Re: questions about tomcat 7 executor with rest services

2015-10-13 Thread Brian Millett

> On Oct 12, 2015, at 5:01 PM, Mark Thomas <> wrote:
> On 12 October 2015 21:26:30 BST, Brian Millett <> wrote:
>> I’m looking for some insight / info into using executor thread pool for
>> a tomcat 7 server that handles many REST services.   
>> Wondering if a large maxThreads in an Executor would have better
>> through put than the same maxThreads for a normal connector?
> Nope. Internally the Connector uses an executor.
>> What scenario would encourage the use of an Executor over a normal
>> connector? 
> Sharing a common thread pool between multiple connectors. Usually when you 
> want to limit concurrent requests across http and http. 
> Mark
> -
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questions about tomcat 7 executor with rest services

2015-10-12 Thread Brian Millett
I’m looking for some insight / info into using executor thread pool for a 
tomcat 7 server that handles many REST services.   
Wondering if a large maxThreads in an Executor would have better through put 
than the same maxThreads for a normal connector?

What scenario would encourage the use of an Executor over a normal connector? 

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Re: integrating Apache 2 server and Tomcat

2009-06-26 Thread Brian Millett
On Fri, 2009-06-26 at 08:59 -0500, Dimitrios Christodoulakis wrote:
 I have been struggling for the past couple of weeks to redirect
 external traffic from the Apache 2 server to Tomcat 5.5 on a godaddy
 dedicated server.
 We have created a new domain on the server, which default public path
 is /home/myadmin/public_html/ when someone points there browser to
 At the same time I have uploaded and deployed the application under
 As I understand at this time web content is served by the apache
 server and not Tomcat. What I have been trying to do is to have all
 pages static and dynamic be served by Tomcat.
 Godaddy offers limited support unless we buy into their assisted
 service plan. I followed some steps they initially suggested which
 involved creating a symbolic link between the default public directory
 /home/myadmin/public_html/ and the application directory
 usr/java/tomcat-5.5/webapps/mydomain/ by using the command:
 ln -s /usr/java/tomcat-5.5/webapps/mydomain/index.html
 With this I hoped all requests from going to
 /home/myadmin/public_html would be automatically redirected to the
 actual tomcat content starting with the deployed application's
 index.html page. But unfortunately this does not work. I am always
 returned the 404 error message.
 Is there a known or recommended way to resolve this issue? After some
 searching I believe there are workarounds involving editing the
 /usr/java/tomcat-5.5/conf/server.xml and the etc/httpd/conf/http.conf
 files. Would it be possible someone to provide some general steps how
 to do this?
 Many thanks for any practical help.

Well this is how I do it, your mileage will vary.

I use mod_proxy_http with tomcat configured for just a http connector.
I setup a mod_proxy.conf file for the apache and I'll just show how I do
it for the tomcat examples.  Apache serves the statis html  images, the
jsp/servlets are fed by tomcat.

IfModule mod_proxy.c
  LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/

  ProxyRequests Off

  # Make sure that the virtual host name is passed through to the
  # backend servlet container for virtual host support.
  ProxyPreserveHost On

  # Tell mod_mod proxy that it should not send back the body-content of
  # error pages, but be fascist and use its local error pages if the
  # remote HTTP stack is sending an HTTP 4xx or 5xx status code.
  ProxyErrorOverride On
  ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:8080/

  Proxy *
   Order deny,allow
   Allow from all

  RewriteLog logs/rewrite_log
  RewriteLogLevel 1

  Alias /examples /opt/webBaseDir/webapps/examples

  LocationMatch /examples
 LimitExcept POST GET PUT
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
Allow from none
 # The nastiness begins, let's fire up the rewrite engine
 RewriteEngine On
 # Everything ending in .gif, .jpg or .jpeg will be served again
 # directly by Apache, no need to bother the servlet container. As above
 # this is the last rule as specified by the [L] flag at the end
 RewriteRule \.(pl|php|cgi)$ - [PT,L]
 RewriteRule \.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png|html)$ - [PT,L]

