[ovirt-users] Re: Actual oVirt install questions

2020-08-25 Thread Yedidyah Bar David
On Sat, Aug 22, 2020 at 4:01 PM David White via Users  wrote:
> >by standalone do you mean all-in-one? or separate engine and hosts?
> I THINK all-in-one. :)
> The following are the commands that I ran:
> sudo yum install https://resources.ovirt.org/pub/yum-repo/ovirt-release44.rpm
> sudo yum module -y enable javapackages-tools pki-deps postgresql:12
> sudo yum install ovirt-engine
> sudo engine-setup
> sudo mkdir -p /data/images
> sudo mkdir /data/iso
> sudo chown 36:36 /data/iso
> sudo chmod 0755 /data/iso
> >In 4.4 the change in imageio means it's not compatible with all-in-one 
> >anymore.
> Yes, in reading through your recent email thread here, that's what I picked 
> up on.
> I was pretty sure that I hit the same bug, but wasn't positive.
> So, what's the point of all-in-one if you cannot upload ISOs and boot VMs off 
> of ISOs?
> Is there an alternative way to setup a VM in all-in-one, such as boot from 
> PXE or something?
> Regardless, the all-in-one setup was just for learning purposes.
> I may try a different install approach, and try to get the self-hosted engine 
> working. That said,  I'm still unclear on the exact differences between the 
> "self-hosted engine" and the standalone Manager. I'll go re-read earlier 
> responses to my questions on that, as well as the glossary of sorts that Didi 
> was so kind to write in your earlier thread on the imageio issue.

Let me clarify (again?): All-in-one, meaning - both (standalone)
engine and actual VM processes (vdsm/libvirtd/etc. and your VM's qemu
processes) on the same machine - is not supported since 4.0 and is not
tested routinely and systematically. The fact that it does usually
work, and the fact that people sometimes report successes with this,
is very nice to know, but does not change the situation :-)

If all you have is a single physical machine that you want to use for
oVirt, you have, basically, two options:

1. Use HCI (meaning, hosted-engine + gluster). That's, I guess, what
most people do, at least in production. When it works (usually, and we
definitely aim for always!), it's the easiest way to install and get
things going, but is more complex under the hood and harder to
understand/debug if you do not know quite well how things work

2. Use some other virtualization method - I think most people use
plain virt-manager - to create separate VMs, and imitate
multiple-machines setup using these VMs. E.g. one machine for the
(standalone) engine, another for storage (e.g. nfs/iscsi/gluster), a
few more as hosts (with nested-kvm), etc.

Latter, (2.), is what we use in CI - see projects lago and
ovirt-system-tests if interested.

Re the imageio upload issue: If it's indeed a result of using
all-in-one, then please wait until Michael's bug is fixed, or see the
other thread, or see above for using not-all-in-one :-)

(But feel free to keep debugging this with Michael's help if both of
you feel like it!).

Best regards,

> ‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
> On Saturday, August 22, 2020 7:49 AM, Michael Jones  
> wrote:
> > I see you are using 4.4 standalone;
> >
> > by standalone do you mean all-in-one? or separate engine and hosts?
> >
> > In 4.4 the change in imageio means it's not compatible with all-in-one
> > anymore, i'll be raising a bug request to support this later today (but
> > officially all-in-one support ended in 4.0 so i don't know if the bug
> > will be actioned).
> >
> > Kind Regards,
> >
> > Mike
> >
> > On 22/08/2020 12:06, David White via Users wrote:
> >
> > > Ok, that at least got the certificate trusted.
> > > Thank you for the fast response on that!
> > > The certificate is now installed and trusted, and I removed the exception 
> > > in Firefox.
> > > (Screenshots attached)
> > > Unfortunately, the upload is still not working.
> > > I'm still getting the same error message that "Connection to 
> > > ovirt-imageio-proxy service has failed."
> >
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> > List Archives: 
> > https://lists.ovirt.org/archives/list/users@ovirt.org/message/QSUGX7LWYR7WSGEIRDE7LARKTSLC7NPA/
> ___
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[ovirt-users] Re: Actual oVirt install questions

2020-08-25 Thread Yedidyah Bar David
On Sat, Aug 22, 2020 at 3:19 AM David White  wrote:
> > Please see my reply from a few minutes ago to the thread
> > "[ovirt-users] ovirt-imageio : can't upload / download".
> Thank you.
> I read through the "ovirt-imageio: can't upload / download" thread, and your 
> brief glossary was very helpful. Perhaps it would make sense to put some 
> basic terminology like that somewhere in the official oVirt docs? I feel like 
> there are a million different ways to install and configure oVirt, and it has 
> taken me quite a bit of time to figure out the differences.

