Struggling with ContextRelativeResource, RenderedDynamicImageResource and SharedResources

2013-11-07 Thread Dirk Forchel
I mount two different resources almost the same way to figure out how it
works. First of all a context relative resource (the dotclear_tmp.png image
is relative to the context root in my WEB-INF container) and second a
dynamically created image resource (see below). But in my panel the src
attributes of the img-tags are not referenced correctly or at least it does
not works the way I would expect.
I've noticed that I do not have to register the dotclear_tmp.png image the
way I did, because the image is delivered with my web container and can be
resolved by Wicket automatically. Even if I would remove the
SharedResourceReference, the image could be found.
I have to explain, that my WebApplication is mapped to the /foo servlet
path. And I can request the images with the following URLs:

localhost:8080/images/dotclear_tmp.png (the image relative to the context
root in my web container)
localhost:8080/foo/images/dotclear_tmp.png (the mounted image as shared
localhost:8080/foo/images/dotclear.png (the mounted image as dynamic

Below my Panel for tests. The first image is shown (I guess this is the
image from the web container). The second image is not shown (the relative
URL does not point to the mounted one) where
the third and fourth src attributes are working. But I guess this is not the
way it should or at least it is not a good idea to include the servlet
context path to the src attribute of the img-tags.
I need an explanation how it could work as expected and how to solve my

The request to my home page with the following URL
would render the page with the following relative URLs for the  -tag:

In my Application:

ContextRelativeResource resource = new
// NOTE: an AutoResourceReference is created
getSharedResources().add( dotclear, resource );
// NOTE: SharedResourceReference is just a shortcut to the previous created
mountResource(/images/dotclear_tmp.png, new
SharedResourceReference(dotclear) );

// NOTE: create on the fly an image resource as placeholder
mountResource(/images/dotclear.png, new
PlaceholderImageResourceReference() );

public class PlaceholderImageResourceReference extends ResourceReference 
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

public PlaceholderImageResourceReference() 

public IResource getResource() 
return new PlaceholderImageResource();

 * A cached resource which returns back a placeholder image as bytes.
private static class PlaceholderImageResource extends
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

public PlaceholderImageResource()
super( 1, 1, png );
setType( BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB );

protected boolean render( Graphics2D graphics, Attributes 
attributes )
graphics.fillRect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight() );
return true;

public boolean equals(Object that) 
return that instanceof PlaceholderImageResource;

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Any plans to support content security policy?

2013-11-07 Thread Magro
Do you have any plans regarding support of the content security policy
( in Wicket in the near
future? The problem at this time is the heavily used inline Java-Script code
which interferes with the whitelisting mechanism of script sources in the
Are there any plans to support this better? I think it would be a great help
against cross-site scripting attacks and would improve the security image of

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Re: Any plans to support content security policy?

2013-11-07 Thread Martin Grigorov

Please file a ticket for improvement.

On Thu, Nov 7, 2013 at 10:38 AM, Magro wrote:

 Do you have any plans regarding support of the content security policy
 ( in Wicket in the
 future? The problem at this time is the heavily used inline Java-Script
 which interferes with the whitelisting mechanism of script sources in the
 Are there any plans to support this better? I think it would be a great
 against cross-site scripting attacks and would improve the security image

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Websphere 8

2013-11-07 Thread wicket_new_user
Anyone brought up Websphere 8 and is it working without any issues

My app works find in Websphere 6  7 with the below properties set, but not
working with 8.

Any ideas, please let me know

thanks in advance

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Issue w/ Ajax and setting form containers visible in Deployment mode.

2013-11-07 Thread Ben S

I've been trying to work on this issue for hours and have had no luck.

Basically, my code works just fine in development mode as intended, however 
when in Deployment mode I can't seem to get WebMarkupContainers toggle between 

If they're visible, they won't go invisible, however if they are invisible they 
will toggle visible.

However, the markup containers seems to work as expected when the form is 
passed to the AjaxRequestTarget,  however this will clear all the data that's 
on the form page, even though the form is set up for a compound property model..

Is there any way to set the webmarkupcontainers visible to false using ajax in 
Deployment mode?

