WiQuery DatePicker and Ajax Request

2011-03-15 Thread Alexander Monakhov
Hi, guys.

Here is a problem I met today:
When I use DatePicker and I change it's model when ajax request
received, on client side date picker's button image doubles.
It happens because on every request date picker is initialized again
and renders new image every time, but old one doesn't disappear, so
user can see several button images.

Here is simple code snippet for testing:
FormVoid form = new FormVoid( form );
add( form );

DatePickerDate datePicker = new DatePickerDate( datepicker,
new ModelDate(), Date.class );
datePicker.setButtonImageOnly( true );
datePicker.setShowOn( ShowOnEnum.BUTTON );
datePicker.setOutputMarkupPlaceholderTag( true );
form.add( datePicker );

FormComponentString submitBtn = new AjaxButton( submit,
new ModelString( Submit ), form ) {

protected void onSubmit( AjaxRequestTarget target, Form? form ) {
Component datePicker = getForm().get( datepicker );
datePicker.setDefaultModelObject( null );

target.addComponent( datePicker );

form.add( submitBtn );

Here is markup:
form wicket:id=form
input type=text wicket:id=datepicker/
input type=button wicket:id=submit/

Is there any solution?

Best regards, Alexander.

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Re: WiQuery DatePicker and Ajax Request

2011-03-15 Thread Alexander Monakhov
Thanks for this fast reply!

Best regards, Alexander.

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CheckBox and Repeater

2011-02-16 Thread Alexander Monakhov
Hi, guys.

I've got repeater, each row of which is backed by model object. Each
row has check box, so I can select multiple rows and delete
appropriated model objects when 'delete' button pressed.
I have in mind two ways how to implement this. One is to parse raw
response and retrieve post parameters that indicates which rows were
selected. Another one is to have a list of check boxes outside of
repeater and fill this list with any call to populateItem() method.
When form is submitted, walk throw this list to find which rows were
selected, then get appropriated models from parent ListItem and remove

Could you give my advice? Maybe you have another approach to implement this?

Best regards, Alexander.

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Re: Set Current DropDownChoice Item (Selected)

2010-12-21 Thread Alexander Monakhov

Use setModel() in this case.

Best regards, Alexander.

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Re: wicket question

2010-12-01 Thread Alexander Monakhov

What's wrong with wicket's form?

Best regards, Alexander.

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Re: SV: PageableListView to work with Set

2010-11-30 Thread Alexander Monakhov

See Java Doc for PageableListView
and it's ascendant

From Java Doc:

A ListView is a repeater that makes it easy to display/work with
Lists. However, there are situations where it is necessary to work
with other collection types, for repeaters that might work better with
non-list or database-driven collections see the
org.apache.wicket.markup.repeater package.

Best regards, Alexander.

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Re: SetObject with PageableListView

2010-11-30 Thread Alexander Monakhov
Why are you trying to use component that is intended to work with
java.util.List when your domain object is Set?
Try one of AbstractPageableView implementations, f.e. DataView.

Best regards, Alexander.

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Re: DatePicker to pick a year

2010-11-30 Thread Alexander Monakhov

Why don't you use wiQuery?

BTW, it's not a good idea to set markup id, because you're not sure
whether it's unique across entire page. Let it be set by framework.

If you don't want to use wiQuery, use header contribution to inject
jquery related code from java code to page. In this case you can use
getMarkupId() to retrieve actual input's id and put it to jquery
related code.

Best regards, Alexander.

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Re: onSubmit not getting invoked using AjaxButton

2010-11-29 Thread Alexander Monakhov
Hey, in development mode you can check ajax debug panel. So, you can
see all ajax request.
If it doesn't help could you, please, provide sample source?

Best regards, Alexander.

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Re: PropertyModel expression for collection object

2010-11-29 Thread Alexander Monakhov

See this link for property expression language:

 property.index: If the property is a List or Array then the second 
 property can be used as a index on that list/array
 like this: 'mylist.0'.

Best regards, Alexander.

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Re: Switching between wicket tabs

2010-11-17 Thread Alexander Monakhov

What's problem with button?
Why do you need tabbed panel's markup id? If button that changes
selected tab is in another panel, you could pass callback to panel's

Best regards, Alexander.

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Re: Switching between wicket tabs

2010-11-16 Thread Alexander Monakhov

Could you please give some details? Or sample?

Best regards, Alexander.

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Re: AjaxTabbedPanel and location line

2010-10-23 Thread Alexander Monakhov
So, any suggestion here?

