Re: Maven Install on Mac OS X

2009-12-05 Thread David C. Hicks
It sounds to me like you're having a problem getting a clean download. 
Be sure to check the MD5 for your download.  If it doesn't match the one
published on the download page, then your download has errors.

bandrm wrote:
 This is my first time on a Mac. I have maven 2.2.1 installed on a Mac...but,
 I have never been successfully able to execute a mvn install or mvn clean
 install. It would great if someone could help me out from the issues I am

 Firstly,I downloaded Maven 2.2.1 (tar.gz), but when I try to untar it, it
 errors out in file format unrecognized. And, every new download of Maven
 2.2.1 (tar.gz) would result in different file size. So, I downloaded Maven
 2.2.1 (tar.bz2) and it worked...I don't know if this could be the root cause
 of all the issues I am having...

 mvn install - When I run this command, it errors out in error: error
 reading /Users/X/.m2/javax/xml/bind/jaxb-api/2.1/jaxb-api-2.1.jar;
 cannot read zip file. Basically, it unable to read jar file from repository.
 I have no clue why. The file is right there in the repository, but unable to
 read. but, there is one strange thing I noticed. Along with
 jaxb-api-2.1.jar, there is a corresponding .pom file and both these files
 have same size 357. huh?

 mvn clean install - When I run this command, it errors out as
 org/apache/maven/shared/io/logging/MessageSink. Here is the stack trace...

   at org.apache.maven.plugin.clean.CleanMojo.execute(
   at org.apache.maven.DefaultMaven.doExecute(
   at org.apache.maven.DefaultMaven.execute(
   at org.apache.maven.cli.MavenCli.main(
   at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
   at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
   at org.codehaus.classworlds.Launcher.launchEnhanced(
   at org.codehaus.classworlds.Launcher.launch(
   at org.codehaus.classworlds.Launcher.mainWithExitCode(
   at org.codehaus.classworlds.Launcher.main(
 Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
   at Method)
   at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
   at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
   at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(
   ... 20 more


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Re: Maven Install on Mac OS X

2009-12-05 Thread David C. Hicks
Run the command:

md5sum apache-maven-2.2.1-bin.tar.bz2

Check to be sure that the result matches the published checksum on the
download page:

bandrm wrote:
 Here are the version details...

 Apache Maven 2.2.1 (r801777; 2009-08-06 12:16:01-0700)
 Java version: 1.6.0_15
 OS name: mac os x version: 10.6.2 arch: x86_64 Family: mac

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How to refer to project's classpath for plugin configuration?

2009-12-01 Thread David C. Hicks
I'm having a problem with the Liquibase plugin.  A custom change set is
unable to find a classpath resource in target/classes.  I think it could
be that the plugin isn't using the correct classpath.  So, I'd like to
configure it by hand.  How can I refer to the Maven classpath for the
project/module for this purpose?  I tried...


This doesn't appear to give me what I'm looking for, though.
Any help?


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Re: How to refer to project's classpath for plugin configuration?

2009-12-01 Thread David C. Hicks
I had not, but I have now, and that doesn't help, either.
I've got a similar post on the Liquibase list to see if anyone there can

Ryan Connolly wrote:
 Did you try maven.compile.classpath instead of project.classpath?

 On 12/1/09, David C. Hicks wrote:
 I'm having a problem with the Liquibase plugin.  A custom change set is
 unable to find a classpath resource in target/classes.  I think it could
 be that the plugin isn't using the correct classpath.  So, I'd like to
 configure it by hand.  How can I refer to the Maven classpath for the
 project/module for this purpose?  I tried...


 This doesn't appear to give me what I'm looking for, though.
 Any help?


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maven-changes-plugin: automatic update for release?

2009-11-18 Thread David C. Hicks
Hi folks,

I'm using the Changes plugin to both produce a report for my Site and to
distribute email announcements of changes.  The problem is that if we're
not careful to remember to update the changes.xml file itself, then our
release build fails because it doesn't find a change set with the right
version.  I'd really like to find some way to automatically update the
changes.xml file during the release build process.  Can anyone recommend
a plugin that might let me make modifications to this xml file at build
time?  Or, any other suggestions?


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Re: maven-changes-plugin: automatic update for release?

2009-11-18 Thread David C. Hicks
Good suggestion.  I hadn't really thought of using CI to test the
changes.xml.  That's primarily because I also have the dependencies
report generated as part of the Site generation.  Under normal
circumstances, it takes forever and a day to generate the dependencies
report, since it appears to hit the Internet to find all the
dependencies, instead of using the local repository.

I suppose I can restructure my CI build to exclude the dependencies
report and get some useful information about the changes report.


Kalle Korhonen wrote:
 Changes plugin offers Jira and Trac integration. You can filter your
 changes.xml if you cannot use current version only. Use ci system to
 run the site and changes report so you know if it'll work or not
 before the release.


 On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 12:56 PM, David C. Hicks wrote:
 Hi folks,

 I'm using the Changes plugin to both produce a report for my Site and to
 distribute email announcements of changes.  The problem is that if we're
 not careful to remember to update the changes.xml file itself, then our
 release build fails because it doesn't find a change set with the right
 version.  I'd really like to find some way to automatically update the
 changes.xml file during the release build process.  Can anyone recommend
 a plugin that might let me make modifications to this xml file at build
 time?  Or, any other suggestions?


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Re: maven-changes-plugin: automatic update for release?

2009-11-18 Thread David C. Hicks
Of course...the build will break after a release because the new
changes.xml won't have a section for the new release version.
Come to think of it, will that even work?  Since the CI sees a SNAPSHOT
version, and the changes.xml doesn't include SNAPSHOT. 

David C. Hicks wrote:
 Good suggestion.  I hadn't really thought of using CI to test the
 changes.xml.  That's primarily because I also have the dependencies
 report generated as part of the Site generation.  Under normal
 circumstances, it takes forever and a day to generate the dependencies
 report, since it appears to hit the Internet to find all the
 dependencies, instead of using the local repository.

 I suppose I can restructure my CI build to exclude the dependencies
 report and get some useful information about the changes report.


 Kalle Korhonen wrote:
 Changes plugin offers Jira and Trac integration. You can filter your
 changes.xml if you cannot use current version only. Use ci system to
 run the site and changes report so you know if it'll work or not
 before the release.


 On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 12:56 PM, David C. Hicks wrote:
 Hi folks,

 I'm using the Changes plugin to both produce a report for my Site and to
 distribute email announcements of changes.  The problem is that if we're
 not careful to remember to update the changes.xml file itself, then our
 release build fails because it doesn't find a change set with the right
 version.  I'd really like to find some way to automatically update the
 changes.xml file during the release build process.  Can anyone recommend
 a plugin that might let me make modifications to this xml file at build
 time?  Or, any other suggestions?


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Re: maven-changes-plugin: automatic update for release?

2009-11-18 Thread David C. Hicks
Thanks.  I'll give it a whirl.  We're using Hudson, presently.  It's not
the pulling JIRA information that I think is going to give me issues,
though.  It's that the changes.xml will have version 1.0.0 but the
current version from the CI point of view is 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.  Unless
the changes plugin is capable of handling that difference.

Thanks again,

Kalle Korhonen wrote:
 On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 1:46 PM, David C. Hicks wrote:
 Of course...the build will break after a release because the new
 changes.xml won't have a section for the new release version.
 Come to think of it, will that even work?  Since the CI sees a SNAPSHOT
 version, and the changes.xml doesn't include SNAPSHOT.

 Depending on which integration you use. Will work at least for jira,
 read the docs at


 PS. Off-topic but make dependencies report go faster:

 Maybe even dependencyDetailsEnabled to false if you so wish.

 David C. Hicks wrote:
 Good suggestion.  I hadn't really thought of using CI to test the
 changes.xml.  That's primarily because I also have the dependencies
 report generated as part of the Site generation.  Under normal
 circumstances, it takes forever and a day to generate the dependencies
 report, since it appears to hit the Internet to find all the
 dependencies, instead of using the local repository.

 I suppose I can restructure my CI build to exclude the dependencies
 report and get some useful information about the changes report.


 Kalle Korhonen wrote:

 Changes plugin offers Jira and Trac integration. You can filter your
 changes.xml if you cannot use current version only. Use ci system to
 run the site and changes report so you know if it'll work or not
 before the release.


 On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 12:56 PM, David C. Hicks 

 Hi folks,

 I'm using the Changes plugin to both produce a report for my Site and to
 distribute email announcements of changes.  The problem is that if we're
 not careful to remember to update the changes.xml file itself, then our
 release build fails because it doesn't find a change set with the right
 version.  I'd really like to find some way to automatically update the
 changes.xml file during the release build process.  Can anyone recommend
 a plugin that might let me make modifications to this xml file at build
 time?  Or, any other suggestions?


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Re: -DskipTests=true gets ignored

2009-11-12 Thread David C. Hicks
I think it's an order-of-evaluation problem.  I suspect that your
-DskipTests=true is getting overridden by the property in your pom.xml.

Yaakov Chaikin wrote:

 Checked documentation, googled. Still not understanding why the
 following is happening.

 I have a multi-module project. In the root pom.xml, I have:

 In my child pom.xml I have the following:


 In my settings.xml, I have this:

 When I do mvn help:effective-pom on the child module, it does show
 that my skipTests=false. However, when I do mvn help:effective-pom
 -DskipTests=true, the effective pom STILL shows up with

 What am I doing wrong here?


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Re: -DskipTests=true gets ignored

2009-11-12 Thread David C. Hicks
I generally use a Profile when I want to do something of this nature. 
So, for your case, you might have something like...



Then by simply calling Maven with the profile activated, you can run the

mvn -Prun-tests clean install

Yaakov Chaikin wrote:
 Right... I figured that... But why? Isn't something on the
 command-line supposed to trump it all?

 Any suggestions on how to correct this?


 On Thu, Nov 12, 2009 at 5:23 PM, David C. Hicks wrote:
 I think it's an order-of-evaluation problem.  I suspect that your
 -DskipTests=true is getting overridden by the property in your pom.xml.

 Yaakov Chaikin wrote:

 Checked documentation, googled. Still not understanding why the
 following is happening.

 I have a multi-module project. In the root pom.xml, I have:

 In my child pom.xml I have the following:


 In my settings.xml, I have this:

 When I do mvn help:effective-pom on the child module, it does show
 that my skipTests=false. However, when I do mvn help:effective-pom
 -DskipTests=true, the effective pom STILL shows up with

 What am I doing wrong here?


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Re: -DskipTests=true gets ignored

2009-11-12 Thread David C. Hicks
OK, so flip the assumptions I made in my earlier profile.  Then, you
could change the profile to skip-tests and the reverse would happen. 
Change the name of the profile to sandbox.  Now, when you do mvn
-Psandbox install you'll get no tests, but a regular mvn install
would include all your tests.

It may require another profile to handle your second condition.  The
notion that a single profile can somehow read your mind and know whether
it should or should not run certain tests just won't fly.  That'll
require an extra profile added to your build.  So, you might end up with
a build command line that looks like...

mvn -Psandbox,no-externals install

Otherwise, the same semantics in your pom.xml apply.  It's just a matter
of setting up a default condition that you can override in your profile.


Yaakov Chaikin wrote:
 Well, the thing is that I have a couple of requirements:

 1) When doing mvn install all tests should run (without specifying a profile)
 2) When doing mvn install -DskipTests=true, no tests should run
 3) When doing mvn install -P sandbox, no tests should run
 4) When doing mvn install -P sandbox, only some of the modules should
 run their tests (the ones that don't hit any outside resources like a

 How would I do that?

 Thanks for your help!


 On Thu, Nov 12, 2009 at 5:49 PM, David C. Hicks wrote:
 I generally use a Profile when I want to do something of this nature.
 So, for your case, you might have something like...

 � �skipTeststrue/skipTests

 � �profile
 � � � idrun-tests/id
 � � � properties
 � � � � �skipTestsfalse/skipTests
 � � � /properties
 � �/profile

 Then by simply calling Maven with the profile activated, you can run the

 mvn -Prun-tests clean install

 Yaakov Chaikin wrote:
 Right... I figured that... But why? Isn't something on the
 command-line supposed to trump it all?

 Any suggestions on how to correct this?


 On Thu, Nov 12, 2009 at 5:23 PM, David C. Hicks wrote:

 I think it's an order-of-evaluation problem. �I suspect that your
 -DskipTests=true is getting overridden by the property in your pom.xml.

 Yaakov Chaikin wrote:


 Checked documentation, googled. Still not understanding why the
 following is happening.

