[ovirt-users] all hosts lost scenario - restore engine from backup file - LOCKED HOST 4.3 version

2022-03-19 Thread goosesk blabla

I have problem with LOCKED host after restore of engine.

i am trying many disaster scenarios and one from them is loosing of all hosts 
with self hosted engine included with backup file of engine only.

When all hosts and engine VM were destroyed at the same time, i installed new 
self hosted engine on hardware from one lost host. Then tried restore engine 

engine-backup --mode=restore --scope=all --file=backup/file/ovirt-engine-backup 
  --log=backup/log/ovirt-engine-backup.log --no-restore-permissions  
--provision-db --provision-dwh-db –provision-reports-db

After this, lost engine was restored successfully. I had offline Datacentrer, 
dead hosts and VM. I added new hosts, which were able to connect to domain 
storage automatically and I was able to start VM.

New host cannot has the same IP as already dead host or hardware UID. This can 
be solved by setup old dead host to maintenance mode and then delete host. Then 
the same hardware and IP can be reused.

But, host where old engine was running is LOCKED. You cannot migrate engine VM, 
cannot start hosted engine from new engine GUI, cannot setup host to 
maintenance mode and delete.. This is problem when your hardware for hosts is 

I would like to ask how to solve this situation, Is there any way how to 
“reinstall” old hosts? I see that SSL certificates were changed with new 
installation of new hosts, but I don’t know if there is way how to enable old 
dead hosts.

Is there any way how to destroy old engine VM to add host back to work ?

Thank you
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[ovirt-users] build OVA file from ovf file + files with RAW disks

2022-10-26 Thread goosesk blabla

for backup VM i  use script to create snapshot and then attach disks of VM to 
backupVM where i do copy of this disk . Also i backup OVF file.

for restore , i just upload disk to corupted VM and attach. 

But ,, if i want to make some easy restore GUI,, it will be easier if i build 
OVA file from restored OVF and raw disks and then through API just import VM 
from OVA.

The problem is i cannot find any correct way to to build correct OVA file for 

is there some playbook or script or way ho to do ? 

thank you
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[ovirt-users] Re: cancel export task - no qemu-img process on host

2022-09-22 Thread goosesk blabla
last log from  /var/log/ovirt-engine/ova for this VM:

2022-09-22 03:35:41 CEST - TASK [ovirt-ova-export-pre-pack : Allocating the 
temporary path for the OVA file] ***

and then many hours no change.
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[ovirt-users] cancel export task - no qemu-img process on host

2022-09-22 Thread goosesk blabla

i tried to find way how to cancel hanged export task. I found that there should 
be some hidden possibility, but it is still not released and i cannot find how 
to allow it.

i found how to remove this task directly from pg database on engine, but i am 
not sure if this also will unlock that VM. 

i cannot kill it by qemu-img process, because this process is not running.

stucked VM is ubuntu 20.04  with 3 disks 20 + 80 + 300GB .   Already running 
more than 12 hours and still did not start making ova file (checking in export 
folder) . qemu-img process on the host is missing . 

i tried to export smaller VM 7GB and it was successfully done by 2 minutes. 
During export qemu-img process was running on the host.

Thank you for any help. 
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[ovirt-users] Re: cancel export task - no qemu-img process on host

2022-09-22 Thread goosesk blabla
no qemu-img process ,, but i found that it hanged on : 

root 30850  0.0  0.0 114740  2924 ?SSep21   0:00 /bin/sh -f 
/usr/sbin/xfs_mkfile -n 81257582592 /mnt/transfer/ovirtbackupexample.ova.tmp
root 30853  0.0  0.0 152756  2300 ?DSep21   0:00 
/usr/sbin/xfs_io -p xfs_mkfile -ft -c truncate 81257582592 -- 

strace showed,that these processes do nothing,,, so i killed 30850 . 

after kill,  file /mnt/transfer/ovirtbackupexample.ova.tmp   was created  
(strange ,i know) ,,,  task failed,,   snapshot from VM was removed 
automatically and VM was unlocked.  So issue was fixed.  

After this i removed already existed snapshot (forgotten , few months) on VM 
and try export again ... export was succesfull and also import was smoothly. 

when i will have free time, i will try to do export of VM with already existed 

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