XML building - velocity 1.4

2006-02-07 Thread Anagha
I want to build xml by replacing existing XML text elements with some other
I built the Document with SAXBuilder and put the root element in the
My template is like this :

#set ($rootelem = $root.getRootElement())

#foreach($elem in $rootelem.getChildren())
#set ($newelem = $elem)

#if ($elem.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(serviceInstanceId))
got it

When I merge with the template, I get the text of the existing node
correctly( $newelem.getText())
After setText when I print the $newelem I expect the new text (OTHERTEXT) in
the element.
But I get the empty element. I never see new  text element in the element.

Any help is appreciated.

Thanks  Regards,

Disable echo in VTL

2006-02-07 Thread Anagha
I'm building the XML in the VTL.
At some point I retrieve the value of an element and set its text as
$elem.setText( $sometext )

#foreach($elem in $rootelem.getChildren())
#set ($elemname = $elem.getName())
#set( $sometext = $userprops.get($elemname)  )
$elem.setText( $sometext )


In the output I get each element printed as --- [Element: serviceName/]
where serviceName is the the element name.
This happens for all the elements in the for loop. I want to disable this
output on the console/file which comes from setText

I tried :
VelocityEngine ve = new VelocityEngine();
ve.setProperty(VelocityEngine.VM_MESSAGES_ON, false);

But still the elements are printed which is not desired.
Also I get a lot of new lines in the output which I want to disable.

Any pointers?
Thanks  Regards,

Re: Disable echo in VTL

2006-02-07 Thread Ravikanth L
Use as below
#foreach($elem in $rootelem.getChildren())##
   #set ($elemname = $elem.getName())##
   #set( $sometext = $userprops.get($elemname)  )##
   #set($tempVariable = $elem.setText( $sometext ))##

to ignore the return value from setText, just pretend as assigning to a
variable ( its the way i used in my templates). If anyone has a better way
to ignore such unneccesary return values from printing, pls let me know.

For unnecessary new lines, in your for loop, there will be new lines each
after a statement. So if you put ## i.e comment as EOL, it will ignore those
new lines. There are lot of bugs reported for formatting and new lines in
velocity. Please go through the forum mails for further reference.


On 2/7/06, Anagha [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm building the XML in the VTL.
 At some point I retrieve the value of an element and set its text as
 $elem.setText( $sometext )

 #foreach($elem in $rootelem.getChildren())
#set ($elemname = $elem.getName())
#set( $sometext = $userprops.get($elemname)  )
$elem.setText( $sometext )


 In the output I get each element printed as --- [Element:
 where serviceName is the the element name.
 This happens for all the elements in the for loop. I want to disable this
 output on the console/file which comes from setText

 I tried :
 VelocityEngine ve = new VelocityEngine();
 ve.setProperty(VelocityEngine.VM_MESSAGES_ON, false);

 But still the elements are printed which is not desired.
 Also I get a lot of new lines in the output which I want to disable.

 Any pointers?
 Thanks  Regards,

Re: component based templates with Velocity (+ tools?)

2006-02-07 Thread Christopher Townson
On Monday 6 February 2006 4:49 pm, Nathan Bubna wrote:
 gosh, time flies...  since that time,  we really haven't pursued the
 Velocimacro library idea very thoroughly.  we do have a start to it in
 our Wiki, but the contributions are thin and organization/formatting
 is uneven.

well, we were thinking that our approach would be to create some suitably 
generic component tools which could be contributed to this and then extend 
those to meet our more specific needs

 as far as doing compentized work, i agree that Click has probably gone
 furthest in supporting compenent-oriented web development with
 Velocity.  before you do anything else, you should probably look into
 what they're doing first.

yes, it looks interesting ... I hadn't heard of it before so started 
examining it yesterday afternoon.

