Re: [xwiki-users] Users not displayed

2009-08-10 Thread Christian Ribeaud
Hi Niels,

many thanks for your answer. However I am not sure I understood  
everything. What I actually would like to know is what should I do to  
solve this
critical problem? How should I edit the 
  for instance? We are using one and only
one XWiki, no virtual ones (if I got it right, virtual wikis allows  
you to create/use more than one XWiki instance).

I also tried to re-import the XAR file logged as administrator. The  
problem still persists.

I forgot to mention it: we are using XWiki Enterprise So  
not the milestone one.

This problem is quite critical and decisive for us. I installed XWiki  
locally on my machine with a PostgreSQL database and things work  
I do not understand why this does not work on this Linux machine and  
with a MySQL database. Do you think this is a question of right  

I wish you a wonderful day. Cheers,

Canoo - Your Solution Provider for Rich Internet Applications

 Christian Ribeaud
 Canoo Engineering AG
 Kirschgartenstrasse 5
 CH-4051 Basel

 Tel: +41 61 228 94 44
 Fax: +41 61 228 94 49

On Aug 9, 2009, at 11:10 PM, Niels Mayer wrote:

 On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 11:32 PM, Christian Ribeaud 
 Because the mailing list does not seem to accept attached images, here
 the link
 to the screenshot:

 I believe this problem can be fixed by hand editing the Objects  
 of type XWiki.XWikiGroups
 in http://xwiki:8080/xwiki/bin/edit/XWiki/XWikiAllGroup? 
 editor=object then redisplaying 
  ; in a virtual wiki setup, you may need to do something similar to  
 explicitly set xwiki:XWiki.Admin for each http://vhost:8080/xwiki/ 
 bin/edit/XWiki/XWikiAdminGroup?editor=object prior to calling 
 , . This needs some explanation: since you don't necessarily want  
 the local  vhost:XWiki.Admin shadowing the root   
 xwiki:XWiki.Admin (the one with programming rights), you  don't want  
 the v-host to have a local XWiki.Admin user at all. So if you do  
 this, you'll see additional breakage until the correct root  
 xwiki:XWiki.Admin' user is pointed in the vhost for both  
 XWikiAllGroup and XWikiAdminGroup. If you got these from the latest  
 XAR, you'll probably want to do some hand-editing in a virtual-wiki  
 setup if you hit this issue.

 Related to the above issue, if you've imported your vhost wiki as  
 the local vhost:XWiki.Admin (which you'd have picked up unless  
 you explicitly excluded in loading the XAR into the v-host), you  
 probably want to re-import the XAR  logged in as xwiki:XWiki.Admin  
 (the root user with programming rights set). Otherwise any scripts  
 that expected programming rights in the XAR will silently fail in  
 the virttual-host, even though they work on the root. OpenOffice  
 Server Administration ( 
  )  is a potential casualty of this kind of installation mistake; so  
 is http://xwiki:8080/xwiki/bin/view/Main/AllDocs?view=attachments  
 (works on root host, shows up empty on any virtual host). The  
 underlying issue is that on a v-host, a document that might need  
 programming rights is only saved as local XWiki.Admin user w/o  
 programming rights; for example 
  and its four included documents --  XWiki.AllAttachments,  
 XWiki.Tableview, XWiki.Treeview, XWiki.OrphanedPages -- are all  
 saved as local XWiki.Admin. However, only 
  has the problem of displaying empty on a virtual host.

 I'm assuming that since you're seeing this new users behavior,  
 you're using the recent 2.0M2 release?
 Here's my initial observations of the same issue you raised posted  
 to the devs list:


 Re: [xwiki-devs] [ANN] XWiki Enterprise 2.0 Milestone 2 released
 Niels Mayer Mon, 03 Aug 2009 22:21:35 -0700
 A few more problems, which i consider more major than previous  
 first impression issues: On the main host of a v-hosted setup:
 (1) Using administration users panel, add a user. As soon as user  
 is added, no entries in users panel display. Subsequent return to  
 this panel continues to show no users. The added user is created,  
 however, and other user logins still work. However, no subsequent  
 editing or browsing of users in user panel is possible.
 (2) In administration groups panel, go to a group , e.g.  
 XWikiAdminGroup and add the new user to that group. As soon as this  
 is done, all the users in the group list disappear, yet the  
 lightbox popup remains up. Subsequent 

Re: [xwiki-users] XWiki Standalone installation on Vista

2009-08-10 Thread Teofil Achirei
Open with notepad the hosts file located at
You will see a line like this:
::1 localhost
So by 'localhost', Windows Vista understands the IPv6 address.
Try to add, before that line, this one:  localhost
If you have the UAC (User Account Control) enabled, you might
experience some problems on saving the changes, so try to open notepad
with admin rights (In C:\Windows\ right click on notepad.exe and
select Run as administrator).
After this modification, the http://localhost:8080 should work fine.
In Internet Explorer, don't forget to specify the protocol (the http:// part).

On Sun, Aug 9, 2009 at 7:44 AM, Meilin wrote:
 Thanks everyone!  I tried all your suggestions and the one that sort-of
 worked was;.  (The other urls just gave the same
 error page.)

 The funny thing is that didn't give me the xwiki page, it gave
 me the page of *another* wiki that I'm simultaneously evaluating (also
 on port 8080).  My bad!  No wonder XWiki wasn't running.  I uninstalled
 the other wiki and now the XWiki page comes up just fine.

