Re: Problem: Google Code SSL certificates - Reopened

2009-12-23 Thread jared
after another couple weeks without the problem, it has cropped up
again, starting last night. :(


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Re: Problem: Google Code SSL certificates - FIXED

2009-12-08 Thread jared
Argggh!  It just started happening again to me today.  It was working
great since Thansgiving, but not anymore.


On Nov 26, 12:57 pm, Dirk Stoop wrote:
 Hi everyone,

 This problem has been fixed by google.  On thanksgiving nonetheless,
 so I know who I'm giving thanks to ;)

 If anyone still gets those dialogs (which seems pretty unlikely to me,
 but you never know), please drop a line here or at google's support
 page linked in my previous post.

 Cheers and happy thxgiving,
 - Dirk

 the Versions team

 On Nov 24, 11:48 pm, Dirk Stoop wrote:

  Yet more info:

  Please 'star' this issue at Google Code if you're experiencing the
  problem in Versions:

  The more votes, the more likely they'll be able to give it a higher

  Thank you all for your patience,
  - Dirk

  the Versions team

  On Nov 24, 9:57 pm, Stratification wrote:

   That sounds very much like what I'm seeing and would really explain
   its intermittent nature. Thanks for the update, here's to hoping
   there's a reasonable fix on the horizon (or Google gets their act


   On Nov 24, 11:59 am, Dirk Stoop wrote:

Some more info:

It seems that people using the command line client, or other
Subversion clients are also running into this problem (minus the modal
dialogs of course).

Apparently Google Code is sending one of two SSL certificates back (at
random) on every new connection to an https Google Code URL.  One of
these certs is signed by Thawte, one by Google themselves.  Every time
there's a mismatch between a previously accepted certificate for a
particular URL and one that's being used on a new connection, SVN
chokes and asks the user to accept the new certificate.

Everything seems to point out that this is a problem with Google Code,
not with Versions or Subversion in general.  We're still looking for a
workaround and ideally for a solution.

Like Nick said, turning of working copy badges will help, because
every time those are refreshed a new connection is made.  It won't
make the problem go away completely, but you'll see a lot fewer

Importing the * certificate that Google signed
themselves in your Keychain will not fix the problem, at least it
doesn't for me; I still get the dialog asking me to accept the
certificate, the difference is that the dialog claims the certificate
is set to be trusted (which I just did in Keychain Access) instead of

If anyone here knows someone at or close to Google Code, please ask
them to take a look at this thread.  Any help we can get to clear this
up would be appreciated. :)

- Dirk

the Versions team


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Re: Problem: Google Code SSL certificates

2009-11-20 Thread jared

I'm having this problem as well, and my google code project is not set
up as external in another repository.

Thanks for looking into this!

On Nov 20, 2:48 pm, Dirk Stoop wrote:
 Thank you all for the feedback,

 I think this problem may only happen to people who have authenticated
 google code projects set up as externals in other repositories that
 they've bookmarked.  We'll investigate more over here, if any of you
 who are running into this problem don't have any google code externals
 defined, please drop us a line here.

 Thanks again,
 - Dirk

 the Versions team

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Re: Poor Performance in 1.0.+

2008-11-18 Thread jared

yeah, not to pile it on, but I've spent all day wishing I could have
the beta version back (and I did already purchase, would have paid
twice the price).

updates and commits constantly hang on preparing... i can't quit out
of transactions, can't cancel, have to force quit the program.  i'd
say a simple update then commit has only worked right 30% of the time

please, you've made me totally dependent on this app!  would love
a fix!

On Nov 18, 3:18 pm, abstractrobot [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've recently updated to the most recent version of Versions and am
 very frustrated by the results. During your beta testing program I
 have been very impressed with Versions and fully intended to buy. At
 the moment I can't justify it because with 1.0 it's made the
 application unusable for me, because:

 * Very excessive cpu usage, even when in the background.
 * Poor UI update when focusing on a specific task - it's too busy
 updating elsewhere.
 * Constantly Nagged for passwords for repositories and externals when
 I have no interest in them, nor do I want to have to guess which
 repository versions is referring to.

 To be honest I'd much rather be using the previous beta, and in our
 office I'm not alone.

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