Wicket + BIRT Report Integration

2011-10-22 Thread sakthi vel
Hi All,

Could anyone tell how to integrate the BIRT reports in wicket.
Examples or references would of great help.

DI in wicket

2011-09-19 Thread sakthi vel
Hi All,

I would like to know how to use Dependency Injection of Spring in wicket to
get the database connection.
The datasource is configured in the DAO class using the
applicationcontext.xml. Could you tell how to call the DAO class without
creating the object in the Page class.

Any examples or reference site would be of great help.

Best Wicket security practice

2011-02-08 Thread sakthi vel
Hello All,

There are few security things in wicket like SWARM, Spring security with
wicket and so on.
 Could anyone tell the best security practice in wicket and any possible
links would be great.

Wicket Internalization - Exceptions

2010-09-12 Thread sakthi vel

I want to display a value of label using the concept of
Actually there are number of property file for different languages.
When I try to add the dynamic field to property file, I am getting an

*WicketMessage: No get method defined for class: class
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.Form expression: personName*

Content of files are

*Property files:*
status: Hello ${personName}

*Html file:*
span wicket:id = hello/span

Model file:

public class NameModel
   private String personName;
   public String getPersonName()
return personName;

   public void setPersonName(String personName)

*Java file:*

NameModel nameModel = new NameModel();

add(new Label(lblProperty, new StringResourceModel(hello, this, new
PropertyModel(nameModel, personName;

Could anyone explain what is the reason for receiving this exception and
steps to overcome this.

Wicket Security

2010-08-11 Thread sakthi vel

Could anyone tell about the features of wicket security and how it can be
implemented in wicket applications.
Possibly any references would be great.

Handling - Cross side scripting in wicket

2010-08-11 Thread sakthi vel

I read in the article, that wicket will handle the cross side scripting.
Could anyone explain a bit more, how wicket handles it. Possibly it will be
great if an example is provided.

Request Https page

2010-05-13 Thread sakthi vel

Can anyone tell how to request a page using https (Login page).

Xml as markup file

2010-05-13 Thread sakthi vel

When I tried to use XML as markup file, the xml elements are not displayed
and characters are alone displayed.
Could anyone tell how to display the XML elements along with the characters.

Back button, PageMap, Sessions Logout

2010-01-31 Thread sakthi vel
Hello All,

I have a application which have login  logout concept. When i logout, i am
clearing the session using invalidate() (Each session have a  atleast on one
or more page map, which contains all the pages that are visited in the
particular session).

In IE8 when i press the back button, it not going back to the last screen
where logout is done.
But, in Fire fox when i press the back button it is taken back to the last
screen where logout is done.

Is it something related to the browser or something that can be acheived
with wicket (PageMap)?
If it can be done with wicket, please explain the procedure or code to
acheive this.

Avoid folder image in Tree table

2010-01-08 Thread sakthi vel

Could anyone explain, how to avoid the folder image in the tree table?

TextField Class Type Validation

2010-01-07 Thread sakthi vel

I have a text field and added the class type as Date, to validate the date

TextField txtDate = new TextField(txtDate, new Model(), Date.class);

I have two button in the same screen one for the Save for another for Reset.
When i enter invalid date and press the save button, valid error message is
shown. But when i press the reset button then also it validates and shows
the errro message.

How to avoid this and kindly explain the factor.

Referring image using Resource Reference

2010-01-04 Thread sakthi vel

I have a small issue in referring a image using Resource Reference.
The image is placed under the image directory inside the context root.
I need to refer to from Page class.

How to call the image under the image directory from the the Page class. The
page is under the package com.image.

Date Picket year navigation

2010-01-04 Thread sakthi vel

When date picker is added, we are able to navigate only through months.
But how to navigate through years like 2010, 2011  so on. since the
option is only there to navigate through month by month.

TextField escape characters

2009-11-17 Thread sakthi vel

In a web page subclass we have a text field and the characters (“*R#246;sch
*”)is set as model object. When the page is displayed the text field
displays the characters as “*Rösch” * not as “*R#246;sch”*. The
setEscapeModelStrings() for the text field is not set as false.

The text field should display the characters exactly same like
Could anyone tell how to achieve this.

Wicket 1.3 version is used.

Scopes in Wicket Application

2009-11-08 Thread sakthi vel

What are the scopes in wicket application much like four different
scopes(request, page, session, application) in jsp.

User count

2009-11-08 Thread sakthi vel

How to maintain the user hit (number of visitors) to the application without
using the database.

Treetable nodes with no links

2009-10-27 Thread sakthi vel

The tree table should be generated with links for certain nodes and no links
for certain nodes. Can anyone tell how to acheive this

Odd even class for each row in tree table

2009-10-27 Thread sakthi vel

In the data table the odd and even class for each row is acheived by

protected Item newRowItem(String id, int index, IModel model)
 return new OddEvenItem(id, index, model);

Can anyone tell how acheive the odd and even class for each row in

Generate dynamic tables

2009-10-27 Thread sakthi vel

How to generate tables with dynamic columns using any one of the repeaters.
I need to parse the xml and generate the table based on the xml data. Can
anyone tell how to acheive this functionality in wicket

Tree table with check box

2009-10-27 Thread sakthi vel

I have a single column in the tree table.
But I need to have check box in the same column along with nodes and not in
the seperate column.
Can anyone tell how to acheive this.

Isssues in Modal Window display in IE8

2009-10-25 Thread sakthi vel

The modal window is not working in IE8. But it is working fine in IE7 and
Can anyone tell how to make modal window work in IE8.

Multiple check box in a row in the ListView

2009-10-25 Thread sakthi vel

I have a ListView and in that each row have one label and three check boxes.

If select the first the check box, the second and third check boxes should
be selected. If I unselect the second or third check box, first check box
should be unselected if it is already selected. This should happen
distinctly for each row.

Could any one explain how to acheive this functionality.

WhiteSpaces in PasswordTextField

2009-10-25 Thread sakthi vel

When I enter some blank spaces before or after the original password in the
password text field, i am receiving only the characters and the not the
blank spaces which are actually entered before or after the password. It
seems that the blank spaces before or after the original password gets

How do we get the blank spaces which are entered before or after the
original password?
If not, could you explain the factors.