Re: log4j w/apache

2009-06-25 Thread Christopher Piggott
This is described here:

If you truly want them to go nowhere you can do this:, nowhere, nowhere

The real trick is that you have to send those messages to a logger
that won't pass them up (i.e. additivity=false).

Using the documentation you should be able to take it from here.


On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 4:29 PM, wrote:
 Newbie on ussing log4j and now that I have a simplistic log4j configuration 
 file I am seeing ALL of the apache all from 
 org.apache.commons.digester.Digester or 
 org.apache.commons.digester.Digester.sax.  How can I stop that but still keep 
 a simple or reconfigure my  tia.

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UDP fails, but doesn't throw a SecurityException

2009-06-24 Thread Christopher Piggott
I have a servlet that sends and listens to a local UDP service.  To
allow this, I established the following policy:

grant codebase file:${catalina.base}/webapps/modbus/- {
permission localhost:502, connect;


This allowed packets out to the external service, but not responses.
I changed it as follows:

grant codebase file:${catalina.base}/webapps/modbus/- {
permission localhost:502,


and it started working.

The client library in question creates a DatagramSocket(), then calls
receive() on it with a timeout.  Before adding accept,listen t
always timed out.

Version information:
JVM 1.6.0_13-b03Sun Microsystems Inc
O/S Linux   2.6.28-13-serveri386

Here's my question: if this was failing, why didn't it throw a
SecurityException?  It would have been less challenging to figure out
what was going on had there been one.


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Re: UDP fails, but doesn't throw a SecurityException

2009-06-24 Thread Christopher Piggott
 Here's my question: if this was failing, why didn't it throw a
 SecurityException?  It would have been less challenging to figure out
 what was going on had there been one.
 Ask your Java vendor. :)
 There is no Tomcat code there.

Really?  I guess I didn't realize that.  I figured the security was
mainly implemented by the classloaders provided by tomcat.  Actually,
I guess I didn't really think about how it worked.  Maybe I should
figure that out.

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Re: Upgrade to Tomcat 6 on Ubuntu

2009-06-15 Thread Christopher Piggott
On Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 4:32 PM, André wrote:
 If yes, you are using the Ubuntu prepackaged version of tomcat 6.x (?), and
 it probably install it alongside tomcat 5.5, not on top of it.

Yep, that's exactly what it does.  The ubuntu packages put tomcat6
into directories whose paths include tomcat6.

The ubuntu packages for tomcat really aren't too bad.  My only
complaint is that they recommend running with GCJ, so if you use a
package tool like aptitude it may try to pull that in even if you
don't need/want it.  It's not that hard to make it not do that, and
their packaged tomcat by default follows whatever jvm
/etc/alternatives points to (see the man page for


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Re: swallowOutput=true not working. Why?

2009-06-14 Thread Christopher Piggott

Thanks for sharing your experience.  It was helpful.

I still have swallowOutput enabled but, with help from folks on this
list, I kind of came to the same conclusion as you.  I also realized
that I was making a mistake by trying to have my webapp use the shared
copy of log4j rather than just including its own log4j in the .war.
The reason had to do with the classloader, and which
gets loaded for my webapp versus for catalina itself.  By sending
another log4j with the webapp and following advice to go back to
RollingFileAppender, I now have things working pretty sensibly.

About the only real challenge now is dealing with things not yet smart
enough to use log4j.  One of those things is jamod (a Modbus protocol
implementation in Java) -- and it's enough of a problem that I'm
rewriting its logging :)


On Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 1:54 PM, Konstantin wrote:
 2009/6/9 Christopher Piggott
 This was not working, so I searched documentation and learned about:

 Context swallowOutput=true ... /Context

 However, this swallowOutput doesn't seem to work.  I tried putting
 this in several places:

 If you are still puzzled with swallowOutput mistery, here is my experience.

 I tried a similar thing once, not with log4j, but with JULI in TC 5.5,
 and also found
 that swallowOutput does not work with logging frameworks.

 The reason, as I see it, is the following:
 1. to implement this functionality, Tomcat creates a custom
 PrintStream (SystemLogHandler) and replaces the default System.out and

 2. logging classes start up and are initialized before the above said happens,
 and at their initialization time they get reference to the original System.out
 and System.err PrintStreams, bypassing this replacement trick.

 After some thought my conclusion was that there is too much of a trick
 involved in that swallowOutput thing and I would better seek for
 a solution inside the logging framework itself.

 Though I do not have a clear recipe yet. I was not very interested.