Best regards, Alexander.

AjaxTabbedPanel and location line

2010-10-22 Thread Alexander Monakhov
Hi, guys.

I've got one page that contains AjaxTabbedPanel component. Each ITab
contains AjaxTabbedPanel. So, page contains tabs and subtabs. When different
tabs selected, location path isn't changed. Could you suggest me how to
change location for every selected tab?

For example, there are 'tab1' and 'tab2'. 'tab1' contains 'subtab1' and
'subtab2', The same for 'tab2'. I'd like it to work as following: when user
selects tab1/subtab1 location line would contain
http://domain.com/tab1/subtab2, when user selects tab2/subtab1 location line
would contain http://domain.com/tab2/subtab1, etc.

Also, it would be great if user types http://domain.com/tab2/subtab1 in
location line and appropriated tab would be opened.

Any idea how to make this?

Best regards, Alexander.

AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior and AttributeAppender

2010-05-29 Thread Alexander Monakhov
Hi, guys.

I noticed AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior overwrites earlier added with
AttributeAppender/AttributeModifier handlers.
Could you give me any suggestion how to make them coexistent?

Best regards, Alexander.

set focus on IE

2010-05-26 Thread Alexander Monakhov
Hi, guys.

Here is code I'm using to show modal window in response of AjaxLink onClick

public void onClick( AjaxRequestTarget target ) {
  modal.show( target );
  target.focusComponent( getComponentToBeFocuse() );

It's working correctly on FireFox and Opera, but isn't working on IEv7/IEv6.
Could you give me any suggestion?

Best regards, Alexander.

Google Guice and Wicket

2010-05-13 Thread Alexander Monakhov
Hi, guys.

I'm trying to use wicket-guice extension in my wicket application.
My application instantiates some services in my session implementation and
passes some parameters to it when user is authenticated.
I'm trying to inject these services using Guice.
But they're not injected in my session implementation, because guice
extension makes injection only to wicket components.
In this case, I'm trying to do this explicitly via my base page:

Injector injector = getApplication().getMetaData(
GuiceInjectorHolder.INJECTOR_KEY ).getInjector();
injector.injectMembers( getSession() );

This time, I catch this:

com.google.inject.OutOfScopeException: Cannot access scoped object. Either
we are not currently inside an HTTP Servlet request, or you may have
forgotten to apply com.google.inject.servlet.GuiceFilter as a servlet filter
for this request.

If I set injected services that are injected to base page directly to
session like that:

MySession session = (MySession) getSession();
session.setMyService( myService );

When I catch the same OutOfScopeException when I'm trying to invoke any
method of this service from my session implementation.

Could you give me any advise? How could I use injected services in session

Best regards, Alexander.

Re: Google Guice and Wicket

2010-05-13 Thread Alexander Monakhov
Great! Thanks!

Best regards, Alexander.

Re: TabbelPanel doesnt work in appengine

2010-05-05 Thread Alexander Monakhov

I met the same problem when I started to implement my app using Wicket and
GAE. On GAE there is problem with serialization. GAE prohibits to use
replacement substitution, so WIcket's methods like Component#modelChanged()
or Component#modelChanging() cause AccessControlContext. To fix this problem
I extended TabbedPanel class and overwrote some significant methods. Here is
code for you. It works on GAE for my application more then 3 month without
any problem.

 * @author dominity
 * Implementation of Wicket's {...@link TabbedPanel} that has ability to work
 * Google App Engine. Currently there is problem with serialization of
 * GAE prohibits to use replacement substitution, so any time tab switching
 * invoked, AccessControlContext is threw. To avoid this behavior
 * {...@link Component#setDefaultModelObject(Object)} is overwritten to
 * hide {...@link Component#modelChanging()} and
 * {...@link Component#modelChanged()} methods invocation before/after model's
 * object setting. Also, {...@link TabbedPanel#setSelectedTab(int)} is
 * to switch from using of {...@link Component#setDefaultModelObject(Object)}
 * {...@link #setDefModelObject(Object)}.
public class GAETabbedPanel extends TabbedPanel {

// copy of boolean array from TabbedPanel to avoid serialization
problems on
// GAE
private transient Boolean[] tabsVisibilityCache;

 * @param id
 * id of span on markup page
 * @param tabs
 * list of {...@link ITab}s
 * @see TabbedPanel
public GAETabbedPanel( String id, ListITab tabs ) {
super( id, tabs );


public void setSelectedTab( int index ) {
if ( index  0 || ( index = getTabs().size()  index  0 ) ) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();

