[videoblogging] Re: Pixelodeon videos

2007-09-02 Thread Shannon Noble

I'm retarded.

For the benefit of all please elaborate without being dramatic.

I'm serious Jay. 

Your horse is higher then mine.

It's a nice horse though. I like it.

I'll  toss some biscuits in a moment.

Good Grief.

Look at those vids from pixelodeon. 

A huge percentage of them do not function well and have little value
in the big picture. They looked really good projected large in a dark
room but a lot of them fall flat when viewed on the web. I get more
gratification out of going to youtube and typing in led zepplin then
I do typing in lonely girl.

I'm going to get into a semantics argument here in a moment. 

Ooops. Sorry. 

I'm busy playing Halo 3. 


The web is so convoluted that judgement value has no value here. 


 If anyone says that there arent good videos being made online...they
 are retarded.

Re: [videoblogging] Youtube and growing censorship

2007-08-31 Thread Shannon Noble
What is it that it's called in culture, what story exemplifies this norm?

Everyone is looking at the lowest common denominator. Youtube.

Youtube is NBC/CBS/ABC internet plus more reality tv then reality tv can put
out. Right, it's only one site and it garners the most.

Damn, al-queda put's up vids there!!! They may last for an hour or so, but
they are there. It's like going out on the Venice Boardwalk in California,
it's something we haven't defined yet and won't really have an analogy that
functions for us yet, not for several years. And most of us will be dead
before it has a name and something to be understood and applied. It's like

Damn, I can watch beatbox harmonica or Mexican Mafia infighting videos.

You are all correct about this, though you keep your analysis to your own
simplified and limited perceptions. Enculturated ones that you don't even
know you have. 90 percent of your desires are unconscious.

The word censhorship doesn't really work here any longer. I new word needs
to come forth and define this.

I would point out though that load of BS doesn't help define what should
be an intelligent analyis. Respect all involved and we can figure it out
somewhat I suspect.

I'm a hypocrite.

Google doesn't start defining how business is done. It already knows. It's
got a model. That model is Western culture and it's business practices. It's
nothing new. It's business as usual.

On 8/31/07, Jay dedman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

What a load of BS.  .. speech on the Internet .. is not what is
  curtailed, regulated, censored, what-have-you. It is speech on ONE
  particular website. One website that is *not* owned by the people making
  the speech in question.

 i think your argument is too simple.
 when the company in question is Google/Youtube, their influence starts
 becoming more than a sliver of reality. Their practices start defining
 how businesses is done, and what cooperation governments expect out of
 companies. Self-censorship becomes the norm.

 But I do take your point that this company (Google) can do what it likes.
 just makes independent video sites like blip.tv all the more
 attractive for users.


 917 371 6790


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[videoblogging] Re: Death of a videoblogger

2007-07-09 Thread Shannon Noble

[videoblogging] Re: Death of a videoblogger

2007-07-08 Thread Shannon Noble
I had met Cranky through my online searches of videoblogging. We got
together a few times in Los Angeles over the past year for coffee and
dinner (with jay and ryanne on one of those occasions). He was an
amazing and astounding individual. 

I quote jay quoting Ferd in a recent email:

I got to meet with him on wednesday. got a brief video of him.
he looked like he was going to die. he knew it and seemed okay with it.
the only thing he said was dying just seems so stupid.


[videoblogging] a load of pix

2007-06-11 Thread Shannon Noble

For me to come here in this space and say:

Yes! To Pixolodeon.

That's a big deal.

I cannot be more expressive about this than I am now.

I give my deep thanks and respect to all those involved in putting
this together.

It is one of the most challenging and debatable experiences I've had
in a long time.

From many perspectives.



p.s.  of course I'm a cynical pile of energy: http://nnon.tv/softwired/?p=22

[videoblogging] SMACK ME!

2007-06-02 Thread Shannon Noble
Oh crap.

I did it again.

Ever so inconsistent.
Ever so annoying.
Ever so oh you said it.

Another test.

I'll be testing for a long time.


See you at pixolodeon.

[videoblogging] the horror

2007-04-24 Thread Shannon Noble

it's interesting. my kid sees me with the camera enough and without my
direct prodding he's starting to shoot his own stories.


Reasonable Illusions


[videoblogging] The Spirit Moves Me

2007-04-14 Thread Shannon Noble
I don't understand myself at times.

