2014-07-11 Thread Christopher Schultz
Hash: SHA256


On 7/10/14, 5:40 PM, André Warnier wrote:
 Christopher Schultz wrote: ...
 Interesting... load average is a crude measure of activity; I
 suppose that having those timeouts means that there is activity
 on a thread even when there is no real work to be done. I do
 recommend leaving the timeouts set to their defaults (-1 =
 In general terms, I would definitely not put the connectionTimeout
 nor the keepAliveTimeout to infinite, if that is what you meant

In fact, it is exactly what I meant.

 ConnectionTimeout infinite seems like a perfect setup for a DOS
 attack. Keep-alive timeout infinite seems like the perfect way to
 block a lot of threads doing nothing (and opening yourself to
 another kind of DOS attack).

Anyone allowing outsiders to make AJP connections to their Tomcat
backends deserves to be DOS'd.

 However, in this case, we are talking about the AJP Connector,
 which processes requests coming in via Apache httpd and mod_jk, so
 I guess that one can rely on the Apache front-end not to relay
 anything nasty to Tomcat.


 Presumably, the Apache httpd configuration does not have infinite 
 connection timeout nor keep-alive timeout.

I certainly wouldn't set things up this way.

 Which in a way, raises the question of why these parameters are
 even available for setting on the AJP Connector.  Should these not
 better be left to the discretion of Apache httpd and mod_jk in the
 first place ?

These configuration directives help deal with firewalls that close
connections without either party knowing that the connection is no
longer valid. If you could not set a timeout, then the Tomcat side
could have a thread waiting forever on a connection that would never
have any data arrive ever again.

- -chris
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2014-07-11 Thread Christopher Schultz
Hash: SHA256


On 7/10/14, 3:27 PM, Leon Rosenberg wrote:
 answering only to the one directed at me (or so I think):


 On Thu, Jul 10, 2014 at 4:09 PM, Christopher Schultz wrote:
 If you have very fast connections, go for a smaller amount. If
 you have keepalive and slow connections, remember that every
 connection can hold 1-2 threads without doing anything at all.
 If you have keepalive enabled, then every client will held an open 
 connection for some period of time.


 Depending on browser brand and version, the browser will typically 
 hold 1-2 connections to the server.

These days, it's more like 8.

I think most browsers will hang up the phone, though, if they aren't
making any requests.

 So for every logged in users that is clicking or issuing a request 
 regularly (maybe once a minute or so), you can end up having one
 or two threads, dependending on how many connections the browsers 
 Those threads would be idle most of the time, but still not
 available to your threadpool. Usually they show up as Runnable
 somewhere in in the thread dump. So if you have 100
 users with 150 connections and 151 threads in your threadpool you
 can end up with a completely blocked server with zero cpu usage.

This is one of the reasons /not/ to use a BIO-based connector, even
for AJP connections: while waiting for the next keepalive request over
a connection, the BIO thread will be bound to the connection, sitting
there waiting and not getting anything done. The NIO connector throws
the connection into a poller queue and the thread is free to do more work.

So, you can either get the same amount of work done with fewer
threads, or handle more work with the same number of threads. This is
important when you've got many frontends and many backends so the F x
B product is high, but the effective load on any server really
shouldn't be anywhere near F x B. If you use BIO, your maxThreads
needs to be somewhere near F x B unless you want nasty hangs, etc. If
you use NIO, then maxConnections should probably be exactly F x B, but
maxThreads can be significantly less than that.

- -chris
Version: GnuPG v1
Comment: GPGTools -
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


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2014-07-10 Thread André Warnier

doomito wrote:

Thank you for the answer. I will begging experimenting on 1 box with this

Connector port=8009 protocol=AJP/1.3 address=

emptySessionPath=true redirectPort=8443 maxThreads=2048
minSpareThreads=32 connectionTimeout=2 keepAliveTimeout=1
enableLookups=false request.registerRequests=false /

I a couple of questions raises from your reply:
1) a couple of years ago we did a BENCHMARK mod_proxy vs mod_jk and the
difference was noticeable in favor of mod_jk. There was any improvement on
mod_proxy connector in particular?

2) this is definitely an ignorant question, but I see a lot of connections
made to 8080 port instead of 8009.  That said, I don't fully understand WHY
and also, do I need to also tuned this? I have nothing going directly to
tomcat, everything goes trough Apache mod_jk.