My first impression is that we could use it, but that the Velocity Tools 
approach might integrate more easily with what we currently have and the way 
we do things. I could be wrong about that, of course ;D

  2. Create a suite of Velocity Tools, each with an accompanying velocity
  template ... or multiple templates - which template was used could be
  determined by the presence or absence of vm files based upon convention?

 conventions are good.  would this be something like the MultiViewsTool?

possibly - I haven't played with that one yet (but it's on my list now! :D)

  for example: a MenuTool might have a template that looked like this:
  #set ( $Menu.name = 'main menu' ) #* a string which identifies which type
  of menu we're dealing with *#
  #set ( $Menu.site = $Config.siteName ) #* so it knows where to get the
  correct menu items *#
  #foreach ( $MenuItem in $Menu.items )
  lia href=$MenuItem.getURL()$MenuItem.getText()/a/li
  Through its interface with the Velocity Tool, this one 'main menu'
  template file could then be used globally and multiple times in the same

 not sure i follow...

sorry - that's not a very clear description! Let me clarify:

- a view here is considered equivalent to a 'page' (i.e. a URL identified 
resource which is requested by an end-user). A view itself would not have a 
'template' as such - it would simply consist of a bunch of directives that 
specify things like 'I want these components with the following parameters', 
'I want this layout', 'Put these components here and those ones there' etc...

- views would be constructed from components organised into a layout.

- Our design team would then be able to write just a single template for each 
component (i.e. it would be 'global' ... unless a template for the same 
component was found in a location specified by convention as being 'more 
specific'). There would only need to be a single *.vm template file 
(containing the HTML or whatever, written by our design team).

Now, in theory, this is achievable using #parse and so on (aside from as the 
view layer for Struts, this is the main way we use Velocity at present: as an 
elaborate form of SSI - which I think is a waste of an excellent and 
versatile tool!)

By rigorously conceiving of one's sites as being constructed from 
'components', and making tools that define the properties and methods 
available to them, it would be possible to store and retrieve data about 
those things that aid management of the views.

For example: one feature request we have received from our design team is the 
ability to define what stylesheets or javascripts a particular 'component' 
depends upon and have these automatically loaded in the head section of a 
document. Because accessibility and standards-compliance is a big issue, they 
would also like to be able to do things like dynamically changing the heading 
level of a particular template depending on where it was used (this is easily 
achieved using VTL, but only in ways that are too prone to human error).

From this perspective, what we are proposing is to use a suite of Velocity 
Tools as a simple way of managing the complexities of the view layer. A 
beneficial side-effect would be a clearer separation of display and logic in 
a way that suits our organisational setup.

... that was a longer clarification than I intended it to be ... does it 
clarify? ;D


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Re: Disable echo in VTL

2006-02-07 Thread apache

I used a macro for this purpose

## convenience directive to invoke a method and ignore the return value
#macro( call $foo )#if($foo)#**##end#end
## the comment in the if-statement avoids an empty if-body parser error
  #call( $elem.setText( $sometext ) )

Beware... some people may argue that putting such code in templates
is not the right place(TM), if you desire to follow the MVC paradigm.

The newlines and whitespaces is something that needs adressing in velocity,
see the proposed solutions in the wiki:


Anagha wrote:

I'm building the XML in the VTL.
At some point I retrieve the value of an element and set its text as
$elem.setText( $sometext )

#foreach($elem in $rootelem.getChildren())
#set ($elemname = $elem.getName())
#set( $sometext = $userprops.get($elemname)  )
$elem.setText( $sometext )


In the output I get each element printed as --- [Element: serviceName/]
where serviceName is the the element name.
This happens for all the elements in the for loop. I want to disable this
output on the console/file which comes from setText

I tried :
VelocityEngine ve = new VelocityEngine();
ve.setProperty(VelocityEngine.VM_MESSAGES_ON, false);

But still the elements are printed which is not desired.
Also I get a lot of new lines in the output which I want to disable.

Any pointers?
Thanks  Regards,

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Can we use File object in VTL?

