Re: [IronPython] .Net attributes/decorators

2010-05-18 Thread Hank Fay
Thanks for the explanation.  I like the opt in idea -- taken to its
fullest, that could allow .Net-style decorators on an opt-in module basis,
could it not?   And I see the point about the many platforms in one
codebase approach you describe as a way of enabling the larger Python
community.  By pursuing both approaches, the many-in-one and the opt-in to
the fullest, I think IPy can continue to fulfill what I understand now to
have been the original goal, of serving the Python community, while also
providing an enticing alternative to static .Net languages for
non-Pythonistas looking for a more comfortable home.

In the meantime, I know where to go when I get stuck on how to use to use .Net attributes. You probably know where I can go, too,
but we're probably thinking of different places. s

thanks again,


On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 4:50 PM, Dino Viehland wrote:

  The answer is kind of both.  When it comes to the core language grammar
 we are (and I believe will always be) an equivalent set.  That’s rather
 important in that any code which is .NET specific can still be parsed by
 other Python implementations and therefore you can do various if I’m running
 on IronPython do this else if I’m on Jython do that or if I’m on CPython do
 something else – which is a fairly common pattern and even shows up in the
 standard library.  When it comes to the various builtin types we intend to
 be a superset but that superset is only available after the user has
 specifically opted in to IronPython.

 So let’s look at some examples how this has played out.  To add generic
 support we used Python’s existing indexing support rather than adding
 parsing support for something like Dictionaryint, int which would have
 matched C#.  But at the same time we don’t want to modify the core objects
 too much – for example a future version of CPython could choose to add
 indexing support to built-in functions to add some new feature of their
 own.  Therefore our built-in functions which are generic are actually a
 subtype of the normal built-in function type and add indexing.  Our normal
 built-in functions don’t support indexing (types/generic types actually
 still need this treatment of not having indexing by default but I haven’t
 gotten around to fixing that one yet).

 And of course we try and make sure that all of the extensions that we do
 offer are only available on an opt-in basis and that opt-in basis is
 per-module rather than tainting all code in the interpreter.  That enables
 some code to be Python specific and other code to be Ipy specific.  That’s
 done via “import clr” (or importing any other .NET namespace actually) which
 makes any additional attributes that we’ve added to types available (for
 example __clrtype__ is not visible until you do an import clr).  That
 enables us to expose things which are .NET specific but still allows pure
 Python code to run without seeing anything change – so for example if some
 code as doing dir() it’s not going to freak out because there’s some
 unexpected attributes.

 *From:* [mailto:] *On Behalf Of *Hank Fay
 *Sent:* Tuesday, May 18, 2010 11:11 AM
 *To:* Discussion of IronPython
 *Subject:* [IronPython] .Net attributes/decorators

 In reviewing the discussion of .Net decorators in the list (thank you
 Google Groups), I did not come across a discussion of what I saw as the
 central issue: is IronPython to be a Superset of Python (every Python
 program will run in IronPython, not every IronPython program will run in
 Python), or is IronPython to be an equivalent set (every Python program will
 run in IPy, and every IPy will run in Python).

 Has there been a discernment on this issue?

 For me, coming from a non-Python world, it makes sense to view IPy as a
 superset of Python.  This perspective would, e.g., allow the use of .Net
 decorators on classes (which in turn would facilitate returning .Net
 objects).  I've read about the ways of using __clrtype__ to do this in a
 Pythonic manner.  My interest is in simplicity and clarity in my
 programs, rather than maintaining two-way compatibility (which I could not
 port to Python, in any case, for a .Net program using .Net features).


 Hank Fay

 Users mailing list

Users mailing list

Re: [IronPython] .NET attributes for methods

2009-11-13 Thread Lukas Cenovsky
This looks very promising but I cannot make it work. I have changed in DevHawk's example to:

#from clrtypeold import ClrMetaclass
import clrtype

class Product(object):
 #__metaclass__ = ClrMetaclass
 __metaclass__ = clrtype.ClrClass
 _clrnamespace = DevHawk.IronPython.ClrTypeSeries
 #_clrproperties = {
 def __init__(self, name, cost, quantity): = name
   self.cost = cost
   self.quantity = quantity
 def calc_total(self):

   return self.cost * self.quantity

 def name(self):
 return self._name

 def name(self, value):
 self._name = value

When I run it I don't see any items in the listbox. When I check the 
name, it is a property:

py a.root.listbox1.Items[0]

= Product object at 0x002B

py a.root.listbox1.Items[0].GetType().GetProperties()

= Array[PropertyInfo]((System.Reflection.RuntimePropertyInfo object at 
0x002C [System.String name]))

Whe I used the old clrtype with _clrproperties = {'name': str, ...}, it 

-- Lukáš

Shri Borde wrote:

Here is an updated version of that uses @property + 
@clrtype.accepts/@clrtype.returns to indicate a CLR property, instead 
of using _clrproperties. I think its more Pythonic in general, but 
also you should be able to modify @notify_property to work with it.


Note that notify_property won't just work. You will have to change it 
to propagate the func_name, arg_types, and return_type properties from 
the old getter/setter function objects to the new getter/setter 
function objects since these values are used by clrtype to generate 
the CLR members. Something like this:


class notify_property(property):


def propagate_attributes(old_function, new_function):

new_function.func_name = old_function.func_name

new_function.arg_types = old_function.arg_types

new_function.return_type = old_function.return_type


def __init__(self, getter):

def newgetter(slf):


return getter(slf)

except AttributeError:

return None

propagate_attributes(getter, newgetter)

super(notify_property, self).__init__(newgetter)


def setter(self, setter):

def newsetter(slf, newvalue):

oldvalue = self.fget(slf)

if oldvalue != newvalue:

setter(slf, newvalue)


propagate_attributes(setter, newsetter)

return property(






*From:* Lukas Cenovsky []
*Sent:* Thursday, November 12, 2009 11:01 AM
*To:* Shri Borde
*Subject:* Re: [IronPython] .NET attributes for methods


Shri Borde wrote:

So the new still works - cool!

Yep ;-)

 I am not an expert on data binding, so I don't have any suggestions. 
Why do you say that the decorator approach will not work with 
Silverlight? Does @notifiy_property from 
use any feature not available in Silverlight?

It does not (as far as I know because it is pure IronPython). But 
@notify_property does not work with clrtypes:

class ViewModel(NotifyPropertyChangedBase):
__metaclass__ = clrtype.ClrMetaclass
_clrnamespace = Cenda.ViewModel
_clrproperties = {'size': str}

def __init__(self):

super(ViewModel, self).__init__()
# must be string to two-way binding work correctly
self.size = '10'

def size(self):
return self._size

def size(self, value):
self._size = value
print 'Size changed to %r' % self.size

When I run this code, the size is still clr property and Python getter 
and setter are not run.

So basically I need to override/enhance clr getter and setter created 
by clrtype._clrproperties.

-- Lukáš


*From:* Lukas Cenovsky []
*Sent:* Thursday, November 12, 2009 8:09 AM
*To:* Shri Borde
*Subject:* Re: [IronPython] .NET attributes for methods


Thanks, that works!

What do you think would be the best approach to create notifiable 
properties for Silverlight? I did it for WPF (via decorators: 
but it seems to me it won't be possible to do it similarly for 

-- Lukáš

Shri Borde wrote:

Can you use _clrproperties instead of _clrfields? DevHawk's same 
created a field and a property even when you just used _clrfields. I 
don't do that anymore. So you will need to use _clrproperties to get 
properties, which SL must use for data binding.


*From:* users-boun

Re: [IronPython] .NET attributes for methods

2009-11-13 Thread Lukas Cenovsky
, String name, Object[] bases, String selfNames) 

  at unnamed$1.unnamed(CodeContext $globalContext, FunctionCode functionCode) 

  at IronPython.Compiler.PythonScriptCode.RunWorker(CodeContext ctx)
  at IronPython.Compiler.PythonScriptCode.Run(Scope scope)
  at IronPython.Compiler.RuntimeScriptCode.InvokeTarget(Scope scope)
  at IronPython.Compiler.RuntimeScriptCode.Run(Scope scope)
  at Microsoft.Scripting.Hosting.CompiledCode.Execute(ScriptScope scope)
  at Microsoft.Scripting.Silverlight.DynamicEngine.Run(String entryPoint)
  at Microsoft.Scripting.Silverlight.DynamicApplication.DynamicApplication_Startupb__1() 

  at Microsoft.Scripting.Silverlight.Cache.Download(List`1 uris, Action onComplete) 

  at Microsoft.Scripting.Silverlight.HttpVirtualFilesystem.DownloadAndCache(List`1 uris, Action onComplete) 

  at Microsoft.Scripting.Silverlight.DynamicScriptTags.DownloadExternalCode(Action onComplete) 

  at Microsoft.Scripting.Silverlight.DynamicApplication.DynamicApplication_Startupb__0() 

  at Microsoft.Scripting.Silverlight.DynamicLanguageConfig.DownloadLanguages(DynamicAppManifest appManifest, Action onComplete) 

  at Microsoft.Scripting.Silverlight.DynamicApplication.DynamicApplication_Startup(Object sender, StartupEventArgs e) 

  at System.Windows.CoreInvokeHandler.InvokeEventHandler(Int32 typeIndex, Delegate handlerDelegate, Object sender, Object args) 

  at MS.Internal.JoltHelper.FireEvent(IntPtr unmanagedObj, IntPtr unmanagedObjArgs, Int32 argsTypeIndex, String eventName) 

Shri Borde wrote:

Here is an updated version of that uses @property + 
@clrtype.accepts/@clrtype.returns to indicate a CLR property, instead 
of using _clrproperties. I think its more Pythonic in general, but 
also you should be able to modify @notify_property to work with it.