 I have a multi-module project. In the root pom.xml, I have:
 � skipTeststrue/skipTests

 In my child pom.xml I have the following:

 � �skipTests${skipSelfContainingTests}/skipTests

 In my settings.xml, I have this:
 � skipSelfContainingTestsfalse/skipSelfContainingTests

 When I do mvn help:effective-pom on the child module, it does show
 that my skipTests=false. However, when I do mvn help:effective-pom
 -DskipTests=true, the effective pom STILL shows up with

 What am I doing wrong here?


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Re: Suck, cannot build, repository down??

2009-11-09 Thread David C. Hicks
For this very reason, I've set up my builds to only build the full
dependency report when I specify it - normally for nightly and release
builds.  It keeps my development and continuous integration builds short
and sweet.  It's a simple thing to activate a profile for the longer
builds to produce this report when I feel like it's more appropriate.

Just a thought for anyone else who feels like this is a serious problem
for them.

Brian Fox wrote:
 Yes, the dependency report does completely bypass the normal
 repository mechanism and thus Nexus. This needs to be fixed, but noone
 has attempted it yet that I know of.


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Re: Maven-release-plugin checking in the pom twice

2009-11-07 Thread David C. Hicks
Typically, you will be developing a SNAPSHOT version of the release
version.  In other words, you might be working on 3.0-SNAPSHOT.  When
you do the release, you should release 3.0.  Your next development
version would then be 3.1-SNAPSHOT.  Your submodules will generally have
the same version as your master.

It sounds to me like the release plugin is doing exactly what it's
supposed to do, though.


DebasisM wrote:
 Hi All,
  I am using release-plugin.i observed it is checking in the pom is
 for release and other is for next development iteration.
 The second time check in is keeping me in problem.
 I am having 7 submodules.release checkin is working perfectly i,e -it is
 changing the version no of all the submodules pom.and creating the

 when second time it checks in it is again changing the version of the pom
 i,e old version.which i don,t want.
 If I released my project then again why should i keep working in the older
 version i don't understand.

 Example-my version was-3.0
 my release version is 3.1.
 but in the next development iteration the parent pom version is 3.1-snapshot
 and submodules version becomes 3.0.but i want parent pom version should be
 3.1-snapshot and submodules should be 3.1 not 3.0.

 How can i achieve that.other wise i can't use this plugin .i need to change
 the version no of my pom manually and creating tag manually.



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Re: Question from a Maven NewBie. Can not run any mvn goal.

2009-10-13 Thread David C. Hicks
Do you have a proxy that you must use to get to the Internet for browsing?

Something is blocking you from downloading the various plugins that
Maven requires to run.

KDLS wrote:
 I am new to the Java, Maven, etc.  I just downloaded and installed Maven.
 Followed all their instructions.
 I can not run any goal including mvn clean,  or mvn anything.  Pl.  find the
 following stack trace.  Any help will be greatly appreciated.  

 My OS is XP (SP2). I tried 2 More newer versions of Maven.  The same deal.

 I have CA Security Suite Firewall in my Desktop.  I disabled that and
 ensured none of the firewalls including Windows firewall was running.


 C:\echo %M2_HOME%

 C:\echo %JAVA_HOME%

 C:\echo %M2%

 C:\mvn -version
 Maven version: 2.0.9
 Java version: 1.6.0_07
 OS name: windows xp version: 5.1 arch: x86 Family: windows

 C:\mvn -e clean
 + Error stacktraces are turned on.
 [INFO] Scanning for projects...
 [INFO] Building Maven Default Project
 [INFO]task-segment: [clean]
 [INFO] A required plugin was not found: Plugin could not be found - check
 that t
 he goal name is correct: Unable to download the artifact from any repository

 Try downloading the file manually from the project website.

 Then, install it using the command:
 mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=org.apache.maven.plugins
 en-clean-plugin -Dversion=2.2 -Dpackaging=maven-plugin -Dfile=/path/to/file

 Alternatively, if you host your own repository you can deploy the file
 mvn deploy:deploy-file -DgroupId=org.apache.maven.plugins
 -clean-plugin -Dversion=2.2 -Dpackaging=maven-plugin -Dfile=/path/to/file
 [url] -DrepositoryId=[id]


 from the specified remote repositories:
   central (


 from the specified remote repositories:
   central (

 [INFO] Trace
 org.apache.maven.BuildFailureException: A required plugin was not found:
 could not be found - check that the goal name is correct: Unable to download
  artifact from any repository

 Try downloading the file manually from the project website.

 Then, install it using the command:
 mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=org.apache.maven.plugins
 en-clean-plugin -Dversion=2.2 -Dpackaging=maven-plugin -Dfile=/path/to/file

 Alternatively, if you host your own repository you can deploy the file
 mvn deploy:deploy-file -DgroupId=org.apache.maven.plugins
 -clean-plugin -Dversion=2.2 -Dpackaging=maven-plugin -Dfile=/path/to/file
 [url] -DrepositoryId=[id]


 from the specified remote repositories:
   central (


 from the specified remote repositories:
   central (

 at org.apache.maven.DefaultMaven.doExecute(
 at org.apache.maven.DefaultMaven.execute(
 at org.apache.maven.cli.MavenCli.main(
 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
 at org.codehaus.classworlds.Launcher.launch(


Re: Newbie question about defining goals

2009-09-13 Thread David C. Hicks


UseTheFork wrote:

 This is a newbie clarification question. The set of default goals attached
 to phases does depend on the packaging setting in the pom.xml.

 Lets imagine that I want to add a goal G from plugin P to execute in phase
 H. Let's imagine that this plugin P must be retrieved from a remote
 repository R. What do I exactly need to put in my pom.xml?



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Re: maven-release-plugin, svn and parent pom.xml

2009-09-10 Thread David C. Hicks


I've only ever seen this done with the SCM setup mirroring the local 
setup (ie. all projects located beneath the parent within the SCM).  If 
you can, it may be worthwhile to move those projects.  I've found that 
trying to make Maven (and plugins) behave in a way that isn't natural 
to them is often a source of great grief.


On 09/10/2009 05:11 AM, Owen Griffin wrote:

I'm trying to modify my project so it uses the maven-release-plugin to do
the tagging of my source code for releases.

My folder structure is similar to the following:

However my subversion repository is laid out with each child-project being
in the same folder as the parent project. E.g.


So I have each SCM URL set up differently in the child-project pom.xml.
Something like:

And also, within the child-project pom.xml I have the following
configuration for the release-plugin

However when I run the mvn release:prepare goal in the parent project it
tags the parent project but not the child projects. Is it possible to do
this? Or have I configured the setup incorrectly?

Many thanks,



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Re: How to update parent during release:prepare

2009-09-10 Thread David C. Hicks
The autoVersionSubmodules property can be used to tell the release 
plugin to use the Parent's version for all of the child modules. Are 
your modules all the same version as your parent? If so, then it should 
work as-is. I normally use the command:

mvn -DautoVersionSubmodules=true release:prepare

to start the process on a project with about 8 modules. It'll ask me for 
the release version of the parent and then the next development version. 
Beyond that, it's all automatic.


On 09/10/2009 05:30 AM, Lewis, Eric wrote:


I'm trying to use release:prepare for a project with several modules.
The project has a parent which is a SNAPSHOT. Now my question is: How can I 
tell release:prepare to update the project's parent version to the parent's 
released version?

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Any integration with Version One ? (maven-changes-plugin)

2009-09-09 Thread David C. Hicks
My group is being forced, more or less, to use this project planning and
tracking system, called Version One. --

Since all of the information about stories, fixes, etc. will be kept in
this location, it would be really cool to be able to get that
information into the maven-changes-plugin for reporting and email
announcement purposes.

I don't suppose anyone is aware of any such integration efforts going
on?  Or, who I might talk to if I were interested in implementing it?

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Re: inject version into source?

2009-08-28 Thread David C. Hicks
I have done this by setting up a properties file that gets filtered at
build time.  Then, I use that properties file in a Spring
PlaceholderConfigurer to get the value injected where I need it.

James Russo wrote:

New maven user here. Really am liking it, just trying to get
 project back online and running after switching from ant.. Is there
 any standard maven way to inject maven variables (like version) into
 source code, prior to compile? Is this maybe were I should just
 leverage my existing any scripts to accomplish the task?



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Help with batch-mode release?

2009-08-27 Thread David C. Hicks
I'm trying to set up a script to handle an automated release process. 
I'm using the releaseVersion and developmentVersion properties to
give me some flexibility with respect to the assigned versions. 
However, they don't seem to be sticking.

For instance, my current version is 0.9.27-SNAPSHOT.  I do a
release:prepare using the command:

mvn --batch-mode release:prepare -DreleaseVersion=

The prepare builds a tag of 0.9.27 and sets the development version to

This is a multi-module project.  Is that what's causing this?  Do I
really have to specify the versions for each module?

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Re: Help with batch-mode release?

2009-08-27 Thread David C. Hicks
Tried autoVersionSubmodules last night. It didn't appear to work, but my 
guess is that it only keeps you from being asked what version to label 
each submodule. I'm trying to move to a different version than that 
which would be calculated by the mojo, though. My guess is that I'm 
going to have to specify it for each submodule, either on the command 
line or in a properties file. That's this morning's task.

On 08/27/2009 09:05 AM, Arnaud X Dostes wrote:

You should check out continuum (, it will take 
care of the 'automated release process' (don't know about Hudson). All you need 
is to click a button, works well.

I wouldn't recommend using the --batch-mode attribute, you do want to get 
prompted for messages.

Try adding -DautoVersionSubmodules=true, it changed my life when I found this 
option :

-Original Message-
From: David C. Hicks []
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 12:51 AM
To: Maven Users
Subject: Help with batch-mode release?

I'm trying to set up a script to handle an automated release process.
I'm using the releaseVersion and developmentVersion properties to
give me some flexibility with respect to the assigned versions.
However, they don't seem to be sticking.

For instance, my current version is 0.9.27-SNAPSHOT.  I do a
release:prepare using the command:

 mvn --batch-mode release:prepare -DreleaseVersion=

The prepare builds a tag of 0.9.27 and sets the development version to

This is a multi-module project.  Is that what's causing this?  Do I
really have to specify the versions for each module?

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Re: Help with batch-mode release?

2009-08-27 Thread David C. Hicks
Found the problem. Apparently, version 2.0-beta-7 of the release plugin 
is buggy in this area. Upgrading to 2.0-beta-9 appears to fix things. 
I'll know in a while if all is well.

Thanks for all the suggestions and input. I should have checked on the 
plugin version earlier - just didn't think about it. (forest and trees)


On 08/27/2009 09:45 AM, Arnaud X Dostes wrote:

Tried autoVersionSubmodules last night. It didn't appear to work, but my
guess is that it only keeps you from being asked what version to label
each submodule.

yes, it reuses the same version for submodules

I'm trying to move to a different version than that
which would be calculated by the mojo, though

I believe, although I have not checked, that not using the batch-mode will 
cause you to get prompted

My guess is that I'm
going to have to specify it for each submodule, either on the command
line or in a properties file.

for having it done before, I feel your pain, be very careful as once you've 
entered the version for each module, you'll be prompted for the current 
version, I've often copy-pasted once too many causing me to start again from 
scratch, so you want to go slowly

Good luck


-Original Message-
From: David C. Hicks []
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 3:41 PM
To: Maven Users List
Subject: Re: Help with batch-mode release?

Tried autoVersionSubmodules last night. It didn't appear to work, but my
guess is that it only keeps you from being asked what version to label
each submodule. I'm trying to move to a different version than that
which would be calculated by the mojo, though. My guess is that I'm
going to have to specify it for each submodule, either on the command
line or in a properties file. That's this morning's task.

On 08/27/2009 09:05 AM, Arnaud X Dostes wrote:

You should check out continuum (, it will take 
care of the 'automated release process' (don't know about Hudson). All you need 
is to click a button, works well.

I wouldn't recommend using the --batch-mode attribute, you do want to get 
prompted for messages.

Try adding -DautoVersionSubmodules=true, it changed my life when I found this 
option :

-Original Message-
From: David C. Hicks []
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 12:51 AM
To: Maven Users
Subject: Help with batch-mode release?

I'm trying to set up a script to handle an automated release process.
I'm using the releaseVersion and developmentVersion properties to
give me some flexibility with respect to the assigned versions.
However, they don't seem to be sticking.

For instance, my current version is 0.9.27-SNAPSHOT.  I do a
release:prepare using the command:

  mvn --batch-mode release:prepare -DreleaseVersion=

The prepare builds a tag of 0.9.27 and sets the development version to

This is a multi-module project.  Is that what's causing this?  Do I
really have to specify the versions for each module?