2006-02-07 Thread Anagha
I'm using VTL to build Java file. I need to change/insert  some keywords,
variables in the Java file based on context paramters.
Instead of putting the whole Java file in .vm file, can I load the file in
some test program and put the File descriptor in the context?
Later in .vm I'll retrieve this file descriptor from context and output
some lines of the file.

I'have tried in similar way for .xml' where I load and built Document
object from XML in test program. I put the root element of the xml
in the context and later processed the doc in .vm by extracting root from

I want to know can we do on similar lines for File descriptor object.
Any help is welcome.

Thanks  Regards,

Re: Can we use File object in VTL?

2006-02-07 Thread apache

Hi Anagha,

I sometimes use velocity to generate diverse ASCII files from
CSV or other inputs. I use my own TemplateTool that has some
few goodies in the context - like the ClassTool used in the macro

## Macro to write a text to a file.
#macro( fileWrite $filename $text )
  #set( $out = $Class.newInstance(java.io.FileOutputStream, $filename) )
  #set( $data = $text.getBytes() )
  #call( $out.write($data) )
  #call( $out.close() )
## convenience directive to invoke a method and ignore the return value
#macro( call $foo )#if($foo)#**##end#end
## Some helpful local context tools:
#set( $LF = $Context.formDecode(%0A) )
#set( $Integer = 1 )
#set( $Long = $Integer.longValue() )
#set( $now = $date.clone() )
## Some simple formatters
#macro( digits4 $number )#*
  *##set( $id = $number )#* -- access the macro paramter, ensure its 
a String
  *##set( $id = $id.trim() )#*  -- prepend the padding, clipping 
whitespace artefacts
  *##set( $len = $id.length() - 4 )#* -- compute the offset for the rest length
  *#$id.substring($len)## -- emit the resulting padded string
#macro( digits2 $number )#*
  *##set( $id = $number )#*
  *##set( $id = 00$id.trim() )#*
  *##set( $len = $id.length() - 2 )#*
#macro( dateStr $d )#*
  *##set( $y = $d.year + 1900 )#*

You can do things like:

## -- read file
#set( $text = #parse($inputName) )
#set( $lines = $text.trim().split($LF) )
#foreach( $line in $lines )
#set( $filename = 
E${statelliteId}_${orderId}_#digits4($nr)_#dateStr($now).ORD )
writing output to: $filename
#fileWrite( $filename $order )##

This does things that maybe should have been done in perl ;)


Anagha wrote:

I'm using VTL to build Java file. I need to change/insert  some keywords,
variables in the Java file based on context paramters.
Instead of putting the whole Java file in .vm file, can I load the file in
some test program and put the File descriptor in the context?
Later in .vm I'll retrieve this file descriptor from context and output
some lines of the file.

I'have tried in similar way for .xml' where I load and built Document
object from XML in test program. I put the root element of the xml
in the context and later processed the doc in .vm by extracting root from

I want to know can we do on similar lines for File descriptor object.
Any help is welcome.

Thanks  Regards,

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Re: component based templates with Velocity (+ tools?)

2006-02-07 Thread Christopher Townson
On Tuesday 7 February 2006 2:04 pm, Robert Koberg wrote:
 I was just curious if this needs to be dynamic. Couldn't you pregenerate
 all these things? This is what we do for our CMS. CMS users select
 layouts for pages (or falls back to an ancestor that had a layout
 defined). Several content pieces or XML components can be assigned to
 defined regions on a page. CMS users can choose things at the folder
 level like should a snailtrail or paging information show. We use XML
 configuration, content and XSL to transform to a static file. That file
 can be a velocity page, just as much as possible is pregenerated.

