Re: Tomcat website unreachable on the internet

2010-11-26 Thread Electronjockey
unfortunately you cannot use the alias directive to avoid specifying the 
port in the url. Is there a reason you are using IIS on that machine also?

-Original Message-
From: Nathaniel Thalluri
To : Tomcat Users List
Sent: Fri Nov 26 14:55:47 2010
Subject: Re: Tomcat website unreachable on the internet


*How are the computers/workstations on the Internet supposed to read your
Windows hosts file, to know the IP address ?
For that matter, how is that Windows server connected to the Internet ?*

This is something I will have to ask my network admin.
You also mention that the Alias tag is superfluous. My intention in adding
it was to get to the site by typing not But this is not the case, using the
Alias URL on the server machine gives me a 'page under construction' page.


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Re: Tomcat website unreachable on the internet

2010-11-26 Thread Electronjockey
You might try configuring tomcat to use port 443 and register your 
server cert with tomcat instead of IIS and then disabling IIS. that 
should get you what you are looking for

-Original Message-
From: Nathaniel Thalluri
To : Tomcat Users List
Sent: Fri Nov 26 14:55:47 2010
Subject: Re: Tomcat website unreachable on the internet


*How are the computers/workstations on the Internet supposed to read your
Windows hosts file, to know the IP address ?
For that matter, how is that Windows server connected to the Internet ?*

This is something I will have to ask my network admin.
You also mention that the Alias tag is superfluous. My intention in adding
it was to get to the site by typing not But this is not the case, using the
Alias URL on the server machine gives me a 'page under construction' page.


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Re: [ANN] Apache Tomcat 6.0.28 released

2010-07-09 Thread Electronjockey

I take it the change log for 28 will be up soon?

-Original Message-
From: jean-frederic clere
To : Tomcat Developers List,, Tomcat Users List,

Sent: Fri Jul 09 8:42:16 2010
Subject: Re: [ANN] Apache Tomcat 6.0.28 released

The Apache Tomcat team announces the immediate availability of Apache
Tomcat 6.0.28 stable. This release includes bug-fixes over Apache
Tomcat 6.0.26.

Apache Tomcat 6.0 includes new features over Apache Tomcat 5.5,
including support for the new Servlet 2.5 and JSP 2.1 specifications, a
refactored clustering implementation, advanced IO features, and
improvements in memory usage.

Please refer to the change log for the list of changes:


Migration guide from Apache Tomcat 5.5.x:

Thank you,

-- The Apache Tomcat Team

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Re: ISAPI Redirector Help

2010-06-29 Thread Electronjockey

I know this has nothing to do with the solution to your problem, but try 
using a file instead of the registry. I find 
it makes configuration management much easier.

George Sexton wrote:

I'm trying to get the ISAPI redirector working on IIS 7.0 running under
Windows Server Data Center 64-bit.

When I make a request, I get served the isapi_redirector.dll. Here's the
detailed information.

IIS is running in 32 bit mode.

I have downloaded the latest 32-bit ISAPI redirector.

I have configured the registry entries in

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Apache Software Foundation\Jakarta
Isapi Redirector\1.0

I have configured logging and set it to debug.

I do get a isapi_redirect.log file in the specified directory. Here are the
last few lines:

[Tue Jun 29 19:11:30.520 2010] [1752:3920] [debug] jk_map.c (588): Dump of
map: 'worker.list' -  'ajp13'

[Tue Jun 29 19:11:30.520 2010] [1752:3920] [debug] jk_map.c (588): Dump of
map: 'worker.ajp13.type' -  'ajp13'

[Tue Jun 29 19:11:30.520 2010] [1752:3920] [debug] jk_map.c (588): Dump of
map: '' -  'localhost'

[Tue Jun 29 19:11:30.520 2010] [1752:3920] [debug] jk_map.c (588): Dump of
map: 'worker.ajp13.port' -  '8009'

[Tue Jun 29 19:25:45.911 2010] [4760:4676] [debug] jk_isapi_plugin.c (1835):
Filter started

[Tue Jun 29 19:25:45.911 2010] [4760:4676] [debug] jk_uri_worker_map.c
(1036): Attempting to map URI '/' from 1

