[ovirt-users] Re: Oracle Virtualization Manager 4.5 anyone?

2024-01-02 Thread eshwayri
If Oracle is smart they would poach all the oVirt programmers from IBM and take 
the lead in development.  With Broadcom destroying VMWare, we are in a real 
need for an alternative to Xen and Proxmox.  I wouldn't have included Proxmox a 
few months ago, but at least it's being actively developed.
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[ovirt-users] Re: What is the status of the whole Ovirt Project?

2023-07-13 Thread eshwayri
I am beginning to have very similar thoughts.  It's working fine for me now, 
but at some point something big is going to break.  I already have VMWare 
running, and in fact, my two ESXi nodes have the exact same hardware as my two 
KVM nodes.  Would be simple to do, but I really don't want to go just yet.  At 
the same time, I don't want to be the last person turning off the lights.  
Difficult times.
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2023-07-08 Thread eshwayri
I went scorched earth on the database and it seems to have fixed it.  As soon 
as I deleted the transfer the HA launched the VM.  Hopefully this helps others.

[root@kvmo-el8 ~]# su - postgres
Last login: Sat Jul  8 04:53:32 EDT 2023 on pts/0
[postgres@kvmo-el8 ~]$ psql -U engine -W -h localhost -p 5432
psql (12.12)
Type "help" for help.

engine=> SELECT command_id,disk_id,last_updated, 
message,timeout_policy,type,active FROM image_transfers;
  command_id  |   disk_id|  
  last_updated| message | timeout_policy | type | active
 5e8b4b53-1b14-499c-b1fb-f47ddb561c85 |  | 
2023-07-03 10:12:04.009-04 | | legacy |1 | f
 57bdaf89-414b-4431-bcfb-4ecb8b94d209 |  | 
2023-07-03 10:12:19.08-04  | | legacy |1 | f
 26a04e2e-23dc-4db8-9289-e91ad06fa0ee |  | 
2023-07-03 10:12:48.493-04 | | legacy |1 | f
 19bb57ac-0d16-4f0f-aa4d-a5b1a6c8c54d |  | 
2023-07-03 10:12:32.543-04 | | legacy |1 | f
 3b64e0ef-6bd2-49d2-a4ed-58c5926d77e3 | 086cc911-a584-43a8-b620-61fdd08be9f4 | 
2023-07-08 05:15:44.877-04 | | legacy |1 | f
(5 rows)

engine=> delete from image_transfers where 
engine=> delete from image_transfers where 
engine=> delete from image_transfers where 
engine=> delete from image_transfers where 
engine=> SELECT command_id,disk_id,last_updated, 
message,timeout_policy,type,active FROM image_transfers;
 command_id | disk_id | last_updated | message | timeout_policy | type | active
(0 rows)

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2023-07-08 Thread eshwayri
engine=> SELECT command_id,disk_id,last_updated, 
message,timeout_policy,type,active FROM image_transfers;
  command_id  |   disk_id|  
  last_updated| message | timeout_policy | type | active
 5e8b4b53-1b14-499c-b1fb-f47ddb561c85 |  | 
2023-07-03 10:12:04.009-04 | | legacy |1 | f
 57bdaf89-414b-4431-bcfb-4ecb8b94d209 |  | 
2023-07-03 10:12:19.08-04  | | legacy |1 | f
 26a04e2e-23dc-4db8-9289-e91ad06fa0ee |  | 
2023-07-03 10:12:48.493-04 | | legacy |1 | f
 19bb57ac-0d16-4f0f-aa4d-a5b1a6c8c54d |  | 
2023-07-03 10:12:32.543-04 | | legacy |1 | f
 3b64e0ef-6bd2-49d2-a4ed-58c5926d77e3 | 086cc911-a584-43a8-b620-61fdd08be9f4 | 
2023-07-08 05:15:44.877-04 | | legacy |1 | f

How do I get rid of the first 4?
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2023-07-08 Thread eshwayri
I have tried both finalize and cancel using 
https://kvmo.cedar-republic.com/ovirt-engine/api/imagetransfers and curl (for 

curl -u 'admin@internal':'PASSWORD' -X POST 

But still they are listed in the "initializing" phase, so wedged:





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2023-07-08 Thread eshwayri
System unexpectedly lost power.  Now when I try to start one of the VMs I get: 
backup earlier in the week.  There are no active tasks against this VM or its 
disk at this time.  The disk shows OK in the storage view.  Any ideas?
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[ovirt-users] Re: virt-viewer - working alternative

2023-04-11 Thread eshwayri
Same thing for me, but I just worked around it by changing the CD from the 
engine's web interface.  Click on the virtual machine name to expand, then the 
3 dots at the right side of the page, then "Change CD".
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[ovirt-users] Re: After install Ovirt Engine 4.5.4-1.el8 and click button Administration Portal I get Internal Server Error

2023-03-05 Thread eshwayri
I am at postgresql-jdbc-42.2.14-1.el8.noarch, and I am running Version 
4.5.4-1.el8.  No issues with the Administration Portal button.  This isn't a 
new install though; this is a after many upgrades.
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[ovirt-users] Re: Ovirt 4.4.10 running on RHEL 8.7

2023-01-18 Thread eshwayri
I am running 4.5.4 on RedHat EL8.7(~ish), so the latest is possible; not so 
sure about 4.4.10.  I had to look through my logs to see what order I did 
things in.

04/29/22 Upgraded to 4.4.9-1
10/08/22 @ 19:19 Upgraded to
10/08/22 @ 19:43 Installed the new CentOS stream repos (as detailed in the link)
10/08/22 @ 19:46 Installed centos-release-ovirt45
11/27/22 @ 17:46 Upgraded to
11/27/22 @ 18:21 Upgraded to EL8.6

I suspect I wanted to go to 4.5 on 10/08, but ran into problems.  Waited for 
the next release of 4.5, and actually upgraded about a month later.  It doesn't 
look like I ran 4.4.10 on EL8 -- sorry.  I sort of remember there were issues 
wit the regular release CentOS repos going away, which is why that link has you 
add the new stream repos.  At the same time there were missing packages on the 
oVirt side; not sure if everything was resolved.  I ended up moving up to 4.5.

If you want to upgrade I do recommend you go to 8.6 first, and then at the end 
go to 8.7.  Reason is the "~ish" when I say I am running EL8.7.  You get a 
package collision.

Problem: installed package centos-stream-release-8.6-1.el8.noarch obsoletes 
redhat-release < 9 provided by redhat-release-8.7-0.3.el8.x86_64

With -nobest I am effectively running 8.7, so I tolerate this.  Hoping when 8.8 
comes out this will work itself out.
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[ovirt-users] Re: Bug in the engine-backup script when no attached TTY -- Easy fix

2023-01-17 Thread eshwayri
That is very useful.  You are right; I was assuming a non-attached TTY; 
however, it could very well be a closed/re-directed stdout.  The NetBackup 
client does fun things with stdout/stderr for logging and data transfer.  I 
will run some tests tomorrow to check.  

The scenario is quite simple.  The NetBackup client runs a pre-script on 
backup.  I use this pre-script with dump-able databases (oVirt, MythTV, Unifi, 
etc..) like this to create the backup file, then the backup program scoops up 
the generated file(s), and finally the post script cleans up.  The pre-script 
is just calling:

/usr/bin/engine-backup --mode=backup --file=$outf --log=$outl --scope=all

You are right about output being run earlier, so yes it should have caused 
problems earlier?  I only tested at the very end.  From the code:

log "EC: ${ec}"

output "Done."

log "EC: ${ec}"

The exit code was 0 in the first one, but flipped to 1 after the output line.  
What I didn't test was what it looks like right after the earlier output lines. 
 It could be the case that it gets set to 1, but then gets reset to 0 by the 
actual backup, before anything tests for it again (or it's time to exit).

And I had tried a "2>&1 >/dev/null" wrap before, and tried to run it from cron 
-- none of which I could get to work either.  I will play around some more.