Connector executor=tomcatThreadPool
   port=8080 protocol=HTTP/1.1
   redirectPort=8443 /

Well, obviously something is going to port 8080 of Tomcat, since you are seeing 
connections made there.  You can configure an AccessLogValve, which will give you a log of 
the requests that are going there.

Is that server directly on the Internet ?
If yes, then you probably have (mostly nasty) people trying to connect to that 
port via HTTP.

If you do not want these connections at all, just comment-out that connector above, and 
restart Tomcat. (But be aware then, that even *you* will not be able to access Tomcat 
directly with a browser).

If you want these connections, but only from the local host e.g., you can also make this 
connector listen only to the localhost IP address. It will then reject any connections 
to port 8080 that are /not/ coming from localhost.

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2014-07-10 Thread Christopher Schultz
Hash: SHA256


On 7/9/14, 3:16 AM, Leon Rosenberg wrote:
 On Wed, Jul 9, 2014 at 4:47 AM, Hernán Marsili wrote:
 For the past 4 years we has been working with a 'stable'
 configuration in which we put APACHE in front of TOMCAT7
 (previously Tomcat6) with mod_jk connector. We usually serve high
 traffic sites with about 7000 to 10.000 concurrent users per box
 (8gb RAM / 4 vcpu) (50.000 active users total).
 We are OK with the performance, but sometimes we notice Tomcat
 stops responding normally while there are at least 2 full CPU
 left to be consumed (JAVA memory is fine).
 Hard to tell from here, but dropping performance while still
 having resources is often an indicator for synchronization issues.
 You should analyze your thread usage. You could do it with jstack
 (save multiple stacks in short slots, like every 10 seconds for 2-3
 minutes). Check what threads are in what states: - do you have any
 threads in BLOCKED state? If yes, what they are waiting for? - what
 are you RUNNABLE threads doing? Are they waiting for something, 
 even not blocked - for example reading the database or reading the
 incoming request. - is your amount of TIMED_WAITING threads
 sufficient? If you have non, your thread pool is probably out of
 This is the configuration we use for the connector:
 Connector port=8009 protocol=AJP/1.3 address= 
 emptySessionPath=true redirectPort=8443 maxThreads=1024 
 minSpareThreads=32 enableLookups=false
 request.registerRequests=false /
 Generally removing apache httpd can increase performance. I assume
 you have a hardware loadbalancer in front of things, so httpd
 doesn't do you any good.

I would agree in general. Hernán, is there another reason to use httpd
in front?

 I have a couple of questions: 1) should we set a particular
 connector or let Tomcat7 decide? I understand using
 protocol=AJP/1.3 the auto-switch kicks in. But, for non-SSL
 high concurrency sites maybe is best to fixed on APR?
 Warning, flame war is about to begin, but personally I always found
 that the plain old java connector is the best option for speed. And
 the simplest to use too. If you insist of having apache httpd in
 front, you may want to try mod_proxy (or was it mod_proxy_ajp?)

All other things being equal, the BIO (plain old java connector)
connector offers the best performance. But in this setup, there are
many simultaneous requests.

It looks like 5 httpd instances (7-10k connections x 5 ~= 50k
connections) and 5 backend Tomcat instances (please correct me if I'm
wrong). If every httpd had to talk to every Tomcat, then you will need
enough connections/threads on every Tomcat to handle all httpd
instances contacting it at once.

So, given the default prefork MPM of 250 simultaneous connections,
each Tomcat would need to be able to handle 250 x 5 = 1250
connections. With only 1024 threads, stalls can indeed happen.

If one uses the APR or NIO connector (still using AJP), reads on
incoming connections (e.g. waiting for the next request to come across
the wire) are done asynchronously, so you only need a number of
threads on your Tomcat instance to support the number of *active
requests*, not the number of connections over which active requests
could come.

The upshot is that you can get away with fewer threads on the Tomcat
side and (likely) still serve the same amount of traffic and either
eliminate or minimize stalling.

 2) how many THREADS can we have? can we go beyond the 1024?
 Depends on your OS. On modern linuxes sky is the limit. However 
 context switches can kill you too.

Your thread stack size + your memory limit will probably limit you
before context switches do.

 If you have very fast connections, got for a smaller amount. If you
 have keepalive and slow connections, remember that every connection
 can hold 1-2 threads without doing anything at all.


 But you can go up to 4096 without second thought, if you are
 really out of threads. However, if your problem are blocked threads
 or a slow DB, you will make things much much much worse.


