[ovirt-users] Re: Metrics store install failed

2019-06-03 Thread roy . morris

I updated the IP of the metrics-store-installer VM once it was created. The 
script continued to run after I updated the IP from the manager VM and 
completed successfully.

I also updated the master0 VM when the script got to the point of trying to 
contact it and once I assigned the IP, it continued successfully.

Okay, so here is the issue so far. I've narrowed it down to DNS resolution 
wanting to go through tun0 adapter rather than eth0 which happens at the end of 
the playbook. It all works fine and routes correctly when running the playbook 
up until something causes routes to change and DNS tries to go through tun0.

I figured this out by opening two terminal windows and running a ping command 
inside master0 VM towards redhat.com and in the other terminal window on 
master0 VM I ran #ip monitor

The result is as mentioned. DNS entries are attempting to route through tun0 
rather than eth0
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[ovirt-users] Re: Metrics store install failed

2019-05-31 Thread roy . morris
Case# 02392496
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[ovirt-users] Re: Metrics store install failed

2019-05-30 Thread roy . morris
I ran this command on the master0 VM and this is a fresh install I performed 
yesterday after commenting out the last variable issue I experienced. To me 
this is an issue somewhere in the playbook since I haven't customized anything 
except setting IP settings. This looks to be a bug.

#systemctl status selinux* -l

selinux-policy-migrate-local-changes@targeted.service - Migrate local SELinux 
policy changes from the old store structure to the new structure
   Loaded: loaded 
 static; vendor preset: disabled)
   Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Wed 2019-05-29 18:59:22 EDT; 24h ago
 Main PID: 3376 (code=exited, status=208/STDIN)

May 29 18:59:22 localhost systemd[1]: Starting Migrate local SELinux policy 
changes from the old store structure to the new structure...
May 29 18:59:22 localhost systemd[3376]: Failed at step STDIN spawning 
/usr/libexec/selinux/selinux-policy-migrate-local-changes.sh: Inappropriate 
ioctl for device
May 29 18:59:22 localhost systemd[1]: 
selinux-policy-migrate-local-changes@targeted.service: main process exited, 
code=exited, status=208/STDIN
May 29 18:59:22 localhost systemd[1]: Failed to start Migrate local SELinux 
policy changes from the old store structure to the new structure.
May 29 18:59:22 localhost systemd[1]: Unit 
selinux-policy-migrate-local-changes@targeted.service entered failed state.
May 29 18:59:22 localhost systemd[1]: 
selinux-policy-migrate-local-changes@targeted.service failed.
Users mailing list -- users@ovirt.org
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[ovirt-users] Re: Metrics store install failed

2019-05-30 Thread roy . morris
I ran this command on the master0 VM and this is a fresh install I performed 
yesterday after commenting out the last variable issue I experienced. To me 
this is an issue somewhere in the playbook since I haven't customized anything 
except setting IP settings. I really want to get this ticket moving and I need 
active help please. This looks to be a bug.

#systemctl status selinux* -l

selinux-policy-migrate-local-changes@targeted.service - Migrate local SELinux 
policy changes from the old store structure to the new structure
   Loaded: loaded 
 static; vendor preset: disabled)
   Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Wed 2019-05-29 18:59:22 EDT; 24h ago
 Main PID: 3376 (code=exited, status=208/STDIN)

May 29 18:59:22 localhost systemd[1]: Starting Migrate local SELinux policy 
changes from the old store structure to the new structure...
May 29 18:59:22 localhost systemd[3376]: Failed at step STDIN spawning 
/usr/libexec/selinux/selinux-policy-migrate-local-changes.sh: Inappropriate 
ioctl for device
May 29 18:59:22 localhost systemd[1]: 
selinux-policy-migrate-local-changes@targeted.service: main process exited, 
code=exited, status=208/STDIN
May 29 18:59:22 localhost systemd[1]: Failed to start Migrate local SELinux 
policy changes from the old store structure to the new structure.
May 29 18:59:22 localhost systemd[1]: Unit 
selinux-policy-migrate-local-changes@targeted.service entered failed state.
May 29 18:59:22 localhost systemd[1]: 
selinux-policy-migrate-local-changes@targeted.service failed.
Users mailing list -- users@ovirt.org
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[ovirt-users] Re: Metrics store install failed

2019-05-30 Thread roy . morris
I have removed the metrics-installer and master0 VM in addition to commenting 
out the # oreg_url: registry.redhat.io line.

