Dave wrote to make his fortune, but he
invested it first in Greene, Johnson Inc., then after buying out MIke
Greene, founded Working Software, where he gave me my first retail
coding job, writing Mac software.

CoreEdit, the word processing engine of our QuickLetter specialized
word processor, was also written in tightly hand-optimized assembly,
but for the 68000.  It was also the text engine for Apple's MacWrite.
The people who wrote CoreEdit must have done some really hard drugs,
but on the other hand I learned quite a lot about software
architecture by reading its source.

Bob made his fortune on Defender for the Atari, and is still in the
video game business.  He operates a mail order business on the side,
where you can buy games directly from him:

These days though his games aren't in assembly, but in Java, Javascript and C++.

I never knew his name, but Atari's wealthiest coder was the nineteen
year old kid who wrote Pac-Man.

I understand he blew his million dollar royalty check up his nose.

Ever Faithful,

Don Quixote

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Re: heads up: Adobe now has full 64-bit Flash support

2011-10-06 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
Is Adobe Reader's ability to fill out tax forms something only it can
do because the file format and API are undocumented, or just because
the Open Source PDF readers have not yet implemented the feature?

If such tax forms depend on undocumented trade secrets, it's time to
complain to your elected representatives.  It's not right that the
citizenry should have to depend on proprietary software to file their
tax returns.

Don Quixote

On Wed, Oct 5, 2011 at 4:45 PM, Chris Adams wrote:
 Once upon a time, Wolfgang S. Rupprecht said:
 Too bad they botched the yum repo file and wired it for 64-bit only.
 Folks with a mixture of 32-bit and 64-bit systems now have to be careful
 to not rsync that file across all their machines.  Much better would be
 to use $basearch instead of the x86_64 or i386.  Folks might want
 to use this as their adobe flash repo file:

 You might want both 32 and 64 bit repos right now; if you need Acrobat
 Reader, that's still 32 bit only (and not in their 64 bit repo).

 And yes, before somebody says use foo instead, there are still
 things that acroread does (that are required) that AFAIK the Open Source
 PDF readers don't do (such as fill out tax forms with scripted
 Chris Adams
 Systems and Network Administrator - HiWAAY Internet Services
 I don't speak for anybody but myself - that's enough trouble.
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Don Quixote de la Mancha
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Re: I need to make an install iso of the OS the way it is after I'velaboured for several hours to customized it...

2011-10-05 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 10:23 AM, wrote:
 Also, if your install is small enough, you can use
 the 'dd' command to backup/restore a disk image of
 the whole partition to a flash drive. This is what I
 typically do these days.

A better way to image a disk with Free Software is to use partimage.
I believe it is on the Parted Magic CD.  I don't think it copies free
space to the image, so your backup is smaller.

It handles a bunch of different filesystems; I once used it to migrate
a Windows 2003 Server RAID.

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Re: Apoligies Re: Dearest

2011-10-03 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
On Mon, Oct 3, 2011 at 2:28 AM, Hiisi wrote:
 Is your password still a 'password'?

The other day I installed my Mom's Mac OS Xsecurity  updates.  I'm
afraid she's not technophilic enough to use GNU/Linux.  The very last
thing I did was to have her set at her iMac herself, open the System
Preferences, go to Users and Groups, and give herself a password.

I was able to install all of her operating system patches without
entering a password at all!  I am quite certain that her identical
twin sister's MacBook likewise has no password.

I myself installed a whole bunch of application upgrades and security
updates on Windows XP yesterday.  While I have a password for my user
account, I was able to do all those installations without any

A while back I tried to secure my Windows 2000 box, for example by
disabling write permision in the Program Files folder.  Nothing worked
after that, because so many programs save user data right next to
their executables.

I'd like to secure my WinXP installation but it's going to take some
study to figure out how to.

With Ubuntu, I have to use sudo to install all my patches, and root
logins are disabled, although I can do sudo sh to get a root shell.

Don Quixote
Don Quixote de la Mancha
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Re: Apoligies Re: Dearest

2011-10-03 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
On Mon, Oct 3, 2011 at 3:09 AM, Frank Murphy wrote:
 Actually this is the no longer used password for anything of mine

 I presumed 60 was long enough.

The Truecrypt filesystem encryptor ( allows
one to use binary key files.  You can use any file you like; I think
the first 1024 bits are used for the key.

So you could rip a CD and use your Ogg Vorbis or FLAC file for your
filesystem encryption.

But if you lose your keyfile, or even if so much as one bit of the
keyfile gets flipped, you won't be able to decrypt your filesystem
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Re: Developers responsibillity to Fedora Users

2011-09-27 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
On Tue, Sep 27, 2011 at 6:09 AM, Andrew Haley wrote:
 This distro has more than one DE.

Perhaps it would be productive if you posted explicit, detailed
instructions for changing the desktop environment in Fedora, or if
there are already instructions online, researched which page is best
then posted the link here.

I use Fedora on my workstation and Ubuntu 11.04 on my laptop.  I
really, really hated Ubuntu Unity when I first installed 11.04, but I
am getting used to it.  The main problem I had was that I could not
find anything in the menus, but it's all in there somewhere.  It's a
matter of getting used to it.

I don't have an opinion on the current Fedora, as my workstation is
packed in a storage shed until I can get a U-Haul truck to move it to
my new home.

Don Quixote de la Mancha

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Re: Building X11R6.8 in Fedora 15 - Flex not found

2011-09-26 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
X11 is supposed to be upwards binary compatible.  If it won't run old
applications, you should file a bug with Fedora.  If you can figure
out what the difference is between the old X and the new X that
enables your app to run on the old X, mention that in your bug report.

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Re: fans seems to work fine It's not enough that they spin...

2011-09-25 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
32-bit ARM or PowerPC systems don't need fans.  If you want a quiet
computer, buy an old PowerPC Mac used and run a PowerPC Linux distro
on it.  Doesn't Fedora support PowerPC?

However 64-bit PowerPC requires fans that sound like jet engines.  I
don't think there are 64-bit ARMs yet but I understand they are

I have a Core Quad Xeon box that I run Fedora on.  It has 16 GB of
FB-DIMM memory.  FB-DIMM has gone out of style because it uses so much
more power, but has superior performance for multithreaded
applications because multiple cores can read or write to the same
stick at the same time.

However, I keep it in my bedroom.  If I fall asleep while the door and
window are shut, I will wake up in a sweat as the room will become as
hot as a sauna!
Don Quixote de la Mancha

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Re: Fedora14: Very very slow NFS write performance

2011-09-25 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
Are you using userspace NFS or the kernel NFS?  The kernel NFS
_should_ be faster.

On Sun, Sep 25, 2011 at 10:02 AM, Terry Barnaby wrote:
 I wonder if NFS is doing a complete sync() to disk on each file close ??

If you are using the userspace NFS, the strace command will show all
the system calls it makes.  Run strace against the NFS daemon and
untar a small tarball with just a few files, otherwise it will spew
mountains of logs.

strace -f will trace child processes in the event that the daemon
forks when you use it.

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Re: Fedora14: Very very slow NFS write performance

2011-09-25 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
Try writing to a different type of filesystem.  It might be the
filesystem's fault.  MacTCP on the Classic Mac OS got a real bad rap
because FTP writes were very slow, but it was easy to show that the
problem was in the Heirarchical Filesystem.

Is your destination filesystem journaled?  Maybe flushing the journal
is causing your hit.
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Re: Unable to install image file of Fedora 15 into my laptop

2011-09-16 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
On Fri, Sep 16, 2011 at 2:12 AM, siddharth wrote:
              I have an image file of Fedora 15, which I got with a magazine.
 After burning it to a CD,the disk remains empty.Please suggest.

What happens when you try to do the installation?

You should be able to boot off the CD.  What happens if you try that?

Don Quixote
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Re: any way to control disk order?

2011-09-09 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
You can label the filesystems on each of your partitions.  Then you
mount according to the label rather than by the device special file.

Let me ask google...

For years the order of SCSI disks was stable, but there was never any
particular guarantee that the order would be any particular way.  Then
a new release of the kernel appeared that reversed the order!  Since
then the best thing to do has been to label your partitions.

Don Quixote

On Thu, Sep 8, 2011 at 1:08 PM, Adalbert Prokop wrote:
 Am 02.09.2011 05:31, schrieb mcforum:


 things like hddtemp where you have to give it args like /dev/sda /dev/sdb.  I
 don't suppose there is any available mechanism for forcefully inducing the
 kernel to enumerate removable drives last? .