I posted two pieces at once.

Excuse me.

I apologize for stepping up like this.

I have no idea what's come over me.

Probably the free Jamba Juice coupon I got in the mail today.



Reasonable Illusions


[videoblogging] Video Vortex Yes! Vloggercon...been there done that.

2007-03-16 Thread Shannon Noble
Video Vortex: Responses to YouTube (event  discussion list)

Video Vortex Conference: November 30 and December 1 2007, Amsterdam (NL)
Organized by the Institute of Network Cultures

First announcement, March 15, 2007

Event: http://www.networkcultures.org/videovortex/
List info:

In response to the increasing potential for video to become a
significant form of personal media on the Internet, this conference
examines the key issues that are emerging around the independent
production and distribution of online video content. What are artists
and activists responses to the popularity of 'user-generated content'
websites? Is corporate backlash eminent?

After years of talk about digital conversions and crossmedia platforms
we are now witnessing the merger of the Internet and television at a
pace that no one predicted. For the baby boom generation, that
currently forms the film and television establishment, the media
organisations and conglomerates, this unfolds as a complete nightmare.
Not only because of copyright issues but increasingly due to the shift
of audience to vlogging and video-sharing websites as part of the
development of a broader participatory culture.

The opening night will feature live acts, performances and lectures
under the banner of video slamming. We will trace the history from
short film to one-minute videos to the first experiments with streaming
media and online video, along with exploring the way VJs and media
artists are accessing and using online archives.

The Video Vortex conference aims to contextualize these latest
developments through presenting continuities and discontinuities in the
artistic, activist and mainstream perspective of the last few decades.
Unlike the way online video presents itself as the latest and greatest,
there are long threads to be woven into the history of visual art,
cinema and documentary production. The rise of the database as the
dominant form of storing and accessing cultural artifacts has a rich
tradition that still needs to be explored. The conference aims to raise
the following questions:

- How are people utilising the potential to independently produce and
distribute independent video content on the Internet?
- What are the alternatives to the proprietary standards currently
being developed?
- What are the commercial objectives that mass media is imposing on
user-generated content and video-sharing databases?
- What is the underlying economics of online video in the age of
unlimited uploads?
- How autonomous are vloggers within the broader domain of mass media?
- How are cinema, television and video art being affected by the
development of a ubiquitous online video practice?
- What type of aesthetic and narrative issues does the database pose
for online video practice?

Conference themes:

Viral Video critique
Vlogging Critique
Participatory Culture, Participatory Video
Real World Tools and Technologies
Theory  History of the Database
Narrative and the Cinematic
Database Taxonomy and Navigation
Internet Video: Art, Activism, and Public Media
Evening Programme / Exhibition

Viral Video critique

YouTube made 2006 the year of Internet video. The video content
produced bottom-up, with an emphasis on participation, sharing and
community networking. But inevitably like Flickr being consumed by
Yahoo, Google purchased YouTube. What is the future for the production
and distribution of independent online video content? How can a
participatory culture achieve a certain degree of autonomy and
diversity outside mass media? What other motives does Google have for
Internet video in terms of searching and advertising? After the
purchase of YouTube, Google was asked to remove a number of clips that
breached copyright laws. What comparisons can be made between the
Napster incident with audio and video-sharing websites?

Vlogging Critique

This section will deal with vlogging criticism. Is video blogging a
form of text-based blogging with other means? How can we develop a form
of criticism, and a critical practice, that is not derogative and yet
surpasses the anecdotal diary level? Is vlogging the next stage of ego
boosting of the blogger, who wants to raise his or her ranking status?
What is a video diary and how can this emerging genre be shaped? Can
there be sophistication in 'vlogging'? How can we overcome the
evangelical that stresses the possibilities of gadget features? And how
can we overcome the amateurish aesthetics of this new genre?

Participatory Culture, Participatory Video

The Web 2.0 holds the promise to create a participatory culture that
can renew the stagnated democracies in the West. In this utopian
approach, the user has the historical task to overcome the old regime
of top down broadcast media and create decentralised dialogues. To what
extent can user-generated video content be energized by presenting the
material as citizen journalism? Is the increased user 

[videoblogging] Re: OH HELL!!!