// here is only change in comparison to
setDefModelObject( new Integer( index ) );

final Component component;

if ( getTabs().size() == 0 || !isTabVisible( index ) ) {
// no tabs or the currently selected tab is not visible
component = new WebMarkupContainer( TAB_PANEL_ID );
} else {
// show panel from selected tab
ITab tab = getTabs().get( index );
component = tab.getPanel( TAB_PANEL_ID );
if ( component == null ) {
throw new WicketRuntimeException(
ITab.getPanel() returned null. TabbedPanel [
+ getPath() + ] ITab index [ + index + ]


if ( !component.getId().equals( TAB_PANEL_ID ) ) {
throw new WicketRuntimeException(
ITab.getPanel() returned a panel with invalid id [
+ component.getId()
+ ]. You must always return a panel with id
+ to the provided panelId parameter.
TabbedPanel [
+ getPath() + ] ITab index [ + index + ] );

addOrReplace( component );

/* duplication of the same method at TabbedPanel class in case of
 *  setDefaultModelObject(Object) overwriting.*/
private boolean isTabVisible( int tabIndex ) {
if ( tabsVisibilityCache == null ) {
tabsVisibilityCache = new Boolean[ getTabs().size() ];

if ( tabsVisibilityCache.length  0 ) {
Boolean visible = tabsVisibilityCache[ tabIndex ];
if ( visible == null ) {
visible = getTabs().get( tabIndex ).isVisible();
tabsVisibilityCache[ tabIndex ] = visible;
return visible;
} else {
return false;

 * It's duplication of {...@link #setDefaultModelObject(Object)} except it
 * doesn't invoke {...@link #modelChanging()} and {...@link #modelChanged()}
 * before/after model's object setting. This prevents
 * {...@link AccessControlException} is threw during tab switching.
 * @param object
 *The object to set
 * @return this
 * @see #setDefaultModelObject(Object)
@SuppressWarnings( unchecked )
public final Component setDefModelObject( final Object object ) {
final IModelObject model = (IModelObject) getDefaultModel();

// Check whether anything can be set at all
if ( model == null ) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
Attempt to set model object on null model of component:

+ getPageRelativePath() );

// Check authorization
if ( !isActionAuthorized( ENABLE ) ) {
throw new UnauthorizedActionException( this, ENABLE );

// Check whether this will result in an actual change
if ( !getModelComparator().compare( this, object ) ) {

Google Charts integration

2010-04-12 Thread Alexander Monakhov
Hi, guys.

Is there currently any integration of google charts with wicket?
I've found some articles like that
http://www.codecommit.com/blog/java/a-wicket-api-for-google-charts. But they
are really old.
So, I'm curious whether there is any active integration with google charts.

Best regards, Alexander.

Re: Google Charts integration

2010-04-12 Thread Alexander Monakhov
Thanks for replies, guys.

Yes, I've checked this project. As I understand it hasn't been updates a lot
of time. I guess it has lived without update from 2007. I can see that it's
supporting not so many types of chart as Google Charts is providing
currently. And Major Peter is right, it depends only on WebCompont of
wicket. So, I guess it won't have problem with new wicket releases.

Best regards, Alexander.

ModalWindow and Multipart request

2010-03-05 Thread Alexander Monakhov
Hi, guys.

I'm developing a form that allows user to upload file and then shows message
in modal window.
Modal window appears the same time user pushes upload button and shows busy
indicator. When file is uploaded,
modal window shows status message.

This approach works fine for single requests (not multipart). But with
multipart requests modal window behaves in strange way.
In doesn't show any content. For busy indicator I'm using AjaxLazyLoadPanel.
It has getLazyLoadComponent() method that is
invoked when modal window is shown. But, when multipart request is passed,
this method isn't invoked.

Could you give my any ideas where is problem?

Best regards, Alexander.

Re: Page Expired

2010-03-04 Thread Alexander Monakhov
Hi, I don't think that this is problem. 'Page expired' message appears
immediately when I click link. There is no timeout or something like that. I
serf pages, then click link and 'Page Expired' message appears. As you can
see there is log's message that says there is no version manager for this
page. COuld it be problem?

Best regards, Alexander.

Page Expired

2010-03-02 Thread Alexander Monakhov
Hi, guys.