 # Everything that starts with a NON-CASE-SENSITIVE match (the NC flag)
 # of /WEB-INF or /WEB-INF/ is forbidden (the F flag). And again,
 # this is the last rule (the L flag), nothing will be processed by the
 # rewrite engine if this rule is matched
 RewriteRule ^.*/WEB-INF/?(.*) - [L,F,NC]

 # Any jsp, jspx, do, servlet get proxied
 RewriteRule \.(jsp|jspx|do) http://localhost:8080%{REQUEST_URI}; [P,L]
 RewriteRule ^/(.*)/servlet/(.*) http://localhost:8080%{REQUEST_URI}; 



Brian Millett - [ Sinclair, Zathras, and Garibaldi, Babylon Squared]
S: Why do you need Babylon 5?
Z: Zathras tell, you let Zathras go? Finish what Zathras came for?
G: Zathras tells maybe we don't break Zathras scrawny little neck.

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Re: APR Native library on tomcat 6

2009-06-19 Thread Brian Millett
On Fri, 2009-06-19 at 02:05 -0700, lmk wrote:

I'd look where you told it to go. 
Brian Millett - [ Sinclair (re: The Line), The Gathering]
The sky was full of stars and every star an exploding of ours.

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Re: running tomcat with root user

2009-02-01 Thread Brian Millett
On Sat, 2009-01-31 at 19:25 -0800, wrote:
 I have the latest tomcat 6 installed under centos 5.2.  The problem I am 
 having is that it appears that I have to run tomcat as root user, because the 
 spring app that tomcat starts needs to write files to other users' home 
 directories.  The tomcat user doesn't have access to these directories.
 I tried making these users part of a shared group, but to complicate the 
 problem the users are jailed using jailkit.  So it doesn't appear that 
 jailkit lets me add group write privileges to the home directories and 
 maintain a working jail.
 Can anyone suggest another alternative?  I am not linux user expert so maybe 
 there is an obvious solution i am missing?

works great, less filling.

Brian Millett - [ Morden (to Londo), Revelations]
The Narns will never be able to prove it was done at your instigation.
 and, based on your promise to take care of it, your government accepts
 your responsibility without question or hesitation. Perfect symmetry.
 I believe that this little demonstration will bring you some very
 interesting propositions.

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Re: jsvc problem with PID

2009-02-01 Thread Brian Millett
On Sun, 2009-02-01 at 08:20 +, Dave Pawson wrote:
 Fedora 10, Tomcat 6
 Looking to set up a startup/shutdown script
 based on
 with paths corrected.
 Adding debug I'm seeing, in the logs
 INFO: Jk running ID=0 time=0/27  config=null
 Feb 1, 2009 7:18:44 AM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina start
 INFO: Server startup in 929 ms
 01/02/2009 07:23:58 5575 jsvc.exec error: Cannot open PID file
 /var/run/, PID is 5575
 01/02/2009 07:23:58 5574 jsvc.exec error: Service exit with a return
 value of 255
 I.e. the PID isn't being written to /var/run/
 Any suggestions please?

Well, I use the jsvc daemon to start my tomcat on fedora 10.  Tomcat 6

your mileage will vary, but here is my start stript.  I also use the apr
native libs hence the -Djava.library.path=/usr/local/apr/lib and I've
also setup monitoring 

# chkconfig: 345 86 15
# description: Tomcat Server
# Small shell script to show how to start/stop Tomcat using jsvc
# If you want to have Tomcat running on port 80 please modify the
# file:
#!-- Define a non-SSL HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 80 --
#   port=80 minProcessors=5 maxProcessors=75
#   enableLookups=true redirectPort=8443
#   acceptCount=10 debug=0 connectionTimeout=6/
# You need a developement version of Tomcat (Apache Tomcat/4.1-dev)
# Adapt the following lines to your configuration
CATALINA_OPTS= -Djava.library.path=/usr/local/apr/lib
 -Xms128M -Xmx512M


case $1 in
# Start Tomcat
-user $TOMCAT_USER \
-home $JAVA_HOME \
-jvm server \
-Dcatalina.home=$CATALINA_HOME \
-Dcatalina.base=$CATALINA_BASE \
-Djava.util.logging.manager=org.apache.juli.ClassLoaderLogManager \
-Djava.endorsed.dirs=$CATALINA_BASE/endorsed \$TMP_DIR \
-outfile $CATALINA_BASE/logs/catalina.out \
-errfile '1' \
# To get a verbose JVM
#-verbose \
# To get a debug of jsvc.
#-debug \

