Re: [Vala] valadoc Question

2018-03-23 Thread Michael Gratton
On Sat, Mar 24, 2018 at 6:06 AM, Al Thomas via vala-list 
> On Friday, 23 March 2018, 19:00:09 GMT, Steven Oliver 

 How do I determine the list of icon names I can pick from? For
 whatever reason valadoc doesn't list them. Is there somewhere else I
 can look for the list?

I think what you want is the icon naming 
This may help a little 


The gtk3-icon-browser program is useful here too - it shows what icon 
is will be used for each, and lets you search icon names as well.


⊨ Michael Gratton, Percept Wrangler.
⚙ <>

vala-list mailing list

Re: [Vala] GLib.assert_no_error not working?

2018-03-11 Thread Michael Gratton

On Fri, Mar 9, 2018 at 10:57 PM, Al Thomas  wrote:

Of course! I hope I understand now. assert_no_error is used to check
the error is unset. The assertion is from GLib and used with C.
So in C you have GError as an out argument and if the argument is null
then assert_no_error passes. That is the point of the argument.

Huh, I see what you mean now. But again, why does GLib bother with the 
out argument? If it's not null the assert will trip and the program 
will exit, if not value of the out param will always be null. Pretty 

In Vala, however, the GError is hidden. It is only exposed inside the 
catch block and so
will always be set. So I think I understand now. You know the error 
always be set so it will always fail and then print the values of the 

No no, the idea is that some call may throw an error but it shouldn't. 
However if it does it is useful to know what the error is, to aid 

For some background, Geary is using Julien's TestCase class for unit 

At the moment, test cases must catch all exceptions manually since the 
TestMethod delegate defined in that class doesn't allow them to throw 
errors. This is pretty annoying to have to do manually for every method 
that may throw an error, so I am modifying TestMethod to permit 
throwing errors and are catching them in the test harness instead. Thus 
it is useful if the test harness pints out the details of the 
unexpected error, so we know what the unexpected error was.

Hence I was interested in assert_no_error() for it's printing of the 
error details, not for it asserting that the error was null.

Thinking it through again, it looks like assert_no_error is broken in 
I think assert_false is as well. Have you ever tried assert_false( 
false )?

That should pass, but fails for me.

I haven't tried assert_false, because I ended up rolling my own version 
of all of the GLib assert_* methods. I've basically given up on GLib's 
test methods because they seem pretty useless to call from vala, and 
don't let you provide a human readable string as additional context.


⊨ Michael Gratton, Percept Wrangler.
⚙ <>

vala-list mailing list

Re: [Vala] Using databases with Vala

2018-03-11 Thread Michael Gratton
On Fri, Mar 9, 2018 at 1:03 PM, Steven Oliver 
<"oliver.steven"> wrote:

The only one I'm aware of is Geary, but ripping the database
layer out of Geary would be quite the task and probably more than I
would need.

Geary's low-level DB layer isn't too tightly coupled to the app. You 
might be just able to pull out the classes under src/engine/db, replace 
the use of Geary.BaseObject with GLib.Object for any classes that use 
it and be good to go.

I'd definitely be open to breaking it out as a separate library if it 
means more people contributing to it. In particular, it would be great 
to add a high-level query interface like JPA/Hibernate criteria queries 
so we can stop doing SQL munging in the app.


⊨ Michael Gratton, Percept Wrangler.
⚙ <>

vala-list mailing list

Re: [Vala] GLib.assert_no_error not working?

2018-03-08 Thread Michael Gratton

On Thu, Mar 8, 2018 at 9:26 PM, Al Thomas  wrote:
The assertion is in a catch block so err will be set. Whereas 
is used to check err is unset (i.e. null). The line about 'produce a 
message that includes
the error message and code' seems like a copy/paste error in the 

That doesn't seem right at all. What's the point of the argument then?

What you might want is assert_error, but the C docs for that advise 
'If you want to test that
err is set, but don't care what it's set to, just use g_assert (err 
!= NULL)'

I'd like to stop the test if an exception has been thrown, i.e. it's 
abnormal that an error has been thrown. So assert_error is not the 
right check since it's the opposite of what I am looking for. 
"assert(err == NULL)" would be correct, but that it wouldn't tell me 
what the unexpected error was.