I've got problem with 'Page Expired' message. I'm developing application
that is worked on GAE.
It has one page with help content. There is two help pages. Help page
contains two separated divs. One div for table of content, second - for
When user clicks on link, page is reloaded with appropriated content. So,
when I load this page first time all works fine. But when I click on any
I get 'Page Expired' message.
I set log level to debug. Here is some messages:

13:46:14,140 DEBUG [org.apache.wicket.Session] - Getting page [path =
versionNumber = 1
13:46:14,141 INFO [org.apache.wicket.Page] - No version manager available to
retrieve requested versionNumber 1
13:46:14,141 INFO [org.apache.wicket.AccessStackPageMap] - Unable to get
version 1 of page [Page class = com.dominity.web2care.wicket.pages.BasePage,
id = 3, version = 0]
13:46:14,142 DEBUG [org.apache.wicket.RequestCycle] - setting request target

So, could you explain me what's wrong with this and what is it about: No
version manager available?

If you'd like I show you source code and markup.

BTW, please, bear in mind, that the same page works fine of GAE SDK without
any page expirations, but on server side I get always Page Expired message.

Best regards, Alexander.

Re: Page Expired

2010-03-02 Thread Alexander Monakhov

I'm using org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.HttpSessionStore.
Guess it's not cause, because other links from other pages work well.

Best regards, Alexander.

Modal Window, cookie and component update

2010-02-24 Thread Alexander Monakhov
Hi, guys.

I'm trying to create sing in page in modal window. So, there is home page
with sign in link. When user clicks the link modal window appears with
login/password form. When user submits valid authentication credentials
modal window is closed and sign in link is changed to sign out link.

Here is some code snipets:

Home page:

public class HomePage extends WebPage {


public HomePage() {

this.signInLink = new AjaxLinkVoid( SIGN_IN_LINK_ID ) {

public void onClick( AjaxRequestTarget target ) {
modal.show( target );

this.signOutLink = new LinkVoid( SIGN_OUT_LINK_ID ) {

public void onClick() {

setResponsePage( BasePage.this );


signInLink.setOutputMarkupId( true );
signOutLink.setOutputMarkupId( true );

if ( ((CustomSession) getSession()).isSignedIn() ) {
signInLink.setVisible( false );
} else {
signOutLink.setVisible( false );

add( signInLink );
add( signOutLink );

/* here goes modal window initialization*/

public void setSignedIn(
final boolean isSignedIn, final AjaxRequestTarget target
) {
signInLink.setVisible( !isSignedIn );
signOutLink.setVisible( isSignedIn );

target.addComponent( signInLink );
target.addComponent( signOutLink );

In modal window there are two inputs for login and password and ajax button.
When user pushes submit button. setSignedIn() method of HomePage is called
and modal window is closed.

First problem is sign in link disappear when modal window is closed, but
sing out link doesn't appear (when I check ajax response, I can see that
component for sing out link was sent). Second problem is firefox doesn't
save value of login/password as it does usually(I guess it's issue of modal
window. Also, if setPersisted() method is invoked for login field, there is
an item in cookie, but it doesn't appear in login field next time user goes
to login page.). Third problem is if error() method is called, error message
doesn't appear in page, even though feedback panel is added( I was trying to
add feedback panel to home page or to panel that is added to modal window
without success. In any case in console WARN message appeared.)

Could you give me any suggestions?

Best regards, Alexander.

Re: Modal Window, cookie and component update

2010-02-24 Thread Alexander Monakhov

Thanks a lot for help. Feedback panel is shown now and sign out link appears
when it should. But firefox still doesn't want to save and insert values for
username/password fields. Usually, firefox asks to save login/password when
form is submitted, but when form is submitted from modal window with ajax
button, firefox doesn't ask anything. Also, usually firefox provides some
variants of text that fits this type of input field. But this time for
username input field it provides any information or some other information,
but not that was typed earlier.

Also, I've got another question. How could I make modal window to fit to his
content. I'm using setUseInitialHeight( false ), so height of modal window
fits height of content, but width is still to large.

Best regards, Alexander.

PropertyListView problem

2010-02-08 Thread Alexander Monakhov
Hi, friends.

