[SOGo] Re: sending an email but the window does not close

2013-10-24 Thread Alessandro Bono

Hi again

solved by myself
for reference the problem was this line

add_header X-Frame-Options DENY;

On 23/10/2013 11:18, Alessandro Bono wrote:

On 22/10/2013 15:17, Alessandro Bono wrote:


I have a problem with a couple of installation, when you send an 
email with web interface email is sent but window does not close

Found the problem. sogo servers are beyond a ngnix load 
proxy/balancer, if I talk directly with sogo works with not problems, 
if I pass via nginx window does not close

nginx configuration is

ssl_session_timeout  10m;
ssl_session_cache  shared:SSL:10m;

ssl_protocols   SSLv3 TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2;

ssl_prefer_server_ciphers   on;

add_header Strict-Transport-Security max-age=2592000;

add_header X-Frame-Options DENY;

upstream cluster-ssl {
 server srv1.mycompany.com:443;
 server srv2.mycompany.com:443;

server {
listen  443;
server_name  sogo.mycompany.com

ssl  on;

access_log /var/log/nginx/sogo.access.log;
error_log /var/log/nginx/sogo.error.log error;

location / {
  proxy_pass https://cluster-ssl;

any hint?

Systems are centos 6.4 64bit with dovecot and cyrus as imap server 
and postfix as smtp server with and without authentication
I tried to enable ImapDebugEnabled but I found no interesting 
information from log

problem with sogo 2.0.7 and nightly
below you can find sogo.conf

OCSEMailAlarmsFolderURL = 
OCSFolderInfoURL = 
OCSSessionsFolderURL = 

SOGoACLsSendEMailNotifications = YES;
SOGoEnableEMailAlarms = YES;
SOGoAppointmentSendEMailNotifications = YES;
SOGoDefaultCalendar = selected;
SOGoDraftsFolderName = Drafts;
SOGoFoldersSendEMailNotifications = YES;
SOGoIMAPServer = imaps://imap.mycompany.com:993;
SOGoLanguage = Italian;
SOGoLoginModule = Mail;
SOGoMailDomain = mycompany.com;
SOGoMailReplyPlacement = above;
SOGoMailingMechanism = smtp;
SOGoPageTitle = Webmail;
SOGoPasswordChangeEnabled = YES;
SOGoProfileURL = 

SOGoSMTPServer = smtp.mycompany.com;
SOGoSMTPAuthenticationType = PLAIN;
SOGoSentFolderName = Sent;
SOGoSieveScriptsEnabled = YES;
SOGoSieveServer = sieve://sieve.mycompany.com;
SOGoTimeZone = Europe/Rome;
SOGoTrashFolderName = Trash;
SOGoUserSources = (
LoginFieldNames = (
canAuthenticate = YES;
id = Users;
isAddressBook = YES;
type = sql;
userPasswordAlgorithm = none;
viewURL = 

SOGoVacationEnabled = YES;

how to solve this problem?


Cordiali Saluti
Alessandro Bono


[SOGo] OpenLDAP pwdReset = TRUE issue

2013-10-24 Thread Laz C. Peterson
Hi there,

I am having an issue with OpenLDAP 2.4.28 and SOGo 2.0.7 (201307221040) 
regarding password must be changed at next login type functionality.

For now, SOGo is set up using LDAP ppolicy, and all authentication and password 
changing works great using Preferences - Password.  (If it matters, SOGo 
configuration does not include bindAsCurrentUser.)

However, if I change pwdReset to TRUE in LDAP, the user tries to log in and as 
expected, a reset password window pops up.  The user inputs and verifies new 
password, then clicks Ok -- at this point, the password change window 
displays an HTTP 502 error, and the only evidence I can find in the logs is 
that an exception occurs, and then a SOGo child process exits and re-spawns.  
(See below.)

After clicking Ok in the password change box, there is nothing happening on 
the LDAP server.  There are no queries, requests, or connections I can find in 
the logs.  The issue seems to be with SOGo, though I don't know.  Any tips or 
suggestions?  Please let me know how I can get more information.