⊨ Michael Gratton, Percept Wrangler.
⚙ <>

vala-list mailing list

[Vala] GLib.assert_no_error not working?

2018-03-07 Thread Michael Gratton

Hey all,

GLib.assert_no_error doesn't seem to do anything that its API docs 
advertises for me - doesn't asset, doesn't pretty print the error 

See the attached minimal test case, per the comments I'd expect it to 
abort on line 9, but it actually aborts on line 11. This is what I get:

mjg@payens:~$ valac --pkg glib-2.0 -g assert_no_error.vala
mjg@payens:~$ ./assert_no_error
/chucker: **
ERROR:/home/mjg/assert_no_error.vala:11:__lambda4_: assertion failed: 

Aborted (core dumped)

Am I missing something here?


⊨ Michael Gratton, Percept Wrangler.
⚙ <>

public static int main (string[] args) {
	Test.init (ref args);
	Test.add_func ("/chucker", () => {
try {
throw new FileError.FAILED("This should get printed");
} catch (Error err) {
// Should print code then abort
// Actually aborts here
	}); ();
	return 0;
vala-list mailing list

[Vala] Structured logging and source files/lines/functions

2017-12-17 Thread Michael Gratton

Hi all,

I'm investigating using structured logging[0] for Geary, and it 
recommends including source file, line number and function call names 
in the logged data for latter debugging.

In C, these are set by G_DEBUG_HERE(), g_message, and so on, and 
calling those from Vala seems to include this info as advertised, I 
can't work out how to find this information in Vala for direct or 
wrapped calls to GLib.log_structured. Is it available at all? Looking a 
the compiler source, it doesn't seem to be getting set as a define at 
compile time, and I couldn't find G_STRLOC and G_STRFUNC on, but there aren't any tickets open in b.g.o for it, so I'm 
wondering if this is possible at the moment via some other means?

Also, the docs for structured logging highly recommends defining 
G_LOG_USE_STRUCTURED before including glib.h. Is there any way to do 
that in the source, or do I need to use a compiler define to be able to?



[0] - <>

⊨ Michael Gratton, Percept Wrangler.
⚙ <>

vala-list mailing list

Re: [Vala] glib backtrace

2017-11-26 Thread Michael Gratton

Hey Mickey,

On Wed, Nov 22, 2017 at 10:52 PM, Dr. Michael Lauer  

I have (and I’m responsible for their bindings in linux.vapi).

FSO has stalled for a couple of years, so I don’t know whether this 
still compiles,
but check

for an example using the backtrace functionality.

Thanks for the link. I guess based on the VAPI name it's Linux specific 
- but does it rely on glibc or is it actually using something 


⊨ Michael Gratton, Percept Wrangler.
⚙ <>

vala-list mailing list

Re: [Vala] Introspection for exception instances

2017-11-16 Thread Michael Gratton

Hey Al,

On Tue, Nov 14, 2017 at 3:09 AM, Al Thomas  wrote:
I hope this gets you a step further, but I've not applied this with 
GLib's cancellable.

The general pattern is:

void main () {
try {
 test ();
} catch (IOError error) {
   print (error.message + "\n");

void test () throws IOError {
throw new IOError.CANCELLED ("This test has been cancelled");

Just compile with valac --pkg gio-2.0 cancellable_error.vala and you 
will see

the message.

Yeah, that will get me the message which is great, but I'm interested 
in the developer-readable string version of the domain and code.

So for example being able to call `error.to_string()` and get 
"IOError.CANCELLED: This test has been cancelled" returned would be 
good, but it would be even better to be able to get the individual 
components, e.g. "IOError" and "CANCELLED".

I assumed CANCELLABLE was a typo.

Yeah sure was, sorry. I need a type-checker for my email composer.


⊨ Michael Gratton, Percept Wrangler.
⚙ <>

vala-list mailing list

Re: [Vala] Introspection for exception instances

2017-11-13 Thread Michael Gratton
PS: Has anyone used the glib backgrace_symbols() function[0] to 
generate a stack trace in Vala?