 I do not know of such mechanism, but you could use symbolic links
 available at /dev/disk/by-id or /dev/disk/by-uuid.

 The order of my disks also changes from time to same (I suppose what
 gets initialized first - wins). But with those links it does not really

 best wishes

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Re: Selinux beating up on Chromium

2010-08-14 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
Why does a web browser need raw socket access?

Raw sockets are for creating your own protocols on top of IP - that
is, alternatives to TCP and UDP.

It's also for protocols that don't normally offer userspace APIs.  One
way to implement ping is to use a raw socket tp send and receive ICMP

All a web browser should require is TCP and DNS!

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Don Quixote de la Mancha

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Re: OTish :D Colors of Cases for Fedora was: Re: Open Letter

2010-08-12 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
It is true that flat-black materials are the strongest radiators.

If you know the reflectivity of a material, you can measure its
temperature from the flux of light (or infrared, for normal
conditions) emitted per unit area from its surface.  For a given
temperature, the higher reflectivity will emit less.

Even if you don't know the reflectivity - say, if you're taking an
aerial or satellite photo - you can still measure the temperature by
using a spectroscope to find the wavelength (or color) of the emission
peak.  As materials grow warmer, their emission grows both brighter
and bluer.  Thus hot stoves glow deep red, while lightning bolts are
blueish-white and colossally bright.

Interestingly, the physicist Planck derived that emission spectrum
from purely classical considerations of systems of harmonic
oscillators.  I'm afraid I don't recall the derivation, but it has the
curious property that it explains a fundamentally quantum mechanical
phenomenon without the use of any quantum mechanics in the derivation.
 Purely classical!

Planck's Constant h is found in the function that describes that
spectrum, and can be calculated from that derivation.

What is really cool is that Planck's Constant is also found throughout
quantum mechanics.  In QM h is almost always divided by 2 * PI, so to
save writing we write an h with a diagonal slash through it, then drop
the 2 * PI.  This is pronounced h bar.

Now here is where it gets really bizarre: h bar divided by two is the
spin of the electron!  That is, when we say that electrons are spin
one-half particles, we mean that their angular momentum is h bar
divided by two.  Spin one particles like photons have an angular
momentum of one h bar.

It took me a long, long, long time to come to grips with spin.  Spin
is angular momentum, and charged particles that have spin exhibit the
magnetic fields that one would expect from rotating electric charges,
but spin is NOT rotation.

Spin is also quantized.  If we subject an electron to a magnetic
field, its magnetic pole will either line up with the applied field,
or opposite to it.  Only these two choices are permitted; nothing in

Bound states of particles are individual particles themselves.  They
obey all the same laws as elementary particles, just in more complex
ways.  Thus rotation arises from systems of lots of particles that
possess some kind of spin.

A friend describes spin as an irreparable tear in the fabric of the Universe.

My Fedora case is black, but that's just because I wanted a case with
ten drive bays, and the only ten bay case that Central Computers had
in stock was black.  That allows for a burner, a floppy, and
(eventually) and eight-disk RAID.  I only have four disks so far, but
I'm planning for the future.

It's been a long, long time, and I've forgotten all but the conceptual
bits, but at one time I was an Astronomy major at the California
Institute of Technology.

Don Quixote de la Mancha

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Re: AppArmor about to be merged into the kernel?

2010-03-22 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 10:48 PM, Ed Greshko wrote:
 Heh.  That's a good point, but I would remind all of you that SELinux
 comes from No Such Agency.

 Which Evil is the Lesser?

 That too is for the individual to decide.

It happens that the NSA has a largely unclassified office that is
primarily concerned with computer security.  They produce a scholarly
journal called EDPACS - Electronic Data Processing Audit and Control
Systems if I remember correctly.

Back in the day, I was posting some ideas about security on Usenet,
which EDPACS' editor happened to stumble across.  He invited me to
contribute a paper,  But I'm afraid I never did.

I don't know, but I expect that SELinux comes from the same people.

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Don Quixote de la Mancha

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Re: Hibernate and OpenVPN

2010-03-21 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
 Timothy Murphy wrote:-
 I only ever re-boot to see how Windows is getting on! -

Oh, you needn't concern yourself.  Laden with viruses and End-User
License Agreements as always.

 but I notice that I always lose connection
 to machines I link to with OpenVPN
 when coming out of hibernation.

With all the kernels that I've tried under both F10 and and F11, I
have been unable to get the network to function after coming out of
hibernation.  No amount of monkeying with ifconfig or restarting
/etc/init.d/network will fix it.  I finally gave up on hibernation and
just shut down completely.

I'm planning to try Tux on Ice sometime soon, but haven't gotten
around to it yet.

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Don Quixote de la Mancha

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Re: Shut down with usb connected

2010-03-21 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 4:04 PM, Andres Felipe Acosta Gil wrote:
 Hey all, i shut down my computer with a usb memory connectad, then i
 disconnected it when the computer was turned down, when i turned on the
 computer, a black screen appears and a prompt (i cant type anithing), and
 fedora or windows doesn't boot. What should i do??

Go into your PC's BIOS right when it boots.  That's usually done by
holding the Delete key during boot, but your PC might use a different

Your BIOS should have a Boot section.  Look over the items in the
boot order listing, then make any changes to ensure that both the
listed devices and their boot order is completely correct.

On my own box, my Supermicro X7DWA-N motherboard mangles the boot
order every time I change the connectivity of any storage devices.
The result is almost always that I cannot boot until I myself do what
I just told you to do.

And yes, that is a glaring firmware bug, and really inexcusable for a
high-end server motherboard, but there it is.

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Re: AppArmor about to be merged into the kernel?

2010-03-21 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
Perhaps someone could post a brief note that compares and contrasts
SELinux with AppArmor.

I am getting ready to set up SELinux on a server, but haven't actually
started yet.  My first step would be to purchase a good technical book
on SELinux, as what little experience I already have with SELinux
suggests that it is not for the faint of heart.

Would I be better off using AppArmor instead?  Or could the two of
them be used in combination?

My plan is for my server to run Apache, a modest web application,
Postfix and the MailMan email list manager.

Thanks for any insight you can give me,

Don Quixote
Don Quixote de la Mancha

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Re: AppArmor about to be merged into the kernel?

2010-03-21 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 10:34 PM, Ed Greshko wrote:
 Some people will point out that AppArmor comes from the Novell folks and
 is already integrated with openSUSE.  They would also remind folks of
 the collaboration between Novell and Microsoft.

 So, when reading the various comparisons make sure you know which bias
 may be in play.

Heh.  That's a good point, but I would remind all of you that SELinux
comes from No Such Agency.

Which Evil is the Lesser?

Don Quixote
Don Quixote de la Mancha

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Re: Charging USB devices with Fedora

2010-03-17 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
On Wed, Mar 17, 2010 at 2:28 AM, Kari Somby wrote:
 It can be something on your USB device or USB port.

To clarify, your motherboard may not be applying device power to your
USB ports.  I don't think USB power is actually required by the
protocol spec, rather its an optional feature.  Even if power is
provided, the amount provided may be insufficient for your particular

 When using USB purely powering purposes, no drivers are needed - only thing is
 that USB devices are enabled.

That's usually the case, but its not true in general.  To charge a
Motorola RAZR from USB, one needs special software.  There are several
freeware packages that enable RAZR charging.  I only tried on Mac OS
X; I don't know whether there is a Linux package that does it.

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Don Quixote de la Mancha

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Re: Sandisk USB stick with U3

2010-03-15 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
Some USB drives have partitions full of Windows software hardwired
into the drive firmware.

Not just Flash drives - there are rotating USB drives that provide
such partitions.  One that I looked at had the installer for a backup

I expect that it would be impossible to remove those partitions from
some models of such drives, short of re-flashing the firmware with
some kind of replacement.

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Don Quixote de la Mancha

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Re: Comments on the fastestmirror plugin

2010-03-12 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
On Fri, Mar 12, 2010 at 6:21 AM, Fred Williams wrote:
 The main downside I see to it is that those users on an ISP which throttles
 BitTorrent will suffer, and have to go back to standard downloads, but if
 both are provided, then no issue.

