Re: [Valgrind-users] [Valgrind-developers] tilegx ?

2017-01-13 Thread paulf

- Original Message -
> No sign of any tilegx user or developer activity since something like
> one year.
> No reply received for question in
> Is there any tilegx user or developer still active ?
> Should we consider this platform as dead ?
> Philippe


Perhaps related to this, the parent company of Tilera, EZchip, was acquired by 
Mellanox about a year ago:


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Re: [Valgrind-users] Many false positives "Mismatched free() / delete / delete []"

2016-12-22 Thread paulf

- Original Message -
> On jeudi 22 décembre 2016 06:46:44 CET David Chapman wrote:
> > If this is new valgrind behavior, I wouldn't discount a bug in its
> > code
> It certainly looks like one :)
> > but the developers (not me) would need to know what the QVBoxLayout
> > constructor is doing.  If it's inlined, the call stack might point
> > fingers at the calling function rather than the true offender.
> It is not inline, and my call stack is from a non-optimized debug
> build
> anyway.
> > Does the QVBoxLayout constructor allocate any memory inside?
> Yes but not with new[].
> QVBoxLayout::QVBoxLayout(QWidget *parent)
> : QBoxLayout(TopToBottom, parent)
> {
> }
> QBoxLayout::QBoxLayout(Direction dir, QWidget *parent)
> : QLayout(*new QBoxLayoutPrivate, 0, parent)
> {
> d->dir = dir;
> }

It doesn't much look like it, but there could be calls to new [] in the 
QBoxLayoutPrivate ctor, or its parent classes.

Do you know if global new/delete are replaced, or if there are any class 


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Valgrind-users mailing list

Re: [Valgrind-users] Insight as to why Valgrind shows memory leak for LAPACKE_dgbsv

2016-03-25 Thread paulf
- Original Message -
> This is the first time I've ever used Intel's MKL LAPACKE and
> Valgrind. Unfortunately, I get an error with something I have little
> to no experience with. I could use some advice on how to cure a
> potential memory leak. I'm using Intel's MKL library, so I highly
> assume this issue is my fault, but I'm not exactly sure what to look
> for or how to debug the issue.


I'm not familiar with LAPACKE.

Looking at your Valgrind traces, thay say that you have possible leaks. The 
most likely cause is that LAPACKE is using a memory manager. I don't know if 
you need to use LAPACKE_malloc and LAPACKE_free, or whether you need to call 
some finalization function to free the LAPACKE memory pool.

Source code can be instrumented for memory pools (see but I doubt 
that will be feasible with LAPACKE.


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Valgrind-users mailing list

Re: [Valgrind-users] Multi threading

2016-03-19 Thread paulf

- Original Message -
> Hi,
> I am running valgrind in order to get a call graph, I am running top
> and I keep seeing only one thread 100% cpu working for valgrind.
> Does valgrind have any parameters that I can set for him, so it will
> use all my machine cores (16 for example) ?


In short, Valgrind serializes threads to run on one core.

This questions comes up fairly regularly on this list. Check the archives, 
there was a recent post with a link to a presentation on what has been done and 
what would be required to have multithreading in Valgrind.


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Re: [Valgrind-users] Multi-threading

2016-03-19 Thread paulf

- Original Message -
> Can you give me the link and save me the drilling effort, please ?
> One more thing, let's assume I continue using this way the valgrind
> to create my call graphs. Does a huge memory dedicated for this
> purpose, in my case 32gb ram may cause other issues due to the
> mentioned serialization process he does ?
> Dor


Here is the search page for the archives:

If you search for "multi thread" then you should find a few discussions like 

"multi threaded valgrind: a first (hacked) prototype for discussions"


"mtV : improve Valgrind to run multiple threads in parallel"

The discussion that I was referring to is on the valgrind-developers mailing 
list, with the subject "Using lock in tool"


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Re: [Valgrind-users] valgrind it doesn't work with Qt Creator in OS X

2016-02-11 Thread paulf

- Original Message -
> Hi Guys... I'm trying to run valgrind inside Qt Creator as I can make
> in Linux but it doesn't work. I have sent an email to the Qt Creator
> list and they sent me here to ask... my mail was this:
> Valgrinf it doesn’t work on OS X El Capitan:
> Hi guys… I’m trying to run Valgrind inside Qt Creator in OS X El
> Capitan. I have the last Qt version and when I run the Valgrind
> (using Valgrind Memory Analizer or Valgrinf Function Profile)
> valgrind remain unfunctional and my progrmam never start…
> what am i suppose to do ? any idea ?? regards

Hi Freddy

Does it work outside of Qt Creator? I would recommend that you try to get it 
running in a console first, and then proceed to Qt Creator.


