Re: Apache Qpid and Azure Service bus: Is there internal buffer of Qpid driver that can lead to duplicates/unordered messages processing under load?

2018-06-01 Thread popalka
HI Robbie.

Looks like we found root cause.
This is network problem.
Our java app run in Azure Cloud in VM. The was network issues - socket
Connections were exhausted.

So, we have next situation:

1) SB queue is empty
2) Java app constantly says that it ready to accept 10 messages (we have 10
threads and JmsConsumers that sends 'Flow' frame with link credit 1 and
drain it every second)
3) new messages arrives
4) lock is placed on 10 messages by Azure SB
5) network is busy, messages are arrived with delay
6) lock expire, messages appears in queue again

Regarding ordering issues from initial message in mail thread - yes, it's
behavior of Spring's DefaultMessageListenerContainer. Ordering guarantees
are lost once multiple consumers are registered.

Thanks a lot for your help and discussion

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Re: Apache Qpid and Azure Service bus: Is there internal buffer of Qpid driver that can lead to duplicates/unordered messages processing under load?

2018-05-31 Thread popalka
The second connection open is specific to my IDE environment.

I run my java Spring Boot App with IDEA.
IDEA has integration with Spring Boot and perform call to /health HTTP
endpoint which is checks that connection is created.

Stack trace for 'normal' start:

Stack trace for health check

In some way this like production system behave, because monitoring scripts
checks /health endpoint periodically

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Re: Apache Qpid and Azure Service bus: Is there internal buffer of Qpid driver that can lead to duplicates/unordered messages processing under load?

2018-05-31 Thread popalka
>The only odd thing was that there was no message transfer to
>the first consumer, which your subsequent re-test being 'successful'
>suggests is because the test enviornment wasnt clean to start with and
>perhaps you had other consumers running. 

Yes, it is strange. I run in clean environment and have the same behavior.
I'll see why 2 consumers for single is creating.

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Re: Apache Qpid and Azure Service bus: Is there internal buffer of Qpid driver that can lead to duplicates/unordered messages processing under load?

2018-05-31 Thread popalka
I notice that containerId with value 'xxx' is hardcoded in our app. May this
is issue?

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Re: Apache Qpid and Azure Service bus: Is there internal buffer of Qpid driver that can lead to duplicates/unordered messages processing under load?

2018-05-31 Thread popalka
> Do you have logs from that run?
Yes I have logs from run on clean freshly created queue in Azure SB:


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Re: Apache Qpid and Azure Service bus: Is there internal buffer of Qpid driver that can lead to duplicates/unordered messages processing under load?

2018-05-31 Thread popalka
Seems experiment was not clean.

If I use freshly created queue in Azure SB I see that only 1 message in SB
has increased delivery count (although it was not consumed by app, but this
is expected).

Looking for leaking AMQP links, etc

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Re: Apache Qpid and Azure Service bus: Is there internal buffer of Qpid driver that can lead to duplicates/unordered messages processing under load?

2018-05-31 Thread popalka
jms.connection.parameters still the same


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Re: Apache Qpid and Azure Service bus: Is there internal buffer of Qpid driver that can lead to duplicates/unordered messages processing under load?

2018-05-31 Thread popalka
>Once the message
>arrives, the credit has been used and as only 1 was outstanding, any
>drain attempt that occurred can be considered complete. The behaviour
>should be visible in your logs.

Seems it is not true. See results of my experiment:

Experiment with Azure SB and AMQP flow control frames

Prepare queue 'reseller-queue' in Azure SB with next parameters:
  * lock duration - 10 seconds
  * Max Delivery Count - 2
Prepare Java application with Spring's DefaultMessageListenerContainer and
Apache QPID driver.

  * use 1 thread for DefaultMessageListenerContainer
  * acknowledge="client"
  * receive-timeout="1"  (ms), so it is 10 sec