Re: Struggling with ContextRelativeResource, RenderedDynamicImageResource and SharedResources

2013-11-07 Thread Dirk Forchel
And finally I've added two Image components to the Panel (this works as

In my Panel.class:

add( new Image(img1, new SharedResourceReference(dotclear) ) );
add( new Image(img2, new PlaceholderImageResourceReference()  ) );


Rendered URLs:

In addition we use the placeholder image quite often in different panels to
replace it with different css rules like this (only an example):

.bt_right {
background: url(../images/sprite.png) -200px -30px;
width: 10px;
margin:4px 0 0 0;

So even if I could add an appropriate Image component to each panel using
the placeholder image this would blow up the code where it should not. I
hope I could make it clear.

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Re-Usable Panel with RefreshingView

2013-11-07 Thread Patrick Davids
Hi all,
I would like to implement a reusable panel, containing a refreshing view.

The goal is to delegate the polulateItem(ItemT item) of the refreshing 
view to the outer client, e.g. the page which uses my panel.
(I force overriding using abstract method).

So far so good.

My problem now is:
My inner refreshing view must provide a webmarkup container, I must use 
to add my custom components from outside (populateItem(item){ 
item.add(myCUstomComponent) }).

Quite ok... but I need to know the inner id in the outer client (kind of 
LazyLoadingPanel), but I dont want having it in this way, providing my 
inner id to the outer world.

What kind of Repeating/RefreshingView should I use?

I think, I need some sort of mixed RepeatingRefreshignView feature.

RepeatingView works with newChildId(), and can have outer markup (hope I 
understood right),but is not very refreshing.
RefreshingView works in a refreshing way, but must hold its own markup.

Can anyone give some inspiration and help for my reusable panel?

kind regards
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Re: How to use BootStrap3 ProgressBar and UpdateableProgress Bar

2013-11-07 Thread Martin Grigorov

Please file a ticket at wicket-bootstrap project.

On Wed, Nov 6, 2013 at 6:19 PM, David Beer wrote:

 Hi Guys

 I have added an UploadProgressBar from the Wicket extensions to my upload
 form and process, it would be nice if I could keep the Bootstrap3

 I am having a bit of difficulty fguring out how I can attach either a
 ProgressBar or UpdatableProgresBar to my upload form.

 Any thoughts on this would be great. HTML template for form is as follows:

 form wicket:id=uploadForm
 div wicket:id=formGroup-Upload
 div class=col-lg-10 fileupload fileupload-new
 span class=btn btn-default btn-file
 span class=fileupload-newSelect file/span
 span class=fileupload-existsChange/span
 input type=file wicket:id=file
 span class=fileupload-preview/span
 a href=# class=close fileupload-exists
 data-dismiss=fileupload style=float: nonetimes;/a
 div class=col-lg-offset-2 col-lg-10
 span wicket:id=max-size/span
 div wicket:id=formGroup-Description
 div class=col-lg-10
 input type=text wicket:id=description
 div wicket:id=submit-formGroup class=form-group
 div class=col-lg-offset-2 col-lg-10
 button wicket:id=submit-button type=submitUpload
 span wicket:id=progress[progressbar]/span



Re: Issue w/ Ajax and setting form containers visible in Deployment mode.

2013-11-07 Thread Nick Pratt
This functionality does work - can you put your code up on
pastebin/gist/whatever so we can take a look? (Markup and Source please)

On Wed, Nov 6, 2013 at 8:14 PM, Ben S wrote:


 I've been trying to work on this issue for hours and have had no luck.

 Basically, my code works just fine in development mode as intended,
 however when in Deployment mode I can't seem to get WebMarkupContainers
 toggle between visibility.

 If they're visible, they won't go invisible, however if they are invisible
 they will toggle visible.

 However, the markup containers seems to work as expected when the form is
 passed to the AjaxRequestTarget,  however this will clear all the data
 that's on the form page, even though the form is set up for a compound
 property model..

 Is there any way to set the webmarkupcontainers visible to false using
 ajax in Deployment mode?

[ANNOUNCE] Apache Wicket 6.12.0 released!

2013-11-07 Thread Martijn Dashorst
The Apache Wicket PMC is proud to announce Apache Wicket 6.12.0!

This release marks the twelfth minor release of Wicket 6. Starting
with Wicket 6 we use semantic versioning for the future development
of Wicket, and as such no API breaks are present in this release
compared to 6.0.0.

