Re: Layered BOMs and overriding dependency management

2016-11-04 Thread Dave Syer
> So you'd say that your patched 3.4.0-SNAPSHOT (model version 4.0.0) is 
> behaving the way you'd expect Maven to behave out of the box?

If you mean "as I'd like it to behave," yes. At least with this feature
(dependency exclusions in BOM declarations).

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Re: Layered BOMs and overriding dependency management

2016-11-03 Thread Dave Syer
> Without having to update/change any poms? 

Yes. Remember the Spring Cloud AWS BOM already had the exclusion in it (it
just didn't do anything without using a patched version of Maven).

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Re: Layered BOMs and overriding dependency management

2016-11-03 Thread Dave Syer
> Could you build a 3.4.0-SNAPSHOT locally for testing not requiring a 
> model version bump? It's easy. You just need to change method 
> 'isGreaterOrEqual' of class 'ModelVersions' to always return 'true'. 

Yes that works - the Wiremock version is not flagged as a warning.

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Re: Layered BOMs and overriding dependency management

2016-11-03 Thread Dave Syer
> Using current 3.4.0-SNAPSHOT master you can set the model version to 
> 4.1.0 and then you can use excludes in the dependency management import. 
> Would that solve the issue for you? Could you give that a quick test? 

It's not "a quick test", otherwise I'd be happy to oblige. Or am I missing
something? The whole hierarchy of poms and parents has to be the same model
(seems to be what Maven tells me). It's a really deep hierarchy covering
multiple codebases, not all of which I can or should change.

Besides, as you say, it's not a practical solution until 4.1.0 is actually
available, and we can impose that constraint on all users.

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Layered BOMs and overriding dependency management

2016-11-03 Thread Dave Syer
I would like to be able to write a BOM and tell Maven that for some
dependencies, I am aware of a conflict in the dependency management, but the
conflict arises in a library I don't control, and I know with high
confidence that my users either a) don't care, or b) would be happy with my
recommendation. Unfortunately I don't think there is a sensible way to make
that recommendation.

Here's the concrete actual problem. Spring Cloud has a "release train" which
consists of a "BOM of BOMs"[1], aggregating a bunch of related projects
together by importing their BOMs and providing users with a useful single
point of contact for all the dependencies. It has provide to be a very
popular and successful feature (same with Spring Boot[2]). The problem is
that one of the imported BOMs (Spring Cloud AWS[3]) itself imports a third
party BOM from AWS[4], which itself manages the version of Wiremock[5] (via
its parent[6]). Wiremock is not even used in Spring Cloud AWS, but it
spreads the dependency management to all downstream projects that use its
BOM. Now Wiremock is actually something we care about elsewhere in Spring
Cloud: it is a compile time dependency of Spring Cloud Contract[7] and
naturally we need a different version there.

The visible symptom of this problem is that for any user project that uses
the Spring Cloud BOM, they see a warning in the build logs about a version
conflict for Wiremock. With Maven 3.4 it looks like this currently:

[WARNING] Dependency 'com.github.tomakehurst:wiremock:jar' has conflicting
dependency management in model
'com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-pom:1.11.18'). To resolve the conflicts, either
declare the dependency management for dependency
'com.github.tomakehurst:wiremock:jar' directly in the dependency management
of model
'' to
override what gets imported or - as of model version 4.1.0 - rearrange the
causing imports in the inheritance hierarchy to apply standard override
logic based on artifact coordinates. Without resolving the conflicts, your
build relies on indeterministic behaviour. @

This is independent of whether they intend to use AWS, Contract or Wiremock.
Of course it is true that there is a conflict, but I happen to know that if
they are using any Wiremock features that I provided they will get the
correct version. I doubt very much if the AWS SDK team care a fig. One way I
know to "fix" this warning is to explicitly add dependency management to the
user project for Wiremock, even though the user has no intention of using
it. The same would apply for virtually any unused, but managed dependency.
The suggestion in the log there is to manage it explicitly in
spring-cloud-dependencies, but then I have to synchronize the version
between there are Spring Cloud Contract, which is ugly. I could do that, but
then logically I'd have to do it for all the unused dependencies, which in
principle I have no control over and possibly also no opinion about. Also
I'd have to co-ordinate the version for those dependencies between two
projects that don't depend on each other and one of which doesn't even care
about the dependency or its version. This would be tiresome.

