[us...@lists.monobjc.net] Monobjc is breaking AppDomain.CreateDomain?

2009-08-13 Thread Kenny Clement


I have a problem.
I've noticed that when you use


and somewhere in your app, there is a reference to the MonobjC assembly, 
it throws an exception.

In other words, it's not possible to create a second AppDomain.
Is there any way to get around this?
In the second AppDomain, I don't even need Monobjc...

The exception can be found below.


- Kenny

An exception was thrown by the type initializer for 
(System.Type type) [0x0]
System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.ObjectWriter.GetObjectData (System.Object 
obj, System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.TypeMetadata& 
metadata, System.Object& data) [0x0]
(System.IO.BinaryWriter writer, Int64 id, System.Object obj) [0x0]
(System.IO.BinaryWriter writer, System.Object obj, Boolean 
isValueObject) [0x0]
(System.IO.BinaryWriter writer) [0x0]
(System.IO.BinaryWriter writer, System.Object obj, 
System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.Header[] headers) [0x0]
(System.IO.Stream serializationStream, System.Object graph, 
System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.Header[] headers) [0x0]
(System.IO.Stream serializationStream, System.Object graph) [0x0]
  at System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.CADSerializer.SerializeObject 
(System.Object obj) [0x0]
  at System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.CADMethodCallMessage..ctor 
(IMethodCallMessage callMsg) [0x0]
  at System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.CADMethodCallMessage.Create 
(IMessage callMsg) [0x0]
(IMessage msgRequest) [0x0]

InnerException: NotSupportedException
The invoked member is not supported in a dynamic module.
  at System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder.GetExportedTypes () [0x0]
  at Monobjc.ObjectiveCRuntime.ScanAssembly (System.Reflection.Assembly 
assembly) [0x0]
  at Monobjc.ObjectiveCRuntime.CurrentDomain_AssemblyLoad 
(System.Object sender, System.AssemblyLoadEventArgs args) [0x0]
  at System.AppDomain.DoAssemblyLoad (System.Reflection.Assembly 
assembly) [0x0]
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) 
  at System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder..ctor 
(System.Reflection.AssemblyName n, System.String directory, 
AssemblyBuilderAccess access, Boolean corlib_internal) [0x0]
  at System.AppDomain.DefineInternalDynamicAssembly 
(System.Reflection.AssemblyName name, AssemblyBuilderAccess access) 
  at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) 
System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.CodeGenerator..cctor () 

[us...@lists.monobjc.net] Re: Monobjc is breaking AppDomain.CreateDomain?

2009-08-17 Thread Kenny Clement


Monobjc version: 1.0.324.0. I'm using the 1.0 assemblies, because I need 
Tiger support.

Haven't tried in the new version of Monobjc yet.

mono -V:
Mono JIT compiler version 2.4 (tarball Fri Mar 13 09:25:35 MDT 2009)

It's reproducable in any Monobjc app with 1 single line:


I've put this line in the SimpleCocoaApp Sample
Just put this line in the awakeFromNib function and the app will crash 
at startup.


Kenny Clement

Laurent Etiemble wrote:


Can you indicate the version of Mono and Monobjc ? Also, can you post
a small sample code to demonstrate the problem ?

Regards, Laurent Etiemble.

2009/8/13 Kenny Clement:


I have a problem.
I've noticed that when you use


and somewhere in your app, there is a reference to the MonobjC assembly, it
throws an exception.
In other words, it's not possible to create a second AppDomain.
Is there any way to get around this?
In the second AppDomain, I don't even need Monobjc...

The exception can be found below.


- Kenny

An exception was thrown by the type initializer for
(System.Type type) [0x0]
(System.Object obj,
System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.TypeMetadata&  metadata,
System.Object&  data) [0x0]
  at System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.ObjectWriter.WriteObject
(System.IO.BinaryWriter writer, Int64 id, System.Object obj) [0x0]
(System.IO.BinaryWriter writer, System.Object obj, Boolean isValueObject)
(System.IO.BinaryWriter writer) [0x0]
(System.IO.BinaryWriter writer, System.Object obj,
System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.Header[] headers) [0x0]
  at System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter.Serialize
(System.IO.Stream serializationStream, System.Object graph,
System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.Header[] headers) [0x0]
  at System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter.Serialize
(System.IO.Stream serializationStream, System.Object graph) [0x0]
  at System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.CADSerializer.SerializeObject
(System.Object obj) [0x0]
  at System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.CADMethodCallMessage..ctor
(IMethodCallMessage callMsg) [0x0]
  at System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.CADMethodCallMessage.Create (IMessage
callMsg) [0x0]
  at System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.CrossAppDomainSink.SyncProcessMessage
(IMessage msgRequest) [0x0]