  1) Queue 'reseller-queue' is  empty 
  2) Run application with PN_TRACE_FRM=true to collect AMQP frames log.
  3) Pause/kill application after 1 minute of work. (Don't stop)
  4) Send 4 messages to 'reseller-queue'. I use .Net utility Azure SB
  5) Wait approximately 1 minute
  6) All 4 messages moved to Dead-letter queue with reason
Why? There was not activity from client side.
Is there buffer of  `Flow` frames on Azure SB side? How to control, for
example, clean it? 
```[1807720011:0] -> Open{ containerId='xxx',
maxFrameSize=1048576, channelMax=32767, idleTimeOut=6,
outgoingLocales=null, incomingLocales=null, offeredCapabilities=null,
desiredCapabilities=[sole-connection-for-container, DELAYED_DELIVERY,
ANONYMOUS-RELAY, SHARED-SUBS], properties={product=QpidJMS, version=0.27.0,
platform=JVM: 1.8.0_171, 25.171-b11, Oracle Corporation, OS: Linux,
4.9.0-6-amd64, amd64}}
   [1807720011:0] <- Open{
containerId='65512918e04446458a023aca4e765352_G20', hostname='null',
maxFrameSize=65536, channelMax=4999, idleTimeOut=24,
outgoingLocales=null, incomingLocales=null, offeredCapabilities=null,
desiredCapabilities=null, properties=null}
   [1807720011:0] -> Begin{remoteChannel=null, nextOutgoingId=1,
incomingWindow=2047, outgoingWindow=2147483647, handleMax=65535,
offeredCapabilities=null, desiredCapabilities=null, properties=null}
   [1807720011:0] <- Begin{remoteChannel=0, nextOutgoingId=1,
incomingWindow=5000, outgoingWindow=2047, handleMax=255,
offeredCapabilities=null, desiredCapabilities=null, properties=null}
   [1807720011:1] -> Begin{remoteChannel=null, nextOutgoingId=1,
incomingWindow=2047, outgoingWindow=2147483647, handleMax=65535,
offeredCapabilities=null, desiredCapabilities=null, properties=null}
   [1807720011:1] <- Begin{remoteChannel=1, nextOutgoingId=1,
incomingWindow=5000, outgoingWindow=2047, handleMax=255,
offeredCapabilities=null, desiredCapabilities=null, properties=null}
   [1807720011:1] ->
handle=0, role=RECEIVER, sndSettleMode=UNSETTLED, rcvSettleMode=FIRST,
source=Source{address='reseller-orders-queue', durable=NONE,
expiryPolicy=LINK_DETACH, timeout=0, dynamic=false,
dynamicNodeProperties=null, distributionMode=null, filter=null,
defaultOutcome=Modified{deliveryFailed=true, undeliverableHere=null,
messageAnnotations=null}, outcomes=[amqp:accepted:list, amqp:rejected:list,
amqp:released:list, amqp:modified:list], capabilities=[queue]},
target=Target{address='null', durable=NONE, expiryPolicy=SESSION_END,
timeout=0, dynamic=false, dynamicNodeProperties=null, capabilities=null},
unsettled=null, incompleteUnsettled=false, initialDeliveryCount=null,
maxMessageSize=null, offeredCapabilities=null, desiredCapabilities=null,
   [1807720011:1] <-
handle=0, role=SENDER, sndSettleMode=UNSETTLED, rcvSettleMode=FIRST,
source=Source{address='reseller-orders-queue', durable=NONE,
expiryPolicy=LINK_DETACH, timeout=0, dynamic=false,
dynamicNodeProperties=null, distributionMode=null, filter=null,
defaultOutcome=Modified{deliveryFailed=true, undeliverableHere=null,
messageAnnotations=null}, outcomes=[amqp:accepted:list, amqp:rejected:list,
amqp:released:list, amqp:modified:list], capabilities=[queue]},
target=Target{address='null', durable=NONE, expiryPolicy=SESSION_END,
timeout=0, dynamic=false, dynamicNodeProperties=null, capabilities=null},
unsettled=null, incompleteUnsettled=false, initialDeliveryCount=0,
maxMessageSize=266240, offeredCapabilities=null, desiredCapabilities=null,
   [1807720011:1] -> Flow{nextIncomingId=1, incomingWindow=2047,
nextOutgoingId=1, outgoingWindow=2147483647, handle=0, deliveryCount=0,
linkCredit=1, available=null, drain=false, echo=false, properties=null}
   [612608661:0] -> Open{ containerId='xxx',
maxFrameSize=1048576, channelMax=32767, idleTimeOut=6,

Re: Apache Qpid and Azure Service bus: Is there internal buffer of Qpid driver that can lead to duplicates/unordered messages processing under load?

2018-05-30 Thread popalka

>Are these logs from such an experiment, as they seem valid from a
>protocol perspective (delivery with id 0 arrives, then is accepted)?

Yes these logs are from the experiment.
1) Start debug session of my java program. I send `Flow` frame with 1 credit
limit, then receive 'Transfer' then pause program execution.