You can see an attempt to exclude Wiremock from the Spring Cloud AWS BOM[8].
But this doesn't do anything. As far as I know  in a BOM import
have no effect, so the semantics are undefined. Maybe we could define them
in such as way that I could tell Maven I know what I'm doing? I.e. I want to
manage the dependency on Wiremock at this layer (above the imported BOMs)
and signal my intention by adding an exclusion.

Of course, I remain open to suggestion if anyone has any better ideas.


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Re: doxia book and pdf generation

2008-07-30 Thread Dave Syer


Since you find the unpublished versions of Doxia more usable, would you be
able to share with us how to configure and use them?  I tried a couple of
times just setting the version/ of doxia-maven-plugin to
1.0-beta-1-SNAPSHOT (and various other flavours) and all I got was plexus
class loader issues and a build error with no hints about what I did wrong.


Lukas Theussl-3 wrote:
 No, no idea when beta-1 will be released. It's been formally ready since 
 a while but there was some resistance because we made some API changes 
 which could cause backward compatibility problems. The current 
 maven-2.0.x core branch is running with doxia-beta-1 but it is not yet 
 used by the site-plugin which means it hasn't got any real-world 
 testing. That said, it's far more usable for me...
 sandraB wrote:
 Do you have an approximative release date for the next published version
 Lukas Theussl-3 wrote:

There were several issues in the book module that are fixed in the 
(unpublished) beta-1 version of doxia, see eg [1,2,3]. I suspect at 
least some of those are responsible for what you see but it's hard to be 
sure with the info that you provide. You can attach a complete test 
project to jira if you want someone to check.



sandraB wrote:


I'm trying to use doxia plugins to generate a pdf book and a xdoc files
generate the site, but I've got several errors : 
- The doxia:render-books generate xdoc files with a end-tag /document
the end of the files but without any start-tag document == I've got a
parser exception in the next step
- When I generate the site (site:site and site:run), the
http://localhost:8080 show website without any styles and img.
- The pdf files is not formated correctly. The sections, subsections,
tags, li tags, ...  have disappeared. 

Could you please help me to resolve these issues ?

Thanks in advance

Here is my pom.xml :



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Re: Site descriptor inheritance problem

2008-03-29 Thread Dave Syer

It looks like a bug they fixed in the site tools, but it isn't released yet.

I got my site working properly using a snapshots profile just for the site


!-- This seems to work better 
than the default (2008/03/19) because
links on sub-module sites are not broken --



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Site descriptor inheritance problem

2008-03-17 Thread Dave Syer

It says in the site plugin reference docs

By default, only the basic settings are inherited. From the body, only the
links are inherited, and these accumulate to contain all the parents' site
descriptor links.

And then goes on to say that menus are *not* inherited by default, and gives
an example of how to make them inherited.

This appears not to be the case.  Can anyone verify that?  I get the main
menu items from my parent site in all the sub-projects, even without
explicitly asking for them:

item name=Home href=index.html/

menu name=...
item name=Home href=index.html/
item name=Features href=features.html/


I don't mind having inherited if they work, but the links are all broken
(they have a relative path to a non-existent resource in the sub-project).  

Am I doing something wrong?
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Setting properties at runtime in a plugin component?

2007-10-28 Thread Dave Syer

Anyone know if it is possible to override component property values inside
plugins in the pom somehow.  The process of converting the configuration
XML elements from buildpluginsplugin is a little bit of a dark art. 
It is obvious from the mvn -X debug output when you add a configuration
element, and it does seem to be injected into the plugin Mojo directly into
an annotated @parameter .  But @component dependencies of the plugin (e.g.
doxiaBook in the DoxiaRenderBooksMojo) do not seem to be accessible from the
pom.  I figure Plexus ought to be able to do something like this, but I
can't find any examples or documentation.
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WebDav, Wagon and Digest Authentication

2007-10-19 Thread Dave Syer

Does anyone have any experience setting up Wagon to publish to a DAV server
with Digest authentication?  I've seen posts where people said it worked,
but no clues as to what they had to do.  Something in the server definition
in settings.xml?  The default seems to be to use Basic authentication which
fails on the server with an obvious message.
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How do I specify a particular SNAPSHOT build?