 Again, thanks a bunch!
 - Meilin

 Andreas Schaefer wrote:
 When you get you just forgot to enter http://
 this is a nasty behavior of Windows or IE (I am not sure).

 If everything else fails you can either:

 edit the hosts file (somwhere in /Windows/System32/..) and add

 or just use instead of localhost.

 Cheers - Andy

 On Aug 8, 2009, at 1:01 AM, Sergiu Dumitriu wrote:

 Meilin Wong wrote:

 Hi all,

 I installed XWiki using the standalone install  on my Vista64 machine
 and it looks like the XWiki server starts up fine (using the
 start_xwiki.bat batch file).  However when I try to access
 http://localhost:8080 with my browser, I keep getting errors as if
 is no web server or wiki running at all.  I accepted all the defaults
 when installing except that I installed it under C:\XWiki
 and I ran the installer as administrator.  (I'm not sure if I need
 5.  I have Java 6, Update 10.)

 The error I'm getting in my browser (Firefox 3.0.1) is Page Load

   Network Timeout

   The server at is taking too long to respond.

 Why does it say Make sure the address is just
 http://localhost:8080/, without www or com.

   The requested site did not respond to a connection request and the
   browser has stopped waiting for a reply.

       * Could the server be experiencing high demand or a temporary
   outage?  Try again later.
       * Are you unable to browse other sites? Check the computer's
   network connection.
       * Is your computer or network protected by a firewall or proxy?
   Incorrect settings can interfere with Web browsing.
       * Still having trouble? Consult your network administrator or
   Internet provider for assistance.

 Has anyone had this kind of error before or have ideas on what I'm
 missing?  Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

 Sergiu Dumitriu
 users mailing list

 users mailing list

 users mailing list

Teofil Achirei
users mailing list

[xwiki-users] Introducing the equation rendering component and the equation macro

2009-08-10 Thread Sergiu Dumitriu
Hello Community,

I have committed today the first implementation of a new XWiki feature: 
rendering mathematical equations into images. It is available as a 
standalone component, and as a syntax 2.0 macro.

About the functionality.

Equations are written in the TeX/LaTeX syntax, which is pretty simple, 
and seems to be the syntax of choice for mathematical equations in other 
wikis, too. The macro can distinguish between inline and block equations 
and render them accordingly. The output can be either PNG (the default 
one), GIF or JPEG. While PNG is definitely the best, I kept the other 
two in case somebody really wants to use ancient browsers that only 
understand GIF.

Q: Should I leave just PNG as the output format?

Another feature is that the font size can be specified, in order to 
render larger or smaller equations. All the font size commands from 
LaTeX (from \tiny to \Huge) have an equivalent. I renamed them to a more 
easy to understand name (also because the configuration is case 
insensitive, so there's no difference between large and LARGE).

By default images are generated so that the font looks relatively OK 
with the default XWiki skin on a 72 or 96 DPI display. They might look 
disproportionate with a different DPI, or with a different default font 

Q: Is the default DPI setting OK?

Second, a few technical details:

The standalone component is located in 
platform/core/xwiki-equation-rendering. I don't know if the name is the 
best (Vincent complained). On one hand, this describes better what the 
component does: it renders equations. On the other hand, it might cause 
confusion with the xwiki-rendering system.

The component currently has three implementations:

- a native one, which relies on the latex system being present. It gives 
the best results, from a graphical point of view, but requires the 
presence of external programs, and involves a slight overhead for 
starting new processes and for working with the disk. Currently it might 
have some security problems, I'll have to see if opening input and 
output files from TeX is a problem, or how to disable this. Any help 
from someone who know more about TeX?

Q: Does anybody know of any security issues with running latex, dvips or 
convert? Especially with the \openin and \openout commands?

- one which uses MathTran as a remote service through HTTP requests. It 
gives results as good as the native one, enhanced with some metadata, 
and depending on the configuration of the server, it might have better 
performance than the native one. The disadvantage is that it relies 
heavily on a remote server. Note that MathTran is free software, and can 
be installed locally on the same or a neighboring server. Oh, another 
minor problem is that it uses a variant of the TeX syntax, not LaTeX.

- one which uses SnuggleTeX and JEuclid to transform LaTeX into MathML, 
and then render it into images. The results are not as eye-pleasing as 
those obtained from LaTeX, but it is a self-contained solution, with no 
external dependencies.

SnuggleTeX uses the liberal 3-clause BSD license, JEuclid uses the 
Apache v2 license, so both can be deployed. Together, they weight in at 
730k, so it's not a big impact. The other two implementations are not 
contaminated by the licenses of the underlying system, so there's no 
license conflict.

Q: Should either one be removed?

Q: Do you know of any other (better) alternative?

By default the native renderer is used, since it gives the best results 
and doesn't depend on an external service. SnuggleTeX is configured as a 
backup (safe) renderer which kicks in when the default one isn't working 
(missing tex subsystem, or communication error with the remote server).

Q: Is this setup OK as the default one? (native by default, snuggletex 
as fallback).

The generated images are stored in a cache (using the cache component), 
for improved performance. This new cache might increase the memory 
requirements, but fortunately it is easy to configure.