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Help with batch-mode release?

2009-08-26 Thread David C. Hicks
I'm trying to set up a script to handle an automated release process. 
I'm using the releaseVersion and developmentVersion properties to
give me some flexibility with respect to the assigned versions. 
However, they don't seem to be sticking.

For instance, my current version is 0.9.27-SNAPSHOT.  I do a
release:prepare using the command:

mvn --batch-mode release:prepare -DreleaseVersion=

The prepare builds a tag of 0.9.27 and sets the development version to

This is a multi-module project.  Is that what's causing this?  Do I
really have to specify the versions for each module?

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Re: Help with batch-mode release?

2009-08-26 Thread David C. Hicks
I had already gone through that page.  It was just not real clear to me
if one must really specify the version for each module in a multi-module
batch build.  At your suggestion, I added autoVersionSubmodules to my
command line, but that didn't have any noticeable effect on the result. 
The new command line looks like this:

mvn --batch-mode release:prepare -DautoVersionSubmodules=true
-DreleaseVersion= -DdevelopmentVersion=

I guess I'll have to try specifying the version for each module and see
if that helps.

Thanks for the thoughts.

Kalle Korhonen wrote:
 Read the part about multi-module non-interactive releases:
 I have not tried overriding versions, but I do most of my multi-module
 release in batch mode. I always specify autoVersionSubmodules=true (in
 the pom) - that might be one thing you are missing.


 On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 4:05 PM, David C. wrote:
 I'm trying to set up a script to handle an automated release process.
 I'm using the releaseVersion and developmentVersion properties to
 give me some flexibility with respect to the assigned versions.
 However, they don't seem to be sticking.

 For instance, my current version is 0.9.27-SNAPSHOT. �I do a
 release:prepare using the command:

 � �mvn --batch-mode release:prepare -DreleaseVersion=
 � �-DdevelopmentVersion=

 The prepare builds a tag of 0.9.27 and sets the development version to

 This is a multi-module project. �Is that what's causing this? �Do I
 really have to specify the versions for each module?

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Assembly will not deploy.

2009-08-24 Thread David C. Hicks


I have a module in my project that creates an assembly to be deployed to 
our Nexus repository - only the assembly won't deploy.  This was working 
until this particular build.  I've been using the deprecated attach 
goal to cause the assembly to be added to the list of artifacts to be 
deployed.  Suddenly, the assembly will build but not deploy.

We're using Maven 2.0.9 with Assembly plugin 2.2-beta-2.

Any thoughts why this would suddenly stop working?  Or, maybe a 
different way to get the desired result?


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Re: Profile Activation Help?

2009-08-11 Thread David C. Hicks
Yes.  I also tried adding the inherited tag with the plugin defined in
the build section (not as a profile).  I got the same result.  The
children still executed the plugin.  I defined it to execute on the
deploy phase.

Stephen Connolly wrote:
 Are you saying that if you do sth like this:

 phase!-- I don't know where you want this, either
 --site!-- or --deploy/phase

 That the plugin gets executed in the child modules or have you been
 trying to run the mojo from the CLI rather than integrating it into the



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Profile Activation Help?

2009-08-10 Thread David C. Hicks
I'm trying to get a profile to activate for my parent project but not
for the children.  Unfortunately, the children inherit from the parent
to get dependency information.  So, they also inherit everything else. 
My solution (or so I thought) was to use the project.artifactId property
in my activation section...


Since only the parent project has this artifact Id, I assumed that it
would activate only for the parent.  However, there was no activation of
this profile at all.

My overall goal is to try to get the maven-changes-plugin to do an
announcement email using changes.xml in the parent project.  I do not
want announcements for all of the children, though.

Any help?

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Re: Profile Activation Help?

2009-08-10 Thread David C. Hicks
That would substitute the actual name of the artifact in the name tag,
though, wouldn't it?

Jonathan Woods wrote:
 ${project.artifactId} might help.


 -Original Message-
 From: David C. Hicks [] 
 Sent: 10 August 2009 18:12
 To: Maven Users
 Subject: Profile Activation Help?

 I'm trying to get a profile to activate for my parent project 
 but not for the children.  Unfortunately, the children 
 inherit from the parent to get dependency information.  So, 
 they also inherit everything else. 
 My solution (or so I thought) was to use the 
 project.artifactId property in my activation section...


 Since only the parent project has this artifact Id, I assumed 
 that it would activate only for the parent.  However, there 
 was no activation of this profile at all.

 My overall goal is to try to get the maven-changes-plugin to 
 do an announcement email using changes.xml in the parent 
 project.  I do not want announcements for all of the children, though.

 Any help?

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Re: Profile Activation Help?

2009-08-10 Thread David C. Hicks
I must have been blind when reading through my MDG last night.  I found
what I believe will be my solution.


Since this is the only module that will have a changes.xml file, this
should do the trick for me.  I thought I'd share what I found for posterity.

David C. Hicks wrote:
 I'm trying to get a profile to activate for my parent project but not
 for the children.  Unfortunately, the children inherit from the parent
 to get dependency information.  So, they also inherit everything else. 
 My solution (or so I thought) was to use the project.artifactId property
 in my activation section...


 Since only the parent project has this artifact Id, I assumed that it
 would activate only for the parent.  However, there was no activation of
 this profile at all.

 My overall goal is to try to get the maven-changes-plugin to do an
 announcement email using changes.xml in the parent project.  I do not
 want announcements for all of the children, though.

 Any help?


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Re: Profile Activation Help?

2009-08-10 Thread David C. Hicks
I take it back.  That doesn't help me, either.
I guess once the profile has been activated at the parent POM level, it
stays that way for all the children.

David C. Hicks wrote:
 I must have been blind when reading through my MDG last night.  I found
 what I believe will be my solution.


 Since this is the only module that will have a changes.xml file, this
 should do the trick for me.  I thought I'd share what I found for posterity.

 David C. Hicks wrote:
 I'm trying to get a profile to activate for my parent project but not
 for the children.  Unfortunately, the children inherit from the parent
 to get dependency information.  So, they also inherit everything else. 
 My solution (or so I thought) was to use the project.artifactId property
 in my activation section...


 Since only the parent project has this artifact Id, I assumed that it
 would activate only for the parent.  However, there was no activation of
 this profile at all.

 My overall goal is to try to get the maven-changes-plugin to do an
 announcement email using changes.xml in the parent project.  I do not
 want announcements for all of the children, though.

 Any help?


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Re: Profile Activation Help?

2009-08-10 Thread David C. Hicks
Hi Stephen,

I tried that, but it didn't seem to work.  The plugin still tried to
execute for the sub-modules.  I ended up punting.  I run my
changes:announcement-mail goal in a completely separate Maven run after
my build is completed, but I give it the -N switch to keep it from
running child modules.


PS - maybe there is a bug that I should write up a JIRA for?  I'm
uncomfortable doing that since I don't know for sure that I had things
configured correctly. 

Stephen Connolly wrote:
 Just define all the _*plugins*_ in your profile as

 2009/8/10 David C. Hicks

 I take it back.  That doesn't help me, either.
 I guess once the profile has been activated at the parent POM level, it
 stays that way for all the children.

 David C. Hicks wrote:
 I must have been blind when reading through my MDG last night.  I found
 what I believe will be my solution.


 Since this is the only module that will have a changes.xml file, this
 should do the trick for me.  I thought I'd share what I found for

 David C. Hicks wrote:

 I'm trying to get a profile to activate for my parent project but not
 for the children.  Unfortunately, the children inherit from the parent
 to get dependency information.  So, they also inherit everything else.
 My solution (or so I thought) was to use the project.artifactId property
 in my activation section...


 Since only the parent project has this artifact Id, I assumed that it
 would activate only for the parent.  However, there was no activation of
 this profile at all.

 My overall goal is to try to get the maven-changes-plugin to do an
 announcement email using changes.xml in the parent project.  I do not
 want announcements for all of the children, though.

 Any help?

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Re: Profile Activation Help?

2009-08-10 Thread David C. Hicks
Then my experience, I would say, confirms that for both of us.  My file
*is* in the top-level, and I found that the profile was activated for
all modules.  I had arrived at the same conclusion that they are
evaluated once, at the start of execution.

Benson Margulies wrote:
 You may be walking into a trap in a multi-module project. It is my
 strong impression that activation decisions are not made
 module-by-module in the reactor, but only once. When I tried what you
 tried I found that, since the top-level project with the modules in it
 didn't have the file, the profile was never active when running maven
 from top-level.

 On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 3:28 PM, David C. wrote:
 I must have been blind when reading through my MDG last night.  I found
 what I believe will be my solution.


 Since this is the only module that will have a changes.xml file, this
 should do the trick for me.  I thought I'd share what I found for posterity.

 David C. Hicks wrote:
 I'm trying to get a profile to activate for my parent project but not
 for the children.  Unfortunately, the children inherit from the parent
 to get dependency information.  So, they also inherit everything else.
 My solution (or so I thought) was to use the project.artifactId property
 in my activation section...


 Since only the parent project has this artifact Id, I assumed that it
 would activate only for the parent.  However, there was no activation of
 this profile at all.

 My overall goal is to try to get the maven-changes-plugin to do an
 announcement email using changes.xml in the parent project.  I do not
 want announcements for all of the children, though.

 Any help?

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Site generation - no index.html for modules.

2009-08-07 Thread David C. Hicks
I still haven't figured out why I get no index.html files for my
sub-modules (or even if I should).  It seems to me like it was working
fine just a week or two ago, then something changed to cause it not to work.

Anyway, I started creating index.apt files in all of my modules (bowing
to the insanity), but I really don't want to have to modify each and
every one to give a proper title and description.  Is there some way
that I can get Doxia to filter in things like ${} and
${project.description} into the APT file before rendering the HTML?

Of course, the ideal answer would be how to avoid having to create all
of these index.apt files, in the first place.


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problem with maven-changes-plugin in a multi-module project

2009-08-07 Thread David C. Hicks
Hi folks,

I've got a multi-module project in which I'm using the Changes plugin to
publish both a page in the site and an announcement email at release
time.  However, I only have a changes.xml file at the Parent project
level.  My release blows up because it cannot find changes.xml in the
modules.  Is there some way to tell the plugin only to run at the parent


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Default index.html from Site plugin?

2009-08-05 Thread David C. Hicks
Is there some way to get the Site plugin to create an index.html if one
is not supplied?  I really don't want to have to go set up src/site for
every module in my project, but it seems like the site that gets
generated won't work if I don't.  When I click on one of the module
links, I'm taken to the proper URL, only there is no index.html there to
be downloaded and displayed.


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Release from branch - Subversion is not happy.

2009-08-05 Thread David C. Hicks
I am getting this error when attempting to release:prepare from a branch:

Unable to tag SCM
Provider message:
The svn tag command failed.
Command output:
svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: Source url
'svn://' is
from different repository

I've seen Subversion complain about URLs not matching before, but that
was always when checking into the same portion of the repository.  In
this case, I assume that the maven-release-plugin is attempting to
create a new tag in the tags area.

My command line is:   mvn --batch-mode -DpreparationGoals=clean
install release:prepare
Any ideas how I can get this working?  I'm unable to release a branch
for testing because of this error.


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Re: Default index.html from Site plugin?

2009-08-05 Thread David C. Hicks
No, I'm actually looking at a deployed site.

mvn site site:deploy

There are simply no index.html files in any of the modules' directories.

Dennis Lundberg wrote:
 Are you running into this?

 David C. Hicks wrote:
 Is there some way to get the Site plugin to create an index.html if one
 is not supplied?  I really don't want to have to go set up src/site for
 every module in my project, but it seems like the site that gets
 generated won't work if I don't.  When I click on one of the module
 links, I'm taken to the proper URL, only there is no index.html there to
 be downloaded and displayed.


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Re: Release from branch - Subversion is not happy.

2009-08-05 Thread David C. Hicks
Thanks, Brett.  That's exactly what the problem was.  I found it about
an hour after I left the original email.  I thought I had cleared all of
them out a week or two ago.  Turns out that the branch was taken prior
to that.  It certainly was not easy to spot.


Brett Randall wrote:
 On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 5:53 AM, David C. Hicks wrote:

 I am getting this error when attempting to release:prepare from a branch:

Unable to tag SCM
Provider message:
The svn tag command failed.
Command output:
svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: Source url
'svn://' is
from different repository

 I've seen Subversion complain about URLs not matching before, but that
 was always when checking into the same portion of the repository.  In
 this case, I assume that the maven-release-plugin is attempting to
 create a new tag in the tags area.