2007-09-16 Thread Dave Syer

Assuming a project is publishing nightly snapshots with timestamps, how to I
specify that I depend on a particular version?  E.g.


works for me (modulo the fact that activemq for some reason keeps deleting
snapshots).  And I have one in my local repo called
activemq-core-4.2-incubator-20070121.082022-35.jar (in a directory called
4.2-incubator-SNAPSHOT.  How do I depend on that version precisely?
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Doxia maven plugin with maven 2.0.7

2007-07-17 Thread Dave Syer

Is it possible to use the doxia maven plugin
( with maven 2.0.7.  I have to
specify a snapshot repo to get the plugin to load at all, and then it fails
miserably during mvn site with 

urls[19] = file:/C:/Documents and Settings/David
Number of imports: 4

this realm = plexus.core
urls[0] = file:/c:/Programs/maven-2.0.7/lib/maven-core-2.0.7-uber.jar
Number of imports: 4


[INFO] Internal error in the plugin manager executing goal
ia:doxia-maven-plugin:1.0-SNAPSHOT:render-books': Unable to find the mojo
pache.maven.doxia:doxia-maven-plugin:1.0-SNAPSHOT:render-books' in the
plugin 'o

Anybody using doxia to build a book?
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Re: How to use doxia-module-twiki?

2007-07-05 Thread Dave Syer

Sorry, I forgot to include the other essential ingredient:


I found a couple of bugs since I started using it (see recent DOXIA-??
entries), but they are pretty trivial and overral I am happy.

Dirk Olmes wrote:
 Dave, do you have a reference to a full pom including the twiki module? I
 put the xml above in a new pom and ran mvn site - to no avail. Other
 formats are generated fine yet the files in src/site/twiki are not

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maven-shared-jar broken?

2007-07-02 Thread Dave Syer

OK, so I'm living life on the edge here, but as of today I cannot use mvn
site when I have the following plugin repository defined:


The error I get is


and sure enough there is a new SNAPSHOT (20070702) of maven-shared-jar.  Is
anyone aware of the problem who could actually fix it?
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Re: maven-shared-jar broken?

2007-07-02 Thread Dave Syer

 Thanks for the quick reply.

Brett Porter wrote:
 Are you particularly using the snapshot of the project reports? If
 not, you may want to pin to the last release. Regardless, it is due
 for a release like a number of plugins...

No, but I am using a snapshot version of doxia.  If you tell me how to pin
the project reports I will gladly do it.  Can I add a simple dependency to
the site plugin?
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Re: How to use doxia-module-twiki?

2007-06-30 Thread Dave Syer

Zeltner Martin wrote:
 I can't find any doc how to declare the doxia-module-twiki in my pom
 that mvn site will render my twiki files in src/site/twiki to

If anyone else is interested, I think something has changed here.  I just
tried it this morning and it worked (yesterday it didn't, but that could be
owing to my own incompetence).  

Here's the magic incantation (not an extension, but a dependency):




It doesn't work with site:run as far as I can tell which is a shame, but it
looks pretty good as it is.

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Re: How to use doxia-module-twiki?

2007-06-30 Thread Dave Syer

Dave Syer wrote:
 It doesn't work with site:run as far as I can tell...

That's wrong, it does work.  Awesome.  

The only issue I can see is that there are some inconsistencies between the
way that the HTML is rendered from twiki and the other doxia formats - e.g.
it uses div class=section instead of h2 - so you need a different css.
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Re: How to use doxia-module-twiki?

2007-06-30 Thread Dave Syer

Dave Syer wrote:
 The only issue I can see is that there are some inconsistencies between
 the way that the HTML is rendered from twiki and the other doxia formats -
 e.g. it uses div class=section instead of h2 - so you need a
 different css.

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FML DTD or schema?

2007-06-28 Thread Dave Syer

Is there a DTD or a schema for FML format?  I can't find any documentation on
it at all.
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m2: Profile activation based on project (not System) property

2007-05-25 Thread Dave Syer

Is it possible to activate a profile based on a project property?  It doesn't
seem to work in any obvious way, but can I do it at all?

I want to define a profile in the parent pom, and activate it for some of
thh child modules, but not all, without the user having to change the
command line to specify a System property.  If there is a better way to do
this I'd be happy to consider suggestions.
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[m2] Can I skip the modules to build just the top-level site in a reactor build?