[0] - 

⊨ Michael Gratton, Percept Wrangler.
⚙ <>

vala-list mailing list

[Vala] Introspection for exception instances

2017-11-13 Thread Michael Gratton

Hey all,

I'm looking into improving Geary's error reporting at the moment, and 
would like to be able to reconstruct the domain and code names that 
were given in the source file for an arbitrary error when catching it, 
so that users can copy & paste some "technical details" and report it 
in a bug, if they are so inclined. For example, given an instance of a 
IOError.CANCELLABLE, I'd like to be able to come up with a string 
representation of it as "IOError.CANCELLABLE". At the moment the best I 
can get is the quark and code as strings, i.e. "g-io-error" and "32" 
(or whatever).

I understand that Vala Error objects are convenience representations of 
the underlying GError and not full classes, however since under the 
hood a Vala errordomain generates an enum in C, I'd hope that I should 
at least be able to convert the code from an int in an arbitrary error 
domain back to a string, but can't work out a way to do it. Is this 
possible? A nicer version of the domain value instead of the quark 
string value would be great as well.

Relatedly, since the error's code is an enum, it would be handy to be 
able to use it in a switch statement, e.g.:

switch (io_error.code) {

But again unless I am missing something, this doesn't seem to be 
currently supported?


⊨ Michael Gratton, Percept Wrangler.
⚙ <>

vala-list mailing list

[Vala] notify for synthetic properties?

2017-10-10 Thread Michael Gratton

Hey people,

Say you have a GObject with a synthetic property, the value of which 
depends on some other value, e.g.:

public string value {
get { return entry.get_text(); }
set { entry.set_text(value); }

private Gtk.Entry entry;

You want to want to get notifies when the synthetic property changes, 
which is obviously dependent on the value being used.

So you can manually add handlers for the dependent value and call 
notify_property("value") when it changes, or you can use GObject 
bindings. But both of these suck since they add code cruft that is off 
somewhere far away from the declarations, and that makes it hard to 
maintain and understand what is going with the values.

Is there a nicer way to do this in vala?


⊨ Michael Gratton, Percept Wrangler.
⚙ <>

vala-list mailing list

Re: [Vala] Roadmap for extending Vala's reach

2017-05-06 Thread Michael Gratton

Hey Guillaume,

I think this is a generally good idea - didn't vala already have some 
notion of profiles already though?

In particular I like getting rid of the implicit "using GLib" - explcit 
is always better. It's especially annoying given every single symbol 
from all of of GLib, GObject and GIO is crammed into that one namespace.

WRT --nostdpkg, I kind of wonder if it's a better idea to instead 
simply bump the major version number and drop backwards compat, so we 
know that existing projects will continue to compile fine with the old 
0.x series, at no additional development overhead cost. Once projects 
have migrated to having an explicit --pkg=glib-2.0 and "using GLib" 
then they can just cut over to 1.x of the compiler.

This would also be a good opportunity to split GLib, GObject and GIO up 
into separate namespaces, which would be more consistent with this 
suggested approach of using --pkg to enable compiler-specific features.


⊨ Michael Gratton, Percept Wrangler.
⚙ <>

On Sun, May 7, 2017 at 5:26 AM, Guillaume Poirier-Morency 

Hello all!

We currently have a very promiscous relationship with GLib and I would
like to propose some changes to make this more explicit.

Each --pkg argument would consist of a VAPI and a compiler plugin 

wip/transform) for generating specific code and extending the language
syntax. One optional plugin per package seems sane to me.

No --pkg arguments at all:

 * basic Vala syntax
 * basic C codegen
 * standard C types (int, uint -> unsigned int, char, uchar, ...)
 * no API

At this point, one could introduce a different set of definitions for
supporting, let's say, a micro-controller C standard library in just a
matter of a --pkg flag.

With --pkg=posix

 * posix C API

With --pkg=glib-2.0

 * shadowed standard C types in GLib.* namespace, which would become 

   default with a 'using GLib;' declaration
 * GLib C API
 * support for basic introspection (--gir and the like)

No more imlicit 'using GLib;'. However, including it would shadow all
the numerical types and produce a nice GLib-friendly API.