The rendering macro is located in 
and the macro can be used with


Q: Is the macro name appropriate? Do you know of a better one?

Future work:
- make sure that there are no security issues with the Native backend
- add support for MathML display for the clients that understand it
- improve the alignment of images (especially for the Native backend), 
as right now they are a bit raised above the text baseline

Many thanks to Guillaume Legris who provided the starting point for this 
Sergiu Dumitriu
users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] Introducing the equation rendering component and the equation macro

2009-08-10 Thread Jean Couteau
Hello Sergiu

 I have committed today the first implementation of a new XWiki feature: 
 rendering mathematical equations into images. It is available as a 
 standalone component, and as a syntax 2.0 macro.
Nice job, I did not try it as I have no concrete use now, but anyway, 
that's a really nice feature as equations are always hard to write for 
nice display.
 About the functionality.

 Equations are written in the TeX/LaTeX syntax, which is pretty simple, 
 and seems to be the syntax of choice for mathematical equations in other 
 wikis, too. The macro can distinguish between inline and block equations 
 and render them accordingly. The output can be either PNG (the default 
 one), GIF or JPEG. While PNG is definitely the best, I kept the other 
 two in case somebody really wants to use ancient browsers that only 
 understand GIF.

 Q: Should I leave just PNG as the output format?
I think, at least png and jpg should be kept. Png as default, and jpg as 
optional (there are still a lot of jpg fans  i guess), for the GIF 
format, i don't think it is necessary.
 Another feature is that the font size can be specified, in order to 
 render larger or smaller equations. All the font size commands from 
 LaTeX (from \tiny to \Huge) have an equivalent. I renamed them to a more 
 easy to understand name (also because the configuration is case 
 insensitive, so there's no difference between large and LARGE).

 By default images are generated so that the font looks relatively OK 

 This new cache might increase the memory 
 requirements, but fortunately it is easy to configure.

 The rendering macro is located in 
 and the macro can be used with


 Q: Is the macro name appropriate? Do you know of a better one?
I don't think you can find a better one...

 Future work:
 - make sure that there are no security issues with the Native backend
 - add support for MathML display for the clients that understand it
 - improve the alignment of images (especially for the Native backend), 
 as right now they are a bit raised above the text baseline

 Many thanks to Guillaume Legris who provided the starting point for this 

Keep up the good work...

And thanks for this nice feature.



Jean Couteau
Code Lutin -
44 Bd des Pas Enchantés - 44230 St-Sébastien/Loire
Tél : 02 40 50 29 28 - Fax : 09 59 92 29 28 

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] Introducing the equation rendering component and the equation macro

2009-08-10 Thread Thomas Mortagne
On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 16:14, Sergiu wrote:
 Hello Community,

 I have committed today the first implementation of a new XWiki feature:
 rendering mathematical equations into images. It is available as a
 standalone component, and as a syntax 2.0 macro.

 About the functionality.

 Equations are written in the TeX/LaTeX syntax, which is pretty simple,
 and seems to be the syntax of choice for mathematical equations in other
 wikis, too. The macro can distinguish between inline and block equations
 and render them accordingly. The output can be either PNG (the default
 one), GIF or JPEG. While PNG is definitely the best, I kept the other
 two in case somebody really wants to use ancient browsers that only
 understand GIF.

 Q: Should I leave just PNG as the output format?

 Another feature is that the font size can be specified, in order to
 render larger or smaller equations. All the font size commands from
 LaTeX (from \tiny to \Huge) have an equivalent. I renamed them to a more
 easy to understand name (also because the configuration is case
 insensitive, so there's no difference between large and LARGE).

 By default images are generated so that the font looks relatively OK
 with the default XWiki skin on a 72 or 96 DPI display. They might look
 disproportionate with a different DPI, or with a different default font

 Q: Is the default DPI setting OK?

 Second, a few technical details:

 The standalone component is located in
 platform/core/xwiki-equation-rendering. I don't know if the name is the

I don't like this name either rendering is too much linked to the
rendering module now and this could be used by anyone, not only the
equation macro.

It's also true that xwiki-equation is not clear enough but you could
maybe find something else.

 best (Vincent complained). On one hand, this describes better what the
 component does: it renders equations. On the other hand, it might cause
 confusion with the xwiki-rendering system.

 The component currently has three implementations:

 - a native one, which relies on the latex system being present. It gives
 the best results, from a graphical point of view, but requires the
 presence of external programs, and involves a slight overhead for
 starting new processes and for working with the disk. Currently it might
 have some security problems, I'll have to see if opening input and
 output files from TeX is a problem, or how to disable this. Any help
 from someone who know more about TeX?

 Q: Does anybody know of any security issues with running latex, dvips or
 convert? Especially with the \openin and \openout commands?

 - one which uses MathTran as a remote service through HTTP requests. It
 gives results as good as the native one, enhanced with some metadata,
 and depending on the configuration of the server, it might have better
 performance than the native one. The disadvantage is that it relies
 heavily on a remote server. Note that MathTran is free software, and can
 be installed locally on the same or a neighboring server. Oh, another
 minor problem is that it uses a variant of the TeX syntax, not LaTeX.

 - one which uses SnuggleTeX and JEuclid to transform LaTeX into MathML,
 and then render it into images. The results are not as eye-pleasing as
 those obtained from LaTeX, but it is a self-contained solution, with no
 external dependencies.