I'm now stuck at cockpit-docker not being installed. I feel like I'm so close 
and I appreciate all the help I can get. 

TASK [openshift_manageiq : Configure 3_2 role/user permissions] 
Wednesday 29 May 2019  19:37:23 -0400 (0:00:06.860)   0:27:45.295 *
changed: [master0.ent.co.ventura.ca.us] => (item={u'resource_kind': 
u'cluster-role', u'resource_name': u'system:image-auditor', u'user': 

TASK [cockpit : Add iptables allow rules] **
Wednesday 29 May 2019  19:37:24 -0400 (0:00:00.937)   0:27:46.233 *
skipping: [master0.ent.co.ventura.ca.us] => (item={u'port': u'9090/tcp', 
u'service': u'cockpit-ws'})

TASK [cockpit : Remove iptables rules] *
Wednesday 29 May 2019  19:37:24 -0400 (0:00:00.137)   0:27:46.370 *

TASK [cockpit : Add firewalld allow rules] *
Wednesday 29 May 2019  19:37:24 -0400 (0:00:00.066)   0:27:46.437 *
changed: [master0.ent.co.ventura.ca.us] => (item={u'port': u'9090/tcp', 
u'service': u'cockpit-ws'})

TASK [cockpit : Remove firewalld allow rules] **
Wednesday 29 May 2019  19:37:24 -0400 (0:00:00.785)   0:27:47.223 *

TASK [cockpit : Install cockpit-ws] 
Wednesday 29 May 2019  19:37:25 -0400 (0:00:00.069)   0:27:47.292 *
FAILED - RETRYING: Install cockpit-ws (3 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: Install cockpit-ws (2 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: Install cockpit-ws (1 retries left).
fatal: [master0.ent.co.ventura.ca.us]: FAILED! => {"attempts": 3, "changed": 
false, "msg": "No package matching 'cockpit-docker' found available, installed 
or updated", "rc": 126, "results": ["No package matching 'cockpit-docker' found 
available, installed or updated"]}

localhost  : ok=35   changed=1unreachable=0failed=0
master0.ent.co.ventura.ca.us : ok=517  changed=234  unreachable=0failed=1

Initialization  : Complete (0:00:09)
Health Check: Complete (0:01:06)
Node Bootstrap Preparation  : Complete (0:10:30)
etcd Install: Complete (0:01:52)
Master Install  : Complete (0:05:46)
Master Additional Install   : In Progress (1:48:51)
This phase can be restarted by running: 
Wednesday 29 May 2019  21:25:49 -0400 (1:48:24.467)   2:16:11.760 *
cockpit : Install cockpit-ws - 6504.47s
openshift_node : install needed rpm(s)  450.47s
container_runtime : Install Docker  234.94s
openshift_node : Install node, clients, and conntrack packages - 85.65s
Ensure openshift-ansible installer package deps are installed -- 82.19s
openshift_control_plane : Wait for all control plane pods to become ready -- 
Run health checks (install) - EL --- 65.70s
etcd : Install etcd  65.53s
openshift_control_plane : Wait for control plane pods to appear  47.04s
openshift_ca : Install the base package for admin tooling -- 41.98s
os_firewall : Install firewalld packages --- 41.67s
openshift_node : Install dnsmasq --- 33.34s
openshift_repos : Discover enabled RHEL rhui repositories -- 15.23s
openshift_cli : Install clients  13.07s
openshift_node_group : Wait for the sync daemonset to become ready and 
available -- 11.08s
rhel_subscribe : Register host using user/password - 10.78s
os_firewall : need to pause here, otherwise the firewalld service starting can 
sometimes cause ssh to fail -- 10.24s
openshift_repos : Disable all repositories -- 8.90s
openshift_repos : Enable RHEL repositories -- 7.69s
openshift_manageiq : Configure role/user permissions  6.86s

Failure summary:

  1. Hosts:master0.ent.co.ventura.ca.us
 Play: Additional master configuration
 Task: Install cockpit-ws
 Message:  No package matching 'cockpit-docker' found available, installed 
or updated
Users mailing list -- users@ovirt.org
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[ovirt-users] Re: Metrics store install failed

2019-05-29 Thread roy . morris
That did the trick! However, now I'm stuck at Install cockpit-ws. It keeps 
failing. I noticed yum update fails to find mirrors as well.