2007-04-26 Thread Dave Syer

I have some modules that are quite expensive to build, and if I just want to
quickly generate some html at the root project level I haveto wait for them
all to finish (even with -Dmavan.test.skip=true it is pretty slow).  Is
there a way to just build the top level project (site or otherwise) and
ignore the reactor?
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Re: [m2] Can I skip the modules to build just the top-level site in a reactor build?

2007-04-26 Thread Dave Syer

Nick Stolwijk wrote:
 -N,--non-recursiveDo not recurse into sub-projects

Beautiful.  And so simple.  Thanks.
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Re: I want a project that JUST does reporting and creates a site

2007-04-18 Thread Dave Syer

KenCoveny wrote:
 Where in the maven doc does it say where plugins can or cannot be run?

That's a joke right?  Ha, ha.

I base my (non-authoritative) conclusion only on limited experience, e.g.
observation of what happens when you put antrun in the reports
configuration, and the fact that a AbstractMavenReport is a special subclass
of AbstractMojo.

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M2: Classpath reference in ant-based mojos?

2007-04-17 Thread Dave Syer

I have some issues trying to get an ant-based mojo to work (need access to a
classpath ref in the ant script of the mojo - similar to
Anyone know how to do that?

Are Ant Mojos still supported / available in 2.0.6?  I find only a reference
to 2.0.4 source code on the plugin website.  Actually I can't find a website
for the plugin that doesn't include the 2.0.4 label in the URL (e.g. 
Is it still available?
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Re: I want a project that JUST does reporting and creates a site

2007-04-17 Thread Dave Syer

KenCoveny wrote:
 Is it possible to have a project that just reports and deploys to a
 site? I have three java projects that each require javadoc on
 preprocessed source files and using taglets. This is all done in an ant
 script, which I would like to run using the antrun plugin

Yes.  But the antrun plugin is not a report plugin, so I don't think it will
do anything if you just dump it in the reporting section.  I wish it
would, so if I am wrong about this, someone please correct me.

I do this by putting an antrun execution in the build/ section, and
linking it to the site phase.  To get the report to come out on your
website will be a challenge as well.  You can always just put a link on the
index.html, but to get it to come out with all the other grown-up reports is
not so easy - again someone correct me if I'm wrong.  I'm using a bare-bones
external-report plugin to expose a directory to the report menu (c.f.

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Re: [m2] How to generate html from apt without running the whole build lifecycle?

2006-12-10 Thread Dave Syer

baerrach wrote:
 For me though the site:run apt files are missing their CSS so they look
 Does anyone else have the same problem?

Works for me.  Are you using the standard css (I am because I'm lazy), or a
custom skin?
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[m2] archetype plugin test resources location

2006-11-23 Thread Dave Syer

I like (a bit) the way the archetype plugin copies archetype sources to a new
package based on the new project name.  How can I do the same thing with
test resources?
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Re: Surefire alternative

2006-11-23 Thread Dave Syer

Actually I was wrong that the 2.1 plugin has the same problem as 2.2 with
report output.  But there are definitely other issues (in my case a
classpath problem with forkMode=pertest).  The sooner 2.2 is fixed the
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Re: Surefire alternative

2006-11-22 Thread Dave Syer

Mirko Nasato wrote:
 Since I just need support for JUnit 3.8, not TestNG or POJOs, I wondered 
 whether there is an older, stabler plugin somewhere.

I was advised here:

to use the surefire plugin version 2.1.3.  There were some dependency issues
(if anyone knows a repo where that version is valid please let us know), so
I tried 2.1.  Unfortunately it has the same problem as 2.2 with test
failures producing rubbish report output (even in a standard JUnit report). 
I doubt somehow that 2.1.3 is any better, but if you make it work I'd like
to know the recipe.
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Re: replace surefire with ant task

2006-11-22 Thread Dave Syer

While I agree with Chris Hilton that there is a smell with tests that run in
ant but not surefire, surefire clearly isn't all it might be in other areas
(e.g.  If anyone has a nice
ant plugin recipe for running junit tests in m2 I'd be interested in seeing
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External report plugin

2006-11-15 Thread Dave Syer

Is there such a thing as a generic external report plugin out there?