[Tue Jun 29 19:25:45.911 2010] [4760:4676] [debug] jk_uri_worker_map.c
(850): Attempting to map context URI '/calendar/*=ajp13' source

[Tue Jun 29 19:25:45.911 2010] [4760:4676] [debug] jk_uri_worker_map.c
(850): Attempting to map context URI '/calendar/*=ajp13' source

[Tue Jun 29 19:25:45.911 2010] [4760:4676] [debug] jk_uri_worker_map.c
(863): Found a wildchar match '/calendar/*=ajp13'

[Tue Jun 29 19:25:45.911 2010] [4760:4676] [debug] jk_isapi_plugin.c (1916):
check if [/calendar/View.html] points to the web-inf directory

[Tue Jun 29 19:25:45.926 2010] [4760:4676] [debug] jk_isapi_plugin.c (1932):
[/calendar/View.html] is a servlet url - should redirect to ajp13

[Tue Jun 29 19:25:45.926 2010] [4760:4676] [debug] jk_isapi_plugin.c (1972):
fowarding escaped URI [/calendar/View.html]

When I invoke /calendar/View.html, IIS services the ISAPI Redirector DLL
rather than the servlet content as expected.

I have confirmed by looking at the catalina.log file that tomcat is running
an AJP connector on port 8009

The jakarta application is running under the same application pool as the
virtual host (Network Service). I have confirmed the permissions on the
logs, tomcat conf directory, and the folder containing the isapi redirector

I checked the handler mappings and Tomcat Redirector *.dll shows up as
enabled. At the Top level, I verified that the handler mapping for ISAPI
Module *.dll is enabled.

It seems like I'm really close here. If anyone could point me in the right
direction, I would appreciate it.

George Sexton

MH Software, Inc.

303 438-9585

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Re: Connector IIS7 Load balancing Issue (

2010-06-17 Thread Electronjockey
check your windows NLB affinity setting for the cluster, should be set 
to single. Sounds like it's off.

Luis Esquivel wrote:


I have a situation where my IIS tomcat load balancing configuration between 2 
nodes keeps switching in every single request from the same browser.
The JSESSIONID changes every time I hit refresh on the browser because it 
switches between the 2 nodes each time.

This was working at some point correctly where once a connection was 
established with a node, the connection stayed on that node until the browser 
was closed.

Has anyone seen this problem before?  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

My file looks like this:







Thank you,

Luis Esquivel

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Re: Isapi_redirect.dll

2010-05-08 Thread Electronjockey

Just to throw some more experiences in there,
I used to work in a DoD shop where I had to support a mixed environment 
i.e. IIS + Tomcat. I found it much more convenient to use  a file instead of the registry. It made 
configuration management easier. It was portable in that when I had to 
add or migrate servers it was a copy/paste operation. Add a vbscript to 
the package and voila, instant IIS configuration.

-Original Message-
From: Leo Donahue - PLANDEVX
To : 'Tomcat Users List'
Sent: Fri May 07 15:02:53 2010
Subject: Re: Isapi_redirect.dll


You caught me on an interesting day.  I have an interesting/jaded response.

Short answer: They work nice together when the configuration is correct, 
and you know what you're doing, and nobody messes with anything. 
Although, I don't think I really need IIS + Tomcat for what we are doing.

Long answer:
For several years, we have had a GIS website running under IIS + Tomcat, 
using the isapi_redirect.dll, and that is because we followed the 
vendor's recommendations.  IIS = port 80, Tomcat = port 8080.  Try 
deviating from their specs and you lose tech support, that is unless you 
can get someone to assist you in their user forums.  Their user forums 
are not the best place to ask Tomcat related questions - *simply my opinion.

IIS + Tomcat makes my head spin.  The reason being is that when 
something is wrong with my servlet or the vendor's webapp, I waste time 
figuring out whether the isapi_redirect.dll is not working or whether I 
have some other issue.  Case in point, today.  My site was down for 
about 5 hours this morning.  I finally tracked it back to:  I 
implemented Tomcat, someone else implements IIS.  I upgraded Tomcat, but 
IIS still had hold of the isapi_redirect.dll in my old tomcat_6.0.20 bin 
and that tomcat was not running.  Ok, tried to fix that.  Edit the 
registry for the isapi dll point to new tomcat bin, restart the server, 
no luck.  Ok, then maybe isapi dll I had is not compatible with newer 
Tomcat?  Chase that question down  This whole process wastes time 
when I don't have it to waste.