 My command line is:   mvn --batch-mode -DpreparationGoals=clean
 install release:prepare
 Any ideas how I can get this working?  I'm unable to release a branch
 for testing because of this error.


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 What are your SCM URLs?  This has come up before when a username was
 included in the SCM URL.  Google finds this: .



Site deploy - missing site descriptor?

2009-08-04 Thread David C. Hicks
I keep getting the error Missing site information in the distribution
management element in the project.., but I clearly have a site
descriptor in that section...

nameAGS Utilities/name

${site.deploy.base} is defined in a set of properties ahead of the
distributionManagement section.
Can anyone give me any clues how to track down this problem?  The error
is simply not descriptive enough - to me.  :-)

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Re: Site deploy - missing site descriptor?

2009-08-04 Thread David C. Hicks
Oops!  Nevermind.  Chalk this one up to blondness.  :-)

David C. Hicks wrote:
 I keep getting the error Missing site information in the distribution
 management element in the project.., but I clearly have a site
 descriptor in that section...

 nameAGS Utilities/name

 ${site.deploy.base} is defined in a set of properties ahead of the
 distributionManagement section.
 Can anyone give me any clues how to track down this problem?  The error
 is simply not descriptive enough - to me.  :-)


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Text documents from APT ?

2009-08-03 Thread David C. Hicks
Pardon my ignorance, please.  Is there a way to generate a nice looking
text document out of an APT file?  Surely, there's a plugin for doing that.

I'd love to publish my release notes as part of my project site but
still retain the ability to produce a text document (for those who just
can't seem to break themselves away from the printer).


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Re: Text documents from APT ?

2009-08-03 Thread David C. Hicks
Thanks for the tip, Ryan.  I like the announcement feature.
However, I'd really like to publish my release notes on the project web
site.  I'll keep digging.  Maybe there's something in the Doxia (etc)
area that will help me out.

Thanks again,

Ryan Connolly wrote:
 I use the maven-changes-plugin to manage release notes and to generate
 text-only announcement emails.  This may help:

 On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 12:01 PM, David C. Hicks wrote:

 Pardon my ignorance, please.  Is there a way to generate a nice looking
 text document out of an APT file?  Surely, there's a plugin for doing that.

 I'd love to publish my release notes as part of my project site but
 still retain the ability to produce a text document (for those who just
 can't seem to break themselves away from the printer).


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Re: Text documents from APT ?

2009-08-03 Thread David C. Hicks
Yes, it is a Maven-generated site.  I'll look closer at the
changes-report goal.  When I first looked at it, I didn't get the
impression that it would create something that could be included in the
web site.

Thanks again!

Ryan Connolly wrote:
 David: If the site is a maven-generated site, it is as easy as using the
 changes-report goal in your pom.  If not, you could still copy/paste the
 generated document?


 On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 3:44 PM, David C. Hicks wrote:

 Thanks for the tip, Ryan.  I like the announcement feature.
 However, I'd really like to publish my release notes on the project web
 site.  I'll keep digging.  Maybe there's something in the Doxia (etc)
 area that will help me out.

 Thanks again,

 Ryan Connolly wrote:
 I use the maven-changes-plugin to manage release notes and to generate
 text-only announcement emails.  This may help:

 On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 12:01 PM, David C. Hicks
 Pardon my ignorance, please.  Is there a way to generate a nice looking
 text document out of an APT file?  Surely, there's a plugin for doing
 I'd love to publish my release notes as part of my project site but
 still retain the ability to produce a text document (for those who just
 can't seem to break themselves away from the printer).


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Help with branching?

2009-07-28 Thread David C. Hicks
Hi gang,

I need to branch from a prior release tag to fix a defect.  I thought I
had the right process, but something is not happy.  We do have the
project enabled for the maven-release-plugin.  Here are the steps I took:

1) Check code out of SVN from the previous release tag.
2) Using release:branch -  mvn -DbranchName=Salient-
-DupdateBranchVersions=true -DupdateWorkingCopyVersions=false release:branch
3) Enter my version label when prompted (repeat for
each sub-module [i couldn't get autoVersionSubmodules to play nice])
4) Get an error:

svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: Source url
'svn://' is from
different repository

Now, it's true that the SCM information in the POM gets updated such
that it isn't the same as where the code was checked out from, but that
shouldn't matter, should it?  We're not going to modify the original
sources - we're just creating the branch.  Right?

Maybe I'm going about this all wrong, but I didn't find much in the way
of documents/blogs/stories on Google - at least, nothing that shed any
light on this for me.


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Re: Help with branching?

2009-07-28 Thread David C. Hicks
I guess I was *did* screw up my tagged code.  Now, I have to
figure out how badly and get that all fixed, too.

Why would the release:branch goal put changes back into the source tree?

David C. Hicks wrote:
 Hi gang,

 I need to branch from a prior release tag to fix a defect.  I thought I
 had the right process, but something is not happy.  We do have the
 project enabled for the maven-release-plugin.  Here are the steps I took:

 1) Check code out of SVN from the previous release tag.
 2) Using release:branch -  mvn -DbranchName=Salient-
 -DupdateBranchVersions=true -DupdateWorkingCopyVersions=false release:branch
 3) Enter my version label when prompted (repeat for
 each sub-module [i couldn't get autoVersionSubmodules to play nice])
 4) Get an error:

 svn: Commit failed (details follow):
 svn: Source url
 'svn://' is from
 different repository

 Now, it's true that the SCM information in the POM gets updated such
 that it isn't the same as where the code was checked out from, but that
 shouldn't matter, should it?  We're not going to modify the original
 sources - we're just creating the branch.  Right?

 Maybe I'm going about this all wrong, but I didn't find much in the way
 of documents/blogs/stories on Google - at least, nothing that shed any
 light on this for me.



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Re: Help with branching?

2009-07-28 Thread David C. Hicks
Well, I figured out what was going on.  It's Subversion's error, at
least, partly.  I didn't want to set up our continuous integration
environment so that it knows what user/password to use for
Subversion.  Instead, I put add that user/pw to the settings.xml file
and let Maven include it in the URL.  Apparently, Subversion does an
exact match on the URL when trying to do a check-in of any kind.  So,
because I checked the code out using:

svn co svn://

But Maven only knows to use:

svn copy svn://

Subversion can't handle it and throws an error.  I assume that when this
happens, the release plugin loses itself and ends up checking the
pom.xml changes back into the tags folder instead of branches. 
Maybe someone else will find this information useful in the future.


David C. Hicks wrote:
 I guess I was *did* screw up my tagged code.  Now, I have to
 figure out how badly and get that all fixed, too.

 Why would the release:branch goal put changes back into the source tree?

 David C. Hicks wrote:
 Hi gang,

 I need to branch from a prior release tag to fix a defect.  I thought I
 had the right process, but something is not happy.  We do have the
 project enabled for the maven-release-plugin.  Here are the steps I took:

 1) Check code out of SVN from the previous release tag.
 2) Using release:branch -  mvn -DbranchName=Salient-
 -DupdateBranchVersions=true -DupdateWorkingCopyVersions=false release:branch
 3) Enter my version label when prompted (repeat for
 each sub-module [i couldn't get autoVersionSubmodules to play nice])
 4) Get an error:

 svn: Commit failed (details follow):
 svn: Source url
 'svn://' is from
 different repository

 Now, it's true that the SCM information in the POM gets updated such
 that it isn't the same as where the code was checked out from, but that
 shouldn't matter, should it?  We're not going to modify the original
 sources - we're just creating the branch.  Right?

 Maybe I'm going about this all wrong, but I didn't find much in the way
 of documents/blogs/stories on Google - at least, nothing that shed any
 light on this for me.



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Re: How can I deploy multiple wars using the tomcat plugin in maven?

2009-07-27 Thread David C. Hicks
The first question is relatively straightforward. Since your wars are
created in different projects, just set up a third project that has the
artifact WAR files from the other two as dependencies. If your war files
are generated in different modules of the same project, you would
accomplish the same thing using a third module that depends on the other
two. Think of it like you would an assembly, in that case.

Looking at the Tomcat plugin, I don't see any configuration for
deploying multiple wars at the same time. Your third project could have
multiple modules - one for each deployment.

Hopefully, someone has a better answer than that. That seems a bit like


nagl wrote:
 So I have two wars which I deploy in tow maven projects using tomcat plugin.
 I want to do this in one step and be able to deploy more than one wars in a
 single maven project. how can i do this. any suggestions

 if tomcat plugin doesnt work, is there anyother way this can be done?

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Re: How can I deploy multiple wars using the tomcat plugin in maven?

2009-07-27 Thread David C. Hicks
Oh, no, you misunderstood my intention. You don't build a war file using
the two other wars as a dependency. The only reason you make them
dependencies is to make them available to the plugin for deployment.
Your third project doesn't really have its own artifact, other than the
*.pom file.

nagl wrote:
 by declaring the two war files as dependencies in the third project, after i
 build the third project as a war and deploy it, I am not able to access the
 first two web apps. 
 what i want to knw is a way to sort of merge the two wars. 
 now maven cargo plugin as something called uber war which does the job of
 merging. but it is quite complicated and there is very little documentation
 on it. 

 dchicks wrote:
 The first question is relatively straightforward. Since your wars are
 created in different projects, just set up a third project that has the
 artifact WAR files from the other two as dependencies. If your war files
 are generated in different modules of the same project, you would
 accomplish the same thing using a third module that depends on the other
 two. Think of it like you would an assembly, in that case.

 Looking at the Tomcat plugin, I don't see any configuration for
 deploying multiple wars at the same time. Your third project could have
 multiple modules - one for each deployment.

 Hopefully, someone has a better answer than that. That seems a bit like


 nagl wrote:
 So I have two wars which I deploy in tow maven projects using tomcat
 I want to do this in one step and be able to deploy more than one wars in
 single maven project. how can i do this. any suggestions

 if tomcat plugin doesnt work, is there anyother way this can be done?
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Re: [ANN] Maven Project Info Reports Plugin 2.1.2 Released

2009-07-25 Thread David C. Hicks

Dennis Lundberg wrote:
 David C. Hicks wrote:
 Maybe I misunderstand the meaning of some of this message.  MPIR-160 is
 listed in the release notes.  Does this mean it should be fixed in this
 I bumped the version of this plugin in my current project.  It still
 seems to be fetching artifacts remotely.

 Yes, it's supposed to be fixed. Are you sure that you are using the new
 version? Remember that pluginManagement doesn't work for reporting
 plugins, so you need to specify the version number in the reporting
 section of your POM.
Ah!  That's probably it.  I was not aware that reporting plugins didn't
obey the plugin management rules.  Thanks for the tip!

Re: [ANN] Maven Project Info Reports Plugin 2.1.2 Released

2009-07-24 Thread David C. Hicks
Maybe I misunderstand the meaning of some of this message.  MPIR-160 is
listed in the release notes.  Does this mean it should be fixed in this
I bumped the version of this plugin in my current project.  It still
seems to be fetching artifacts remotely.


Dennis Lundberg wrote:
 The Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven Project
 Info Reports Plugin, version 2.1.2

 The Maven Project Info Reports plugin is used to generate reports
 information about the project.

 You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


 Release Notes - Maven 2.x Project Info Reports Plugin - Version 2.1.2

 ** Bug
 * [MPIR-136] - French properties file reference inexistent unicode char
 * [MPIR-160] - Dependency report ignores local repository and always
 re-fetches artifacts from remote repos
 * [MPIR-162] - Grammar incorrect for empty Notifiers section

 ** Improvement
 * [MPIR-155] - Spanish Translation  for maven-reports-plugin
 * [MPIR-165] - Add an ASF-compliant source release assembly

 ** Task
 * [MPIR-138] - Complet Polish translation
 * [MPIR-152] - Update to Doxia 1.0
 * [MPIR-153] - Update to maven-doxia-tools 1.0.2
 * [MPIR-164] - Complete the German translation


 -The Maven team

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Re: quick question: set version for deploy

2009-07-22 Thread David C. Hicks
The version is normally bumped by the maven-release-plugin.  The typical
release process would look like:

mvn release:prepare
mvn release:perform

In general, the whole process does several things:  change the version
from SNAPSHOT to a release form, build your code to make sure it will
build and tests pass, create a new scm tag with the release version,
bump the version number and relabel it as a SNAPSHOT.

You are, of course, free to manage all of this on your own, but I would
recommend you look at the plugin.  It sure is a time saver.


