Re: Mi autorizzate a vendere il vostro software Open Office su CD-ROM?

2023-12-18 Thread DaveB

The non-subscribed (Italian) poster, Simone is asking if they can be 
authorized to sell open office software on CD-ROM
My knowledge of Italian is not good enough to provide an understandable 

On 18/12/2023 10:31, Simone Nardoni wrote:

Salve, come da titolo mi chiedevo se potreste autorizzarmi a vendere il
vostro software Open Office su supporto CD-ROM?
Grazie e cordiali saluti.

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2023-12-03 Thread DaveB
I have advised the OP that attachments are removed from list posts and 
suggested they upload to a file sharing service and post back with a link.

On 03/12/2023 09:08, ΣΤΕΛΙΟΣ ΚΡΟΥΣΤΑΛΛΗΣ wrote:


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Re: OO does not work

2019-10-13 Thread DaveB

 Original Message 
From: Delphiris . []
Sent: Sunday, October 13, 2019, 21:10 UTC
Subject: OO does not work

The OP (Delphiris) is not subscribed to this list and is unaware that
attachments are removed. The screen capture showing the document
recovery dialog can been seen here:

Delphiris - The following link about  removing/renaming/resetting your
"User Profile" may be of some assistance in resolving your issue:

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Re: please help

2019-10-10 Thread DaveB

My responses are given in-line with your original message.

 Original Message 
From: Dave Bito'o'wu Pratt []
Sent: Thursday, October 10, 2019, 12:19 UTC
Subject: please help

> This will be the fourth try at attempting to contact you. You don't make it
> easy.

Not sure how much easier it could be made. Go to the home page of the
website; and right there in the middle of the
page there is a link that reads:
"I need help with my OpenOffice. Help is at hand whenever you need it."

> The following is my original message.
> I used to use Word up until about 10 years ago when somebody suggested Open
> Office to me. I much prefer this to Word. I do have one issue though. I
> used Excel a lot. They had a function where I could add certain lines to a
> total. On your .ods file, I can find that function. I don't have Word or
> Excel on my PC now. I miss that function. I have Open Office version 4.1.6.
> Does that have the function I want? I've checked all the options at the top
> and can't find that function. Am I just missing seeing it? Please help
> because I miss that function. Thank you.

You say "I can find that function.", but it sounds like you mean that
you cannot find the equivalent function in Calc.

Can you recall what the function might be called in Excel? A function to
"add certain lines to a total" doesn't give us much to go on, so can you
provide a more detailed description of how the function worked, or
outline the steps you took when using that function?

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Downloading problem

2019-01-10 Thread DaveB

 Original Message 
From: Peter Harris []
Sent: 2019-01-10 22:03 GMT
Subject: Downloading problem

> I am trying to get a template (basic address label
>  Size: 2.625" x 1", 30
> labels
> per US letter size sheet). After I download it, I open it and it is
> formatted in a Notebook style. Just a lot of gibberish. I need the actual
> template. What am I doing wrong?
> Thank you,
> Peter Harris

Hi Peter,

It sounds like you may have inadvertently chosen the wrong download option.
World Label offer their label templates in 4 different file formats,
with the file extensions: ".doc", ".pdf", ".eps" and the one you want "ott".
Use the download button on this page

Be sure to save the template file (eg. right click and select "Save
link"), rather than trying to open it directly from the download link,
because some web browsers incorrectly identify the file type and wrongly
change the file extension.


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Re: Autocomplete

2019-01-01 Thread DaveB

On 02.01.2019 02:36, Alan Cliffe wrote:

> Does anyone know of a way to turn it off?

>From Writer's main menu select Tools -> AutoCorrect Options

In the AutoCorrect dialog select the Word Completion tab and uncheck
"Enable word completion".

Also look for "Word Completion" in the Help facility.

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Re: !