Note that notify_property won't just work. You will have to change it 
to propagate the func_name, arg_types, and return_type properties from 
the old getter/setter function objects to the new getter/setter 
function objects since these values are used by clrtype to generate 
the CLR members. Something like this:


class notify_property(property):


def propagate_attributes(old_function, new_function):

new_function.func_name = old_function.func_name

new_function.arg_types = old_function.arg_types

new_function.return_type = old_function.return_type


def __init__(self, getter):

def newgetter(slf):


return getter(slf)

except AttributeError:

return None

propagate_attributes(getter, newgetter)

super(notify_property, self).__init__(newgetter)


def setter(self, setter):

def newsetter(slf, newvalue):

oldvalue = self.fget(slf)

if oldvalue != newvalue:

setter(slf, newvalue)


propagate_attributes(setter, newsetter)

return property(






*From:* Lukas Cenovsky []
*Sent:* Thursday, November 12, 2009 11:01 AM
*To:* Shri Borde
*Subject:* Re: [IronPython] .NET attributes for methods


Shri Borde wrote:

So the new still works - cool!

Yep ;-)

 I am not an expert on data binding, so I don't have any suggestions. 
Why do you say that the decorator approach will not work with 
Silverlight? Does @notifiy_property from 
use any feature not available in Silverlight?

It does not (as far as I know because it is pure IronPython). But 
@notify_property does not work with clrtypes:

class ViewModel(NotifyPropertyChangedBase):
__metaclass__ = clrtype.ClrMetaclass
_clrnamespace = Cenda.ViewModel
_clrproperties = {'size': str}

def __init__(self):

super(ViewModel, self).__init__()
# must be string to two-way binding work correctly
self.size = '10'

def size(self):
return self._size

def size(self, value):
self._size = value
print 'Size changed to %r' % self.size

When I run this code, the size is still clr property and Python getter 
and setter are not run.

So basically I need to override/enhance clr getter and setter created 
by clrtype._clrproperties.

-- Lukáš


*From:* Lukas Cenovsky []
*Sent:* Thursday, November 12, 2009 8:09 AM
*To:* Shri Borde
*Subject:* Re: [IronPython] .NET attributes for methods


Thanks, that works!

What do you think would be the best approach to create notifiable 
properties for Silverlight? I did it for WPF (via decorators: 
but it seems to me it won't be possible to do it similarly

Re: [IronPython] .NET attributes for methods

2009-11-13 Thread Shri Borde
I can help you create a property. And I can help you get it to work with your 
decorators (you can check if the name property exposes your @notify_property 
wrapper methods or not, and presumably that works). Beyond that, you are on 
your own :)

I would try calling the property methods to make sure they are accessible. 
Something like this. If that works, I am not sure what Silverlight needs to 
make databinding happy.

props = a.root.listbox1.Items[0].GetType().GetProperties()
prop = props[0]
prop.GetGetMethod.Invoke(a, None) # call using Reflection

About the SystemError: Application code cannot access 
System.AppDomain.get_CurrentDomain() using Reflection. error when defining 
interfaces, it could be worked around. We need to call 
AppDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly, and IronPython itself does do this. So its 
just a question of figuring out the right way to access an AppDomain instance. 
Will look into it, but I doubt it will help you with data binding.

[] On Behalf Of Lukas Cenovsky
Sent: Friday, November 13, 2009 5:42 AM
To: Discussion of IronPython
Subject: Re: [IronPython] .NET attributes for methods

This looks very promising but I cannot make it work. I have changed 
in DevHawk's example to:

#from clrtypeold import ClrMetaclass

import clrtype

class Product(object):

  #__metaclass__ = ClrMetaclass

  __metaclass__ = clrtype.ClrClass

  _clrnamespace = DevHawk.IronPython.ClrTypeSeries

  #_clrproperties = {





  def __init__(self, name, cost, quantity): = name

self.cost = cost

self.quantity = quantity

  def calc_total(self):

return self.cost * self.quantity




  def name(self):

  return self._name




  def name(self, value):

  self._name = value

When I run it I don't see any items in the listbox. When I check the name, it 
is a property:

py a.root.listbox1.Items[0]

= Product object at 0x002B

py a.root.listbox1.Items[0].GetType().GetProperties()

= Array[PropertyInfo]((System.Reflection.RuntimePropertyInfo object at 
0x002C [System.String name]))

Whe I used the old clrtype with _clrproperties = {'name': str, ...}, it worked.

-- Lukáš

Shri Borde wrote:
Here is an updated version of that uses @property + 
@clrtype.accepts/@clrtype.returns to indicate a CLR property, instead of using 
_clrproperties. I think its more Pythonic in general, but also you should be 
able to modify @notify_property to work with it.

Note that notify_property won't just work. You will have to change it to 
propagate the func_name, arg_types, and return_type properties from the old 
getter/setter function objects to the new getter/setter function objects since 
these values are used by clrtype to generate the CLR members. Something like 

class notify_property(property):

def propagate_attributes(old_function, new_function):
new_function.func_name = old_function.func_name
new_function.arg_types = old_function.arg_types
new_function.return_type = old_function.return_type

def __init__(self, getter):
def newgetter(slf):
return getter(slf)
except AttributeError:
return None
propagate_attributes(getter, newgetter)
super(notify_property, self).__init__(newgetter)

def setter(self, setter):
def newsetter(slf, newvalue):
oldvalue = self.fget(slf)
if oldvalue != newvalue:
setter(slf, newvalue)
propagate_attributes(setter, newsetter)
return property(

From: Lukas Cenovsky []
Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2009 11:01 AM
To: Shri Borde
Subject: Re: [IronPython] .NET attributes for methods

Shri Borde wrote:
So the new still works - cool!
Yep ;-)

 I am not an expert on data binding, so I don't have any suggestions. Why do 
you say that the decorator approach will not work with Silverlight? Does 
@notifiy_property from 
use any feature not available in Silverlight?
It does not (as far as I know because it is pure IronPython). But 
@notify_property does not work with clrtypes:

class ViewModel(NotifyPropertyChangedBase):

__metaclass__ = clrtype.ClrMetaclass

_clrnamespace = Cenda.ViewModel

_clrproperties = {'size': str}

def __init__(self):

super(ViewModel, self).__init__()

# must be string to two-way binding work correctly

self.size = '10

Re: [IronPython] .NET attributes for methods

2009-11-13 Thread Lukas Cenovsky
Help with getting properties to work will hopefully resolve the 
databinding as well ;-)

The property getter looks wrong but I have no idea what's wrong:

py props = a.root.listbox1.Items[0].GetType().GetProperties()
py props
= Array[PropertyInfo]((System.Reflection.RuntimePropertyInfo object at 
0x002C [System.String name]))
py prop = props[0]
py prop.GetGetMethod()
= System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo object at 0x002B 
[System.String name()]
py prop.GetGetMethod().Invoke(a.root.listbox1.Items[0], None)
System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the 
target of an invocation.
 at module in string, line 0

Just for clarification a is Silverlight Application instance

As for the interface error - this is a different strory. You may 
remember I created WCF service in IronPython with just interface defined 
in C#. To be able to move interface to IronPython, I need such interface 
to work with Silverlight too because Silverlight is the cause why I am 
building WCF services.

-- Lukáš

Shri Borde wrote:

I can help you create a property. And I can help you get it to work 
with your decorators (you can check if the name property exposes 
your @notify_property wrapper methods or not, and presumably that 
works). Beyond that, you are on your own :)


I would try calling the property methods to make sure they are 
accessible. Something like this. If that works, I am not sure what 
Silverlight needs to make databinding happy.


props = a.root.listbox1.Items[0].GetType().GetProperties()

prop = props[0]

prop.GetGetMethod.Invoke(a, None) # call using Reflection


About the SystemError: Application code cannot access 
System.AppDomain.get_CurrentDomain() using Reflection. error when 
defining interfaces, it could be worked around. We need to call 
AppDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly, and IronPython itself does do this. 
So its just a question of figuring out the right way to access an 
AppDomain instance. Will look into it, but I doubt it will help you 
with data binding.