I agree this makes sense. Now searched and failed to find such a page.
Please open a doc bug to add it. Thanks!

There is such a page for RHV, which should be around 99% applicable,
which you can read for the time being:


Best regards,

> > If you do this mainly for learning, then I suggest that you first play with 
> > a standalone engine.
> I took your advice, and figured out how to get the "standalone engine" 
> installed and running. I'm now able to log into the oVirt Admin Portal, view 
> / create Datacenters, etc..
> At the risk of creating a redundant thread, I'm going to reply to this thread 
> about a problem I'm having uploading ISOs through the Admin Portal. I can't 
> do it! Perhaps my issue is related to the same issue Michael is facing in the 
> thread I just referenced - ovirt-imageio: can't upload/download.
> I have the standalone install:
> [dwhite@dev1-centos ~]$ sudo yum info ovirt-engine | grep Version
> Version  :
> [dwhite@dev1-centos ~]$ sudo systemctl status ovirt-imageio
> ● ovirt-imageio.service - oVirt ImageIO Daemon
>Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/ovirt-imageio.service; enabled; 
> vendor preset: disabled)
>Active: active (running) since Fri 2020-08-21 19:16:28 EDT; 49min ago
>  Main PID: 1435 (ovirt-imageio)
> Tasks: 3 (limit: 409555)
>Memory: 18.8M
>CGroup: /system.slice/ovirt-imageio.service
>└─1435 /usr/libexec/platform-python -s /usr/bin/ovirt-imageio
> Aug 21 19:16:28 dev1-centos.office.barredowlweb.com systemd[1]: Starting 
> oVirt ImageIO Daemon...
> Aug 21 19:16:28 dev1-centos.office.barredowlweb.com systemd[1]: Started oVirt 
> ImageIO Daemon.
> This is of course a new, default install.
> I have created a data directory for VM images, as well as ISOs:
> [dwhite@dev1-centos ~]$ ls -la /data/
> total 0
> drwxr-xr-x.  4 vdsm kvm   31 Aug 19 20:49 .
> dr-xr-xr-x. 19 root root 260 Aug 19 20:28 ..
> drwxr-xr-x.  3 vdsm kvm   50 Aug 21 20:12 images
> drwxr-xr-x.  3 vdsm kvm   50 Aug 21 20:12 iso
> I am now trying to upload an ISO through the Admin Portal by going to Storage 
> -> Disks -> Upload -> Start.
> My client machine is Ubuntu.
> I click "Test Connection" and I get the error message:
> Connection to ovirt-imageio-proxy service has failed. Make sure the service 
> is installed, configured, and ovirt-engine certificate is registered as a 
> valid CA in the browser.
> I downloaded the certificate by clicking on the link provided, and saved it 
> into /usr/share/ca-certificates/mozilla/
> I then ran: sudo update-ca-certificates
> Then I reloaded the oVirt admin portal.
> I'm still getting the error message.
> Any advice here?
> Or am I running into the same problem that Michael has run into?

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[ovirt-users] Re: Actual oVirt install questions

2020-08-22 Thread Michael Jones
On 22/08/2020 18:20, David White via Users wrote:

>> You can actually upload directly via scp to the iso domain, just make
>> sure to;
>> chown -v vdsm:
>> /path/to/iso/domain/local_iso_domain/000----00/images/----/uploaded-file.iso
> That worked. Thanks.
> I was able to get a VM going.
> Unfortunately, I can't seem to get a 2nd ISO recognized to setup a different 
> VM.
> I have the following structure:
> [root@dev1-centos data]# pwd
> /data
> [root@dev1-centos data]# ls -la
> total 0
> drwxr-xr-x.  4 vdsm kvm   31 Aug 19 20:49 .
> dr-xr-xr-x. 19 root root 260 Aug 19 20:28 ..
> drwxr-xr-x.  3 vdsm kvm   50 Aug 22 13:10 images
> drwxr-xr-x.  5 vdsm kvm  124 Aug 22 13:10 iso
> [root@dev1-centos data]# cd iso/
> [root@dev1-centos iso]# ls -la
> total 0
> drwxr-xr-x. 5 vdsm kvm 124 Aug 22 13:10 .
> drwxr-xr-x. 4 vdsm kvm  31 Aug 19 20:49 ..
> drwxr-xr-x. 3 vdsm kvm  20 Aug 22 09:47 000----00
> drwxr-xr-x. 3 vdsm kvm  20 Aug 22 12:57 000----01
when you create the iso domain, it should have created the path for you,
-000-00 was just an example path;

for local iso domain, it should be along the lines of;