I ended up turning IIS off and now run my site using Tomcat only. 
Everything seems to be working fine with just Tomcat serving up static 
HTTP.  I don't even notice a difference.

I still have a lot to learn about using Tomcat.


-Original Message-
From: Martin Gainty []
Sent: Friday, May 07, 2010 10:37 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: Isapi_redirect.dll

no're the 3rd person on the list (in as many weeks) that 
has requested operational details for IIS-Tomcat configuration would 
appreciate hearing how these 2 technology stacks work together,

Please do not modify or alter this transmission. Thank You

Date: Fri, 7 May 2010 09:49:41 -0700
Subject: RE: Isapi_redirect.dll

Found it.

-Original Message-
From: Leo Donahue - PLANDEVX []
Sent: Friday, May 07, 2010 9:48 AM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: Isapi_redirect.dll
A pre-built version of the ISAPI redirector server plugin, 
isapi_redirect.dll, is available under the win32/i386 directory of 
tomcat-connectors distribution

I'm blind.  I downloaded the zip and I don't see it in there anywhere.


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Re: seperating content from the application

2010-04-21 Thread Electronjockey
Since Windows 2003 doesn't support symlinks to network shares, you might 
be able to use DFS. Though someone who knows DFS better than I might 
know for certain.

Something like this where L: is your local drive:

- \\DFS\network\target\publications
- \\DFS\network\target\images

M.H.G. Emmerig wrote:


Our current configuration:

We are running tomcat 6.0.16 on windows 2003 enterprise.

We have a website which consists of an application part and a content part.
Both are in the same folder structure, eg.


the application comes as a war file and the content is placed via another

the folder structure is placed on a windows share.

Our current problem:

Whenever there is a problem with the share, the application crashes,
because tomcat can't find the application files anymore.
When the share comes back online, tomcat does not recover from the failure
and a restart is the only option.

Now I have the following questions:

I think separating the application from the content and placing the
application local to tomcat (basically on the same machine)
will solve the recovery issue.
I know placing everything local to the tomcat will be the best way and
gives the best performance, but at the moment that is not an option.

The questions

- Will placing the app local to the tomcat solve the recovery issue?
- Is there an easy way to seperate the app and the content, ie. some sort
of pathsetting ?

regards, Milko

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Re: newbie: accessing tomcat admin page from another machine

2010-03-23 Thread Electronjockey
Also, don't forget to check any firewalls on hal9000, because while 8080 
may be accessible on the loopback it may be blocked on it's public IP.

-Original Message-
From: Rajeev Sampath
To : Tomcat Users List
Sent: Tue Mar 23 9:38:59 2010
Subject: Re: newbie: accessing tomcat admin page from another machine

On Tue, Mar 23, 2010 at 7:00 PM, bill.turner 

I installed TC 6.0.26 on one machine in my Windows XP network. It is set up
to run as a service. I can access the administrator from that page using
http://localhost:8080 or using the machine name, i.e. http://hal9000:8080.
thought I should be able to access the administrator from other machines in
my network using the latter, but I cannot.

Didn't you try using the IP address of the machine where server runs instead
of machine name?

I can see various hal9000 shared
directories from windows explorer, including the tomcat home on hal9000. I
feel embarrassed because this seems obvious, but I cannot seem to figure
what I am doing wrong.

Bill Turner Groovy/Grails Talk
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Re: Portable

2010-03-18 Thread Electronjockey


I'm all for VM's and I use ESXi at home myself. I can't speak to Xen or 
 other virtualization tech. And I don't think you can make a bootable 
VM,  but I'll admit if I'm wrong. You can check the VMWare forums.
I've just found that often times it's easier to sell the client on just 
letting me plug in my 16Gb USB thumb drive than it is to either let me 
either install vmware, or boot up their hardware with my own OS. I come 
from a Gov't contracting background, so commercial sector policies may 
have a little more flexibility. Just my experience.
As far as Xampp goes, I've not had that problem. I set it up once and 
haven't had to touch it since (I did have to make some changes to the 
mod_jk.conf, but if you don't need it connected to appache then you can 
disable that with the Xampp_cli. Xampp also comes with port checker that 
you can run before you start Tomcat, so you can change your config if need.

