[xwiki-users] Including a page from another space and having access to its objects

2010-08-24 Thread Radek Rekas

Is it possible to include a page and have it execute as if it was still in that 
space (rather than in the parent pages space)? 

For example I have a News space and its WebHome page looks for documents with 
news post objects in that space. 

When I include News.WebHome from Main.WebHome it only sees news posts that are 
in the Main space rather than in the News space. 

Many thanks 

Radek Rekas 

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] Ampersands in livetable filtering column bug

2010-02-23 Thread Radek Rekas
Hi Vincent,

I've just checked and this problem still exists in XE 2.2.

I've managed to fix it on my local XE 2.2 setup by changing line 189 of the 
resources/js/xwiki/table/livetable.js file from:
for(key in 

for(key in 

This seems to have fixed it for select lists, input boxes etc.

Radek Rekas

- Original Message -
From: Vincent Massol vinc...@massol.net
Sent: Tue, 23/2/2010 6:33pm
To: XWiki Users users@xwiki.org
Subject: Re: [xwiki-users] Ampersands in livetable filtering column bug


On Feb 23, 2010, at 5:23 AM, Radek Rekas wrote:

 We're using xwiki 2.03 and text with ampersands in it breaks the livetable 
 filtering feature.
 Is there any fix to properly escape the text that gets entered into the 
 filtering fields on livetables or can anyone give me a pointer on where to 
 start looking in order to fix this?

AFAIK this was fixed in XE 2.2


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users mailing list

[xwiki-users] Ampersands in livetable filtering column bug

2010-02-22 Thread Radek Rekas
We're using xwiki 2.03 and text with ampersands in it breaks the livetable 
filtering feature.

Is there any fix to properly escape the text that gets entered into the 
filtering fields on livetables or can anyone give me a pointer on where to 
start looking in order to fix this?


Radek Rekas

users mailing list

[xwiki-users] RESTful api - Uploading Attachments

2010-02-09 Thread Radek Rekas
I'm having trouble finding out how to upload attachments using the RESTful api.

I've looked at the attachment type in the schema 
 but I cant find any mention of how to link the actual attachment data.

Also none of the xml resource representations are loading, I keep getting 404 

Can anyone provide any tips on how to upload an attachment to a page using the 
restful api?


Radek Rekas

users mailing list

[xwiki-users] Attachment links on page incorrectly linking to ClassSheet

2010-02-03 Thread Radek Rekas
I have been following the validation howto 
  and have created a page 
(http://localhost:8080/xwiki/bin/view/TestSpace/Test1) which has a xwiki class 
object of type TestSpace.TestClass assigned to it.

However when I enter an attachment link into a string field for that object, 
when I view the page it incorrectly generates a  link to the TestClassSheet to 
try and find the attachment 
 instead of the actual page im visiting (which should be 

I'm using the #includeInContext(TestSpace.TestClassSheet) macro to include 
the class sheet into the Test1 page.

Is there any way to have links to be generated for the parent page that is 
being viewed rather than the ClassSheet page that is being included from the 
parent page.

Radek Rekas
users mailing list

[xwiki-users] how do I apply theme colouring to the Panel macros.

2010-01-27 Thread Radek Rekas

I'm trying to use the panelheader() and panelfooter() macros inside my 
htmlheader.vm file however the boxes that get displayed do not have the skin's 
colour scheme applied to them. They appear correctly but in plain white instead 
of the blue tint that has been setup for the toucan skin.

I have dug through the panel application and through the css files however I 
haven't been able to find what tints the panel backgrounds.

Can anyone point me in the right direction on either how to apply the blue tint 
to the background or what files to look at?


users mailing list

[xwiki-users] Is it possible to programatically change xwiki class properties

2010-01-24 Thread Radek Rekas

I am trying to change the values for a static list field in a wiki class 
programatically but so far I have only figured out how to display them. Is it 
possible to set class property values for static list fields programatically 
through velocity or groovy code?

The code that I'm using to display the values is pasted below:
#set($classdocname = Test.TestClass)
#set($classdoc = $xwiki.getDocument($classdocname))
#foreach($field in $classdoc.getxWikiClass().properties)
 * $field.prettyName 
 $doc.displayEdit($field.xWikiClass.get(values), ${field.name}_ , $field)


users mailing list

[xwiki-users] Livetable filtering format

2010-01-06 Thread Radek Rekas

I'm trying to get livetable filtering working however I'm having trouble 
figuring out what objects/properties are available in the $filterfrom and 
$filterwhere parameters of the gridresultwithmacro() macro contained in the 
XWiki.LiveTableResultsMacros document.

I'm trying to filter the livetable to display only records where the title 
field is set to test but setting the $filterwhere parameter to  and 
obj.name='title' and obj.value='test' does not seem to work and I'm having 
trouble finding any documentation etc to find out what format these where 
clauses should be in.

The closest documentation that ive been able to find is at the bottom of the 
following page 
http://dev.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Drafts/XWikiGridComponentTutorial however 
it doesnt give much clues as to what format the $filterwhere and $filterfrom 
parameters (3rd and 4th parameter) of the gridresultwithmacro() macro should be 

The livetable displays all records correctly if I leave the $filterfrom and 
$filterwhere parameters blank.