New and noteworthy

This release fixes 16 bugs and adds the following improvements:

 * Support MultiFileUploadField in FormTester
 * Add support for parsing IE 11 user agent
 * Log the exception if the application cannot start properly
 * Add Wicket.Event.unsubscribe method
 * Allow form components to trim the input themselves
 * Allow DebugBar contributors to be removed
 * Session management doesn't work with Jetty's JDBCSessionManager
 * HeaderItem to be Serializable

JQuery update in 6.9.0

As of Wicket 6.9 we ship JQuery 1.10.1. The JQuery project has
decided to remove deprecated APIs from their codebase from JQuery 1.9
and up. This means that JQuery plugins using these deprecated APIs no
longer work. See the JQuery migration guide for more information,
available from

If your application depends on these deprecated APIs you can easily
downgrade to JQuery 1.8.3-the previously provided JQuery that still
contains these APIs. Download the 1.8.3 release of jquery and add it
to your project in its application's init method:

protected void init() {

CDI injection issue

In the CDI releases of Weld 2.0.1 and prior, it was assumed that
injection in anonymous inner classes was not legal and when
attempted, it resulted in an exception:

Caused by: org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException:
WELD-70 Simple bean [EnhancedAnnotatedTypeImpl] private class
com.example.HomePage$AForm cannot be a non-static inner class

This was reported as, as it became an
issue in Glassfish 4, which ships with Weld 2.0.1 (or earlier). We
implemented a fix for this particular issue by not injecting into
anonymous inner classes.

Unfortunately this was not a bug that needed fixing on our part, but
rather in the Weld framework (see

Therefore we reverted the commits done for WICKET-5226 and hope that
Glassfish will upgrade their Weld implementation soon. For the whole
story read

Glassfish has fixed this in trunk according to

but the fix has yet to be integrated into a release.

Using this release

With Apache Maven update your dependency to (and don't forget to
update any other dependencies on Wicket projects to the same version):


Or download and build the distribution yourself, or use our
convenience binary package

 * Source:
 * Binary:

Upgrading from earlier versions

If you upgrade from 6.y.z this release is a drop in replacement. If
you come from a version prior to 6.0.0, please read our Wicket 6
migration guide found at


Have fun!

— The Wicket team

Release Notes - Wicket - Version 6.12.0

** Bug

* [WICKET-4862] - AjaxPagingNavigationLink and
AjaxPagingNavigationIncrementLink output inline onclick attributes in
addition to Wicket.Ajax.ajax event registration
* [WICKET-5101] - Could not open second modal window after closing first
* [WICKET-5356] - AutoCompleteSettings.setShowListOnEmptyInput(true)
is not working anymore
* [WICKET-5359] - org.apache.wicket.util.string.StringValue#equals broken
* [WICKET-5366] - ResourceAggregator looses information about
priority/filtering/... when using a bundle
* [WICKET-5369] - Can't set a cookie using CookieUtils during an ajax
request due to java.lang.ClassCastException:
org.apache.wicket.ajax.AbstractAjaxResponse$AjaxResponse cannot be
cast to org.apache.wicket.request.http.WebResponse
* [WICKET-5374] - SourcesPage fails on resources with non-ASCII characters
* [WICKET-5375] - Improve ConcatBundleResource error handling when a
resource is missing
* [WICKET-5378] - AutoCompleteTextField inside a ModalWindow shows
auto complete dropdown in the wrong location
* [WICKET-5379] - IE7: AutoCompleteTextField inside a ModalWindow
shows auto complete dropdown behind ModalWindow
* [WICKET-5380] - Wicket rebinds the SessionEntry session attribute
and this causes problems in Glassfish
* [WICKET-5382] - AutoComplete JavaScript errors
* [WICKET-5385] - wicket-bean-validation : 

Support for security updates on 1.4

2013-11-07 Thread Dean Pehrsson-Chapman
Hi there,

Does anyone know how long the wicket core team plan to support security
updates on 1.4?  We have a 1.4 project and need to prioritise the move to


Re: Support for security updates on 1.4

2013-11-07 Thread Martin Grigorov

Once 7.0.0 is released 1.4 support will end and 1.5 will become the
security maintenance release.
There is no rush to release 7.0.0 at the moment.