I have found that some corporate firewalls block BitTorrent, no doubt
to keep wayward employees from downloading w4r3z, but they also have
the effect of preventing right-thinking employees from downloading
Open Source installation ISOs.

So if Fedora does provide BitTorrent RPM downloads, it would still
need to offer HTTP as well.

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Don Quixote de la Mancha

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Re: FC12 livecd-iso-to-disk woes

2010-03-08 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
On Mon, Mar 8, 2010 at 2:35 AM, T. Horsnell wrote:
 # livecd-iso-to-disk --format --reset-mbr Fedora-12-i686-Live.iso /dev/sdc1

 but the resulting USB stick just gives me 'Boot Error' when I boot it.

I haven't tried it myself, or looked at the livecd-iso-to-disk code,
but are you sure that you want /dev/sdc1 and not /dev/sdc?

/dev/sdc1 is the first partition on your third SCSI drive (which
includes USB storage).

/dev/sdc in your entire third SCSI drive.

Unless you write a boot sector to the first 512 bytes of /dev/sdc, you
will get exactly the error you are seeing.

Hope that helps,

Don Quixote
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Re: request

2010-03-08 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
On Mon, Mar 8, 2010 at 7:08 PM, Amiga5 wrote:
 who sent you mail anyway

The Mail Daemon.  It's objective is to entrap your immortal soul.

Don Quixote
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Re: Disk error??

2010-03-03 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
On Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 12:14 AM, Mike McCarty wrote:
 You reformat and reuse failing drives? Did I read that right?

Corrupted filesystems, or borked operating systems, but not bad
drives.  If the failure was not caused by the drive itself, and I can
prove that by running all the diagnostics, then it is safe to reuse
the drive.

 I'm gonna write this all up in a more coherent and detailed way and
 post it on my website:  I'll post the
 link here when it's online.  But probably not until this weekend.

 I'm sure we're all waiting, like the fisher, with baited breath.

 I know I'm interested in reading what you have to say.

Thank You!  I appreciate your encouragement.

A significant difference between all my articles and all my email list
posts, is that I do take the time to research the articles.  List
posting are generally written directly from memory with no research at

So thanks for setting me straight on all that.  I'll make sure to get it right.

Don Quixote
Don Quixote de la Mancha

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Re: partition customization do I ???

2010-03-03 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
 if you write I know everything about Linux/Unix in your CV .. I
 think it will not be considerable

I've been running Linux on my own boxes since 1994 or so, and not just
on x86 machines, but Old World PowerPC Macintoshes as well, both
Debian and MkLinux, which was an Apple-sponsored project which built
the Linux kernel around the Mach microkernel.

Since 1999 or so I had been building my own kernels.  For almost that
whole time I would download tarballs from The Series Of Tubes to build
for my own boxes.  Quite often, stuff wouldn't build out of the box,
so I had to hack it until it did.

All this time I had quite a lot of good coding experience on my
resume, including work as a Senior Engineer at Apple Computer.

But try as I might - and I did try, many times - I was completely
unable to get any kind of job working on Linux.  None whatsoever!  And

I had absolutely no *paid* Linux experience on my resume!

Finally, the solution occurred to me: I have a Skills section right
at the beginning of my resume, that lists all my programming languages
and the like.

I added an item that listed every single Linux distro I had ever
installed myself.  There were quite a lot of them.

Now the typical headhunter would still pass on me, because I had no
actual paid positions that said anything about Linux.  But a software
engineering manager who was actually familiar with Linux, would look
at that fact that I listed Yggdrasil among my distros, and understand
instantly that I really did have real-world Linux experience.

Yggdrasil ceased publication maybe twelve years ago.   These days,
anyone who even knows there was such a thing as an Yggdrasil distro
clearly must be an old-school Linux Guru.

I now have a job at Sony Ericsson, where I am a member of one of their
Men in Black teams.  Us Men in Black specialize in isolating and
fixing the very most obscure and arcane bugs and performance problems
in Sony Ericsson's mobile phone software, which in the case of my
particular project, is Sony Ericsson's port of Google Android

... which is Linux.

I'll send you my bill in the mail.

Don Quixote
Don Quixote de la Mancha

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Re: F12-i386-DVD iso won't burn properly

2010-03-02 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
Try burning it with wodim.  It's a command-line tool; you'll need to
read wodim's man page, which will require a bit of study.

One reason is that wodim is likely to succeed where other burners
fail.  The other is that wodim will give extremely detailed error
messages if something goes wrong.

I don't recall the precise command line you will need, so please do
look up the man page, but it will be something like:

  $ sudo wodim -v speed=1 dev=/dev/cdrw -sao Foo.iso

-sao means Session at Once, which is what you want if you're burning
the entire disc from a single ISO file.

Replace /dev/cdrw with your burner's actual filename - but /dev/cdrw
is probably what you want.

If it still borks, copy all of wodim's output to the clipboard and
paste it into a reply to this thread.

Don Quixote
Don Quixote de la Mancha

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Re: F12-i386-DVD iso won't burn properly

2010-03-02 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 6:36 AM, Temlakos wrote:
 Sadly, I don't seem to have wodim on my system. (I never upgraded beyond
 FC6, if that explains anything.) How do I get it?

FC6 would have cdrecord.  I think wodim and cdrecord have compatible
command-line options.  If I remember correctly, there was some problem
with cdrecord's license, so wodim was developed as a drop-in

But if you want to give wodim a try anyway, it shouldn't be hard to
build from source.  Let me find it for you...

But if you're not a programmer, do try out cdrecord before attempting
to build wodim yourself.

Don Quixote
Don Quixote de la Mancha

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Re: F12-i386-DVD iso won't burn properly -- SOLVED

2010-03-02 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
Good for you!

When you first boot the install CD, it presents the option of
validating the DVD contents, to ensure that you really do have a good
burn.  Let it do that check at least once.  If the test every
succeeds, it will probably always succeed, but you sure don't want to
try to install from a disk where that test would fail.

Don Quixote
Don Quixote de la Mancha

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Re: GoogleEarth segfault [SOLVED]

2010-03-02 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 3:17 PM, Matthew Saltzman wrote:
 It all came down to missing i686 libs:

If those libraries were linked the normal way, by having set
them up when Google Earth launched, the missing libraries would have
prevented it from launching at all.  You wouldn't have gotten any kind
of crash, it just wouldn't execute.

My guess is that the missing libraries are normally loaded manually,
that is, with some of Google Earth's own code calling the dynamic
library manipulation functions and setting up the link itself.  That's
usually done to enable one to choose one of several alternative
libraries, or to add extra features that don't come built in.  Native
web browser plugins are handled that way too.

If that were the case, quite likely the reason that you got the
segfault is that that manual link failed completely because the
libraries were not to be found, but with the client code that expected
those libraries to be linked failing to check if the library load was

If my theory is correct, then Google needs a bug report.  I don't have
a clue how you'd file one.  But then, as they say, WHAT NOW is your

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Re: F12-i386-DVD iso won't burn properly

2010-03-02 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 3:55 PM, John Mellor wrote:
 I think its all part of the insufficient testing problem that has dogged
 F12 ever since it was released without being stabilized.  Hopefully the
 revised F13 qa automation and fixing of blocker anaconda bugs so that
 testers can actually install the beta can resolve some of this...

When I upgraded from F10 to F11, I had a couple of significant
problems.  I don't recall now what they were, but they were very
common problems whose solutions were well documented in the mailing

I have remained at F11 in part because it is working well, so I'm
reluctant to risk screwing it up, and in part because I have gotten
the general impression, by reading this very list, that F12 is screwed
up in so many ways.

I haven't made any effort to track that in a statistically sensible
way.  It's just that I read so many complaints about F12 being borked
this way and that, that I have always felt it wise not to open that
particular can of worms.

What is your take - given F12's state of fixedness *right now* am I
better off staying with F11, or upgrading to F12?

When F13 comes out, would I be able to upgrade directly from F11 to
F13, or will I have to pass through F12 on the way?

In principle, I ought to be able to copy my whole F11 installation
into a VirtualBox virtual hard disk, then try upgrading that just to
see if it would work.  I've actually been considering doing so,
because I have so very many packages installed now, that if there was
still any kind of pervasive brokenness, attempting to upgrade would
screw the pooch but good.

Thank You For Any Insight You Can Give Me,

Don Quixote
Don Quixote de la Mancha

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Re: Disk error??