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Valgrind-users mailing list

Re: [Valgrind-users] Mismatched free/delete with GCC 4.8.3 std::string

2015-06-11 Thread paulf

- Original Message -
 I've recently switched over to Valgrind 3.10.1 and I'm now see vast
 numbers of 'mismatched free/delete' type messages all coming from
 std::string shipped with GCC 4.8.3.

 I really don't believe what Valgrind is saying but I'd like to be
 certain. Firstly, has anyone else seen this behaviour recently and
 secondly what criteria does Valgrind use to determine if a mismatch
 occurred? Is it possible to print out more information from Valgrind
 about its decision process?

Hi David

Could you post an extract of the results?

Just to eliminate a few things. The string instance isn't itself newed?

I.e, you aren't doing something like

std::string* ps = new std::string;


I guess you would have seen this before.

You aren't overloading any operator new or delete or using placement new? 
You're using the default allocator std::allocatorchar?


Valgrind-users mailing list

Re: [Valgrind-users] why valgrind hit __static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int, int)

2013-06-25 Thread paulf

- Original Message -
 Hi All,
 Can anyone tell me why valgrind hit
 “__static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int, int) ?

My guess is that you have one of the forms of static (file static, class static 
or function static).

 How to resolved I ?

Normally objects that were statically constructed get destroyed in reverse 
order upon program termination.

My guess is that you are allocating something in your constructor that is not 
deleted in the destructor.


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Re: [Valgrind-users] Who's doing valgrind on Solaris?

2013-06-20 Thread paulf

- Original Message -
 Skip Montanaro skip at writes:
  Who is doing the Solaris port?
 There is some work-in-progress.


Here's the associated thesis,d.dmg


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Re: [Valgrind-users] Basic Doubt

2013-06-14 Thread paulf

- Original Message -
 Hi ,
 Apologies if it is silly question as i am a beginner.
 Is it possible to use the memcheck tool for code rather than
 executable ( binary) ?


No, Valgrind is strictly runtime.

Google for static analysis tools.


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Re: [Valgrind-users] Fwd: Basic Doubt

2013-06-14 Thread paulf

- Original Message -
 Hi ,
 Is it only useful for standalone application? Does it support any
 other OS than Linux?


It's best with an application compiled with debug information.

Other OSes - Mac OS X, Free BSD and Solaris that I've used with varying degrees 
of success.


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Re: [Valgrind-users] multiple cores being used?

2013-04-18 Thread paulf

- Original Message -
 Hi all -
 I've been using valgrind for a long time. I just upgraded to 3.81,
 and I see my %CPU in top at close to 1000. I think I've only ever
 seen 100 or less before. One difference is that this time I used
 --enable-tls. Does this actually allow threads to work concurrently?


Usually when I see excessive loads like that, the cause is swapping rather than 
a normal user load. Are you well within your RAM+swap limits?


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Valgrind-users mailing list

Re: [Valgrind-users] Visualizing memory traces using valgrind

2013-04-11 Thread paulf
- Original Message -
 Slow down / pause is something that's planned. Rewind is difficult
 since this would require actually logging the trace data (currently
 it's transient), which would take up a huge amount of space - though
 this may be useful for short-lived programs.


Is it possible to turn logging on and off (either internally or externally)?

Would it be possible to detect patterns of activity (e.g. from loops) and store 
only the X most common patterns?


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Valgrind-users mailing list

Re: [Valgrind-users] Problems with callgrind (UNCLASSIFIED)

2013-03-27 Thread paulf
- Original Message -
 Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
 Caveats: NONE
 When I execute the following command...
 valgrind --tool=callgrind program arguments
 I receive the following:
 valgrind: filed to start tool 'callgrind' for platform 'x86-linux':
 No such
 file or directory
 What could be causing this?