 Best regards,
 Konstantin Kolinko

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swallowOutput and service threads

2009-06-09 Thread Christopher Piggott

I'm running tomcat 6 and am having the problem that swallowOutput
doesn't work for my service threads (i.e. threads owned by the webapp,
created in ServletContextListener.contextInitialized() and managed
entirely by me).

I noticed that swallowOutput=true doesn't seem to affect these child
threads.  Is there something that I have to do when I initialize my
service thread to map its stdout/stderr to the rest of the webapp's,
so that swallowOutput works on these children?


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Re: swallowOutput and service threads

2009-06-09 Thread Christopher Piggott
 (By the way, did you solve your other problem of not getting *any*
 stdout output swallowed when swallowOutput=true?)

Yep.  I put it in what is essentially $CATALINA_HOME/conf/context.xml
which means it's server-wide and not host-specific ... and as you
pointed out, is a setting for all webapps.  For now this is what I
want ... at least until I can go through all my servlets and make sure
they log properly.  I'm carrying a lot of little apps I wrote a long
time ago that don't use a Logger.  I've come to see the value of doing
it with log4j but it'll take me a little while to get everything

 You may have to set the thread's context classloader like this:

 public void contextInitialized(...)
   Thread t = new Thread();


I will definitely try that.  I also will consider using log4j's
rotating file appender instead of the ConsoleAppender.  The reason I
didn't do this in the first place is permissions: I don't normally
have webapps that are able to write their own files.  I will have to
think about this a little.

Thanks for all your help!


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Re: swallowOutput=true not working. Why?

2009-06-09 Thread Christopher Piggott

On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 3:45 PM, Christopher wrote:
 log4j.appender.R.layout.ConversionPattern=%p %t %c - %m%n

 I've never used the target property... is this actually a thing?
 ConsoleAppender should already send messages to stdout.

Yeah, ConsoleAppender understands it ... but it's probably redundant
as System.out must be the default.

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swallowOutput=true not working. Why?

2009-06-08 Thread Christopher Piggott

I just switched from Tomcat 5.5 to Tomcat 6 on an Ubuntu server.  I'm
trying to use log4j with this configuration:

log4j.appender.R.layout.ConversionPattern=%p %t %c - %m%n

This was not working, so I searched documentation and learned about:

Context swallowOutput=true ... /Context

However, this swallowOutput doesn't seem to work.  I tried putting
this in several places:

1) in the sever-wide context.xml, which already exists and has a
Context ... element.  (On my system, this fil is in /etc/tomcat6).

2) There was no host-specific one, so I added the file
/etc/tomcat6/Catalina/localhost/context.xml with the contents:
Context swallowOutput=true/

Note that ${CATALINA_HOME}/conf is a symlink to /etc/tomcat6, so when
the documentation refers to the locations for these files, I am pretty
sure I know which ones they're talking about.

3) Just to exhaust all possibilities, in my webapp's META-INF, I
created a context.xml file with the same contents.

None of these three things had any effect.  I tried it both with log4j
and, to rule out that log4j was the problem, tried some
System.out.println and System.err.println here and there.  Near as I
can this output goes nowhere.

I would REALLY like my log4j output to go to localhost_datetime.log.
 Otherwise, I think I have to do some screwing around with the
security manager in order to use something like the

I tried to follow
as best I could, including using tomcat-juli.jar from output/extras as
well as adding in tomcat-juli-adapters.jar.  I'm not sure if that
really applies, but was wondering 

BTW the logger itself more-or-less seems to work.  I determined this
by doing something wrong just as a test: I called log4j's
BasicConfigurator.configure() to see what it would do.  I got log4j
logging output, but I would get duplicate log entries the more times I
reloaded my app.  I quickly figured out that I need to get the logger
as a static resource in whatever class wanted to log, e.g.

private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(servletEventListener.class);



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Classloading questions

2006-04-30 Thread Christopher Piggott

As an experiment, I placed a file in the webapp dir of a servlet (not in
WEB-INF but in the directory above it) and attempted to read it using
getResource().  What I found was that I could not locate the resource unless
I used getServletContext().getResource().

Reading through the Classloading How-To, I am confused why this works.  The
how-to says that from the perspective of the webapp, loading takes place in
this order:

* Bootstrap classes of your JVM
* System class loader classses (described above)
* /WEB-INF/classes of your web application
* /WEB-INF/lib/*.jar of your web application
* $CATALINA_HOME/common/classes
* $CATALINA_HOME/common/endorsed/*.jar
* $CATALINA_HOME/common/lib/*.jar
* $CATALINA_BASE/shared/classes
* $CATALINA_BASE/shared/lib/*.jar

But, what is the order for getServletContext() ?