 3) is there any advantage on using processorCache?

I've never used that, but the documentation suggests that
processorCache = max(maxThreads, max expected simultaneous
connections) would be a good value to try. I would try other
techniques to improve performance, first. It sounds like this comes
down to a memory/GC issue, so it should incrementally improve
performance rather than fix something like stalling.

 4) We are not defining a CONNECTION TIMEOUT not a KEEP ALIVE. Any
 advice on this one? The average user session is 7 minutes.
 If playing with CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, than better on OS level. But
 again that depends on what is really happening within your
 application and with the connections. You could monitor it with
 netstat and see if you have too many CLOSE_WAITs or something. That
 it's easier to decide what to do.


2014-07-10 Thread Christopher Schultz
Hash: SHA256


On 7/9/14, 11:50 AM, doomito wrote:
 Thank you for the answer. I will begging experimenting on 1 box
 with this configuration:
 Connector port=8009 protocol=AJP/1.3 address= 
 emptySessionPath=true redirectPort=8443 maxThreads=2048 
 minSpareThreads=32 connectionTimeout=2
 keepAliveTimeout=1 enableLookups=false
 request.registerRequests=false /

Beware about setting timeouts on AJP connectors.

 I a couple of questions raises from your reply: 1) a couple of
 years ago we did a BENCHMARK mod_proxy vs mod_jk and the difference
 was noticeable in favor of mod_jk. There was any improvement on 
 mod_proxy connector in particular?

According to recent tests (I just noticed that I hadn't posted the
performance slides and data from ApacheConNA2014... I'm working to get
the final version of the slides updated at which point I can give you
a reference), single-threaded mod_jk and mod_proxy_ajp perform
similarly for requests that produce less than 2MiB of response data.
Higher than 2MiB of response data sees mod_proxy_ajp's performance go
down quite a bit for some reason.

For many threads (248) the results are similar except that we did not
observe any mod_proxy_ajp performance drop higher than the 2MiB
response size. mod_proxy_http is still faster than both up to a point,
where the throughput of the connection (i.e. network speed) becomes
the limiting factor).

If you want to switch connectors, switch from mod_jk/mod_proxy_ajp to
mod_proxy_http: the performance of that connector seems to beat them
both by a noticeable margin. Note that using mod_proxy_http with SSL
on the front-end requires more setup than what you get by default with
the AJP-protocol connectors who automatically forward all the SSL
information back to Tomcat.

 2) this is definitely an ignorant question, but I see a lot of
 connections made to 8080 port instead of 8009.  That said, I don't
 fully understand WHY and also, do I need to also tuned this? I have
 nothing going directly to tomcat, everything goes trough Apache
 Connector executor=tomcatThreadPool port=8080
 protocol=HTTP/1.1 connectionTimeout=2 redirectPort=8443

That's an HTTP connector, not an AJP one. Perhaps you have some
requests using AJP and others proxied using HTTP? What does your httpd
configuration look like?

You might want to just disable the HTTP connector and see what breaks:
if you are going to proxy requests from httpd - Tomcat, you probably
only want to use a single protocol.

Finally, you should use a shared thread pool (executor) across all
your connectors. This will allow you to use a single pool instead of
multiple pools which can reduce your resource usage.

- -chris
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2014-07-10 Thread doomito
Hi! I already did some testing. First of all, setting the connectiontimeout
was not a good idea :) While the servers seems to be able to handle the same
load, the load average went up. 

It is very very interesting what you mention regarding mod_proxy being
faster than mod_jk / mod_proxyAJP. So if I understood correctly, mod_proxy
should be a much better option for a high traffic site? even with APACHE in
front of it?

I came across with article which is interesting.

Regardind http, we use APACHE since we have quite a lot of rules. We also
use mod_deflate, mod_expires and other apache modules. 

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2014-07-10 Thread Christopher Schultz
Hash: SHA256


On 7/10/14, 11:19 AM, doomito wrote:
 Hi! I already did some testing. First of all, setting the
 connectiontimeout was not a good idea :) While the servers seems to
 be able to handle the same load, the load average went up.

Interesting... load average is a crude measure of activity; I suppose
that having those timeouts means that there is activity on a thread
even when there is no real work to be done. I do recommend leaving
the timeouts set to their defaults (-1 = infinite).