# Stop Tomcat
PID=`cat /var/run/`
kill $PID

echo Usage start/stop
exit 1

Brian Millett - [ Londo and Sinclair, A Voice in the Wilderness I]
If the Narns all stood together in one place and hated all at the same
time, that hatred could fly across dozens of light years and reduce
Centauri Prime to a ball of ash. That's how much they hate *us*.
'You don't have to respond in kind.'
Of course we do. It is a natural law. Physics tells us that for every
action, there must be an equal and opposite reaction. They hate us,
we hate them, they hate us back and so, here we are, victims of

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Re: Running Tomcat as Standalone in linux

2008-01-05 Thread Brian Millett

Chris Baty escribío:

Hi guys,
I want to serve a site with few graphics so I decided to use Tomcat 5.5 as my 
server.  But I'm having difficulty getting  it to  run on port 80.  I read and decided to try 
xinetd.  I added this to /etc/xinetd/:
# Redirects any port 80 requests to port 8180 (to Tomcat)
service tomcat
socket_type= stream
protocol= tcp
user= root
wait= no
port= 80
redirect= localhost 8180
disable= no
it works great on that machine if I point my browser but remotely I get zilch.  
I've tried plugging in my ip address instead of localhost: zilch.  Could anyone 
point me in the right  direction?


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know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.;_ylt=Ahu06i62sR8HDtDypao8Wcj9tAcJ 

You can also use the java service launcher that is located in the bin directory 
of the distribution.  You need to compile it and install it.  What it does is 
launch tomcat on port 80 as root, but changes the owner to be something else, 
like 'tomcat'.  That way, you can run it on port 80, but not as root.

A way of launching it from say /etc/init.d is with a script like the following:

# chkconfig: 345 86 15
# description: Tomcat Server
# Small shell script to show how to start/stop Tomcat using jsvc
# If you want to have Tomcat running on port 80 please modify the server.xml
# file:
#!-- Define a non-SSL HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 80 --
#Connector className=org.apache.catalina.connector.http.HttpConnector
#   port=80 minProcessors=5 maxProcessors=75
#   enableLookups=true redirectPort=8443
#   acceptCount=10 debug=0 connectionTimeout=6/
# Adapt the following lines to your configuration
CATALINA_OPTS= -Djava.library.path=/usr/local/apr/lib
 -Xms128M -Xmx512M


case $1 in
# Start Tomcat
-user $TOMCAT_USER \
-home $JAVA_HOME \
-jvm server \
-Dcatalina.home=$CATALINA_HOME \
-Dcatalina.base=$CATALINA_BASE \
-Djava.util.logging.manager=org.apache.juli.ClassLoaderLogManager \
-Djava.util.logging.config.file=$CATALINA_BASE/conf/ \
-Djava.endorsed.dirs=$CATALINA_BASE/endorsed \$TMP_DIR \
-outfile $CATALINA_BASE/logs/catalina.out \
-errfile '1' \
# To get a verbose JVM
#-verbose \
# To get a debug of jsvc.
#-debug \

# Stop Tomcat
PID=`cat /var/run/`
kill $PID

echo Usage start/stop
exit 1

Brian Millett - [ Ivanova, The Geometry of Shadows]
If it gets too bad I'll just gnaw it off at the ankle.

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Re: Tomcat 6.0 with Apache 2.2 front-end

2007-11-29 Thread Brian Millett
Filip Hanik - Dev Lists escribío:
 using mod_proxy_http, you want to enable
 ProxyPreserveHost On
 loknor wrote:

 Filip Hanik - Dev Lists wrote:
 three options




 Yep just found the other option, and a site that got me up to speed very
 quickly.  I can now communicate between Apache and Tomcat.