  1. Hosts:master0.ent.co.ventura.ca.us
 Play: Additional master configuration
 Task: Install cockpit-ws
 Message:  Failure talking to yum: failure: repodata/repomd.xml from 
rhel-7-server-rpms: [Errno 256] No more mirrors to try.
 [Errno 14] curl#6 - "Could not resolve host: cdn.redhat.com; Unknown error"
Users mailing list -- users@ovirt.org
To unsubscribe send an email to users-le...@ovirt.org
Privacy Statement: https://www.ovirt.org/site/privacy-policy/
oVirt Code of Conduct: 
List Archives: 

[ovirt-users] Re: Metrics store install failed

2019-05-29 Thread roy . morris
We currently use RHEV and I was under the impression I had to login to pull the 
openshift/docker images. I could be wrong since I'm new to this.
Users mailing list -- users@ovirt.org
To unsubscribe send an email to users-le...@ovirt.org
Privacy Statement: https://www.ovirt.org/site/privacy-policy/
oVirt Code of Conduct: 
List Archives: 

[ovirt-users] Metrics store install failed

2019-05-29 Thread roy . morris
I'm struggling installing the metrics store VMs. It appears that etcd image 
fails to download or build a template. Thank you ahead of time for your 

2019-05-28 20:07:12,650 p=22689 u=root |  Tuesday 28 May 2019  20:07:12 -0400 
(0:00:00.097)   0:04:54.774 *** 
2019-05-28 20:07:12,687 p=22689 u=root |  fatal: 
[master0.ent.co.ventura.ca.us]: FAILED! => {"msg": "The conditional check 
'etcd_image != l_default_osm_etcd_image' failed. The error was: An unhandled 
exception occurred while templating '{{ osm_etcd_image }}'. Error was a , original message: An unhandled exception 
occurred while templating '{{ l_default_osm_etcd_image }}'. Error was a , original message: An unhandled exception 
occurred while templating '{{ etcd_image_dict[openshift_deployment_type] | 
lib_utils_oo_oreg_image((oreg_url | default('None'))) }}'. Error was a , original message: oreg_url malformed: 
registry.redhat.io\n\nThe error appears to have been in 
'/usr/share/ansible/openshift-ansible/roles/etcd/tasks/static.yml': line 5, 
column 3, but may\nbe elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax 
problem.\n\nThe offending line appears to be:\n\n\n- name: 
 Warn if osm_etcd_image is redefined\n  ^ here\n"}
2019-05-28 20:07:12,688 p=22689 u=root |  NO MORE HOSTS LEFT 
2019-05-28 20:07:12,689 p=22689 u=root |  PLAY RECAP 
2019-05-28 20:07:12,689 p=22689 u=root |  localhost  : ok=35   
2019-05-28 20:07:12,689 p=22689 u=root |  master0.ent.co.ventura.ca.us : ok=204 
 changed=16   unreachable=0failed=1   
2019-05-28 20:07:12,690 p=22689 u=root |  INSTALLER STATUS 

2019-05-28 20:07:12,693 p=22689 u=root |  Initialization  : 
Complete (0:00:10)
2019-05-28 20:07:12,693 p=22689 u=root |  Health Check: 
Complete (0:00:22)
2019-05-28 20:07:12,694 p=22689 u=root |  Node Bootstrap Preparation  : 
Complete (0:01:59)
2019-05-28 20:07:12,694 p=22689 u=root |  etcd Install: In 
Progress (0:00:28)
2019-05-28 20:07:12,694 p=22689 u=root |This phase can be restarted by 
running: playbooks/openshift-etcd/config.yml
2019-05-28 20:07:12,694 p=22689 u=root |  Tuesday 28 May 2019  20:07:12 -0400 
(0:00:00.044)   0:04:54.819 *** 
2019-05-28 20:07:12,694 p=22689 u=root |  
2019-05-28 20:07:12,697 p=22689 u=root |  openshift_node : install needed 
2019-05-28 20:07:12,697 p=22689 u=root |  Ensure openshift-ansible installer 
package deps are installed 
2019-05-28 20:07:12,697 p=22689 u=root |  openshift_node : Install node, 
clients, and conntrack packages 
2019-05-28 20:07:12,698 p=22689 u=root |  Run health checks (install) - EL 

2019-05-28 20:07:12,698 p=22689 u=root |  container_runtime : Install Docker 
2019-05-28 20:07:12,698 p=22689 u=root |  openshift_repos : Disable all 
2019-05-28 20:07:12,698 p=22689 u=root |  openshift_repos : Enable RHEL 