On Thu, Nov 7, 2013 at 4:23 PM, Dean Pehrsson-Chapman wrote:

 Hi there,

 Does anyone know how long the wicket core team plan to support security
 updates on 1.4?  We have a 1.4 project and need to prioritise the move to


Re: Support for security updates on 1.4

2013-11-07 Thread Martijn Dashorst
One of the major issues with maintaining 1.4 (and 1.5) is that it is
hard to get a working java 5 installation on our machines. The other
problem is that we don't have any applications (at least at my work)
that run on 1.4 or 1.5. When 7.0 is released, I suspect our projects
will be on 7.x rather quickly.

It would be great to have a couple of (largish) open source projects
that have all branches build against different versions of wicket. The
only project that does this is wicket-examples, but that is hardly a
good metric if things will break (at least detecting that


On Thu, Nov 7, 2013 at 3:23 PM, Dean Pehrsson-Chapman wrote:
 Hi there,

 Does anyone know how long the wicket core team plan to support security
 updates on 1.4?  We have a 1.4 project and need to prioritise the move to


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Re: Support for security updates on 1.4

2013-11-07 Thread Dean Pehrsson-Chapman
Many thanks Martin.

On 7 November 2013 14:35, Martin Grigorov wrote:


 Once 7.0.0 is released 1.4 support will end and 1.5 will become the
 security maintenance release.
 There is no rush to release 7.0.0 at the moment.

 On Thu, Nov 7, 2013 at 4:23 PM, Dean Pehrsson-Chapman

  Hi there,
  Does anyone know how long the wicket core team plan to support security
  updates on 1.4?  We have a 1.4 project and need to prioritise the move to

Session expires almost immediate after login

2013-11-07 Thread Marieke Vandamme
Dear wicket users, 

We have an ecommerce platform based on wicket. Since our latest release
(with wicket 6.8.0) multiple users complain that their session expires too
We did not set the timeout in our web.xml or something, so it's handled by
jetty, and the default of 30 minutes is set there.
The users we could ask, are using google chrome as browser. One time we
could see this problem, the jsessionid was present in the url when going to
the login page. 
Myself I never have this problem, and the jsessionid is never present in my
url. The user needs to turn on cookies, because this is something that we
test on the login page, and otherwise no login is possible.
Has it something to do with the jsessionid? Has anyone else had this
problem? I know it's hard, because I can not simulate or attach quickstart
or something. 
Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance. Kind Regards, Marieke Vandamme

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Re: Bizarre undentified error resulting in blank page

2013-11-07 Thread Peter Henderson

Just a though.
Could it be the constructor of the base class calling abstract methods,
before the child instance has been initialized fully? I've done that a
couple of times and it produces some very weird results.


On 7 November 2013 03:33, Rafael Barrera Oro wrote:


 I've stumbled across a tricky one, i am getting a blank screen withouth any
 error in the logs, the only thing i can observe is the following javascript
 error on the js console:

 *Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'appendChild' of
 null wicket-ajax-debug.js:207*

 *GET http://localhost:8080/lars/app/src/debug.js
 (Not Found)*

 This only happens if development mode is set in the web.xml of the
 project (the js error happens because document.body is null).

 I still don't know if this the cause or a consequence of whatever is going

 The really weird thing is the error does not happen if i comment certain
 lines of code within a class all pages in the project inherit from, these
 lines invoke some getters for attributes of the page, set a few
 pageParameters properties and retrieve the session to do stuff. For
 example, there is a line that is quite like the following:

 PageParameters pageParameters = getBean().getParameters();

 To my amazement, if i comment it out and replace it for, lets say...

 PageParameters pageParameters = new PageParameters();

 everything goes smoothly...

 Has anyone ran across something similar?

 Thanks in advance!

Peter Henderson

Starjar Ltd.
0330 088 1662

Re: Issue w/ Ajax and setting form containers visible in Deployment mode.

2013-11-07 Thread Ben S
Here's the code and markup, I'll begin looking for any errors  I have made, 

On Thursday, November 7, 2013 5:20 AM, Nick Pratt wrote:
This functionality does work - can you put your code up on
pastebin/gist/whatever so we can take a look? (Markup and Source please)

On Wed, Nov 6, 2013 at 8:14 PM, Ben S wrote:


 I've been trying to work on this issue for hours and have had no luck.

 Basically, my code works just fine in development mode as intended,
 however when in Deployment mode I can't seem to get WebMarkupContainers
 toggle between visibility.

 If they're visible, they won't go invisible, however if they are invisible
 they will toggle visible.

