[ovirt-users] Re: Changing the Cluster Compatibility Version in hyperconverged environment

2023-01-25 Thread lexxthefox

Ah, sorry, I should have been more precise in my qestion. Osinfo was somehow 
damaget on our side, I'm sure.

I mean the UI problem. This one:

> The problem actually looks somewhat related to UI. I've tried to _not_ change 
> anything on "Edit Cluster" dialogue window and just pressed "OK" and still 
> got the "Error while executing action: Cannot disable gluster service on the 
> cluster as it contains volumes" response.
> By looking on UI I see that "Enable Gluster Service" checkbox is empty and is 
> grayed out. Looks like UI "thinks" that Glusterfs is disabled and when I hit 
> "OK" it tries to apply this as a change.
> I've checked engine-config:
> [root@he ~]# engine-config -g AllowClusterWithVirtGlusterEnabled
> Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dcom.redhat.fips=false
> AllowClusterWithVirtGlusterEnabled: true version: general
> It is "True". And it is protected. I was unable to set it to "False" - just 
> tried out of curiosity.
> Next I've opened Web Developer Tools in my browser, found ' type="checkbox" value="on" id="ClusterPopupView_enableGlusterService" 
> tabindex="17" disabled="" style="vertical-align: top;">' and removed the word 
> 'disabled'. I've checked this checkbox and tried hitting "OK".
> This time the dialog worked and after reopening it I see the checkbox grayed 
> out but now it is checked. oVirt works, nothing is changed or ruined. But one 
> more observation: this checkbox stays checked till Hosted Engine reboot. 
> After a reboot it is unchecked again.
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[ovirt-users] Re: Changing the Cluster Compatibility Version in hyperconverged environment

2023-01-09 Thread lexxthefox

I'm on duty today and were able to check osinfo following your advise. Not sure 
how exactly we've managed to interfere with osinfo but reinstallation of 
"redhat-release" package helped. Glad it was this easy to fix.

Do you know what might be the cause of the former problem? We probably won't be 
doing any more cluster compatibility upgrades soon but it might be a sympthom 
of something else. So I feel a bit uneasy about this.

Thank you!
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[ovirt-users] Changing the Cluster Compatibility Version in hyperconverged environment

2023-01-01 Thread lexxthefox

I'm sorry if it is a noob question but it is very important for me.
We are researching oVirt in our company and hope to use existing environment 
where there's no SAN/NAS solution. Just a bunch of servers. We were able to set 
up a hyperconverged installation with oVirt 4.4 a while ago and now I'm 
resuming research and trying to upgrade it to 4.5. I was able to upgrade HE and 
Hosts. What's left is to upgrade Cluster Compatibility Version from 4.5 to 4.7. 
I don't seem to find a way to do it as when I try to Edit cluster I get this 
error: "Cluster Compatibility Version".

Upgrade Guide on https://www.ovirt.org/documentation/upgrade_guide/ does not 
have entries for hyperconverged set up. So I don't know where to look for 
information on this topic.

Is it possible to achieve my goal at all? Can "frozen" Cluster Compatibility 
Version cause problems in the long run?

I can rebuild the whole setup now when it is still being reviewed and planed. 
But if we start using it actively it won't be possible. I'm afraid that this 
could be a show-stopper in the long run.

Thanks in advance!
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