2) Open utility to browse and manipulate Azure SB queues, completely delete
message from queue (receive with delete). 
3) Unpause  java program. It sends 'Disposition' frame. No error after it
reported in logs.

Some times after I see `user error` counter increasing in Azure SB metrics
available via Azure portal.
No more details like error codes available.

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Re: Apache Qpid and Azure Service bus: Is there internal buffer of Qpid driver that can lead to duplicates/unordered messages processing under load?

2018-05-30 Thread popalka
Hi Robbie

Indeed we have some different cases on PROD.

1) Some messages processed by our app several times. Frequent use case.

2) Sometimes we got message with JMXDeliveryCount=2 with no log entries with
JMXDeliveryCount=1 on the same message before or after.

3) We processed message with JMXDeliveryCount=2 before message with
JMXDeliveryCount=1 (asked in start of the mail thread). Rare case.

Most likely there are lock expiration issues.

We have lock timeout 5 minutes, business code of our app process message in
several seconds. In some extreme cases it works 2 minutes at maximum.

So I was looking for interal queue/buffer inside Qpid Driver.
After investigation and discussion with you I think it's less probable than
I had think before.

Currently I think It is a queue or a buffer of Flow Frames on the Azure SB

Behaviour is next:

1) Every thread of Spring's JmsDefaultListenerContainer produce pull
requests with timeout 1 second. This is default configuration.
2) Every pull request produce AMQP Flow Frame
3) If no messages in Azure SB queue, this Flow Frames buffered on Azure SB
side while we have connection/sessions open. The number of send Flow Frames
increases every 1 second at number of threads.
4) New messages arrives to Azure SB queue. 
5) Azure SB buffered Flow Frames start processing
6) For first N messages lock is placed and those put on wire. 
7) For next M messages , only lock is placed, because SB cannot put it on
wire - connection is busy. 
8) On some messages lock expires, attribute DeliveryCount increases
9) Some messages processed by our app, but client acknowledging doesn't take
no effect,  because lock expires, so we process such messages twice or more

I'm going to ask Azure support about AMQP Flow Frames buffers on SB side and
possibility to control it.

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Re: Apache Qpid and Azure Service bus: Is there internal buffer of Qpid driver that can lead to duplicates/unordered messages processing under load?

2018-05-30 Thread popalka
Thanks for your comments.

I'll try to collect more trace logs and will return with my findings.

2 problems here:
1) I cannot reliably reproduce this issue locally
2) Log rotation on PROD is too fast, so It's hard to get logs in moment of
issue is reproducing.

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Re: Apache Qpid and Azure Service bus: Is there internal buffer of Qpid driver that can lead to duplicates/unordered messages processing under load?

2018-05-30 Thread popalka
I have 3 observation:

1.) Azure Service Bus place lock on message when receive Flow frame with
non-zero link credit

The clock for the expiration of the lock on the message inside the 
`queue/topic subscription` starts when the message is taken from the entity,
not when the message is put on the wire. 

So, when Flow Frame with linkCredit=1 send to Azure SB it lead to place lock
on message
2018-05-30 10:14:33.867 TRACE   --- []]
o.a.qpid.jms.provider.amqp.AmqpConsumer  : Consumer
ID:a6d1d214-eb32-4917-8e27-5a7ed0edca2a:1:1:1 granting additional credit: 1
2018-05-30 10:14:50.138 TRACE   --- []]
o.apache.qpid.jms.provider.amqp.FRAMES   : SENT: Flow{nextIncomingId=1,
incomingWindow=2047, nextOutgoingId=1, outgoingWindow=2147483647, handle=0,
deliveryCount=0, linkCredit=1, available=null, drain=false, echo=false,
2018-05-30 10:14:50.138 TRACE   --- []]
o.a.q.j.t.netty.NettyTcpTransport: Attempted write of: 32 bytes

2.) Azure Service Bus ignores non-valid Disposition frames

We receive message in `Transfer` frame, confirm read by `Disposition` frame.
But Azure SB ignores `Disposition` frames.
For example I made experiment with sending  `Disposition` frame on