InnerException: NotSupportedException
The invoked member is not supported in a dynamic module.
  at System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder.GetExportedTypes () [0x0]
  at Monobjc.ObjectiveCRuntime.ScanAssembly (System.Reflection.Assembly
assembly) [0x0]
  at Monobjc.ObjectiveCRuntime.CurrentDomain_AssemblyLoad (System.Object
sender, System.AssemblyLoadEventArgs args) [0x0]
  at System.AppDomain.DoAssemblyLoad (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly)
  at (wrapper managed-to-native)
  at System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder..ctor
(System.Reflection.AssemblyName n, System.String directory,
AssemblyBuilderAccess access, Boolean corlib_internal) [0x0]
  at System.AppDomain.DefineInternalDynamicAssembly
(System.Reflection.AssemblyName name, AssemblyBuilderAccess access)
  at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check)
  at System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.CodeGenerator..cctor ()


Re: [us...@lists.monobjc.net] Feeback Wanted on Snow Leopard

2009-09-14 Thread Kenny Clement


Just so you know, 
The bugreport you see below is the one I posted on mono's bugzilla.
I think it is caused by Mono's boehm GC, and not specifically MonobjC,
even though I cannot be sure, so far.

I have a few smaller sample apps using Mono and MonObjC, and none of
those crash.
However, my main, way more complex app, has this issue.
Other people on the mono-osx mailing list have reported this as well.

I've been working on this for a bit now, but I still haven't found a
way to reproduce outside of my main app (of which I cannot share the
code here).

I didn't see a link between the GC and the threading yet, I'll try to
write another sample with some threading and see if that causes the

If you find any solution or have any clue on how to reproduce it, it
would be very much appreciated!!

- Kenny Clement

Franky De Meyer wrote:

  Here's some further info on my problems with Snow Leopard.

Our app appears to crash at random points, very soon after startup, when
threading is busy.
The error log always seems to refer to GC in combination with threads.

I noticed a bug report at the Mono site, also referring to monobjc, so this
may not be a coincidence:


I have exactly the same problem.

Laurent, did you get to do some testing on Snow Leopard yourself? If so, do
you have the feeling that all functionality should simply work, including
If so, can you give any suggestions on what we can do to isolate this
problem? It may be mono-related or monobjc related, what is your guess?


Here is an example error log I got (Mac OSX 10.6, Mono, Monobjc

Thread 11 Crashed:
0   libSystem.B.dylib 	0x95a62c8e __semwait_signal_nocancel
+ 10
1   libSystem.B.dylib 	0x95a62b72
nanosleep$NOCANCEL$UNIX2003 + 166
2   libSystem.B.dylib 	0x95ade5b2 usleep$NOCANCEL$UNIX2003
+ 61
3   libSystem.B.dylib 	0x95affbfd __abort + 136
4   libSystem.B.dylib 	0x95affc6d abort_report_np + 0
5   DM   	   	0x0012c5b8 GC_enable + 0
6   DM  		0x00123c12 GC_push_all_stacks + 196
7   DM  		0x0012d8ff
GC_default_push_other_roots + 11 (os_dep.c:2079)
8   DM  		0x0012b6ce GC_push_roots + 279
9   DM  		0x00128a85 GC_mark_some + 593
10  DM  		0x00122290 GC_stopped_mark + 525
11  DM  		0x00121de9 GC_try_to_collect_inner +
449 (alloc.c:382)
12  DM  		0x00123019 GC_collect_or_expand +
151 (alloc.c:1046)
13  DM  		0x00123304 GC_allocobj + 313
14  DM  		0x00126f2f GC_generic_malloc_inner +
270 (malloc.c:136)
15  DM  		0x00127086 GC_generic_malloc + 84
16  DM  		0x0012728d GC_malloc_atomic + 142
17  DM  		0x000ae5ec mono_array_new_specific +
206 (object.c:3536)
18  ???   	0x00e56a6b 0 + 15034987
19  ???   	0x147d1dd2 0 + 343743954
20  ???   	0x147d25a8 0 + 343745960
21  ???   	0x147d22ba 0 + 343745210
22  ???   	0x147d1966 0 + 343742822
23  ???   	0x147da4ac 0 + 343778476
24  ???   	0x147da1fa 0 + 34386
25  ???   	0x147d9326 0 + 343773990
26  ???   	0x147d92a4 0 + 343773860
27  ???   	0x147f92dd 0 + 343904989
28  ???   	0x147f9262 0 + 343904866
29  ???   	0x147f920f 0 + 343904783
30  ???   	0x147f9a6a 0 + 343906922
31  ???   	0x147f99b7 0 + 343906743
32  ???   	0x0327fa19 0 + 52951577
33  ???   	0x0327f9ba 0 + 52951482
34  ???   	0x0327f83a 0 + 52951098
35  ???   	0x0327f78d 0 + 52950925
36  ???   	0x0327f6d9 0 + 52950745
37  ???   	0x0327f651 0 + 52950609
38  ???   	0x189db63c 0 + 412988988
39  ???   	0x032872bc 0 + 52982460
40  ???   	0x03287223 0 + 52982307
41  ???   	0x03287208 0 + 52982280
42  ???   	0x03286d95 0 + 52981141
43  ???   	0x03286c13 0 + 52980755
44  ???   	0x032869a8 0 + 52980136
45  ???   	0x00e56086 0 + 15032454
46  DM  		0x000adc67 mono_runtime_invoke_array
+ 592 (object.c:3495)
47  DM  		0x000ae74a mono_message_invoke + 225
48  D