Nicholas Tung wrote:
 Hi all,

Is there a way to set the version for the mvn deploy command? I tried
 -Dversion=version, and -Dproject.version=version, and that didn't do
 anything. Alternately (maybe even better), is there a command line to bump
 [set] the version number in a project and all modules? I see there is the
 versions plugin to update dependencies, but that's not quite what I want.
 Also, there appear to be bugs when using variables inside the parent pom.xml
 for the version tag.

 Thanks in advance,


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Re: help with multi-module build

2009-07-21 Thread David C. Hicks
It's hard to say from your description, but it sounds like you need to
do some serious restructuring of your project.  Here's what I think you
need to have:


src/main/scala code goes here

src/main/other code goes here

The pom.xml in the base directory would have your modules section and
look like this:


This is where the pom.xml files in each sub-directory come into play. 
The pom.xml in myproj-base would list myproj-plugin as a dependency. 
You assign the groupId, artifactId, and version to myproj-plugin in the
top of its pom.xml.  Then you can reference that artifact just like you
would any other artifact.  The difference is that Maven knows to find it
inside the reactor during the build.

It is far better to bend your expectations to the way that Maven wants
to work than to try to force it into submitting to the way YOU want to
do things.  Just learn new habits and you will be far happier letting
Maven do all the neat things it does for you for free.

Nicholas Tung wrote:
 Hi all,

I'm having trouble getting a multi-module project to build. What I want
 to do is simple: build a Scala compiler plugin (jar), and then compile the
 rest of the project using that.

Right now, I have two proxy modules (building things in ../src),
 myproj-plugin and myproj-base. The first builds only the plugin, using
 an assembly to build the jar file -- the output looks fine (though the name
 is a bit long, and I'm not sure how to properly address it). However, when
 myproj-base builds, I get unable to find resource plugin resource [1],
 and it tries downloading myproj-plugin from the Scala and Maven
 repositories (ick). I tried specifying the jar name path with systemPath,
 but no luck.

 If possible, I'd like it to be able to

- rebuild all Scala files in myproj-base when the plugin changes (to
make sure the plugin doesn't break anything).
- build the entire project by typing mvn compile in the base directory
(from scratch).

 The full project source is at [2].

 Thanks in advance,

 Sorry if this is a duplicate; I have gmail configured to send as
 nt...@ntungbut was subscribed as gatoatigr...@gmail


 [INFO] wrap: org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver.ArtifactNotFoundException:
 Unable to download the artifact from any repository

 Try downloading the file manually from the project website.

 Then, install it using the command:



Re: help with multi-module build

2009-07-21 Thread David C. Hicks
One of the tenets of Maven is to create one artifact for each module. 
Combining your source in the same directory tree violates that tenet. 
I'm sure you can probably force Maven to do it, but it won't like it. 
When you specify the modules you are essentially telling Maven to look
for pom.xml files in those sub-directories.

It's possible that using mvn compile could be part of your problem. 
When you only run the compile goal, you don't get to the package
goal, which is when the jar file would be created.

Nicholas Tung wrote:
 On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 9:47 PM, David C. Hicks wrote:

 It's hard to say from your description, but it sounds like you need to
 do some serious restructuring of your project.  Here's what I think you
 need to have:


src/main/scala code goes here

src/main/other code goes here

 This unnecessarily separates java code in myproj-base from myproj-plugin,
 but sure.

 The pom.xml in the base directory would have your modules section and
 look like this:


 I'm using this exactly [1]

 This is where the pom.xml files in each sub-directory come into play.
 The pom.xml in myproj-base would list myproj-plugin as a dependency.
 You assign the groupId, artifactId, and version to myproj-plugin in the
 top of its pom.xml.  Then you can reference that artifact just like you
 would any other artifact.  The difference is that Maven knows to find it
 inside the reactor during the build.

 I'm already doing this as well [2]; thanks anyway though.

 It is far better to bend your expectations to the way that Maven wants
 to work than to try to force it into submitting to the way YOU want to
 do things.  Just learn new habits and you will be far happier letting
 Maven do all the neat things it does for you for free.

 I'm very willing to restructure the project (i.e. move actual locations of
 source files around). However, I don't see any advantage if Maven won't do
 things differently. Will it actually build the jar for one project when I
 type mvn compile? I am specifying one project as the dependency of another
 using the standard group-artifact-version tags [3].

 Maven is already correctly building (mvn compile) myproj-plugin before
 myproj-base. However, it isn't packaging it as a jar for the Maven Scala

 Thanks so much,



Re: Creating multiple artifacts for a single project

2009-07-21 Thread David C. Hicks
Chetan Sarva wrote:
 While it feels like unnecessary overhead, having the second project makes
 things a bit more flexible in the end.
You'll find that having your code split apart will also lead you down
the path to better interfaces.  So, that extra overhead will pay big
dividends in the future.

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Surefire/Cobertura roll-up reports?

2009-07-20 Thread David C. Hicks
In a multi-module project, is it possible to get Surefire and/or
Cobertura to roll up their results at the top-most level?

I haven't found anything that leads me to believe they can.  Figured it
was time to inquire.

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Re: Surefire/Cobertura roll-up reports?

2009-07-20 Thread David C. Hicks
Adam Purkiss wrote:
 As for surefire - no idea, but using Hudson as our CI tool I have it setup to 
 roll up the Junit results to a top level using its reporting.
We use Hudson, as well, but we've noticed that between Surefire and
Cobertura, we end up with two or three copies of each test result. 
So, it appears like we have 2 to 3 times more unit tests than we really
do.  I guess it depends on what Hudson is rolling up.  Perhaps I'm using
the plugins in a way that I should not be.  I'm trying to satisfy both
the needs of the development team in getting code built and deployed to
a test server (where we then come back and run some automated
integration tests through Maven with Selenium) and the desires of
management who really love to look at the pretty reports.  :-)  It was
actually this discrepancy in the Hudson rollup that prompted my question
in the first place.  Otherwise, that's a great suggestion.

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Re: Surefire/Cobertura roll-up reports?

2009-07-20 Thread David C. Hicks
I'll have a closer look at our Hudson configuration.  Someone else set
the server up originally.  I should not assume that everything is optimal.
Thanks for the feedback!

Adam Purkiss wrote:
 I see,

 The setting I have for publish JUnit results is: 
 **/target/surefire-reports/*.xml and I have not had issues using either our 
 old ant emma setup or the new maven with clover setup

 I have made use of clover for code coverage reports as it will merge them at 
 a top module level for me where as Emma and cobertura do not (also cobertura 
 always seems to report 0% code coverage for some reason, but I never bothered 
 to look into that.

 Anyway I dont have the duplicate test issue and have Maven run from ant with 
 a freestyle Hudson project just to really be difficult :)

 Date: Mon, 20 Jul 2009 21:51:29 -0400
 Subject: Re: Surefire/Cobertura roll-up reports?

 Adam Purkiss wrote:
 As for surefire - no idea, but using Hudson as our CI tool I have it setup 
 to roll up the Junit results to a top level using its reporting.
 We use Hudson, as well, but we've noticed that between Surefire and
 Cobertura, we end up with two or three copies of each test result. 
 So, it appears like we have 2 to 3 times more unit tests than we really
 do.  I guess it depends on what Hudson is rolling up.  Perhaps I'm using
 the plugins in a way that I should not be.  I'm trying to satisfy both
 the needs of the development team in getting code built and deployed to
 a test server (where we then come back and run some automated
 integration tests through Maven with Selenium) and the desires of
 management who really love to look at the pretty reports.  :-)  It was
 actually this discrepancy in the Hudson rollup that prompted my question
 in the first place.  Otherwise, that's a great suggestion.

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Re: Resource filtering is escaping backslashes.

2009-07-17 Thread David C. Hicks
Thanks, Olivier.  I thought this message had gotten lost in all the
static over voting for documentation.  I appreciate your response.

Olivier Lamy wrote:
 It's a known issue [1].
 So you have to use resources plugin version 2.2.
 I have a a 2.4 release of this plugin in my TODO list (and I have
 planned to do this in the next weeks).


 2009/7/15 David C. Hicks
 Hi guys,

 One of the fellows working on my project is suddenly having a problem
 with one module.  We've narrowed down the problem, but I have no idea
 why it's happening.  One of the resources in the test/resources tree
 gets filtered with the ${}.  In his case, he gets
 a lot of escaped backslashes.  (It's on Windows XP.)  The rest of us are
 all on some flavor of Unix.  So, we don't see this.  In this case, the
 filtered value comes out as:


 When our functional tests attempt to use this directory to locate a
 file, it fails.  What I can't figure out is why these characters are
 being escaped.  This only started recently, but I can't isolate a change
 that might have caused it.

 Anyone got some wisdom that will help?

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Re: escape ${some-value}

2009-07-16 Thread David C. Hicks
Hi Jane,

I just happened to be looking for other information about escaping
when I saw your question. Looks like you can use:


To cause the literal to be used. Here's a link to the page where I found

Jane Young wrote:
 Hi Maven Gurus,

 Is there a way to treat the literal value of ${foobar} instead of a
 For example I want to be able to put an entry in the manifest using
 the Maven jar plugin. The entry contains the value ${installRoot} but
 since there is no property associated with this, Maven converts it to
 null. In other words, is there a way that I can escape the
 expression ${..}?

 Thanks in advance!

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Re: escape ${some-value}

2009-07-16 Thread David C. Hicks
This may be of relevance, too...

David C. Hicks wrote:
 Hi Jane,

 I just happened to be looking for other information about escaping
 when I saw your question. Looks like you can use:


 To cause the literal to be used. Here's a link to the page where I found

 Jane Young wrote:
 Hi Maven Gurus,

 Is there a way to treat the literal value of ${foobar} instead of a
 For example I want to be able to put an entry in the manifest using
 the Maven jar plugin. The entry contains the value ${installRoot} but
 since there is no property associated with this, Maven converts it to
 null. In other words, is there a way that I can escape the
 expression ${..}?

 Thanks in advance!

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Re: escape ${some-value}

2009-07-16 Thread David C. Hicks
You can configure other directories to be considered for filtering.  I'm
not familiar with configuring the JAR plugin to add entries to the
Manifest, though.  So, I'd be out of place trying to offer any advice on

Jane Young wrote:
 Hi David,

 Thanks for responding.
 Looks like  escaping works only in filtering resources, not in the

 One workaround is to create the manifest file in src/main/resources
 and use filtering to filter the entries.

 Other alternatives?


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Re: site.xml for parent/child site which are siblings

2009-07-15 Thread David C. Hicks
I was using 2.0-beta-7 until yesterday.  I changed to 2.1.

At the time, I only had a single site.xml at the parent level.  It
included the menu ref=parent/ tag.  Assuming that all of the menu
tags are inherited, I would have thought this would work.  I've also
tried it with site.xml in each module with equivalent tags.

My project is set up standard, though.  The parent project contains all
of the modules, physically.

Mohan KR wrote:
 I have been using menu ref, even as recently as two days ago in one of the 
 Which version of site-plugin are you using? I'm using 2.0-beta-7. Do all the 
 sibling modules
 have a site descriptor, with menu ref=parent?
 The breadcrumbs could be a problem in the default skin. I don't use the 
 default skin,
 if you know velocity, you can download the default skin and peer into where 
 might be going wrong. (BTW, you can change the skin in site.xml)

 mohan kr

 -Original Message-
 From: David C. Hicks [] 
 Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2009 6:57 PM
 To: Maven Users List
 Subject: Re: site.xml for parent/child site which are siblings

 I would really like to know if you're using the menu ref=parent/ and
 if it works??
 I've been playing with it for the better part of two days, and I cannot
 get the parent link to show up at all.
 I've also been playing with breadcrumbs, but they appear to be severely
 broken - or, I just don't understand what they're supposed to be used
 for.  :-)


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Re: site.xml for parent/child site which are siblings

2009-07-15 Thread David C. Hicks
Thanks for the workaround, Benson.  I was able to get it to work in my
little test project.  Now, I'm going after the big project.

Benson Margulies wrote:

 On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 2:50 PM, wrote:
 Is this the post:


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Re: exclude format for assembly descriptors

2009-07-15 Thread David C. Hicks
This is an excerpt from my assembly.xml.  It uses the Maven style
descriptors for inclusion.  Versions are assumed to be those referenced
by the module (or in dependency management).


Benson Margulies wrote:
 This page:

 talks about group:artifact:classifier:version

 but all the examples I can find seem to be just filtering filenames.

 Are both formats supposed to work?

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Resource filtering is escaping backslashes.