2007-03-12 Thread Shannon Noble

Oddly. These three boys attend a Quaker run school. I had hiked them
to this rather steep and quick ascent and then began shooting. If you
heard what I was saying to them it was the opposite of what they did
which egged them on. Throw kisses! Of course they exhibited not
that.Instead a got a foul and pestulant congregation of vapors
(quoting hamlet).


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Rupert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Yeah.  I'm pretty much a pacifist - but let's be honest: which of us,  
 standing on a mountaintop, hasn't secretly pretended to be  
 Christopher Lambert in Highlander, spinning round and round, wielding  
 a massive 2000 year old japanese longsword and trying to cut off Sean  
 Connery's head?
 On 12 Mar 2007, at 17:08, Harold Johnson wrote:
 One thing's for certain: That was another Noble post. I hope you'll be
 posting during Videoblogging Week 2007, Shannon (April 1-7).
 Anyway, I can understand Ron's point, though I don't really agree  
 with it.
 I mean, I can see wanting the video to be more balanced, presenting a
 counteraction to the violence presented. But this is all nonsense;  
 is a simple, sweet video of the soccerkids being soccerkids. If any  
 of us
 are experiencing violence, maybe it's because we're smokin' the  
 blunt, and
 feelin' peaceful...
 See, but I'm only on caffeine, and the kicks and punches and flips  
 suit my
 mood right now.
 On 11 Mar 2007 23:03:48 -0700, Bill Cammack [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   I find it interesting that you saw the punches and kicks as violent,
   but not giving the finger.
   I think the whole thing is indicative of how so many people these  
   feel absolutely nothing at all, yet attempt to act as if they do feel
   something. There's a lot of weird behavior in videos that has no
   connection to anything at all. I'm talking about grown-ups. These
   were just kids hamming it up for the camera, and you kind of expect
   them to do anything when it's their turn to 'perform'.
   It's always interesting to get other people's perspectives on
   things. like how some people think squirrels are food.
   Bill C.
   http://ReelSolid.TV http://reelsolid.tv/
   --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com videoblogging% 
   Ron Watson k9disc@ wrote:
I kind of figured that I was going to get the namby pamby label  
the analysis. It is soft
You can call them 'power moves' and all, but they were punches and
kicks, and punches and kicks are gestures of violence.
I think they are emulating what they see on TV: punchy, kicky
violence, some irreverence, and thankfully they did something  
 that is
out of character on TV, and that is to speak for peace.
I also really liked it when the camera stopped on the one boy  
 when he
was giving the finger. He looked as if he had just gotten caught.
It was an interesting video.
Ron Watson
On the Web:
On Mar 12, 2007, at 12:21 AM, Markus Sandy wrote:

 On Mar 11, 2007, at 8:53 PM, Ron Watson wrote:

  I also didn't care too much for the burst of violence. I  
 guess this
  is just the hippy in me, but I really wish that were not  
 part of
  their physical vocabulary so easily expressed and mimicked  
 on film,
  and it was contagious.

 ron, why do you see this as violent?

 some people might just call them power moves

 is every sudden gesture or move an expression of violence?

 on the other hand, aren't they emulating what you might see on  

 good to see you posting shannon

 Markus Sandy

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[videoblogging] OH HELL!!!

2007-03-11 Thread Shannon Noble
I can't believe I actually posted something.


Where the frack have I been?


Reasonable Illusions


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[videoblogging] Re:MP4 compression

2007-01-09 Thread Shannon Noble
you might try mpeg streamclip

it does batch processing

and you can save settings

Reasonable Illusions


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [videoblogging] Re: The Shallow Nature of Video Blogging