1. create top level dir and chown to vdsm: in your case "/data/iso"
2. add iso domain in ui
3. when it added the local iso domain it will setup a bunch of
subfolders, in the end folder which is 1-111-111 you can dump all
your iso images in that 1x dir...

ie, move the iso file "ubuntu-20.04.1-live-server-amd64.iso" into the
same dir as "CentOS-8.2.2004-x86_64-minimal.iso"

> The folder ending in 0 has the original ISO I uploaded (a CentOS 8.2 ISO) - 
> this is working.
> The folder ending in 1 has a Ubuntu 20.04 ISO. - this is not working.
> CentOS path to ISO: 
> /data/iso/000----00/images/----/CentOS-8.2.2004-x86_64-minimal.iso
> Ubuntu path: 
> /data/iso/000----01/images/----1112/ubuntu-20.04.1-live-server-amd64.iso
> At this point, I have no idea why my CentOS ISO is showing up, but my Ubuntu 
> ISO is not showing up.
> Second question:
> I left, and came back a while later, and have noticed that when I go to 
> Storage -> Data Centers, that the Data Center I created (named 'Office') 
> keeps going from Unresponsive to Activated. It keeps going back and forth, 
> and I'm not sure why. That seems like an issue.

check the engine logs

> Third Question:
> When I go to Compute -> Hosts, and go into the host, under Action Items, I 
> see: "A new version is available. Upgrade." with a link.
> Yet from the console, when I run `yum update`, nothing is available to update.
> I already clicked on that Upgrade link once, and allowed the whole host to 
> reboot... and that Action Item is still there.
> That also seems weird. I would also feel a lot more comfortable about 
> clicking on "Upgrade" if I had more details - what is it upgrading "from" and 
> what is it upgrading "to"?
yum update will only ensure the packages are installed, however this
doesn't mean ovirt has run the upgrade, just upgrade through the ui;

1. put host to maint
2. update host

this will trigger ansible which;
1. does yum updates
2. updates the ovirt version to match your latest package

you can check what the upgrade is doing as there is a one off log file
each time you click update.

can't remember the path off the top of my head, just look in /var/log/ovirt*

> Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.
> ‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
> On Saturday, August 22, 2020 9:37 AM, Michael Jones  
> wrote:
>> On 22/08/2020 13:58, David White via Users wrote:
>>> So, what's the point of all-in-one if you cannot upload ISOs and boot VMs 
>>> off of ISOs?
>>> Is there an alternative way to setup a VM in all-in-one, such as boot from 
>>> PXE or something?
>> You can actually upload directly via scp to the iso domain, just make
>> sure to;
>> chown -v vdsm:
>> /path/to/iso/domain/local_iso_domain/000----00/images/----/uploaded-file.iso
>> the system will still see it and you can attach to vms at boot;
>> you can also use pxe, i like the "fai" project for this.
>>> Regardless, the all-in-one setup was just for learning purposes.
>>> I may try a different install approach, and try to get the self-hosted 
>>> engine working. That said, I'm still unclear on the exact differences 
>>> between the "self-hosted engine" and the standalone Manager. I'll go 
>>> re-read earlier responses to my questions on that, as well as the glossary 
>>> of sorts that Didi was so kind to write in your earlier thread on the 
>>> imageio issue.
>> 4.4 all-in-one is still fully functional par the iso upload and
>> download, which i was using for backups.
>> if you were to go CentOS7+4.3 these features fully work no problem in
>> all-in-one.
>> the alternate to all-in-one would be 

[ovirt-users] Re: Actual oVirt install questions

2020-08-22 Thread David White via Users
> You can actually upload directly via scp to the iso domain, just make
> sure to;

> chown -v vdsm:
> /path/to/iso/domain/local_iso_domain/000----00/images/----/uploaded-file.iso

That worked. Thanks.
I was able to get a VM going.

Unfortunately, I can't seem to get a 2nd ISO recognized to setup a different VM.

