Re: [videoblogging] Re: Copyright and fair use... it ain't over yet.

2007-12-27 Thread Steve Rhodes
The high school student who is running the page clearly has more sense
than they and the lawyers (and why don't they run their own YouTube page).

  No, fair use isn't limited to three second clips.

  And Jason surely knows more than whatever lawyers they have sending
threatening letters.

  He was a staff attorney at EFF, taught at intellectual property and
cyberlaw at UC Berkeley,
and is now Associate Director of the Samuelson Law, Technology,  Public
Policy Clinic there.

  They also don't seem to realize that if they do take legal action far more
people will
watch the video than if they had just realized no harm was done by a parody
up since July seen by under 3000 people.

Steve Rhodes  photos blogs   interesting articles  sites

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Re: [videoblogging] Re: Copyright and fair use... it ain't over yet.

2007-12-27 Thread Markus Sandy
fyi, this person has joined this group today

more conversation here ...

On Dec 27, 2007, at 5:23 PM, Heath wrote:

 Um...I'm not sure why I got this email, but I did, so I thought I
 would pass it along but it was sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] Of
 course this may be old news

 Hello, My name is Laura Phillips from the University. I am an
 Administrative Director for the school and I represent Christine in
 this discussion. .


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Re: [videoblogging] Re: Copyright and fair use... it ain't over yet.

2007-12-26 Thread Irina
thank you john for not sitting down on the job!
i am really looking forward to see how this turns out
really, i just think rhyming crustacean with vacation is all i care
about and i am trying to protect the rhyme LOL
jason, as always, u da bomb

On Dec 25, 2007 11:43 PM, ractalfece [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   A lawyer who is an expert in copyright law and online free speech has
 offered to represent me pro bono! And it all happened because I
 started talking about on this list and Irina forwarded it to Jason
 Schultz at LawGeek who is now representing me. I can't thank everybody
 enough. File this one as an instance of the community standing up for

  seems like a bad deal, but maybe worth the hassle of fighting Youtube
  and her DMCA takedown request.
  this kind of thing sends a chill through the creative air.



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Re: [videoblogging] Re: Copyright and fair use... it ain't over yet.

2007-12-26 Thread Jay dedman
 A lawyer who is an expert in copyright law and online free speech has
  offered to represent me pro bono! And it all happened because I
  started talking about on this list and Irina forwarded it to Jason
  Schultz at LawGeek who is now representing me. I can't thank everybody
  enough. File this one as an instance of the community standing up for

that's awesome.
I would love to set some precedent for quoting video.
as I said before, it's an accepted practice to quote text from
someone's blog and make comment on it.
this is called conversation/critique.
When a videoblogger quotes video from someone's blog and makes comment
on it, there's a big chance it's called infringement.

I know its a hazy issue, but be great to start defining.
if not, we're just going to have all these separate videos on youtube
with no interaction between them.
its just TV again with lots of different channels.


917 371 6790

Re: [videoblogging] Re: Copyright and fair use... the situation is resolved.

2007-12-24 Thread Markus Sandy
so much for living in the now :)

On Dec 24, 2007, at 12:20 AM, ractalfece wrote:

 Otherwise, she will hunt me down, her team is researching my website
 server right now to have it shut down. She will ask youtube to delete
 my entire account. She says she will begin a two year legal battle.
 And she will sue me for slander if I start blogging about it or
 speaking in forums. I'm avoiding using her name right now because
 geez, she would not be happy if she found out I was talking about it.

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Re: [videoblogging] Re: Copyright and fair use... the situation is resolved.

2007-12-24 Thread Jay dedman
 Well, the good news is I worked out a compromise. The bad news is the
  video I just spent 10+ hours working on will never be posted.
  She wants me to sever all connection to her from the video, remove her
  name, the metatags and the youtube response connection so that nobody
  watching her stuff will find my stuff. But I can keep the video.
  Otherwise, she will hunt me down, her team is researching my website
  server right now to have it shut down. She will ask youtube to delete
  my entire account. She says she will begin a two year legal battle.
  And she will sue me for slander if I start blogging about it or
  speaking in forums. I'm avoiding using her name right now because
  geez, she would not be happy if she found out I was talking about it.

i wonder if she has a psychic assassination squad.
these dudes in blue jumpsuits who meditate outside your housethe
bad kind of meditating.
black meditation.

seems like a bad deal, but maybe worth the hassle of fighting Youtube
and her DMCA takedown request.
this kind of thing sends a chill through the creative air.

again, I ask the question:
Why is is perfectly normal, accepted, and encouraged to use blocks of
text from someone's text blog in your own text blog?
No one would scream copyright infringement if I took your entire text
blog post, and responded to each paragraph.
this would be called criticism, parody, and CONVERSATION.

Can you imagine someone emailing Blogger because I used part of your text blog?
no one would respond, or need to respond.

But if a videoblogger uses any part of someone else's video, it
becomes copyright infringement.
Has the MPAA infected our minds with ideas of piracy that we're crazy?
Youtube is so sensitive to people posting Simpson's clipsthat its
extending to anyone using anyone's else's clips.
The threat of Youtube deleting your account kills the connection
between people's work.


917 371 6790

RE: [videoblogging] Re: Copyright and fair use...

2007-12-23 Thread John Cardenas

John yep, definitely , your version is so damn hilarious-keep on...I am 
still laughing

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Re: [videoblogging] Re: Copyright and fair use...

2007-12-22 Thread Steve Rhodes
 A remix can be fair use (Dara Birnbaum's work
starting in the late 70s is just one example.  here is one of her pieces
and more are under related  )

 the sites I included have good explanations of fair use.