[] *On Behalf Of *Lukas Cenovsky

*Sent:* Friday, November 13, 2009 5:42 AM
*To:* Discussion of IronPython
*Subject:* Re: [IronPython] .NET attributes for methods


This looks very promising but I cannot make it work. I have changed in DevHawk's example to:

#from clrtypeold import ClrMetaclass
import clrtype
class Product(object):

  #__metaclass__ = ClrMetaclass
  __metaclass__ = clrtype.ClrClass
  _clrnamespace = DevHawk.IronPython.ClrTypeSeries
  #_clrproperties = {

  def __init__(self, name, cost, quantity): = name
self.cost = cost
self.quantity = quantity

  def calc_total(self):

return self.cost * self.quantity

  def name(self):
  return self._name

  def name(self, value):
  self._name = value

When I run it I don't see any items in the listbox. When I check the 
name, it is a property:

py a.root.listbox1.Items[0]
= Product object at 0x002B
py a.root.listbox1.Items[0].GetType().GetProperties()
= Array[PropertyInfo]((System.Reflection.RuntimePropertyInfo object at 
0x002C [System.String name]))

Whe I used the old clrtype with _clrproperties = {'name': str, ...}, 
it worked.

-- Lukáš

Shri Borde wrote:

Here is an updated version of that uses @property + 
@clrtype.accepts/@clrtype.returns to indicate a CLR property, instead 
of using _clrproperties. I think its more Pythonic in general, but 
also you should be able to modify @notify_property to work with it.


Note that notify_property won't just work. You will have to change it 
to propagate the func_name, arg_types, and return_type properties from 
the old getter/setter function objects to the new getter/setter 
function objects since these values are used by clrtype to generate 
the CLR members. Something like this:


class notify_property(property):


def propagate_attributes(old_function, new_function):

new_function.func_name = old_function.func_name

new_function.arg_types = old_function.arg_types

new_function.return_type = old_function.return_type


def __init__(self, getter):

def newgetter(slf):


return getter(slf)

except AttributeError:

return None

propagate_attributes(getter, newgetter)

super(notify_property, self).__init__(newgetter)


def setter(self, setter):

def newsetter(slf, newvalue):

oldvalue = self.fget(slf)

if oldvalue != newvalue:

setter(slf, newvalue)



Re: [IronPython] .NET attributes for methods

2009-11-13 Thread Lukas Cenovsky
Thanks to Shri and the new clrtype both issues are resolved. I will post 
details soon on my blog.

-- Lukáš

Lukas Cenovsky wrote:
Help with getting properties to work will hopefully resolve the 
databinding as well ;-)

The property getter looks wrong but I have no idea what's wrong:

py props = a.root.listbox1.Items[0].GetType().GetProperties()
py props
= Array[PropertyInfo]((System.Reflection.RuntimePropertyInfo object at 
0x002C [System.String name]))
py prop = props[0]
py prop.GetGetMethod()
= System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo object at 0x002B 
[System.String name()]
py prop.GetGetMethod().Invoke(a.root.listbox1.Items[0], None)
System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the 
target of an invocation.
  at module in string, line 0

Just for clarification a is Silverlight Application instance

As for the interface error - this is a different strory. You may 
remember I created WCF service in IronPython with just interface 
defined in C#. To be able to move interface to IronPython, I need such 
interface to work with Silverlight too because Silverlight is the 
cause why I am building WCF services.

-- Lukáš

Shri Borde wrote:

I can help you create a property. And I can help you get it to work 
with your decorators (you can check if the name property exposes 
your @notify_property wrapper methods or not, and presumably that 
works). Beyond that, you are on your own :)


I would try calling the property methods to make sure they are 
accessible. Something like this. If that works, I am not sure what 
Silverlight needs to make databinding happy.


props = a.root.listbox1.Items[0].GetType().GetProperties()

prop = props[0]

prop.GetGetMethod.Invoke(a, None) # call using Reflection


About the SystemError: Application code cannot access 
System.AppDomain.get_CurrentDomain() using Reflection. error when 
defining interfaces, it could be worked around. We need to call 
AppDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly, and IronPython itself does do this. 
So its just a question of figuring out the right way to access an 
AppDomain instance. Will look into it, but I doubt it will help you 
with data binding.


[] *On Behalf Of *Lukas Cenovsky

*Sent:* Friday, November 13, 2009 5:42 AM
*To:* Discussion of IronPython
*Subject:* Re: [IronPython] .NET attributes for methods


This looks very promising but I cannot make it work. I have changed in DevHawk's example to:

#from clrtypeold import ClrMetaclass
import clrtype
class Product(object):

  #__metaclass__ = ClrMetaclass
  __metaclass__ = clrtype.ClrClass
  _clrnamespace = DevHawk.IronPython.ClrTypeSeries
  #_clrproperties = {

  def __init__(self, name, cost, quantity): = name
self.cost = cost
self.quantity = quantity

  def calc_total(self):

return self.cost * self.quantity

  def name(self):
  return self._name

  def name(self, value):
  self._name = value

When I run it I don't see any items in the listbox. When I check the 
name, it is a property:

py a.root.listbox1.Items[0]
= Product object at 0x002B
py a.root.listbox1.Items[0].GetType().GetProperties()
= Array[PropertyInfo]((System.Reflection.RuntimePropertyInfo object at 
0x002C [System.String name]))

Whe I used the old clrtype with _clrproperties = {'name': str, ...}, 
it worked.

-- Lukáš

Shri Borde wrote:

Here is an updated version of that uses @property + 
@clrtype.accepts/@clrtype.returns to indicate a CLR property, instead 
of using _clrproperties. I think its more Pythonic in general, but 
also you should be able to modify @notify_property to work with it.


Note that notify_property won't just work. You will have to change it 
to propagate the func_name, arg_types, and return_type properties 
from the old getter/setter function objects to the new getter/setter 
function objects since these values are used by clrtype to generate 
the CLR members. Something like this:


class notify_property(property):


def propagate_attributes(old_function, new_function):

new_function.func_name = old_function.func_name

new_function.arg_types = old_function.arg_types

new_function.return_type = old_function.return_type


def __init__(self, getter):

def newgetter(slf):


return getter(slf)

except AttributeError:

return None

propagate_attributes(getter, newgetter)

super(notify_property, self).__init__(newgetter)


def setter(self, setter):

def newsetter(slf, newvalue):

oldvalue = self.fget(slf)

if oldvalue

Re: [IronPython] .NET attributes for methods

2009-11-12 Thread Shri Borde
So the new still works - cool!

I am not an expert on data binding, so I don't have any suggestions. Why do you 
say that the decorator approach will not work with Silverlight? Does 
@notifiy_property from 
use any feature not available in Silverlight?

From: Lukas Cenovsky []
Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2009 8:09 AM
To: Shri Borde
Subject: Re: [IronPython] .NET attributes for methods

Thanks, that works!

What do you think would be the best approach to create notifiable properties 
for Silverlight? I did it for WPF (via decorators: 
but it seems to me it won't be possible to do it similarly for Silverlight...

-- Lukáš

Shri Borde wrote:
Can you use _clrproperties instead of _clrfields? DevHawk's same created a 
field and a property even when you just used _clrfields. I don't do that 
anymore. So you will need to use _clrproperties to get properties, which SL 
must use for data binding.

[] On Behalf Of Lukas Cenovsky
Sent: Wednesday, November 11, 2009 2:37 AM
To: Discussion of IronPython
Subject: Re: [IronPython] .NET attributes for methods

I did change __metaclass__ to ClrMetaclass. See the attached source I use for 
testing - the only difference is to comment/uncomment appropriate part in

The outputs look the same, there are no visible exceptions:


py a.root.FindName('listbox1').ItemsSource[0].GetType().GetFields()

= Array[FieldInfo]((System.Reflection.RtFieldInfo object at 
0x002B [Double cost],

System.Reflection.RtFieldInfo object at 0x002C [Int32 quantity],

System.Reflection.RtFieldInfo object at 0x002D [System.String 

System.Reflection.RtFieldInfo object at 0x002E 
[IronPython.Runtime.Types.PythonType .class],

System.Reflection.RtFieldInfo object at 0x002F 
[IronPython.Runtime.PythonDictionary .dict],

System.Reflection.RtFieldInfo object at 0x0030 [System.Object[] 


py a.root.FindName('listbox1').ItemsSource[0].GetType().GetFields()

= Array[FieldInfo]((System.Reflection.RtFieldInfo object at 
0x002B [Double cost],

System.Reflection.RtFieldInfo object at 0x002C [Int32 quantity],

System.Reflection.RtFieldInfo object at 0x002D [System.String 

System.Reflection.RtFieldInfo object at 0x002E 
[IronPython.Runtime.Types.PythonType .class],

System.Reflection.RtFieldInfo object at 0x002F 
[IronPython.Runtime.PythonDictionary .dict],

System.Reflection.RtFieldInfo object at 0x0030 [System.Object[] 

-- Lukáš

Shri Borde wrote:
Note that you will have to set __metaclass__ to ClrMetaclass, not 
ClrTypeMetaclass as in DevHawk's sample. I had changed the name of the type. 
The old name will cause a NameError, but maybe SL is hiding exceptions. Can you 
do o.GetType().GetFields() and display that on the page to inspect the object 
and also make sure that no exceptions were thrown?