2009-07-15 Thread David C. Hicks
Hi guys,

One of the fellows working on my project is suddenly having a problem
with one module.  We've narrowed down the problem, but I have no idea
why it's happening.  One of the resources in the test/resources tree
gets filtered with the ${}.  In his case, he gets
a lot of escaped backslashes.  (It's on Windows XP.)  The rest of us are
all on some flavor of Unix.  So, we don't see this.  In this case, the
filtered value comes out as:


When our functional tests attempt to use this directory to locate a
file, it fails.  What I can't figure out is why these characters are
being escaped.  This only started recently, but I can't isolate a change
that might have caused it.

Anyone got some wisdom that will help?

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Re: site.xml for parent/child site which are siblings

2009-07-15 Thread David C. Hicks
Thanks for the workaround, Benson.  I was able to get it to work in my
little test project.  Now, I'm going after the big project.

Benson Margulies wrote:

 On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 2:50 PM, wrote:
 Is this the post:


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Re: site.xml for parent/child site which are siblings

2009-07-15 Thread David C. Hicks
Benson Margulies wrote:
 I've filed a JIRA on this and also posted a workaround, you have to
 set up the URL for each project yourself. If you can't find my posted
 workaround I can post it again.
Benson, can you give us a JIRA number?  I didn't find anything that
appeared to be the right one *and* had a workaround posted.  I could
have overlooked it, though.

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Re: site.xml for parent/child site which are siblings

2009-07-14 Thread David C. Hicks
I would really like to know if you're using the menu ref=parent/ and
if it works??
I've been playing with it for the better part of two days, and I cannot
get the parent link to show up at all.
I've also been playing with breadcrumbs, but they appear to be severely
broken - or, I just don't understand what they're supposed to be used
for.  :-)

jaybytez wrote:
 Looks like it works if use the following at the command line:
 $ mvn site:stage

 Is it best to build a site to a staging area and then push that staging area
 to a remote server?

 It appears to correctly have created the site with no modifications to POMs.

 My only outstanding question now is, the menu ref=parent is not working
 for me in the child poms...any reason for this?

 Thanks - jay

 jaybytez wrote:
 I have the following structure for my app:
 -avitekApp (EAR)
   - pom.xml
   - src/site/site.xml
   - pom.xml
 -avitekWeb (WAR)
   - pom.xml

 My parent pom.xml in avitekParent says the following:
 nameMaven 2 Portal Sample/name

 Then my site.xml for the parent (avitekParent) says this:
 menu ref=modules name=Components/

 So when I open:
 It gives me links to my child projects (modules), but the urls that get
 generated into the html are like this:
 And they need to look like:

 Any thoughts or suggestions?




Re: exec:java problem

2009-07-14 Thread David C. Hicks
The warning you get is fairly standard.  It happens when you don't
declare the character set encoding that you want to use for the copying
of resources.  This probably has nothing to do with your error.

The error is indicating that the class does not exist.  Check the
target/classes directory under the project and see if that class
exists there.  If not, then something either went wrong with the build
or you managed to delete your binary classes before running the code.

ykyuen wrote:
 Hi all,

 i am new to maven2. i got some problem when i tried to follow the sample
 program of the book Maven: The Definitive Guide

 i can sucessfully build the the program by the mvn install command

 but when i run the mvn exec:java, there is an exception

 i have no idea about that exception. and does it related to the warning in
 mvn:install about the MS950 encoding?

 Thanks very much for your help.


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Re: exec:java problem

2009-07-14 Thread David C. Hicks
Did you check to make sure that the class was in the target/classes

The UTF-8 encoding is normal on Linux.  That's the default encoding when
one is not specified.

ykyuen wrote:
 Hi all,

 i just did the same thing in Linux environemt. the program can be executed
 without any problem.
 same warning appear at mvn install but this time the encoding is UTF-8.

 what makes the execution failure in windows env?



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Re: Examples of multi-module site generation?

2009-07-13 Thread David C. Hicks
Hi Roman,

Thanks for the example, but I think I've already got that stuff
covered.  Here is my sub-module site.xml...

project name=Module A
version position=navigation-top/
publishDate position=right/
nameAllure Global Solutions/name
menu ref=parent/
menu name=Module A
item name=Overview href=index.html/
menu ref=reports/
menu ref=modules/

I have an index.apt file in the apt directory with the Overview
information.  The breadcrumbing stuff is gone, for now.  I never could
figure out how to make that work.  It would create the breadcrumb trail
on the final page, but the links never pointed where I expected them
to.  My main project site.xml looks very similar to the above. 
Originally, I was counting on it being inherited by the modules, but I
created individual files and source trees after that failed to work out.

Jacob Robertson asked if I had deployed.  Yes, and distribution
management set up to send it to a file: location.  The pages all look
exactly as I would expect them to, except that I can not get a link back
to the parent from either of the modules, nor can I get breadcrumbing to
work.  My real project only has one level of modules, so breadcrumbing
isn't as valuable.  is the menu ref=parent/ that I can't get to play

nameSite Test/name

This is a very simple test project with two modules.  I set it up
because it takes about 12 to 15 minutes to generate the site for my real
project.  I figured I could do something like this to help speed up the
development while I figure out how to get these things to work.

Thanks for the feedback guys.

Roman Kournjaev wrote:
 Hi Dave

 I dont think you are the only person that does not want to know the absolute
 URL of your pages, I think that absolutely OK. :-)

 Here is what i have that actually works sometimes and generates a parent
 link from the child projects.
 What you will have to do is to point the maven site plugin relatively to the
 following site.xml file

 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?

 project name=DBWC

   item name=Apache href=; /
   item name=Maven 1.x href=
   item name=Maven 2 href=

 menu ref=parent /

 menu ref=modules /

 menu ref=reports /



 The important thing there is the yellow colored link to the parent project.

 If you cant create a realive link to the that file , then just create a
 src/main/site directory in each of your projects and place this xml there
 Dont forget put the link to the site-plugin



 Frankly i still have sometimes problems with that configuration, I didn't
 figure it out when it does not work well, but there are some cases that it
 Good Luck with that.. :-)

 On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 5:54 AM, David C. Hicks wrote:

 Can anyone point me to anything that actually works?  I've tried every
 example I can find via Google (what few there are), and I cannot get the
 modules to generate a link back to the parent project.  Breadcrumbs
 don't seem to behave, either.  Maybe I'm an oddball and the only person
 who doesn't know the absolute URL where my pages will reside, but I
 would think that relative URLs would work.

 Any help?

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Re: Dependency Report searching outside repositories?

2009-07-12 Thread David C. Hicks
Thanks, Benson.

Mohan - those configuration changes didn't seem to have any effect at
all on my project.

It's really only a pain, right now, because I'm trying to tweak the
site.  I make a small change and to see if it has the effect I want I
have a 12 minute build time.  It's a bit frustrating.  I guess I'll try
configuring Maven for offline building.  Maybe that will help.

Thanks to all.

Benson Margulies wrote:
 There is a defect in JIRA for this.

 On Sat, Jul 11, 2009 at 4:23 PM, Mohan wrote:
 I believe this is a problem, don't know whether it has been fixed. But I'm 
 able to
 get around this by setting the plugin configuration

 dependencyLocationsEnabled to false
 dependencyDetailsEnabled to false

 mohan kr

 -Original Message-
 From: David C. Hicks []
 Sent: Saturday, July 11, 2009 2:56 PM
 To: Maven Users
 Subject: Dependency Report searching outside repositories?

 It looks to me like the Dependencies report, created during site
 generation, is searching external repositories to find the information
 it needs. Â But, it seems like that information should already be in my
 local repository, assuming that the code had to be built before we can
 generate the site. Â It takes me about 12 minutes to build a site for
 which the entire project will build in about 45 seconds.

 Am I understanding this appropriately? Â Or, is there maybe some kind of
 defect that needs to be looked into?


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Examples of multi-module site generation?

2009-07-12 Thread David C. Hicks
Can anyone point me to anything that actually works?  I've tried every
example I can find via Google (what few there are), and I cannot get the
modules to generate a link back to the parent project.  Breadcrumbs
don't seem to behave, either.  Maybe I'm an oddball and the only person
who doesn't know the absolute URL where my pages will reside, but I
would think that relative URLs would work.

Any help?

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Dependency Report searching outside repositories?

2009-07-11 Thread David C. Hicks
It looks to me like the Dependencies report, created during site
generation, is searching external repositories to find the information
it needs.  But, it seems like that information should already be in my
local repository, assuming that the code had to be built before we can
generate the site.  It takes me about 12 minutes to build a site for
which the entire project will build in about 45 seconds.

Am I understanding this appropriately?  Or, is there maybe some kind of
defect that needs to be looked into?


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Re: Dependency Report searching outside repositories?

2009-07-11 Thread David C. Hicks
Thanks, Benson.

Mohan - those configuration changes didn't seem to have any effect at
all on my project.

It's really only a pain, right now, because I'm trying to tweak the
site.  I make a small change and to see if it has the effect I want I
have a 12 minute build time.  It's a bit frustrating.  I guess I'll try
configuring Maven for offline building.  Maybe that will help.

Thanks to all.

Benson Margulies wrote:
 There is a defect in JIRA for this.

 On Sat, Jul 11, 2009 at 4:23 PM, Mohan wrote:
 I believe this is a problem, don't know whether it has been fixed. But I'm 
 able to
 get around this by setting the plugin configuration

 dependencyLocationsEnabled to false
 dependencyDetailsEnabled to false

 mohan kr

 -Original Message-
 From: David C. Hicks []
 Sent: Saturday, July 11, 2009 2:56 PM
 To: Maven Users
 Subject: Dependency Report searching outside repositories?

 It looks to me like the Dependencies report, created during site
 generation, is searching external repositories to find the information
 it needs. Â But, it seems like that information should already be in my
 local repository, assuming that the code had to be built before we can
 generate the site. Â It takes me about 12 minutes to build a site for
 which the entire project will build in about 45 seconds.

 Am I understanding this appropriately? Â Or, is there maybe some kind of
 defect that needs to be looked into?


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Site generation tutorials?

2009-07-09 Thread David C. Hicks
Is there a decent tutorial out there anywhere on how to build the
project site within Maven?  I've found nothing that I would consider
useful.  MDG is rather short on details, too.

I've got a multi-module project that I'm trying to get the site built
and deployed for.  It seems to build, but trying to examine the site is
fruitless.  Module links take me to the Maven site, and my custom pages
don't show up at all - the links appear to be broken.  I just can't find
any clear information that describes a process by which someone can
iteratively work on the site, as they might work on their code.

Any help?

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Re: How can I set maven memory size?

2009-07-08 Thread David C. Hicks
Seems like I remember seeing a way to specify it on the Maven command
line, but I can't recall the details.

youhaodeyi wrote:
 Can I use it as command line argument instead of setting environment

 dchicks wrote:
 set the MAVEN_OPTS environment variable...

 export MAVEN_OPTS=-Xms256m -Xmx1024m

 Something like that.

 youhaodeyi wrote:
 I got a maven project and compile it by maven. Then I got the error
 java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space. How can I set the memory
 running mvn command?



Re: How can I set maven memory size?

2009-07-07 Thread David C. Hicks
set the MAVEN_OPTS environment variable...

export MAVEN_OPTS=-Xms256m -Xmx1024m

Something like that.

youhaodeyi wrote:
 I got a maven project and compile it by maven. Then I got the error
 java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space. How can I set the memory size
 running mvn command?


Re: Build gets extra dependencies.

2009-07-01 Thread David C. Hicks
It turns out that the spring-2.0.6.jar was a transitive dependency.  The
really strange part is that by simply deleting my local repository and
letting it rebuild as the build proceeded, that dependency magically
vanished.  That, I don't get.  Unfortunately, I don't have much time to
play with it, right now.  I'll just have to accept that we're in good
shape (for now) and move on.  Weird!

Jörg Schaible wrote:
 David C. Hicks wrote at Mittwoch, 1. Juli 2009 00:18:

 I've got an automated build that runs on Hudson that is producing a WAR
 that cannot load and run.  It appears that it is picking up extra
 dependencies during the build process.  One of those is
 spring-2.0.6.jar.  I believe this is causing my load/run problem because
 the error I get is related to loading the Spring context.  My question
 is simply this...

 Can anyone tell me why a Maven build would pick up extra dependencies if
 everything appears to be the same between two machines.  Same JDK, same
 version of Maven, same settings.xml in .m2, same build command (mvn
 clean install).  Yet, the automated build ends up with 5 extra jars in
 the WEB-INF/lib directory.  I'm stumped, and this is causing us a world
 of problems.

 The artifacts of your repository might have been loaded from different
 repos. Repo at and JBoss tend to have sometimes different POMs for
 artifacts that are also available on Maven central or (at least
 redeploys already released artifacts ;-/

 Therefore ensure that you setup a mirror for anything in settings.xml and
 use a proxy/archive manager with a well-defined sequence for the repos to
 search for artifacts.