Re: [us...@lists.monobjc.net] Re: [us...@lists.monobjc.net] Feeback Wanted on Snow Leopard

2009-09-15 Thread Kenny Clement
    0x02f1268e 0 + 49358478
41  ???                                 0x02f12622 0 + 49358370
42  ???                                 0x02f123c7 0 + 49357767
43  ???                                 0x02f121f1 0 + 49357297
44  ???                                 0x02f12162 0 + 49357154
45  ???                                 0x02f1185e 0 + 49354846
46  ???                                 0x00e562bd 0 + 15033021


thread_get_state failed

 at (wrapper managed-to-native) object.__icall_wrapper_mono_object_new_fast
(intptr) <0x4>
 at (wrapper managed-to-native) object.__icall_wrapper_mono_object_new_fast
(intptr) <0x>
 at System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.DefinePInvokeMethod


ime.InteropServices.CharSet) <0x00085>
 at System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.DefinePInvokeMethod

e.InteropServices.CharSet) <0x00033>
(string,string,System.Type[]) <0x0003b>
 at Monobjc.Bridge.Generators.DynamicMessagingGenerator.SendMessage
(string,intptr,intptr,object[]) <0x0010a>
 at Monobjc.ObjectiveCRuntime.SendMessage
(Monobjc.IManagedWrapper,string,object[]) <0x00078>
 at Monobjc.Cocoa.NSButton.set_Image (Monobjc.Cocoa.NSImage) <0x00046>
 at DM.StockController.SetUploadStatusStates () <0x00052>
 at DM.StockController.AwakeFromNib () <0x004ad>
 at Monobjc.Dynamic.Proxies.DM.StockController.AwakeFromNib (intptr,intptr)
 at (wrapper native-to-managed)
Monobjc.Dynamic.Proxies.DM.StockController.AwakeFromNib (intptr,intptr)
 at (wrapper managed-to-native) 364DB0EB.pinvoke
(intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr) <0x4>
 at (wrapper managed-to-native) 364DB0EB.pinvoke
(intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr) <0x>
 at 364DB0EB.objc_msgSend (intptr,intptr,object[]) <0x000c9>
 at Monobjc.Bridge.Generators.DynamicMessagingGenerator.SendMessage
(string,intptr,intptr,object[]) <0x00166>
 at Monobjc.ObjectiveCRuntime.SendMessage
(Monobjc.IManagedWrapper,string,object[]) <0x00078>
 at Monobjc.Cocoa.NSBundle.LoadNibNamedOwner
(Monobjc.Cocoa.NSString,Monobjc.Id) <0x00061>
 at Monobjc.Cocoa.NSApplication.LoadNib (string) <0x00055>
 at DM.Program.Main (string[]) <0x0003c>
Abort trap

-Original Message-
From: laurent.etiem...@gmail.com [mailto:laurent.etiem...@gmail.com] On
Behalf Of Laurent Etiemble
Sent: maandag 14 september 2009 22:42
To: users@lists.monobjc.net
Subject: Re: [users@lists.monobjc.net] Re: [us...@lists.monobjc.net] Feeback
Wanted on Snow Leopard


@Franky: Until now, I have tested the 27 samples applications on Core
Duo and Core 2 Duo processors. On both platforms, the application runs
as a 32 bits process, with no problems or crashes.

@Everyone: Does the application that crashes uses System.Drawing or
System.Windows.Forms ?

Regards, Laurent Etiemble.

2009/9/14 Russell Joyce :

  I'm getting the same "thread_get_state failed" error.  It usually occurs


  I'm doing something which pauses the application (such as resizing the
windows or using menus) at the same time as an event fires (such as a
Windows.Forms.Timer tick) but sometimes just occurs (seemingly) randomly.
 Monobjc events don't seem to cause this problem though when using
objective-c selectors (such as NSTimer fire events), but I may be wrong.

I'm glad this isn't just a problem with my application and is something


  common, as I was not using Monobjc before Snow Leopard so I've always had
this problem.  I've got Leopard installed on a different partition still
though so I can always develop there for now...