With --pkg=gobject-2.0

 * GObject API
 * typeof
 * signals
 * support for advanced introspection

With --pkg=gio-2.0

 * asynchronous primitives
 * DBus code generator

With --pkg=gtk-3.0

 * [GtkBuilder] annotations

We can have a pure Posix C backend and compile anything with:

valac --ccode --pkg=posix main.vala

public int main () {} => int main (void) {}

Or if one would like to target Emscripten platform:

valac --ccode --pkg=emscripten main.vala

public int main () {} => #include int main (void) {}

For usual GLib code:

valac --ccode --pkg=glib-2.0 main.vala

using GLib;

public int main () {} => gint main (void) {}

It would be breaking stuff that is not explicitly using --pkg=glib-2.0
and 'using GLib'. We could actually use the '--nostdpkg' switch to 

of reset the compiler down to it's most basic feature set and wait
until 1.0 to drop it and have some good defaults.

At first, it would be to make --nostdpkg work flawlessly while
preserving entire backward-compatibility. That'll be good for a minor

Tell me what you think about this!

Guillaume Poirier-Morency 

Étudiant au baccalauréat en informatique à l'Université de 

Stagiaire de recherche à l'IRIC

Mon blog:
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vala-list mailing list

Re: [Vala] Nice stuff incoming for the next Meson release

2017-04-22 Thread Michael Gratton

Hi Guillaume,

Thanks for this! We're thinking testing the waters with Meson for 
Geary[0], this might make it a bit easer to port to from cmake.


[0] - <>

⊨ Michael Gratton, Percept Wrangler.
⚙ <>

On Wed, Apr 12, 2017 at 3:02 AM, Guillaume Poirier-Morency 

There's a couple of changes on the way for the next release of Meson
(0.40.0) that will have a really good and positive aspect for people 


   - support for multiple install directories (girdir, vapidir, 

   - support for VALAFLAGS and -Dvala_args to pass compiler arguments 

   an external source
   - arguments for specific GIR and VAPI install directory
   - better and more consistent arguments for Vala targets

If you don't use Meson yet, I strongly suggest you to consider using 
it and

help me making it into tier-1 language!

Related PRs:


Guillaume Poirier-Morency 

Étudiant au baccalauréat en Informatique à l'Université de 

Chercheur boursier à l'Institut de recherche en immunologie et en

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vala-list mailing list

vala-list mailing list

Re: [Vala] State of the Vala union

2017-04-06 Thread Michael Gratton

On 7 April 2017 8:16:32 AM "Matthias Berndt"  wrote:

Obviously all these examples are completely contrived, academic and serve no
purpose other than showing off my 31337 comp!l0r h4xx0ring 5k!11z. Thanks for
finally showing me the light about the One True Programming Language: Vala!

Don't you have anything better to be doing with your time than to be 
trolling the mailing list of a programming language that you don't want to use?

Sent from my outboard brain.

vala-list mailing list

Re: [Vala] The future of Vala

2017-02-06 Thread Michael Gratton
On Fri, Feb 3, 2017 at 5:52 AM, bruce davidson 
So, this question strikes home: "Should we just tell people to not 
use Vala in the first place"

I wish you had. I was going to put my projects on hiatus until you 
made your decision on Vala's future. But I have no confidence that a 
decision will be made, and Vala will just continue languishing at 

Nah. People still use vala, it's still being maintained, it's still the 
best way to write GTK+/GNOME apps that compile down to native code. Why 
advise people against that? :)


⊨ Michael Gratton, Percept Wrangler.
⚙ <>

vala-list mailing list

Re: [Vala] Invalid cast Warnings

2017-02-05 Thread Michael Gratton
On Mon, Feb 6, 2017 at 4:57 AM, Al Thomas via vala-list 
I've never used sub-types much. Always found casting to an interface 
for polymorhism much easier to understand. Sub-type tutorials always 
end up using animals or car parts :-)

Maybe something like this would make it clearer:

void main () {
  var a = new Salmon ();
  Mackerel b = (Mackerel)a; // Invalid cast
  Fish c = (Fish)a; // Valid cast

In that case, yeah, but there definitely are cases as Daniel suggests 
where it is needed, including his example of integrating with 3rd party 

Eg: If some method defines that parameter with a specific type, but it 
is likely that the actual object will be a subtype, then it's valid to 
check and then cast:

interface Printer {
 void do_print(PrintJob job);

class UnixPrinter : Printer {
 void do_print(PrintJob job) {
   UnixPrintJob unix = job as UnixPrintJob;
⊨ Michael Gratton, Percept Wrangler.
⚙ <>

vala-list mailing list

Re: [Vala] is fully operational again

2016-11-23 Thread Michael Gratton
On Wed, Nov 23, 2016 at 9:56 PM, Al Thomas via vala-list 

In case anyone hadn't noticed is fully working again.