2018-12-10 Thread DaveB
On 10.12.2018 20:50, Rory O'Farrell wrote:
> On Mon, 10 Dec 2018 20:04:58 +
> ODELL Dehart  wrote:
>> I am a registered user but need help so little I forget how to use it.� 
>> I login, then� open the forum I want and THERE IS NO OPTION FOR ENTERING 
>> A NEW QUERY AND NO WAY TO OPEN A FORUM.� This is ridiculous!!� 
> Open one of the Forum areas; below the dark blue surrounded listing of 
> sub-areas and (possibly) tutorials under the Forum banner you should see see 
> a button on left labelled "New Topic".  Press that and you should be able to 
> start your new query.
> Please post your query in your new topic, and someone with appropriate 
> expertise will answer when online.

Rory has already advised you about the correct way to post in the forum,
but please stop ranting at the people you are requesting help from. We
are all volunteers giving of our own free time to help other users.

>> My issue is:� one of my documents has started to display with each page 
>> in a column.� Page 1 has page 2 displayed beneath it with page 3 beside 
>> page 1 and page 4 below page 3.� This appeared yesterday and effects 
>> only the one document.

It sounds like you are referring to the Writer word processing module
and have inadvertently changed the "Page View Layout". Look towards the
bottom right hand corner of the Writer window and you will find 3 page
icons to the left of the zoom slider. Try clicking each of them in turn
and see if one of them resolves your issue. In which case save the
document again and next time you open it the page view will be as you
want it.

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Re: Question about your user manual

2018-06-15 Thread DaveB

Responses are given in-line with your original message.

 Original Message 
From: Douglas Cox 
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2018 21:01:04 -0700

> I pulled down the user manual for the program.

No, you downloaded a 2005 edition of the user guide for version 2 of the
original software called, before it became Apache OpenOffice.

> I am trying to figure out why is it so damn hard to copy and paste from 
> online items to your word program.

When you say "/word program/", you most likely mean the "/Writer/" word
processing component of the software.

> Upon looking through your user manual I figured out why, it is because in the 
> index of this user manual you cannot even keep the same context to what you 
> should be defining.

No, it is because you were reading a version 2.0 user guide which did
not relate to the current (4.1.5) version of the software.

> I refer you to 
> page 465 or 499 in the pull down this is what you have in your user manual 
> index: 
> cats
> care
> .
> feeding
> 121
> long haired
> .
> Maine Coon
> 121
> Persian
> 121
> Long haired
> ..
> User Guide for 2.x465Index
> Himalayan
> ..
> 121
> Persian
> 121
> semi long haired
> ..
> Maine Coon
> 121
> Norwegian Forest
> ...
> 121
> shorthaired
> ..
> Abyssinian
> ..
> 121
> American Shorthair
> 120, 1
> 21
> Bengal
> .
> 121
> I cannot even find a search area to put in where to find copy and paste

You downloaded a PDF file, so your PDF reader software will provide this
search facility.

> as your user manual is more confusing and disorganized as any manual I have 
> ever seen, and I developed many manuals for the Army. But the worst is that 
> when I go to those pages it is not about the cats it is a typing example. I 
> still cannot find out why it is so hard to copy and paste things to your word 
> program. 

You haven't indicated what difficulty you were experiencing with copy
and paste, or what "/things/" you are copying from and how you are
pasting them into Writer.

> Thanks. Douglas Cox

If you would care to write back to this mailing list with details of:

  * Which version of the software you are using.
  * What you are trying to copy from (eg. a web page, another type of
document, etc.)
  o If possible, provide a link to the source to be copied from.
  * How you are trying to paste the clipboard content into Writer (eg.
Ctrl+V key combination, menu "/Edit -> Paste Special.../", etc.)
  * What you expect the copy - paste result to be.

Armed with this information, I am sure one of the subscribers to this
mailing list will volunteer to provide some pointers to a possible
solution to your issue.

Regards Dave
NOTE: You are not subscribed to this mailing list, so you may not always
see replies from other subscribers.

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never be read.