 It is very very interesting what you mention regarding mod_proxy
 being faster than mod_jk / mod_proxyAJP. So if I understood
 correctly, mod_proxy should be a much better option for a high
 traffic site? even with APACHE in front of it?

If you are going to use Apache httpd out in front, our benchmarking
suggests that mod_proxy_http is the highest-performing of the 3
connectors (mod_proxy_ajp, mod_proxy_http, and mod_jk). For these
tests, we did not configure with a production-quality SSL
configuration, which would allow Tomcat to pick-up the client's
certificate and all other SSL-related information (e.g. cipher, key
size, ssl session id, etc.). You should do your own benchmarking with
such a configuration, using your own load profiles. Our testing only
performed static file fetches.

 I came across with article which is interesting.

/is/ interesting... the performance testing we did was all on
RedHat Linux, and I've found that Linux and Windows have wildly
differing performance characteristics, especially when it comes to
network-related stuff.

It's strange that, in Blake's testing, he saw the JVM use more
resources when using mod_proxy_ajp than mod_jk since it's the same
data, the same protocol, and the same Java code running in both cases.
I think his data smells a little suspicious due to that particular

Also, mod_jk is *highly* configurable, while mod_proxy offers fewer
options. I believe it's possible to tune mod_jk more finely if
necessary. I have always used mod_jk *except* when using httpd on
Windows and Mac because of build problems. In those cases (always test
rigs, since we are an all-Linux deployment in production), we use
mod_proxy_ajp for simplicity of setup.

All I can tell you is that you should benchmark your own application
in your own environment, and not rely on anyone else's benchmarks to
solely guide your decisions.

 Regarding http, we use APACHE since we have quite a lot of rules.

What kind of rules?

 We also use mod_deflate, mod_expires and other apache modules.

If you are getting a benefit from Apache httpd, then use it. If you
are concerned about performance, you might want to look at options for
removing it.

- -chris
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2014-07-10 Thread Leon Rosenberg
answering only to the one directed at me (or so I think):

On Thu, Jul 10, 2014 at 4:09 PM, Christopher Schultz wrote:

 Hash: SHA256


  If you have very fast connections, go for a smaller amount. If you
  have keepalive and slow connections, remember that every connection
  can hold 1-2 threads without doing anything at all.


If you have keepalive enabled, then every client will held an open
connection for some period of time. Depending on browser brand and version,
the browser will typically hold 1-2 connections to the server. So for every
logged in users that is clicking or issuing a request regularly (maybe once
a minute or so), you can end up having one or two threads, dependending on
how many connections the browsers holds.
Those threads would be idle most of the time, but still not available to
your threadpool. Usually they show up as Runnable somewhere in
in the thread dump. So if you have 100 users with 150 connections and 151
threads in your threadpool you can end up with a completely blocked server
with zero cpu usage.



2014-07-10 Thread André Warnier

Christopher Schultz wrote:

Interesting... load average is a crude measure of activity; I suppose
that having those timeouts means that there is activity on a thread
even when there is no real work to be done. I do recommend leaving
the timeouts set to their defaults (-1 = infinite).

In general terms, I would definitely not put the connectionTimeout nor the 
keepAliveTimeout to infinite, if that is what you meant here.

ConnectionTimeout infinite seems like a perfect setup for a DOS attack.
Keep-alive timeout infinite seems like the perfect way to block a lot of threads doing 
nothing (and opening yourself to another kind of DOS attack).

However, in this case, we are talking about the AJP Connector, which processes requests 
coming in via Apache httpd and mod_jk, so I guess that one can rely on the Apache 
front-end not to relay anything nasty to Tomcat.
Presumably, the Apache httpd configuration does not have infinite connection timeout nor 
keep-alive timeout.

Which in a way, raises the question of why these parameters are even available for setting 
on the AJP Connector.  Should these not better be left to the discretion of Apache httpd 
and mod_jk in the first place ?

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2014-07-09 Thread Leon Rosenberg
On Wed, Jul 9, 2014 at 4:47 AM, Hernán Marsili wrote:


Hello Hernán,

 For the past 4 years we has been working with a 'stable' configuration in
 which we put APACHE in front of TOMCAT7 (previously Tomcat6) with mod_jk
 connector. We usually serve high traffic sites with about 7000 to 10.000
 concurrent users per box (8gb RAM / 4 vcpu) (50.000 active users total).