2006-06-05 Thread Shannon Noble

Very much so.On 6/5/06, Enric [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Beautifull.--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, andrew michael baron[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: In The Myth of Sisyphus, Sisyphus, unfortunately, was in the wrong
 place at the wrong time and overheard secrets of the Gods fighting. So Sisyphus was punished to spend the rest of his life pushing a bolder up a mountain. When the bolder fell, or rolled over the other
 side of the mountain, Sisyphus must go back and start again, forever. Without a purpose for his life and without meaning for his activity, Sisyphus eventually noticed that there was a time when the bolder was
 on its own and he was descending the mountain effortlessly, noticing the beautiful flowers (so to speak), the birds' songs and the comfortable cool breeze and that this was his time. The determined
 duty was aside and the time, however absurd, was all that much worthwhile and especially, free. On Jun 2, 2006, at 2:23 PM, Shannon Noble wrote:  You know, 
  sometimes I look at my own expressions and the content of my work,  as well as many others here, and think how shallow and meaningless  much of what we do is. We put our own meaning on it as it really
  has none of it's own. It is all enculturated. We make it up for or  own selves to get what we want from others. I feel that way when I  look at something like this:   
http://www.alternet.org/blogs/video/36871/   and ponder.   -shannonSPONSORED LINKS
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Re: [videoblogging] The Shallow Nature of Video Blogging

2006-06-05 Thread Shannon Noble

partially agreeable. the danger in having used the word shallow in the first place is that it implies judgement. I apologize for letting it come off like that. i have a specific interest in work i look for on other sites and that work is usually completly unlike my own for some reason. 
if good and worthy are based on measurements that you've mentioned then my site for one, would not be considered either. the site attracts a smaller number, more specific viewer. i don't add to it regularly, and for myself, it feels half baked at times. i'm not that passionate about it, and don't think passion is a valid motivation anyways. i'm really not sure what i want my site be about or why. but i still don't think that the meaning is there unless you put it there yourself either as viewer or maker. i'm saying that much of what i see is meaningless to ME. it often has much more import to the person who did it in the first place. i'm not saying that is wrong. if anything it may get you more viewers if you have the characteristics that attract others to view your work. self confident or even cocky or whatever. you could have some of the worst work online and still be so confident that others will be attracted to your vlog. if you don't give value or meaning to your OWN work then you are forced to live with that fact that all we really do is eat, sleep, reproduce, and then die. that's quite painful by itself. without meaning. you don't need me to validate your work at all. 

It was beautifully said.

However, I think most of us recognized this
inherent creative/ life experience value in vlogging even before
Andrew had so eloquently illustrated it. 

The problem is that there now exists a quantifiable
measure for what determines a good or worthy vlog, e.g., notoriety
in print media and within our own vlogosphere, # of unique visitors, ad
sales, etc.,. In turn, it is because certain vlogs have achieved a
quantifiable measure of worth, that a standard has been created, where
if our own creations don't measure up to it, one is left questioning
the worth or shallow nature of the genre.

I don't think that shallowness is
intrinsic to "video blogging" but rather that it stems from
our approach vs. our expectations. If you expect your vlog to be a
business or a widely viewed entertainment medium, then you can't
approach it from a myopic home movie perspective. Like a business, you
have to focus on what your "customers" (viewers) would want
to watch- not what you like; you have to be consistent with your
updates-not post video whenever the mood strikes you; and you have to
market your product-not stare at your computer screen waiting for a
viral phenomenon to just happen. If your approach doesn't equate
with your expectations, then it's not so much that your vlog is
"shallow" but rather, that your approach is half-wittedly


From: andrew michael baron [EMAIL PROTECTED]Reply-To:
Re: [videoblogging] The Shallow Nature of Video BloggingDate:
Mon, 5 Jun 2006 13:09:46 -0400
In The Myth ofSisyphus,Sisyphus,unfortunately, was
in the wrong place at the wrong time and overheard secrets of the Gods
fighting. SoSisyphuswas punished to spend the rest of his
life pushing a bolder up a mountain. When the bolder fell, or rolled
over the other side of
themountain,Sisyphusmustgo back and start
again, forever. 

Without a purpose for his life and without meaning for his
activity,Sisyphuseventually noticed that there was a time
when the bolder was on its own and he was descending the mountain
effortlessly, noticing thebeautifulflowers (so to speak),
the birds' songs and thecomfortable cool breeze and that this was
his time. The determined duty was aside and the time, however absurd,
was all that much worthwhile and especially, free.