Could you help me with subject?
Here is the situation. I want to create manageable list of item, so I could
add new items to it, update current state of each item and remove items.
I'm using ListView for this purpose. Here is sample code that works with
ListString that describes items:

public class ItemsPanel extends Panel {

// here goes fields definition section

// list of items to show
private ListString items;

public ItemsPanel( String id ) {
   super( id );

   items = new ArrayListString();
   items.add( String 0 );
   items.add( String 1 );

   final ListViewString itemsList = new PropertyListViewString(
items, new PropertyModelListString( this, items ) )

  protected void populateItem( final ListItemString item ) {
 final WebMarkupContainer baseDiv = new WebMarkupContainer( title
 baseDiv.add( new Label( text, item.getModel() ) );

 final WebMarkupContainer deleteImg = new WebMarkupContainer(
delete.arrow );

 deleteImg.add( new AjaxEventBehavior( onClick ) {

protected void onEvent( AjaxRequestTarget target ) {
   testStrings.remove( item.getModelObject() );
   target.addComponent( ItemsPanel.this );

   baseDiv.add( deleteImg );

   item.add(  baseDiv );

 itemsList.setReuseItems( true );
 itemsList.setOutputMarkupId( true );
 add( itemsList );

 add( new AjaxLinkVoid( add ) {

public void onClick( AjaxRequestTarget target ) {
   testStrings.add( New String  + (items.size() + 1) );
   target.addComponent( ItemsPanel.this );


 setOutputMarkupId( true );


Markup for this class is:

a wicket:id=addAdd item/a
div wicket:id=items
div wicket:id=title class=list_title
span class=label wicket:id=text[Here goes a
img src=/img/delete.gif class=delete_arrow


It'is working perfectly, but when I'm changing ListString to
ListCustomType, where CustomType is custom class with appropriated info,
when I push delete arrow last item from showed list is removed, not that one
that I want to delete. But correct item is removed from backed list of
items. I can't understand what's wrong. During debug I can see that backed
list of items contains right set of items, but in html appeared other list
of items.

Best regards, Alexander.

Re: PropertyListView problem

2010-02-08 Thread Alexander Monakhov
Thanx a lot! Now it's working fine. Didn't think problem is in
setReuseItems. Thanx again.

Best regards, Alexander.

Re: dynamically adding components to a ListView

2010-01-22 Thread Alexander Monakhov
Hi, guys.

Just use PropertyModel.

Instead of this:

container.add(new ListViewMyPanel(panels, panels) { ... }

use this

container.add( new ListViewMyPanel(panels, new PropertyModelList?
extends MyPanel( this, panels ) ) { ... }

where 'this' is referenced to instance of class that contains list of panels
as it's property.
And check PropertyModel description at Doc API.

Best regards, Alexander.

Re: Component hierarchy question

2010-01-21 Thread Alexander Monakhov

I'm not sure. But when you call add() method you pass reference to the
certain component. If you create new object and assign reference to it, you
just create reference to new object, but old one references to old object.
For example,

// here is new component creation
1. Component c = new Component(  );
2. add( c );// add to component tree

3. c = new Component( .. );//initialize another component
4. replaceWith( c );// replace old component with new one

if are you asking why sould 4th lines be invoked, the question is simple,
you have to push reference to new component to component tree. If you are
why doesn't it work with out 4th, try to read about references in Java.

Best regards, Alexander.

Custom DropDownChoice with css style

2010-01-20 Thread Alexander Monakhov
Hi, guys.

I'm trying to implement DropDownChoice that could render select tag with
possiblity to add style with css.
What do I mean:
select tag rendering is OS dependent. So, plain select element is always
ugly. There is no possibility to change arrow, or border of drop down list
only with css.
One of the ways to resolve this problem is to add span tag before select
tag to show currently selected value, then apply to it desired background
and any desired styles and give select tag's opacity zero value. So, drop
down menu would appear any time user clicks on span element. To push
selected value to span onChange method for select tag is appropriated.

So, I've created this class:
public class StyledDropDownChoiceT extends DropDownChoiceT {

/*Here goes constructors and StyleDropDownSpan is added as behavior. */

protected void onComponentTag( ComponentTag tag ) {
tag.put( onChange, var span = document.getElementById(' +
+ -span'); var select = document.getElementById(' +
+  '); span.innerHTML = select.options[
select.selectedIndex ].innerHTML; );
//todo move javascript output to renderJavascript( CharSequence,
String )

super.onComponentTag( tag );

private class StyledDropDownSpan extends AbstractBehavior {

public void onComponentTag( Component component, ComponentTag tag )
replaceComponentTagBody( getMarkupStream(), tag,
span class=\combobox\ id=\ +
+ -span\ + component.getDefaultModelObjectAsString()

+ /span );
super.onComponentTag( component, tag );



So, this code works fine with usual drop down choices. But, when I'm trying
to update list of choice via AJAX call, another span element appear on the
page. So, I get that span tag is added any time dropdownchoice is
rendered. Could you help me to resolve this issue?

Best regards, Alexander.