I am thinking of a very simple plugin to add an external report (e.g. junit
html report) to the project reports.  This is really trivial (if anyone
wants some code that does it just ask), but would be quite valuable to many


nameJUnit Report/name
descriptionJUnit test results for this project/description

This generates a link in the project reports to junit-reports/index.html,
which has to be populated elsewhere (e.g. by an ant task like the one posted
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RE: Surefire report issues

2006-11-15 Thread Dave Syer

Thanks for the reference.  Can anyone tell me how come there are so many good
projects out there using maven 2, when the support for unit test reporting
is so poor?  I can't be the only one that is frustrated.  What are other
people doing as a workaround?  I guess no-one uses the default site
generator and reports.

Damien Lecan wrote:

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Re: External report plugin

2006-11-15 Thread Dave Syer

Wayne Fay wrote:
 Sounds like it might be a useful contribution!

See here:
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Surefire report issues

2006-11-14 Thread Dave Syer

Does anyone have any experience with using the surefire report is a large
project (like 1000s of unit tests)?  I can imagine that the single-page
format of the report would be a problem - hard to read, long time to load in

Also, I noticed a problem with the surefire report contents.  It seems to
create a report that lists test results grouped together by package and
class, but when you look closer you find tests from other classes and even
other packages in the same group.  It looks like total anarchy.  Surely this
must be wrong?  Am I missing something?

I would prefer to go back to the old JUnit style aggregate reporting.  Can I
do that?  How?  If I can, why would I not?
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Re: Surefire report issues

2006-11-14 Thread Dave Syer

Wayne Fay wrote:
 Chris H sent an email to the list on a similar topic recently that
 might be helpful to you:

Thanks, I saw that.  I might even use it (if I can get it to work - I
haven't so far).  I was also looking for general comments on surefire
reports.  What are they supposed to give me that I can't get from JUnit? 
Why are they the default if there are so many problems with them?
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Re: ant plugin and javah

2006-08-22 Thread Dave Syer

 How is it possible to tell the plugin to use more libraries ? for instances
 ones that are present in $ANT_HOME/lib/ ?

I don't know about $ANT_HOME/lib (maven isn't using $ANT_HOME so it probably
isn't going to see those jars).  Have you tried adding dependencies to the
plugin in your build element?
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Re: M2 antrun plugin problem

2006-08-20 Thread Dave Syer

 Dont think refid can be passed to taskdef??

This is a limitation of the ant task - so if it is a problem it is an ant
problem, not a maven problem.  You can't define a task with a taskdef at
project scope if it needs a reference that is passed in fro the parent
project using ant - the reference resolution happens too late.

The workaround is to define your task inside the target that needs it, e.g:

target name=foo
taskdef name=foo classname=Foo

works, but

taskdef name=foo classname=Foo classpathref=maven.test.classpath/
target name=foo

does not.

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Re: antrun classpaths

2006-08-20 Thread Dave Syer

 I give. None of this works.

See here for
the explanation and an example...
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Re: JAXP class - jar?

2006-08-19 Thread Dave Syer

 I was able to get the POM for it from ibiblio and download the 
 JAXP 1.3 RI class from sun, but I don't know what to do since it is a 
 class and not a jar.  Any suggestions would be really helpful.

Just a guess: did you try running the class (it might be an installer)?

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RE: Optional Goals Dependencies

2006-08-15 Thread Dave Syer

 However, now I only really need those goals to execute on the children. Is
 there a way to bind  configure the goals in the parent but only have them
 execute in the children?  

The neatest way to do it would be to define a profile in the parent that
switched off the goals you neded, and then override in the children to
switch them back on selectively.  I played with this a bit, but there are
unfortunately still many issues outstanding (browse JIRA and you will see)
to do with profile inheritance, and it didn't seem to work very well.

I ended up with a solution that is quite particular to the problem we were
discussing (installing third-party jars): I just use an antrun task to
prepare the jar for installation, and use the available task in ant to
decide whether the project has a jar to deploy.  The parent projects do not,
and the leafs gerenrall do.

