Configure authentication across an entire host...

2008-07-22 Thread Nathan Wilhelmi
Hello - Is there any way to setup digest or basic authentication to  
cover an entire host.? Basically I would like to create a blanket  
authorization setup for a host without having to modify individual  
applications. So anything deployed in that host would require some  
simple level of authentication.



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TC6 classpath problem...

2008-04-07 Thread Nathan Wilhelmi
Upgrading from TC5.5 to TC6 and having class path problems. We are 
starting it via JSVC, we used to start it up with the following class path:


However with TC6, it requires


just to start up, to get apps to run we have to list the entire contents 
of $CATALINA_HOME/lib/ as part of the classpath value, this doesn't seem 
right. Am I missing something obvious? has: 
common.loader=${catalina.home}/lib,${catalina.home}/lib/*.jar which I 
thought should bring all the jars into scope



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Re: RE: TC6 classpath problem...

2008-04-07 Thread Nathan Wilhelmi
I don't know how to get JSVC to start without it though, every example I can 
find of JSVC has the minimal classpath variables I listed. It won't start 
without it, likely as it bypasses the tomcat scripts you mentioned. What I am 
trying to figure out is why I have to list everything in /lib by hand, I 
thought Tomcat should pick those up on it's own based on



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RE: TC6 classpath problem...

2008-04-07 Thread Nathan Wilhelmi
Thanks for the pointer, I changed it to:


and passed $JSVC_CLASSPATH as the -cp command. It starts although I am getting 
some MBean errors, should this be picked up or do I need to extend the JSVC -cp 
beyond the basics above?

SEVERE: createMBeans: Throwable



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Re: Tags not being executed on first request...

2008-03-26 Thread Nathan Wilhelmi

A few more details based on your suggestion.

TagB looks like this (tagb.tag)

%@ include file=/WEB-INF/views/jsp/common/include.jsp %

%@ attribute name=ID required=true type=java.lang.String  %
   c:url value=/somelink.htm

   c:param name=XYZ ${ID}/c:param

TagA looks like this (taga.tag)

{html/jsp code}
   c:when test=count  0}
a href=tags:taga ID=${identifier} /  Some Link text /a

{html/jsp code}
The when condition gets evaluated 3 times on the page, first 2 are 
false, last is true. I put some logging statements in TagB, around the 
url tag. In the third case the tag is called with the proper value, 
however the param tag is ignored, just the link is generated with the 
parameter. Now if I refresh the page in the browser it all works 
correctly. So I am not sure if this is a tomcat issue or a JSTL lib 
issue? Any thoughts?


david delbecq wrote:

It's probably that tag A you use has conditional logic that is false 
upon first request. Making it skip it's content. Difficult to tell 
more without knowing the taglibs involved and the associated conditions

Nathan Wilhelmi a écrit :

Hello - We are using Tomcat 6.0.14, we have some pages that use some 
nested tags, such as Page A - Tag A - Tab B, it's not reclusive 
problem. We are using the JSP.tag files for this. The problem is on 
the first request, Page A - Tag A works fine, however Tag B never 
appears to be rendered. Now on the second request Page A - Tag A - 
Tab B is all properly executed. Is this a know issue, are there any 
workarounds, are we doing something that isn't supported/allowed?



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Tags not being executed on first request...

2008-03-25 Thread Nathan Wilhelmi
Hello - We are using Tomcat 6.0.14, we have some pages that use some 
nested tags, such as Page A - Tag A - Tab B, it's not reclusive 
problem. We are using the JSP.tag files for this. The problem is on the 
first request, Page A - Tag A works fine, however Tag B never appears 
to be rendered. Now on the second request Page A - Tag A - Tab B is 
all properly executed. Is this a know issue, are there any workarounds, 
are we doing something that isn't supported/allowed?



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Tab library question...

2006-10-30 Thread Nathan Wilhelmi
Hello - This may be a bit off topic, and if so any 
recommend pointers to the right place would be great. I 
really like the reuse aspects of tag libraries, however I 
don't like doing all the println statements to emit HTML. 
Feels like there has to be a better way. 
What I would really like, I think, is a way to embed jsp's 
in the tablib to handle the HTML output. Sort of like a 
mini jsp page solution, the difference is that I would 
like to embed the jsp widgets in the jar for the taglib, 
rather than coping files into the container directories. 
Does anyone know of a way or project that does this, or 
perhaps a better alternative? Something like velocity 
looks like it might work but I would prefer to stick with 
one view technology if possible.



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Best practices for deploying applications to the root context...

2006-09-28 Thread Nathan Wilhelmi
Hello - We are using Tomcat 5.5.19. We need to deploy applications to 
the root context, ideally we would like to deploy them to through the 
ant deploy tasks. Initially I specified the root context path in the 
server.xml file, however this has problems. For example I had the ant 
script deploy to the context test, and the root context entry in 
server.xml would point to that path. This works fine, except that it 
requires tomcat to be restarted after a deployment, which really defeats 
the benefits of the ant deployment, the test context would be updated 
but the root context was still the previous version. I tried removing 
the context entries from server.xml and deploying to the / path from 
Ant. This works however if the server has to be restarted the 
application is not persisted and must be redeployed. What are the best 
practices for deploying to the root context, any special requirements 
from the Ant side?



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JMX Logging tool recommendations....

2006-07-05 Thread Nathan Wilhelmi
We would like to log some Tomcat metrics that are available via JMX. I 
would like to find a tool to log specified attributes at certain 
intervals so we can review them later. Ultimately we would like to 
characterize the load on some of the Tomcat servers, session counts / 
requests per minute / etc. Any suggestions?



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JSVC and procname on Solaris

2006-07-03 Thread Nathan Wilhelmi
Hello - I have jsvc running on solaris with Tomcat 5.5.17. I added the 
patches so it accepts the procname argument. The process still shows up 
as jsvc, should this work under Solaris as well or am I doing something 
wrong? Startup command as follows:

   -user $TOMCAT_USER \
   -home $JAVA_HOME \
   -pidfile $PID_FILE \
   -outfile $CATALINA_HOME/logs/catalina.out \
   -errfile '1' \
   -procname TestPortal \
   -cp $CLASSPATH \



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