You are probably running on an amd64 platform (with amd64 Valgrind) but trying 
to test an x86 application (32bit). You can probably build/install x86 
Valgrind, though that might bring in a lot of dependencies. Alternatively, try 
to build your app under test as 64bit.


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Valgrind-users mailing list

Re: [Valgrind-users] Floating point DATA CORRUPTION with 80bit long long double!! (Re: floating point print error in ada)

2013-03-06 Thread paulf
- Original Message -


I'll start with a few general comments. I've been working on engineering 
software for most of my career, and with very few exceptions, double precision 
is perfectly adequate (and the fastest).

The real world (at least, the Intel/AMD part of it) is somewhat complicated by 
there being two floating point coprocessors, the venerable x87 and SSE. By 
default, 32bit compiles use x87 and 64bit compiles use SSE. SSE is fairly 
straightforward: if you use doubles, all calculations are done at 64bit 
precision. x87 uses 80bit for internal calculations and converts the final 
result to 64bit. GCC does have an option, -ffloat-store, that inhibits this 
behaviour (and decent performance!). But there is more. You can compile in 
mixed x87/sse (though I've found this to be somewhat error prone if you also 
play with the floating point control and status flags). Lastly, if you do 
compile with sse on 32bit, by default you will link with the x87 based libm 
part of the standard C library. Again, GCC has an option to link with an sse 
version of libm, -msselibm.

What is the upshot of all this?

If you compile on both 32bit and 64bit platforms without changing the default 
options, you will get different results.

Now, let Valgrind enter the picture. All calculations are done at 64bit, so 
there should be little or no change on 64bit platforms using sse. However, 
32bit platforms using x87 will probably change to give the same results 
obtained with 64bit and sse.

 Uh. The impact here is DATA CORRUPTION, caused by doing calculations
 to be meant using 80bit datatypes being done with 64bit datatypes and
 the remaining bits filled with garbage.
 If this can't be solved or is not going to be solved then valgrind
 should ABORT instead of causing a silent corruption of data.

Is this really true? I would expect that Valgrind does all calculations at 
64bit double precision and converts. This will result in truncation and/or 

My feeling is that unless the usually small numerical differences change your 
control flow, then just ignore the differences. The aim of testing with 
Valgrind isn't to validate numerical results, it is to validate memory use or 
performance or threading.


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Valgrind-users mailing list

Re: [Valgrind-users] Floating point DATA CORRUPTION with 80bit long long double!! (Re: floating point print error in ada)

2013-03-06 Thread paulf

- Original Message -

 Unfortunately the assessment that there are only small changes or
 unimportant differences is plain wrong. In complex calculations
 (i.e. no one line hello sin() world demo apps) which rely on the
 wider datatypes the lack of precision will cause major malfunctions
 and render the applications defunct. There are enough examples for
 this kind of problems (and enough complains about valgrind in the NIH


There are two issues here. Emulation of long double and exact emulation of x87 
double. Adding the first of those to Valgrind seems reasonable to me, but I 
would be most put out if Valgrind were made much slower by adding exact x87 

Other than the 2 cases that you cite, can you name any other major uses of long 

As a somewhat non-scientific measure, I used google to search for 'double C++ 
-long double' and it had about 13 million hits [that's a search for double 
and C++ exclusing long double]. I then searched for 'long double C++' and had 
about 300 thousand hits. I for one do not accept your assertion that most 
scientific and engineering software is written using long double precision.

And to be a bit more precise

64bit double has 53bits of precision, or about 1.1e-16 ULP
80bit floating point has 64bits, or about 5.4e-20 ULP

I've run many thousands of electronic circuit simulations (hardly a demo app; 
there is a small amount of code using long double) under Valgrind and my 
observation is that over 90% have no detectable difference, around 10% have 
insignificant differences and a handful have major differences.


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Valgrind-users mailing list

Re: [Valgrind-users] Valgrind suppression

2013-02-27 Thread paulf

- Original Message -
 When I use --gen-suppression and --suppression both at the same time
 application fails to start. Individually these flags works fine.