I'd also recommend that you compile the apr native libs for tomcat
(apache-tomcat-6.0.14/bin/tomcat-native.tar.gz) and enable it when you start
tomcat by adding -Djava.library.path=/usr/local/apr/lib (I installed the lib
in /usr/local/apr/lib).

What gives you is the apr interface for handling the http connects.

from the catalina.out:

Nov 26, 2007 9:31:10 AM org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11AprProtocol init
INFO: Initializing Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-8080

This handler scales and is quicker than the java handler.  JBoss calls it
JBossWeb.  See for a nice graph of the
performance differences between the native apr  java handlers.

Brian Millett - [ Ivanova, The Geometry of Shadows]
If it gets too bad I'll just gnaw it off at the ankle.

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Re: Tomcat 6 and tomcat native

2007-09-07 Thread Brian Millett
Alec Bickerton escribío:
 I've been looking at tomcat 6 and have seen a notification that my
 tc-native was out of date.
 07.09.2007 13:06:05 org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener init
 INFO: An older version 1.1.9 of the Apache Tomcat Native library is
 installed, while Tomcat recommends version greater then 1.1.10
 Normal startup follows
 My question is, where do I find this mythical beast?
 The latest version on
 is the version I'm using 1.1.9.

Go to:

Then select browse download area

Then go into the native folder.
Brian Millett - [ Sheridan and G'Kar, Soul Mates]
People seem to be implying that I shouldn't get too comfortable.
'Oh nonsense. It's not as if anyone expects you to...oh...vanish overnight
under mysterious circumstances to a strange Minbari post. Why that would
be unprecedented in this station's history.'

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Re: Apache HTTP Server - Tomcat and PHP

2007-07-18 Thread Brian Millett
Munna Dee escribío:
 Hi all,
   I have one question regarding running Apache HTTP Server to run/serve
 Servlets as well as PHP content. I have installed the following:
  1. Apache 2.2.4 (Win32) HTTP Server
  2. Apache-Tomcat 6.0.13 Servlet container and
  3. PHP 5.2.3
  I have configured Apache HTTP Server to load PHP module and now I need to
 connect Apache HTTP Server and Tomcat together to also serve servlet
 requests in same system/server. I have gone through 'mod_jk' solution for
 this. But, I was wondering are there any other ways to do this - Working
 Apache HTTP Server with PHP along with Tomcat.
 Is it that I can run Apache HTTP Server on same(i.e on its own) port and
 run Tomcat on different port to get it done? Can anybody please tell your
 expert opinions on this? Thanks!

Running 3 instances of tomcat with http connectors on ports 8080 8081 8082

# Cluster vhost   #

LoadModule proxy_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_balancer_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_connect_module modules/


DocumentRoot /var/www/html
ServerName froto
ErrorLog logs/cluster-error_log
TransferLog logs/cluster-access_log
ProxyRequests Off
ProxyPreserveHost On
ProxyErrorOverride On

ProxyPassReverse / balancer://cluster/
ProxyPass / balancer://cluster/ stickysession=jsessionid nofailover=Off

  Proxy balancer://cluster/
   Order deny,allow
   Allow from all
   BalancerMember http://gollum:8080 loadfactor=50 route=tomcat-c1
   BalancerMember http://gollum:8081 loadfactor=50 route=tomcat-c2
   BalancerMember http://gollum:8082 loadfactor=50 route=tomcat-c3

  Location /balancer-manager
 SetHandler balancer-manager
 Order Deny,Allow
 Deny from all
 Allow from localhost


Brian Millett - [ Londo and Sheridan, Soul Mates]
Ah, my good Captain Sheridan, all settled in?
'All settled, Ambassador.'

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questions about the classloader in tomcat 6

2007-05-21 Thread Brian Millett
Hello, I've setup my tomcat 6.0.13 with the CATALINA_HOME=/opt/tomcat and
CATALINA_BASE=/opt/webBaseDir on a FC6 system.