Found in /var/log/sogo/sogo.log:

EXCEPTION: NSException: 0x7fb9e66b15f0 NAME:NSRangeException REASON:in 
substringWithRange:, range { 0, 2147483647 } extends beyond size (0) INFO:(null)
Oct 24 11:38:01 sogod [24248]: 0x0x7fb9e5fc4c20[WOWatchDogChild] child 24289 
Oct 24 11:38:01 sogod [24248]: 0x0x7fb9e5fc4c20[WOWatchDogChild]  (terminated 
due to signal 6, coredump)
Oct 24 11:38:01 sogod [24248]: 0x0x7fb9e610d120[WOWatchDog] child spawned 
with pid 24549

Thanks so much for all your help.
~Laz Peterson-- 

[SOGo] Sending from Outlook failing

2013-10-24 Thread J.
We're able to send mail from Thunderbird no problem, SSL are the only open 
ports (993 and 465), Outlook can't seem to send mail though. I'm guessing that 
I need to edit a setting in the outgoing server preferences in Outlook, but I 
thought I did all that right (use ssl with pw authentication). Relevant lines 
in mail.log:

Oct 24 16:04:48 sogo dovecot: imap-login: Login: user=marym, method=PLAIN, 
rip=, lip=, mpid=16100, TLS
Oct 24 16:04:48 sogo dovecot: imap-login: Login: user=marym, method=PLAIN, 
rip=, lip=, mpid=16103, TLS
Oct 24 16:04:48 sogo dovecot: imap(marym): Disconnected: Disconnected in IDLE 
Oct 24 16:04:48 sogo dovecot: imap(marym): Disconnected: Logged out 
Oct 24 16:06:51 sogo dovecot: imap-login: Login: user=marym, method=PLAIN, 
rip=, lip=, mpid=16129, TLS
Oct 24 16:06:51 sogo postfix/smtps/smtpd[16088]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from 
mail5.mydomain.com[]: 554 5.7.1 mail5.mydomain.com[]: 
Client host rejected: Access denied; from=ma...@mydomain.com 
to=mary...@aol.com proto=ESMTP helo=MaryPC
Oct 24 16:08:03 sogo postfix/smtps/smtpd[16088]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from 
mail5.mydomain.com[]: 554 5.7.1 mail5.mydomain.com[]: 
Client host rejected: Access denied; from=ma...@mydomain.com 
to=mary...@gmail.com proto=ESMTP helo=MaryPC
Oct 24 16:12:01 sogo postfix/smtps/smtpd[16088]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from 
mail5.mydomain.com[]: 554 5.7.1 mail5.mydomain.com[]: 
Client host rejected: Access denied; from=ma...@mydomain.com 
to=ma...@mydomain.com proto=ESMTP helo=MaryPC-- 

Re: [SOGo] Mac_OS_X/10.9 (13A603) CalendarAgent/174

2013-10-24 Thread Ludovic Marcotte

On 2013-10-24 8:38 PM, sicr...@bigpond.net.au wrote:

I assume 10.9 isn't supported yet as sogo logs show:
I've just pushed a fix in SOPE - try the upcoming nightly builds and 
report your findings.


Ludovic Marcotte
lmarco...@inverse.ca  ::  +1.514.755.3630  ::  http://inverse.ca
Inverse inc. :: Leaders behind SOGo (http://sogo.nu) and PacketFence 


Re: [SOGo] Mac_OS_X/10.9 (13A603) CalendarAgent/174

2013-10-24 Thread Richard Ferrara
Nice, should it resolve the delegation issue as well as the unknown webclient?

On 25/10/2013, at 12:00 PM, Ludovic Marcotte lmarco...@inverse.ca wrote:

 On 2013-10-24 8:38 PM, sicr...@bigpond.net.au wrote:
 I assume 10.9 isn't supported yet as sogo logs show:
 I've just pushed a fix in SOPE - try the upcoming nightly builds and report 
 your findings.
 Ludovic Marcotte
 lmarco...@inverse.ca  ::  +1.514.755.3630  ::  http://inverse.ca
 Inverse inc. :: Leaders behind SOGo (http://sogo.nu) and PacketFence 


[SOGo] Mac_OS_X/10.9 (13A603) CalendarAgent/174

2013-10-24 Thread Richard Ferrara

Are there any plans to support iCal in OS X Mavericks?

[SOGo] BTS activities for Thursday, October 24 2013

2013-10-24 Thread SOGo reporter
Title: BTS activities for Thursday, October 24 2013

BTS Activities

  Home page: http://www.sogo.nu/bugs
  Project: SOGo
  For the period covering: Thursday, October 24 2013

idlast updatestatus (resolution)categorysummary
	2013-10-24 11:38:00
	updated (open)
	Funambol SOGo Connector
	Invitations from all subscribed calendars presented to user
	2013-10-24 07:48:12
	updated (open)
	Web Calendar
	"Maximum number of simultaneous bookings (1) reached for resource" due to TimeZone daylight saving mess
	2013-10-24 12:25:20
	closed (fixed)
	OpenChange backend
	Email Style Usernames unable to login - Outlook