I have the following structure:
[root@dev1-centos data]# pwd
[root@dev1-centos data]# ls -la
total 0
drwxr-xr-x.  4 vdsm kvm   31 Aug 19 20:49 .
dr-xr-xr-x. 19 root root 260 Aug 19 20:28 ..
drwxr-xr-x.  3 vdsm kvm   50 Aug 22 13:10 images
drwxr-xr-x.  5 vdsm kvm  124 Aug 22 13:10 iso

[root@dev1-centos data]# cd iso/
[root@dev1-centos iso]# ls -la
total 0
drwxr-xr-x. 5 vdsm kvm 124 Aug 22 13:10 .
drwxr-xr-x. 4 vdsm kvm  31 Aug 19 20:49 ..
drwxr-xr-x. 3 vdsm kvm  20 Aug 22 09:47 000----00
drwxr-xr-x. 3 vdsm kvm  20 Aug 22 12:57 000----01

The folder ending in 0 has the original ISO I uploaded (a CentOS 8.2 ISO) - 
this is working.
The folder ending in 1 has a Ubuntu 20.04 ISO. - this is not working.

CentOS path to ISO: 
Ubuntu path: 

At this point, I have no idea why my CentOS ISO is showing up, but my Ubuntu 
ISO is not showing up.

Second question:
I left, and came back a while later, and have noticed that when I go to Storage 
-> Data Centers, that the Data Center I created (named 'Office') keeps going 
from Unresponsive to Activated. It keeps going back and forth, and I'm not sure 
why. That seems like an issue.

Third Question:
When I go to Compute -> Hosts, and go into the host, under Action Items, I see: 
"A new version is available. Upgrade." with a link.

Yet from the console, when I run `yum update`, nothing is available to update.
I already clicked on that Upgrade link once, and allowed the whole host to 
reboot... and that Action Item is still there.
That also seems weird. I would also feel a lot more comfortable about clicking 
on "Upgrade" if I had more details - what is it upgrading "from" and what is it 
upgrading "to"?

Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.

‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
On Saturday, August 22, 2020 9:37 AM, Michael Jones  

> On 22/08/2020 13:58, David White via Users wrote:

> > So, what's the point of all-in-one if you cannot upload ISOs and boot VMs 
> > off of ISOs?
> > Is there an alternative way to setup a VM in all-in-one, such as boot from 
> > PXE or something?

> You can actually upload directly via scp to the iso domain, just make
> sure to;

> chown -v vdsm:
> /path/to/iso/domain/local_iso_domain/000----00/images/----/uploaded-file.iso

> the system will still see it and you can attach to vms at boot;

> you can also use pxe, i like the "fai" project for this.

> > Regardless, the all-in-one setup was just for learning purposes.
> > I may try a different install approach, and try to get the self-hosted 
> > engine working. That said, I'm still unclear on the exact differences 
> > between the "self-hosted engine" and the standalone Manager. I'll go 
> > re-read earlier responses to my questions on that, as well as the glossary 
> > of sorts that Didi was so kind to write in your earlier thread on the 
> > imageio issue.

> 4.4 all-in-one is still fully functional par the iso upload and
> download, which i was using for backups.

> if you were to go CentOS7+4.3 these features fully work no problem in
> all-in-one.

> the alternate to all-in-one would be to choose a different host when
> adding to the standalone manager, or you can have hosted engine, where
> the engine is a vm (dependent on some other stuff re: storage/ips)

> Kind Regards,

> Mike

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[ovirt-users] Re: Actual oVirt install questions

2020-08-22 Thread Michael Jones
On 22/08/2020 13:58, David White via Users wrote:
> So, what's the point of all-in-one if you cannot upload ISOs and boot VMs off 
> of ISOs?
> Is there an alternative way to setup a VM in all-in-one, such as boot from 
> PXE or something? 

You can actually upload directly via scp to the iso domain, just make
sure to;

chown -v vdsm:

the system will still see it and you can attach to vms at boot;

you can also use pxe, i like the "fai" project for this.

> Regardless, the all-in-one setup was just for learning purposes.
> I may try a different install approach, and try to get the self-hosted engine 
> working. That said,  I'm still unclear on the exact differences between the 
> "self-hosted engine" and the standalone Manager. I'll go re-read earlier 
> responses to my questions on that, as well as the glossary of sorts that Didi 
> was so kind to write in your earlier thread on the imageio issue.

4.4 all-in-one is still fully functional par the iso upload and
download, which i was using for backups.

if you were to go CentOS7+4.3 these features fully work no problem in

the alternate to all-in-one would be to choose a different host when
adding to the standalone manager, or you can have hosted engine, where
the engine is a vm (dependent on some other stuff re: storage/ips)

Kind Regards,


Description: OpenPGP digital signature
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[ovirt-users] Re: Actual oVirt install questions

2020-08-22 Thread David White via Users
>by standalone do you mean all-in-one? or separate engine and hosts?