[] On Behalf Of Lukas Cenovsky
Sent: Tuesday, November 10, 2009 2:59 PM
To: Discussion of IronPython
Subject: Re: [IronPython] .NET attributes for methods

I have just found that the Silverlight binding does not work with this version 
of clrtype and/or IronPython 2.6RC2.
I used DevHawk demo [1] and after I added reference to Microsoft.Dynamic in it worked flawlessly. But when I switch to your version, no 
items show in the listbox.

By the way - I have seen a commit message you have added support for interfaces 
- nice! ;-)

-- Lukáš


Users mailing list

Re: [IronPython] .NET attributes for methods

2009-11-12 Thread Curt Hagenlocher
Silverlight doesn't support ICustomTypeDescriptor -- that's probably why
binding is failing. You need to emit CLR properties to use data binding with
Silverlight 2 and 3.

2009/11/12 Shri Borde

  So the new still works - cool!

 I am not an expert on data binding, so I don't have any suggestions. Why do
 you say that the decorator approach will not work with Silverlight? Does
 @notifiy_property from
  any feature not available in Silverlight?

 *From:* Lukas Cenovsky []
 *Sent:* Thursday, November 12, 2009 8:09 AM
 *To:* Shri Borde
 *Subject:* Re: [IronPython] .NET attributes for methods

 Thanks, that works!

 What do you think would be the best approach to create notifiable
 properties for Silverlight? I did it for WPF (via decorators:
 but it seems to me it won't be possible to do it similarly for

 -- Lukáš

 Shri Borde wrote:

 Can you use _clrproperties instead of _clrfields? DevHawk's same
 created a field and a property even when you just used _clrfields. I don't
 do that anymore. So you will need to use _clrproperties to get properties,
 which SL must use for data binding.

 *From:* []
 *On Behalf Of *Lukas Cenovsky
 *Sent:* Wednesday, November 11, 2009 2:37 AM
 *To:* Discussion of IronPython
 *Subject:* Re: [IronPython] .NET attributes for methods

 I did change __metaclass__ to ClrMetaclass. See the attached source I use
 for testing - the only difference is to comment/uncomment appropriate part

 The outputs look the same, there are no visible exceptions:


 py a.root.FindName('listbox1').ItemsSource[0].GetType().GetFields()

 = Array[FieldInfo]((System.Reflection.RtFieldInfo object at 
 0x002B [Double cost],

 System.Reflection.RtFieldInfo object at 0x002C [Int32 quantity],

 System.Reflection.RtFieldInfo object at 0x002D [System.String 

 System.Reflection.RtFieldInfo object at 0x002E 
 [IronPython.Runtime.Types.PythonType .class],

 System.Reflection.RtFieldInfo object at 0x002F 
 [IronPython.Runtime.PythonDictionary .dict],

 System.Reflection.RtFieldInfo object at 0x0030 [System.Object[] 


 py a.root.FindName('listbox1').ItemsSource[0].GetType().GetFields()

 = Array[FieldInfo]((System.Reflection.RtFieldInfo object at 
 0x002B [Double cost],

 System.Reflection.RtFieldInfo object at 0x002C [Int32 quantity],

 System.Reflection.RtFieldInfo object at 0x002D [System.String 

 System.Reflection.RtFieldInfo object at 0x002E 
 [IronPython.Runtime.Types.PythonType .class],

 System.Reflection.RtFieldInfo object at 0x002F 
 [IronPython.Runtime.PythonDictionary .dict],

 System.Reflection.RtFieldInfo object at 0x0030 [System.Object[] 

 -- Lukáš

 Shri Borde wrote:

 Note that you will have to set __metaclass__ to ClrMetaclass, not
 ClrTypeMetaclass as in DevHawk's sample. I had changed the name of the type.
 The old name will cause a NameError, but maybe SL is hiding exceptions. Can
 you do o.GetType().GetFields() and display that on the page to inspect the
 object and also make sure that no exceptions were thrown?

 *From:* []
 *On Behalf Of *Lukas Cenovsky
 *Sent:* Tuesday, November 10, 2009 2:59 PM
 *To:* Discussion of IronPython
 *Subject:* Re: [IronPython] .NET attributes for methods

 I have just found that the Silverlight binding does not work with this
 version of clrtype and/or IronPython 2.6RC2.
 I used DevHawk demo [1] and after I added reference to Microsoft.Dynamic in it worked flawlessly. But when I switch to your version,
 no items show in the listbox.

 By the way - I have seen a commit message you have added support for
 interfaces - nice! ;-)

 -- Lukáš


 Users mailing list

Users mailing list

Re: [IronPython] .NET attributes for methods

2009-11-10 Thread Lukas Cenovsky
I have just found that the Silverlight binding does not work with this 
version of clrtype and/or IronPython 2.6RC2.
I used DevHawk demo [1] and after I added reference to Microsoft.Dynamic 
in it worked flawlessly. But when I switch to your 
version, no items show in the listbox.

By the way - I have seen a commit message you have added support for 
interfaces - nice! ;-)

-- Lukáš


Shri Borde wrote:
The following files extend DevHawk's blog and adds support for typed methods with attributes. It will be available as part of the samples released with the 2.6 RTM (over the next month). Do let us know if it works for you. 

Also, I would be curious to know what scenario you need method attributes for 
(other than DllImport for pinvokes)...

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Lukas Cenovsky
Sent: Thursday, October 22, 2009 10:37 AM
To: Discussion of IronPython
Subject: [IronPython] .NET attributes for methods

I have read all DewHawk blogposts about .Net attributes in IronPython 
via __clrtype__ metaclass 
(,category,__clrtype__.aspx). He 
describes how to add attributes to classes but not to methods. Is there 
any example how to add attributes to a method. It looks like method 
generation is necessary (like for getter and setter or in 
but this is kind of deep magic for me...


-- Lukáš
Users mailing list


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Users mailing list

Re: [IronPython] .NET attributes for methods

2009-11-10 Thread Shri Borde
Note that you will have to set __metaclass__ to ClrMetaclass, not 
ClrTypeMetaclass as in DevHawk's sample. I had changed the name of the type. 
The old name will cause a NameError, but maybe SL is hiding exceptions. Can you 
do o.GetType().GetFields() and display that on the page to inspect the object 
and also make sure that no exceptions were thrown?

[] On Behalf Of Lukas Cenovsky
Sent: Tuesday, November 10, 2009 2:59 PM
To: Discussion of IronPython
Subject: Re: [IronPython] .NET attributes for methods

I have just found that the Silverlight binding does not work with this version 
of clrtype and/or IronPython 2.6RC2.
I used DevHawk demo [1] and after I added reference to Microsoft.Dynamic in it worked flawlessly. But when I switch to your version, no 
items show in the listbox.

By the way - I have seen a commit message you have added support for interfaces 
- nice! ;-)

-- Lukáš


Shri Borde wrote:

The following files extend DevHawk's blog and adds support for typed methods 
with attributes. It will be available as part of the samples released with the 
2.6 RTM (over the next month). Do let us know if it works for you.

Also, I would be curious to know what scenario you need method attributes for 
(other than DllImport for pinvokes)...

-Original Message-

[] On Behalf Of Lukas Cenovsky

Sent: Thursday, October 22, 2009 10:37 AM

To: Discussion of IronPython

Subject: [IronPython] .NET attributes for methods


I have read all DewHawk blogposts about .Net attributes in IronPython

via __clrtype__ metaclass

(,category,__clrtype__.aspx). He

describes how to add attributes to classes but not to methods. Is there

any example how to add attributes to a method. It looks like method

generation is necessary (like for getter and setter or in

but this is kind of deep magic for me...



-- Lukáš


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Users mailing list

Re: [IronPython] .NET attributes for methods

2009-11-02 Thread Lukas Cenovsky
I was thinking about this... Does ir mean that (after adding such 
support to clrtype) and building a .dll from the interface class, this 
class can be used from c#?

-- Lukáš

Shri Borde wrote:

The clrtype module could be extended to make it possible to declare 
CLR interfaces in Python code. Something like:


class IFoo(object):

*__metaclass__ = ClrType.ClrInterface # Proposed way to indicate 
an interface*

@clrtype.accepts(int, str)



def foo(i, s):raise RuntimeError(this should not get called)


This does not work today...


[] *On Behalf Of *Lukas Cenovsky

*Sent:* Friday, October 30, 2009 10:41 AM
*To:* Discussion of IronPython
*Subject:* Re: [IronPython] .NET attributes for methods



I wanted to implement WCF service in pure Ironpython but I overlooked 
the [OperationContract] method attribute is used in the interface 
declaration. Anyway, thanks to class attributes it is now possible to 
implement the WCF service in IronPython and have only the interface 
done in C#. See my blog post:

DllImport is good to have too - I can get rid of of my Win32API.dll 
when simulating user's input :-)

-- Lukáš

Shri Borde wrote:

The following files extend DevHawk's blog and adds support for typed methods with attributes. It will be available as part of the samples released with the 2.6 RTM (over the next month). Do let us know if it works for you. 
Also, I would be curious to know what scenario you need method attributes for (other than DllImport for pinvokes)...
-Original Message-

[] On Behalf Of Lukas Cenovsky
Sent: Thursday, October 22, 2009 10:37 AM
To: Discussion of IronPython
Subject: [IronPython] .NET attributes for methods
I have read all DewHawk blogposts about .Net attributes in IronPython 
via __clrtype__ metaclass 
(,category,__clrtype__.aspx). He 
describes how to add attributes to classes but not to methods. Is there 
any example how to add attributes to a method. It looks like method 
generation is necessary (like for getter and setter or in 
but this is kind of deep magic for me...


