Re: Matching JUST the nth occurence of a text in a line

2006-12-01 Thread mzyzik

I am puzzled by a slightly more complicated version:
how to match a '%' character following the 2nd occurrence of home?


On Fri, Dec 01, 2006 at 09:09:17AM -0500, Charles E Campbell Jr wrote:
 Peter Hodge wrote:
 for your reference:
  \{-} makes the '.' match as little as possible
  \zs makes the search match begin at this point in the pattern
 To generalize to the n-th occurrence:  (put the qty of skipped matches in N)
 So, for the 2nd home: let N=1.
 Chip Campbell

Re: Matching JUST the nth occurence of a text in a line

2006-12-01 Thread mzyzik
On Fri, Dec 01, 2006 at 10:34:14AM -0500, Charles E Campbell Jr wrote:
 I am puzzled by a slightly more complicated version:
  how to match a '%' character following the 2nd occurrence of home?

This pattern doesn't work. Try it on this line:
home home home home home home% home

It should match nothing on that line, because the '%' doesn't follow the
2nd occurrence as desired.


 where N is 1 for the 2nd occurrence (N is 2 for the third occurrence, 
 This pattern matches up to and including the 2nd home, extends past a 
 minimal amount of anything up to but not including a %, whereupon the 
 pattern matching starts.
 Chip Campbell

anyone know how to execute a selection?

2006-11-25 Thread mzyzik

What I want is similar to evaluating a region in emacs. I want to be
able to make a selection of vim code, and then execute it.

:source only takes files.

As for :exe, I have tried this: :exe getreg(''), and found it to be

Anyone have ideas?


Re: anyone know how to execute a selection?

2006-11-25 Thread mzyzik



On Sat, Nov 25, 2006 at 02:13:11PM -0600, Bill McCarthy wrote:
 On Sat 25-Nov-06 1:40pm -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  What I want is similar to evaluating a region in emacs. I want to be
  able to make a selection of vim code, and then execute it.
  :source only takes files.
  As for :exe, I have tried this: :exe getreg(''), and found it to be
  Anyone have ideas?
 I'm not familiar with emacs, but your question reads like
 you want to visually select some text, yank it to a register
 and source it.
 If you yank it with just 'y' you will use the  register.
 To source that type:
 To read more:
 :help :@
 BTW, if each line of the text you are yanking starts with a
 ':', you can just execute the contents of the register with
 the normal command '@' (assuming the  register).
 :help @
 Best regards,

should space exit completion menu?

2006-11-19 Thread mzyzik

Recently I was appreciating the beauty of using pumvisible() to setup
all kinds of mappings for the completion menu (ex. enter to do c-y).

I noticed when messing around with all of that, that space actually
exits the menu. Is this the desired behavior? Sometimes I am doing line
completion (c-x,c-l) and I type part of the line to narrow the matches;
however, space just exits the completion. If someone wants space to
behave this way, couldn't he/she just make the mapping?


P.S. Another example is c-xc-f; and some of the filenames have
spaces in them. The menu exits before you can make your selection.

completion tip from

2006-11-18 Thread mzyzik

Due to some good feedback I've gotten on this tip, I'm posting it to
this list.

Here is the link:

The tip shows you how to make the completion popup menu in Vim work
exactly like in IDEs. Meaning, you can just launch the menu whenever you
want, type a few characters to narrow down matches, then just hit enter
to insert the selected completion item. Without the mappings on that
page, this behavior is not possible.


P.S. I always welcome suggestions.

Re: buffer list count

2006-11-13 Thread mzyzik
On Tue, Nov 14, 2006 at 02:04:40AM +0100, A.J.Mechelynck wrote:
 Eggum, DavidX S wrote:
 You can speed up the calculations considerably if you keep several
 things in mind:
 - buffer numbers are never reused.
 - built-in vim functions are written in C and are very fast
 - although you can open many files at once (like vim *.cs), buffers are
 usually (always?) deleted one at a time.
 Not always. The :bwipeout and :bdelete commands can take any number of 
 space-separated buffer numbers and/or non-purely-numeric buffer names. 
 Personally I sometimes use :bw in that way when :ls! shows too many 
 buffers for my taste.

That is correct. You can do something like 1,30bw.

However, the only bugs I've found so far with the Buf(Add/Delete)
autocmds have been related to autocmds and something like vim *.c.

If I just put nested in all the autocmds and maually count the buffers
on VimEnter, my scheme will probably work.

 Best regards,


buffer list count

2006-11-12 Thread mzyzik

I am trying to keep track of the number of buffers in the buffer list.

I'm doing this with the following code:
autocmd BufAdd * let g:zbuflistcount += 1
autocmd BufDelete * let g:zbuflistcount -= 1

The problem is I found this to be very unreliable in some circumstances,
and I'm not sure why.

The most obvious one is vim *.cs where multiple files would be opened;
however, the BufAdd autocmd wouldn't run enough times.

Any ideas? Thanks.


Re: buffer list count

2006-11-12 Thread mzyzik
On Sun, Nov 12, 2006 at 07:14:49PM -0600, Bill McCarthy wrote:
 On Sun 12-Nov-06 6:17pm -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I am trying to keep track of the number of buffers in the buffer list.
  I'm doing this with the following code:
  autocmd BufAdd * let g:zbuflistcount += 1
  autocmd BufDelete * let g:zbuflistcount -= 1
  The problem is I found this to be very unreliable in some circumstances,
  and I'm not sure why.
 One approach is to eliminate the baggage of autocmd
 triggering and write a function to perform the count on the
 fly.  Such as this Vim 7.0 function:

Well I'm reporting the above g:zbuflistcount in my 'rulerformat'.

I really don't think I can afford the baggage of calling your function
from within my 'rulerformat'.

 function CountListedBuffers()
   let cnt = 0
   for nr in range(1,bufnr($))
 if buflisted(nr)
   let cnt += 1
   return cnt
 You may need to replace the buflisted() function to
 something accurate to your meaning of in the buffer list.
 Best regards,


how can these two act differently?

2006-11-08 Thread mzyzik

I decided to make a mapping that simply hits down whenever the popup
menu comes up. This is to make the popup behavior work more like in
IDEs, where the user can just select the nearest completion item at any
moment by hitting enter (c-y does this in Vim).

Here are two mappings I tried to accomplish my goal:

1. inoremap c-n c-r=pumvisible() ? \ltc-n : 
\ltc-n\ltc-r=pumvisible() ? \\\ltdown\ : \\\ltcrcr
2. inoremap expr c-n pumvisible() ? \ltc-n : 
\ltc-n\ltc-r=pumvisible() ? \\\ltdown\ : \\\ltcr

To me, they should be identical. However, the first doesn't work in some
circumstances, whereas the second always works. Specifically, #1 doesn't
work when the vim/gvim window is not large.

For those of you who like the idea, use mapping #2. Here are more ideas:
set cot+=menuone,longest
inoremap expr cr pumvisible() ? \c-y : \c-gu\cr


Re: Flickering of completion menu

2006-11-07 Thread mzyzik
I would also love a flicker-less popup menu. I use the completion
excessively, since I've found it makes coding faster and less error
prone. I noticed the menu only flickers in some cases.


On Wed, Nov 08, 2006 at 10:10:09AM +1100, Peter Hodge wrote:
 I agree, it would be great if the popup-menu could be optimized.  One of the
 best features of Vim is that is fast enough to keep up with my keystrokes 
 editors will begin to 'lag' when given commands too rapidly, and I have to 
 and wait for them).  I often have to slacken my pace when it comes to Vim's
 popup-menu, because it takes at least .2 seconds to redraw each time I press
 --- