Re: PrintTextLocations 1.8 vs 2.0

2016-03-30 Thread Peter Prusinowski
Sorry for the late response. I tested the code with severel documents 
and it works well :-) Thank you very much.

Am 17.03.2016 um 18:07 schrieb Tilman Hausherr:
I found a case where the strategy you mentioned didn't work for a TT 
font, the file 032431. Here's some updated code.

private Shape calculateGlyphBounds(Matrix textRenderingMatrix, 
PDFont font, int code) throws IOException

GeneralPath path = null;
AffineTransform at = textRenderingMatrix.createAffineTransform();
if (font instanceof PDType3Font)
PDType3Font t3Font = (PDType3Font) font;
PDType3CharProc charProc = t3Font.getCharProc(code);
if (charProc != null)
PDRectangle glyphBBox = charProc.getGlyphBBox();
if (glyphBBox != null)
path = glyphBBox.toGeneralPath();
else if (font instanceof PDVectorFont)
PDVectorFont vectorFont = (PDVectorFont) font;
path = vectorFont.getPath(code);

if (font instanceof PDTrueTypeFont)
PDTrueTypeFont ttFont = (PDTrueTypeFont) font;
int unitsPerEm = 

at.scale(1000d / unitsPerEm, 1000d / unitsPerEm);
if (font instanceof PDType0Font)
PDType0Font t0font = (PDType0Font) font;
if (t0font.getDescendantFont() instanceof PDCIDFontType2)
int unitsPerEm = ((PDCIDFontType2) 

at.scale(1000d / unitsPerEm, 1000d / unitsPerEm);
else if (font instanceof PDSimpleFont)
PDSimpleFont simpleFont = (PDSimpleFont) font;

// these two lines do not always work, e.g. for the TT 
fonts in file 032431.pdf

// which is why PDVectorFont is tried first.
String name = simpleFont.getEncoding().getName(code);
path = simpleFont.getPath(name);
// shouldn't happen, please open issue in JIRA
System.out.println("Unknown font class: " + font.getClass());
if (path == null)
return null;
return at.createTransformedShape(path.getBounds2D());

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Re: PrintTextLocations 1.8 vs 2.0

2016-03-19 Thread Tilman Hausherr
I found a case where the strategy you mentioned didn't work for a TT 
font, the file 032431. Here's some updated code.

private Shape calculateGlyphBounds(Matrix textRenderingMatrix, 
PDFont font, int code) throws IOException

GeneralPath path = null;
AffineTransform at = textRenderingMatrix.createAffineTransform();
if (font instanceof PDType3Font)
PDType3Font t3Font = (PDType3Font) font;
PDType3CharProc charProc = t3Font.getCharProc(code);
if (charProc != null)
PDRectangle glyphBBox = charProc.getGlyphBBox();
if (glyphBBox != null)
path = glyphBBox.toGeneralPath();
else if (font instanceof PDVectorFont)
PDVectorFont vectorFont = (PDVectorFont) font;
path = vectorFont.getPath(code);

if (font instanceof PDTrueTypeFont)
PDTrueTypeFont ttFont = (PDTrueTypeFont) font;
int unitsPerEm = 

at.scale(1000d / unitsPerEm, 1000d / unitsPerEm);
if (font instanceof PDType0Font)
PDType0Font t0font = (PDType0Font) font;
if (t0font.getDescendantFont() instanceof PDCIDFontType2)
int unitsPerEm = ((PDCIDFontType2) 

at.scale(1000d / unitsPerEm, 1000d / unitsPerEm);
else if (font instanceof PDSimpleFont)
PDSimpleFont simpleFont = (PDSimpleFont) font;

// these two lines do not always work, e.g. for the TT 
fonts in file 032431.pdf

// which is why PDVectorFont is tried first.
String name = simpleFont.getEncoding().getName(code);
path = simpleFont.getPath(name);
// shouldn't happen, please open issue in JIRA
System.out.println("Unknown font class: " + font.getClass());
if (path == null)
return null;
return at.createTransformedShape(path.getBounds2D());

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Re: PrintTextLocations 1.8 vs 2.0

2016-03-19 Thread Tilman Hausherr

Am 16.03.2016 um 09:52 schrieb Peter Prusinowski:

thank you for the hints, now I am overwriting showGlyph() and trying 
to get the value with

PDSimpleFont sf = (PDSimpleFont) font;
String name = sf.getEncoding().getName(code);

but I am getting the same height, no matter which font size is set. 
This happens with type1 and truetype fonts. What am I doing wrong ? 

Here's some code, use it with the DrawPrintTextLocations example. Please 
tell if it works, and if possible, upload files where it doesn't.

protected void showGlyph(Matrix textRenderingMatrix, PDFont font, 
int code, String unicode, Vector displacement) throws IOException

super.showGlyph(textRenderingMatrix, font, code, unicode, 

Rectangle2D bounds = null;
AffineTransform at = textRenderingMatrix.createAffineTransform();

if (font instanceof PDSimpleFont)
PDSimpleFont simpleFont = (PDSimpleFont) font;
String name = simpleFont.getEncoding().getName(code);
GeneralPath path = simpleFont.getPath(name);
bounds = path.getBounds2D();

at.scale(1/1000f, 1/1000f);

if (font instanceof PDTrueTypeFont)
PDTrueTypeFont ttFont = (PDTrueTypeFont) font;
int unitsPerEm = 

at.scale(1000d / unitsPerEm, 1000d / unitsPerEm);
else if (font instanceof PDVectorFont)
PDVectorFont vectorFont = (PDVectorFont) font;
GeneralPath path = vectorFont.getPath(code);
bounds = path.getBounds2D();
at.scale(1/1000f, 1/1000f);

if (font instanceof PDType0Font)
PDType0Font t0font = (PDType0Font) font;
if (t0font.getDescendantFont() instanceof PDCIDFontType2)
int unitsPerEm = ((PDCIDFontType2) 

at.scale(1000d / unitsPerEm, 1000d / unitsPerEm);
System.out.println("TODO other: " + font.getClass());
if (bounds != null)
Shape s = at.createTransformedShape(bounds);

// flip y-axis
AffineTransform flip = new AffineTransform();
flip.translate(0, getCurrentPage().getBBox().getHeight());
flip.scale(1, -1);
s = flip.createTransformedShape(s);

AffineTransform transform = g2d.getTransform();
int rotation = getCurrentPage().getRotation();
if (rotation != 0)
PDRectangle mediaBox = getCurrentPage().getMediaBox();
switch (rotation)
case 90:
g2d.translate(mediaBox.getHeight(), 0);
case 270:
g2d.translate(0, mediaBox.getWidth());
case 180:



if (rotation != 0)

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Re: PrintTextLocations 1.8 vs 2.0

2016-03-16 Thread Andreas Lehmkühler

> Peter Prusinowski  hat am 16. März 2016 um 09:52
> geschrieben:
> Good morning,
> thank you for the hints, now I am overwriting showGlyph() and trying to 
> get the value with
>  PDSimpleFont sf = (PDSimpleFont) font;
>  String name = sf.getEncoding().getName(code);
>  sf.getPath(name).getBounds()
> but I am getting the same height, no matter which font size is set. This 
> happens with type1 and truetype fonts. What am I doing wrong ?
The font provides always the same unscaled shapes. You have to take the text
transformation matrix and the font matrix into account. Have a look at
PageDrawer#showFontGlyph to see how to do so.

> Am 07.03.2016 um 18:16 schrieb Tilman Hausherr:
> > Am 07.03.2016 um 11:46 schrieb Peter Prusinowski:
> >> Okay, thank you for information. I tried to get the height with 
> >> getPath(). If its one of the 14 standard fonts, I can get the height 
> >> with PDType1Font.fontName.getPath(text.getUnicode()).getBounds()). 
> >> But I dont know how to get the information from other fonts in a 
> >> generic way. Do you have a hint for me ?
> >
> > It is not available for all fonts. It is available for all 
> > PDSimpleFont objects, except for PDType3Font (which doesn't draw just 
> > vectors).
> >
> > The best would be to look at the source code, at
> >
> > createGlyph2D() returns a Glyph2D for the font. That one you can use 
> > for glyph2D.getPathForCharacterCode(code);
> >
> > See also showFontGlyph(), you can override that one in a subclass.
> >
> > Have also a look at showGlyph(), this makes a difference between type3 
> > fonts and others. See also CustomGraphicsStreamEngine.
> >
> > Tilman
> >
> >
> >
> >>
> >> Peter
> >>
> >> Am 06.03.2016 um 17:40 schrieb Tilman Hausherr:
> >>>
> >>> In 1.8, for Standard 14 fonts (yours is) it uses the bounding box of 
> >>> each glyph. In a string, it uses a maximum which it keeps for the 
> >>> string, that results in the weird effect that the "d" is slightly 
> >>> higher. If the string is changed so that another glyph is appended, 
> >>> the larger height is kept.
> >>>
> >>> In 2.0 (and in 1.8 for non standard 14 fonts), it uses 1/2 of the 
> >>> bounding box from the font descriptor. The not-halved bounding box 
> >>> is usually too high.
> >>>
> >>> Anyway, the 1.8 logic would work for you for standard 14 fonts, but 
> >>> not for all other fonts.
> >>>
> >>> So there is no bug in 1.8 not in 2.0.
> >>>
> >>> Tilman
> >>>
> >>> Am 03.03.2016 um 19:05 schrieb Tilman Hausherr:
>  Am 03.03.2016 um 09:11 schrieb Peter Prusinowski:
> > Okay, I am trying to replace some words in documents and use 
> > text.height to "delete" these words. Here is an example document : 
> >
>  The getHeightDir() is not the best strategy, for the reason I 
>  mentioned yesterday. In your case, you should call getPath() on the 
>  glyphs and get the bounding box. Or just get the font bounding box 
>  (there's a method) height, however that one is often too high, so 
>  there's a risk that you blank the line above.
>  But thanks for the file, I'll try to find out why it is different. 
>  The heights in 1.8 are surprising, usually they are never so 
>  "perfect" (as I said yesterday). And for some reason, in 1.8 the 
>  height of the last glyph is slightly different although it is all 
>  in one string.
>  1.8:
>  String[100.0,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=10.052001 
>  space=3.8920004 width=10.108002]H
>  String[110.108,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=10.052001 
>  space=3.8920004 width=7.784004]e
>  String[117.892006,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=10.052001 
>  space=3.8920004 width=3.8919983]l
>  String[121.784004,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=10.052001 
>  space=3.8920004 width=3.8919983]l
>  String[125.676,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=10.052001 
>  space=3.8920004 width=8.553993]o
>  String[134.23,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=10.052001 
>  space=3.8920004 width=3.8919983]
>  String[138.122,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=10.052001 
>  space=3.8920004 width=13.216003]W
>  String[151.338,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=10.052001 
>  space=3.8920004 width=8.554001]o
>  String[159.892,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=10.052001 
>  space=3.8920004 width=5.445999]r
>  String[165.338,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=10.052001 
>  space=3.8920004 width=3.8919983]l
>  String[169.23,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 *height=10.248001* 
>  space=3.8920004 width=8.554001]d  <= ???
>  2.0:
>  String[100.0,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=8.33 space=3.8920004 
>  width=10.108002]H
>  String[110.108,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=8.33 space=3.8920004 
>  width=7.7839966]e
>  String[117.892,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=8.33 space=3.8920004 
>  wi

Re: PrintTextLocations 1.8 vs 2.0

2016-03-16 Thread Peter Prusinowski

Good morning,

thank you for the hints, now I am overwriting showGlyph() and trying to 
get the value with

PDSimpleFont sf = (PDSimpleFont) font;
String name = sf.getEncoding().getName(code);

but I am getting the same height, no matter which font size is set. This 
happens with type1 and truetype fonts. What am I doing wrong ?

Am 07.03.2016 um 18:16 schrieb Tilman Hausherr:

Am 07.03.2016 um 11:46 schrieb Peter Prusinowski:
Okay, thank you for information. I tried to get the height with 
getPath(). If its one of the 14 standard fonts, I can get the height 
with PDType1Font.fontName.getPath(text.getUnicode()).getBounds()). 
But I dont know how to get the information from other fonts in a 
generic way. Do you have a hint for me ?

It is not available for all fonts. It is available for all 
PDSimpleFont objects, except for PDType3Font (which doesn't draw just 

The best would be to look at the source code, at

createGlyph2D() returns a Glyph2D for the font. That one you can use 
for glyph2D.getPathForCharacterCode(code);

See also showFontGlyph(), you can override that one in a subclass.

Have also a look at showGlyph(), this makes a difference between type3 
fonts and others. See also CustomGraphicsStreamEngine.



Am 06.03.2016 um 17:40 schrieb Tilman Hausherr:

In 1.8, for Standard 14 fonts (yours is) it uses the bounding box of 
each glyph. In a string, it uses a maximum which it keeps for the 
string, that results in the weird effect that the "d" is slightly 
higher. If the string is changed so that another glyph is appended, 
the larger height is kept.

In 2.0 (and in 1.8 for non standard 14 fonts), it uses 1/2 of the 
bounding box from the font descriptor. The not-halved bounding box 
is usually too high.

Anyway, the 1.8 logic would work for you for standard 14 fonts, but 
not for all other fonts.

So there is no bug in 1.8 not in 2.0.


Am 03.03.2016 um 19:05 schrieb Tilman Hausherr:

Am 03.03.2016 um 09:11 schrieb Peter Prusinowski:
Okay, I am trying to replace some words in documents and use 
text.height to "delete" these words. Here is an example document :

The getHeightDir() is not the best strategy, for the reason I 
mentioned yesterday. In your case, you should call getPath() on the 
glyphs and get the bounding box. Or just get the font bounding box 
(there's a method) height, however that one is often too high, so 
there's a risk that you blank the line above.

But thanks for the file, I'll try to find out why it is different. 
The heights in 1.8 are surprising, usually they are never so 
"perfect" (as I said yesterday). And for some reason, in 1.8 the 
height of the last glyph is slightly different although it is all 
in one string.

String[100.0,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=10.052001 
space=3.8920004 width=10.108002]H
String[110.108,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=10.052001 
space=3.8920004 width=7.784004]e
String[117.892006,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=10.052001 
space=3.8920004 width=3.8919983]l
String[121.784004,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=10.052001 
space=3.8920004 width=3.8919983]l
String[125.676,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=10.052001 
space=3.8920004 width=8.553993]o
String[134.23,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=10.052001 
space=3.8920004 width=3.8919983]
String[138.122,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=10.052001 
space=3.8920004 width=13.216003]W
String[151.338,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=10.052001 
space=3.8920004 width=8.554001]o
String[159.892,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=10.052001 
space=3.8920004 width=5.445999]r
String[165.338,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=10.052001 
space=3.8920004 width=3.8919983]l
String[169.23,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 *height=10.248001* 
space=3.8920004 width=8.554001]d  <= ???

String[100.0,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=8.33 space=3.8920004 
String[110.108,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=8.33 space=3.8920004 
String[117.892,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=8.33 space=3.8920004 
String[121.784,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=8.33 space=3.8920004 
String[125.675995,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=8.33 
space=3.8920004 width=8.554001]o
String[134.23,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=8.33 space=3.8920004 
String[138.122,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=8.33 space=3.8920004 
String[151.338,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=8.33 space=3.8920004 
String[159.892,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=8.33 space=3.8920004 
String[165.338,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=8.33 space=3.8920004 
String[169.23,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=8.33 space=3.8920004 



Am 02.03.2016 um 19:24 schrieb Tilman Hausherr:

Am 02.03.2016 um 14:48 schrieb Peter Prusinowski:


I have noticed

Re: PrintTextLocations 1.8 vs 2.0

2016-03-07 Thread Tilman Hausherr

Am 07.03.2016 um 11:46 schrieb Peter Prusinowski:
Okay, thank you for information. I tried to get the height with 
getPath(). If its one of the 14 standard fonts, I can get the height 
with PDType1Font.fontName.getPath(text.getUnicode()).getBounds()). But 
I dont know how to get the information from other fonts in a generic 
way. Do you have a hint for me ?

It is not available for all fonts. It is available for all PDSimpleFont 
objects, except for PDType3Font (which doesn't draw just vectors).

The best would be to look at the source code, at

createGlyph2D() returns a Glyph2D for the font. That one you can use for 

See also showFontGlyph(), you can override that one in a subclass.

Have also a look at showGlyph(), this makes a difference between type3 
fonts and others. See also CustomGraphicsStreamEngine.



Am 06.03.2016 um 17:40 schrieb Tilman Hausherr:

In 1.8, for Standard 14 fonts (yours is) it uses the bounding box of 
each glyph. In a string, it uses a maximum which it keeps for the 
string, that results in the weird effect that the "d" is slightly 
higher. If the string is changed so that another glyph is appended, 
the larger height is kept.

In 2.0 (and in 1.8 for non standard 14 fonts), it uses 1/2 of the 
bounding box from the font descriptor. The not-halved bounding box is 
usually too high.

Anyway, the 1.8 logic would work for you for standard 14 fonts, but 
not for all other fonts.

So there is no bug in 1.8 not in 2.0.


Am 03.03.2016 um 19:05 schrieb Tilman Hausherr:

Am 03.03.2016 um 09:11 schrieb Peter Prusinowski:
Okay, I am trying to replace some words in documents and use 
text.height to "delete" these words. Here is an example document :

The getHeightDir() is not the best strategy, for the reason I 
mentioned yesterday. In your case, you should call getPath() on the 
glyphs and get the bounding box. Or just get the font bounding box 
(there's a method) height, however that one is often too high, so 
there's a risk that you blank the line above.

But thanks for the file, I'll try to find out why it is different. 
The heights in 1.8 are surprising, usually they are never so 
"perfect" (as I said yesterday). And for some reason, in 1.8 the 
height of the last glyph is slightly different although it is all in 
one string.

String[100.0,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=10.052001 
space=3.8920004 width=10.108002]H
String[110.108,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=10.052001 
space=3.8920004 width=7.784004]e
String[117.892006,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=10.052001 
space=3.8920004 width=3.8919983]l
String[121.784004,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=10.052001 
space=3.8920004 width=3.8919983]l
String[125.676,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=10.052001 
space=3.8920004 width=8.553993]o
String[134.23,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=10.052001 
space=3.8920004 width=3.8919983]
String[138.122,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=10.052001 
space=3.8920004 width=13.216003]W
String[151.338,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=10.052001 
space=3.8920004 width=8.554001]o
String[159.892,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=10.052001 
space=3.8920004 width=5.445999]r
String[165.338,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=10.052001 
space=3.8920004 width=3.8919983]l
String[169.23,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 *height=10.248001* 
space=3.8920004 width=8.554001]d  <= ???

String[100.0,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=8.33 space=3.8920004 
String[110.108,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=8.33 space=3.8920004 
String[117.892,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=8.33 space=3.8920004 
String[121.784,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=8.33 space=3.8920004 
String[125.675995,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=8.33 
space=3.8920004 width=8.554001]o
String[134.23,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=8.33 space=3.8920004 
String[138.122,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=8.33 space=3.8920004 
String[151.338,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=8.33 space=3.8920004 
String[159.892,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=8.33 space=3.8920004 
String[165.338,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=8.33 space=3.8920004 
String[169.23,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=8.33 space=3.8920004 



Am 02.03.2016 um 19:24 schrieb Tilman Hausherr:

Am 02.03.2016 um 14:48 schrieb Peter Prusinowski:


I have noticed that the PrintTextLocations example in 1.8 and 2.0 
gives different results for text.getHeightDir(). In 1.8 the value 
seems to be right, but in 2.0 it is too small. I tried with some 
PDFBox created documents. Is this a bug ?