There are probably still other tricks you can play with local properties and
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RE: Optional Goals Dependencies

2006-08-14 Thread Dave Syer

 I agree, however I don't want to create 100 poms. 
 That just isn't manageable, especially since they all need similar

That's where project inheritance is truly useful.  You can put all the
common logic in one parent pom, and have your tiddlers all define only local
things (e.g. just the artifactId, and a reference to the parent).  I don't
have 100 dependencies to manage this way, but I do have 20 (and climbing). 
It's pretty sweet when you get your head round it.

One thing I find very useful is to be able to specify the extra meta data
(url, name, description) for the artifacts that I am installing / deploying
- it makes the dependency report of my main project much more readable.
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RE: Optional Goals Dependencies

2006-08-12 Thread Dave Syer

 I still need to be able to have compile/test compile/test/jar/assemble 
 all use a subdirectory based on a property. 

I think the maven way to do this might be to make your subdirectories into
separate projects with their own pom and artifact.
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Re: maven-plugin-testing-harness: getting an ArtifactRepository for my t

2006-08-11 Thread Dave Syer

 However, if you prefer the private field injection you can also use
 the helpers in the abstract test case (setFieldForObject, I think).

setVariableValueToObject.  Thanks.   

P.S. there is no javadoc report at  Would it be
easy to add it?

P.P.S. It's quite hard to find the URL above.  Could someone put a link in
the main plugin API guide
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Re: maven-plugin-testing-harness: getting an ArtifactRepository for my t

2006-08-11 Thread Dave Syer

 Both good ideas - please put them in JIRA so they don't get forgotten :)

 MNG-2494 - the url in the plugin dev guide
 MNG-2495 - the javadocs for test harness

I wasn't sure which component to select for the second one.  It went in
Plugin API.
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RE: [m203] Get names of all transitive dependencies in a mojo

2006-08-11 Thread Dave Syer

 Check out the dependency plugin.   It has all the code you need. 

Would someone be able to summarise what the code in dependency plugin is
doing.  It seems very complex (and would certainly be useful to others), but
I don't follow it very well.  It seems to be doing project.getArtifacts()
and then filtering that list.  I would assume that filtering is an exclusion
(so the list should start with more on it than I might be interested in),
but when I do this in a mojo.execute:

  getLog().info(Artifacts: +project.getArtifacts());

I get an empty set (despite the project having multiple dependencies - e.g.
aven-plugin-api).  Is that right?
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RE: [m2] How to get artifact and Maven project for dependencies and tran

2006-08-11 Thread Dave Syer

 the diff between project.getDependencies() and
 project.getDependencyArtifacts() is basically that getDependencies()
 returns also transitive dependencies

Doesn't seem to work for me (with maven-plugin-api 2.0) - I only get the
direct dependencies (declared in the pom).  Is this a surprise to anyone?
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RE: [m2] How to get artifact and Maven project for dependencies and tran

2006-08-11 Thread Dave Syer

 the diff between project.getDependencies() and
 project.getDependencyArtifacts() is basically that getDependencies()
 returns also transitive dependencies

Actually, getDependencyArtifacts() is always empty for me, wheras
getDependencies() is just the dependencies declared in the pom.  Is that
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RE: [m2] How to get artifact and Maven project for dependencies and tran

2006-08-11 Thread Dave Syer

 Actually, getDependencyArtifacts() is always empty for me, wheras
getDependencies() is just the 
 dependencies declared in the pom.  Is that right?

I think that is right, and I found a reference to
@requiresDependencyResolution that helped a bit - if
@requiresDependencyResolution is included in my mojo declaration, then
getDependencyArtifacts() works at runtime.  But not in my unit tests.  Even
if I put

@requiresDependencyResolution test

it still only kicks in at runtime.  How can I make it work in unit tests?
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Tests fail in eclipse, OK on command line

2006-08-11 Thread Dave Syer

This seems to be the opposite to what most people report on this list (where
the usual explanation is that they have a non-standard directory layout).  I
have a completely standard directory layout, but Eclipse keeps modifying my
.classpath so the test classes and resources go to the wrong directory
(default build directory and copied in place respeectively).  If I manually
change it, the problem keeps re-occurring (maybe when I do a clean, and the
target directory is deleted?).  Anyone else found this?  Know what to do
about it?
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2006-08-10 Thread Dave Syer

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2006-08-10 Thread Dave Syer

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maven-plugin-testing-harness: getting an ArtifactRepository for my test

2006-08-10 Thread Dave Syer

Anyone got any tips or suggestions for where to look to find an example of
using the test harness to wire up a mojo with an ArtifactRepository?  Or any
other non-trivial parameters?  The MavenProject seems to be available
through a stub implementation provided with the test harness.  Is that the
best way to get a repository object (I would have to write a stub)?