Re: Apache OpenOffice 4.1.5

2018-05-10 Thread DaveB
 Original Message 
From: D Maffei 
Date: Thu, 10 May 2018 22:01:02 +

> Is open office 4.1.5 compatible with windows 10 edge and if so how do I 
> download it? Do I select windows (exe) for my favorite operating system if it 
> is compatible?
> Thanks,
> David

Hi David,

Windows 10 Edge is a web browser and Apache OpenOffice does not need to
be compatible, _*any*_ web browser (eg. Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Google
Chrome, or any MS offering) to download the Apache OpenOffice
installation file.

You have obviously visited
where you should select the default option (Windows (exe)), compatible
with all Windows versions (7 - 10) and some may argue, Windows XP. If
you are in any doubt check:

If you require any further assistance or advice, please write back to or visit our support options:

Hope this helps.

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never be read.

Fwd: Re: Software being sold on and

2018-03-24 Thread DaveB
Forwarding copy to non-subscribed poster, with additional comment.

Yes it is legal to sell copies of the software, see the Apache 2.0 licence:

However, the use of the OpenOffice trademark might be questionable in
this instance, see the Apache trademarks policy:

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will never be read.

 Forwarded Message 
Subject:Re: Software being sold on and
Date:   Fri, 23 Mar 2018 19:21:00 -0600
From:   JD 

Well, back when I could not afford high speed internet (dialup was allI 
could afford),
I found it easier to buy the DVD of the free software online.
The sad part of that I was stung by embedded malware that got installed
by the installation script. But most of the time, things were clean for
most of the online DVD's I purchased.
Getting rid pf the malware was a lot more difficult as it was not recognozed
as such by most AV scanners.
So, I had to reformat the drive and reinstall the OS and all the
packages from their original CD's and DVD's.

On 03/23/2018 06:27 PM, Dad Review wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm not sure if your aware or if it's legal, but I found your software
> being sold on and I just wanted to pass this
> information along just in case, I would hate to see people paying for
> something that is freely available.
> -Jun

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Re: Open Office Calc Infinite Anchors Issue

2018-02-24 Thread DaveB
OK before everyone starts jumping up and down, the ods file attached to
my previous post shows the same error Vidu is reporting. Strange thing
is that after saving there is no sign of the bad anchors, they only
appear when the file is reopened in AOO Calc. Also puzzling is that the
ods file saved from AOO Calc opens and displays correctly in LO Calc.

Looks like it is a bug in AOO Calc. Apologies for creating useless list


 Original Message 
From: DaveB <>
To: Apache OpenOffice Users <>
Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2018 13:17:23 +

> On 24.02.2018 09:51, Vidu Sebastian wrote:
>> Hey everyone. I have an XLS file and when i modify it with Open
>> Office Calc and save it i can see a lot of blank anchors covering my
>> spreadsheet. I attached to this mail the before and after file .
> Hi Vidu,
> You attached 2 files Before.xlsx and After.ods but you have not said
> how you converted Before.xlsx to After.ods I suspect that you or
> someone else has used MS Excel to open Before.xlsx and then saved the
> opened file as After.ods If this is the case, the process is doomed to
> failure, because MS Office does not always correctly format ODF files.
> Using this method I can perfectly and repeatedly replicate your issue
> of badly anchored empty comment boxes when saved by MS Excel in ods
> format.
> Why not simply open Before.xlsx in Calc, then use Calc's "File -> Save
> As.." option to save the file in ods format by selecting the ods "File
> type" in the "Save As" dialog?
> Attached is my conversion using this method.
> Regards
> Dave
> -
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Re: Open Office Calc Infinite Anchors Issue

2018-02-24 Thread DaveB
On 24.02.2018 09:51, Vidu Sebastian wrote:
> Hey everyone. I have an XLS file and when i modify it with Open Office
> Calc and save it i can see a lot of blank anchors covering my
> spreadsheet. I attached to this mail the before and after file .