I read in
Common - This class loader contains additional classes that are made visible to
both Tomcat internal classes and to all web applications. Normally, application
classes should NOT  be placed here. All unpacked classes and resources in
$CATALINA_HOME/lib, as well as classes and resources in JAR files are made
visible through this class loader.

and in
The description below uses the variable name $CATALINA_HOME to refer to the
directory into which you have installed Tomcat 6, and is the base directory
against which most relative paths are resolved. However, if you have configured
Tomcat 6 for multiple instances by setting a CATALINA_BASE directory, you should
use $CATALINA_BASE instead of $CATALINA_HOME for each of these references.

and in conf/
# List of comma-separated paths defining the contents of the common
# classloader. Prefixes should be used to define what is the repository type.
# Path may be relative to the CATALINA_HOME or CATALINA_BASE path or absolute.
# If left as blank,the JVM system loader will be used as Catalina's common
# loader.
# Examples:
# foo: Add this folder as a class repository
# foo/*.jar: Add all the JARs of the specified folder as class
#  repositories
# foo/bar.jar: Add bar.jar as a class repository

and also in org/apache/catalina/startup/
while ((i=repository.indexOf(CATALINA_HOME_TOKEN))=0) {
if (i0) {
repository = repository.substring(0,i) + getCatalinaHome()
+ repository.substring(i+CATALINA_HOME_TOKEN.length());
} else {
repository = getCatalinaHome()
+ repository.substring(CATALINA_HOME_TOKEN.length());
while ((i=repository.indexOf(CATALINA_BASE_TOKEN))=0) {
if (i0) {
repository = repository.substring(0,i) + getCatalinaBase()
+ repository.substring(i+CATALINA_BASE_TOKEN.length());
} else {
repository = getCatalinaBase()
+ repository.substring(CATALINA_BASE_TOKEN.length());

And finally in the RUNNING.txt file
In many circumstances, it is desirable to have a single copy of a Tomcat
binary distribution shared among multiple users on the same server.  To make
this possible, you can pass a -Dcatalina.base=$CATALINA_BASE argument when
executing the startup command (see (2)). In this
-Dcatalina.base=$CATALINA_BASE argument, replace $CATALINA_BASE with the
directory that contains the files for your 'personal' Tomcat instance.

The behavior I've seen is that on startup, the jar files in CATALINA_HOME/lib
are loaded before CATALINA_BASE/lib.  Is that correct?

I've seen that I must have the distributed jar files in CATALINA_HOME/lib, but
for my personal tomcat, I have to put the jar files in CATALINA_BASE/lib.

Are the documentation pages for all of the class loading inconsistant?

Do I need to add to the file

What is the correct place for the Common jars to get loaded with a multiple
tomcat instances?

I'm a little confused.

Brian Millett - [ Sinclair and Garibaldi, Deathwalker]
You think it'll always be like this, Michael? Little powers at the mercy
of bigger powers, politics before morality, expediency before justice?
'Seems to work for everybody...except you. Maybe that's why I like you.'

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pluto 1.1.3 tomcat 6

2007-05-21 Thread Brian Millett
Anyone get pluto (or jetspeed2) working with tomcat 6?

I have not figured out all of the classloading issues yet.
Brian Millett - []
Why are you here?
'We were never away. For the first time, your mind is quiet enough to
hear me.'
Why am I here?
'You have always been here.'
-- Sheridan and Kosh (in Sheridan's dream),
   All Alone in the Night

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Re: questions about the classloader in tomcat 6

2007-05-21 Thread Brian Millett
Filip Hanik - Dev Lists escribío:

Doesn't that defeat the CATALINA_BASE setup for multiple instances of tomcat?

 Brian Millett wrote:
 Hello, I've setup my tomcat 6.0.13 with the CATALINA_HOME=/opt/tomcat and
 CATALINA_BASE=/opt/webBaseDir on a FC6 system.