Also, how do I make ${basedir} in a parameter expression resolve?  I find I
have to override all the parameters that contain ${basedir} in theor
expression separately.
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Re: maven-plugin-testing-harness: getting an ArtifactRepository for my t

2006-08-10 Thread Dave Syer

 Actually, I created a small maven-artifact-test module for that. It
 needs more detail, but it'll help you get a usable repository

It gets me a repository, but how do I inject it into a mojo in a test case? 
Sorry to be so thick about this.  Also since your test case extends
PlexusTestCase I can't use it and the AbstractMojoTestCase together.  Any
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Re: maven-plugin-testing-harness: getting an ArtifactRepository for my t

2006-08-10 Thread Dave Syer

 I see what you mean about getting it into a mojo - you'll need to set
 it directly into there.

How?  Can you help me to understand how to inject a property into a mojo? 
They seem to just have private fields and no setters.  Is there a reason for
them not having public setters?  I could add setters for my mojo parameters.
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RE: Automating install:install-file

2006-08-09 Thread Dave Syer

 I would disagree that this is somehow harder than what you're talking

You are correct, it is at least equally hard.  However I have made some
progress though with the deploy plugin.  It seems there is some duplication
of effort between deploy:deploy-file and install:install-file.  Also the
former is more robust and has a richer configuration, so it was good advice
to use it.  The docos for wagon are pitifully bad (possibly because of a bug
in the site generation), but I managed to piece it together.

The short story is: if you use urlfile://path-to-my-local-repo/url in
the configuration for deploy-file it works pretty much the same as
install-file.  This is fine by me, and I can switch to ftp or scp if I ever
need to (and can find some decent documentation).

One last question: how do I switch off the default behaviour of mvn
deploy?  I want to only run the deploy:deploy-file goal in the deploy
phase, and not try to deploy my empty pom with no artifacts (which I am
using to configure the deploy-file).  Is there a packagingnone/packaging
or something in the distributionManagement section of the pom I can use?

 And aren't you going to want an internal repo at some point

Maybe, but that doesn't mean it's going to be easy to get control of ftp or
shared filesystem permissions.  I only wanted to be able to test the
deployment before going through the pain of setting up an internal repo.

 Although I'm sure the install plugin could be modified to not 
 have the read-only params

Actually it already has been modified, but not yet published (see earlier
post).  Presumably the deploy plugin never had this restriction.
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RE: Automating install:install-file

2006-08-09 Thread Dave Syer

 It sounds to me like you're using the deploy:deploy-file goal

I'm trying to use it differently, not incorrectly.  I don't want to write a
DOS .bat script to do this because it won't work on a UN*X system.  The idea
is that I should be able to run mvn deploy from my project root (or the
parent project if there are multiple dependencies), and have the jar
deployed.  I'd be happy with mvn install and have the jar installed
locally, but that was an even less productive avenue.  Although, actually
now I am more keen to get a proper pom in my repo, so deploy looks like the
way to go because I can add a pom with the pomFile parameter.

This is all very frustrating, I must say.  I have spent close to three days
now trying to build an existing project that was already building fine with
ant.  I still believe there is some mileage in it, bbut I'm running out of
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Missing name and url in artifacts from central

2006-08-09 Thread Dave Syer

I guess I can't be the first person to moan about this, but there are a *lot*
of artifacts in the central repo that have no name or url  information in
their pom (nevermind description, or license).  Examples include some big
names - this is from my dependencies report:

Unnamed - fop:fop:jar:0.20.5
Unnamed - ant:ant:jar:1.6.5
Unnamed - tapestry:tapestry:jar:4.0.1

... the list goes on (37 in my project).

Am I just getting them from the wrong repository?  I don't think so, but let
me know if anyone has any success getting better poms for some of these

Is there some way for me to provide the missing information locally without
interfering with the way the repo works?  I thought maybe if I put the
name, url etc. explicitly in my dependency elements it might work, but
it doesn't.

