

I have seen this on 1.9.2 standalone and cluster deployments.  Every time I
have seen this so far, the reason has been an input port in a process group
which is not connected by an output port.  The input port can be identified
in the user interface by drilling down to the active thread.  Disabling or
removing the input port resolves the high CPU usage.



Warm regards,



Jim Williams | Principal Database Developer

O: +1 713.341.7812 | C: +1 919.523.8767 | jwilli...@alertlogic.com |
<http://www.alertlogic.com/> alertlogic.com



From: wangl...@geekplus.com.cn <wangl...@geekplus.com.cn> 
Sent: Monday, September 16, 2019 4:53 AM
To: users <users@nifi.apache.org>
Cc: dev <d...@nifi.apache.org>
Subject: NiFi cluster heavy cpu usage



I deployed a nifi cluster with two virtual machines,  each  4 core, 16 GB

The cpu is more than 100% even there's no processor running.

Often the cpu is about 300% after i start some processors. 


[root@iZuf6agrzcolqeja3if7kbZ ~]# ps -mp 3429  -o THREAD,tid,time | sort -k2
-n -r |less 

root      171   -    - -         -      -     - 07:08:43

root     16.1  19    - futex_    -      -  3598 00:40:18

root     16.1  19    - futex_    -      -  3569 00:40:29

root     16.0  19    - futex_    -      -  3597 00:40:02

root     15.9  19    - futex_    -      -  3603 00:39:51

root     15.9  19    - futex_    -      -  3601 00:39:57

root     15.9  19    - -         -      -  3604 00:39:57

root     15.8  19    - -         -      -  3713 00:39:40

root     15.7  19    - -         -      -  3600 00:39:27

root     15.6  19    - futex_    -      -  3712 00:39:00

root     15.6  19    - futex_    -      -  3593 00:39:05



There's some threads consumes cpu. I pick one and jstack it, often it is in
waiting state.

Any insight on this?






wangl...@geekplus.com.cn <mailto:wangl...@geekplus.com.cn> 

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