I THINK all-in-one. :) 

The following are the commands that I ran:

sudo yum install https://resources.ovirt.org/pub/yum-repo/ovirt-release44.rpm
sudo yum module -y enable javapackages-tools pki-deps postgresql:12
sudo yum install ovirt-engine
sudo engine-setup
sudo mkdir -p /data/images
sudo mkdir /data/iso
sudo chown 36:36 /data/iso
sudo chmod 0755 /data/iso

>In 4.4 the change in imageio means it's not compatible with all-in-one anymore.

Yes, in reading through your recent email thread here, that's what I picked up 
I was pretty sure that I hit the same bug, but wasn't positive.

So, what's the point of all-in-one if you cannot upload ISOs and boot VMs off 
of ISOs?
Is there an alternative way to setup a VM in all-in-one, such as boot from PXE 
or something? 

Regardless, the all-in-one setup was just for learning purposes.
I may try a different install approach, and try to get the self-hosted engine 
working. That said,  I'm still unclear on the exact differences between the 
"self-hosted engine" and the standalone Manager. I'll go re-read earlier 
responses to my questions on that, as well as the glossary of sorts that Didi 
was so kind to write in your earlier thread on the imageio issue.

‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
On Saturday, August 22, 2020 7:49 AM, Michael Jones  

> I see you are using 4.4 standalone;

> by standalone do you mean all-in-one? or separate engine and hosts?

> In 4.4 the change in imageio means it's not compatible with all-in-one
> anymore, i'll be raising a bug request to support this later today (but
> officially all-in-one support ended in 4.0 so i don't know if the bug
> will be actioned).

> Kind Regards,

> Mike

> On 22/08/2020 12:06, David White via Users wrote:

> > Ok, that at least got the certificate trusted.
> > Thank you for the fast response on that!
> > The certificate is now installed and trusted, and I removed the exception 
> > in Firefox.
> > (Screenshots attached)
> > Unfortunately, the upload is still not working.
> > I'm still getting the same error message that "Connection to 
> > ovirt-imageio-proxy service has failed."

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[ovirt-users] Re: Actual oVirt install questions

2020-08-22 Thread Michael Jones
I see you are using 4.4 standalone;

by standalone do you mean all-in-one? or separate engine and hosts?

In 4.4 the change in imageio means it's not compatible with all-in-one
anymore, i'll be raising a bug request to support this later today (but
officially all-in-one support ended in 4.0 so i don't know if the bug
will be actioned).

Kind Regards,


On 22/08/2020 12:06, David White via Users wrote:
> Ok, that at least got the certificate trusted.
> Thank you for the fast response on that!
> The certificate is now installed and trusted, and I removed the exception in 
> Firefox.
> (Screenshots attached)
> Unfortunately, the upload is still not working.
> I'm still getting the same error message that "Connection to 
> ovirt-imageio-proxy service has failed."

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
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[ovirt-users] Re: Actual oVirt install questions

2020-08-22 Thread David White via Users
Ok, that at least got the certificate trusted.
Thank you for the fast response on that!

The certificate is now installed and trusted, and I removed the exception in 
(Screenshots attached)

Unfortunately, the upload is still not working.
I'm still getting the same error message that "Connection to 
ovirt-imageio-proxy service has failed."

Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.

‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
On Saturday, August 22, 2020 6:53 AM, Michael Jones  

> On 22/08/2020 11:20, David White via Users wrote:

> > I'm not sure if I'm actually importing the CA certificate into Firefox 
> > properly.
> > This Red Hat solution suggests that Firefox should prompt me to install the 
> > cert when I download it: https://access.redhat.com/solutions/95103
> > Instead, it is just downloading and displaying the certificate in plaintext.
> > Perhaps this is because I'm on a newer version of Firefox?
> > Anyway, it doesn't appear that I'm able to attach a CD / ISO to the VM even 
> > from the console, which I was hoping would be an option.
> > So at this point, my install is kind of useless. :)

> 1.  download it, it will save as pki-resource

> 2.  rename file to blah.pem

> 3.  open firefox > preferences > privacy and security > view certificates

> 4.  open authorities tab

> 5.  import > select blah.pem

> 6.  check the box for trust to identify websites

> make sure to remove any exception granted, so it uses ca instead of
> exception for auth.


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[ovirt-users] Re: Actual oVirt install questions

2020-08-22 Thread Michael Jones
On 22/08/2020 11:20, David White via Users wrote:
> I'm not sure if I'm actually importing the CA certificate into Firefox 
> properly.
> This Red Hat solution suggests that Firefox should prompt me to install the 
> cert when I download it: https://access.redhat.com/solutions/95103
> Instead, it is just downloading and displaying the certificate in plaintext. 
> Perhaps this is because I'm on a newer version of Firefox?
> Anyway, it doesn't appear that I'm able to attach a CD / ISO to the VM even 
> from the console, which I was hoping would be an option.
> So at this point, my install is kind of useless. :) 
1. download it, it will save as pki-resource
2. rename file to blah.pem
3. open firefox > preferences > privacy and security > view certificates
4. open authorities tab
5. import > select blah.pem
6. check the box for trust to identify websites

make sure to remove any exception granted, so it uses ca instead of
exception for auth.

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[ovirt-users] Re: Actual oVirt install questions

2020-08-22 Thread David White via Users
I'm not sure if I'm actually importing the CA certificate into Firefox properly.
This Red Hat solution suggests that Firefox should prompt me to install the 
cert when I download it: https://access.redhat.com/solutions/95103

Instead, it is just downloading and displaying the certificate in plaintext. 

Perhaps this is because I'm on a newer version of Firefox?

Anyway, it doesn't appear that I'm able to attach a CD / ISO to the VM even 
from the console, which I was hoping would be an option.
So at this point, my install is kind of useless. :) 

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‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
On Friday, August 21, 2020 8:19 PM, David White via Users  

> > Please see my reply from a few minutes ago to the thread
> > "[ovirt-users] ovirt-imageio : can't upload / download".

> Thank you.
> I read through the "ovirt-imageio: can't upload / download" thread, and your 
> brief glossary was very helpful. Perhaps it would make sense to put some 
> basic terminology like that somewhere in the official oVirt docs? I feel like 
> there are a million different ways to install and configure oVirt, and it has 
> taken me quite a bit of time to figure out the differences.

> > If you do this mainly for learning, then I suggest that you first play with 
> > a standalone engine.

> I took your advice, and figured out how to get the "standalone engine" 
> installed and running. I'm now able to log into the oVirt Admin Portal, view 
> / create Datacenters, etc..

> At the risk of creating a redundant thread, I'm going to reply to this thread 
> about a problem I'm having uploading ISOs through the Admin Portal. I can't 
> do it! Perhaps my issue is related to the same issue Michael is facing in the 
> thread I just referenced - ovirt-imageio: can't upload/download.

> I have the standalone install:

> [dwhite@dev1-centos ~]$ sudo yum info ovirt-engine | grep Version
> Version :
> [dwhite@dev1-centos ~]$ sudo systemctl status ovirt-imageio
> ● ovirt-imageio.service - oVirt ImageIO Daemon
> Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/ovirt-imageio.service; enabled; 
> vendor preset: disabled)
> Active: active (running) since Fri 2020-08-21 19:16:28 EDT; 49min ago
> Main PID: 1435 (ovirt-imageio)
> Tasks: 3 (limit: 409555)
> Memory: 18.8M
> CGroup: /system.slice/ovirt-imageio.service
> └─1435 /usr/libexec/platform-python -s /usr/bin/ovirt-imageio

> Aug 21 19:16:28 dev1-centos.office.barredowlweb.com systemd[1]: Starting 
> oVirt ImageIO Daemon...
> Aug 21 19:16:28 dev1-centos.office.barredowlweb.com systemd[1]: Started oVirt 
> ImageIO Daemon.

> This is of course a new, default install.

> I have created a data directory for VM images, as well as ISOs:
> [dwhite@dev1-centos ~]$ ls -la /data/
> total 0
> drwxr-xr-x. 4 vdsm kvm 31 Aug 19 20:49 .
> dr-xr-xr-x. 19 root root 260 Aug 19 20:28 ..
> drwxr-xr-x. 3 vdsm kvm 50 Aug 21 20:12 images
> drwxr-xr-x. 3 vdsm kvm 50 Aug 21 20:12 iso

> I am now trying to upload an ISO through the Admin Portal by going to Storage 
> -> Disks -> Upload -> Start.

> My client machine is Ubuntu.

> I click "Test Connection" and I get the error message:
> Connection to ovirt-imageio-proxy service has failed. Make sure the service 
> is installed, configured, and ovirt-engine certificate is registered as a 
> valid CA in the browser.

> I downloaded the certificate by clicking on the link provided, and saved it 
> into /usr/share/ca-certificates/mozilla/
> I then ran: sudo update-ca-certificates

> Then I reloaded the oVirt admin portal.
> I'm still getting the error message.

> Any advice here?
> Or am I running into the same problem that Michael has run into?