 We are OK with the performance, but sometimes we notice Tomcat stops
 responding normally while there are at least 2 full CPU left to be consumed
 (JAVA memory is fine).

Hard to tell from here, but dropping performance while still having
resources is often an indicator for synchronization issues. You should
analyze your thread usage. You could do it with jstack (save multiple
stacks in short slots, like every 10 seconds for 2-3 minutes). Check what
threads are in what states:
 - do you have any threads in BLOCKED state? If yes, what they are waiting
 - what are you RUNNABLE threads doing? Are they waiting for something,
even not blocked - for example reading the database or reading the incoming
 - is your amount of TIMED_WAITING threads sufficient? If you have non,
your thread pool is probably out of threads.

 This is the configuration we use for the connector:

  Connector port=8009 protocol=AJP/1.3 address=
 emptySessionPath=true redirectPort=8443 maxThreads=1024
 minSpareThreads=32 enableLookups=false request.registerRequests=false

Generally removing apache httpd can increase performance. I assume you have
a hardware loadbalancer in front of things, so httpd doesn't do you any

 I have a couple of questions:
 1) should we set a particular connector or let Tomcat7 decide? I understand
 using protocol=AJP/1.3 the auto-switch kicks in. But, for non-SSL high
 concurrency sites maybe is best to fixed on APR?

Warning, flame war is about to begin, but personally I always found that
the plain old java connector is the best option for speed. And the simplest
to use too. If you insist of having apache httpd in front, you may want to
try mod_proxy (or was it mod_proxy_ajp?) instead.

 2) how many THREADS can we have? can we go beyond the 1024?

Depends on your OS. On modern linuxes sky is the limit. However context
switches can kill you too. If you have very fast connections, got for a
smaller amount. If you have keepalive and slow connections, remember that
every connection can hold 1-2 threads without doing anything at all. But
you can go up to 4096 without second thought, if you are really out of
threads. However, if your problem are blocked threads or a slow DB, you
will make things much much much worse.

 3) is there any advantage on using processorCache?

 4) We are not defining a CONNECTION TIMEOUT not a KEEP ALIVE. Any advice on
 this one? The average user session is 7 minutes.

If playing with CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, than better on OS level. But again that
depends on what is really happening within your application and with the
connections. You could monitor it with netstat and see if you have too many
CLOSE_WAITs or something. That it's easier to decide what to do.

 Thanks for the help!


P.S. needless to say, but having a monitoring tool like will help either ;-)


2014-07-09 Thread André Warnier


This kind of question is very difficult to answer reasonably, for anyone that is not you 
and does not have direct access to your system, to see what happens, when it happens.
The general and reasonable answer would be that you need to use some monitoring tools, to 
find out where exactly the bottleneck is, and then, very carefully, start tuning your 
system one parameter at a time, to try to improve the situation.
The worst thing to do is to start changing multiple things without really knowing what 
they are doing, because then you will get very confused very quickly.

Ah, one more thing : the default parameters of both Apache httpd and Tomcat, are chosen by 
people who know what they are doing, to cover a majority of reasonable cases.
So, changing these parameters without knowing exactly what each parameters does, and how 
different parameters interact with one another, is always risky.

(This being said, the mere fact that you are asking on this list before doing that, is a 
bonus point for you).

All this being said, a couple of notes below :

Hernán Marsili wrote:


For the past 4 years we has been working with a 'stable' configuration in
which we put APACHE in front of TOMCAT7 (previously Tomcat6) with mod_jk
connector. We usually serve high traffic sites with about 7000 to 10.000
concurrent users per box (8gb RAM / 4 vcpu) (50.000 active users total).

So, basically, your configuration is fine and has been running reliably and in a stable 
way for 4 years, including a Tomcat version change.

Good.  One more reason for only changing things carefully.

We are OK with the performance, but sometimes we notice Tomcat stops
responding normally while there are at least 2 full CPU left to be consumed
(JAVA memory is fine).

You may want to indicate a bit more precisely what you mean by sometimes and by stops 
responding normally.

This is the configuration we use for the connector:

 Connector port=8009 protocol=AJP/1.3 address=
emptySessionPath=true redirectPort=8443 maxThreads=1024
minSpareThreads=32 enableLookups=false request.registerRequests=false

Note # 1 : you say that you have up to 10,000 concurrent users.
Yet, there are only 1024 Threads in Tomcat.

Users is not necessarily equal to requests, but let's assume for a moment 
that they are.