 SnuggleTeX uses the liberal 3-clause BSD license, JEuclid uses the
 Apache v2 license, so both can be deployed. Together, they weight in at
 730k, so it's not a big impact. The other two implementations are not
 contaminated by the licenses of the underlying system, so there's no
 license conflict.

 Q: Should either one be removed?

 Q: Do you know of any other (better) alternative?

 By default the native renderer is used, since it gives the best results
 and doesn't depend on an external service. SnuggleTeX is configured as a
 backup (safe) renderer which kicks in when the default one isn't working
 (missing tex subsystem, or communication error with the remote server).

 Q: Is this setup OK as the default one? (native by default, snuggletex
 as fallback).

 The generated images are stored in a cache (using the cache component),
 for improved performance. This new cache might increase the memory
 requirements, but fortunately it is easy to configure.

 The rendering macro is located in
 and the macro can be used with


 Q: Is the macro name appropriate? Do you know of a better one?

 Future work:
 - make sure that there are no security issues with the Native backend
 - add support for MathML display for the clients that understand it
 - improve the alignment of images (especially for the Native backend),
 as right now they are a bit raised above the text baseline

 Many thanks to Guillaume Legris who provided the starting point for this

Re: [xwiki-users] Introducing the equation rendering component and the equation macro

2009-08-10 Thread Guillaume Lerouge

On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 4:33 PM, Thomas Mortagne

 On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 16:14, Sergiu wrote:
  Hello Community,
  I have committed today the first implementation of a new XWiki feature:
  rendering mathematical equations into images. It is available as a
  standalone component, and as a syntax 2.0 macro.
  About the functionality.
  Equations are written in the TeX/LaTeX syntax, which is pretty simple,
  and seems to be the syntax of choice for mathematical equations in other
  wikis, too. The macro can distinguish between inline and block equations
  and render them accordingly. The output can be either PNG (the default
  one), GIF or JPEG. While PNG is definitely the best, I kept the other
  two in case somebody really wants to use ancient browsers that only
  understand GIF.
  Q: Should I leave just PNG as the output format?

I think keeping PNG as the default format is fine too, most browsers accept
it without complaint.

  Another feature is that the font size can be specified, in order to
  render larger or smaller equations. All the font size commands from
  LaTeX (from \tiny to \Huge) have an equivalent. I renamed them to a more
  easy to understand name (also because the configuration is case
  insensitive, so there's no difference between large and LARGE).
  By default images are generated so that the font looks relatively OK
  with the default XWiki skin on a 72 or 96 DPI display. They might look
  disproportionate with a different DPI, or with a different default font
  Q: Is the default DPI setting OK?
  Second, a few technical details:
  The standalone component is located in
  platform/core/xwiki-equation-rendering. I don't know if the name is the

 I don't like this name either rendering is too much linked to the
 rendering module now and this could be used by anyone, not only the
 equation macro.

 It's also true that xwiki-equation is not clear enough but you could
 maybe find something else.

xwiki-equation-displayer maybe ?

  best (Vincent complained). On one hand, this describes better what the
  component does: it renders equations. On the other hand, it might cause
  confusion with the xwiki-rendering system.
  The component currently has three implementations:
  - a native one, which relies on the latex system being present. It gives
  the best results, from a graphical point of view, but requires the
  presence of external programs, and involves a slight overhead for
  starting new processes and for working with the disk. Currently it might
  have some security problems, I'll have to see if opening input and
  output files from TeX is a problem, or how to disable this. Any help
  from someone who know more about TeX?
  Q: Does anybody know of any security issues with running latex, dvips or
  convert? Especially with the \openin and \openout commands?
  - one which uses MathTran as a remote service through HTTP requests. It
  gives results as good as the native one, enhanced with some metadata,
  and depending on the configuration of the server, it might have better
  performance than the native one. The disadvantage is that it relies
  heavily on a remote server. Note that MathTran is free software, and can
  be installed locally on the same or a neighboring server. Oh, another
  minor problem is that it uses a variant of the TeX syntax, not LaTeX.
  - one which uses SnuggleTeX and JEuclid to transform LaTeX into MathML,
  and then render it into images. The results are not as eye-pleasing as
  those obtained from LaTeX, but it is a self-contained solution, with no
  external dependencies.
  SnuggleTeX uses the liberal 3-clause BSD license, JEuclid uses the
  Apache v2 license, so both can be deployed. Together, they weight in at
  730k, so it's not a big impact. The other two implementations are not
  contaminated by the licenses of the underlying system, so there's no
  license conflict.
  Q: Should either one be removed?
  Q: Do you know of any other (better) alternative?
  By default the native renderer is used, since it gives the best results
  and doesn't depend on an external service. SnuggleTeX is configured as a
  backup (safe) renderer which kicks in when the default one isn't working
  (missing tex subsystem, or communication error with the remote server).
  Q: Is this setup OK as the default one? (native by default, snuggletex
  as fallback).
  The generated images are stored in a cache (using the cache component),
  for improved performance. This new cache might increase the memory
  requirements, but fortunately it is easy to configure.
  The rendering macro is located in
  and the macro can be used with
  Q: Is the macro name appropriate? Do you know of a better one?

I think equation is fine.