On Jun 2, 2006, at 2:23 PM, Shannon Noble wrote:
You know,sometimes I look at my own expressions and
the content of my work, as well as many others here, and think how
shallow and meaningless much of what we do is. We put our own meaning
on it as it really has none of it's own. It is all enculturated. We
make it up for or own selves to get what we want from others. I feel
that way when I look at something like this: 








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Re: [videoblogging] The Shallow Nature of Video Blogging

2006-06-04 Thread Shannon Noble

On 6/4/06, Richard (Show) Hall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I don't usually get in on these, but this one really intrigues me ...plusAh! I like that! 
 nothing NEEDS context For a thing to be a thing it needs context. What is a thing?I couldn't tell you unless I had context, you see. None of any of thismakes sense without context.
Exactly. Who or what decides what that context is? A lengthy process to describe but much of that comes down to who is really in power. I'm talking about it in a bigger sense. In our case, we have values based much on how the system functions and keeps us all in line. This is not the place for me to elaborate on that as we could go on forever about it. 
It seems like you are trying to say vlogs are bad because they areinterpreted within some context (they are enculturated) ... This is
the same as saying, vlogs are perceived.No. I didn't say vlogs are bad. Having a shallow nature is only one side of how a vlog can be perceived. It was something I question about my own vlog and have at times pulled stuff down as my perceptions of my own work sometimes change. So often when trolling for video blog visuals one comes upon a massive amount of material, that is in MY opinion, mundane and a waste of time for me to be viewing. It's hard to find consistently good stuff, so one trolls and looks for what one wants to see. There is so much out there to look at that it becomes overwhelming and tiresome. And now... anyone can have a soap box to stand on and ponitificate without responsibility. I usually go in to a site with optimism, looking to validate. I don't find a lot of that yet. 
by example. here is a list of sites I trolled through this morning. I got lucky. there is some good work on these sites. not all of it, but some. all based on my opinion and what my needs are. what i want to collect and record in my brain to be used in another fashion somehow as I may pontificate about to someone else another time.
There is this fundamental process, where an object impinges on a senseorgan - from than instant the signal is translated into a neural
signal, and intensely manipulated, and eventually it is labeled - itis given meaning probably someone in association areas of the cortext(in class, I used to say then a miracle happens).
There is nothing that can be labeled or given meaning that is notenculterated.The best we can do - the only thing we can do - is to recognize thatthis process of subjective perception is reality.
What we think of as objective and emperical is ultimately consensus.I completely agree with you. 
 you begin falacy at that point. as well as personal manipulation, in order to control your world around you I guess I would want to know which part of Shannon'sthinking/agurments/perception would NOT be classified as personal
manipulation ... everything I'm saying and perceiving here iscertainly personal manipulation ... I can't imagine how it could beotherwise ...yes. exactly again. i'm not using my argument as accusation but as what i perceive as fact. i do these things as well to manipulate and control my world as much as i can to get what i want. there is a big hidden part of our existence here and now which can be attributed to the fact that the species does really only to things...eat and reproduce. Genes don't care about videoblogging. 
 langauge is a tool. used to manipulate in order to get what you want.
  I'm pretty sure what you wrote above would constitutelanguage, so, it follows ... well, you know .. I would say that language is the great and fundamental abstractiontool that allows us to function in the world ... and have interesting
discussions like this, I might add ...yes yes yes!!!i mean, we use this stuff in our vlogs. we generally talk in a vlog. speak. use our command of linguistics and continue and some of us are better at continuous sprays of dialogue and some are not. but i also look to be inspired. i look for a good model. the medium in a certain sense is so new that the lack thereof is to be expected. 
i really like your response though. ... well, that was fun ... Richard
hey. aren't you the guy that did the piece about the two walnut trees?






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[videoblogging] The Shallow Nature of Video Blogging

2006-06-02 Thread Shannon Noble

You know,sometimes I look at my own expressions and the content of my work, as well as many others here, and think how shallow and meaningless much of what we do is. We put our own meaning on it as it really has none of it's own. It is all enculturated. We make it up for or own selves to get what we want from others. I feel that way when I look at something like this:
http://www.alternet.org/blogs/video/36871/and ponder.-shannon






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Re: [videoblogging] The Shallow Nature of Video Blogging

2006-06-02 Thread Shannon Noble

it's possible that you miss my point jay.your work is not significant.neither is mine. we add meaning to it by our own right to get what we want. by our own circumstances, we attache meaning and broadcast it.
to get what we want from others. response.On 6/2/06, Jay dedman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 wrote:i dont think this makes my or anyone's work less significant.but you are right
if these bombs attacks were to happen in the USit would be thebiggest deal in the world.huge memorials, exhaustive news coverage, policy changes.but its not happening here.more revealing video made available more often could change that.