Basically, Tomcat will use one Thread to process one HTTP request, from the time the 
request is received, to the time when the response to that request has been sent back to 
the user.
So, maybe, there are times when your Tomcat is running out of available Threads to process 
all the requests that come in at some moments ?

If that is the case, what will happen is :
- The TCP/IP stack on Tomcat will accept the client connection
- but this connection will be put in a queue, waiting for a thread to become available 
(iow : when it finishes the current request that it is processing).
If all 1024 threads are currently busy processing requests (or waiting for additional 
requests from the same client, because of the keep-alive timeout, see below), then it will 
appear for the client as if Tomcat is not responding normally.

I have a couple of questions:
1) should we set a particular connector or let Tomcat7 decide? I understand
using protocol=AJP/1.3 the auto-switch kicks in. But, for non-SSL high
concurrency sites maybe is best to fixed on APR?

I cannot answer that and will wait for someone else more qualified to do that.

2) how many THREADS can we have? can we go beyond the 1024?

Yes, there is no limit other than the available memory and the general performance of the 
machine.  That is also a very easy parameter to change, and one that does not have a lot 
of obscure side-effects.

Apart from everything else, I would suggest raising it to e.g. 4096, and see 
what happens.
(As someone else commented however : if the problem is not really in Tomcat, but in some 
back-end database server, then this will make things worse).

3) is there any advantage on using processorCache?

don't know.

4) We are not defining a CONNECTION TIMEOUT not a KEEP ALIVE. Any advice on
this one? The average user session is 7 minutes.

I do not rememember what the default value is for keep-alive.  But this may also be 
something easy to adjust, and with potentially big effects.

If it is currently anywhere larger than some 5 seconds, change it to 5 seconds 

The keep-alive logic was introduced at a time when networks were slower, and when setting 
up a new TCP/IP connection between a client and a server for each new request, was quite 
expensive.  So the idea was : after a first request by a client, let's leave the 
connection open, to see if this client has more requests to send, over that same 
connection, within just a few seconds.
This way, we avoid closing the connection each time, and have to re-create a connection 
for each request. (Example : a HTML page, with a lot of img tags in it.).

Unfortunately, what happens in a 


2014-07-09 Thread doomito
Thank you for the answer. I will begging experimenting on 1 box with this

Connector port=8009 protocol=AJP/1.3 address=
emptySessionPath=true redirectPort=8443 maxThreads=2048
minSpareThreads=32 connectionTimeout=2 keepAliveTimeout=1
enableLookups=false request.registerRequests=false /

I a couple of questions raises from your reply:
1) a couple of years ago we did a BENCHMARK mod_proxy vs mod_jk and the
difference was noticeable in favor of mod_jk. There was any improvement on
mod_proxy connector in particular?

2) this is definitely an ignorant question, but I see a lot of connections
made to 8080 port instead of 8009.  That said, I don't fully understand WHY
and also, do I need to also tuned this? I have nothing going directly to
tomcat, everything goes trough Apache mod_jk.

Connector executor=tomcatThreadPool
   port=8080 protocol=HTTP/1.1
   redirectPort=8443 /

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Sent from the Tomcat - User mailing list archive at

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2014-07-08 Thread Hernán Marsili

For the past 4 years we has been working with a 'stable' configuration in
which we put APACHE in front of TOMCAT7 (previously Tomcat6) with mod_jk
connector. We usually serve high traffic sites with about 7000 to 10.000
concurrent users per box (8gb RAM / 4 vcpu) (50.000 active users total).

We are OK with the performance, but sometimes we notice Tomcat stops
responding normally while there are at least 2 full CPU left to be consumed
(JAVA memory is fine).

This is the configuration we use for the connector:

 Connector port=8009 protocol=AJP/1.3 address=
emptySessionPath=true redirectPort=8443 maxThreads=1024
minSpareThreads=32 enableLookups=false request.registerRequests=false

I have a couple of questions:
1) should we set a particular connector or let Tomcat7 decide? I understand
using protocol=AJP/1.3 the auto-switch kicks in. But, for non-SSL high
concurrency sites maybe is best to fixed on APR?

2) how many THREADS can we have? can we go beyond the 1024?

3) is there any advantage on using processorCache?

4) We are not defining a CONNECTION TIMEOUT not a KEEP ALIVE. Any advice on
this one? The average user session is 7 minutes.

Thanks for the help!