Kontostand SEB

2009-12-05 Thread Frank Tegtmeyer
Hallo Petra,

die Cosmos hat die Abbuchungen jetzt scheinbar eingestellt.
Ist die Aachen-Münchner schon umgestellt? Falls ja, könnte ich das 
Konto ja kündigen.

Gruss, Frank

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Re: Openlayers, openstreetmap and markers

2009-08-10 Thread Frank Tegtmeyer
> 1) With a Google map, I can set the Bounds of a map easily. When I try
> to do the same with an OpenStreetMap, my Bounds are ignored and I get a
> thumbnail of the world map. What could be going on here?

There is a tutorial somewhere on the OpenStreetMap Wiki. The 
boundaries have to be computed using some magic (but deterministic) 
values that are given in that example. Unfortunately I cannot find the 
reference now.

Here is a link to an example in German:

It says that the magic number 20037508.34 is related to the conversion 
between tile numbers and coordinates.
Unlike in this example the attribution link should be enabled in the 
display. The OSM-Javascript files provide it already but it has to be 
map.addControl(new OpenLayers.Control.Attribution());

Regards, Frank

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Creating a page hierarchy

2009-06-17 Thread Frank Tegtmeyer

is there one established way to generate a page hierarchy?
Or some best practices?

I like to have a website (also a dynamic one) organized in a
hierarchical way like traditional static websites. This way
users can go to their desired functionality quickly and may
be able to even remember the associated URL.

I assume I have to use bookmarkable pages somehow.

Some questions remain for me:

1. Do I have to mount each single page or is there some
   wildcard/regexp/inheritance mechanism like in Django?
2. How do I organize my source files? Does it make sense to
   reflect the site hierarchy in a package hierarchy?
3. The site I develop has to use authorization. Is it
   possible to get a user back to the bookmarked page that
   he accessed after asking for authentication?
   I think yes, but am not sure.

Regards, Frank

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Re: JPA EntityManager storage

2009-06-10 Thread Frank Tegtmeyer
Hi Adrian,

> - Are you setting your entity manager on the threadlocal during
> onBeginRequest by putting it on or relying on the inititalvalue for the
> threadlocal.

I think you hit the problem here. The example I used (in German at 
http://rattlab.net/2008/10/persistenz-fur-den-feedreader/) implies 
that every Request uses its own thread and I never expected threads to 
be reused. I used simple initialization of the variable and closed the 
EntityManager in onEndRequest().
That highlights why I didn't like the ThreadLocal() approach - it 
depends on implementation details somewhere out of my control (and 

Thanks to all who answered - also the discussion about 
Spring/Guice/whatever was informative (and entertaining).

Expect to get some beginner questions from me again soon :)

Regards, Frank

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Long JPA-Transactions (was: JPA EntityManager storage)

2009-06-09 Thread Frank Tegtmeyer
> Yes, but not all transactions are request-scoped.  We have many times
> implemented asynchronous transactions, because the user didn't want to
> wait for the results.

Can you give a (high level) overview how to handle such a situation 
in Wicket? I'm sure clients will demand such functionality someday 
from my application.
I would use some kind of batch processing system with API calls to get 
the status of the batch request. Or would this be overkill?

Regards, Frank

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Re: JPA EntityManager storage

2009-06-09 Thread Frank Tegtmeyer

> Well when it comes to EntityManagers be sure to close, commit and
> clear your threadlocal instance after your service request cycle.

Exactly that didn't work for me. I checked for open transactions, 
closed them, closed the EntityManager and even released it by setting 
the ThreadLocal variable to null.
Although I created a new EntityManager  in onBeginRequest() I 
constantly got errors during form processing because of not existing 
EntityManager. I solved this by leaving EntityManager there after the 
request and checking for its existence at the begin of the request.

Any ideas about this?

Regards, Frank

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Re: JPA EntityManager storage

2009-06-05 Thread Frank Tegtmeyer
> Putting the EntityManager in the Request means you
> have to pass the Request around into your business logic layer.

Ok, that's a convincing point. Thank you.

Regards, Frank

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Re: JPA EntityManager storage

2009-06-05 Thread Frank Tegtmeyer
> You may find these of interest:
> http://javanotepad.blogspot.com/2007/08/managing-jpa-entitymanager-lifecycle.html

Yes, if I need that level of flexibility (which I don't need). I pay 
with complexity of the implementation.
Anyway, this is a nice lesson, thanks for the link!

Regards, Frank

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Re: JPA EntityManager storage

2009-06-05 Thread Frank Tegtmeyer

> Don't fall into the trap of premature optimization!

Hm. Maybe I'm in this trap already.
But what is wrong with binding a resource directly to the request when 
it is used exactly for the lifetime of the request? For me this only 
sounds logical compared to the pragmatic approach using a ThreadLocal 
Are there any technical reasons against storing in the request?