To try to figure this out, I ran another experiment:

ClassLoader c1 = this.getClass().getClassLoader();
log( this's classloader is  + c1.getClass().getName());

ClassLoader c2 = getServletContext().getClass().getClassLoader();
log( servlet context's  classloader is  + c2.getClass().getName());


this's classloader is org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader
servlet context's  classloader is

The HowTo says the following classloaders exist:

* Bootstrap
* System
* Common
* Catalina
* Shared
* WebappX

How is that some instance of StandarClassLoader able to access the webapp

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Class loading from within a servlet: interface definition not found

2006-04-28 Thread Christopher Piggott
I have something happening with class loading from within a server, and I don't 
understand it.

My servlet defines some classes called:
org.something.server  -- the class that extends HttpServlet
org.something.DatabaseRequestHandler -- an interface

When you make a request to the server, it figures out what handler class to 
load.  Then it attempts to load it:

Class handlerClass = Class.forName(handlerClassNameString);

QUESTION: looking at the little diagram in the Tomcat 5.5 Class Loader HOW-TO, 
when I do the above (Class.forName) I am using the Webapp class loader, correct?

The handler classes are all in handlers.jar which is in 
$CATALINA_BASE/shared/lib.  The actual exception that I get is:

2006-04-28 17:05:55 StandardWrapperValve[xdb]: Servlet.service() for 
servlet xdb threw exception
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/something/DatabaseRequestHandler

It took me a few minutes to realize that this was not a ClassNotFound 
exception, but something else.  Reading docs I figured out that the most 
probably cause is that the servlet's classloader was able to find the handler 
class, but then it failed to load one of the things it depended on, 
specifically it was able to find handlerClass but not the interface class that 
it depends on.

Trouble is: the interface .class file is right there in 
WEB-INF/classes/com/something/DatabaseRequestHandler.class just like it should 
be.  So, I am stumped why the class loader would be able to find the handler 
class in $CATALINA_BASE/shared/lib but NOT the interface that it implements 
which is in WEB-INF/classes.

At the suggestion of a nice gentleman on freenode, I tried turning on the 
-verbose:class option in the jvm, and watched it log some interesting stuff to 
catalina.out.  Unfortunately it doesn't shed any light on what is happening, 
beyond the exception and stack trace in the error log.  I don't want to post 
the whole stack trace (unless someone thinks it would help to see it) but I 
will say that it includes catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader as well as 


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RE: using digester from within a servlet

2006-04-24 Thread Christopher Piggott
Frank W. Zammetti [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes ...
It looks to me like your ObjectCreate rule is incorrect...
I believe the class you reference must be the fully-qualified name.

That set me on the right track - thank you.  My ObjectCreate rule was actually 
OK because I specified the Class itself, not the name of the class as a String:

digester.addObjectCreate(config/xdb-config, XdbConfig.class);

The other problem is that I did not do this:


to tell Digester to use the right class loader.  Once Digester was able to find 
all of the objects it had to create, it continued to blow up on my SetNext 
rules.  The reason here was exactly what you said.  I was not specifying the 
fully-qualified name.  the addSetNext() I am using looks like:

digester.addSetNext(String, String, String) /* works only if class name 
is fully qualified */

I wouldn't have had this problem if there were one of these:

digester.addSetNext(String, String, Class) /* does not exist */

so I might recommend adding that to Digester some time in the future.

Cool :-)


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using digester from within a servlet

2006-04-23 Thread Christopher Piggott


My goal is to use digester within a servlet, to parse a configuration file.
When running within the servlet context digester is unable to find the
classes specified by my rules.  For example, I have this set of rules to
process an element xdb-config which occurs within a config element:

   digester.addObjectCreate(config/xdb-config, XdbConfig.class);
   digester.addSetProperties(config/xdb-config, database-name,
   digester.addSetNext(config/xdb-config, addXdbConfig, XdbConfig);

What I get is this:

Apr 23, 2006 10:21:29 PM org.apache.commons.digester.CallMethodRule
SEVERE: (CallMethodRule) Cannot load class XdbConfig
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: XdbConfig

I get this other places as well.  One of the things I find odd is that this
error occurs after the above one in the error log:

Apr 23, 2006 10:21:29 PM org.apache.commons.digester.CallMethodRule
SEVERE: (CallMethodRule) Cannot load class Config
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Config

Basically, the class loader seems to be able to load my classes from within
my own classes, but NOT from the digester.  What I don't understand is how
that's possible when the required classes are clearly within the classpath;
I upload them to tomcat as a .war and they are all exploded into
WEB-INF/classes.  I can't see how this could not be in the classpath and
therefore not found by the digester.


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