Kenny Clement
Software Developer

Tel. +32 9 233 68 86
Fax +32 9 240 10 39
This message, together with any attachments, is intended
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Re: [us...@lists.monobjc.net] Re: [us...@lists.monobjc.net] Feeback Wanted on Snow Leopard

2009-10-01 Thread Kenny Clement
any movement.  Any idea on how we can trigger
nice mono people to look into the issue ?
Best regards,
Franky De Meyer wrote: 
  @Laurent: Did you
get a chance to try out the modified sample app that Kenny created?
  If so, what is your
feeling? Does it indeed look like a Mono problem related to garbage
  There doesn't seem
to be any action in the bugzilla report
  I have taken the
liberty to change the severity to "Major" (actually it should even be
"Critical", IMHO), but I get a feeling we may be weeks or months away
from a reply or fix. No other developers seem to be confirming the
which is weird.
  I'm getting more and
more questions from users who have upgraded to Snow Leopard and can no
use our software.
  @Kenny: Did you find
out anything more on this? Any clues on a work-around.
  Thanks all!
  From: Kenny Clement [mailto:psyki...@gmail.com]
  Sent: dinsdag 15 september 2009 19:49
  To: users@lists.monobjc.net
  Cc: psyki.be+nomad...@gmail.com
  Subject: Re: [users@lists.monobjc.net]
Feeback Wanted on Snow Leopard
Me again.
I narrowed it down a bit more.
I adjusted the SimpleCocoaApp MonoObjc sample. I removed all unrequired
and just kept 1 button connected to an action in HelloController.
Clicking the button will open the default about panel, sleep for 1
and then force Garbage Collection.
This ALWAYS causes the crash on Snow Leopard, and works without any
issues on
Note that I didn't do anything with threading (excluding default
threads) in this sample.
You can find the sample app + sourcecode attached to the original bug
I hope someone here can help me.
Feel free to contact me if there are any questions.
Thanks in advance,
- Kenny
Laurent Etiemble wrote: 
  - Can you append the stack trace and all the information to the this
  bug entry (https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=537764) ?
  - Are you able to get a small sample application (only with the
  awakeFromNib call) method that exhibits the crash, so I can
  investigate ?
  Regards, Laurent Etiemble.
  ith any
  Miguel DE BUF
not specified.
  Tel. +32 9 233
68 86
Fax +32 9 240 10 39
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Kenny Clement
Software Developer

Tel. +32 9 233 68 86
Fax +32 9 240 10 39
This message, together with any attachments, is intended
for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed. It
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Re: [us...@lists.monobjc.net] Backgroundworker thread

2009-10-01 Thread Kenny Clement


The way I do it, I make sure the MonobjC objects are only used on 1
Make sure all stuff on the backgroundworker threads is pure mono only,
if you need to use MonobjC objects, throw events and invoke those on
your 'cocoa' thread.

However, a better way, is probably described on the Monobjc site:


Is your application in Multithreaded mode?
If it already is, can you use NSThreadRunner instead of .NET

- Kenny

Mario De Clippeleir wrote:


I am using a backgroudworker to show progress of a task. This compiles 
and runs fine (it shows the progress), however i always get a lot of 
notifications : "object of class autoreleased with no pool in place".
So i defined a NSAutoreleasepool in the DoWork event and release it 
after it has done all the work, but still i have the same problem.

I'm pretty much stuck hereAny help ?




Kenny Clement
Software Developer

Tel. +32 9 233 68 86
Fax +32 9 240 10 39
This message, together with any attachments, is intended
for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed. It
contain information that is confidential and prohibited from
disclosure. If you
are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any
or copying of this message or any attachment is strictly prohibited. If
have received this item in error, please notify the original sender and
this item, along with any attachments.

Re: [us...@lists.monobjc.net] Re: [us...@lists.monobjc.net] Feeback Wanted on Snow Leopard

2009-10-02 Thread Kenny Clement


For glib, I'm using the following:

CC="cc -L/Users/fdm/Mono/lib" CFLAGS="-I/Users/fdm/Mono/include -m32"  
PATH=/Users/fdm/Mono/bin:$PATH ./configure --prefix=/Users/fdm/Mono

sorry, I forgot that CC and extra CFLAGS in my previous mail.
When I got your gettext error, it was because my mono prefix was not in 
the path, however, you say it is.

I also did an upgrade from leopard to Snow.

My application is now working without crashes, however, on a certain 
window in my app, CPU spikes to 100% whenever something on the form is 
This CPU spike only occurs after a few hours (or lots of activity), it 
seems to 'build up' and after a while, the app is no longer usable.

Still investigating, trying to turn off some bindings, ... seeing if 
that helps or not.
I didn't get this behaviour on Leopard / old mono, so it must be 
something in either Snow Leopard, or the new Mono (after all, it is an 
svn build, not an official release).

I also see some issues when building my app with integrated mono, it 
fails a lot more than on regular leopard.

I don't think either of those issues is related to the patch from 
Laurent/Sledge Ham, but we're still testing...


- Kenny

Franky De Meyer wrote:

Thanks for the extra info for the Snow Leopard build.