 However, the markup containers seems to work as expected when the form is
 passed to the AjaxRequestTarget,  however this will clear all the data
 that's on the form page, even though the form is set up for a compound
 property model..

 Is there any way to set the webmarkupcontainers visible to false using
 ajax in Deployment mode?

Re: Issue w/ Ajax and setting form containers visible in Deployment mode.

2013-11-07 Thread Ben S
Hi, I found the solution before receiving an answer.

I found that using the wicket:container markup tags in development mode will 
actually work with setVisible toggling, but not in deployment mode. I don't 
know if this is due to me using the wicket:container tag incorrectly or not. 
For my solution I just switched the tags over to div tags. I realized after 
the fact I probably could have used panels as opposed to containers for the 
solution, but it's a bit too late for that now.

On Thursday, November 7, 2013 9:12 AM, Ben S wrote:
Here's the code and markup, I'll begin looking for any errors  I have made, 

On Thursday, November 7, 2013 5:20 AM, Nick Pratt wrote:

This functionality does work - can you put your code up on
pastebin/gist/whatever so we can take a look? (Markup and Source please)

On Wed, Nov 6, 2013 at 8:14 PM, Ben S wrote:


 I've been trying to work on this issue for hours and have had no luck.

 Basically, my code works just fine in development mode as intended,
 however when in Deployment mode I can't seem to get WebMarkupContainers
 toggle between visibility.

 If they're visible, they won't go invisible, however if they are invisible
 they will toggle visible.

 However, the markup containers seems to work as expected when the form is
 passed to the AjaxRequestTarget,  however this will clear all the data
 that's on the form page, even though the form is set up for a compound
 property model..

 Is there any way to set the webmarkupcontainers visible to false using
 ajax in Deployment mode?

RE: Issue w/ Ajax and setting form containers visible in Deployment mode.

2013-11-07 Thread Paul Bors
Look inside your Application's init() method for something similar to:

if(usesDevelopmentConfig()) {
// and others...

Also get familiar with the different modes a wicket app runs in as the
configuration is different and could mess up with your JavaScript on the

~ Thank you,
  Paul Bors

-Original Message-
From: Ben S [] 
Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2013 1:53 PM
To:; Ben S
Subject: Re: Issue w/ Ajax and setting form containers visible in Deployment

Hi, I found the solution before receiving an answer.

I found that using the wicket:container markup tags in development mode will
actually work with setVisible toggling, but not in deployment mode. I don't
know if this is due to me using the wicket:container tag incorrectly or not.
For my solution I just switched the tags over to div tags. I realized
after the fact I probably could have used panels as opposed to containers
for the solution, but it's a bit too late for that now.

On Thursday, November 7, 2013 9:12 AM, Ben S wrote:
Here's the code and markup, I'll begin looking for any errors  I have made,

On Thursday, November 7, 2013 5:20 AM, Nick Pratt wrote:

This functionality does work - can you put your code up on
pastebin/gist/whatever so we can take a look? (Markup and Source please)

On Wed, Nov 6, 2013 at 8:14 PM, Ben S wrote:


 I've been trying to work on this issue for hours and have had no luck.

 Basically, my code works just fine in development mode as intended, 
 however when in Deployment mode I can't seem to get 
 WebMarkupContainers toggle between visibility.

 If they're visible, they won't go invisible, however if they are 
 invisible they will toggle visible.

 However, the markup containers seems to work as expected when the form 
 is passed to the AjaxRequestTarget,  however this will clear all the 
 data that's on the form page, even though the form is set up for a 
 compound property model..

 Is there any way to set the webmarkupcontainers visible to false using 
 ajax in Deployment mode?

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wicket quickstart

2013-11-07 Thread Filipe Roque

Is it my impression or the quickstart in the wicket site is not working?

thank you,
Filipe Roque
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Re: wicket quickstart

2013-11-07 Thread Andrea Del Bene
Now I fixed it. For some reason the css and JavaScript code has been 
wrapped as CDATA...


Is it my impression or the quickstart in the wicket site is not working?

thank you,
Filipe Roque
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Re: Struggling with ContextRelativeResource, RenderedDynamicImageResource and SharedResources

2013-11-07 Thread Dirk Forchel
No comment? No idea? Probably another solution?

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Re: Struggling with ContextRelativeResource, RenderedDynamicImageResource and SharedResources

2013-11-07 Thread Ernesto Reinaldo Barreiro
Did you read this?

