Re: Wicket 6 - test ajax component.

2015-07-22 Thread gump lee
Thanks for your reply. I would try to use other testing method to test my
On Jul 21, 2015 4:47 PM, andrea del bene wrote:


 I don't think it's possible to send a specific key as this requires
 JavaScript code to be executed. But you can test AJAX events:

 //simulate an AJAX click event
 tester.executeAjaxEvent(label, click);

 See 'Testing AJAX events' in the userguide for more details.


 On 20/07/2015 16:27, gump lee wrote:

 Dear All,

 Is it possible to write a unit test with WicketTester which I need to send
 Enter key to an AJAX component?

 Best regards,

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Re: Using Wicket 6.20 give following error

2015-07-22 Thread Serban.Balamaci
Hello, just a quick observation:

In 6.x version IHeaderResponse is in a different package it's under
org.apache.wicket.markup.*head* so it's explained why you'd get the

I think this JQWicket you are using is the problem. Looks unmaintained and
designed for 1.5 version(previous version than 6.x). I guess it's this one 

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Removing jessionid

2015-07-22 Thread Ephraim Rosenfeld
Hello Team Wicket:

We are in the process of getting our web application approved for a security 

Two related issues are:

1.   The presence of a jsessionid in the url when the application loads

2.   Maintaining the same jsessionid cookie after login (Session Fixation)

A quick search pointed me to the following two fixes for these issues, 

1.   Removing jsessionid from the url: Used for search engine bots -

2.   Invalidating the current session  upon authentication and then 
creating a new session:

Both of these tips were posted a while ago, so I wanted to reach out to the 
community to see if other approaches are recommended.

BTW we are using Glassfish 4.

Thank you,

- ER

Re: Removing jessionid

2015-07-22 Thread Serban.Balamaci
1. you can remove the sessionid from the url and have it stored in a cookie
without any change to your app code. This is more of web container setup,
it's not really Wicket who should be handling that. With Servlet 3.0 you can
tell your web container how it should handle it in the web.xml file of your
app like 

notice the tracking-modeCOOKIE/tracking-mode option

Look into having it as HttpOnly also, it means the cookie value cannot be
read from JS so you'd want that turned also on to minimize the damage in
case of a XSS vulnerability in your site.

2. Actually Wicket already comes with session fixation protection if you
look in the Session class the method Session.replaceSession() has it
explained in the Javadoc

So say you have a LoginForm with a 
public void submit() {
User user = userDao.getUser(username, password);
if(user != null) { //pardon the stupidest authorization 
Session.get().replaceSession(); //we're destroying the old session
and recreating a new one - a new sessionid is returned to the user
AppSession newSession = (AppSession) Session.get();
} else {
 error(Wrong username/pass);

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Re: how to send a request to an external url from wicket?

2015-07-22 Thread cosmindumy
Hi Sven,
Thanks for your response but I think I cannot use this option.

I need to pass to that url the form parameters.
On my onSubmit, I need to build a list of parameters and pass via a post
method to the url to be processed.
This exception does not allow a list of parameters.


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Re: how to send a request to an external url from wicket?

2015-07-22 Thread Sven Meier


the url allows parameters as any url, e.g;.

If you need to post your parameters, you'll have to generate a hidden 
form and submit it.
You can render the form with wicket (some WebMarkupContainers will 
suffice) or just use some JavaScript for it:

You can call the JavaScript in the Ajax request as follows:

target.appendJavaScript(String.format(post('%s', %s);, path, params));

Have fun

On 22.07.2015 10:35, cosmindumy wrote:

Hi Sven,
Thanks for your response but I think I cannot use this option.

I need to pass to that url the form parameters.
On my onSubmit, I need to build a list of parameters and pass via a post
method to the url to be processed.
This exception does not allow a list of parameters.


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Re: how to send a request to an external url from wicket?

2015-07-22 Thread cosmindumy
Ya, I need to submit the form with post method.
This answer helped me. 
I will try it.

Thanks a lot,

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How to integrate Wicket-cdi-1.1 to OSGi environment

2015-07-22 Thread fengzhenxing
Hi wicket-group:

I want to integrate the wicket-cdi to Karaf container.But I met some issues in 
deploying wicket application.

Some exception is below:

javax.servlet.ServletException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: No BeanManager 
found via the CDI provider and no fallback specified. Check your CDI setup or 
specify a fallback BeanManager in the CdiConfiguration.

In Karaf env,I has installed the Pax-CDI features.

But I don’t know Why occur the exception,So I hope whether give me some 
advising about how to use wicket-cdi in OSGI environment?

Thank you very much!

Looking forward to your reply!


Wicket user-James