It helped me get a little further now: "GNU Gettext" and "pkg-config" now
both build OK on Snow Leopard.
The "glib" configure however stops with following error:

(After installing Gettext and pkg-config in /Users/fdm/Mono)
When I execute:

cd glib-2.22.0
CC="cc -L/Users/fdm/Mono/lib"
./configure --prefix=/Users/fdm/Mono

I get the following output: (only the last few lines shown)

checking for libintl.h... yes
checking for ngettext in libc... no
checking for bindtextdomain in -lintl... no
checking if -liconv is needed to use gettext...
checking for ngettext in -lintl... no
configure: error:
*** You must have either have gettext support in your C library, or use the
*** GNU gettext library. (http://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/gettext.html

So, there must still be something I'm doing wrong. The install of
gettext-0.17 was OK, and was built with the same settings as glib.
I can just type gettext at the command prompt however, and it is found.I
have the latest XCode version. I did do an upgrade from Leopard to Snow
Leopard and not a fresh install. Maybe that has something to do with it.

In any case, thanks for your help.

BTW, does your app work OK on Snow Leopard, with the latest patch from


From: Kenny Clement [mailto:psyki...@gmail.com]
Sent: donderdag 1 oktober 2009 9:56
To: users@lists.monobjc.net
Subject: Re: [us...@lists.monobjc.net] Re: [us...@lists.monobjc.net] Feeback
Wanted on Snow Leopard


I've struggled with the same issues.
In order to build Mono on Snow Leopard, you need the CFLAGS and CXXFlags set
to -m32 for Mono and all the components required for it (gettext,
pkg-config, libiconv, glib):

CFLAGS="-m32" CXXFLAGS="-m32" ./configure --prefix=/mono
make install

(note that the prefix should be changed to where-ever you want to install
Add the prefix path to your envvar PATH if it is not yet in there.
(otherwise it will complain about not finding gettext, ...)

In case you get 'deprecated' errors in ucontext, add the following line at
the top in /usr/include/ucontext.h:
#define _XOPEN_SOURCE 500

(I'm sure there is a better way, but this works for me.)

nant is a separate install (build) if you compile Mono:


Hope this helps!

- Kenny

[us...@lists.monobjc.net] Localizing app: Nib not found errors

2009-11-24 Thread Kenny Clement


I'm running into a problem localizing our application.
The way it should work:
Copy the en.lproj folder to nl.lproj, adjust the texts, and you should  
have a dutch version.
This works in sample applications (so I guess it's not really a  
problem caused by monobjc)

However, in my application, it does not.
I have the folowing folders with nibs: en.lproj, nl.lproj, fr.lproj

All of these have working nib files.
If I change my preferred OS language to Dutch, I expect to see the  
nibs from nl.lproj. I see the English ones.

When removing en.lproj, I get no more UI, no menu, ...
All MonobjC shows me is the following error:  (upping the  
MONOBJC_DEBUG level doesn't show more)

633946702097321770 [ERROR] NSApplication - Error while loading the NIB  

It seems as if it simply can't find the nl.lproj folder, even though  
it is there.

In Finder: app ==> get Info ==> Languages, I can see the 3 languages.

In order to find more info, I tried to loop through the  
NSBundle.MainBundle.Localizations property.
According to the documentation (both MonobjC and Cocoa), this should  
return an NSArray, with NSStrings of the languages available in the  
However, this property does return an NSArray, which contains 3  
elements (I'm assuming this is nl, fr and en), but the elements are  
not NSStrings (I'm getting Id's, casting to NSStrings throws  

Why aren't these NSStrings?

I'm loading my nib with the line:

According to the MonObjC code, this is just a shortcut to  
NSBundle.LoadNibNamedOwner("Mainmenu", NSApplication.SharedApplication).
According to the MonObjC Documentation of NSBundle.LoadNibNamedOwner,  
the path where Cocoa looks for the Nibs is determined by the owner. In  
this case, taht would be NSApplication.SharedApplication.

Is there any way I can see more information, like the exact paths it  
is looking for?

I'm hoping someone here can point me in the right direction, or show  
me a way to get more logging.

Thanks in advance,

- Kenny

Re: [us...@lists.monobjc.net] Localizing app: Nib not found errors

2009-11-26 Thread Kenny Clement


I've tried to get the localizations property in the HelloCocoa sample  
as well. It also returns an NSArray of non-NSStrings.

(however, localization works there as expected).

I'm still using nibs in the NIB 2.X format, but I've tried that in the  
sample app, and I can localize those without problems too.

Is there something I might've done that disables localization?

In plist files or something?)
I've checked them, and don't see anything out of order, but you never  

Is there a way to disable localization completely?


- Kenny

On 26 Nov 2009, at 08:53, Laurent Etiemble wrote:


I never had such problem during localization. As long as you follow
the bundle naming and structure, you can add localization on the fly
if the NIB are not compiled.

Have you tried to get the localizations list in a sample application ?
Does it also returns non-NSString objects ?

Regards, Laurent Etiemble.