 I read in
 Common - This class loader contains additional classes that are made
 visible to
 both Tomcat internal classes and to all web applications. Normally,
 classes should NOT  be placed here. All unpacked classes and resources in
 $CATALINA_HOME/lib, as well as classes and resources in JAR files are
 visible through this class loader.

 and in
 The description below uses the variable name $CATALINA_HOME to refer
 to the
 directory into which you have installed Tomcat 6, and is the base
 against which most relative paths are resolved. However, if you have
 Tomcat 6 for multiple instances by setting a CATALINA_BASE directory,
 you should
 use $CATALINA_BASE instead of $CATALINA_HOME for each of these

 and in conf/
 # List of comma-separated paths defining the contents of the common
 # classloader. Prefixes should be used to define what is the
 repository type.
 # Path may be relative to the CATALINA_HOME or CATALINA_BASE path or
 # If left as blank,the JVM system loader will be used as Catalina's
 # loader.
 # Examples:
 # foo: Add this folder as a class repository
 # foo/*.jar: Add all the JARs of the specified folder as class
 #  repositories
 # foo/bar.jar: Add bar.jar as a class repository

 and also in org/apache/catalina/startup/
 while ((i=repository.indexOf(CATALINA_HOME_TOKEN))=0) {
 if (i0) {
 repository = repository.substring(0,i) +
 } else {
 repository = getCatalinaHome()
 while ((i=repository.indexOf(CATALINA_BASE_TOKEN))=0) {
 if (i0) {
 repository = repository.substring(0,i) +
 } else {
 repository = getCatalinaBase()

 And finally in the RUNNING.txt file
 In many circumstances, it is desirable to have a single copy of a Tomcat
 binary distribution shared among multiple users on the same server. 
 To make
 this possible, you can pass a -Dcatalina.base=$CATALINA_BASE
 argument when
 executing the startup command (see (2)). In this
 -Dcatalina.base=$CATALINA_BASE argument, replace $CATALINA_BASE with
 directory that contains the files for your 'personal' Tomcat instance.

 The behavior I've seen is that on startup, the jar files in
 are loaded before CATALINA_BASE/lib.  Is that correct?

 I've seen that I must have the distributed jar files in
 for my personal tomcat, I have to put the jar files in

 Are the documentation pages for all of the class loading inconsistant?

 Do I need to add to the file


 What is the correct place for the Common jars to get loaded with a
 tomcat instances?

 I'm a little confused.

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Brian Millett - [ Ivanova and Garibaldi, Survivors]
What, does something about this surprise you, Mr. Garibaldi?
'*Nothing* the government does surprises me.'
That's a very Russian attitude. I commend you.

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Re: questions about the classloader in tomcat 6

2007-05-21 Thread Brian Millett
Filip Hanik - Dev Lists escribío:
 Brian Millett wrote:
 Filip Hanik - Dev Lists escribío:

 Doesn't that defeat the CATALINA_BASE setup for multiple instances of
 I always get the BASE and HOME mixed up. but I believe HOME is the
 installation of all the shared binaries,
 hence all common libraries would be placed there
 CATALINA_BASE is used for all runtime directories, such as webapps,
 work, conf etc

Brian Millett - [ Londo and Timov, Soul Mates]
They're merely expressing their feelings for me.
'I can do that. [Timov slaps Londo]

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Re: questions about the classloader in tomcat 6

2007-05-21 Thread Brian Millett
Rainer Jung escribío:
 The file is the one that defines the classloader
 search order. So you are free to make the order fit your own needs.
 For instance if you really like to share product installations and want
 to add instance specific things to the common loader, you would add a
 folder of your choice or a *.jar pattern inside CATALINA_BASE to the
 common.loader in
 If there is a conflict between the home and the base classes, the order
 in the common.loader string will decide which gets loaded (first comes
 By the way: all class loaders used in former Tomcat releases are still
 present in TC 6 and there functionality is the same. Because this class
 loader hierarchy confused a lot of users, we decided to switch to a
 simple default distribution layout by moving everything into the common
 classloader. In you can see, that all loaders
 (common, server, shared) are still there and configurable, but only
 common has classes in its search path.

Thanks.  I saw that in  If I fill those values in (for the
appropriate classloader) I can duplicate the behavior of the older systems.
That will help in migrating large installations that are running tomcat 5 to
tomcat 6.

Is there a need to move to the newer common classloader?  I guess my question
is if the older ways will be deprecated in the future?

Brian Millett - [ N'Grath and Garibaldi, Survivors]
You are police.
'Not any more. I'm a fugitive. Don't tell me you haven't heard?'
Have heard. You are *still* police.

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