Regards, Frank

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JPA EntityManager storage

2009-06-05 Thread Frank Tegtmeyer

would the Request object be a good place to store a JPA EntityManager?
It would be created in onBeginRequest() and destroyed in 
onEndRequest() of the RequestCycle object.

I saw two other options already:
- use a filter in combination with Spring (I don't want to use Spring 
  yet - this would add to all the new stuff I have to learn so far)
- use a ThreadLocal object like in
  in the class JpaUtil. I don't like this approach because it depends 
  on the implicit assumption that each request is handled in a thread 
  (this depends on Wicket implementation details, therefor I dislike it)
Any advice is welcome.

Regards, Frank

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Re: How to receive digested emails once a day from this mailing list ???

2009-05-27 Thread Frank Tegtmeyer
> I tried user-digest-subscr...@wicket.apache.org

This has to be users-digest...  (note the "s")

Regards, Frank

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Generics in components

2009-05-25 Thread Frank Tegtmeyer

I am still very very new to Java and Wicket of course too,
so excuse me if this is a dumb question.

I swiched my project to Wicket 1.4-rc4 now and got all these
wonderful warnings about the "Raw types" of the components
in my sources.
Are there any examples that highlight the handling of
the generic component types? I have no clue what type parameter
I have to give a form component for example (no clue for other
components too). Should it be the class of my model or anything
else? For validators I tried to set base types (Integer, ..)
and this worked. But still I have no clue if this is the right
thing to do.

Confused ... :)

Regards, Frank

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static content / two jetty contexts?

2009-05-25 Thread Frank Tegtmeyer

I got a Wicket project set up with Maven and work with it in Eclipse.

I like to deliver static content through a webserver directly (lighttpd
in this case). I do this also for the CSS framework that I use (YAML).

Now there ist the problem to include the static content during the

I package my application with an embedded Jetty server in a jar
file to make deployment simple. For the tests I use the
maven-jetty-plugin to be able to server the static content also.
Until now I can either get dynamic content OR static content.
So my question is how to combine both (I have no experience
with servlet containers and web.xml).

I tried to understand the jetty documentation, but with no
success :)
Any hint would be good.

Here is my plugin configuration:


And part of web.xml:


With kind regards,

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Re: Maven setup

2009-05-06 Thread Frank Tegtmeyer
Eyal Golan  wrote:
> Have you checked http://wicket.apache.org/quickstart.html ?

Yes I saw it some day but forgot about it. Thanks for
pointing there.

Thanks also to Linda and Steve. All this was very helpful.

Regards, Frank

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Maven setup

2009-05-06 Thread Frank Tegtmeyer

does anybody have a Wicket quickstart project updated
to the latest versions?

I am new to Java, to Maven and to Wicket of course too.
I have a background in web developing with Zope and
Django (all implemented in Python) but am forced to use
Java now. I know that the learning curve will be steep
and I got some showstoppers already :)

After reading much about many Java frameworks and some
frustrating tests with JSF I've chosen Wicket because
it fits my requirements best. I've done some tests
with databinder which promoted Maven heavily, so I
want to use Maven too.

I'm still struggling with the whole setup - the following
issues are still not clear to me:

- Maven setup - Wicket dependency doesn't work for 1.3.5
  nor for 1.3.6 although the website says so
  (data at the end of this message)
  Possibly another repository required?
- integration with Eclipse - Maven goal or Eclipse plugin
  or both?
- I want to use embedded Jetty also for production
  (running the application behind lighttpd).
  How to do deployment in an elegant way?
  There is only SSH access to my server.
- Hibernate integration - does databinder help much
  or is it better to learn Hibernate directly? I saw
  that databinder always is somewhat behind the
  current versions, so that may be an issue.

I hope these are not too stupid questions and someone will
find the time to answer them.

With kind regards,

The Maven dependency for wicket:


The error:

[INFO]task-segment: [compile]

[INFO] [resources:resources]
[WARNING] Using platform encoding (Cp1252 actually) to copy filtered 
resources, i.e. build is platform dependent!
[INFO] Copying 1 resource
[INFO] Unable to find resource 'wicket:wicket:pom:1.3.5' in repository 
central (http://repo1.maven.org/maven2)
[INFO] artifact wicket:wicket-extensions: checking for updates from 
[INFO] artifact mysql:mysql-connector-java: checking for updates from 
[INFO] artifact org.mortbay.jetty:jetty: checking for updates from central
[INFO] Unable to find resource 'wicket:wicket:jar:1.3.5' in repository 
central (http://repo1.maven.org/maven2)


[INFO] Failed to resolve artifact.

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