 I guess in other words, it sounds like you want to build a CMS.

well, I think we would certainly like this to be a part of a broader CMS 

At present we do almost exactly what you do: we use XSL to transform XML - 
first into 'xml snippets' (that roughly correspond to the content 'entities' 
we would want to create Velocity Tools for), then into a static HTML files. 
Subsequently, Velocity is used to pull these static HTML files in to various 
points on a page.

What we want to do is use Velocity to overcome the problems inherent to this 
approach; which are:
1. If the design or layout of things changes, or even if we just change the 
content a little, we have to 're-rip' stuff (run through the XSLs). With the 
amount of content we have, and the frequency of changes, this is a burden.

2. Authoring XSLs requires a certain expertise and knowledge of the XML 
formats we use; authoring Velocity templates requires very little. We can 
produce XHTML Velocity templates very quickly which produce 
standards-compliant, accessible code. However, we hit a bottleneck (and a 
significant source of errors) when parts (or all) of these templates need to 
be written as XSLs.

3. As with most organisations, our design team is responsible for all the 
HTML, CSS, Javascript etc that is used to display pages under normal 
circumstances; and our development team is responsible for everything else. 
The static-file approach you mention requires extensive interaction between 
these departments that is a source of delays and errors.

What we need to do is get rid of the stage where XSLs are producing HTML. By 
making Velocity Tools that retrieve data associated with content 
'entities' (whether from 'xml snippets' or a database or wherever) and insert 
this into the context in a standardised, pre-agreed manner, rebuilding, xsl 
editing, and inter-departmental coopertation is not necessary every time 
there is a change in the appearance of a site etc ...

So, yes - it is certainly related to content management, but Velocity Tools in 
themselves would not be a CMS! :D


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Re: can anybody help me on this please

2006-02-07 Thread Nathan Bubna
if you are using the latest (1.2) release of VelocityTools, then
$text.label.one should work just fine.  see

On 2/6/06, Magnus Kvalheim [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Are you using VelocityStruts(Velocity-tools)?
 Because I experienced the same problems there.

 didn't work, so I had to use

 However, properties without dots work fine in velocitystruts

 Can anyone confirm this issue?


 Shashikanth Duchetty wrote:

 but it doesn't work. If I remove . in between them it works fine
 On 2/7/06, Sreeni Gali [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yeah definitly you can do this.
 On 2/5/06, Shashikanth Duchetty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,
 can I keep such property in properties file

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Re: XML building - velocity 1.4

2006-02-07 Thread Will Glass-Husain

I've never used SAXBuilder...

Are you sure that $newelem.toString() always displays the same as 

- Original Message - 

To: velocity-user velocity-user@jakarta.apache.org
Sent: Tuesday, February 07, 2006 12:34 AM
Subject: XML building - velocity 1.4

I want to build xml by replacing existing XML text elements with some other
I built the Document with SAXBuilder and put the root element in the
My template is like this :

#set ($rootelem = $root.getRootElement())

#foreach($elem in $rootelem.getChildren())
   #set ($newelem = $elem)

   #if ($elem.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(serviceInstanceId))
   got it

When I merge with the template, I get the text of the existing node
correctly( $newelem.getText())
After setText when I print the $newelem I expect the new text (OTHERTEXT) in
the element.
But I get the empty element. I never see new  text element in the element.

Any help is appreciated.

Thanks  Regards,

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RE: OutOfMemoryException Processing Velocity Template

2006-02-07 Thread e v a n

Hmm. I wasn't aware of the leak issue, I'll make a note of that.

As for other work arounds, I have one that will work just fine for my
situation. But I'm still curious about the specialized tiles tool for the
purpose of streaming output to the browser, instead of buffering the whole
page in a string before sending it as the tiles tool does.  But that's
another question, and probably for the tiles developers.  

Thank you for your help.