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[ovirt-users] Bug in the engine-backup script when no attached TTY -- Easy fix

2023-01-17 Thread eshwayri
The output() function.  This line:

printf "%s\n" "${m}"

It will fail if there is no attached TTY, which will set the exit code to 1, 
which in turn will trigger the cleanup() function notifying the engine that the 
backup failed.  This ironically happens when it should be writing "Done." and 
exiting after a successful backup.  Fix I used was to change it to:

printf "%s\n" "${m}" >> "${LOG}"

You can't assume attached TTY since a lot of people like me want to run this as 
part of a pre/post script to an automated backup program.
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[ovirt-users] centos-stream-release-8.6-1.el8.noarch vs redhat-release-8.7-0.3.el8.x86_64

2022-12-07 Thread eshwayri
What is the best way to resolve the below error.  All other EL8 packages are 
now at 8.7. (--nobest) but the release file(s) aren't updating because this 
package won't upgrade.  The blocking centos-stream-release-8.6-1.el8.noarch 
package is a pre-req for all the oVirt files, so I can't remove it.   I suspect 
all oVirt is using from it are the repos. Do I force install 
redhat-release-8.7-0.3.el8.x86_64?  Is there a way to do that?

[root@kvmo-el8 /]# yum update
Updating Subscription Management repositories.
Last metadata expiration check: 2:28:57 ago on Wed 07 Dec 2022 03:25:45 PM EST.
 Problem: installed package centos-stream-release-8.6-1.el8.noarch obsoletes 
redhat-release < 9 provided by redhat-release-8.7-0.3.el8.x86_64
  - cannot install the best update candidate for package 
  - problem with installed package centos-stream-release-8.6-1.el8.noarch
(try to add '--skip-broken' to skip uninstallable packages or '--nobest' to use 
not only best candidate packages)
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[ovirt-users] EL8.6 to EL8.7

2022-11-27 Thread eshwayri
I upgraded to 8.5.3, and did a nobest upgrade to EL8.7.  There are two 
un-resolved issues:

Problem 1: installed package centos-stream-release-8.6-1.el8.noarch obsoletes 
redhat-release < 9 provided by redhat-release-8.7-0.3.el8.x86_64
  - cannot install the best update candidate for package 
  - problem with installed package centos-stream-release-8.6-1.el8.noarch

I can't find an stream 8.7 stream file, and the oVirt files depend on the 
existing 8.6 package.

And as has been noted by others, ansible:

 Problem 2: package ovirt-engine- conflicts with 
ansible-core >= 2.13.0 provided by ansible-core-2.13.3-1.el8.x86_64
  - cannot install the best update candidate for package 
  - cannot install the best update candidate for package 

Will there be a future upgrade that allows this upgrade to go through?
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[ovirt-users] Re: Switching 4.4 hosted-engine from Linux 8 to Stream 8 before upgrading to 4.5

2022-11-27 Thread eshwayri
Having said that, I was at 4.5.2; looks like 4.5.3 adds some interesting 
problems.  OS wants to upgrade to EL8.7, but somehow I also have 
centos-stream-release-8.6-1.el8.noarch installed.  The two conflict.
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[ovirt-users] Re: Switching 4.4 hosted-engine from Linux 8 to Stream 8 before upgrading to 4.5

2022-11-27 Thread eshwayri
It's probably possible.  I managed to get the nodes switched over from CentOS 8 
to Stream 8 without re-installing from scratch.  It was a bit tricky, and I 
remember having to manually re-populate the repos directory.  I didn't have 
this problem with the engine because I was already on RHEL 8.  I strongly 
recommend you backup everything.  With the engine you can always take an engine 
backup, re-install a new VM, then restore the engine from the backup.  That is 
what I had to do when I moved over to EL8 from EL7.  
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[ovirt-users] Remote logging for httpd

2022-11-14 Thread eshwayri
My relatively small lab system was generating ~10GB of httpd logging on a daily 
basis.  Even with logrotate and compression, the activity level was just 
ludicrous.  I don't remember this from earlier versions.  I don't see any 
obvious errors in the log that explain this over-zealous behavior.  I didn't 
want to suppress the logs completely, and the LogLevel is already on warn.  I 
decided in the end to remote log to my central syslog server which stores the 
logs on an NFS mount from a FreeNAS (ZFS with compression) NAS.  The 
compression will keep the actual disk space down, and since I am not all that 
worried about losing some logs, I went with sync=off and udp on the transit.  
Here are the changes I made to /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf in case someone else 
finds them useful.