-- Lukáš
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Re: [IronPython] .NET attributes for methods

2009-11-02 Thread Shri Borde
It should be possible. However, note that you create the .dll using 
clr.GetSubclassedTypes (and clr.CompileSubclassedTypes) which requires you to 
run your application with all the scenarios you care about. You can't just run 
a simple command line like csc.exe foo.cs and get a dll.

[] On Behalf Of Lukas Cenovsky
Sent: Monday, November 02, 2009 9:29 AM
To: Discussion of IronPython
Subject: Re: [IronPython] .NET attributes for methods

I was thinking about this... Does ir mean that (after adding such support to 
clrtype) and building a .dll from the interface class, this class can be used 
from c#?

-- Lukáš

Shri Borde wrote:
The clrtype module could be extended to make it possible to declare CLR 
interfaces in Python code. Something like:

class IFoo(object):
__metaclass__ = ClrType.ClrInterface # Proposed way to indicate an interface
@clrtype.accepts(int, str)
def foo(i, s):raise RuntimeError(this should not get called)

This does not work today...

[] On Behalf Of Lukas Cenovsky
Sent: Friday, October 30, 2009 10:41 AM
To: Discussion of IronPython
Subject: Re: [IronPython] .NET attributes for methods


I wanted to implement WCF service in pure Ironpython but I overlooked the 
[OperationContract] method attribute is used in the interface declaration. 
Anyway, thanks to class attributes it is now possible to implement the WCF 
service in IronPython and have only the interface done in C#. See my blog post:

DllImport is good to have too - I can get rid of of my Win32API.dll when 
simulating user's 
input :-)

-- Lukáš

Shri Borde wrote:

The following files extend DevHawk's blog and adds support for typed methods 
with attributes. It will be available as part of the samples released with the 
2.6 RTM (over the next month). Do let us know if it works for you.

Also, I would be curious to know what scenario you need method attributes for 
(other than DllImport for pinvokes)...

-Original Message-

[] On Behalf Of Lukas Cenovsky

Sent: Thursday, October 22, 2009 10:37 AM

To: Discussion of IronPython

Subject: [IronPython] .NET attributes for methods


I have read all DewHawk blogposts about .Net attributes in IronPython

via __clrtype__ metaclass

(,category,__clrtype__.aspx). He

describes how to add attributes to classes but not to methods. Is there

any example how to add attributes to a method. It looks like method

generation is necessary (like for getter and setter or in

but this is kind of deep magic for me...



-- Lukáš


Users mailing list


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Users mailing list

Re: [IronPython] .NET attributes for methods

2009-10-30 Thread Lukas Cenovsky


I wanted to implement WCF service in pure Ironpython but I overlooked 
the [OperationContract] method attribute is used in the interface 
declaration. Anyway, thanks to class attributes it is now possible to 
implement the WCF service in IronPython and have only the interface done 
in C#. See my blog post:

DllImport is good to have too - I can get rid of of my Win32API.dll when 
simulating user's input :-)

-- Lukáš

Shri Borde wrote:
The following files extend DevHawk's blog and adds support for typed methods with attributes. It will be available as part of the samples released with the 2.6 RTM (over the next month). Do let us know if it works for you. 

Also, I would be curious to know what scenario you need method attributes for 
(other than DllImport for pinvokes)...

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Lukas Cenovsky
Sent: Thursday, October 22, 2009 10:37 AM
To: Discussion of IronPython
Subject: [IronPython] .NET attributes for methods

I have read all DewHawk blogposts about .Net attributes in IronPython 
via __clrtype__ metaclass 
(,category,__clrtype__.aspx). He 
describes how to add attributes to classes but not to methods. Is there 
any example how to add attributes to a method. It looks like method 
generation is necessary (like for getter and setter or in 
but this is kind of deep magic for me...


-- Lukáš
Users mailing list


Users mailing list

Users mailing list

Re: [IronPython] .NET attributes for methods

2009-10-30 Thread Shri Borde
The clrtype module could be extended to make it possible to declare CLR 
interfaces in Python code. Something like:

class IFoo(object):
__metaclass__ = ClrType.ClrInterface # Proposed way to indicate an interface
@clrtype.accepts(int, str)
def foo(i, s):raise RuntimeError(this should not get called)

This does not work today...

[] On Behalf Of Lukas Cenovsky
Sent: Friday, October 30, 2009 10:41 AM
To: Discussion of IronPython
Subject: Re: [IronPython] .NET attributes for methods


I wanted to implement WCF service in pure Ironpython but I overlooked the 
[OperationContract] method attribute is used in the interface declaration. 
Anyway, thanks to class attributes it is now possible to implement the WCF 
service in IronPython and have only the interface done in C#. See my blog post:

DllImport is good to have too - I can get rid of of my Win32API.dll when 
simulating user's 
input :-)

-- Lukáš

Shri Borde wrote:

The following files extend DevHawk's blog and adds support for typed methods 
with attributes. It will be available as part of the samples released with the 
2.6 RTM (over the next month). Do let us know if it works for you.

Also, I would be curious to know what scenario you need method attributes for 
(other than DllImport for pinvokes)...

-Original Message-

[] On Behalf Of Lukas Cenovsky

Sent: Thursday, October 22, 2009 10:37 AM

To: Discussion of IronPython

Subject: [IronPython] .NET attributes for methods


I have read all DewHawk blogposts about .Net attributes in IronPython

via __clrtype__ metaclass

(,category,__clrtype__.aspx). He

describes how to add attributes to classes but not to methods. Is there

any example how to add attributes to a method. It looks like method

generation is necessary (like for getter and setter or in

but this is kind of deep magic for me...



-- Lukáš


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Re: [IronPython] .NET attributes

2006-09-15 Thread Charlie Moad
On 9/14/06, Dino Viehland [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 We're tentatively thinking that this is a 2.0 feature but if we figured out a 
 syntax we really liked we'd try to get it into 1.1.

It seems as if there are two clean ways to do this in my mind.

1. Use python2.4's decorator sytax and extend it to allow class and
class variable attribute declaration.  This has the pitfall of
breaking cpython compatibility with decorators though.  At the same
time, why use decorators when you can use attributes?

2. Thinking about this problem brings me back to an elegant solution
that Philip Eby came up with to allow python2.3 users to use
decorators for turbogears.

class Root:
   def method(): ...

Granted special logic has to be added to the decorator method.  This
prompted me to try:

import clr

from System.Web.Services import *

class Echo(WebService):

def echo(msg):
return msg

The advantage here is syntactically correct python.  IP could just add
some special logic to apply the attributes.  Another advantage is that
it matches the sytax of C# attributes.  Evil programmers could even
apply decorators and attributes to a method!
users mailing list

Re: [IronPython] .NET attributes

2006-09-15 Thread Michael Foord
Charlie Moad wrote:
 On 9/14/06, Dino Viehland [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 We're tentatively thinking that this is a 2.0 feature but if we figured out 
 a syntax we really liked we'd try to get it into 1.1.


 It seems as if there are two clean ways to do this in my mind.

 1. Use python2.4's decorator sytax and extend it to allow class and
 class variable attribute declaration.  This has the pitfall of
 breaking cpython compatibility with decorators though.  At the same
 time, why use decorators when you can use attributes?
When this was last discussed on Python-Dev, Guido agreed that class 
decorators could go into core Python. (Partly because of the IronPython 

The best thing to do (IMHO) is to see if a syntax can be agreed on 
Python-Dev, to ensure future compatibility with CPython.

Michael Foord

 2. Thinking about this problem brings me back to an elegant solution
 that Philip Eby came up with to allow python2.3 users to use
 decorators for turbogears.

 class Root:
def method(): ...

 Granted special logic has to be added to the decorator method.  This
 prompted me to try:

 import clr

 from System.Web.Services import *

 class Echo(WebService):

 def echo(msg):
 return msg

 The advantage here is syntactically correct python.  IP could just add
 some special logic to apply the attributes.  Another advantage is that
 it matches the sytax of C# attributes.  Evil programmers could even
 apply decorators and attributes to a method!
 users mailing list


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Re: [IronPython] .NET attributes

2006-09-15 Thread Hernan M Foffani
  We're tentatively thinking that this is a 2.0 feature but if
  we figured out a syntax we really liked we'd try to get it into 1.1.
  It seems as if there are two clean ways to do this in my mind.
  1. Use python2.4's decorator sytax and extend it to allow class and
  class variable attribute declaration.  This has the pitfall of
  breaking cpython compatibility with decorators though.  At the same
  time, why use decorators when you can use attributes?
 When this was last discussed on Python-Dev, Guido agreed that class
 decorators could go into core Python. (Partly because of the IronPython

 The best thing to do (IMHO) is to see if a syntax can be agreed on
 Python-Dev, to ensure future compatibility with CPython.