Can anyone offer any hints or point me to any relevant documentation?


Radek Rekas

users mailing list

[xwiki-users] Reserved names for fields in livetables

2009-12-22 Thread Radek Rekas
When using a field named title in a live table the caption for that field in 
the livetables header displays as Browser Title Bar Text. If I change the 
name for that field then it displays correctly.

Is this is a bug or are there reserved names that cant be used as fieldnames in 

Below is the macro code that I am using to create the livetable:
#set($collist = [council, region,title, description])
#set($colprops = {
   council : { type : list , size : 1, link : 
   region : { type : text , size : 10, link : view},
   title : { type : text , size : 20, link : none},
   description : { type : text , size : 10, link : 
#set($options = { 
   tagCloud : true,
   rowCount: 10
#livetable(Tenders $collist $colprops $options)

Radek Rekas
users mailing list

[xwiki-users] Restful API create object

2009-12-22 Thread Radek Rekas
We are posting a string of name=value pairs seperated by
ampersands with a className property at the end set to the type of
xwiki class that we would like to create.

The object of the correct type is getting created and attached to the page 
however all of the fields in that object are empty.

What is the correct format needed to post the name=value pairs?

What is the significance of the property# bit in the object resources section 
of the restfulapi doco 
(http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Features/XWikiRESTfulAPI).  Do the 
name=value pairs need to be prefixed with property#?

Radek Rekas

VFMFocus Developer

eVALUA Pty Ltd

66B Maryborough St

Fyshwick, ACT, Australia

T: +61 2 6228 1904

F: +61 2 6228 1131

users mailing list

[xwiki-users] XWiki on an Ingres database

2009-12-17 Thread Radek Rekas
Ive modifed the hybernate xml file but the database tables seem to not be 
getting created correctly.

Is there anything else that needs to be done in order to make sure that the 
database tables get created correctly?

When I access xwiki I get the following exceptions:
Error number 3 in 0: Could not initialize main XWiki context

Wrapped Exception: Error number 3001 in 3: Cannot load class 
com.xpn.xwiki.store.migration.hibernate.XWikiHibernateMigrationManager from 
param xwiki.store.migration.manager.class

Wrapped Exception: Error number 0 in 3: Exception while hibernate execute

Wrapped Exception: could not execute query

Wrapped Exception: ca.gcf.util.SqlEx: Table 'xwikidbversion' does not exist or 
is not owned by you.

Radek Rekas

VFMFocus Developer

eVALUA Pty Ltd

66B Maryborough St

Fyshwick, ACT, Australia

T: +61 2 6228 1904

F: +61 2 6228 1131

users mailing list

[xwiki-users] Restful API create object parameters

2009-11-24 Thread Radek Rekas

I'm trying to create an instance of a class using the restful api however I 
keep getting back http error 400 bad request messages.

We are posting a string of propertyname=value pairs seperated by ampersands 
with a className property at the end set to the type of xwiki class that we 
would like to create.

1. Is a string of property=value pairs the right way to do this?
2. do I need to prefix property# infront of each property name?
3. Are there any logs which might give more insight into why http 400 bad 
request is being returned? Ive checked the xwiki.log and Jetty/logs/ folder but 
couldn't find anything detailed.

Thanks in advance

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] XEclipse syntax highlighting and code completion

2009-11-10 Thread Radek Rekas
I've made sure that the xwiki syntax is set to Xwiki 1.0 for the page but when 
I type [] or $xwiki. as per the screenshots in the XWiki Page Editor 
section of the XEclipse user guide 
(http://xeclipse.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/UserGuide) no autocompletion 
popup boxes appear.

I'm using XEclipse 1.2.0 RC1


- Original Message -
From: Vincent Massol vinc...@massol.net
Sent: Tue, 10/11/2009 6:30pm
To: XWiki Users users@xwiki.org
Subject: Re: [xwiki-users] XEclipse syntax highlighting and code completion

Hi Radek,

On Nov 10, 2009, at 7:23 AM, Radek Rekas wrote:


 I can't seem to get the syntax highlighting and code completion  
 working in XEclipse, is there anything that needs to be done to get  
 this working or should it work out of the box?

It'll work OOB but only for the XWiki 1.0 syntax for now. We need  
someone to make it work for the 2.0 syntax.

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users mailing list

[xwiki-users] XEclipse syntax highlighting and code completion

2009-11-09 Thread Radek Rekas

I can't seem to get the syntax highlighting and code completion working in 
XEclipse, is there anything that needs to be done to get this working or should 
it work out of the box?


users mailing list

[xwiki-users] Grid/LiveTable edit restrictions

2009-11-01 Thread Radek Rekas

I'd like to use the Grid/LiveTable components to list data and create links to 
edit pages for that data. I would also like to add restrictions so that only 
users who created that data can edit it.

From my understanding it is not possible to restrict edits for individual 
xwiki class objects to only users who created that object (along with an 
administrator user) as edit permissions can only be set at the page level and 
not at the individual object level.

The solution I was thinking about was to create a new page for each record then 
restrict edit permissions at the page level.

This would however require me to aggregate all of the xwiki class objects on a 
single page so that they could be used with the grid/LiveTable component. I 
can't however see a way of doing this. Is this possible or is there a better 
way of doing this?

Thanks in advance,

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