< ErrorLog logs/ssl_error_log
< TransferLog logs/ssl_access_log
> #ErrorLog logs/ssl_error_log
> ErrorLog "|/usr/bin/logger -t ssl-error -p local1.warn"
> #TransferLog logs/ssl_access_log
> TransferLog "|/usr/bin/logger -t ssl-access -p local1.warn"
< CustomLog logs/ssl_request_log \
<   "%t %h %{SSL_PROTOCOL}x %{SSL_CIPHER}x \"%r\" %b"
< CustomLog logs/ovirt-requests-log  "%t %h \"Correlation-Id: 
%{Correlation-Id}o\" \"Duration: %Dus\" \"%r\" %b" "expr=%{QUERY_STRING} !~ 
> #CustomLog logs/ssl_request_log \
> #  "%t %h %{SSL_PROTOCOL}x %{SSL_CIPHER}x \"%r\" %b"
> LogFormat "%t %h %{SSL_PROTOCOL}x %{SSL_CIPHER}x \"%r\" %b" ssl-request-format
> CustomLog  "|/usr/bin/logger -t ssl-requests -p local1.warn" 
> ssl-request-format
> LogFormat "%t %h \"Correlation-Id: %{Correlation-Id}o\" \"Duration: %Dus\" 
> \"%r\" %b" ovirt-requests-format
> CustomLog "|/usr/bin/logger -t ovirt-requests -p local1.warn" 
> ovirt-requests-format "expr=%{QUERY_STRING} !~ 
> /username.*password|password.*username/"
> #CustomLog logs/ovirt-requests-log  "%t %h \"Correlation-Id: 
> %{Correlation-Id}o\" \"Duration: %Dus\" \"%r\" %b" "expr=%{QUERY_STRING} !~ 
> /username.*password|password.*username/"

then blocked local logging to messages with local1.none in rsyslog.conf.
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[ovirt-users] oVirt Node's Future Regarding CentOS Stream

2021-03-29 Thread eshwayri
So I just finished migrating my 4.3 engine to 4.4 on a brand new RHvEL8 
install; next step is to upgrade the hosts.  When I first started with oVirt I 
used my own CentOS installs, but quickly decided that it made no sense for my 
use case.  Now I am looking at upgrading from 4.3 to 4.4 and asking myself the 
same question.  Up to now oVirt node has been using the same exact OS I would 
have used +/- a few extra packages, but with the traditional CentOS going away 
it really depends on what the new oVirt nodes are going to be based on.  I have 
a feeling the answer to that question is CentOS Stream, which I don't feel 
comfortable with for this task.  While I am sure the developers will test the 
combination before releasing a new node, they are still only testing whatever 
specific hardware combination they have.  There could be numerous weird bugs 
that will only show up in certain situations.  If Stream was as stable as an EL 
release, there wouldn't be EL releases.  I also appreciate the fa
 ct that oVirt is itself a work in progress, but the stable branch is 
considerably more like an EL release than a stream.  Anyway, back to the point. 
 Just want to confirm the future for node is stream before I go wasting time 
building my own EL8 hosts.
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[ovirt-users] Re: Can't install virtio-win with EL7.7/Ovirt-4.3.8 -- rpm error

2020-02-08 Thread eshwayri
Same problem.  Looks like the virtio rpm is now built with the new compression 
method, but rpm for EL7 hasn't been updated to support it.
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[ovirt-users] Re: All Windows vms report "Actual timezone in guest doesn't match configuration"

2019-04-29 Thread eshwayri
Seeing the same thing here.  The Windows 2012R2 VM is set to "(GMT -05:00) US 
Eastern Standard Time", the guest agent is reporting "Eastern Daylight Time 
(UTC--04:-00)" (the second - is probably because it word wraps after UTC), and 
Windows 2012R2 is set to "(UTC -05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)". 
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[ovirt-users] Re: Adding network to VM - What stupid thing have I missed?

2019-04-25 Thread eshwayri
Yes, that was it.  I had gone into Network->Networks and Network->vNic 
Porfiles, but had missed Network->br-kvm-stor->Clusters->Manage Network.  I'm a 
little surprised those options don't appear as a tab under the main 
Network->Networks Edit option, but I can deal now that I know.  Thank you for 
your assistance.
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[ovirt-users] Adding network to VM - What stupid thing have I missed?