2010-03-02 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 5:52 PM, Bruno Wolff III wrote:
 That depends on whether you time or money are more valuable. Certainly
 for a business the above is a reasonable strategy. For a hobbiest, continuing
 to use a drive after it has a few reallocated sectors may be a very reasonable
 course of action.

If the only problem was that some sectors got remapped, it shouldn't
be failing any of the tests.  At worst, it would simply report that
the remapping had taken place, but that the test had passed.

And in fact, back in the day I made a practice of backing up then
destructively bad-sector testing all of my drives once a year or so,
because the drives of the time just weren't anywhere near as reliable
as today's drives.  Doing so enabled some of my drives to last ten

What would be a problem though is unrecoverable errors.

Don Quixote
Don Quixote de la Mancha

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Re: To F12 or not to F12

2010-03-02 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 5:58 PM, Temlakos wrote:
 Now what I really would appreciate is a place to go to learn how to use
 the one thing that would allow me to use a handful of tiny Windows
 freeware apps that I have acquired along the way--i.e., WINE.

WINE works surpisingly well.  CodeWarrior Pro 8 works flawlessly under
F11's WINE, with the exception of the source code debugger.  The
CodeWarrior IDE has a very rich, complex user interface.  I can create
Win32 application in CW8 under WINE, then after building them, run
them under WINE or under Real Redmond.

It works so well that I have started using Notepad++ - a Win32 program
- to edit my source when working in Linux.  My only complaint is the
tiny Windows-style file dialogs, but otherwise it works just fine.

Older Windows apps are likely to work better than new ones, mainly
because the WINE developers have had more time to fix any problems
with them.

Don Quixote
Don Quixote de la Mancha

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Re: partition customization do I ???

2010-03-02 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
installation from a physical disk partition into a disk image file
suitable for use with QEMU or VirtualBox.  I needed to do that because
QEMU doesn't know how to deal with the BeOS 5 Pro installation CD, so
my workaround was to install on a real drive, then transfer it into a
virtual disk image file:

I mention this because my HOWTO beats the subject of cylinder-accurate
sfdisk completely to death.

Share and Enjoy!

Don Quixote
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Re: F12-i386-DVD iso won't burn properly -- SOLVED

2010-03-02 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
The Chicken and Egg Problem for checksums was solved for the IP header
checksum, and the TCP payload checksum back during the 1970s.

When calculating the checksum, set the checksum field itself to zero.
When verifying the checksum, skip over the value that is actually
present.  Perform the calculation as if it was actually set to zero.

CD and DVD images could do the same thing.

It would be enough to append a single 32-bit CRC just to ensure that
your download wasn't corrupted, or that you had a good burn, but if
you wanted to make sure that the Russian Mafia hadn't patched your
kernel, you could add one entire 2048-byte sector to your image, and
fill it all up with one big cryptographic hash.

Don Quixote
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Re: Disk error??

2010-03-02 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 10:17 PM, Tony Nelson wrote:
 Palimpsest is worse than that.  It claims a disk that has any
 *reallocated* sectors is bad.

That's just wrong.

The most one could claim is that a drive with no remapped sectors was
in some way better than one with, but disk drives have supported
sector remapping since the beginning of time.

The very first hard drive I ever owned was a 135 MB (MegaBytes, not
GigaBytes!) full-height 5 1/4 Fujitsu SCSI-1 drive that I put in a
shoebox case.

It came with a hardcopy listing of the bad sectors.  My business
partner was completely outraged!  How could they sell us a drive with
sectors that they know are bad?

An alternative to remapping, which is support by most filesystems, is
not to remap at all, but to mark filesystem blocks that contain one or
more bad sectors as unusable.  More or less, when the filesystem is
laid down, a small invisible file will be laid over each bad sector.

Remapping preserves the total number of sectors on the drive, but
marking bad sectors as simply unusable avoids the problem of ever
running out of spare sectors, at the cost of losing some of the
drive's total capacity.

Don Quixote
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Re: User to set CPU scaling?

2010-03-01 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 4:25 PM, Chris Smart wrote:
 Is there a way for non-root users to be able to administer CPU

Unsolder the crystal on your motherboard, then solder in a slower one.

I'll send you my bill in the mail.

Don Quixote
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Re: Which backup program should one use? Was Re: Risks of backing up live mounted filesystems using dump(8)

2010-03-01 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
I realized a while back that if one's filesystem is a rat's nest, then
one's backups will be a rat's nest as well, as will be any files
restored from backup.

So I devoted a great deal of time to organizing all of the filesystems
on all of my computers, and getting rid of stuff that did not really
need to be online.  This had the added benefit from freeing up
hundreds of gigabytes of disk space.

Now I have a two-level backup scheme.  Say for Dulcinea's files, I
will make a tarball of Dulcinea's source code, Dulcinea's financial
books and so on, with the tarballs having the date in their name:


I use the -MM-DD date format because an alphabetical listing will
be ordered by date as well.

This makes it trivially easy to get back just what I need should I ever need it.

I have three filesystems on my F11 box: /backup0, /backup1 and
/backup2.  /backup0 is a partition on my internal RAID.  It's not a
proper backup, but just a convenience.  I always backup to /backup0,
then immediately rsync /backup0 to either /backup1 or /backup2,
whichever is actually connected at the time.

One of those two drives is on my desk, the other is in a safe deposit
box.  Once a week, I switch them.

The reason I have /backup0 on an internal partition is to avoid having
to make two trips to the bank when I switch.

This isn't all automated yet, but I'm not far from there.  I already
do have continuous, automated backup for my Subversion repository.
Whenever I check in new code, the Subversion hot-backup script backs
up the whole repository and drops the backup onto /backup0.  A cron
job later copies it to the external drive.

Don Quixote
Don Quixote de la Mancha

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Re: User to set CPU scaling?

2010-03-01 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
More seriously, if there is a command-line tool that root would use to
adjust the CPU scaling, perhaps it would work to add that command to
the /etc/sudoers file.

You would still need to use the sudo command to run it, but once
having entered your personal (not root) password, you could issue more
sudo commands for fifteen minutes without having to enter your
password again.

Don Quixote
Don Quixote de la Mancha

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Re: rsync, vs Partimage, vs other backup

2010-02-24 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
I don't have any command line examples to give you, but I once used
PartImage and GParted to successfully migrate a three disk RAID 0 NTFS
filesystem on a Windows Small Business Server 2003 to a RAID 5.

My friend set up the RAID 0 in eager anticipation of blazingly fast
storage I/O, only later to realize that he had made the most important
computer in his whole business three times more likely to fail
unrecoverably.  He asked if I could change it to a RAID 5 somehow.

I used GParted to resize the filesystem so that it was definitely
smaller than the eventual RAID 5 would be.  I then used PartImage to
image the NTFS filesystem into a file on a large FireWire drive.  I
used the RAID controller's BIOS to reconfigure the RAID 0 to be a RAID
5, then used PartImage to restore the filesystem from the FireWire
drive onto the RAID.  Finally I used GParted once again to grow the
filesystem to use all of the available space.

And it actually worked!  I was so dumbfounded.  Our Dear Friend
Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2003 did not appear to notice
anything had happened at all.

As an added benefit, my friend was left with a full backup on that
FireWire drive.

Don Quixote de la Mancha

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Re: F11 - F12 preupgrade problem resulted in odd alsa loaded

2010-02-23 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
 BTW, It would be I Dream of Jeannie freaky if you were ever a Major
 in the U.S. Air Force, but I'm sure you have heard that before ;-)

 I was USNavy Enlisted.

For fifteen years now, I have been getting adoring fan mail from women
who apparently suffer from poor reading comprehension.  I'm pretty
sure most of them would have had my baby, had I but asked.

One women asked me to sing at her daughter's wedding.  When I said
that I only knew how to play piano, and could not sing, she asked me
to sing anyway.

Michael Crawford
Don Quixote de la Mancha

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Re: Fedora 10 install into Sun VirtualBox

2010-02-23 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 9:24 PM, Anthony Newland wrote:
 I've just finished installing Fedora 10 into the Sun VirtualBox, and now I
 can't seem to login. I don't remember making up a user account for this, so
 I have no idea what it could be. Thoughts?

Boot your VM off your installation CD - or attach the installer ISO
image to your VM as a virtual CD.

From the installer, start a shell, then mount the root filesystem of your VM.