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RE: Automating install:install-file

2006-08-09 Thread Dave Syer

 From ... copies the final package to the remote repository for sharing
 with other developers and projects meaning the package (artifact) of a

That's fine.  I would *love* to be able to make the artifact of a project an
existing jar file.  Instead I have to struggle with tricking maven into
thinking that it has built a jar file when it hasn't.  All I want is these
3rd party jars in a repo somewhere with a proper pom...

 You can specify a pom with either install:install-file or
 deploy:deploy-file. Check their mojo documentation. The difference is
 that with install:install-file, generatePom defaults to false whereas
 with deploy:deploy-file, it defaults to true. 

...which means, not the pom that is autogenerated by deploy-file or
install-file - deploy-file allows me to specify a concrete pom.

I don't feel like I'm getting any further forward here.  Maven is not the
only game in town, and there will always be jar files that other people
produce.  It just isn't very easy to use them in a controlled environment,
within the maven framework.  OK I can write scripts, but the point is that I
want maven to do my build, and not to have to rely on other tools (that
might not be available according to the platform).
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Automating install:install-file

2006-08-08 Thread Dave Syer

I have seen a lot of posts asking about how to install jar files in the local
repo, and install:install-file works fine, but I can't find a way of
automating it.  All the docs and the posts talk about manually installing
3rd party jars when they are needed.  My goal is to have a project in source
control that anybody can checkout and run a single mvn goal, resulting in N
jar files in the local mvn repository.

I have tried configuring a pom with install-file as an execution in the
install cycle, e.g.


Is this so crazy?  The plugin barfs with a message about Cannot override
read-only parameter:.  It seems I cannot use install-file except on the
command line.  Have I missed something obvious?  Is there a better way to do

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Re: Automating install:install-file

2006-08-08 Thread Dave Syer

That's not the case (and I wouldn't bother posting to a forum if all I needed
to do was build my own jar files and install them).  I am talking about
large numbers of precompiled, prepackaged third party jars.
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Re: Automating install:install-file

2006-08-08 Thread Dave Syer

I agree - this is less than completely satisfactory.  If I'm force to
manually install everything, I can't use maven to manage the dependencies
for me.  Can anyone offer any insight into why the parameters in
install-file are readonly?

There is actually an issue logged [MINSTALL-12] about this, which says it is
fixed (several months ago).  The repo shows that the source code was
updated, but I still get  the same problem.  What am I doing wrong (using
maven 2.0.4)?
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How to get an up to date plugin?

2006-08-08 Thread Dave Syer

Yes, I've read the docs at
But I still don't seem to be able to get an update of maven-install-plugin. 
I can see mvn downloading a snapshot from the snapshot repo, but it is still
an old version (2.0-SNAPSHOT).

I can see in the source code that this plugin changed 5 months ago to fix
the problem I am experiencing [MINSTALL-12], but I can't find an up to date
distribution.  Can this be correct?

What is the process for core plugins like this one to be released to central
/ snapshot repository?  Shouldn't a bug fix from 5 months ago have reached
the community by now?  Is there some documentation to help me with this (I
scoured the maven web s ite but came up with nothing)?
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Re: How to get an up to date plugin?

2006-08-08 Thread Dave Syer

Thanks.  I'll try and follow it through the JIRA updates.  You'd think there
would be an easy way to find out the status of core plugins like install
from the main maven website.  Oh well...

But what do I have to build to get this to work?  If I just try to build the
plugin (against 2.0.4) it complains:

~/dev/opvantage/maven/maven-install-pluginmvn install
[INFO] Scanning for projects...


[INFO] Failed to resolve artifact.

GroupId: org.apache.maven.plugins
ArtifactId: maven-plugins
Version: 2-SNAPSHOT

Reason: Unable to download the artifact from any repository


from the specified remote repositories:
  central (

so there are dependencies that cannot be resolved?  This is all a bit too
complicated in my humble op.
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RE: Automating install:install-file

2006-08-08 Thread Dave Syer

 Why not just set up an internal repository to contain these jars and use
 deploy:deploy-file one time to put them there? 

I might end up there anyway, but that seems like the hard way.  I would need
access to a web/ftp server and the ability / permission to upload files
there?  Is there no way I can do it with just a normal source control
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