Oh, I hadn't ­— thanks for the head-up. This is excellent news!

Thanks to Elementary OS [1] who are hosting the site [2].

Thanks should also go out to Chris Daley of Valadate project for 
hosting a mirror ( ) and the company 
RooJSolutions ( ) for also hosting a mirror 
while things got back to normal.

Seconded, and to everyone else working on it. Cheers, people!


⊨ Michael Gratton, Percept Wrangler.
⚙ <>

vala-list mailing list

Re: [Vala] [Announcement] Vala will use GTask for async code instead of GSimpleAsyncResult if --target-glib=2.36 or greater is selected

2016-11-21 Thread Michael Gratton

Hi all,

I just wanted to quickly say thanks to everyone involved with this. It 
will cut down the amount of warnings generated when compiling Geary by 
a huge amount!


⊨ Michael Gratton, Percept Wrangler.
⚙ <>

On Mon, Nov 21, 2016 at 10:27 PM, Al Thomas  
A patch to Vala's master development branch was made this weekend. 
The patch changes the C code generated from Vala's async code. Future 
versions of Vala (0.36 and above) will use GLib's GTask instead of 
GSimpleAsyncResult when --target-glib=2.36 or greater is selected. 
Vala 0.36 is expected with GNOME 3.24 in March 2017. The patch is:

Thanks to Carlos Garnacho for the main work on the patch, to Ben 
Iofel for fixing cancelled tasks and to everyone else who tested and 
fed back on the patch. To see more details of this example of 
collaborative working in the Vala community:

If you use async code and want to test your project then download and 
build Vala from git master. Instructions are available here:

If your testing uncovers a bug then feedback through bugzilla:
vala-list mailing list

vala-list mailing list

Re: [Vala] The future of Vala

2016-09-12 Thread Michael Gratton

On Fri, Sep 9, 2016 at 3:34 AM, Timm Bäder  wrote:

So... what's the deal here? Is there any way forward one could look
into? Is it wip/transform? IIRC there was some dbus stuff broken here?
Are there any TODO items for cleaning up the compiler? Should we just
tell people to not use Vala in the first place (which would be better
for the in the long run)? All of these are fine, but the current
situation not so much.

I'd like to see Vala continue, it's IMHO the only reasonable way to 
write high-level apps in GObject, but I /am/ biased. :)

As people have pointed out, we can get patches landed, bindings are 
being updated, and we can respond and triage bugs, improve automated 
testing coverage and debate hosting choice of infrastructure, but none 
of that's going to be terribly useful unless significant new releases 

It really sounds like Vala needs some maintainers. Perhaps Jürg, Luca 
and Flo are still keen but too busy at the moment, perhaps someone else 
needs to step up. But either way there needs to be one or a few people 
with some idea of where they want Vala to go, who have the time to put 
in to make sure it starts heading in that direction. In the end, its 
the maintainers that would decide if things like wip/transform is the 
way to go or not.


⊨ Michael Gratton, Percept Wrangler.
⚙ <>

vala-list mailing list

Re: [Vala] The future of Vala

2016-09-12 Thread Michael Gratton

On Tue, Sep 13, 2016 at 2:19 AM, oyster  wrote:

some killer apps may be a good AD.

Like these? 


⊨ Michael Gratton, Percept Wrangler.
⚙ <>

vala-list mailing list

Re: [Vala] Global key shortcuts

2016-08-19 Thread Michael Gratton
On Sat, Aug 20, 2016 at 4:33 AM, rastersoft  

I'm working on a program that needs to respond to an specific key
always, so when I press it, it will show its window. How can I do it
from Vala? Is it possible to do that in a way compatible with wayland?
(let's say: register a DBus method to be called when that key is
pressed, or something like that...)