Of course the alternative to all this is just host it.

-Original Message-
From: Asangansi
To : Tomcat Users List
Sent: Thu Mar 18 8:17:56 2010
Subject: Re: Portable

Thanks alot Chris and Todd,

Yes, i want to avoid conflicts with the host computer's default tomcat 

From what you said about using a virtualized server, if i used VM Ware
could it be made bootable? I'd like to try the option

I have actually tried xampp Todd mentioned, but the problem i had with
xampp is that it asks me to setup each time i take it to another pc.
However, i had another tomcat installation before using the
xampp(tomcat) option.

On 3/16/10, Todd Hicks wrote:
I'm currently working on a portable development environment for a client. I
have Tomcat 6.0.20 running portably as part of Xampp. I have successfully
configured it to run with the JDK (non-installed) on the same USB device, so
it can be done.

-Original Message-
From: Christopher Schultz []
Sent: Monday, March 15, 2010 12:26 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Portable

Hash: SHA1


On 3/12/2010 4:18 AM, Asangansi wrote:
I have a webapp that runs on tomcat 6.0.2 with a mysql database.

I'm looking at creating a portable version of my server for
demonstration purposes, which will run on a different port other than
the default.
Do you want to avoid port conflicts when running on a client's machine?

So, [I'd] like to know what configuration files i need to [reconfigure]
and files [I wouldn't] need so it could be lighter.
I think you need to ask yourself what is most important: portability and
being self-contained, or running the fastest.

If you want it to run fast, you'll want to run natively /and/ avoid
installing anything on the client's computer: I certainly wouldn't let
you install something on my computer for a quickie demonstration. That
will limit your options to those architectures that are supported by
MySQL (currently Microsoft Windows, most *NIX platforms, and Mac OS X).

Tomcat itself is trivial to run in a portable way, since Tomcata
figures out its own installation directory at start-up and runs
everything relative to that.

The problem might be the JVM: I've never tried to run a non-installed
JVM on Microsoft Windows, but it runs perfectly well on a *NIX machine
without any formal installation.

If you want a foolproof environment, go for a virtualized server:
install everything you need, including your webapp, and then just fire
up the VM when doing demonstrations. You could even put a web browser, X
environment, etc. all on your USB memory stick and make the thing
bootable: simply insert the stick and reboot the client's computer: no
interference (aside from the reboot, of course) and you know your
environment will be sane.

- -chris
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: Problem redirecting requests from IIS to Tomcat by isapi_redirect.dll

2010-03-16 Thread Electronjockey

I've done this many times.
First you need to configure IIS to handle host headers. You can do this 
one of two ways. You can (a) create multiple virtual sites in IIS or (b) 
use an ISAPI redirector to simulate virtual hosts. I recommend option (a).
Next you have to decide if you can afford to have all of your tomcat 
apps down when you need to take tomcat offline. If you can then you can 
run one instance of Tomcat and make use of rewrite rules 
( file). If you can't then you'll need multiple 
instances of Tomcat.

The way I configured my intranet applications was to create multiple 
virtual hosts in IIS (and configured each with the tomcat connector). 
Each connected to the same one instance of Tomcat. I use a file instead of the registry for 
configuration. I then use the file to handle 
mapping the IIS virtual host to the tomcat application. Unfortunately I 
don't have access at the moment to my, but I'll 
see if I can't come up with a sample for you.

Hope this gets you started.

-Original Message-
From: mirkocal
To :
Sent: Tue Mar 16 8:18:08 2010
Subject: Re: Problem redirecting requests from IIS to Tomcat by 

Well, I need to install on the same physical machine multiple application
running under Tomcat, let's say
- MyApp1 - URL
- MyApp2 - URL
What I need is that both application can be launched simply asking for
respectively and using port 80.
I've tried to obtain this connecting IIS with Tomcat, but maybe I can use
Virtual Hosting.
Could you please explain me how to do it?


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Re: Problem redirecting requests from IIS to Tomcat by isapi_redirect.dll

2010-03-16 Thread Electronjockey
Yes, my error, I just surmised that since he was using IIS with the 
Tomcat connector that he did in fact have a reason for using it. If 
that is not the case, then you are correct. The desired result can be 
achieved by disabling or removing IIS and reconfiguring Tomcat to 
respond on port 80 and configure virtual hosts.