Maybe, maybe not. The height is a heuristic value to help with 
text extraction, which is sometimes computed differently in 2.0, 
and it is usually about the height of an "a". Please upload the PDF.



Re: PrintTextLocations 1.8 vs 2.0

2016-03-07 Thread Peter Prusinowski
Okay, thank you for information. I tried to get the height with 
getPath(). If its one of the 14 standard fonts, I can get the height 
with PDType1Font.fontName.getPath(text.getUnicode()).getBounds()). But I 
dont know how to get the information from other fonts in a generic way. 
Do you have a hint for me ?


Am 06.03.2016 um 17:40 schrieb Tilman Hausherr:

In 1.8, for Standard 14 fonts (yours is) it uses the bounding box of 
each glyph. In a string, it uses a maximum which it keeps for the 
string, that results in the weird effect that the "d" is slightly 
higher. If the string is changed so that another glyph is appended, 
the larger height is kept.

In 2.0 (and in 1.8 for non standard 14 fonts), it uses 1/2 of the 
bounding box from the font descriptor. The not-halved bounding box is 
usually too high.

Anyway, the 1.8 logic would work for you for standard 14 fonts, but 
not for all other fonts.

So there is no bug in 1.8 not in 2.0.


Am 03.03.2016 um 19:05 schrieb Tilman Hausherr:

Am 03.03.2016 um 09:11 schrieb Peter Prusinowski:
Okay, I am trying to replace some words in documents and use 
text.height to "delete" these words. Here is an example document :

The getHeightDir() is not the best strategy, for the reason I 
mentioned yesterday. In your case, you should call getPath() on the 
glyphs and get the bounding box. Or just get the font bounding box 
(there's a method) height, however that one is often too high, so 
there's a risk that you blank the line above.

But thanks for the file, I'll try to find out why it is different. 
The heights in 1.8 are surprising, usually they are never so 
"perfect" (as I said yesterday). And for some reason, in 1.8 the 
height of the last glyph is slightly different although it is all in 
one string.

String[100.0,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=10.052001 
space=3.8920004 width=10.108002]H
String[110.108,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=10.052001 
space=3.8920004 width=7.784004]e
String[117.892006,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=10.052001 
space=3.8920004 width=3.8919983]l
String[121.784004,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=10.052001 
space=3.8920004 width=3.8919983]l
String[125.676,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=10.052001 
space=3.8920004 width=8.553993]o
String[134.23,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=10.052001 
space=3.8920004 width=3.8919983]
String[138.122,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=10.052001 
space=3.8920004 width=13.216003]W
String[151.338,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=10.052001 
space=3.8920004 width=8.554001]o
String[159.892,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=10.052001 
space=3.8920004 width=5.445999]r
String[165.338,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=10.052001 
space=3.8920004 width=3.8919983]l
String[169.23,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 *height=10.248001* 
space=3.8920004 width=8.554001]d  <= ???

String[100.0,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=8.33 space=3.8920004 
String[110.108,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=8.33 space=3.8920004 
String[117.892,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=8.33 space=3.8920004 
String[121.784,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=8.33 space=3.8920004 
String[125.675995,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=8.33 
space=3.8920004 width=8.554001]o
String[134.23,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=8.33 space=3.8920004 
String[138.122,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=8.33 space=3.8920004 
String[151.338,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=8.33 space=3.8920004 
String[159.892,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=8.33 space=3.8920004 
String[165.338,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=8.33 space=3.8920004 
String[169.23,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=8.33 space=3.8920004 



Am 02.03.2016 um 19:24 schrieb Tilman Hausherr:

Am 02.03.2016 um 14:48 schrieb Peter Prusinowski:


I have noticed that the PrintTextLocations example in 1.8 and 2.0 
gives different results for text.getHeightDir(). In 1.8 the value 
seems to be right, but in 2.0 it is too small. I tried with some 
PDFBox created documents. Is this a bug ?