Re: [xwiki-users] Introducing the equation rendering component and the equation macro

2009-08-10 Thread Asiri Rathnayake
On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 9:44 PM, Asiri Rathnayake wrote:


 On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 8:08 PM, Guillaume Lerouge guilla...@xwiki.comwrote:


 On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 4:33 PM, Thomas Mortagne

  On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 16:14, Sergiu wrote:
   Hello Community,
   I have committed today the first implementation of a new XWiki
   rendering mathematical equations into images. It is available as a
   standalone component, and as a syntax 2.0 macro.
   About the functionality.
   Equations are written in the TeX/LaTeX syntax, which is pretty simple,
   and seems to be the syntax of choice for mathematical equations in
   wikis, too. The macro can distinguish between inline and block
   and render them accordingly. The output can be either PNG (the default
   one), GIF or JPEG. While PNG is definitely the best, I kept the other
   two in case somebody really wants to use ancient browsers that only
   understand GIF.
   Q: Should I leave just PNG as the output format?

 I think keeping PNG as the default format is fine too, most browsers
 it without complaint.

   Another feature is that the font size can be specified, in order to
   render larger or smaller equations. All the font size commands from
   LaTeX (from \tiny to \Huge) have an equivalent. I renamed them to a
   easy to understand name (also because the configuration is case
   insensitive, so there's no difference between large and LARGE).
   By default images are generated so that the font looks relatively OK
   with the default XWiki skin on a 72 or 96 DPI display. They might look
   disproportionate with a different DPI, or with a different default
   Q: Is the default DPI setting OK?
   Second, a few technical details:
   The standalone component is located in
   platform/core/xwiki-equation-rendering. I don't know if the name is
  I don't like this name either rendering is too much linked to the
  rendering module now and this could be used by anyone, not only the
  equation macro.
  It's also true that xwiki-equation is not clear enough but you could
  maybe find something else.

 xwiki-equation-displayer maybe ?

 Few more suggestions: xwiki-equation-plotter, xwiki-formula-plotter,

Another idea:


- Asiri
users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] Introducing the equation rendering component and the equation macro

2009-08-10 Thread Asiri Rathnayake
On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 9:48 PM, Asiri Rathnayake wrote:

 On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 9:44 PM, Asiri Rathnayake wrote:


 On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 8:08 PM, Guillaume Lerouge 


 On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 4:33 PM, Thomas Mortagne

  On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 16:14, Sergiu
   Hello Community,
   I have committed today the first implementation of a new XWiki
   rendering mathematical equations into images. It is available as a
   standalone component, and as a syntax 2.0 macro.
   About the functionality.
   Equations are written in the TeX/LaTeX syntax, which is pretty
   and seems to be the syntax of choice for mathematical equations in
   wikis, too. The macro can distinguish between inline and block
   and render them accordingly. The output can be either PNG (the
   one), GIF or JPEG. While PNG is definitely the best, I kept the other
   two in case somebody really wants to use ancient browsers that only
   understand GIF.
   Q: Should I leave just PNG as the output format?

 I think keeping PNG as the default format is fine too, most browsers
 it without complaint.

   Another feature is that the font size can be specified, in order to
   render larger or smaller equations. All the font size commands from
   LaTeX (from \tiny to \Huge) have an equivalent. I renamed them to a
   easy to understand name (also because the configuration is case
   insensitive, so there's no difference between large and LARGE).
   By default images are generated so that the font looks relatively OK
   with the default XWiki skin on a 72 or 96 DPI display. They might
   disproportionate with a different DPI, or with a different default
   Q: Is the default DPI setting OK?
   Second, a few technical details:
   The standalone component is located in
   platform/core/xwiki-equation-rendering. I don't know if the name is
  I don't like this name either rendering is too much linked to the
  rendering module now and this could be used by anyone, not only the
  equation macro.
  It's also true that xwiki-equation is not clear enough but you could
  maybe find something else.

 xwiki-equation-displayer maybe ?

 Few more suggestions: xwiki-equation-plotter, xwiki-formula-plotter,

 Another idea:


Sorry, I meant xwiki-plotting-chart not graph. Anyway, I think both are
same :-?

 - Asiri

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] Introducing the equation rendering component and the equation macro

2009-08-10 Thread Asiri Rathnayake

On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 8:08 PM, Guillaume Lerouge guilla...@xwiki.comwrote:


 On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 4:33 PM, Thomas Mortagne

  On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 16:14, Sergiu wrote:
   Hello Community,
   I have committed today the first implementation of a new XWiki feature:
   rendering mathematical equations into images. It is available as a
   standalone component, and as a syntax 2.0 macro.
   About the functionality.
   Equations are written in the TeX/LaTeX syntax, which is pretty simple,
   and seems to be the syntax of choice for mathematical equations in
   wikis, too. The macro can distinguish between inline and block
   and render them accordingly. The output can be either PNG (the default
   one), GIF or JPEG. While PNG is definitely the best, I kept the other
   two in case somebody really wants to use ancient browsers that only
   understand GIF.
   Q: Should I leave just PNG as the output format?

 I think keeping PNG as the default format is fine too, most browsers accept
 it without complaint.