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Re: [videoblogging] The Shallow Nature of Video Blogging

2006-06-02 Thread Shannon Noble

On 6/2/06, Michael Sullivan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote
everything needs context.
nothing NEEDS context.you are putting a priority on that thought right now in order to get attention from this group.  i don't intend that as a negative. only as a fact.
shallow and meaningless could equate to therapeutic entertainment value to someone on some day.
seinfeld andbody?else, it could be a fresh awareness of the fact that the world is 99% bullshit and how frustrating that is.
equating a context as being bullshit steps into the realm of judgement.  you begin falacy at that point. as well as personal manipulation, in order to control your world around you.
shallow and meaningless bleeds into so many world governmental actions as much as it bleeds into some random vlog.
government can be equated to the concept of tribalism. tribes my friend. tribes. 
shallow and meaningless are dynamic based on mood and personality. not so.these are only words. language. langauge is a tool.used to manipulate in order to get what you want.






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Re: [videoblogging] Re: The Shallow Nature of Video Blogging

2006-06-02 Thread Shannon Noble

prime example.casey steps up to the bat.takes a meaningless swing.does anyone here care about casey's lack of sleep?if so. so what?casey only stepped in to make a point that casey exists.
after two hours of sleep.On 6/2/06, Casey McKinnon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Well said, Sully.I understand what Shannon is getting at, but aftertwo hours of sleep due to working my ass off
filming/editing/compressing, it's just not what I'm interested inhearing about...Caseyhttp://www.galacticast.com/






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Re: [videoblogging] The Shallow Nature of Video Blogging

2006-06-02 Thread Shannon Noble

On 6/2/06, Josh Leo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

adding meaning to things is what humans do. yes. absolutely.
do you think it is possible to make media free of interpretation, or subjective meaning?an example:to me, my father's 8mm films hold endless amounts of meaning (I never knew him, and now i can feel a connection, and know something more about him)
to you they may seem like crappy videos of boring people walking in a lake or leaving for prom... they are meaningless to youTo me those videos are extremely significantto the rest of the world, nothing would change if they didn't exist.
meaning, interpretation, significance, it is all subjective. but the meaning intended by the author, the meaning that i bring to something, or the meaning you being to something have the same worth
but.but. but.what is the point?you are pretty close to the answer on this. very close.memories of a parent serve a function.
the function of reproduction.there is no matter to any of this.  






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Re: [videoblogging] Re: The Shallow Nature of Video Blogging

2006-06-02 Thread Shannon Noble

On 6/2/06, Enric [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Shannon Noble [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote: You know, sometimes I look at my own expressions and the content of my work,
as well as many others here, and think how shallow and meaningless much ofwhat we do is.Fineoh hell.not another acronym of an answer.FINE 
Fucked upInsecureNeurotic andEmotionalFINE.We put our own meaning on it as it really has none of it's own.
I disagree.A living human being is objectively true as alive.Themeaning a human being develops relates to their purpose in being alive.all conjecture. 
It is all enculturated.Evidence studying the neocortex shows planning as a natural occurencein it's functioning -- not created by culture.creating culture to control.
We make it up for or own selves to get what we want from others.
There's significant creative proof that human beings are capable ofmuch more than parasiticaly living off each other.reiterate. not sure what you are saying here.you are heading the right direction though.






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Re: [videoblogging] Re: The Shallow Nature of Video Blogging

2006-06-02 Thread Shannon Noble

why would i need you to validate me about what i think or respond too?this is a try at manipulation by you.whose values are we talking about here?yours?make a list.
On 6/2/06, Enric [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
You would gain some value in your ideas if you read, thought andresponded to critiques.-- Enric






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Re: [videoblogging] Re: The Shallow Nature of Video Blogging

2006-06-02 Thread Shannon Noble

i demand=ed nada. chump.I made salad. That's all.enric.On 6/3/06, Enric [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 wrote:You started the conversation with demands and continue in that mode,
rather than responding.-- Enric--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Shannon Noble [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote: On 6/2/06, Enric [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Question:What does this have to do with videoblogging?I don't see  a discussion on technique, method, or related activity.At this point  I read Shannon rewording people's meanings to his views and thesis.
  And denying value to people's work in videoblogging.   -- Enric I don't see a list of adjectives or nouns that say what you think videoblogging should be. Give us your list Enric. Tell us what
videoblogging should be. For the benefit of Mr. Kite. Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ~--Everything you need is oneclick away. Make Yahoo! your home pagenow.
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Re: [videoblogging] Re: The Shallow Nature of Video Blogging