I agree.
A proof of concept that demonstrates the use of class decorators
might help them decide.

users mailing list

Re: [IronPython] .NET attributes

2006-09-15 Thread Charlie Moad
On 9/15/06, Michael Foord [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Charlie Moad wrote:
  On 9/14/06, Dino Viehland [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  We're tentatively thinking that this is a 2.0 feature but if we figured 
  out a syntax we really liked we'd try to get it into 1.1.
  It seems as if there are two clean ways to do this in my mind.
  1. Use python2.4's decorator sytax and extend it to allow class and
  class variable attribute declaration.  This has the pitfall of
  breaking cpython compatibility with decorators though.  At the same
  time, why use decorators when you can use attributes?
 When this was last discussed on Python-Dev, Guido agreed that class
 decorators could go into core Python. (Partly because of the IronPython

What about class variables, properties, etc?  The AttributeTargets
enum lists many options.  I don't see cpython allowing decorators on
properties.  Also, decorators and attributes are different beasts.
Allowing their syntax to be the same would make it difficult to
distingush which way it should be used.  I personally think attribute
support should trump decorator support in IP.
users mailing list

Re: [IronPython] .NET attributes

2006-09-15 Thread David Fraser
Charlie Moad wrote:
 On 9/15/06, Michael Foord [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Charlie Moad wrote:
 On 9/14/06, Dino Viehland [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 We're tentatively thinking that this is a 2.0 feature but if we figured 
 out a syntax we really liked we'd try to get it into 1.1.

 It seems as if there are two clean ways to do this in my mind.

 1. Use python2.4's decorator sytax and extend it to allow class and
 class variable attribute declaration.  This has the pitfall of
 breaking cpython compatibility with decorators though.  At the same
 time, why use decorators when you can use attributes?

 When this was last discussed on Python-Dev, Guido agreed that class
 decorators could go into core Python. (Partly because of the IronPython

 What about class variables, properties, etc?  The AttributeTargets
 enum lists many options.  I don't see cpython allowing decorators on
 properties.  Also, decorators and attributes are different beasts.
 Allowing their syntax to be the same would make it difficult to
 distingush which way it should be used.  I personally think attribute
 support should trump decorator support in IP.
Take away decorator support and you'll lose at least this Python
Decorators and attributes have at least some commonality, which is why
this syntax ended up in Python in the first place...
Allowing decorator syntax in places CPython doesn't is better than not
allowing it where it does...

users mailing list

Re: [IronPython] .NET attributes

2006-09-15 Thread Charlie Moad
 Take away decorator support and you'll lose at least this Python
 Decorators and attributes have at least some commonality, which is why
 this syntax ended up in Python in the first place...
 Allowing decorator syntax in places CPython doesn't is better than not
 allowing it where it does...

So it sounds like people want decorator syntax for attributes.  Would
it be sufficient to check for inheritance from System.Attribute to
distinguish the two?  Also attributes being classes and decorators
functions might help.  I agree it is better to allow the decorator
syntax in more places than cpython than the alternative.
users mailing list

Re: [IronPython] .NET attributes

2006-09-15 Thread Michael Foord
Charlie Moad wrote:
 Take away decorator support and you'll lose at least this Python
 Decorators and attributes have at least some commonality, which is why
 this syntax ended up in Python in the first place...
 Allowing decorator syntax in places CPython doesn't is better than not
 allowing it where it does...

 So it sounds like people want decorator syntax for attributes.  Would
 it be sufficient to check for inheritance from System.Attribute to
 distinguish the two?  
Sounds very good.

 Also attributes being classes and decorators
 functions might help.  
Can't CPython decorators also be classes (I haven't tried this) ?

Michael Foord

 I agree it is better to allow the decorator
 syntax in more places than cpython than the alternative.
 users mailing list


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users mailing list

Re: [IronPython] .NET attributes

2006-09-15 Thread Charlie Moad
On 9/15/06, Michael Foord [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Charlie Moad wrote:
  Take away decorator support and you'll lose at least this Python
  Decorators and attributes have at least some commonality, which is why
  this syntax ended up in Python in the first place...
  Allowing decorator syntax in places CPython doesn't is better than not
  allowing it where it does...
  So it sounds like people want decorator syntax for attributes.  Would
  it be sufficient to check for inheritance from System.Attribute to
  distinguish the two?
 Sounds very good.

  Also attributes being classes and decorators
  functions might help.

 Can't CPython decorators also be classes (I haven't tried this) ?

Callable classes I suppose
users mailing list

Re: [IronPython] .NET attributes

2006-09-15 Thread Michael Foord
Charlie Moad wrote:
 On 9/15/06, Michael Foord [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Charlie Moad wrote:
 Take away decorator support and you'll lose at least this Python
 Decorators and attributes have at least some commonality, which is why
 this syntax ended up in Python in the first place...
 Allowing decorator syntax in places CPython doesn't is better than not
 allowing it where it does...

 So it sounds like people want decorator syntax for attributes.  Would
 it be sufficient to check for inheritance from System.Attribute to
 distinguish the two?
 Sounds very good.

 Also attributes being classes and decorators
 functions might help.

 Can't CPython decorators also be classes (I haven't tried this) ?

 Callable classes I suppose
You mean instances...

I meant something like this, which works in CPython and is a good way of 
implementing the descriptor protocol :

class DecoratorClass(object):
def __init__(self, function):
self.function = function
def __call__(self, *args, **keywargs):
print 'called'
return self.function(*args, **keywargs)

Michael Foord

def function(*args):
print args


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Version: 7.1.405 / Virus Database: 268.12.4/448 - Release Date: 14/09/2006

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Re: [IronPython] .NET attributes

2006-09-15 Thread Michael Foord
Charlie Moad wrote:
 On 9/15/06, Michael Foord [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Charlie Moad wrote:
 Take away decorator support and you'll lose at least this Python
 Decorators and attributes have at least some commonality, which is why
 this syntax ended up in Python in the first place...
 Allowing decorator syntax in places CPython doesn't is better than not
 allowing it where it does...

 So it sounds like people want decorator syntax for attributes.  Would
 it be sufficient to check for inheritance from System.Attribute to
 distinguish the two?
 Sounds very good.

 Also attributes being classes and decorators
 functions might help.

 Can't CPython decorators also be classes (I haven't tried this) ?

 Callable classes I suppose

(Oops... put my sig in the middle of the code.)

You mean instances...

I meant something like this, which works in CPython and is a good way of
implementing the descriptor protocol :

class DecoratorClass(object):
def __init__(self, function):
self.function = function

def __call__(self, *args, **keywargs):
print 'called'
return self.function(*args, **keywargs)

def function(*args):
print args


Provide '__get__' and friends to implement the descriptor protocol on a 
function. My guess is that this is pretty much how class methods become 
bound methods on instances.

Michael Foord

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Re: [IronPython] .NET attributes

2006-09-15 Thread Dino Viehland
Unfortunately, CPython only allows the decorator syntax before a function 
declaration...  You could always manually call the decorator function w/ the 
class object and see what you get back though.

Charlie's earlier point about all the different targets is a really good one 
though - worse than even properties are things like arguments, return types, 
etc...  that won't fit in at all w/ decorators.  You could imagine allowing the 
syntax anywhere, but there'd be no way to disambiguate between a return 
decorator and a function decorator in Python.

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Charlie Moad
Sent: Friday, September 15, 2006 7:46 AM
To: Discussion of IronPython
Subject: Re: [IronPython] .NET attributes

On 9/15/06, Michael Foord [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Charlie Moad wrote:
  Take away decorator support and you'll lose at least this Python
  Decorators and attributes have at least some commonality, which is
  why this syntax ended up in Python in the first place...
  Allowing decorator syntax in places CPython doesn't is better than
  not allowing it where it does...
  So it sounds like people want decorator syntax for attributes.
  Would it be sufficient to check for inheritance from
  System.Attribute to distinguish the two?
 Sounds very good.

  Also attributes being classes and decorators functions might help.

 Can't CPython decorators also be classes (I haven't tried this) ?

Callable classes I suppose
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Re: [IronPython] .NET attributes

2006-09-15 Thread Hernan M Foffani
 Charlie's earlier point about all the different targets is a really good one
 though - worse than even properties are things like arguments, return types,
 etc...  that won't fit in at all w/ decorators.  You could imagine allowing 
 syntax anywhere, but there'd be no way to disambiguate between a return 
 and a function decorator in Python.

By using attribute-target specifiers? (type, property, param, field, etc.)

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Re: [IronPython] .NET attributes

2006-09-15 Thread Michael Foord
Dino Viehland wrote:
 Unfortunately, CPython only allows the decorator syntax before a function 
 declaration...  You could always manually call the decorator function w/ the 
 class object and see what you get back though.

 Charlie's earlier point about all the different targets is a really good one 
 though - worse than even properties are things like arguments, return types, 
 etc...  that won't fit in at all w/ decorators.  You could imagine allowing 
 the syntax anywhere, but there'd be no way to disambiguate between a return 
 decorator and a function decorator in Python.

It's uglier, but what about providing built in functions for applying 
attributes. A specific built-in could apply return attributes etc.