Hi Vidu,

You attached 2 files Before.xlsx and After.ods but you have not said how
you converted Before.xlsx to After.ods I suspect that you or someone
else has used MS Excel to open Before.xlsx and then saved the opened
file as After.ods If this is the case, the process is doomed to failure,
because MS Office does not always correctly format ODF files. Using this
method I can perfectly and repeatedly replicate your issue of badly
anchored empty comment boxes when saved by MS Excel in ods format.

Why not simply open Before.xlsx in Calc, then use Calc's "File -> Save
As.." option to save the file in ods format by selecting the ods "File
type" in the "Save As" dialog?
Attached is my conversion using this method.


Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet

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Re: Issue anchor

2018-02-21 Thread DaveB
 Original Message 
From: Vidu Sebastian 
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2018 09:35:31 + (UTC)

> Hi . I have an xls file and when i open it with Open Office Calc i can
> see on the top of the screen some empty anchors and i dont know how
> can i get rid of them.
> I have attach a screenshot to this mail with the issue.

Hi Vidu,

The mailing list sever removes attachments from posts, which means that
other list subscribers will be unable to see your screen capture.

I can only partially replicate this, but your screenshot suggests that
there is some kind of drawing object anchored to the sheet. When the
object anchor and resizing handles are visible (as shown in your screen
capture), try tapping the keyboard Delete key to delete the object.

Without seeing the actual file it is unlikely that we can provide any
more detailed advice.


Re: Input with Keyboard is VERY VERY slowly in OO Calc

2018-01-30 Thread DaveB
Hi Martin, all,

It appears that Deutsche Telekom AG eMail Communication service rejected
my original message, so I have resent it to DW off-list from an
"acceptable" IP.


Re: Input with Keyboard is VERY VERY slowly in OO Calc

2018-01-29 Thread DaveB
Hi DW,

My responses are given in-line with your original message.

 Original Message  
From: DW 
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2018 22:30:39 +0100

> I choose this E-Mail-form because all your offers for support are very
> complicated.

More explanation of this claim would help us improve our support offerings.

> May be you do not know the Problem with Calc/Spreadsheet. And the reason
> is the complicated support.

it is possible that there is a problem with your configuration of the
software, but if it was a common problem millions of users would be
reporting it. Please help us by explaining "complicated support".

> My PC is in best form (all updates etc.) and works fine (Windows 8.1). I
> youse PC since 15 Years. I run many Programs parallel without any problem.
> I use after this only problem with calc ONLY this one for test. I did
> delete libre office and OO and folders an made a new download and
> installation after i had new started.

Microsoft have successfully conditioned Windows users to behave like
"Pavlov's Dogs" ( and
WRONGLY believe that uninstall/reinstall/restart fixes ALL Windows
issues. In the case of Apache OpenOffice (also LibreOffice) this is NOT
true, because your "User Profile" (your personal settings) is not
removed and is found and used by any reinstall of the software.

> The same Problem: when I do keyboard  input "1" than down key than 1 and
> so forth i see no input. the cursor goes very slowly through the fields
> where nothing is to see. after some seconds the number 1 appears in the
> fields slowly one after another!.
> In Writer i have not such problems. Only in calc in OO.
> Otherwise I can work with the program  Calc without other problems.
> But i have to do input of many many numbers and this is with this
> OO-Problem impossible to do because i have no control over my inputs then.
> I get RR
> I think I am a good specialist in recherch in Internet but i could find
> no help.
> Thank You very much.
> D. Wüsthoff
> excuse my bad English. But I can read and understand very good.

Other than some unimportant little grammatical errors there is nothing
bad about your English.