non-existing message. Azure SB silently accept it.

2018-05-30 10:16:00.710 TRACE   --- []]
o.apache.qpid.jms.provider.amqp.FRAMES   : RECV: Transfer{handle=0,
messageFormat=0, settled=null, more=false, rcvSettleMode=null, state=null,
resume=false, aborted=false, batchable=true}
2018-05-30 10:16:07.141 TRACE   --- []]
o.apache.qpid.jms.provider.amqp.FRAMES   : SENT: Disposition{role=RECEIVER,
first=0, last=0, settled=true, state=Accepted{}, batchable=false}

The 1) and 2) is really confusing. I expected, that message's lock placed
when client confirm successful read in terms of AMQP.
But Azure SB has own semantics on it.

3.) Possibly slow Runnable's queue inside ThreadPoolExecutor used by Apache
Qpid driver.
Frames processed by Apache Qpid driver by single thread in internal queue of
Runnables inside ThreadPoolExecutor

class org.apache.qpid.jms.provider.amqp.AmqpProvider

has field `ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor serializer` 
It created inside constructor as

 serializer = new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(1, new QpidJMSThreadFactory(
"AmqpProvider :(" + PROVIDER_SEQUENCE.incrementAndGet() + "):["
remoteURI.getScheme() + "://" + remoteURI.getHost() + ":" +
remoteURI.getPort() + "]", true));

Invoking of any methods like



leads to creating of Runnable that placed to internal queue of Runnables of
ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor `serializer`.

Result of this queue consumed by several threads.

Current hypothesis

The Runnable's queue acts like a slow buffer, that lead to "strange"
behavior like unordered message processing. 

For example:

 1. Runnable with processing of `Flow` trace is placed to Runnable's queue.
(first attempt to read the message)
 2. Azure SB place lock on message
 3. Runnable's queue is filled by other tasks.
 4. Lock on message expires.
 5. Runnable with processing of `Flow` trace is placed to Runnable's queue.
(second attempt to read the message)
 6. Runnable with processing of `Transfer` trace with second attempt is
placed to Runnable's queue.
 7. Runnable with processing of `Transfer` trace with first attempt is
placed to Runnable's queue.
Also my current hypothesis that Runnable's queue is filled by garbage or
slow tasks.
Investigation is in progress.

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Re: Apache Qpid and Azure Service bus: Is there internal buffer of Qpid driver that can lead to duplicates/unordered messages processing under load?

2018-05-29 Thread popalka
I'll try to take heapdump when the issue will be reproduced on PROD

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Re: Apache Qpid and Azure Service bus: Is there internal buffer of Qpid driver that can lead to duplicates/unordered messages processing under load?

2018-05-29 Thread popalka
Robbie, thanks a lot for answer.

I'm trying to investigate issue more deeply and reproduce it locally (this
is issue from PROD).

Yes, receiveLocalOnly=true is redudant in our config since prefetch is
disabled, I read the source code and documentation.
Also we increase number of CPU cores on PROD. so CPU load less than 40%. It
didn't help.

Maybe we are victim of 
or  (but is should not
affect, we use relatively fresh version  0.27.0)

My current hypothesis that instances of JmsMessageConsumer recreated by
recovery mechanism of Spring's DefaultMessageListenerContainer it can lead
to prefetching messages by Qpid driver with delayed processing by business

Another hypothesis that JmsMessageConsumer badly cleaned by Spring's

Robbie Gemmell wrote
> The below doesnt really give enough information to reason about what
> happened, however some notes/observations:
> - The logs show two different consumers processing the message within
> a minute of each other. Probably due to the server handing it to a
> different consumer after the lock expired earlier, but its not
> possible to say much else with the details available.
> - Snippet 3 just shows the consumer granting the server a credit to
> send a message after receive was called. This is expected in general
> and necessary here in particular since prefetch is disabled.
> - The consumer has an intermediate buffer it puts arriving messages,
> but by disabling prefetch it should see only 1 message at a time go in