Maybe, maybe not. The height is a heuristic value to help with text 
extraction, which is sometimes computed differently in 2.0, and it 
is usually about the height of an "a". Please upload the PDF.


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Re: PrintTextLocations 1.8 vs 2.0

2016-03-06 Thread Tilman Hausherr

In 1.8, for Standard 14 fonts (yours is) it uses the bounding box of 
each glyph. In a string, it uses a maximum which it keeps for the 
string, that results in the weird effect that the "d" is slightly 
higher. If the string is changed so that another glyph is appended, the 
larger height is kept.

In 2.0 (and in 1.8 for non standard 14 fonts), it uses 1/2 of the 
bounding box from the font descriptor. The not-halved bounding box is 
usually too high.

Anyway, the 1.8 logic would work for you for standard 14 fonts, but not 
for all other fonts.

So there is no bug in 1.8 not in 2.0.


Am 03.03.2016 um 19:05 schrieb Tilman Hausherr:

Am 03.03.2016 um 09:11 schrieb Peter Prusinowski:
Okay, I am trying to replace some words in documents and use 
text.height to "delete" these words. Here is an example document :

The getHeightDir() is not the best strategy, for the reason I 
mentioned yesterday. In your case, you should call getPath() on the 
glyphs and get the bounding box. Or just get the font bounding box 
(there's a method) height, however that one is often too high, so 
there's a risk that you blank the line above.

But thanks for the file, I'll try to find out why it is different. The 
heights in 1.8 are surprising, usually they are never so "perfect" (as 
I said yesterday). And for some reason, in 1.8 the height of the last 
glyph is slightly different although it is all in one string.

String[100.0,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=10.052001 space=3.8920004 
String[110.108,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=10.052001 
space=3.8920004 width=7.784004]e
String[117.892006,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=10.052001 
space=3.8920004 width=3.8919983]l
String[121.784004,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=10.052001 
space=3.8920004 width=3.8919983]l
String[125.676,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=10.052001 
space=3.8920004 width=8.553993]o
String[134.23,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=10.052001 
space=3.8920004 width=3.8919983]
String[138.122,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=10.052001 
space=3.8920004 width=13.216003]W
String[151.338,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=10.052001 
space=3.8920004 width=8.554001]o
String[159.892,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=10.052001 
space=3.8920004 width=5.445999]r
String[165.338,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=10.052001 
space=3.8920004 width=3.8919983]l
String[169.23,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 *height=10.248001* 
space=3.8920004 width=8.554001]d  <= ???

String[100.0,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=8.33 space=3.8920004 
String[110.108,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=8.33 space=3.8920004 
String[117.892,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=8.33 space=3.8920004 
String[121.784,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=8.33 space=3.8920004 
String[125.675995,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=8.33 space=3.8920004 
String[134.23,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=8.33 space=3.8920004 
String[138.122,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=8.33 space=3.8920004 
String[151.338,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=8.33 space=3.8920004 
String[159.892,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=8.33 space=3.8920004 
String[165.338,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=8.33 space=3.8920004 
String[169.23,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=8.33 space=3.8920004 



Am 02.03.2016 um 19:24 schrieb Tilman Hausherr:

Am 02.03.2016 um 14:48 schrieb Peter Prusinowski:


I have noticed that the PrintTextLocations example in 1.8 and 2.0 
gives different results for text.getHeightDir(). In 1.8 the value 
seems to be right, but in 2.0 it is too small. I tried with some 
PDFBox created documents. Is this a bug ?

Maybe, maybe not. The height is a heuristic value to help with text 
extraction, which is sometimes computed differently in 2.0, and it 
is usually about the height of an "a". Please upload the PDF.