On Fri, Nov 8, 2013 at 6:56 AM, Dirk Forchel dirk.forc...@exedio.comwrote:

 No comment? No idea? Probably another solution?

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Regards - Ernesto Reinaldo Barreiro

Re: Struggling with ContextRelativeResource, RenderedDynamicImageResource and SharedResources

2013-11-07 Thread Dirk Forchel
Yes, I know this article and based on this one I wrote the
PlaceholderImageResourceReference class. And it works as expected. I mean I
can add this resource reference to each component I want.


add( new Image(placeholderImg, new PlaceholderImageResourceReference() )


But this is not the point. I thought I can add a kind of global resource
with a mount path like:
mountResource(/images/dotclear.png, new
PlaceholderImageResourceReference() );

Where each src-attribute of an img-tag with the src path like
images/dotclear.png is replaced with the image automatically. But it is
not. We have about 10 to 20 Panels with almost the same placeholder image.

But if I add the servlet context path (the application runs with this
servlet context path) to the src-attribute, the image is added!? I don't
understand why?

This is a bit strange to me.

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Re: Struggling with ContextRelativeResource, RenderedDynamicImageResource and SharedResources

2013-11-07 Thread Ernesto Reinaldo Barreiro
If you mount a global resource then you can pass a parameter to it and use
that parameter to generate dynamic image. If you create a quickstart I
could try to look at it and help (if I can).

On Fri, Nov 8, 2013 at 8:18 AM, Dirk Forchel dirk.forc...@exedio.comwrote:

 Yes, I know this article and based on this one I wrote the
 PlaceholderImageResourceReference class. And it works as expected. I mean I
 can add this resource reference to each component I want.


 add( new Image(placeholderImg, new PlaceholderImageResourceReference() )


 But this is not the point. I thought I can add a kind of global resource
 with a mount path like:
 mountResource(/images/dotclear.png, new
 PlaceholderImageResourceReference() );

 Where each src-attribute of an img-tag with the src path like
 images/dotclear.png is replaced with the image automatically. But it is
 not. We have about 10 to 20 Panels with almost the same placeholder

 But if I add the servlet context path (the application runs with this
 servlet context path) to the src-attribute, the image is added!? I don't
 understand why?

 This is a bit strange to me.

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Regards - Ernesto Reinaldo Barreiro

Re: Issue w/ Ajax and setting form containers visible in Deployment mode.

2013-11-07 Thread Martin Grigorov

wicket:xyz tags are not rendered in deployment mode.
See IMarkupSettings#setStripWicketTags(boolean)

On Thu, Nov 7, 2013 at 8:53 PM, Ben S wrote:

 Hi, I found the solution before receiving an answer.

 I found that using the wicket:container markup tags in development mode
 will actually work with setVisible toggling, but not in deployment mode. I
 don't know if this is due to me using the wicket:container tag incorrectly
 or not. For my solution I just switched the tags over to div tags. I
 realized after the fact I probably could have used panels as opposed to
 containers for the solution, but it's a bit too late for that now.

 On Thursday, November 7, 2013 9:12 AM, Ben S wrote:

 Here's the code and markup, I'll begin looking for any errors  I have
 made, thanks!

 On Thursday, November 7, 2013 5:20 AM, Nick Pratt

 This functionality does work - can you put your code up on
 pastebin/gist/whatever so we can take a look? (Markup and Source please)

 On Wed, Nov 6, 2013 at 8:14 PM, Ben S wrote:

  I've been trying to work on this issue for hours and have had no luck.
  Basically, my code works just fine in development mode as intended,
  however when in Deployment mode I can't seem to get WebMarkupContainers
  toggle between visibility.
  If they're visible, they won't go invisible, however if they are
  they will toggle visible.
  However, the markup containers seems to work as expected when the form is
  passed to the AjaxRequestTarget,  however this will clear all the data
  that's on the form page, even though the form is set up for a compound
  property model..
  Is there any way to set the webmarkupcontainers visible to false using
  ajax in Deployment mode?

Re: Struggling with ContextRelativeResource, RenderedDynamicImageResource and SharedResources

2013-11-07 Thread Dirk Forchel
Okay. I know, but their is no need for an additional parameter. I want to
generate always the same image (a 1x1px PNG with a transparent background).
So I don't see the need for a parameter.
But I try to prepare a quickstart.

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