So even when the window is hidden or not focused or whatnot? That's 
more of a desktop integration issue, isn't it? Maybe there is a FDO/XDG 
method for registering them.

In any case, I imagine you'll probably want to implement 
GApplication/GtkApplication and have you app raise/focus/etc the window 
in response to the activate signal. The desktop then just needs to 
activate the app in response to the global shortcut, by invoking that 
signal via DBus or by executing a new instance of the app, which would 
also send the signal to the already running instance.


⊨ Michael Gratton, Percept Wrangler.
⚙ <>

vala-list mailing list

Re: [Vala] refcounting, signals and closures

2016-08-18 Thread Michael Gratton

On Thu, Aug 11, 2016 at 12:10 PM, Michael Gratton  wrote:
I'm trying to track down a memory leak in Geary. I have a custom 
subclass of Gtk.ListBox, instances of which are frequently added and 
removed from the UI.

The only things I can find that could still be holding a reference 
are registered signal handlers, both to instance methods, eg:

> this.row_activated.connect(on_row_activated);

And using closures/lambdas:

> this.size_allocate.connect(() => { check_mark_read(); });

So it turns out that the problem was neither of the above. Rather, it 
was due to instance methods being used as higher-order functions by 
being passed as arguments to methods.

For example:

public class Example : Gtk.ListBox {

public Example() {

private int on_sort(Gtk.ListBoxRow a, Gtk.ListBoxRow b) {
return mycmp(a, b);


This widget will never be finalised, even if ::destroy() is called on 
it. To ensure it is finalised, I need to override ::destroy() to unset 
the sort func, then ensure ::destroy() is called:

private void destroy() {

My best guess about what is happening here is that that the closure 
created when calling set_sort_func(on_sort) is adding a ref to the 
object instance, hence when the widget refs the closure in 
set_sort_func() a circular ref is created.

I'd argue that GTK is probably correct in not unsetting the sort func 
on destroy, for the same reason it doesn't also unset other properties 
set by the app.

So is this then a Vala bug? Should a closure created for calling 
instance methods in this way use a weak reference to the instance to 
avoid exactly this situation? In the case above it is very problematic, 
but perhaps if an instance method is passed to an external 
function/method like Timeout.add_seconds_full() then that should hold a 
non-weak-ref? Perhaps the rule should be "Closures should use a weak 
reference to `this` if they are created to be passed to a method on 
`this`, but that sounds a bit sketchy, too - what if that method passes 
it elsewhere?


⊨ Michael Gratton, Percept Wrangler.
⚙ <>

vala-list mailing list

Re: [Vala] Gtk.TreeView + Cellrender + text different colors ???

2016-08-11 Thread Michael Gratton
On Fri, Aug 12, 2016 at 10:44 AM, Flavio Danesse  
Now I understand that those declared in the fields TreeStore not 
correspond to the columns.
make it work achieved thanks for your attention and apologize for any 

No problem, it always confuses me after I haven't been using a TreeView 
for a while.

I'm glad you got it working! :)

⊨ Michael Gratton, Percept Wrangler.
⚙ <>

vala-list mailing list

Re: [Vala] refcounting, signals and closures

2016-08-11 Thread Michael Gratton
On Thu, Aug 11, 2016 at 4:51 PM, pelzflorian (Florian Pelz) 

While I have no idea about the problem at hand, is it not possible to
find the potential owners using a gdb conditional breakpoint like ?

I'm not sure if that will help because I don't know the address of the 
widget instances in advance - I assume that everything that holds a ref 
to it will have it already soon after it is constructed and added to 
the UI.


⊨ Michael Gratton, Percept Wrangler.
⚙ <>

vala-list mailing list

Re: [Vala] Gtk.TreeView + Cellrender + text different colors ???

2016-08-10 Thread Michael Gratton
On Thu, Aug 11, 2016 at 1:09 PM, Flavio Danesse  

That does not work.
According to the documentation you must specify the column number.

Oh yes, right you are. If you add the column numbers to the ::set() 
call then the example should work.

In my example I have two columns but I want to change the color of 
the letter only in the second column and the color varies according 
to row.