This at least avoids the problem of adding a syntax that is incompatible 
with CPython.

Michael Foord

 -Original Message-
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Charlie Moad
 Sent: Friday, September 15, 2006 7:46 AM
 To: Discussion of IronPython
 Subject: Re: [IronPython] .NET attributes

 On 9/15/06, Michael Foord [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Charlie Moad wrote:
 Take away decorator support and you'll lose at least this Python
 Decorators and attributes have at least some commonality, which is
 why this syntax ended up in Python in the first place...
 Allowing decorator syntax in places CPython doesn't is better than
 not allowing it where it does...

 So it sounds like people want decorator syntax for attributes.
 Would it be sufficient to check for inheritance from
 System.Attribute to distinguish the two?
 Sounds very good.

 Also attributes being classes and decorators functions might help.

 Can't CPython decorators also be classes (I haven't tried this) ?

 Callable classes I suppose
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[IronPython] .NET attributes

2006-09-13 Thread Sanghyeon Seo
What is the expected timeline for support for .NET attributes in IronPython?

Seo Sanghyeon
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Re: [IronPython] .NET attributes

2006-09-13 Thread Aaron Marten
Charlie is correct. Remember that the IronPython VSIntegration sample is really 
for two different set of folks:

1.) People using IronPython
2.) People trying to integrate their language into Visual Studio

In the case of IronPython web services, the project templates were included 
only for completeness of the sample for set #2, even though (as has been 
noted) they are non-functional due to reliance on .NET attributes.

The WebSite projects ('Venus' and Web Application Project - style) *are* 
usable, although there are still a number of language and integration issues to 
get them working better (e.g. event handler generation from the web designer 
doesn't work, debugging is broken in certain scenarios). More details will be 
forthcoming when the V3 Visual Studio 2005 SDK ships (should be any day now).

Aaron Marten

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Charlie Moad
Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2006 5:42 AM
To: Discussion of IronPython
Subject: Re: [IronPython] .NET attributes

I have seen these examples, but my impression was that they are not
useable.  The generic web site one may be, but I am pretty sure the
web service example does not expose any methods as services.

On 9/13/06, S H Yoon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 C:\Program Files\Visual Studio

 Seems like here and below this tree. I see plenty of examples of IPY web
 including Webservice. Is there a good guide to these? I am compeletly
 ignorant about / Web developement, but I would love learn how via
 Yes, IP is one hellauba sharp job,

 Charlie Moad [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On 9/13/06, Sanghyeon Seo wrote:
  What is the expected timeline for support for .NET attributes in

 I know this has probably been brought up before, but I wanted to speak
 up to maybe put a little more priority behind this. I personally feel
 limited many times because there isn't attribute support in IP. To my
 knowledge I can't do relatively simple things like web
 services. Also fine grained xml serialization doesn't seem doable as
 well. If I am wrong, please Please correct me! It could be the fact
 that most XML related functionality in .Net relies heavily on
 attributes, but they seem prevalent everywhere.

 Keep up the great work,

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Re: [IronPython] NET Attributes.

2006-07-27 Thread Tim Riley
Thanks for all the info. I was looking into using IP with AutoCAD and .NET attributes are required.tjrOn 7/26/06, Michael Foord 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Martin Maly wrote: Unfortunately, no. Adding .NET attributes on Python classes in
 IronPython is not possible. Somewhat similar Pythonic thing is function and method decorators: @command("MyCommand", CommandFlags.Modal) def RunMyCommand():
 …. However, this will not interoperate well with .NET since .NET is not aware of the decorator mechanism. For more information, you can check out: There is another option to use function doc strings, but that would be more complicated to use and I'd probably use it as one of the last resorts.
However if you need to mark a class as serializable (or use any other.NET attribute), you just can't do it from IronPython at the moment. :-(Fuzzyman Martin  *From:* 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] *On Behalf Of *Tim Riley *Sent:* Wednesday, July 26, 2006 10:17 AM
 *To:* Discussion of IronPython *Subject:* [IronPython] NET Attributes. Is it possible to use .NET attributes in IronPython? For example I have C# code that looks like: [CommandMethod(MyCommand, 
CommandFlags.Modal)] public static void RunMyCommand() { 'code here } Can I do something similiar in IP? I'll take anything. 
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[IronPython] NET Attributes.

2006-07-26 Thread Tim Riley
Is it possible to use .NET attributes in IronPython? For example I have C# code that looks like:[CommandMethod(MyCommand, CommandFlags.Modal)]public static void RunMyCommand(){ 'code here
}Can I do something similiar in IP? I'll take anything.
users mailing list

Re: [IronPython] NET Attributes.

2006-07-26 Thread Michael Foord
Martin Maly wrote:

 Unfortunately, no. Adding .NET attributes on Python classes in 
 IronPython is not possible.

 Somewhat similar Pythonic thing is function and method decorators:

 @command(“MyCommand”, CommandFlags.Modal)

 def RunMyCommand():


 However, this will not interoperate well with .NET since .NET is not 
 aware of the decorator mechanism.

 For more information, you can check out:

 There is another option to use function doc strings, but that would be 
 more complicated to use and I’d probably use it as one of the last 

However if you need to mark a class as serializable (or use any other 
.NET attribute), you just can't do it from IronPython at the moment. :-(




 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On Behalf Of *Tim Riley
 *Sent:* Wednesday, July 26, 2006 10:17 AM
 *To:* Discussion of IronPython
 *Subject:* [IronPython] NET Attributes.

 Is it possible to use .NET attributes in IronPython? For example I 
 have C# code that looks like:

 [CommandMethod(MyCommand, CommandFlags.Modal)]
 public static void RunMyCommand()
 'code here

 Can I do something similiar in IP? I'll take anything.


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Re: [IronPython] .NET Attributes

2006-03-28 Thread Dino Viehland
The usage of decorators on classes is interesting, and is worth a follow up to 
the python mailing lists...

There's actually a lot of interesting problems like what you describe below w/ 
attributes and runtime vs. compile time.  For example if we were to do a from 
__experimental__ import ... for optional static typing 
( then we'd have a 
similar tension between doing things at runtime vs. compile time - as it's 
really still runtime logic that's being added..

For the most part I believe we can get the best of both worlds here.  For 
example even though we'd be statically compiling types somewhere in the 
generated code is still the body used for module initialization.  This code 
runs at import time just like it would w/ a normal python module.

Likewise there are also still executable class statements (these would turn 
into CLR class initializers) and these would run when a class statement 
normally would run.

The reason why I mention these is that when these run we can check and see if 
the static compiler made the right decisions and fix anything it did wrong at 
runtime.  To take an example that is simpler than attributes:

class foo(object):
if False:
def bar(self):
print Hello world!

Anyone who tries to call bar on an instance of a foo should get an exception.  
The static transformation of that would be into something like this:

class foo {
Dict myDict;

static foo(){
myDict = new Dict();
myDict['bar'] = new ReflectedMethod(;

public object bar(){
if(myDict['bar'] == null) throw MissingMemberException();
if(myDict['bar'] == bar) {  // or something...
Ops.Print('hello world');
return null;
} else {
return Ops.Call(barFunc);

Attributes here are trickier but could be handled in a similar fashion.  But in 
this case we'd need to generate a new class at runtime that contains the 
correct attributes, and prevent the C# code from getting an instance of the 
statically compiled class (e.g. by throwing an exception whenever it gets 
created).  That means we've effectively pushed ourselves all the way back to 
the fully dynamic experience but that's better than being wrong.

In general we don't want to trade off ANY of the runtime facilities of Python 
to make this happen.  Instead we want to retain all of those capabilities while 
generating IL  Metadata that allows other statically typed languages to 
consume the less-dynamic portions of the language.  In other words if a Python 
programmer can tell we compiled the code statically at runtime we've made a 

But doing all of this is a lot of work...  There's a reason we don't have it 
yet :).

Do you want to help develop Dynamic languages on CLR? 

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ernst, Nathan
Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2006 5:42 AM
To: Discussion of IronPython
Subject: Re: [IronPython] .NET Attributes

I wouldn't give up completely on using decorators for classes.  True,
Python 2.4 doesn't support them on classes, only functions.  I think
consistency should be sought here.

After reading PEP 318 ( a
little closer, I noticed that there *are* some examples of using
decorators on classes.  (See examples 2 and 5 at the end of the PEP).
While not included in 2.4, I could not find if it has been ruled out as
a later enhancement.

Note that there may be a potential problem using decorator syntax for
attributes.  In CPython, a decorator is merely a syntactical shortcut
for applying a function to a function definition.  It could be said
that, in IronPython, the attribute is being applied to a function.  To
me, this seems kind of confused, as the attribute descriptor now becomes
a special case descriptor for the interpreter to have to handle because
the descriptor is not being called with the function/class definition as
an argument.  Instead, the attributes must be compiled into the
generated code.