2009/11/24 Kenny Clement :


I'm running into a problem localizing our application.
The way it should work:
Copy the en.lproj folder to nl.lproj, adjust the texts, and you  
should have

a dutch version.
This works in sample applications (so I guess it's not really a  

caused by monobjc)

However, in my application, it does not.
I have the folowing folders with nibs: en.lproj, nl.lproj, fr.lproj

All of these have working nib files.
If I change my preferred OS language to Dutch, I expect to see the  
nibs from

nl.lproj. I see the English ones.
When removing en.lproj, I get no more UI, no menu, ...
All MonobjC shows me is the following error:  (upping the  

level doesn't show more)

633946702097321770 [ERROR] NSApplication - Error while loading the  
NIB file

It seems as if it simply can't find the nl.lproj folder, even  
though it is

In Finder: app ==> get Info ==> Languages, I can see the 3 languages.

In order to find more info, I tried to loop through the
NSBundle.MainBundle.Localizations property.
According to the documentation (both MonobjC and Cocoa), this  
should return

an NSArray, with NSStrings of the languages available in the bundle.
However, this property does return an NSArray, which contains 3  
(I'm assuming this is nl, fr and en), but the elements are not  

(I'm getting Id's, casting to NSStrings throws exceptions).
Why aren't these NSStrings?

I'm loading my nib with the line:

According to the MonObjC code, this is just a shortcut to
According to the MonObjC Documentation of  
NSBundle.LoadNibNamedOwner, the
path where Cocoa looks for the Nibs is determined by the owner. In  

case, taht would be NSApplication.SharedApplication.

Is there any way I can see more information, like the exact paths  
it is

looking for?

I'm hoping someone here can point me in the right direction, or  
show me a

way to get more logging.
Thanks in advance,

- Kenny

Re: [us...@lists.monobjc.net] Snow Leopard support: call for testing (Take 2)

2009-12-06 Thread Kenny Clement
The way I see it, even asking users to install the regular Mono on OS  
X is too much. Especially because things tend to break with newer/ 
multiple versions of Mono on Mac.

This solution is perfect for deployment, because we deploy after using  
mkbundle (= package this mono version in the app).
That way, the application is larger, but new/different versions of  
mono can never break my app, and my application can never break  
existing mono apps the user might have.

+ I assume that eventually, these patches will be integrated in the  
official Mono trunk.


- Kenny

On 06 Dec 2009, at 15:43, marc hoffman  wrote:

Am i the only one who thinks this custom runtime thing is not really  
acceptable for anyone who wants to - oh, say - *deploy* applications  
to regular users who can't/won't just patch their Mono install?  
what's the short-term plan for enabling people to actually ship apps  
based on Monobjc, and why can't we stick to the unmanaged dylib that  
can easily be deployed alongside the app, at least until an official  
Mono is out that contains these patches (if that will ever happen)?

just thinking out loud, here.

On Dec 2, 2009, at 12:15 AM, Laurent Etiemble wrote:


Sorry for the late update, but I had some busy nights trying to find
another work-around for the Snow Leopard crash. The 4.0.436 release  

the Monobjc bridge has brought mixed results regarding the Snow
Leopard crash: some users have reported success while others have
reported nasty crashes.

So, I have resumed my work on the Mono runtime patching to find an
acceptable way to do it (not too hacky so Novell would accept it).
During my tests, I have discover that the conditions of the bug are
already present under Leopard. Why it does not crash seems linked to
the way TSD (Thread Specfic Data) are destroyed. So I have changed my
approach and I have come to a workaround that seems to prevent the

The archive of the patched Mono runtime is available at:

In order to use the archive:
- you need to have a working installation of Mono.
- uncompress the archive in /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/ 

- relink the Current symlink to the archive (sudo rm Current && sudo
ln -s Current)

Some points about this runtime:
- The runtime is universal. I have made some tests under some
OS/Processor combinations, but I cannot cover all hardware.
- The runtime contains Mono, Visual Basic and NAnt. It does not
contains libgdiplus or any of the third-party packages.
- The runtime contains all what is needed to run mkbundle or the
packaging tasks.
- The runtime also contains other patches: embedded "machine.config"
and "app.config" are now usable.

If you decide to test this runtime, please provide the following:
- hardware/system full version
- kind of application/complexity
- anything that can help in case of crash

Regards, Laurent Etiemble.

[us...@lists.monobjc.net] mkbundle and localized resx files

2009-12-21 Thread Kenny Clement


As you said it might've been caused by MonobjC, I just tested some  
more, to see if I could rule out MonobjC/determine for sure it was  

So, I compiled my application using Visual Studio.
And did mkbundle manually on the commandline (instead of using the  
MonobjC NAnt task).

So I didn't use MonobjC at all, and I'm still getting the same problem.

It seems this is a limitation of mkbundle.
And I can see why, it can't possibly know which assembly to use,  
because the namespaces, classname, ... is exactly the same

However, I kind of need this to work.
Is there another way to do what I'm doing? Some sort of workaround?
Other people must've encountered this before.