-Original Message-
From: Malcolm Edgar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, February 06, 2006 8:35 PM
To: Velocity Users List
Subject: Re: OutOfMemoryException Processing Velocity Template

If your are reloading your application a lot, i.e. doing development work,
the singleton pattern causes a memory leak. This could be expressed in OOME
when rendering templates.

regards Malcolm Edgar

On 2/7/06, Nathan Bubna [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 i'm not sure.  Edgar?

 as for your question about a specialized TilesTool...  i'm not aware 
 of this having been done.  if it has, it wasn't shared with the list.

 have you taken the other advice in the thread and profiled your 
 application?  if you aren't up for writing a specialized TilesTool, 
 then there may be other ways you can cut down on your memory use.

 On 2/6/06, e v a n [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Yes it looks like we still are using v1.1 in out project.  How does 
  this affect the rendering of large HTML files and getting OOMEs when
doing so?
  -Original Message-
  From: Nathan Bubna [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Monday, February 06, 2006 1:11 PM
  To: Velocity Users List
  Subject: Re: OutOfMemoryException Processing Velocity Template
  that depends on which version of VelocityTools you are using.  in 
  1.2, we rewrote things to use a VelocityEngine instead of the 
  singleton, which was causing problems for us.
  On 2/6/06, e v a n [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I believe that I'm using the singletone pattern.  I using the 
   VelocityViewServlet to startup velocity, and I believe its written 
   to use the runtime singleton by calling Velocity.init().
   Is that correct?
   -Original Message-
   From: Malcolm Edgar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Saturday, February 04, 2006 4:35 PM
   To: Velocity Users List
   Subject: Re: OutOfMemoryException Processing Velocity Template
   Are you using Velocity singleton pattern or VelocityEngine?
   regards Malcolm Edgar
   On 2/4/06, e v a n [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I just picked up on this thread[1] from 5-10-2005 today because 
I'm running into a similar issue trying to render a large HTML 
page via velocity that's included via Tiles.  In this post [2] 
in the thread, there is talk of making a specialized TilesTool 
for cases where large html files need to be written out with 
Velocity. To anyone's knowledge, has anyone come up with such a
Thank You,
Evan Leonard
[1] -
[2] -

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RE: OutOfMemoryException Processing Velocity Template

2006-02-07 Thread Barbara Baughman
And here all the time I thought it was a Tomcat issue with reloading.

All of my web applications use the VelocityEngine rather than the
singleton, and I notice that Tomcat throws an OutOfMemoryException
after a lot of reloads.

Is there something I should be during in the HttpServlet destroy
method to clear out the VelocityEngine?

Barbara Baughman

On Tue, 7 Feb 2006, e v a n wrote:

 Hmm. I wasn't aware of the leak issue, I'll make a note of that.

 As for other work arounds, I have one that will work just fine for my
 situation. But I'm still curious about the specialized tiles tool for the
 purpose of streaming output to the browser, instead of buffering the whole
 page in a string before sending it as the tiles tool does.  But that's
 another question, and probably for the tiles developers.

 Thank you for your help.


 -Original Message-
 From: Malcolm Edgar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, February 06, 2006 8:35 PM
 To: Velocity Users List
 Subject: Re: OutOfMemoryException Processing Velocity Template

 If your are reloading your application a lot, i.e. doing development work,
 the singleton pattern causes a memory leak. This could be expressed in OOME
 when rendering templates.