   Another feature is that the font size can be specified, in order to
   render larger or smaller equations. All the font size commands from
   LaTeX (from \tiny to \Huge) have an equivalent. I renamed them to a
   easy to understand name (also because the configuration is case
   insensitive, so there's no difference between large and LARGE).
   By default images are generated so that the font looks relatively OK
   with the default XWiki skin on a 72 or 96 DPI display. They might look
   disproportionate with a different DPI, or with a different default font
   Q: Is the default DPI setting OK?
   Second, a few technical details:
   The standalone component is located in
   platform/core/xwiki-equation-rendering. I don't know if the name is the
  I don't like this name either rendering is too much linked to the
  rendering module now and this could be used by anyone, not only the
  equation macro.
  It's also true that xwiki-equation is not clear enough but you could
  maybe find something else.

 xwiki-equation-displayer maybe ?

Few more suggestions: xwiki-equation-plotter, xwiki-formula-plotter,

- Asiri
users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] Introducing the equation rendering component and the equation macro

2009-08-10 Thread Vincent Massol
I haven't read the mail yet, I'm just reacting to the name.

Equations means there is an equal sign (see http://en.​wikipedia.​ 
I'd prefer formula which is more generic.


On Aug 10, 2009, at 4:14 PM, Sergiu Dumitriu wrote:

 Hello Community,

 I have committed today the first implementation of a new XWiki  
 rendering mathematical equations into images. It is available as a
 standalone component, and as a syntax 2.0 macro.

 About the functionality.

 Equations are written in the TeX/LaTeX syntax, which is pretty simple,
 and seems to be the syntax of choice for mathematical equations in  
 wikis, too. The macro can distinguish between inline and block  
 and render them accordingly. The output can be either PNG (the default
 one), GIF or JPEG. While PNG is definitely the best, I kept the other
 two in case somebody really wants to use ancient browsers that only
 understand GIF.

 Q: Should I leave just PNG as the output format?

 Another feature is that the font size can be specified, in order to
 render larger or smaller equations. All the font size commands from
 LaTeX (from \tiny to \Huge) have an equivalent. I renamed them to a  
 easy to understand name (also because the configuration is case
 insensitive, so there's no difference between large and LARGE).

 By default images are generated so that the font looks relatively OK
 with the default XWiki skin on a 72 or 96 DPI display. They might look
 disproportionate with a different DPI, or with a different default  

 Q: Is the default DPI setting OK?

 Second, a few technical details:

 The standalone component is located in
 platform/core/xwiki-equation-rendering. I don't know if the name is  
 best (Vincent complained). On one hand, this describes better what the
 component does: it renders equations. On the other hand, it might  
 confusion with the xwiki-rendering system.

 The component currently has three implementations:

 - a native one, which relies on the latex system being present. It  
 the best results, from a graphical point of view, but requires the
 presence of external programs, and involves a slight overhead for
 starting new processes and for working with the disk. Currently it  
 have some security problems, I'll have to see if opening input and
 output files from TeX is a problem, or how to disable this. Any help
 from someone who know more about TeX?

 Q: Does anybody know of any security issues with running latex,  
 dvips or
 convert? Especially with the \openin and \openout commands?

 - one which uses MathTran as a remote service through HTTP requests.  
 gives results as good as the native one, enhanced with some metadata,
 and depending on the configuration of the server, it might have better
 performance than the native one. The disadvantage is that it relies
 heavily on a remote server. Note that MathTran is free software, and  
 be installed locally on the same or a neighboring server. Oh, another
 minor problem is that it uses a variant of the TeX syntax, not LaTeX.

 - one which uses SnuggleTeX and JEuclid to transform LaTeX into  
 and then render it into images. The results are not as eye-pleasing as
 those obtained from LaTeX, but it is a self-contained solution, with  
 external dependencies.

 SnuggleTeX uses the liberal 3-clause BSD license, JEuclid uses the
 Apache v2 license, so both can be deployed. Together, they weight in  
 730k, so it's not a big impact. The other two implementations are not
 contaminated by the licenses of the underlying system, so there's no
 license conflict.

 Q: Should either one be removed?

 Q: Do you know of any other (better) alternative?

 By default the native renderer is used, since it gives the best  
 and doesn't depend on an external service. SnuggleTeX is configured  
 as a
 backup (safe) renderer which kicks in when the default one isn't  
 (missing tex subsystem, or communication error with the remote  

 Q: Is this setup OK as the default one? (native by default, snuggletex
 as fallback).

 The generated images are stored in a cache (using the cache  
 for improved performance. This new cache might increase the memory
 requirements, but fortunately it is easy to configure.

 The rendering macro is located in
 and the macro can be used with


 Q: Is the macro name appropriate? Do you know of a better one?

 Future work:
 - make sure that there are no security issues with the Native backend
 - add support for MathML display for the clients that understand it
 - improve the alignment of images (especially for the Native backend),
 as right now they are a bit raised above the text baseline

 Many thanks to Guillaume Legris who provided the starting point for 

Re: [xwiki-users] Introducing the equation rendering component and the equation macro

2009-08-10 Thread Oana Tabaranu
Sergiu Dumitriu wrote:
 Hello Community,

 I have committed today the first implementation of a new XWiki feature: 
 rendering mathematical equations into images. It is available as a 
 standalone component, and as a syntax 2.0 macro.

 About the functionality.