Now that I know it's not MonobjC related, I'll look around to see if  
there's a mailing list that is better suited for this kind of question.

Thanks for the reply, and for looking into it!

Btw, we've switched to the latest version of MonobjC, and are testing  
with your patched Mono version (which indeed fixes the SL crashes and  
the bundled machine.config)
The application is pretty complex (compared to the other MonobjC  
projects I've seen so far) and is currently being tested.
So far, it looks pretty good, we'll let you know if we encounter any  

Keep up the good work.

- Kenny

Op 19 Dec 2009, om 11:03 heeft Laurent Etiemble het volgende geschreven:


I think this is a Monobjc issue, because the name of the satellite  
assemblies is mis-generated during the assembly phase. I have  
already make some corrections to handle assembly name with space,  
but I have missed the satellite case.

I will try to give it a try this week-end.

Regards, Laurent Etiemble.

2009/12/18 Kenny Clement 

I'm not too sure this belongs on the MonobjC mailing list, as this  
seems more of a problem/shortcoming in mkbundle, but I am using the  
NAnt.Monobjc tasks, so,

and I am looking for a solution for my MonobjC app, so here goes:

One of the more standard ways of localizing Applications, is by  
using resource files (.resx) for getting strings out of it.

Let's say we have an application that uses strings from Resource.resx
If you then copy Resource.resx to Resource.nl-BE.resx
and set the thread's CurrentCUlture/CurrentUICulture to nl-BE the  
string you requested will be from the Resource.nl-BE.resx file.

If Visual studio, or even Mono compiles this, it creates 'Satellite  
assemblies': 1 for each language you have the resx file in.

I assume .NET then automagically loads these through Reflection.

This works with Mono.
However, when I deploy to my customers, I don't want them to install  
the (patched) Mono Framework, I use mkbundle.

However, with mkBundle, it seems to be impossible to include more  
than 1 of these satellite assemblies.

As I need (currently) 3 languages, this is a bit of a problem.

I've created a sample application to show the problem a little  
It's a console application, that requests you what culture you want  
to load, and then displays a localized string from the resource file.

There's a nant.build file in the sample, with 3 targets:
clean (cleans up the ./bin and ./dist folder)
build (builds the app in ./bin)
bundle (builds the app in ./bin + uses mkbundle to create a bundle  
in ./dist)

nant clean build
 - works as expected. execute the app with
mono bin/ConsoleApp.exe

nant clean bundle
- Does not work in the current version, gives the output you can see  
below. To make it work, you can comment 2 lines, as described in the  
file, but then you will only support 1 language

Is this a bug?
Is this simply impossible?
Is there some sort of workaround available?

Thanks in advance,

- Kenny

mkbundle output:

 [mkbundle]   Reference added 
 [mkbundle]   Reference added 
 [mkbundle] Getting references for additional libraries
 [mkbundle]   Reference added 
 [mkbundle]   Reference added 
 [mkbundle]   Reference added 
 [mkbundle] Generating native sources...
 [mkbundle]   Embedding Assembly '/Users/kclement/Projects/homes/ 
 [mkbundle]   Embedding Assembly '/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/ 
 [mkbundle]   Embedd

Re: [us...@lists.monobjc.net] mkbundle and localized resx files

2009-12-21 Thread Kenny Clement


I don't think that is the case.
Mono can deal with multiple cultures of an assembly.
My test app works without any issues, as long as I don't mkbundle it.

The problem is that mkbundle refuses to bundle 2 resource dlls (it  
doesn't see the difference between the 2 ==> embedding 2 identical  
assemblies is impossible).

My guess is that the resourceManager internally uses reflection to  
load assemblies that are exactly the same.
It differentiates between them based on the subdirectory they're in  
(the compiler places them in nl-BE, fr-FR, en-US, ... subfolders).
I think that, in Mono, or even the original .NET Framework, there are  
never 2 resources dlls with different cultures loaded simultaneously  

The problem seems to be that mkbundle hard-links these assemblies, and  
simply does not know how to differentiate between the satellite  
assemblies, because the only difference is the subfolder they're in.

Therefor, I don't know whether this is in fact, a bug, or just a  
'limitation' of mkbundle.


- Kenny

Op 21 Dec 2009, om 12:01 heeft Laurent Etiemble het volgende geschreven:


I came to the same conclusion after some testing. I thought that  
there was something missing in Monobjc, but it appears that there is  
huge limitation in the embedding API of the Mono runtime.

In the "mono/metadata/assembly.c", the  
"mono_assembly_open_from_bundle" is responsible for loading  
requested assembly. But the lookup does not handle the culture of  
the assembly. This is why, only one resources dll can be loaded at a  

I guess I need to produce another patch for Mono, in order to handle  
the satellite assemblies loading.

Regards, Laurent Etiemble.

2009/12/21 Kenny Clement 

As you said it might've been caused by MonobjC, I just tested some  
more, to see if I could rule out MonobjC/determine for sure it was  

So, I compiled my application using Visual Studio.
And did mkbundle manually on the commandline (instead of using the  
MonobjC NAnt task).

