
I'm trying to enable authentication in NiFi using OpenID Connect (with Keycloak). I have Keycloak and NiFi behind a TLS termination proxy and a reverse proxy, which dispatches the requests to Keycloak and NiFi.

AFAIK, authentication is only possible, if using HTTPS directly on NiFi. My problem is that I have a TLS termination proxy, which terminates TLS and proxies pure HTTP requests to NiFi. Although I see in NiFi the Login button (most probably because the NiFi UI recognize https protocol in the browsers URL), but when I click on it, I get a popup with the information, that authentication works only in HTTPS.

I tried to set the X-ProxyScheme header to https, but it's still the same. Is there any option to have authentication with OIDC on NiFi, when NiFi sits behind a TLS termination proxy and the requests coming to NiFi are pure HTTP or do I have to proxy the TLS traffic directly to NiFi and configure the keystore and truststore on it?

Best regards,

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