 regards Malcolm Edgar

 On 2/7/06, Nathan Bubna [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  i'm not sure.  Edgar?
  as for your question about a specialized TilesTool...  i'm not aware
  of this having been done.  if it has, it wasn't shared with the list.
  have you taken the other advice in the thread and profiled your
  application?  if you aren't up for writing a specialized TilesTool,
  then there may be other ways you can cut down on your memory use.
  On 2/6/06, e v a n [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Yes it looks like we still are using v1.1 in out project.  How does
   this affect the rendering of large HTML files and getting OOMEs when
 doing so?
   -Original Message-
   From: Nathan Bubna [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Monday, February 06, 2006 1:11 PM
   To: Velocity Users List
   Subject: Re: OutOfMemoryException Processing Velocity Template
   that depends on which version of VelocityTools you are using.  in
   1.2, we rewrote things to use a VelocityEngine instead of the
   singleton, which was causing problems for us.
   On 2/6/06, e v a n [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I believe that I'm using the singletone pattern.  I using the
VelocityViewServlet to startup velocity, and I believe its written
to use the runtime singleton by calling Velocity.init().
Is that correct?
-Original Message-
From: Malcolm Edgar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, February 04, 2006 4:35 PM
To: Velocity Users List
Subject: Re: OutOfMemoryException Processing Velocity Template
Are you using Velocity singleton pattern or VelocityEngine?
regards Malcolm Edgar
On 2/4/06, e v a n [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I just picked up on this thread[1] from 5-10-2005 today because
 I'm running into a similar issue trying to render a large HTML
 page via velocity that's included via Tiles.  In this post [2]
 in the thread, there is talk of making a specialized TilesTool
 for cases where large html files need to be written out with
 Velocity. To anyone's knowledge, has anyone come up with such a

 Thank You,
 Evan Leonard

 [1] -
 [2] -

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Re: OutOfMemoryException Processing Velocity Template

2006-02-07 Thread Will Glass-Husain
I have this issue with Tomcat JSP apps as well as Velocity.  So it is a 
Tomcat issue.  I
think it holds on to static references in the classloader.  Tomcat's great 
in general but the deployment I find is really not robust.


- Original Message - 
From: Barbara Baughman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: Velocity Users List velocity-user@jakarta.apache.org
Sent: Tuesday, February 07, 2006 1:33 PM
Subject: RE: OutOfMemoryException Processing Velocity Template

And here all the time I thought it was a Tomcat issue with reloading.

All of my web applications use the VelocityEngine rather than the
singleton, and I notice that Tomcat throws an OutOfMemoryException
after a lot of reloads.

Is there something I should be during in the HttpServlet destroy
method to clear out the VelocityEngine?

Barbara Baughman

On Tue, 7 Feb 2006, e v a n wrote:

Hmm. I wasn't aware of the leak issue, I'll make a note of that.

As for other work arounds, I have one that will work just fine for my
situation. But I'm still curious about the specialized tiles tool for the
purpose of streaming output to the browser, instead of buffering the
page in a string before sending it as the tiles tool does.  But that's
another question, and probably for the tiles developers.

Thank you for your help.


-Original Message-
From: Malcolm Edgar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 06, 2006 8:35 PM
To: Velocity Users List
Subject: Re: OutOfMemoryException Processing Velocity Template

If your are reloading your application a lot, i.e. doing development
the singleton pattern causes a memory leak. This could be expressed in
when rendering templates.

regards Malcolm Edgar

On 2/7/06, Nathan Bubna [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 i'm not sure.  Edgar?

 as for your question about a specialized TilesTool...  i'm not aware
 of this having been done.  if it has, it wasn't shared with the list.

 have you taken the other advice in the thread and profiled your
 application?  if you aren't up for writing a specialized TilesTool,
 then there may be other ways you can cut down on your memory use.

 On 2/6/06, e v a n [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Yes it looks like we still are using v1.1 in out project.  How does
  this affect the rendering of large HTML files and getting OOMEs when
doing so?
  -Original Message-
  From: Nathan Bubna [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Monday, February 06, 2006 1:11 PM
  To: Velocity Users List
  Subject: Re: OutOfMemoryException Processing Velocity Template
  that depends on which version of VelocityTools you are using.  in
  1.2, we rewrote things to use a VelocityEngine instead of the
  singleton, which was causing problems for us.
  On 2/6/06, e v a n [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I believe that I'm using the singletone pattern.  I using the
   VelocityViewServlet to startup velocity, and I believe its written
   to use the runtime singleton by calling Velocity.init().
   Is that correct?
   -Original Message-
   From: Malcolm Edgar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Saturday, February 04, 2006 4:35 PM
   To: Velocity Users List
   Subject: Re: OutOfMemoryException Processing Velocity Template
   Are you using Velocity singleton pattern or VelocityEngine?
   regards Malcolm Edgar
   On 2/4/06, e v a n [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I just picked up on this thread[1] from 5-10-2005 today because
I'm running into a similar issue trying to render a large HTML
page via velocity that's included via Tiles.  In this post [2]
in the thread, there is talk of making a specialized TilesTool
for cases where large html files need to be written out with
Velocity. To anyone's knowledge, has anyone come up with such a
Thank You,
Evan Leonard
[1] -
[2] -