There are two ways to deal with it at that point: one would be to edit
/etc/shadow with vi or nano, and just eliminate the root password,
that is, remove the characters between the two colons that delimit
encrypted password field, so that it becomes just ::.  After booting
your VM normally, and logging in with no password, go and set a

Alternatively you can chroot into the mounted root filesystem, and
from there you can use the adduser command to set up a user for
yourself.  Put that user into the /etc/sudoers files so you can
administrate the VM during a normal boot.

I'll send you my bill in the mail. xD

Don Quixote
Don Quixote de la Mancha

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Re: I'm on CNN at 1:30 Pacific Time

2010-02-19 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
On Thu, Feb 18, 2010 at 1:48 PM, Mike Chambers wrote:
 Saw the last 2-5 minutes of it, so really missed the whole conversation

My whole CNN interview is on YouTube - I just hope you don't run 64-bit. xD

I did a much-longer taped interview later yesterday afternoon with
KGO, a local San Francisco station.  I'll try to find it on their
website if I can.

I'm getting ready to submit a story about my whole experience, and
Joe's distress over the Section 1706 tax code to the Kuro5hin
community website:

If you sign up as a member, you can then click the Moderate
Submissions link.  There you will be able to see my essay while it is
being considered by the moderators.

There is a $5 troll suppression fee required to vote or to post
comments, but just to read a story in the Edit Queue without actually
commenting is free of charge.

I'll post my story within the hour.

Don Quixote

Don Quixote de la Mancha

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Re: I'm on CNN at 1:30 Pacific Time

2010-02-19 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
I wrote:
 I did a much-longer taped interview later yesterday afternoon with
 KGO, a local San Francisco station.

It's now online.  I appear towards the end.  But I'm having some
trouble with the video playback; maybe KGO's server can't handle the

I never really appreciated just how much I look like Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.

 I'm getting ready to submit a story about my whole experience, and
 Joe's distress over the Section 1706 tax code to the Kuro5hin
 community website:

 If you sign up as a member, you can then click the Moderate
 Submissions link.  There you will be able to see my essay while it is
 being considered by the moderators.

If you're a logged-in Kuro5hin member, you can get to the Edit and
Voting Queues by clicking:

My essay is at:

   Making Sense of the Senseless, Or, Me and My Buddy Joe

Until the story is approved by the Kuro5hin membership, that link will
only work if you're a logged-in K5 member.

 There is a $5 troll suppression fee required to vote or to post
 comments, but just to read a story in the Edit Queue without actually
 commenting is free of charge.

Michael David Crawford
Slayer of Windmills
Don Quixote de la Mancha

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Re: I'm on CNN at 1:30 Pacific Time

2010-02-19 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 9:51 AM, Gene Heskett wrote:
 I am ambivalent about this story, primarily because access to the real story
 is denied to the general, casual reader.  The links provided so far are only
 to aired snippets that have been quite filtered as to any meaningful, make a
 determination as to whose side of the story one should really be on, data.

 TBT, this casual reader has had his own share of troubles with the IRS, but
 that was all because of a 2nd wife/bitch that flew the coop leaving me
 holding the bag.   And this 'casual reader' isn't about to pay, exposing my
 CC info yet again, to be able to read your story.  Until then, I believe the
 innuendo is not appropriate for this list.

The requirement that one sign up as a member to read my story while it
is in the Edit or Voting Queues, will persist only until my story is
(hopefully) approved by the membership.  At that point, it will be
freely available to any anonymous user, without any requirement to
sign up or to pay anything at all.  I expect that it will post by
Saturday evening or so.

 Sorry Michael, I didn't find anything but a login block at that address,
 hence my reticence to comment on the 'facts' since they are being hidden from
 us behind a $5.00 toll gate.

Kuro5hin's five dollar entrance fee has been the topic of loud and
frequent protests the whole time it has been in force.  Unfortunately,
because of the spirited nature of the typical Kuron, the fee is the
only solution that has been found to keep the trolls from completely
overrunning the place.

I'll let you know when it posts publicly.  Also when I get home from
work, I plan to mirror the whole piece on my own website, where it
will be just a static HTML page, with nary a web application, nor even
a cookie anywhere near the place.

Don Quixote
Don Quixote de la Mancha

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[SOLVED] Skype can't find

2010-02-18 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
And yes, I know this is the only post in this thread.  I reported this
problem with the first Skype beta for Linux, and was dismayed that it
happened with the second as well.  It occurs with both the RPM and the
statically linked version:

  $ skype 
  skype: error while loading shared libraries: cannot
open shared object file: No such file or directory

yum list doesn't find anything resembling the desired library.  I
suggested on Skype's Linux forum that they provide an RPM specifically
for Fedora 11, but they still only provide one for Ten and Up and
it's only 32-bit.  Ubuntu gets 64-bit debs, what is Fedora, chopped

I made sure I had the i586 versions of all the dependencies.  Their
download page says it wan't libasound2; am I correct that on Fedora,
that is the alsa library?  Anyway I installed the 32-bit alsa library,
and didn't get any complaints about it when Skype ran.

I really, really wanted to use Skype on Fedora so I tracked down the
missing dependency: on Fedora it is called libXScrnSaver.   If you're
running 64-bit as I am, it's not enough to have the 64-bit
libXScrnSaver installed, you need to do:

  # yum install libXScrnSaver.i586

Despite the totally different library filename, it satisfies the
dynamic link, and Skype launches right up!

The only thing I had to do to get it working after that was to go into
the Options and select my Logitech USB headset as the input and output
audio device.

This was really important for me because my business partner is
overseas, and is really into Skype for Mac OS X.  I could have used
another telephony package for Linux myself, but it would have been
much harder for me to get my partner to set up an alternative package
on his Mac.

Don Quixote
Don Quixote de la Mancha

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Re: recommendations for version controlling /etc on a new f12 box?

2010-02-18 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
Subversion can provide automated continuous backup with a post-commit
hook that calls the script.  The hot backup makes a
compressed tarball of the entire repository, placed in the directory
of your choosing.  The name of the tarball is taking from the
repository's revision number.

(A Subversion repository has a single revision number for the whole
repository, or effectively, if it is at revision 42, and you check in
just one file, then all the files that were at 42 will also now be at

The hot backup will optionally delete older tarballs, so if you like
you can keep just a fixed number of them around.

I use this for my own personal source code, in addition to a cron job
that runs rsync on the directory where I drop the Subversion tarballs,
to copy them to an external drive.  Once a week, I swap that drive
with an identical drive that I keep in a bank safe deposit box.

I expect that it would work to put your whole /etc directory in
Subversion if you tried.  Alternatively, you could have a mirror of
the /etc tree somewhere else, then use rsync to deploy updates when
you were sure they were ready.

I Got Religion about backups a little over a year ago, when I lost the
third hard drive of my career.  I managed to recover most of the
files, but some were a total loss.  I recovered all the files from my
first failure, but the drive itself was a goner.  The second drive
started making these loud clicks, and was an instant, total loss.

I'm not where I want to be with my backup system, as it is still
mostly manually-operated, but I'm getting close.

Don Quixote
Don Quixote de la Mancha

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I'm on CNN at 1:30 Pacific Time

2010-02-18 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
I will be appearing live on CNN at 1:30 Pacific Time today - in 35
minutes - to comment on the experience of fellow software consultant
Joe Stack, who burned down his house today then crashed his airplane
into an IRS office.

CNN Googled up this page of mine:

Gotta Run!

Michael David Crawford
aka Don Quixote de la Mancha
Don Quixote de la Mancha

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Re: Help: trying to load Acrobat on F11/64

2010-02-17 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
On Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 10:29 AM, wrote:
 Im trying to load Acrobat on Fedora11/64, and I get the error message
 that it cant find

 Ive tried yum provides with no luck.
 Any idea where this library lives?

Is it a 64-bit Acrobat?  If it is just 32-bit, you would need to
install the 32-bit dependencies.  There is a metapackage that can
install them all, or you can install the 32-bit version of any library
by naming the architecture explicitly in the package name that you
give to yum install.

If Acrobat is indeed 32-bit only, it won't work as a plugin for 64-bit browsers.