 Equations are written in the TeX/LaTeX syntax, which is pretty simple, 
 and seems to be the syntax of choice for mathematical equations in other 
 wikis, too. The macro can distinguish between inline and block equations 
 and render them accordingly. The output can be either PNG (the default 
 one), GIF or JPEG. While PNG is definitely the best, I kept the other 
 two in case somebody really wants to use ancient browsers that only 
 understand GIF.

 Q: Should I leave just PNG as the output format?
I would like the PNG output as default, but also keep the GIF and JPEG 
since there are some problems with PNG images on ancient IE6.

 Another feature is that the font size can be specified, in order to 
 render larger or smaller equations. All the font size commands from 
 LaTeX (from \tiny to \Huge) have an equivalent. I renamed them to a more 
 easy to understand name (also because the configuration is case 
 insensitive, so there's no difference between large and LARGE).

 By default images are generated so that the font looks relatively OK 
 with the default XWiki skin on a 72 or 96 DPI display. They might look 
 disproportionate with a different DPI, or with a different default font 

 Q: Is the default DPI setting OK?

 Second, a few technical details:

 The standalone component is located in 
 platform/core/xwiki-equation-rendering. I don't know if the name is the 
 best (Vincent complained). On one hand, this describes better what the 
 component does: it renders equations. On the other hand, it might cause 
 confusion with the xwiki-rendering system.

 The component currently has three implementations:

 - a native one, which relies on the latex system being present. It gives 
 the best results, from a graphical point of view, but requires the 
 presence of external programs, and involves a slight overhead for 
 starting new processes and for working with the disk. Currently it might 
 have some security problems, I'll have to see if opening input and 
 output files from TeX is a problem, or how to disable this. Any help 
 from someone who know more about TeX?

 Q: Does anybody know of any security issues with running latex, dvips or 
 convert? Especially with the \openin and \openout commands?

 - one which uses MathTran as a remote service through HTTP requests. It 
 gives results as good as the native one, enhanced with some metadata, 
 and depending on the configuration of the server, it might have better 
 performance than the native one. The disadvantage is that it relies 
 heavily on a remote server. Note that MathTran is free software, and can 
 be installed locally on the same or a neighboring server. Oh, another 
 minor problem is that it uses a variant of the TeX syntax, not LaTeX.

 - one which uses SnuggleTeX and JEuclid to transform LaTeX into MathML, 
 and then render it into images. The results are not as eye-pleasing as 
 those obtained from LaTeX, but it is a self-contained solution, with no 
 external dependencies.

 SnuggleTeX uses the liberal 3-clause BSD license, JEuclid uses the 
 Apache v2 license, so both can be deployed. Together, they weight in at 
 730k, so it's not a big impact. The other two implementations are not 
 contaminated by the licenses of the underlying system, so there's no 
 license conflict.

 Q: Should either one be removed?

 Q: Do you know of any other (better) alternative?

 By default the native renderer is used, since it gives the best results 
 and doesn't depend on an external service. SnuggleTeX is configured as a 
 backup (safe) renderer which kicks in when the default one isn't working 
 (missing tex subsystem, or communication error with the remote server).

 Q: Is this setup OK as the default one? (native by default, snuggletex 
 as fallback).

 The generated images are stored in a cache (using the cache component), 
 for improved performance. This new cache might increase the memory 
 requirements, but fortunately it is easy to configure.

 The rendering macro is located in 
 and the macro can be used with


 Q: Is the macro name appropriate? Do you know of a better one?

 Future work:
 - make sure that there are no security issues with the Native backend
 - add support for MathML display for the clients that understand it
 - improve the alignment of images (especially for the Native backend), 
 as right now they are a bit raised above the text baseline

 Many thanks to Guillaume Legris who provided the starting point for this 

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] Users not displayed

2009-08-10 Thread Niels Mayer

 many thanks for your answer. However I am not sure I understood everything.
 What I actually would like to know is what should I do to solve this
 critical problem? How should I edit the
 http://xwiki:8080/xwiki/bin/edit/XWiki/XWikiAllGroup?editor=object for

First, browse /xwiki/bin/view/XWiki/XWikiAllGroup if this doesn't have all
the registered users of your wiki listed, then they will not have privilege
to do much of anything on the wiki. This can happen, for example, if you
overwrite your original XWikiAllGroup file with the one from the XAR at
import-time. If that happens, or if  XWikiAdminGroup is similarly
overwritten or damaged, then additional administrators won't be granted that

Hand editing of the objects associated with these documents may be necessary
if the above happens,. Hand editing is also necessitated by the new bug that
occurs from add user or add member to group causing
/xwiki/bin/view/XWiki/XWikiAllGroup and
/xwiki/bin/view/XWiki/XWikiAdminGroup to not list the associated users. I
guess this must be a regression introduced into 1.9 as 1.8 didn't have this
problem, and also had a different implementation and appearance for viewing
XWikiAllGroup and XWikiAdminGroup.

To hand-edit these documents, as 'Admin', select document menu Edit-Object.
In the object editor, note that each object is displayed in an accordion
with each object
heading looking like XWiki.XWikiGroups[11] (1.8) or Objects of type
XWiki.XWikiGroups...XWikiGroups 6: XWiki.NielsMayer (2.0). Fully expand the
accordions to see the contents of the objects you want to verify and edit.