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Re: PrintTextLocations 1.8 vs 2.0

2016-03-03 Thread Tilman Hausherr

Am 03.03.2016 um 09:11 schrieb Peter Prusinowski:
Okay, I am trying to replace some words in documents and use 
text.height to "delete" these words. Here is an example document :

The getHeightDir() is not the best strategy, for the reason I mentioned 
yesterday. In your case, you should call getPath() on the glyphs and get 
the bounding box. Or just get the font bounding box (there's a method) 
height, however that one is often too high, so there's a risk that you 
blank the line above.

But thanks for the file, I'll try to find out why it is different. The 
heights in 1.8 are surprising, usually they are never so "perfect" (as I 
said yesterday). And for some reason, in 1.8 the height of the last 
glyph is slightly different although it is all in one string.

String[100.0,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=10.052001 space=3.8920004 
String[110.108,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=10.052001 space=3.8920004 
String[117.892006,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=10.052001 
space=3.8920004 width=3.8919983]l
String[121.784004,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=10.052001 
space=3.8920004 width=3.8919983]l
String[125.676,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=10.052001 space=3.8920004 
String[134.23,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=10.052001 space=3.8920004 
String[138.122,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=10.052001 space=3.8920004 
String[151.338,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=10.052001 space=3.8920004 
String[159.892,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=10.052001 space=3.8920004 
String[165.338,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=10.052001 space=3.8920004 
String[169.23,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 *height=10.248001* 
space=3.8920004 width=8.554001]d  <= ???

String[100.0,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=8.33 space=3.8920004 
String[110.108,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=8.33 space=3.8920004 
String[117.892,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=8.33 space=3.8920004 
String[121.784,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=8.33 space=3.8920004 
String[125.675995,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=8.33 space=3.8920004 
String[134.23,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=8.33 space=3.8920004 
String[138.122,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=8.33 space=3.8920004 
String[151.338,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=8.33 space=3.8920004 
String[159.892,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=8.33 space=3.8920004 
String[165.338,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=8.33 space=3.8920004 
String[169.23,92.0 fs=14.0 xscale=14.0 height=8.33 space=3.8920004 



Am 02.03.2016 um 19:24 schrieb Tilman Hausherr:

Am 02.03.2016 um 14:48 schrieb Peter Prusinowski:


I have noticed that the PrintTextLocations example in 1.8 and 2.0 
gives different results for text.getHeightDir(). In 1.8 the value 
seems to be right, but in 2.0 it is too small. I tried with some 
PDFBox created documents. Is this a bug ?

Maybe, maybe not. The height is a heuristic value to help with text 
extraction, which is sometimes computed differently in 2.0, and it is 
usually about the height of an "a". Please upload the PDF.


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Re: PrintTextLocations 1.8 vs 2.0

2016-03-03 Thread Peter Prusinowski
Okay, I am trying to replace some words in documents and use text.height 
to "delete" these words. Here is an example document :


Am 02.03.2016 um 19:24 schrieb Tilman Hausherr:

Am 02.03.2016 um 14:48 schrieb Peter Prusinowski:


I have noticed that the PrintTextLocations example in 1.8 and 2.0 
gives different results for text.getHeightDir(). In 1.8 the value 
seems to be right, but in 2.0 it is too small. I tried with some 
PDFBox created documents. Is this a bug ?

Maybe, maybe not. The height is a heuristic value to help with text 
extraction, which is sometimes computed differently in 2.0, and it is 
usually about the height of an "a". Please upload the PDF.


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Re: PrintTextLocations 1.8 vs 2.0

2016-03-02 Thread Tilman Hausherr

Am 02.03.2016 um 14:48 schrieb Peter Prusinowski:


I have noticed that the PrintTextLocations example in 1.8 and 2.0 
gives different results for text.getHeightDir(). In 1.8 the value 
seems to be right, but in 2.0 it is too small. I tried with some 
PDFBox created documents. Is this a bug ?

Maybe, maybe not. The height is a heuristic value to help with text 
extraction, which is sometimes computed differently in 2.0, and it is 
usually about the height of an "a". Please upload the PDF.


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