-Original Message-
From: Caldarale, Charles R
To : Tomcat Users List
Sent: Tue Mar 16 9:26:19 2010
Subject: Re: Problem redirecting requests from IIS to Tomcat by 

From: Electronjockey []
Subject: Re: Problem redirecting requests from IIS to Tomcat by

First you need to configure IIS to handle host headers.

Actually, the first thing to do is get rid of IIS, since it doesn't 
appear to be playing any useful role in the OP's environment, then 
configure Tomcat to use port 80, and follow the instructions at the link 
Pid provided.

- Chuck

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Re: org.apache.jk.config.ApacheConfig modJk

2010-03-15 Thread Electronjockey

The official add-on is Tomcat 6.0.20 and mod_jk 1.2.20.
I'm proceeding with a static mod_jk.conf for the time being.
And yes, I totally agree with you on the bug vs. inconvenience 
assessment. The issue struck me as more of a QA issue than anything.
How would I submit the fix? Is there a document outlining the procedure 
on the tomcat/apache site? The change is to line 138 of the source.

I'm still trying to get my project setup for a custom build, but I'm 
seriously multitasking right now, and I'm not at all experienced with 
SVN access.

-Original Message-
From: Christopher Schultz
To : Tomcat Users List
Sent: Mon Mar 15 12:16:01 2010
Subject: Re: org.apache.jk.config.ApacheConfig modJk

Hash: SHA1


On 3/14/2010 10:00 PM, Todd Hicks wrote:
The reason I brought it up is because I am exploring Xampp for a
client as a portable dev platform, and it's configured to use the
ApacheConfig class out of the box.

Hmm... the only information I could find without doing too much digging
was that there's a semi-official plug-in for XAMPP for Tomcat 5.0.27,
which is an unsupported version of Tomcat (and has been for quite some
time). It looks like this plug-in needs quite a bit of updating.

I'm sure it's done that way to reduce obstacles to entry for the
newbie. But if it doesn't work as it should, the obstacle remains (at
least for the Xampp novitiates). So are you saying then that the
class isn't likely to be updated? Even if I submit it as a bug? I've
already downloaded the source to try the fix.

If you submit a fix, it's much more likely to be fixed than if you
don't. Honestly, the workaround of simply specifying a ModJk option
makes this more of an inconvenience and less of a bug.

- -chris
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: org.apache.jk.config.ApacheConfig modJk

2010-03-15 Thread Electronjockey

Yeah, the xampp site has some wackiness to it.
I got it from the link here:
or from here:
and thanks for the info on the svn procs. I'm workin' it and will submit 
the bug with the diff shortly.

-Original Message-
From: Christopher Schultz
To : Tomcat Users List
Sent: Mon Mar 15 13:23:12 2010
Subject: Re: org.apache.jk.config.ApacheConfig modJk

Hash: SHA1


On 3/15/2010 12:57 PM, Electronjockey wrote:
The official add-on is Tomcat 6.0.20 and mod_jk 1.2.20.

Hmm... I must have been looking in the wrong place. I went from here:
to here
to here

...and that project had an update over a year ago for Tomcat 5.0.27.

Is there a better place to find information about XAMPP plug-ins?

I'm proceeding with a static mod_jk.conf for the time being.
And yes, I totally agree with you on the bug vs. inconvenience
assessment. The issue struck me as more of a QA issue than anything.
How would I submit the fix? Is there a document outlining the procedure
on the tomcat/apache site? The change is to line 138 of the source.

You might want to read this before you start:

Then, file a bug in bugzilla:

Remember to file the bug against the correct product and version.

Once you've filed your bug, attach a patch to the bug. If your patch is
really small and/or you don't know how to use UNIX diff, you can just
explain in the bug description or a comment what needs to be changed.

I'm still trying to get my project setup for a custom build, but I'm
seriously multitasking right now, and I'm not at all experienced with
SVN access.

All youll have to do is create a patch file. With svn it's easy: make
your changes, then do:

$ svn diff [files]  my.patch

Then, upload that file. You might want to check the patch to make sure
it's not including something that's not really part of the patch, such
as oddball changes you made to the makefiles or whatever :)

- -chris
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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