On each of these group-documents (e.g. XWiki.XWikiAdminGroup,
XWiki.XWikiAllGroup), there are multiple object instances of
XWiki.XWikiGroups, each having a single Member field; that field contains
a single valid XWiki user. Verify that the document referenced as the user,
e.g. XWiki.NielsMayer exists and has appropriate rights for each user
listed as Member. Delete any XWiki.XWikiGroups instances that don't
correspond to  a real user on your wiki; use the Add Object panel on the
right to add new instances of XWiki.XWikiGroups to the group docs for any
users not listed. (You don't need to
delete an invalid member and separately add a valid one, just change the
invalid document in the member field to a valid one).

Finally, go to Administration-Rights and make sure the group documents you
just hand edited have appropriate rights, e.g. Wiki.XWikiAdminGroup should
probably have Edit Delete and Admin checked; XWiki.XWikiAllGroup
should probably  have View and Comment selected.  This might be needed
if you overwrote XWiki.XWikiPreferences in importing the new XAR. On the
other hand, sometimes you might need to overwrite XWiki.XWikiPreferences
(e.g. in upgrading Xwiki across big revision changes).
It's probably a good idea to allow XWiki.XWikiPreferences to get overwritten
across big Xwiki revision changes, just re-do Administration- General,
Presentation, Registration, Programming and Rights*.*
One helpful tip is to use your browser's form-field autocompletion features
to save the contents of the fields of the old wiki by re-saving General,
Presentation, Registration, Programming and Rights prior to upgrading the
wiki. After upgrading, use your browser's memory of prior form fileds to
reinsert the appropriate prior form-field contents back into the form,  and
*It would be a nice addition to XWiki to have some kind of merging tool on
import. This would allow updating of system documents with new features or
bugfixes, while giving the wiki administrator bettter control over
customizations made in the wiki. Something like
* ...


users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] upgrading wiki farm?

2009-08-10 Thread Thomas Mortagne
On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 21:46, Kelly wrote:
 Hi -

 I have XEM 1.7.1/XE 2.0 milestone 1.  I see that the Main.AllDocs  issue
 is resolved with XE 2.0 milestone 2.  Do I need to upgrade to XE 2.0
 milestone 2 and then convert again to XEM 1.7.2, or can I just install
 XEM 1.7.2 war and that will fix the issue?  Also, if I do upgrade to xe
 and then convert again, will I lose all the virtual wiki's I've created?

XEM 1.7.2 is based in XE 1.9.2 not 2.0M2. XE 2.0 based XEM release
will only starts when 2.0 is stable. See

No, upgrading XE does not remove any data, it's doing what you ask it to do.

XEM is just XE+applications+configuration, when you upgrade XE it just
upgrade XE it will not touch XEM specific pages so no you don't need
to convert again to XEM. Just make sure you keep the same
configuration in xwiki.cfg, specifically xwiki.virtual=1 but anyway
when you upgrade a wiki you are supposed to check all the
configuration. See

Also note that since each wiki has its own database and pages you have
to upgrade each wiki you want to upgrade with the xar file.

 Any help would be great, thanks.


 Kelly Lakas

 Project Manager

 next wave logistics inc.

 28377 davis parkway, suite 607a

 warrenville, il 60555


 [office]          847.798.8897

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 users mailing list

Thomas Mortagne
users mailing list

[xwiki-users] Xwiki 1.8 WAR file?

2009-08-10 Thread Travis Riggs
Is there any way that I could download the Xwiki WAR file of version 1.8?

I had a server crash and my database backup didn't work.  I was able to 
export all of the pages in my wiki as .xar files, but when I try to 
import some of them, I get messages that say there are no documents in 
the .xar files.  I think this is because my new installation is 2.0, 
instead of 1.8.

I tried 1.9, and it helped a little.  I could import a few more of the 
pages, but there are still a couple that I cannot.  I would try to use 
the files from the server, but it is officially toast now.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] Xwiki 1.8 WAR file?

2009-08-10 Thread Vincent Massol
Hi Travis,

(linked from


On Aug 10, 2009, at 10:58 PM, Travis Riggs wrote:

 Is there any way that I could download the Xwiki WAR file of version  

 I had a server crash and my database backup didn't work.  I was able  
 export all of the pages in my wiki as .xar files, but when I try to
 import some of them, I get messages that say there are no documents in
 the .xar files.  I think this is because my new installation is 2.0,
 instead of 1.8.

 I tried 1.9, and it helped a little.  I could import a few more of the
 pages, but there are still a couple that I cannot.  I would try to use
 the files from the server, but it is officially toast now.

 Any help would be greatly appreciated.


users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] Xwiki 1.8 WAR file?

2009-08-10 Thread Sergiu Dumitriu
Travis Riggs wrote:
 Is there any way that I could download the Xwiki WAR file of version 1.8?
 I had a server crash and my database backup didn't work.  I was able to 
 export all of the pages in my wiki as .xar files, but when I try to 
 import some of them, I get messages that say there are no documents in 
 the .xar files.  I think this is because my new installation is 2.0, 
 instead of 1.8.
 I tried 1.9, and it helped a little.  I could import a few more of the 
 pages, but there are still a couple that I cannot.  I would try to use 
 the files from the server, but it is officially toast now.
 Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Usually the XWiki version should not matter for imports. The XAR format 
is a pretty stable one, so there's nothing that would prevent a 2.0 wiki 
from importing a 1.8 XAR.

Sergiu Dumitriu
users mailing list