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Build gets extra dependencies.

2009-06-30 Thread David C. Hicks
I've got an automated build that runs on Hudson that is producing a WAR
that cannot load and run.  It appears that it is picking up extra
dependencies during the build process.  One of those is
spring-2.0.6.jar.  I believe this is causing my load/run problem because
the error I get is related to loading the Spring context.  My question
is simply this...

Can anyone tell me why a Maven build would pick up extra dependencies if
everything appears to be the same between two machines.  Same JDK, same
version of Maven, same settings.xml in .m2, same build command (mvn
clean install).  Yet, the automated build ends up with 5 extra jars in
the WEB-INF/lib directory.  I'm stumped, and this is causing us a world
of problems.

Thanks in advance.

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Document Artifacts - HOWTO?

2009-06-24 Thread David C. Hicks
I'm sure there is an accepted way of handling this problem, but I
haven't found it, yet.

I have a text document (release notes) that I need to include in my
assembly.  Right now, I just use a FileDependency tag in the
assembly.xml to go grab the document from its module.  The document
lives in its own module - trying to adhere to the one artifact per
module concept.  It seems to me that there's got to be a way that my
assembly.xml can simply include this artifact like it does other
artifacts that it depends on, and the module that the document lives in
should be able to produce such an artifact.

Any help?  Just a pointer to a page would be great!


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Re: Quandary over testing support classes.

2009-06-16 Thread David C. Hicks

Barrie Treloar wrote:
 I think I see what you are saying.

 Model (test) depends upon Test Support (main and test jars)
 I am going to assume that Test Support does not depend upon Model
 (either main or test)
Almost, but not quite.  TestSupport does depend on Model, because it
includes the Builder classes that create Model objects for unit and
functional tests.  It just works out that some of the more complex unit
tests for Model classes *also* use the builders.  So, Model must be
built before TestSupport, and TestSupport depends on Model.  I just have
these few unit tests that really belong in the Model module but are
currently in the TestSupport module because of their dependencies on the

I've only been able to see a few ways out of this:

1) Move business logic out of the Model and into some intermediate
module.  (This moves me away from an OO paradigm. IMO)
2) Rewrite my Model unit tests so that they don't use builders. (This
makes the tests less readable/maintainable.)
3) Create a new module that is nothing more than just the unit tests on
the Model module.  Then dependencies can be resolved pretty easily.
4) Keep it as I have it now, with a few special Model unit tests
living in the TestSupport module.  (I don't like this.  I think it will
cause confusion in the future.)

I just figured that I couldn't possibly be the first person to run into
this problem.  So, I was curious how others resolved it.

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Re: Quandary over testing support classes.

2009-06-16 Thread David C. Hicks

Barrie Treloar wrote:
 I think I see what you are saying.

 Model (test) depends upon Test Support (main and test jars)
 I am going to assume that Test Support does not depend upon Model
 (either main or test)
Almost, but not quite.  TestSupport does depend on Model, because it
includes the Builder classes that create Model objects for unit and
functional tests.  It just works out that some of the more complex unit
tests for Model classes *also* use the builders.  So, Model must be
built before TestSupport, and TestSupport depends on Model.  I just have
these few unit tests that really belong in the Model module but are
currently in the TestSupport module because of their dependencies on the

I've only been able to see a few ways out of this:

1) Move business logic out of the Model and into some intermediate
module.  (This moves me away from an OO paradigm. IMO)
2) Rewrite my Model unit tests so that they don't use builders. (This
makes the tests less readable/maintainable.)
3) Create a new module that is nothing more than just the unit tests on
the Model module.  Then dependencies can be resolved pretty easily.
4) Keep it as I have it now, with a few special Model unit tests
living in the TestSupport module.  (I don't like this.  I think it will
cause confusion in the future.)

I just figured that I couldn't possibly be the first person to run into
this problem.  So, I was curious how others resolved it.

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Re: Quandary over testing support classes.

2009-06-16 Thread David C. Hicks

Matt Brown wrote:
 Is it possible for you to refactor the TestSupport classes that the Model 
 unit tests depend on into a third artifact, which both projects (Model and 
 TestSupport) can then rely on (with scope=testing)?
That's essentially what I've been working on the last hour or so. So, now the 
dependency chain looks something like this:
Model - TestSupport - ModelTesting

 As others have pointed out circular dependencies like this are a bad design.
I don't think of this as a circular dependency, because it's only a problem in 
the test scope. None of the core code exhibits any problem like this. It's 
simply caused by the convenience classes used for test purposes.  But I do, 
absolutely, agree with your statement - circular dependencies in the core code 
are bad.

 This might be hard to really say for sure without knowing what the Model code 
 looks like, but I would say that if the Model core code is so 
 convoluted/hard-to-use that you need to employ other objects just to build 
 and test them, then something is off with the design of the Model - and you 
 could probably re-design those classes to make a lot of things easier.
It's not so much a case of the classes being convoluted. When you get to higher 
levels, though, it becomes tedious to write test code without some helper 
classes. Example:

- Customer has a collection of Sites. Site has a collection of Machines. 
Machine has a collection of Tasks.

So, we use these Builder classes to create larger entities (Customer) without 
having to rewrite the code to fill in the collections every time we create a 
new test case. As a result, the Builder classes must rely on the Model, and the 
test cases for the Model rely on the Builders.

Perhaps this is a bad design from some point of view. It sure is helpful, 
though. I'm always open to suggestions.

Thanks for the input!

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Re: Quandary over testing support classes.

2009-06-16 Thread David C. Hicks
Matt Brown wrote:
 Is it possible for you to refactor the TestSupport classes that the Model 
 unit tests depend on into a third artifact, which both projects (Model and 
 TestSupport) can then rely on (with scope=testing)?
That's essentially what I've been working on the last hour or so. So,
now the dependency chain looks something like this:

Model - TestSupport - ModelTesting
 As others have pointed out circular dependencies like this are a bad design.
I don't think of this as a circular dependency, because it's only a
problem in the test scope. None of the core code exhibits any problem
like this. It's simply caused by the convenience classes used for test
 This might be hard to really say for sure without knowing what the Model code 
 looks like, but I would say that if the Model core code is so 
 convoluted/hard-to-use that you need to employ other objects just to build 
 and test them, then something is off with the design of the Model - and you 
 could probably re-design those classes to make a lot of things easier.
It's not so much a case of the classes being convoluted. When you get to
higher levels, though, it becomes tedious to write test code without
some helper classes. Example:

- Customer has a collection of Sites. Site has a collection of Machines.
Machine has a collection of Tasks.

So, we use these Builder classes to create larger entities (Customer)
without having to rewrite the code to fill in the collections every time
we create a new test case. As a result, the Builder classes must rely on
the Model, and the test cases for the Model rely on the Builders.

Perhaps this is a bad design from some point of view. It sure is
helpful, though. I'm always open to suggestions.

Thanks for the input!

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Re: Quandary over testing support classes.

2009-06-16 Thread David C. Hicks
Barrie Treloar wrote:
 You have a cyclic dependency.
 The solution is to break the cycle.
 There isn't another way.

 Your choices on breaking it are:
 * Move TestSupport into Model (not ideal)
 * Move the code in Model that TestSupport relies upon into its own module.
Yeah, that's what I figured the answer would be, and I've already
implemented the 2nd option you mentioned here.  It was worth a shot to
see if anyone had any other solutions, though.

Thanks for all the input!

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Quandary over testing support classes.

2009-06-15 Thread David C. Hicks
Hi gang,

I've been trying to find a reasonable solution to a problem we have with
our Maven-based project.  We have a collection of Builder classes that
can create Model objects for testing purposes.  These are segregated
into a separate module (TestSupport) which has the Model artifact as a
dependency.  This works great for almost everything.  The catch is that
the more complex Model classes have unit tests that rely on these
builders to make the test code easier to read and maintain.  So, in that
case the Model artifact would need to have the TestSupport artifact as a
dependency.  Obviously, this isn't going to fly.  For the time being,
the more complicated unit tests are being held in the TestSupport
module, but this really isn't where they belong.  We need to keep the
Builders in an artifact of their own because they are used by other
modules for unit and functional tests.

I can see an argument that I might hear, that the Model classes should
be simple beans - DTO's, if you will - that have no real need for unit
tests.  That's a step away from OO, though, isn't it?  Maybe we're
trying too hard to be as OO as possible?  I really don't like the idea
of stripping a class of its behavior.

On the other hand, maybe there's a better way to get my Maven build set
up that will solve this problem for me.

Any help?

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Re: Quandary over testing support classes.

2009-06-15 Thread David C. Hicks
I think my original message may not have been clear.  I've tried to
clarify it below.

Barrie Treloar wrote:
 On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 11:01 AM, David C. wrote:
 Hi gang,

 I've been trying to find a reasonable solution to a problem we have with
 our Maven-based project.  We have a collection of Builder classes that
 can create Model objects for testing purposes.  These are segregated
 into a separate module (TestSupport) which has the Model artifact as a
 dependency.  This works great for almost everything.  The catch is that
 the more complex Model classes have unit tests that rely on these
 builders to make the test code easier to read and maintain.  So, in that
 case the Model artifact would need to have the TestSupport artifact as a
 dependency.  Obviously, this isn't going to fly.  For the time being,

 The main code depending on test code is bad design.

 Pull out the pieces of the code from the test directories and promote
 it to main code.
 You should be able to untangle just enough for the main code to no
 longer depend on test.
I think maybe my description was poor.  The Model code itself does not
rely on the test support classes, but rather the unit tests of those
Model classes depend on the test support classes.  Let's see if I can
draw a picture...

Model Module
src/main/java - model classes
src/test/java - unit tests for model classes

TestSupport Module
src/main/java - helper/builder classes - used by other modules
in the Test Scope, only
src/test/java - current contains unit tests for model classes
for which the presence of helper/builders is needed

Other modules - most of these have dependencies on both of the above
modules, but only rely on TestSupport in the Test scope

 the more complicated unit tests are being held in the TestSupport
 module, but this really isn't where they belong.  We need to keep the
 Builders in an artifact of their own because they are used by other
 modules for unit and functional tests.


 On the other hand, maybe there's a better way to get my Maven build set
 up that will solve this problem for me.

 Either pull out the pieces and place into src/main/java as suggested above,
 or create another module that can contain the helper/build methods and
 have your main code depend on the helper artifacts.
The helper/builder classes are in a module of their own.  I think maybe
my clarification, above, helps clear that up.
 Using another module will mean that those helper classes are already
 built and available for your use.
Yep, that's the idea.  We just have the problem of this chicken/egg

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Quandary over testing support classes.

2009-06-15 Thread David C. Hicks
Hi gang,

I've been trying to find a reasonable solution to a problem we have with
our Maven-based project.  We have a collection of Builder classes that
can create Model objects for testing purposes.  These are segregated
into a separate module (TestSupport) which has the Model artifact as a
dependency.  This works great for almost everything.  The catch is that
the more complex Model classes have unit tests that rely on these
builders to make the test code easier to read and maintain.  So, in that
case the Model artifact would need to have the TestSupport artifact as a
dependency.  Obviously, this isn't going to fly.  For the time being,
the more complicated unit tests are being held in the TestSupport
module, but this really isn't where they belong.  We need to keep the
Builders in an artifact of their own because they are used by other
modules for unit and functional tests.

I can see an argument that I might hear, that the Model classes should
be simple beans - DTO's, if you will - that have no real need for unit
tests.  That's a step away from OO, though, isn't it?  Maybe we're
trying too hard to be as OO as possible?  I really don't like the idea
of stripping a class of its behavior.

On the other hand, maybe there's a better way to get my Maven build set
up that will solve this problem for me.

Any help?

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Re: Just shoot me now and get it over with

2009-06-07 Thread David C. Hicks
Did you happen to do anything funny to your Eclipse workspace?  I
believe that those variables are kept in a hidden file in your
workspace.  Perhaps you just have a corrupt file of some kind.

Steve Cohen wrote:
 I am working in a sort of bastardized Eclipse-maven world for months now.
 I have had for months a M2_REPO variable in Eclipse pointing to a
 local Maven repository.  I know this is not the approved Maven way,
 but it has worked for me for months without difficulty.
 Now, without having made any upgrades to Maven, Eclipse, or anything
 else, my M2_REPO variable has disappeared and NOTHING I do allows me
 to put it back.  Eclipse appears to allow me to add this variable,
 point it at the proper location, and apparently save it without
 complaint, yet when I look at my Eclipse variables immediately
 thereafter, the variable is gone.