> Users mailing list -- users@ovirt.org
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publickey - dmwhite823@protonmail.com - 0x320CD582.asc
Description: application/pgp-keys

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Users mailing list -- users@ovirt.org
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[ovirt-users] Re: Actual oVirt install questions

2020-08-21 Thread David White via Users
> Please see my reply from a few minutes ago to the thread
> "[ovirt-users] ovirt-imageio : can't upload / download".

Thank you.
I read through the "ovirt-imageio: can't upload / download" thread, and your 
brief glossary was very helpful. Perhaps it would make sense to put some basic 
terminology like that somewhere in the official oVirt docs? I feel like there 
are a million different ways to install and configure oVirt, and it has taken 
me quite a bit of time to figure out the differences.

> If you do this mainly for learning, then I suggest that you first play with a 
> standalone engine.
I took your advice, and figured out how to get the "standalone engine" 
installed and running. I'm now able to log into the oVirt Admin Portal, view / 
create Datacenters, etc..

At the risk of creating a redundant thread, I'm going to reply to this thread 
about a problem I'm having uploading ISOs through the Admin Portal. I can't do 
it! Perhaps my issue is related to the same issue Michael is facing in the 
thread I just referenced - ovirt-imageio: can't upload/download.

I have the standalone install:

[dwhite@dev1-centos ~]$ sudo yum info ovirt-engine | grep Version
Version  :
[dwhite@dev1-centos ~]$ sudo systemctl status ovirt-imageio
● ovirt-imageio.service - oVirt ImageIO Daemon
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/ovirt-imageio.service; enabled; 
vendor preset: disabled)
   Active: active (running) since Fri 2020-08-21 19:16:28 EDT; 49min ago
 Main PID: 1435 (ovirt-imageio)
Tasks: 3 (limit: 409555)
   Memory: 18.8M
   CGroup: /system.slice/ovirt-imageio.service
   └─1435 /usr/libexec/platform-python -s /usr/bin/ovirt-imageio

Aug 21 19:16:28 dev1-centos.office.barredowlweb.com systemd[1]: Starting oVirt 
ImageIO Daemon...
Aug 21 19:16:28 dev1-centos.office.barredowlweb.com systemd[1]: Started oVirt 
ImageIO Daemon.

This is of course a new, default install.

I have created a data directory for VM images, as well as ISOs:
[dwhite@dev1-centos ~]$ ls -la /data/
total 0
drwxr-xr-x.  4 vdsm kvm   31 Aug 19 20:49 .
dr-xr-xr-x. 19 root root 260 Aug 19 20:28 ..
drwxr-xr-x.  3 vdsm kvm   50 Aug 21 20:12 images
drwxr-xr-x.  3 vdsm kvm   50 Aug 21 20:12 iso

I am now trying to upload an ISO through the Admin Portal by going to Storage 
-> Disks -> Upload -> Start.

My client machine is Ubuntu.

I click "Test Connection" and I get the error message:
Connection to ovirt-imageio-proxy service has failed. Make sure the service is 
installed, configured, and ovirt-engine certificate is registered as a valid CA 
in the browser.

I downloaded the certificate by clicking on the link provided, and saved it 
into /usr/share/ca-certificates/mozilla/
I then ran: sudo update-ca-certificates

Then I reloaded the oVirt admin portal.
I'm still getting the error message.

Any advice here?
Or am I running into the same problem that Michael has run into?

publickey - dmwhite823@protonmail.com - 0x320CD582.asc
Description: application/pgp-keys

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
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[ovirt-users] Re: Actual oVirt install questions

2020-08-19 Thread Yedidyah Bar David
On Wed, Aug 19, 2020 at 4:04 AM David White via Users  wrote:
> :)
> Ok, after all of the questions I've pestered you guys with, I'm actually 
> getting started. Thank you all for your help.

Good luck!

> A few of questions right off the bat.
> For this install, I'm installing the latest (4.4.2) onto CentOS 8.
> 1) What's the difference between the `ovirt-hosted-engine-setup` command and 
> the `engine-setup` command? I ran both of them, and it seems like they do the 
> exact same thing.

Please see my reply from a few minutes ago to the thread
"[ovirt-users] ovirt-imageio : can't upload / download".

engine-setup sets up an engine, after it's installed, inside some machine.

ovirt-hosted-engine-setup (or the cockpit UI) sets up a hosted-engine.
It creates a VM and sets up the engine inside it (also using
engine-setup in the process, non-interactively).

> 2) For either of the commands above, I'm able to get as far as the step where 
> it asks about the storage: Please specify the storage you would like to use 
> (glusterfs, iscsi, fc, nfs)[nfs]
> It's clear to me that using this install method, the storage should be setup 
> first / independently of the installer.