2006-06-02 Thread Shannon Noble

What i should say though is this, and I apologize for not acknowledging you earlier..I have no doubts about what you are saying here. Your thoughts are completely legitimate.I am grateful that you responded to my demands.
That unto itself is worth a massive amount of respect. Very much so. Thank you Enric.-shannonOn 6/3/06, Shannon Noble
i demand=ed nada. chump.I made salad. That's all.enric.On 6/3/06, Enric 
 wrote:You started the conversation with demands and continue in that mode,

rather than responding.-- Enric--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Shannon Noble 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote: On 6/2/06, Enric [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Question:What does this have to do with videoblogging?I don't see  a discussion on technique, method, or related activity.At this point  I read Shannon rewording people's meanings to his views and thesis.
  And denying value to people's work in videoblogging.   -- Enric I don't see a list of adjectives or nouns that say what you think videoblogging should be. Give us your list Enric. Tell us what
videoblogging should be. For the benefit of Mr. Kite. Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ~--Everything you need is oneclick away. Make Yahoo! your home pagenow.
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Re: [videoblogging] Re: The Shallow Nature of Video Blogging

2006-06-02 Thread Shannon Noble

Huh. Now I'm confused. You say it's entertaining but no one will enjoy it? Who cares?Do you have a need for entertainment?Is that the purpose of videoblogging too?Too entertain?
On 6/3/06, Enric [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Though this verbal jousting is somewhat entertaining, I don't thinkeveryone will enjoy it.So I'll stop on here for now.






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Re: [videoblogging] The Shallow Nature of Video Blogging

2006-06-02 Thread Shannon Noble

busted.why is it interesting to you?you are correct on the use of judgement.i'm looking for mistakes from the likes of yourself to find holes in my vernacular.so that i can be more aware of my own 
mistakes in vlogs to come. thanks for the observations.On 6/3/06, Anne Walk 

hey shannon,i'm a wee bit confused about your thoughts on meaning as meanings are always ascribed and never innate. there is no inherent meaning in anything. 'shallow is a judgement you are ascribing to the meaning.
it's also interesting to watch you manipulate with this thread so that you exist. i exist because of media. i am the media. the media is the message. i am the message.blah, blah, blah and pass the booze.

On 6/2/06, Shannon Noble 

You know,sometimes I look at my own expressions and the content of my work, as well as many others here, and think how shallow and meaningless much of what we do is. We put our own meaning on it as it really has none of it's own. It is all enculturated. We make it up for or own selves to get what we want from others. I feel that way when I look at something like this:
http://www.alternet.org/blogs/video/36871/and ponder.-shannon









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-- Anne Walkhttp://loadedpun.com









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Re: [videoblogging] Re: Promotional Vlogcaster needed-part time

2006-05-17 Thread Shannon Noble

huh.dna.allegory and metaphorical discriptions are all part of the expansion.dna/genes do not care about your feelings or ideas about beauty. they only need to reproduce. how they reproduce, doesn't matter to them genes. as long as they can reproduce. 
genes made up god, so they could reproduce. genes let women vote in some places and keep burkas on them in others, so they can reproduce or add power and capital so that others could reproduce, but this it tribal then. 
and genes are tribal. survival. it goes further.much.culture is part of the control mechanism.On 5/16/06, 
kris manalien [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Excuse me, but surely you mean Cultural DeclineFor an example of beauty and culture, visit my bloghttp://blip.tv/file/29678--- Rob Parrish 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:-Last night I read the sexism/objectification of womendiscussion onthe yahoo vloggers group.I thought I would join the
discussion bysharing a video I made in the late 1990s.Itchronicles an experiencea friend of mine had involving sexual harassment inVenezuela. Ijuxtaposed her experiences with imagery from one of
America's greatcelebrations of sexism, the Miss America Pageant.Check out the movie athttp://www.hoppervideo.net/2006/05/miss-gringa.html
I believe that human beings inherently love beauty.The problem withour culture today is that we have fetishised aparticular version offemale beauty and elevated it above all other versions
of beauty. Sothe fact that a person seeking a large audienceattempts to recruit amouthpiece that satisfies the current cultural fetishis notsurprising. The question for all of us, as makers ofmedia, is
whether we want to be part of an effort to expandsociety's conceptionof beauty or do we simply want to play it as it laysand cater tothe current state of our cultural development.Peace,
Rob--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, arizpgapro[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Golf Publisher Syndications publishes over 40 online
golf publications, reaching over 2 million golfers amonth. We need to hire a contract female vlogcaster forshort promotional vlogs on resorts and golf courses. 
http://www.golfpublisher.com/jobs/forms/vlogging.htm Please apply here and a reprentative will get withyou. Randy Lindner Golf Publisher
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Re: [videoblogging] Re: Brouhaha video links at WATM