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Re: Can we use File object in VTL?

2006-02-07 Thread Anagha
Thanks for suggestions.
Currently I'm using vel-1.4 and tried a sample macro from your script below.

#macro( fileWrite $filename $text )
  #set( $out = $Class.newInstance(java.io.FileOutputStream, $filename) )
  #set( $data = $text.getBytes() )
  #call( $out.write($data) )
  #call( $out.close() )
#macro( call $foo )#if($foo)#**##end#end

#fileWrite( SampJava intercae ABC{} )

I'm expecting that a file SampJava should be created with the text
intercae ABC{} in it.
Here I see Class: variable is not set.
This is not working, Pls have a look for this macro.

Also, in vel-1.4 I did see ContextTool class, pls. let me know its



 Hi Anagha,

 I sometimes use velocity to generate diverse ASCII files from
 CSV or other inputs. I use my own TemplateTool that has some
 few goodies in the context - like the ClassTool used in the macro

 ## Macro to write a text to a file.
 #macro( fileWrite $filename $text )
#set( $out = $Class.newInstance(java.io.FileOutputStream, $filename)
#set( $data = $text.getBytes() )
#call( $out.write($data) )
#call( $out.close() )
 ## convenience directive to invoke a method and ignore the return value
 #macro( call $foo )#if($foo)#**##end#end
 ## Some helpful local context tools:
 #set( $LF = $Context.formDecode(%0A) )
 #set( $Integer = 1 )
 #set( $Long = $Integer.longValue() )
 #set( $now = $date.clone() )
 ## Some simple formatters
 #macro( digits4 $number )#*
*##set( $id = $number )#* -- access the macro paramter,
 ensure its a String
*##set( $id = $id.trim() )#*  -- prepend the padding, clipping
 whitespace artefacts
*##set( $len = $id.length() - 4 )#* -- compute the offset for the rest
*#$id.substring($len)## -- emit the resulting padded string
 #macro( digits2 $number )#*
*##set( $id = $number )#*
*##set( $id = 00$id.trim() )#*
*##set( $len = $id.length() - 2 )#*
 #macro( dateStr $d )#*
*##set( $y = $d.year + 1900 )#*


 You can do things like:

 ## -- read file
 #set( $text = #parse($inputName) )
 #set( $lines = $text.trim().split($LF) )
 #foreach( $line in $lines )
 #set( $filename =
 E${statelliteId}_${orderId}_#digits4($nr)_#dateStr($now).ORD )
 writing output to: $filename
 #fileWrite( $filename $order )##

 This does things that maybe should have been done in perl ;)


 Anagha wrote:
  I'm using VTL to build Java file. I need to change/insert  some
  variables in the Java file based on context paramters.
  Instead of putting the whole Java file in .vm file, can I load the
 file in
  some test program and put the File descriptor in the context?
  Later in .vm I'll retrieve this file descriptor from context and
  some lines of the file.
  I'have tried in similar way for .xml' where I load and built Document
  object from XML in test program. I put the root element of the xml
  in the context and later processed the doc in .vm by extracting root
  I want to know can we do on similar lines for File descriptor object.
  Any help is welcome.
  Thanks  Regards,

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Thanks  Regards,