Steve Rhodes  photos blogs   interesting articles  sites

Re: [videoblogging] Re: Copyright and fair use...

2007-12-22 Thread Brook Hinton
Unfortunately only a judge or jury ultimately gets to decide what's
fair use, which means the person without the in house legal team is at
the mercy of the person with legal resources regardless of who's right
and who's wrong. Follow Steve's links above for the nitty gritty. This
seems like an open and shut case of fair use to me, but I'm on the
wayyy media hacky lefto archist side of that issue so my
interpretation isn't what would necessarily hold up in court. In my
world, unless someone's pirating (making money off of a copy of
something as if you are the producer / selling something as if its the
real thing when its not) or non-satirically making it look like you
endorse something when you don't (which is libel so doesn't even fall
under this umbrella anyway), the use should not only be protected, but
get a little Upholder of Free Speech gold star. The Fair Use
exception can be interpreted to be pretty close to that (minus the
gold star of course) - unfortunately, it can be interpreted in the
reverse direction too, depending on which of the evaluative factors
listed in the law is weighted more heavily by those making the
judgment.  The DMCA muddies the waters further.


Brook Hinton
film/video/audio art
studio vlog/blog:

Re: [videoblogging] Re: Copyright and fair use...

2007-12-22 Thread Brian Richardson - WhatTheCast?
On Sat, 22 Dec 2007 11:11 am, Jay dedman wrote:
 All the stories I hear make it seem like the video hosts' have no
 choice but to take down any video that is someone asks.

They don't have to, but they do most of the time in the name of rear-end 
coverage. You do have a recourse to fight a takedown in writing, and 
challenging in writing typically causes the host to review the material 
... I used this once with YouTube to get the Stormtroopers Gone Wild 
video restored when it was improperly taken down.
Brian Richardson

Re: [videoblogging] Re: Copyright and fair use...

2007-12-22 Thread Brian Richardson - WhatTheCast?
On Sat, 22 Dec 2007 10:49 am, Brook Hinton wrote:
 Unfortunately only a judge or jury ultimately gets to decide what's
 fair use, which means the person without the in house legal team is at
 the mercy of the person with legal resources regardless of who's right
 and who's wrong.

Brook is dead on here, which is why I avoid video remixes and use of 
movie footage. Some use of pictures of characters from movies  shows 
seems to be kosher, but long video and music clips steer off the road of 
fair use straight into the ditch of copyright infringment.

This is why I own a lot of stock music libraries :)
Brian Richardson

Re: [videoblogging] Re: Copyright and fair use...

2007-12-22 Thread Jay dedman
  They don't have to, but they do most of the time in the name of rear-end
  coverage. You do have a recourse to fight a takedown in writing, and
  challenging in writing typically causes the host to review the material
  ... I used this once with YouTube to get the Stormtroopers Gone Wild
  video restored when it was improperly taken down.

so if someone asks blip/youtube/etc to take down a video...they take it down.
then I can say its fairuse, and they put it back up.
Then its up to the other person to take me to court?

I guess im trying to figure out how much interpretation all the
players in this process have BEFORE it hts the courts.
I feel we as creators and hosting services need to help define what is fair use.
then stand up for it.


917 371 6790

Re: [videoblogging] Re: Copyright and fair use...

2007-12-22 Thread Jay dedman
  Which brings up another point, my video was posted as a video
  response. I re-read their original message (from July 14th) after I
  posted my response. We aren't going to authorize it to be posted to
  our own video in connection, though, just to let you know, but we are
  happy to let you use our vid in your own profile stuff even though it
  is copyrighted. I'm glad your friends are enjoying it too, so carry
  on, oh silly one that you are!
  Geez, sort of sounds like they granted me the use of their copyrighted
  material. Now, six months later, I have stolen their work. It's absurd.

as has been said before, the ones with the better lawyers will usually
always win.
But why do we always have to take everything to court?

When the disagreement is between two independent creators, I wish we could
define fair use and the subtleties of CC licensing as a community. It's
like we need to all agree on best practices. By allowing Youtube or any
hosting site to be the police, we're just giving then more power than they

since no one is making money hereit seems more a matter of this woman
not having a sense of humor.
god knows Ive been skewed in my time.

John, just post this video to blip if Youtube is going to take it down.
if anything, controversy gets you views.

It reminds me of Bill Cosby going after Channel 101 for this cartoon.
(watch episode #1!)
Somehow they were able to keep it up on their site:

The first Channel 101 series ever to go three consecutive months at #1,
 House of Cosbys was one of those rare 101 breakouts that went on to satisfy
 the world. In the show, the real Bill Cosby never came along and destroyed
 his own clones, but in real life, creator Justin Roiland and site administrator Dan Harmon received cease and desist
 orders from Cosby's attorney in June 2005. The legal questions ground HOC's
 intensive animation process to a halt and House of Cosbys became Channel
 101's first show to be killed not by the audience or by its own creator, but
 by lawyers. An unofficial fifth episode was created for the live screening
 by Romano and Falconer but is not served by for genuine
 legal concerns. However, due to outcry and outrage, Channel 101 will
 continue to carry the first four episodes for your enjoyment.


917 371 6790

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Re: [videoblogging] Re: Copyright and fair use...

2007-12-22 Thread Jay dedman
  Oh, man. You need to send Bonny out to interview Christine Breese on
  the subject of Monkey Mind. It would truly be the Greatest Thing Ever. ;)

Lan, please do this. they can mind meld.


917 371 6790