> it and then get removed directly by the recieving application thread.
> - The receiveLocalOnly=true probably shouldnt be used since its not
> possible for the client to work entirely on its local buffer when
> prefetch is disabled; it must go remote to ask the server for a
> message when receive is called, because it has not previously given
> credit for any messge to be sent yet.
> Robbie

Anton Reshetnikov 

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Apache Qpid and Azure Service bus: Is there internal buffer of Qpid driver that can lead to duplicates/unordered messages processing under load?

2018-05-28 Thread popalka
We use qpid-jms-client version 0.27.0 to work with Azure SB.

What the cause of processing messages out of order under load?

Currently we have next situation:
1) read message from SB  by driver with JMSXDeliveryCount=1  
2) SB place lock and increase deliveryCounter
3) after 5 minutes lock expires 
4) read message from SB  by driver with JMSXDeliveryCount=2
5) start processing of message with  JMSXDeliveryCount=2 by business code of
our application
7) message with with  JMSXDeliveryCount=2 successfully processed and
8) message removed from SB queue 
*9) start processing of message with  JMSXDeliveryCount=1 by business code
of our application*  (!!)
10) try to acknowledge message with  JMSXDeliveryCount=1 that gives user
error on SB metrics

Why the 9) is possible? Where message is stored inside driver? We disabled
prefetch by driver. Why it holds inside driver so long (over 5 minutes)?
We work in multi threaded environment and may be our CPU cores are under
load, but anyway why priority of processing is broken?

Connection parameters for SB are 

Also receiveLocalOnly=true on org.apache.qpid.jms.JmsConnectionFactory

Acknowledge mode is client.

Additional info:
Spring config  for message-driven-channel-adapter:


Trace logs from our app:
HeadersLogger is our app class

grep "3e4861c4-359c-4d7b-82b3-01d3d0fc62ec:10:2:1-270"

2018-05-25 08:14:18.988 TRACE 9844 --- [resOrdExecutor-9]
org.apache.qpid.jms.JmsMessageConsumer   :
ID:03d307b2-ba5c-4b86-b430-64c3ac46e2dd:2:6:1 received message:
JmsInboundMessageDispatch { sequence = 41, messageId =
ID:3e4861c4-359c-4d7b-82b3-01d3d0fc62ec:10:2:1-270, consumerId =
ID:03d307b2-ba5c-4b86-b430-64c3ac46e2dd:2:6:1 }
2018-05-25 08:14:18.988 DEBUG 9844 --- [resOrdExecutor-9]
c.o.e.messaging.log.HeadersLogger: Process message with headers
{jms_redelivered=true, JMSXDeliveryCount=2,
id=28971091-996e-7a34-1e0d-a43d713c2ac2, priority=4,
SOURCE_SYSTEM=EXPORT_ENGINE, timestamp=1527236058988}
2018-05-25 08:14:19.003  WARN 9844 --- [resOrdExecutor-9]
c.o.e.messaging.log.HeadersLogger: More than one attempt to process
jms message. Details : {jms_redelivered=true, JMSXDeliveryCount=2,
id=28971091-996e-7a34-1e0d-a43d713c2ac2, priority=4,
SOURCE_SYSTEM=EXPORT_ENGINE, timestamp=1527236058988}

2018-05-25 08:15:31.993 TRACE 9844 --- [resOrdExecutor-5]
org.apache.qpid.jms.JmsMessageConsumer   :
ID:03d307b2-ba5c-4b86-b430-64c3ac46e2dd:2:3:1 received message:
JmsInboundMessageDispatch { sequence = 45, messageId =
ID:3e4861c4-359c-4d7b-82b3-01d3d0fc62ec:10:2:1-270, consumerId =
ID:03d307b2-ba5c-4b86-b430-64c3ac46e2dd:2:3:1 }
2018-05-25 08:15:31.993 DEBUG 9844 --- [resOrdExecutor-5]
c.o.e.messaging.log.HeadersLogger: Process message with headers
{jms_redelivered=false, JMSXDeliveryCount=1,
id=6b5c1284-c206-0aca-290d-444e3a112e6d, priority=4,
SOURCE_SYSTEM=EXPORT_ENGINE, timestamp=1527236131993}


Sample driver trace log that cause increasing deliveryCount on SB side.

2018-05-27 22:33:18.317 TRACE   --- []]
o.a.qpid.jms.provider.amqp.AmqpConsumer  : Consumer
ID:67e44b2f-d492-4ee3-8ed0-6fb0f3345136:1:1:1 granting 1 additional credit
for pull.
2018-05-27 22:33:18.318 TRACE   --- []]
o.apache.qpid.jms.provider.amqp.FRAMES   : SENT: Flow{nextIncomingId=1,
incomingWindow=2047, nextOutgoingId=1, outgoingWindow=2147483647, handle=0,
deliveryCount=0, linkCredit=1, available=null, drain=false, echo=false,
2018-05-27 22:33:18.318  INFO   --- []]
org.apache.qpid.jms.provider.amqp.BYTES  : Sending:
2018-05-27 22:33:45.922 TRACE   --- []]
o.a.q.j.t.netty.NettyTcpTransport: Attempted write of: 32 bytes

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