 Without the variable present building my war does not include
 everything it needs, because it can't find all the jars it needs.

 What could possibly have happened to put me in this state?

 (Eclipse = Ganymede and I do have the M2Eclipse plugin installed).

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How to efficiently configure a transient repository?

2009-06-04 Thread David C. Hicks
Hi gang,

We have a Maven plugin that we use to provide a packaging type for our
Integration Test module.  It resides in our Nexus repository at the
office.  When we work there, all is good.  When we work at home,
however, is a different story.  Sometimes we may be connected to the
office via our VPN, in which case we can reach the repository.  If, on
the other hand, I'm not connected then my build hangs for a bit while
Maven decides that it cannot reach that repository.  It's looking for
updates to the plugin.  Maybe I've got something configured wrong in the
POM, but can't we get it to just use the version in the local repository
- the version that it has been told to use?  Here's how I reference the
plugin in my POM:


Seems to me it should *not* be checking for updates, since I have that
version in my local repository.  Can anyone suggest something that I
might look at or do?


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How to efficiently configure a transient repository?

2009-06-04 Thread David C. Hicks
Hi gang,

We have a Maven plugin that we use to provide a packaging type for our
Integration Test module.  It resides in our Nexus repository at the
office.  When we work there, all is good.  When we work at home,
however, is a different story.  Sometimes we may be connected to the
office via our VPN, in which case we can reach the repository.  If, on
the other hand, I'm not connected then my build hangs for a bit while
Maven decides that it cannot reach that repository.  It's looking for
updates to the plugin.  Maybe I've got something configured wrong in the
POM, but can't we get it to just use the version in the local repository
- the version that it has been told to use?  Here's how I reference the
plugin in my POM:


Seems to me it should *not* be checking for updates, since I have that
version in my local repository.  Can anyone suggest something that I
might look at or do?


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Re: Is maven so inflexible?

2009-04-21 Thread David C. Hicks
I think the maven-dependency-plugin is probably what you need to use, in 
this case.

On 4/21/09 5:52 AM, João Pereira wrote:

Here's the scenario

I have a the Alfresco SDK which depends on a lot of libraries, some of them
I can find in the standard repos, others I don't. I wish  that the SDK was
made of only of one Jar wit no dependencies. I know that someone  have their
public repo with alfresco sdk, but I need different versions which could not
be found on their repo.

Now, my aproach is to have the jars, which I cannot find in any public repo,
deployed to my own repo then use them as dependencies... But I'm lazzy and
this consumes time :)

Regarding the wsdls, I'll put them in a jar as suggested.

thanks for your help, and I understand that Maven dependency management is
the correct one... I used Ant for +4 years and I know the problems...

thank you

On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 2:48 AM, Dan  wrote:


can you use jaxws-maven-plugin to manage your wsdl files?


On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 6:36 PM, David C.

Are the jars part of the project, or are they artifacts that you depend


  That seems to be a large part of what you may need to change.  If the


are artifacts that can be found in a standard repository, just mark them


as dependencies.  If they are generated by your project, they should end


in the reactor when you build.  Why you would have them in a directory in
your project is something of a mystery to me, but I suppose there are


exceptions to the rule.

Properties files can easily be put into the src/main/resources directory


will end up in the classpath by default.  I'm afraid I can't speak for




On 4/20/09 9:11 PM, João Pereira wrote:

2009/4/21 João


Fisrt I used to love maven, at this moment I'm not sure.

I have a folder with a bunch of jars+wsdls+properties that need to be


the class path for my project compile in maven. How I do that without
to deploy each jar to the local repository or a remote repository? How


deal with the wsdl files?

João Miguel Pereira, PMP
(351) 96 275 68 58



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Re: Is maven so inflexible?

2009-04-20 Thread David C. Hicks
Are the jars part of the project, or are they artifacts that you depend 
on?  That seems to be a large part of what you may need to change.  If 
the jars are artifacts that can be found in a standard repository, just 
mark them up as dependencies.  If they are generated by your project, 
they should end up in the reactor when you build.  Why you would have 
them in a directory in your project is something of a mystery to me, but 
I suppose there are always exceptions to the rule.

Properties files can easily be put into the src/main/resources directory 
and will end up in the classpath by default.  I'm afraid I can't speak 
for the WSDL.


On 4/20/09 9:11 PM, João Pereira wrote:

2009/4/21 João


Fisrt I used to love maven, at this moment I'm not sure.

I have a folder with a bunch of jars+wsdls+properties that need to be in
the class path for my project compile in maven. How I do that without having
to deploy each jar to the local repository or a remote repository? How do I
deal with the wsdl files?

João Miguel Pereira, PMP
(351) 96 275 68 58



Help with patching a release?

2009-04-03 Thread David C. Hicks

Hi gang,

I need to apply a small patch to a project that has already been 
released.  In general, I understand that I need to branch the tag under 
which the code was released, make the change, then create a new 
release.  I'm running into a problem, I guess with the release plugin, 
though.  (I'm sure it's *my* problem, not the plugin's.)  When I try to 
run a release:prepare, I get an error indicating that I don't have a 
SNAPSHOT project.  OK, that makes sense, because I branched from a 
release tag.  So, my question is, what would be the proper procedure for 
this exercise?  I mean, from the point of view of Maven and 
maven-release-plugin, how should I go about the steps of applying a 
change to a released version?

This is the first time I've had to do this.  So, it's a learning 


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Re: Help with patching a release?

2009-04-03 Thread David C. Hicks
I had assumed that it would probably involve some manual steps to get 
the version tags set up correctly. I do own the project, so that's not a 
problem. I just didn't want to waste time editing pom settings if there 
were a more automagic way to handle.

Thanks to both of you!

Todd Thiessen wrote:

If you don't own the project, it is a bit more involved. In that case
you would have to export the project and then import it to your svn repo
and then update the scm and distribution management sections
accordingly.  Also remember to change the version of the project to
distinguish it from the next proper release of the actual project. So,
for example, if the current version is:


Give it a version like:


sSo that you don't collide with the next official release.

Todd Thiessen


-Original Message-
From: Brian E. Fox [] 
Sent: Friday, April 03, 2009 1:16 PM

To: Maven Users List
Subject: RE: Help with patching a release?

Easiest thing is to roll the poms to a snapshot and then do a 
traditional release. This assumes that the project you are 
patching is your own and the scm info is correct.

-Original Message-
From: David C. Hicks []
Sent: Friday, April 03, 2009 12:32 PM
To: Maven Users
Subject: Help with patching a release?

Hi gang,

I need to apply a small patch to a project that has already 
been released.  In general, I understand that I need to 
branch the tag under which the code was released, make the 
change, then create a new release.  I'm running into a 
problem, I guess with the release plugin, though.  (I'm sure 
it's *my* problem, not the plugin's.)  When I try to run a 
release:prepare, I get an error indicating that I don't have 
a SNAPSHOT project.  OK, that makes sense, because I branched 
from a release tag.  So, my question is, what would be the 
proper procedure for

this exercise?  I mean, from the point of view of Maven and 
maven-release-plugin, how should I go about the steps of 
applying a change to a released version?

This is the first time I've had to do this.  So, it's a 
learning opportunity.


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Re: Help with patching a release?

2009-04-03 Thread David C. Hicks
I also discovered the release:branch goal. Don't know how I missed that 
one, previously. That made the job quite quick and painless.

Thanks again!

Brian E. Fox wrote:

Yep, it's similar to what is described here:

-Original Message-
From: Todd Thiessen [] 
Sent: Friday, April 03, 2009 1:31 PM

To: Maven Users List
Subject: RE: Help with patching a release?

If you don't own the project, it is a bit more involved. In that case
you would have to export the project and then import it to your svn repo
and then update the scm and distribution management sections
accordingly.  Also remember to change the version of the project to
distinguish it from the next proper release of the actual project. So,
for example, if the current version is:


Give it a version like:


sSo that you don't collide with the next official release.

Todd Thiessen


-Original Message-
From: Brian E. Fox [] 
Sent: Friday, April 03, 2009 1:16 PM

To: Maven Users List
Subject: RE: Help with patching a release?

Easiest thing is to roll the poms to a snapshot and then do a 
traditional release. This assumes that the project you are 
patching is your own and the scm info is correct.

-Original Message-
From: David C. Hicks []
Sent: Friday, April 03, 2009 12:32 PM
To: Maven Users
Subject: Help with patching a release?

Hi gang,

I need to apply a small patch to a project that has already 
been released.  In general, I understand that I need to 
branch the tag under which the code was released, make the 
change, then create a new release.  I'm running into a 
problem, I guess with the release plugin, though.  (I'm sure 
it's *my* problem, not the plugin's.)  When I try to run a 
release:prepare, I get an error indicating that I don't have 
a SNAPSHOT project.  OK, that makes sense, because I branched 
from a release tag.  So, my question is, what would be the 
proper procedure for

this exercise?  I mean, from the point of view of Maven and 
maven-release-plugin, how should I go about the steps of 
applying a change to a released version?

This is the first time I've had to do this.  So, it's a 
learning opportunity.


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Re: Using release plugin to build scm project

2009-04-02 Thread David C. Hicks
Check the archives over the last month and you'll find plenty of 
discussion on this subject. :-)

My own solution was to set my preparationGoals=clean install

Todd Thiessen wrote:

I made a change to the scm project to fix a bug that was bugging me.
Built the 1.3-SNAPSHOT version of the latest SCM plugin, tested it, and
it works fine.

Now I want to do a formal release of my own personalized version of the

The release:prepare fails because of missing dependencies between
modules. The only solution I know of is to add the install goal to the
preperationGoals configuration. But I am sure Oliver didn't have to do
this when he cut the latest release of this project not too long ago (or
maybe he did ;-)).

I just don't know what it is about the release plugin which causes it to
fail. Individuals on this list have made clear claims that you should
NOT have to do an install when you have module dependencies. Any
thoughts or discussion here would be very much appreciated.

The build fails on the maven-scm-plugin project (which is a module of
the scm project itself. Here is a snippet.

[INFO] [INFO] Failed to resolve artifact.
[INFO] Missing:
[INFO] --
[INFO] 1)
[INFO]   Path to dependency:
[INFO]  1)
[INFO]  2)
[INFO] --
[INFO] 1 required artifact is missing.
[INFO] for artifact:
[INFO] from the specified remote repositories:
[INFO]   nexus (

Todd Thiessen

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Re: Maven Release release:prepare / perform etc.

2009-03-30 Thread David C. Hicks

Hey Karl,
This issue has been coming up quite a bit, lately.  Some will disagree 
with me, but here is my solution to this problem.

   mvn release:prepare -DpreparationGoals=clean install

The release:prepare normally only does a packaging, so the install step 
never happens.  It really should find the artifact in the reactor, but 
it doesn't.  So, you have to install it.

Good luck,

Karl Heinz Marbaise wrote:

Hi there,

i have a project which is building etc. with mvn clean package etc.
Now i would like to do a mvn release:prepare
answering questins: like release Version 1.0.0 and the tag name etc.

but it's comming up that during the release:prepare cycle Maven want 
to download artifact like xyz-1.0.0.pom from a repository but that 
can't be cause that artifact is exactly what is currently buildin 
Version 1.0.0 ?

So can someone give me hint what I'm doing wrong ? Or do i understand 
something wrong ?

Kind regards
Karl Heinz Marbaise

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Re: Release plugin and multimodule interdependent childs

2009-03-24 Thread David C. Hicks
There was a pretty long thread about this exact issue about two or three 
weeks ago.  I encountered the same issue.  My solution, eventually, was 
to use the preparationGoals property when I run release:prepare to 
force an install.  The problem appears to be that maven-release-plugin 
fails to use objects in the reactor when resolving dependencies - at 
least, in the prepare goal.  I can't swear to that, but it's my 
uneducated observation.

Using a ${project.version} to version your modules works just fine.

Here is my prepare command line:

mvn -DpreparationGoals=clean,install release:prepare

Good luck!

Martin Eigenbrodt wrote:

This may be a beginner question,  but I haven't found any hints..
I've got a project that contains a servlet and an ejb. The Servlet depends
on the ejb. I've trouble releasing that as complete project.

My directory Layout is like:

pom.xml - package type pom

the parent pom has version 1.1-SNAPSHOT.  The Servlet an ejb pom don't
specify a version (inherit them).
The Servlet defines a dependecy on the ejb without specifing a version.
The dependencyMangement section from the parent pom contains:

If I try release:prepare the build fails with Failed to resolve artifacts:

I understand why this happens but is there a obvious solution? How do you
release multimodule projects with interdependent childs?

Best regards,



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