Don Quixote
Don Quixote de la Mancha

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Re: ATI Radeon vs nVidia 3D accelleration

2010-02-15 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha

On Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 2:15 PM, gary artim wrote:
 Don --

 That would be great, please report back. I have clients using borken
 system with ati hd 4770 cards. Have a
 bug started but not much action so far. Considering swapping in Nvidia
 cards so they can at least see there
 work cleanly.

 -- Gary

When I have something working, it wouldn't be hard to write up a HOWTO
and post it on my website.

However, while one can obtain support for the very latest cards by
checking out the very latest development code, one also has the
problem that that code is largely untested and quite likely to be
buggy.  Thus while one's card would support many methods of
accellerating 3D graphics, a few of those methods could well crash
your system.

Really the only way to tell is to build the code, then test it with
some kind of comprehensive program.  I just installed the Phoronix
Test Suite, a Linux benchmarking framework.  One of its benchmark
suites is called idquake3-games - several video games built on ID
Software's Quake 3 engine.  From what I've seen, it exercises quite a
lot of different kinds of 3D rendering techniques.

Don Quixote de la Mancha

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Re: Moblin is dead, Fedora on netbooks?

2010-02-15 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
Perhaps the Ubuntu Netbook Remix would serve your needs.

Ubuntu also support ARM microprocessors, which these days are commonly
used for mobile phones, but which soon will also be used for netbooks.

The ARM architecture is vastly superior to x86 when power consumption
- or battery life - is an important consideration.

The Ubuntu ARM distribution is not yet really ready for use by the
typical end-user, but should be straightforward to install and use for
experienced Linux users.  If you don't own an actual ARM
microprocessor, you can run it under QEMU, using the qemu-system-arm

Don Quixote
Don Quixote de la Mancha

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Re: Display settings should not be per user

2010-02-12 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 11:59 PM, Tim wrote:
 Why do people repeatedly get this so wrong?  (Users and those making the
 systems.)  The pixel count and resolution should be set to match the
 display card and the monitor, it's the FONT SIZE and graphics sizes that
 you should change.

My weary eyes are sorry to tell you that it is only in the last few
years that application software has been widely available, that allows
one to increase the display size without also increasing the print
size.  That is, one can set the size of some type in points, but then
set the magnification at which the entire document is displayed - or
the minification if you want to fit a whole bunch of pages on the
screen, without scrolling.

You know what I'd really, really like?  I don't actually want those
big fat pixels I went on so much about.  Not At All!

No, what I want are lots and lots of really *tiny* pixels, say 200 of
them per inch.

But I want my application software to still be able to get the sizes
of things right, both on the display and on printed pages.

That would require that drawing be done in terms of ruler
measurements, and not in terms of pixel measurements.  For type,
the text size would be specified in points or picas.  For everything
else it would be specified in inches or centimetres.

Cocoa on Mac OS X can do this; Cocoa drawing is always done using
floating-point measurements, and not integer pixel dimensions at all.
I eagerly look forward to the day that Apple starts shipping Mac
laptops with 200 DPI LCD screens.  Such screens are already being
manufactured, but are only economical for small devices such as
smartphones, because they are very expensive.

But Wait!  There's More!

If Cocoa can do it on Mac OS X, then GnuStep can do it on Linux too.
GnuStep is a source code-compatible clone on Cocoa.  Both frameworks
use the Objective-C programming language.  On both platforms, the
Objective-C compiler is - and always has been - GCC with the addition
of the Objective-C front end.

But Wait!  There's Less!

GnuStep isn't supported on Fedora because of some manner of Political
Insanity.  Cocoa and GnuStep software is always packaged in small
directory trees known as bundles; all of the files that on a
traditional *NIX box are spewed all over God's Creation and Then Some
are, with GnuStep and Cocoa, all kept neatly in one small tree.

To cleanly uninstall a GnuStep or Cocoa application, one just uses rm
-r on the bundle directory, or drags it to the trash.

But I'm afraid that just isn't acceptable to the Fedora Powers That
Be.  Until they can find some way to package GnuStep applications so
that they too are spread all over God's Creation and Them Some, those
who decide what software is to be included in Fedora, will not allow
GnuStep applications of any kind on a Fedora box.

My weary eyes just want to say, that that's a really fucked-up
attitude.  And Then Some.

Don Quixote.
Don Quixote de la Mancha

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Hard-Wire GDM X11 Resolution?

2010-02-12 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
I have a problem with my IOGear DVI/USB KVM switch, in which it fails
to correctly emulate the connected monitor on DVI ports that aren't
selected for display.

That is, if my monitor is showing my MacBook Pro's screen, then Fedora
gets the wrong display info from the KVM.  If it is displaying Fedora,
then the Mac gets the wrong info.

In both cases it is easy to correct, but really annoying.  It means
that I can't boot both computers simultaneously, because the video on
one of them will surely get screwed up.

The problem that I have when the KVM is showing the Mac screen, is
that the X11 for the Gnome Display Manager - the Fedora graphical
login - has a much lower resolution than my LCD monitor possesses.
You know what happens when you lower the resolution on an LCD - its
get all blurry.

Logging in and then trying to set the resolution with Gnome's display
preference does not work at all.

What does work is to log in, then immediately log back out.  The new
instance of GDM that is created after logout will have the correct

Now my question for all of you:

Is there some rational way that I can just hard-wire my X11 resolution
to a single, fixed value?  I have an LCD display, and I don't use any
other monitors.  I have no reason to ever want any resolution than the
fixed resolution of that one display.

Now and then I check IOGear's website for KVM firmware updates, but so
far they haven't released any.  Some day I'll contact their tech

What is really odd is that Mac OS X has a completely *different*
problem: OS X sets the display resolution correctly even if the KVM is
showing Fedora, but the OS X login user interface will be on my
MacBook Pro's internal screen.  If my Mac boots with the KVM connected
to it and not Fedora, the login UI is correctly displayed on my
external LCD display.

To fix the Mac problem, I yank the DVI cable off the Mac, wait for the
the built-in screen to readjust itself, then plug the DVI cable back
in.  At that point the login screen will switch from the internal
screen to the external one.


Don Quixoet
Don Quixote de la Mancha

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Re: Help Diagnose Slow Disc Access

2010-02-12 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
All of the hard drive vendors provide disk drive diagnostic tools,
that are able to access vendor-specific - and undocumented - firmware
in their drives.  This diagnostic firmware is able to diagnose drive
hardware problems in a much more thorough way than the vendor-neutral
S.M.A.R.T. is able to.

These utilities are always provided in the form of DOS boot disk
images; one generally has a choice of making a floppy or a CD-ROM.

Some of the vendors also provide diagnostics that can run under
Windows.  But the advantage of the DOS boot disks (besides not having
to run Windows), is that you can test your boot drive without having
to disconnect it, and the test is performed on a completely quiescent

The diagnostics are all quite easy to use.  Generally there is a
short test that just queries the diagnostic firmware, and a long
test that does a non-destructive test by reading every sector on your
drive.  Some of the diagnostics also include a drive exerciser which
tests the drive more rigorously by reading random sectors all over the

Finally they all have a destructive test, in which the diagnostic
writes zeroes to every sector of the drive.

No matter what, if you think one of your drives might be flaky, back
them both up at once, before doing anything else.

Being fully backed up also gives you the advantage that you can then
run the destructive sector-zeroing test.  I feel it's a good thing to
do in any case, just to exercise the bits.

A while back I downloaded all the diagnostics from all the drive
vendors, and burned a CD for each one.  I also keep them around on a
filesystem where I archive all my software installers.  They're good
things to have on hand.

I realize that you're using a parallel cable.  But a note for anyone
else reading this, who wants to test an SATA drive.  Recent versions
of these utilities do support SATA, but they are only able to do so by
embedded device drivers for every SATA controller in existence, in an
executable that starts up from 16-bit DOS.

My experience with the use of these for SATA drives, is that the
diagnostics worked just fine for SATA controllers that were integrated
with the motherboard.  But when I tried to use a PCI SATA controller,
the diagnostic couldn't find the drive.  The vendor's tech support
just told me that they didn't support PCI SATA controllers, and that I
had to access SATA through the motherboard.

Hope That Help,

Don Quixote
Don Quixote de la Mancha

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Re: Display settings should not be per user

2010-02-12 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
On Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 11:04 AM, Andrew Haley wrote:
 I use the big Dell WFP3008, which doubles up pixels quite
 nicely to 1280 x 800.  Mind you, are you sure you don't just
 need new glasses?