The fact that you experience the same problem with LibreOffice, which
has an independent and unrelated configuration is a good indication that
the issue is being generated by your system configuration. Try renaming
(recommended) or deleting your "User Profile". For details see the
following tutorial in the User Forum: Reset your user profile:

If my suggestions do do help to resolve your issue please write back to
the mailing list and maybe another list contributor can offer a possible

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Re: Shadowing on text

2018-01-29 Thread DaveB
 Original Message  
From: Matthew Canada 
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2018 12:49:05 -0600
> I cannot insert new text without the program adding a shadow. I’ve reset my 
> preferences, I’ve highlighted and added shadow, then removed, but it 
> persists. I can’t find a way around it> > Please advis> > Matt Canada
Hi Matt,

You haven't given us much information (eg. operating system, software
version, etc.) to assess a possible situation, so any advice we give you
has to be a guess. What you describe has to be something that has been
set in your configuration of the software, otherwise millions of other
users would be reporting the same issue.

Assuming that your issue is with Writer (the word processor), one
possibility is that you have (somehow?) changed the default or text body
font "Style" or "Template" to have a shadow. If you are unfamiliar with
"Styles" and "Templates" please search the Apache Openoffice website for
these terms an you will find a lot of information, some a little dated
but still valid.

Does the text of a new document also have the shadow? If so, you can
reset everything to the default settings by renaming (recommended) or
deleting what is known as your "User Profile" (personal preferences).
For details see the following tutorial in the User Forum: Reset your
user profile:

If none of the above help to resolve your issue, please write back with
more specific detailed information.

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Re: Technical Issue

2017-11-14 Thread DaveB
 Original Message 
From: Charles Lalonde 
Date: Tue, 14 Nov 2017 05:59:42 -0500

> Hello,
> For the last few days, all my documents have been afflicted by red squiggly
> lines, as if the spellchecker feature has gone completely haywire.  I can
> barely read my text with all these red squiggly lines.  Is somebody looking
> into this issue, that is, if it should be effecting other users?
> I've tried to correct the problem myself.  Rebooting my modem.  Restarting
> my computer.  Downloading your new update.  Nothing's working.  I give up.
> Thank you for your time.

Hi Charles,

This is a known issue that can occur after an update.
The following links should help you resolve the issue:
or the most likely solution:

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Re: Question about security

2017-11-07 Thread DaveB
On 07.11.2017 13:56, jonathon wrote:
> On 11/07/2017 12:18 PM, ergonomic.code wrote:
>> Why OpenOffice needs to access these programs?
> Which programs?
>> In the screenshot I have that removal.
> Attachments are automatically stripped from messages sent to this list.
> jonathon

The OP removed screen capture shows the 4.1.4 installation dialog asking
to close:

  * Cent Browser
  * Visual Studio Code

The installation is not accessing these programs, it is asking for them
to be closed during installation, which suggests that they are holding
open resources on your computer that it needs to properly complete the

Provided you started the installation program download from: there is no security
issue. If you wish to confirm you have downloaded a clean copy of the
software you can test the checksums here:


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Re: I can't use your product...

2017-10-08 Thread DaveB
 Original Message 
From: Jura Rúdnev 
Date: Sun, 8 Oct 2017 14:56:07 +0200

> Dear sirs,
> A lot of years ago I had been trying use the OO a few times. It was
> raw and could not being used. Now I have tried again. Yes, your
> product became more interesting, but I can't use it again...
> I need some base managing. I downloaded, installed OO4 and started OO
> Base. It has would like to have JRE. Normally, when one program needs
> one other, the link corresponding is presented, but not now... Ok, I
> found out what is JRE, downloaded it and restarted my computer... Now
> I have OO4, Java, wasted nearly 400MB of the my 4G internet (is not
> free!) and your OO4 is not working... Look at this screenshot!
> Well, a'm going to a free Wi-Fi for download MS Access, because I
> won't waste more than 600 MB for nothing...
> Yuriy

Obviously you are free to use whatever software you wish, but your issue
with Apache OpenOffice is easily explained and resolved.

The Windows edition of Apache OpenOffice is a 32bit program and requires
the 32bit edition of Java, but you have downloaded Java 8 Update 144
(64-bit). The solution is to download from:

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