There is also "HCI", which cockpit also allows you to setup - storage
is gluster, setup on the same host(s).

> So ok, I'll try the Cockpit install, since the documentation says that's the 
> preferred method anyway. (I'm just a sucker for the command line, doing it 
> myself, and understanding everything that I'm doing. I like to avoid GUIs if 
> I can help it. LOL).

If you do this mainly for learning, then I suggest that you first play
with a standalone engine. Install and setup an engine somewhere (can
be a physical machine or a VM managed e.g. by virt-manager), Add a
host (can be another VM, using nested-kvm), add storage (can be nfs or
iscsi on another VM), create VMs etc., get a feeling for it. Then, try
hosted-engine - using CLI or cockpit - can also be in a VM (again,

If it's for production, or in preparation for production, and you do
not have time to play with all the options, spend some time reading
and designing what you intend to do, then do this first on a test
setup (made of VMs) and then on the actual production machines.

> So I logged into the Cockpit Dashboard at {ip-address}:9090, clicked on 
> 'Virtualization' then clicked on Hosted Engine. Here, I clicked on 
> Hyperconvered, and since I'm just installing to a single host right now, I 
> clicked on Run Gluster Wizard for Single Node.

This does setup also storage.

If you meant to say that CLI does not allow setting HCI, then, sadly,
I do not know this well, never tried it myself :-(, but in principle
should be doable - search for "gdeploy".

> So here's my 3rd question.
> 3) I can't get past the first step of this wizard. It is asking for the FQDN 
> of the host (Host1).
> - The documentation indicates that this is NOT the base OS, but I've tried 
> that
> - I've also tried the IP address that I intend to use for the manager (i.e. 
> what I envision is akin to the vCenter IP address for a vSphere environment 
> -- correct?)
> In both cases, the wizard won't let me proceed, and keeps saying "Host is not 
> added to known_hosts"
> What am I missing, here? I'm familiar with the known_hosts file... but that's 
> the VM / manager that I'm trying to create, I thought? Why does the wizard 
> continue to give me that error message?

See also the reply of Parth Dhanjal.

If still not clear/solved, please provide more details - the exact
question, your answer, relevant snippet from the logs.

You can of course replace real names with some placeholders if you do
not want to reveal them.

Good luck and best regards,

> Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.
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[ovirt-users] Re: Actual oVirt install questions

2020-08-18 Thread Parth Dhanjal
Have you added the hostname to the known_hosts file or setup passwordless
ssh for the single node?
Ansible requires a passwordless ssh to ensure root access to automate the
installation process.
If yes, then probably this issue is fixed in the next build of
Can you try to upgrade and check again?

On Wed, Aug 19, 2020 at 6:32 AM David White via Users 

> :)
> Ok, after all of the questions I've pestered you guys with, I'm actually
> getting started. Thank you all for your help.
> A few of questions right off the bat.
> For this install, I'm installing the latest (4.4.2) onto CentOS 8.
> 1) What's the difference between the `ovirt-hosted-engine-setup` command
> and the `engine-setup` command? I ran both of them, and it seems like they
> do the exact same thing.
> 2) For either of the commands above, I'm able to get as far as the step
> where it asks about the storage: Please specify the storage you would like
> to use (glusterfs, iscsi, fc, nfs)[nfs]
> It's clear to me that using this install method, the storage should be
> setup first / independently of the installer.
> So ok, I'll try the Cockpit install, since the documentation says that's
> the preferred method anyway. (I'm just a sucker for the command line, doing
> it myself, and understanding everything that I'm doing. I like to avoid
> GUIs if I can help it. LOL).
> So I logged into the Cockpit Dashboard at {ip-address}:9090, clicked on
> 'Virtualization' then clicked on Hosted Engine. Here, I clicked on
> Hyperconvered, and since I'm just installing to a single host right now, I
> clicked on Run Gluster Wizard for Single Node.
> So here's my 3rd question.
> 3) I can't get past the first step of this wizard. It is asking for the
> FQDN of the host (Host1).
> - The documentation indicates that this is NOT the base OS, but I've tried
> that
> - I've also tried the IP address that I intend to use for the manager
> (i.e. what I envision is akin to the vCenter IP address for a vSphere
> environment -- correct?)
> In both cases, the wizard won't let me proceed, and keeps saying "Host is
> not added to known_hosts"
> What am I missing, here? I'm familiar with the known_hosts file... but
> that's the VM / manager that I'm trying to create, I thought? Why does the
> wizard continue to give me that error message?
> Sent with ProtonMail  Secure Email.
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