It's not that I can't focus.  It's that I don't want to have to.

Focussing all day long on text on a computer screen makes me very,
very tired by the end of the day.  When I get home from work, it's
everything I can do to work up the energy just to cook my supper.

There are many reasons why one might be tired at the end of a work
day, but I'm quite certain that primary among them, at least in my
case, is having to read so much text.

Don Quixote de la Mancha

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Re: Disk usage error

2010-02-11 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 5:01 AM, William John Murray wrote:
   Any more ideas? I guess I could copy the filesystem contents to
 another disk and back, I have the space for that, but it seems a little
 over-the-top. And it may well come back...

That would have the added benefit of completely defragmenting your filesystem.

I know it's off-topic, but it's really the best way to defragment;
defragmentation tools are generally unable to defragment everything.

Don Quixote
Don Quixote de la Mancha

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ATI Radeon vs nVidia 3D accelleration

2010-02-11 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
How well is radeonhd's 3D accelleration expected to work in Fedora 11?
 I did a yum update recently.

My box at work and my box at home are both Core 2 Quad Xeons.

My work box runs Ubuntu 8.10 and has an nVidia card - lspci says:

  nVidia Corporation Device 0658 (rev a1)

lsmod shows that it's using the nvidia driver.  Is that the
closed-source driver?

My box at home runs Fedora 11, with an ATI Radeon card.  I don't
recall the model, but it has 1 GB of RAM and occupies the space of two
PCI slots, with a big fan, so it should be a fancy, powerful card.

However while the nVideo card at work can run glxgears at a frame rate
of 5000 FPS, my Radeon can only do 300!

lsmod tells me that the DRI drivers are loaded.

Is there something I can tweak to get faster 3D, or is this the
expected performance for the current radeonhd driver?


Don Quixote
Don Quixote de la Mancha

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Re: setting up the android SDK on fedora

2010-02-11 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha

On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 4:37 AM, Robert P. J. Day wrote:
  i mentioned this before, but i plan on documenting how to get the
 android SDK up and running on fedora, and i've started documenting the
 process here:

Android wants the 1.5 JDK; it's incompatible with Java 1.6.

That gets to be a really annoying problem, because there is lots of
software that wants to suck Java 1.6 in as a dependency.

I haven't actually tried it, but it ought to be possible to install
both Java 1.5 and Java 1.6, then set up some environment variables so
that Android only sees 1.5 while everything else sees 1.6.

Android is also incompatible with every version of gcj, the GNU Java compiler.


Don Quixote
Don Quixote de la Mancha

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Re: ATI Radeon vs nVidia 3D accelleration

2010-02-11 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 5:42 AM, Marko Vojinovic wrote:
 The idea of 2D and 3D acceleration is to take the load off the processor. So
 you should not expect the performance of accelerated graphics to depend on the
 CPU model. Not too much, anyway.

That depends on the application.  Some 3D accelleration is
implemented by having the CPU optimize the input to the GPU, so that
there is less for the GPU to render.

 lsmod shows that it's using the nvidia driver.  Is that the
 closed-source driver?


Ah that is why my work box has such a high framerate - the
closed-source nVidia driver can use undocumented features that have
not yet been reversed-engineered for Open Source use.

 However while the nVideo card at work can run glxgears at a frame rate
 of 5000 FPS, my Radeon can only do 300!

 The glxgears utility is not a good benchmark. Better try out some real life
 stuff like quake3, nexuiz, extremetuxracer, or such. :-) Or those more dull
 things like googleearth and compiz (if your reflexes are too bad for gaming).

Heh.  Actually I did know that, as I came across this page just a
couple weeks ago:

On my nVidia work box, Extreme Tux Racer had a framerate of 100 to 130
at 1280x1024 (in a window, not full screen).  I won't be able to try
my Radeon home box until this evening.

 Is 3D actually turned on? You can have both hardware and drivers which support
 3D, but have xorg.conf that disables it, or something like that. You can check
 for direct rendering like this:

 glxinfo | grep direct

 If it says yes, then all should be well. :-)

Ah, I didn't know about that - thanks.

When I try glxinfo | less on my nVidia work box, it lists a whole
slew of GLX extensions.  Even if my Radeon has 3D turned on, it
probably doesn't support as many such extensions as the proprietary
nVidia driver does.

 There are probably some tools out there which measure frame rate and do proper
 serious benchmarking, but I don't know any.

Actually there is a very good 3D benchmarking tool for Linux, which
I've been intending to try:

My understanding is that the Phoronix Test Suite doesn't do the 3D in
itself, but serves as a test harness for running lots of other video

The installation instructions says that Fedora has a
phoronix-test-suite package, if you want to try it out yourself:

Don Quixote
Don Quixote de la Mancha

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Re: Zen kernel, what are advantages if any?

2010-02-11 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
  As for TuxOnIce, you can hardly blame people for wanting software which 
  will not
  only suspend but includes resume. Suspend/Hibernate are pretty broken, for 
  people TOI works.

 How true!

Thanks for pointing out TuxOnIce.  I have been very frustrated by the
stock hibernate on my F11 box.  I can hibernate OK, and resume
mostly works, but after resuming I am unable to use the network.
Fiddling with ifconfig (down, up and explicitly configuring it)
doesn't help at all.  So I just have to shut down completely rather
than hibernate.

 And for many people ndiswrapper works (for some values of works). That
 doesn't make it the right way to solve the problem for everyone.

Ideally whatever TuxOnIce has done to make hibernate work reliably
will be merged into the source.

But that takes time, and work.

Don Quixote
Don Quixote de la Mancha

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Re: Zen kernel, what are advantages if any?

2010-02-11 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 12:41 PM, Marko Vojinovic wrote:
 So what are the reasons for its absence from the mainline kernel then? If it
 works better than the current mechanisms and is open source, why does it take
 years to get it into mainline? Is there some showstopper/disadvantage/problem?

I don't actually know, but I would expect that simple intertia is the problem.

To get something into the kernel means that the core kernel developers
have to deal with it.

I know from my own experience, that if I were in the middle of a big
coding project, and my eggs were served sunny side up at breakfast
rather than over easy, then my head would surely explode.

I expect that the developers all face much the same kind of problem.

There have been many, many deserving projects that were externally
developed for *years* before being adopted into the kernel,
if they were adopted at all.

Don Quixote
Don Quixote de la Mancha

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Re: Question on installing FC12-X86_64

2010-02-11 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 12:04 PM, Jim wrote:

 Am I wrong or right that this computer will take a FC12  32 or 64bit

Core 2 Duos are 64-bit processors, so you can install the 64-bit Fedora.

However, all the x86_64 (aka AMD64) CPUs can run in 32-bit mode.  So
you can install the 32-bit Fedora instead if you choose.

My MacBook Pro is a Core Duo, but not a Core 2 Duo.  The Non-Two
Core Duos are 32-bit only, so when I finally get around to Linuxizing
my laptop, it will have to be 32-bit only.

When one has a choice of either 32-bit or 64-bit, there are certain
advantages and disadvantages to each choice.

The main advantage of 64-bit is that, if your motherboard supports it,
you can install more than 4 GB of memory.  That would enable you to
run lots of programs simultaneously without any virtual memory paging.
 I have 16 GB in my F11 Core 2 Quad Xeon box, and I never, ever have
to hit the swap file.

Even with less then 4 GB of memory, it is possible for software to run
faster in 64-bit mode than 32-bit mode, because the x86_64 Instruction
Set Architecture adds some general purpose registers that aren't
present in 32-bit.  Whether that helps your particular situation would
depend very much on the software you use.

(Tastes Great!  Less Filling!)

Hope That Helps,

Don Quixote
Don Quixote de la Mancha

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Re: ATI Radeon vs nVidia 3D accelleration

2010-02-11 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 6:04 PM, Marko Vojinovic wrote:
 AFAIK, the radeon driver doesn't support 3D acceleration for HD4*** family of
 cards. and that is probably the reason why tuxracer doesn't work. However, I
 don't know why glxinfo reports that direct rendering is active in this case.

Ah, that's too bad.

It's going to be a while though, before my OpenGL skills have advanced
to the point that hardware accelleration really matters.

These I'm doing pretty good to draw a rainbow-colored square in a GLUT window.

Maybe by the time I become the 1337 graphics h4x0r, the radeon driver
will be able to accellerate with my card.