This is more of a general GTK+ question than specifically about Vala, 
but just create a model with at least three columns: One for the first 
view column's text, one for the second view column's text, and one for 
the second view column's colour:

Gtk.ListStore list_store = new Gtk.ListStore(3,

Then create the second view column that hools up the cell renderer's 
properties so they refer to the second two model columns:

insert_column_with_attributes(-1, "Content",
  new Gtk.CellRendererText(),
  "text", 1,
  "foreground", 2,


⊨ Michael Gratton, Percept Wrangler.
⚙ <>

vala-list mailing list

Re: [Vala] Gtk.TreeView + Cellrender + text different colors ???

2016-08-10 Thread Michael Gratton

Hi Flavio,

On Thu, Aug 11, 2016 at 11:34 AM, Flavio Danesse  
Hello, to see if anyone knows how to do this ? I try pass this code 

to Vala:

self.get_model (). append ( _iter , [int (key) , text, color] )

The idea is that adding a new element in a treeview , you can specify 

particular color in that cellrender I tried a little of everything and
nothing seems to work

In Vala, you get the newly appended row out first and then set values 
on it, e.g.:

> Gtk.ListStore model = ...
> Gtk.TreeIter iter;
> model.append(out iter);
> model.set(iter, int(key), text, color);


⊨ Michael Gratton, Percept Wrangler.
⚙ <>

vala-list mailing list

[Vala] refcounting, signals and closures

2016-08-10 Thread Michael Gratton

Hey all,

I'm trying to track down a memory leak in Geary. I have a custom 
subclass of Gtk.ListBox, instances of which are frequently added and 
removed from the UI. When it is removed, it is both explicitly 
destroyed (widget.destroy()) and all variables containing references to 
it are nulled out. Further, I checked its child rows and they are all 
are successful removed, destroyed and finalised. Despite all this, 
instances of this custom listbox are never finalised, so I have a 
memory leak, and probably due to something holding a reference to the 
instances still.

The only things I can find that could still be holding a reference are 
registered signal handlers, both to instance methods, eg:

> this.row_activated.connect(on_row_activated);

And using closures/lambdas:

> this.size_allocate.connect(() => { check_mark_read(); });

These are never explicitly disconnected in an overridden version of 
destroy(), since they should be disconnected when the object is 
finalised, by the GObject finaliser.

So, to get to the point, would either of these these hold references to 
`this` that prevent it from being finalised?



⊨ Michael Gratton, Percept Wrangler.
⚙ <>

vala-list mailing list

Re: [Vala] Manipulating HTML tag soup in Vala

2016-08-01 Thread Michael Gratton

On Tue, Aug 2, 2016 at 9:04 AM,  
how about 2-stage processing? Loading HTML into WebKitGtk, dumping 
which contains already parsed structure, sanitizing DOM and 
displaying serialized version of modified DOM for the future use?

It should be more secure, too.

Thanks for the suggestion. I have thought about this approach, but 
there's a few things about handling HTML email that makes it tricky 
though: We want to this to happen without flashing a changing document 
at the user, we also want to ensure that bulk and junk messages that 
include bugged remote images and other resources do not lookup and/or 
load them when the HTML is parsed. Since this would need to be done as 
an out-of-process WebExtension, it's also all IPC, which is bad.

It may all may be possible, but it seems like just parsing and 
manipulating the markup before shipping it off to WebKit seems like it 
might be more robust and less work. I'll check with the WebKitGTK guys 


⊨ Michael Gratton, Percept Wrangler.
⚙ <>

vala-list mailing list

[Vala] Manipulating HTML tag soup in Vala

2016-08-01 Thread Michael Gratton

Hey all,

I'm looking for an HTML tag soup library for Geary, that can load tag 
soup HTML (i.e. possibly malformed) from a stream, allow some 
manipulation of it, and re-serialise it for display in WebKitGTK. 
Ideally, a pull-parser API like libxml2's TextReader or StAX[0] would 
be great, so the whole document does not need to be kept in memory as 
it is processed.

These are the ones I know about:

- Pros: Has a pull parser API, has a HTML4 tag soup parser, installed 
- Cons: Pull parser doesn't work with HTML parser without reading 
whole document into memory, HTML parser out of date(?)