2019-04-24 Thread eshwayri
When creating a new VM, it looks like I connect it's nic(s) under the 
"Instantiate VM network interfaces by picking a vNIC profile." setting.  The 
problem I am seeing is that the drop down only has "Empty" and "br-kvm-prod" 
(my production bridge).  I should have two more.  Under Networks and vNIC 
Profiles tabs, I also have a br-kvm-stor and kvm_heart-22 defined which don't 
appear in that list.  Am I missing something I need to do for these additional 
profiles to also appear in the drop-down?  Some of my VMs will need access to 
the other physical networks.
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[ovirt-users] Re: Upgrade from 4.3.2 to 4.3.3 fails on database schema update

2019-04-24 Thread eshwayri
Thank you; that worked.  Upgrade completed successfully.
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[ovirt-users] Upgrade from 4.3.2 to 4.3.3 fails on database schema update

2019-04-20 Thread eshwayri
Tried to upgrade to 4.3.3, and during engine-setup I get:

2019-04-20 14:24:47,041-0400 Running upgrade sql script 
2019-04-20 14:24:47,043-0400 dbfunc_psql_die 
* QUERY **
SELECT fn_db_create_constraint('image_transfers',
   'FOREIGN KEY (command_id) REFERENCES 
command_entities(command_id) ON DELETE CASCADE');

2019-04-20 14:24:47,060-0400 DEBUG 
otopi.plugins.ovirt_engine_setup.ovirt_engine.db.schema plugin.executeRaw:863 
execute-result: ['/usr/share/ovirt-engine/dbscripts/schema.sh', '-s', 
'localhost', '-p', '5432', '-u', 'engine', '-d', 'engine', '-l', 
'-c', 'apply'], rc=1
2019-04-20 14:24:47,060-0400 DEBUG 
otopi.plugins.ovirt_engine_setup.ovirt_engine.db.schema plugin.execute:921 
execute-output: ['/usr/share/ovirt-engine/dbscripts/schema.sh', '-s', 
'localhost', '-p', '5432', '-u', 'engine', '-d', 'engine', '-l', 
'-c', 'apply'] stdout:

2019-04-20 14:24:47,061-0400 DEBUG 
otopi.plugins.ovirt_engine_setup.ovirt_engine.db.schema plugin.execute:926 
execute-output: ['/usr/share/ovirt-engine/dbscripts/schema.sh', '-s', 
'localhost', '-p', '5432', '-u', 'engine', '-d', 'engine', '-l', 
'-c', 'apply'] stderr:
 ERROR:  insert or update on table "image_transfers" violates foreign key 
constraint "fk_image_transfers_command_enitites"
DETAIL:  Key (command_id)=(7d68555a-71ee-41f5-9f12-0b26b6b9d449) is not present 
in table "command_entities".
CONTEXT:  SQL statement "ALTER TABLE image_transfers ADD CONSTRAINT 
fk_image_transfers_command_enitites FOREIGN KEY (command_id) REFERENCES 
command_entities(command_id) ON DELETE CASCADE"
PL/pgSQL function fn_db_create_constraint(character varying,character 
varying,text) line 9 at EXECUTE
FATAL: Cannot execute sql command: 

2019-04-20 14:24:47,061-0400 ERROR 
otopi.plugins.ovirt_engine_setup.ovirt_engine.db.schema schema._misc:432 
schema.sh: FATAL: Cannot execute sql command: 
2019-04-20 14:24:47,061-0400 DEBUG otopi.context context._executeMethod:145 
method exception
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/otopi/context.py", line 132, in 
 line 434, in _misc
raise RuntimeError(_('Engine schema refresh failed'))
RuntimeError: Engine schema refresh failed
2019-04-20 14:24:47,064-0400 ERROR otopi.context context._executeMethod:154 
Failed to execute stage 'Misc configuration': Engine schema refresh failed
2019-04-20 14:24:47,065-0400 DEBUG otopi.transaction transaction.abort:119 
aborting 'Yum Transaction'
2019-04-20 14:24:47,065-0400 INFO otopi.plugins.otopi.packagers.yumpackager 
yumpackager.info:80 Yum Performing yum transaction rollback
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