Does Valgrind generate any output? If so, could you post that.


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Valgrind-users mailing list

Re: [Valgrind-users] stack trace line numbers truncated due to verbose argument types

2012-12-21 Thread paulf
- Original Message -

  However, I really want the line number of my function that the error
 is occurring in, but I can't find it.
 $ valgrind --tool=memcheck --trace-children=yes ./myApp
 (myApp top secret output omitted)


 Unfortunately, on that last line starting with by 0x7EED1D, the
 appears to be truncated before the line number in the file is
 Is there a way to increase the buffer or whatever so that this line
 not truncated?


Usually when there is a limit, there's a way to change the limit. I think that 
it's here

static void printIpDesc(UInt n, Addr ip, void* uu_opaque)
   #define BUF_LEN   4096

   static UChar buf[BUF_LEN];



Download the Valgrind source, modify BUF_LEN to something larger, build 
Valgrind and see if it works.


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Valgrind-users mailing list

Re: [Valgrind-users] Errors in strncasecmp

2012-06-04 Thread paulf

- Original Message -
 On Sunday, June 03, 2012, Paul Floyd wrote:
  I'll try adding it and confirm either tonight or tomorrow.
 Please do.


Just done the test, and the problem is fixed.


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Valgrind-users mailing list

Re: [Valgrind-users] Massif: some --ignore-fn options are not respected

2012-04-24 Thread paulf

- Original Message -
 Dear Valgrind community,
 I am currently trying to use massif on a huge programming project,
 and I
 want to isolate some allocations that aren't significant.
 I use the --ignore-fn option like this:
 valgrind --tool=massif --ignore-fn=SDL_CreateRGBSurface
 int,unsigned int)' (etc etc etc) ./a.out


Have you tried using the mangled C++ name?

Normally I use nm to find the mangled names. with and without -C.


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Valgrind-users mailing list

Re: [Valgrind-users] Can more than 1 Valgrind tool be run at once?

2011-11-22 Thread paulf

- Original Message -
 I have a good amount of Linux and programming experience (~10 years)
 but am
 new to the valgrind tool.  Thus far I really like the information and
 capabilities, impressive.
 I'm profiling a multi-component embedded system on Ubuntu.  The
 are in multiple languages (c++, java, javascript tied in using lein
 cmake), thus I chose Valgrind (also using perf and YourKit to qualify
 valgrind results).  I am wondering, will Valgrind work properly if I
 run it
 with more than 1 tool when executed?  For example:
 valgrind --tool=callgrind
 --tool=massif ./program.out
 I get the feeling that since each tool is fairly taxing on the system
 answer is going to be a resounding no - just wanted to ask.  Also
 wondering if anyone has used the iogrind tool for Valgrind on a
 multi-threaded application with any success.


[reply to the list this time]

I run a functional test suite using memcheck over the weekend on an 8 core 
machine with 6 in parallel. As long as you don't drive the machine into swap 
then I don't think that there should be a problem.


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Valgrind-users mailing list

Re: [Valgrind-users] VG_N_SEGMENTS is too low error

2011-07-07 Thread paulf

To fix this you will have to build your own Valgrind (if you haven't done so 
already). Grep for VG_N_SEGMENTS in the source, change it to something bigger 
and rebuild/reinstall.


- Original Message -
From: Luka Napotnik
Sent: Thursday, 7 July, 2011 09:28:53 GMT +01:00 Amsterdam / Berlin / Bern / 
Rome / Stockholm / Vienna
Subject: [Valgrind-users] VG_N_SEGMENTS is too low error


I'm running my program under valgrind (3.6.1) and after some time I get
the following message and valgrind aborts:

--30322:0:aspacem  Valgrind: FATAL: VG_N_SEGMENTS is too low.
--30322:0:aspacemIncrease it and rebuild.  Exiting now.

Now what could cause such an error? My program can create/destroy
threads very quickly. I assume there's something strange with the stack?
Any hints why valgrind would complain in such a way?


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All of the data generated in your IT infrastructure is seriously valuable.
Why? It contains a definitive record of application performance, security 
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