Don Quixote de la Mancha

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Re: Display settings should not be per user

2010-02-11 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
2010/2/11 Tobias Ringström
 Why would anyone even want user specific display settings? Are users
 expected to move monitors around between logging in? Per user settings
 might be useful as a feature, but it's a very unfriendly default, or am
 I missing something?

It would make sense for the cathode ray tube multisync monitors from
the days of yore.

Obsessive geek types could set the resolution very high to fit more
source code on the screen...

... while those with poor eyesight could set the resolution very low,
to make text larger and so easier to read.

It doesn't make any sense at all of LCD displays though.  One just
about always wants to use the physical resolution of the LCD pixels.

What I've been looking for, for a long time, yet am unable to find, is
a very large, yet LOW resolution LCD display.

What I would like to see are great big fat square sharp pixels, with
great big, sharply defined and completely non-antialiased text.

I spend all day long working in front of a monitor.  Then when I go
home, I spend all night long hanging out in front of a monitor so I
can troll the Series of Tubes.

This makes my eyes very tired, from having to read so much tiny print.

Don Quixote
Don Quixote de la Mancha

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Re: Packages to be removed for Fedora 13

2010-02-08 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha

On Mon, Feb 8, 2010 at 4:56 AM, Till Maas wrote:
 Hi, at least the following packages are currently going to not be
 available anymore in Fedora 13. If you still use them, please check at
 the given URL, whether the owner for Fedora devel is orphan. If it is,
 please reply to this mail and mention the package.

I have plans to use python-pgsql:


... but I haven't actually used it yet.

I just want a way to access PostgreSQL databases from Python.  If
there is a better way than python-pgsql, then I won't really need it.

If having a maintainer would prevent its removal from Fedora 13, I
could do that.  However, while I know Python pretty well, I'm quite
the newbie with SQL.

Don Quixote
Don Quixote de la Mancha

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Re: 32bit support on 64bit Linux

2010-02-01 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
 There is a single yum target, that will bring in all (or most) of the 32bit
 and things that are needed to run 32bit applications on 64bit Fedora.

It is also possible to install just the specific 32-bit libraries that
you need.  That's what I did when I built ZooLib for 32-bit under
64-bit Fedora.  (

If you're building a 32-bit program from source, just try to build it
before installing any 32-bit libraries.  The link will fail because it
can't find a bunch of stuff.  Try to figure out what 32-bit yum
packages satisfy just the first few complaints, then install the
packages and try again.

After a few rounds of this you'll have pretty close to just the bare
minimum of libraries needed for that one program.

If you have a binary executable, and not the source, then ry running
it.  It won't run because it can't find a bunch of libraries.  Install
the first two or three libraries that it complains about, then Lather,
Rinse, Repeat.

In general a runtime library named will have a yum package
called libfoo.i386 or some such, and a development library named
something like libfoo-dev.i386.  You only need the -dev libraries if
you're developing from source - these include the header files, that
aren't needed for runtime support.

I'll send you my bill in the mail.

Don Quixote
Don Quixote de la Mancha

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Re: How do I put Multiple live distro's on a USB flash drive.

2010-02-01 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
On Sat, Jan 30, 2010 at 8:27 AM, tux wrote:
 I have an 8GB flash drive that I would like to put multiple Fedora Live
 CD's on. (KDE,Gnome,LXDE,XFCE, FEL, Games and Edu,Third party spins, etc. )

 Does anyone have any advice on how to do this

I think it should be straightforward to do this, but you'll need to do
it carefully and methodically.  I do something like this with my
VirtualBox disk images.  I put them in physical partitions for
efficiency, but sometimes copy them out to regular, uncompressed files
then convert them to sparse images then compress them with bzip2 for
backup.  I works real well, but is tedious and error-prone.  I need to
automate it or Imma gonna overwrite my /home with some WinXP disk

Anyway what you need is a Master Boot Record on the first 512-byte
sector of your USB stick.  Make one small ext2 primary partition for
/boot, then a logical partition for each of your live CDs.

The MBR only allows four primary partitions, but only /boot needs to
be a primary.  So you can make one primary, then one extended.  Within
the extended you can make as many logical partitions as you like.

The primary and extended partitions are stored directly in the MBR,
towards the end of that first sector.  The extended is divided up into
logical partitions, with their positions and sizes specified in a
linked list that is also inside the extended.  I don't know the
details but I would imagine each partition link element is just before
each logical partition.

Use ls -s to get the size of each of your LiveCD images in
kilobytes.  If they are compressed, decompress them first.

Multiply the size in kilobytes by two to get the size in 512-byte sectors.

When you partition your stick, use GNU parted - NOT GParted!  Not the
GUI partitioner, just parted, the command-line tool.  Set the size
unit to sectors.  Use parted's help to get the exact syntax but I
think you just use:

   unit s

Create a /boot partition as I said with ext2.  I don't think it needs
to be very big - a megabyte or two would be plenty.  It won't contain
a kernel as /boots usually do.

Create a logical partition for each of your LiveCDs.  Make each
partition EXACTLY the same number of sectors as the LiveCD image that
will go into it.  It's OK if the partition is bigger - it just wastes
some space.  Make sure it's not smaller.  It's really best to be
careful and methodical and get the size exactly the same.

You'll need to figure out the /dev entry for your USB stick.  Chances
are that it is /dev/sdb though - the second SCSI drive.  USB Mass
Storage is built on the SCSI Architectural Model.  /dev/sda would be
your boot disk if you're using SATA, SAS or Parallel SCSI.  If your
boot disk is /dev/hda, then it is Parallel IDE.  If that's the case
then your USB stick is probably /dev/sda not sdb.

*** Get It Right Or You'll Be Sorry! ***

If your stick is /dev/sdb, then the stick's /boot partition is
/dev/sdb1.  Your LiveCD partitions are numbered starting with 5,
because they are logical partitions - /dev/sdb5, /dev/sdb6, /dev/sdb7
and so on.  Partition numbers 1 through 4 are reserved for primary and
extended partitions.

Now use the dd command to copy a LiveCD image into a partition:

   $ dd if=FedoraLive.iso of=/dev/sdb5 bs=512

That copies the FedoraLive.iso input file to the first logical
partition as the output file with a block size of 512 bytes.  Most
storage devices have physical sector sizes of 512 bytes, so you are
required to read or write them in integral multiples of 512.

There's a couple pieces remaining though that I can't explain for you,
but I can give you some hints:

It *should* work to set up grub to chainload each of the LiveCD
partitions. That should work just the same as if you were booting MS
Windows.  Grub would load the first sector out of the desired
partition then run the boot loader found therein.

What I don't have a clue about though is that booting a CD uses a
package called ISOLINUX.  You don't want ISOLINUX to boot a USB stick.
 There is another package for that, but you'll have to dig it up
somehow as I don't remember.  Basically what you need to do is replace
the ISOLINUX on each partition with whatever the equivalent is for a
USB stick.

If I recall correctly the way ISOLINUX works is that it finds a Linux
filesystem image in a single file on the CD, then it loads it as if it
were a filesystem on a real hard disk.  You should be able to use that
same image file, but you will have to use some other software than
ISOLINUX to load it.

Hope That Help!

Don Quixote
Don Quixote de la Mancha

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Re: External USB Drives

2010-01-14 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
 On Wed, 2010-01-13 at 16:46 +, Jonathan Allen wrote:
 I'd like to buy a 1.5Tb (or so) external USB disc drive to use for backup
 from my main file server.  Most of the ones I see around seem to say that
 they want Wondiws something - is that necessary or meaningful?  Should I
 just be able to plug it in and use it?  Do I need to partition and format
 it, or will it just work?

I use a pair of Wiebetech ToughTech FS drives:

There are two models.  Each has USB, eSATA and FireWire.  The
ToughTech FS has IEEE 1394a (FireWire 400) while the ToughTech XE has
1394b (FireWire 800).

I wanted the multiple interfaces so that if I needed to recover a
backup, I would have the ability to hook it up to just about anything.

I leave one connected to my Fedora box, and the other in a safe
deposit box at my bank.  One a week or so I swap them.

I make all my backups to a partition on my internal drive, then rsync
that partition to the ToughTech.  That makes it more convenient when I
swap the drives - I don't have to make two trips to the bank.

I should cop to the fact that Wiebetech is a former client of mine.

Don Quixote
Don Quixote de la Mancha

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