- Pros: Nice Vala API, uses libxml2 under the hood
- Cons: Not a pull parser, loads whole document into memory, doesn't 
seem to be packaged for any distros, doesn't use the libxml HTML 

- WebKitGTK+: Great tag soup parser, no pull API, doesn't allow 
manipulating the markup before displaying it (which is the main reason 
I need to parse the HTML beforehand)

- XML Bird: Nice Vala API, but not a pull parser or a HTML parser

So none of these seem to completely fit the bill. Are there any other 
options out there that I have missed? Has anyone else had parse tag 
soup in Vala?


[0] - <>

⊨ Michael Gratton, Percept Wrangler.
⚙ <>

vala-list mailing list

Re: [Vala] How to override a "class closure for a signal"?

2016-07-28 Thread Michael Gratton

Hi Guillaume,

On Thu, Jul 28, 2016 at 9:02 PM, Guillaume Poirier-Morency 

When you override a virtual signal, you only override its default
handler, so you don't specify 'signal' in the new method:

Thanks for that, so it seems the first approach I suggested was the 
right one. I'll keep on digging.

So is GObject polymorphism is actually implemented using signals? I 
thought the chaining foo_class structs that happens would have been 
good enough?


⊨ Michael Gratton, Percept Wrangler.
⚙ <>

vala-list mailing list

[Vala] How to override a "class closure for a signal"?

2016-07-28 Thread Michael Gratton

Hey all,

I have a subclass of Gtk.ListBox and I'm trying to override 
Gtk.Container::gtk_container_set_focus_child on it to prevent its 
default behaviour of automatically scrolling to the new focus child. 
The docs for that method say this:

This function emits the GtkContainer::set_focus_child signal of 
container. Implementations of GtkContainer can override the default 
behaviour by overriding the class closure of this signal.

How exactly do I do that? I tried overriding the method using:

public override void set_focus_child(Gtk.Widget? child) { ... }

But even if I do not chain up using a call to 
"base.set_focus_child(child)", it seems Gtk.Container's method is still 

I also tried overriding the signal body using variously:

public override signal void set_focus_child(Gtk.Widget? child) { ... }
public new signal void set_focus_child(Gtk.Widget? child) { ... }

But then valac complains that it "hides inherited signal" in the first 
case and "Only virtual signals can have a default signal handler body" 
for both.

Any hints? Thanks!


⊨ Michael Gratton, Percept Wrangler.
⚙ <>

vala-list mailing list

Re: [Vala] Vala app crashing in vprintf on 32-bit arches, not on 64-bit arches

2016-06-19 Thread Michael Gratton

On Fri, Jun 17, 2016 at 7:55 AM, Michael Gratton  wrote:

Geary is suffering a bug which is causing it to frequently crash on
32-bit installations, in a place where it doesn't crash on a 64-bit
install. The crash occurs in vprintf, during a call to GLib.debug()
from an async method.

So it turns out the format string was bad ("%d" should have been "%lld" 
since a int64 was being passed in) but valac didn't complain - I only 
found the issue digging through the gcc output:

warning: format ‘%d’ expects argument of type ‘int’, but 
argument 7 has type ‘gint64 {aka long long int}’ [-Wformat=]
 debug("%s do_replay_removed_message: remote_position=%d 
unknown in local store "

/usr/include/glib-2.0/glib/gmessages.h:170:32: note: in definition of 
macro ‘g_debug’



Bug filed: <>


⊨ Michael Gratton, Percept Wrangler.
⚙ <>

vala-list mailing list

[Vala] Vala app crashing in vprintf on 32-bit arches, not on 64-bit arches

2016-06-16 Thread Michael Gratton

Hey all,

Geary is suffering a bug which is causing it to frequently crash on 
32-bit installations, in a place where it doesn't crash on a 64-bit 
install. The crash occurs in vprintf, during a call to GLib.debug() 
from an async method. Looking at the log line on a 64-bit machine, the 
args passed to it seem valid, and after both having a look at the 
generated C files on both arches they seem like they should be working 
fine and appear to be identical.

Does this ring a bell for anyone? Should I be looking at libc or glib 

Details are in <>, 
best stack trace we have at the moment is here: 


⊨ Michael Gratton, Percept Wrangler.
⚙ <>

vala-list mailing list