2006-05-13 Thread Shannon Noble

Huh. Well, uh, I have an update for you jonny, thanks for your efforts.-shannonhttp://x.nnon.tv/vlog/2006/05/hottie.html
On 5/12/06, jonny goldstein
  I put together links to all the videos relating to the brouhaha that I
  could find   Here:  
   If I left any videos out, let me know and I'll update the article.






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Re: [videoblogging] Re: My video reply to Ryanne and Britt

2006-05-13 Thread Shannon Noble

spam.http://x.nnon.tv/vlog/2006/05/hottie.htmlOn 5/12/06, Enric 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Alternate views on this would be valuable.The planning wiki is at:






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Re: [videoblogging] Re: My video reply to Ryanne and Britt

2006-05-12 Thread Shannon Noble

HI ADAM!BRILLIANT!!!On 5/12/06, Adam Quirk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

HI SHANNON! http://thepanvideos.com/suppendapo/suppendapo_8.movI MADE THAT AFTER WATCHING YOURS. IT DOESN'T REALLY RELATE, BUT FUCK IT!

On 5/11/06, Shannon Noble 

video reply located here:http://nnon.tv/movie/ryan4.movby they way ryan, you are gettin' some sun in California.
you are looking good!-shannon








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Re: [videoblogging] Re: My video pre-reply

2006-05-12 Thread Shannon Noble

Very Nice Chuck!Makes me want to get less freakoid someday. The delivery and _expression_ of these ideas was done in an emotional way without being abusive about it. Makes one realize the intelligence and importance of the person delivering the message. 
Thanks for posting that. -ShannonOn 5/12/06, Chuck Olsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Here's a video from the Blogumentary archives, dealing with gender representation in the
blogosphere. Pretty much every issue that pops up on this list has been hashed out beforewith text blogs, and indeed other media. But, you know, it's good stuff to talk about, eventhough I do wonder if anything new can be said.
http://blogumentary.org/video/heather_derek.movShannon and Adam, you guys are both brilliant freakoids. Y'all might like today's MN Story,
it's an interview with one of the dudes from NEGATIVLAND, the original (?) culturejammers. They are all white men from the United States. Sorry.cheers,chuckmnstories.com






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Re: [videoblogging] Re: My video reply to Ryanne and Britt

2006-05-11 Thread Shannon Noble

video reply located here:http://nnon.tv/movie/ryan4.movby they way ryan, you are gettin' some sun in California.you are looking good!-shannon






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[videoblogging] Someone has a monkey

2006-05-08 Thread Shannon Noble

http://www.dhlovelife.com/index.htmlwith life fullfilling pieces like this, who needs a blankslate, or a boom.






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[videoblogging] Shameless Self Promotion

2006-04-13 Thread Shannon Noble

Because i've been out of the loop doing things other






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Re: [videoblogging] Indian videobloggers?

2006-01-24 Thread Shannon Noble
No problemo.

Just send the rupees to my friend in Los Angeles.

I'll get you the footage.

No problemo.

On 1/23/06, Adam Quirk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Anyone here from India, near Jalandhar, with a video camera?

 I can offer you some money to film this event for our company:

 The 1st 'Miss Fitness India' and 44th National Junior Body-Building

 February 11 and 12


 You probably only need to film the second day, not both.


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[videoblogging] Vloggercon 2006 NYC

2005-10-13 Thread Shannon Noble
Any thoughts on this yet? For January.

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