It is probably not that large of a deal, though. (Just playing devil's
advocate here). Despite this, I still like the decorator syntax.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dino Viehland
Sent: Monday, March 27, 2006 11:45 PM
To: Discussion of IronPython
Subject: Re: [IronPython] .NET Attributes

I like this too...  It's interesting that while the syntax isn't exactly
the same for giving both classes  functions attributes they are both
getting that information in the same way.  I was previously worried

[IronPython] .NET Attributes

2006-03-27 Thread Andrzej Krzywda

When there will be support for .NET Attributes in IronPython?
Is there any way currently to mark my class as Serializable?

users mailing list

Re: [IronPython] .NET Attributes

2006-03-27 Thread Dino Viehland
This is a tough problem...  There are two issues here.  But the executive 
summary here is I'd say the earliest you should *expect* to see this is 1.1, 
but if (somehow) we end up with some extra time we might have something in the 
1.0 timeframe (but don't hold your breath!).

The first issue here is that when your code gets compiled we don't create what 
are truly .NET classes.  Let's forget about old-style classes for a second (as 
those are REALLY not .NET classes, and never will be) and instead focus on 
new-style classes.

When you define a class we'll see if anyone else has inherited from the same 
set of base-types (including .NET interfaces).  If someone has then we'll use 
that class instead of creating a new class.  If they haven't we'll derive a new 
class from your base-class set, overriding all of the virtual methods, and 
creating some new fields like __dict__ and __class__.  Those fields allow us to 
both allow you to change the type of your classes at runtime as well as attach 
new properties to instances.  They also allow us to create a limited number of 
CLR types (which aren't garbage collected) which means long-running programs 
creating lots of types don't leak.

In the end there's not really anything good for us to attach the attributes to. 
 To get that we'd need to move to a more static-compilation model while at the 
same time retaining the ability to do all the great dynamic stuff with Python.  
It's a hard problem and one that we simply haven't solved yet.

The second problem is also just as tough, but it's completely different.  How 
do you even express an attribute on a class?  There's no Python syntax for this 
so we'd have to add something new.  It'd be great if we could use decorators 
here, but they don't apply to classes.  So maybe that's something like 
__attributes__ = [Serializable, ...] or something along those lines but it's 
not clear what's the best way to go here...

Do you want to help develop Dynamic languages on CLR? 

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Andrzej Krzywda
Sent: Monday, March 27, 2006 4:55 AM
Subject: [IronPython] .NET Attributes


When there will be support for .NET Attributes in IronPython?
Is there any way currently to mark my class as Serializable?

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Re: [IronPython] .NET Attributes

2006-03-27 Thread Eric Larson
On the topic of decorators and integrating with .NET, it seems that in order to keep IronPython as close to CPython, it would be a good idea to consider adding .NET specific pieces as a library instead of an addition to the language. That way people could write python code that works in IronPython and CPython equally well without changing radically how the code is written. For example, if I wanted to make a class serializable, it seems logical to inherit from some serializable base class. 
from clr.netisms import IPSerializableclass MyClass(IPSerializable):This may be an obvious solution, but it seems to make more sense to add IronPython specific libraries to help integrate with .NET than to pollute the language. I mention this because one of the great things about Python is the batteries included mentality. There are many great libraries that would be excellent to run using IronPython (ZODB for example) that may conflict if the language gets massaged to fit into .NET perfectly. Often times writing to the lowest common denominator can be bad (SQL portability for example), but I believe in the case of Python, whatever can be done to work with the massive amount of libraries will be the most beneficial.
I apologize if this is already addressed. I am thinking about issues such as these from a python programmer's perspective.Great work!EricOn 3/27/06, 
Dino Viehland [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
This is a tough problem...There are two issues here.But the executive summary here is I'd say the earliest you should *expect* to see this is 1.1, but if (somehow) we end up with some extra time we might have something in the 
1.0 timeframe (but don't hold your breath!).The first issue here is that when your code gets compiled we don't create what are truly .NET classes.Let's forget about old-style classes for a second (as those are REALLY not .NET classes, and never will be) and instead focus on new-style classes.
When you define a class we'll see if anyone else has inherited from the same set of base-types (including .NET interfaces).If someone has then we'll use that class instead of creating a new class.If they haven't we'll derive a new class from your base-class set, overriding all of the virtual methods, and creating some new fields like __dict__ and __class__.Those fields allow us to both allow you to change the type of your classes at runtime as well as attach new properties to instances.They also allow us to create a limited number of CLR types (which aren't garbage collected) which means long-running programs creating lots of types don't leak.
In the end there's not really anything good for us to attach the attributes to.To get that we'd need to move to a more static-compilation model while at the same time retaining the ability to do all the great dynamic stuff with Python.It's a hard problem and one that we simply haven't solved yet.
The second problem is also just as tough, but it's completely different.How do you even express an attribute on a class?There's no Python syntax for this so we'd have to add something new.It'd be great if we could use decorators here, but they don't apply to classes.So maybe that's something like __attributes__ = [Serializable, ...] or something along those lines but it's not clear what's the best way to go here...
Do you want to help develop Dynamic languages on CLR? (
)-Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
] On Behalf Of Andrzej KrzywdaSent: Monday, March 27, 2006 4:55 AMTo: users@lists.ironpython.comSubject: [IronPython] .NET AttributesHi,When there will be support for .NET Attributes in IronPython?
Is there any way currently to mark my class as Serializable?--Andrzej___users mailing mailing list

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Re: [IronPython] .NET Attributes

2006-03-27 Thread Dino Viehland

This is great feedback. And yet another
way we could consider doing this would be something whacky with metaclasses
where we had an attribute-aware metaclass or something like that
But it demonstrates the difficulty in adding support for features like this and
the reason we need to tread lightly here. 

you want to help develop Dynamic languages on CLR? (

[EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Eric Larson
Sent: Monday, March 27, 2006 9:11
To: Discussion
 of IronPython
Subject: Re: [IronPython] .NET

On the topic of
decorators and integrating with .NET, it seems that in order to keep IronPython
as close to CPython, it would be a good idea to consider adding .NET specific
pieces as a library instead of an addition to the language. That
way people could write python code that works in IronPython and CPython equally
well without changing radically how the code is written. For example, if I
wanted to make a class serializable, it seems logical to inherit from some
serializable base class. 

from clr.netisms import IPSerializable

class MyClass(IPSerializable):

This may be an obvious solution, but it seems to make more sense to add
IronPython specific libraries to help integrate with .NET than to pollute the
language. I mention this because one of the great things about Python is the
batteries included mentality. There are many great libraries that
would be excellent to run using IronPython (ZODB for example) that may conflict
if the language gets massaged to fit into .NET perfectly. Often times writing
to the lowest common denominator can be bad (SQL portability for example), but
I believe in the case of Python, whatever can be done to work with the massive
amount of libraries will be the most beneficial. 

I apologize if this is already addressed. I am thinking about issues such as
these from a python programmer's perspective.

Great work!


On 3/27/06, Dino

This is a tough problem...There are two issues
here.But the executive summary here is I'd say the earliest you
should *expect* to see this is 1.1, but if (somehow) we end up with some extra
time we might have something in the 1.0 timeframe (but don't hold your breath!).

The first issue here is that when your code gets compiled we don't create what
are truly .NET classes.Let's forget about old-style classes for a
second (as those are REALLY not .NET classes, and never will be) and instead
focus on new-style classes. 

When you define a class we'll see if anyone else has inherited from the same
set of base-types (including .NET interfaces).If someone has then
we'll use that class instead of creating a new class.If they
haven't we'll derive a new class from your base-class set, overriding all of
the virtual methods, and creating some new fields like __dict__ and
__class__.Those fields allow us to both allow you to change the
type of your classes at runtime as well as attach new properties to
instances.They also allow us to create a limited number of CLR
types (which aren't garbage collected) which means long-running programs
creating lots of types don't leak. 

In the end there's not really anything good for us to attach the attributes
to.To get that we'd need to move to a more static-compilation model
while at the same time retaining the ability to do all the great dynamic stuff
with Python.It's a hard problem and one that we simply haven't
solved yet. 

The second problem is also just as tough, but it's completely different.How
do you even express an attribute on a class?There's no Python
syntax for this so we'd have to add something new.It'd be great if
we could use decorators here, but they don't apply to classes.So
maybe that's something like __attributes__ = [Serializable, ...] or something
along those lines but it's not clear what's the best way to go here... 

Do you want to help develop Dynamic languages on CLR? (

-Original Message-
] On Behalf Of Andrzej Krzywda
Sent: Monday, March 27, 2006 4:55 AM
Subject: [IronPython] .NET Attributes


When there will be support for .NET Attributes in IronPython? 
Is there any way currently to mark my class as Serializable?

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Re: [IronPython] .NET Attributes

2006-03-27 Thread Keith J. Farmer
For the purposes of consistency, the attribute decorators would need to apply 
everywhere an attribute is able to exist in .NET:  types, members, etc.
In the case of Serializable, merely subclassing ISerializable isn't necessarily 
the best way, since a class can be decorated with SerializableAttribute instead.
Would magic comments be sufficient? eg
// ATTRIBUTE: Serializeable
class MyClass(FooBase):
// ATTRIBUTE: MyMemberAttribute
def Foo():

(Forgive my Python -- it's a little rusty...)
Actually, wasn't there a PEP regarding decorators?

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