So I didn't use MonobjC at all, and I'm still getting the same  

It seems this is a limitation of mkbundle.
And I can see why, it can't possibly know which assembly to use,  
because the namespaces, classname, ... is exactly the same

However, I kind of need this to work.
Is there another way to do what I'm doing? Some sort of workaround?
Other people must've encountered this before.

Now that I know it's not MonobjC related, I'll look around to see if  
there's a mailing list that is better suited for this kind of  

Thanks for the reply, and for looking into it!

Btw, we've switched to the latest version of MonobjC, and are  
testing with your patched Mono version (which indeed fixes the SL  
crashes and the bundled machine.config)
The application is pretty complex (compared to the other MonobjC  
projects I've seen so far) and is currently being tested.
So far, it looks pretty good, we'll let you know if we encounter any  

Keep up the good work.

- Kenny

Op 19 Dec 2009, om 11:03 heeft Laurent Etiemble het volgende  


I think this is a Monobjc issue, because the name of the satellite  
assemblies is mis-generated during the assembly phase. I have  
already make some corrections to handle assembly name with space,  
but I have missed the satellite case.

I will try to give it a try this week-end.

Regards, Laurent Etiemble.

2009/12/18 Kenny Clement 

I'm not too sure this belongs on the MonobjC mailing list, as this  
seems more of a problem/shortcoming in mkbundle, but I am using the  
NAnt.Monobjc tasks, so,

and I am looking for a solution for my MonobjC app, so here goes:

One of the more standard ways of localizing Applications, is by  
using resource files (.resx) for getting strings out of it.

Let's say we have an application that uses strings from Resource.resx
If you then copy Resource.resx to Resource.nl-BE.resx
and set the thread's CurrentCUlture/CurrentUICulture to nl-BE the  
string you requested will be from the Resource.nl-BE.resx file.

If Visual studio, or even Mono compiles this, it creates 'Satellite  
assemblies': 1 for each language you have the resx file in.

I assume .NET then automagically loads these through Reflection.

This works with Mono.
However, when I deploy to my customers, I don't want them to  
install the (patched) Mono Framework, I use mkbundle.

However, with mkBundle, it seems to be impossible to include more  
than 1 of these satellite assemblies.

As I need (currently) 3 languages, this is a bit of a problem.

I've created a sample application to show the problem a little  
It's a console application, that requests you what culture you want  
to load, and then displays a localized string from the resource file.


Re: [us...@lists.monobjc.net] Re: Snow Leopard support: call for testing (Take 2)

2009-12-22 Thread Kenny Clement


the patch can be found in the Mono bug report.


I believe the build Laurent made also contained a patch for the  
machine.config problem. More info, and the patch can be found here:



- Kenny

On 22 Dec 2009, at 10:50, yoni shalom wrote:

I compile my own mono so if you could post the patch file somewhere  
that would be great.


On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 1:04 PM, Laurent Etiemble > wrote:


I am still working on a patch for the Mono runtime: the goal is to
have it integrated by Novell but it must meet certain criteria to do

Meanwhile, I have prepared a patched version of the recently released
2.4.3. If you need an interim solution, you can find the disk images
at http://build.monobjc.net/releases/2.4.3_M/MonoFramework-2.4.3_M-universal.dmg

Regards, Laurent Etiemble.

2009/12/2 Laurent Etiemble :
> Hello,
> Sorry for the late update, but I had some busy nights trying to find
> another work-around for the Snow Leopard crash. The 4.0.436  
release of

> the Monobjc bridge has brought mixed results regarding the Snow
> Leopard crash: some users have reported success while others have
> reported nasty crashes.
> So, I have resumed my work on the Mono runtime patching to find an
> acceptable way to do it (not too hacky so Novell would accept it).
> During my tests, I have discover that the conditions of the bug are
> already present under Leopard. Why it does not crash seems linked to
> the way TSD (Thread Specfic Data) are destroyed. So I have changed  

> approach and I have come to a workaround that seems to prevent the
> crash.
> The archive of the patched Mono runtime is available at:
> In order to use the archive:
> - you need to have a working installation of Mono.
> - uncompress the archive in /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/ 

> - relink the Current symlink to the archive (sudo rm Current && sudo
> ln -s Current)
> Some points about this runtime:
> - The runtime is universal. I have made some tests under some
> OS/Processor combinations, but I cannot cover all hardware.
> - The runtime contains Mono, Visual Basic and NAnt. It does not
> contains libgdiplus or any of the third-party packages.
> - The runtime contains all what is needed to run mkbundle or the
> packaging tasks.
> - The runtime also contains other patches: embedded "machine.config"
> and "app.config" are now usable.
> If you decide to test this runtime, please provide the following:
> - hardware/system full version
> - kind of application/complexity
> - anything that can help in case of crash
> Regards, Laurent Etiemble.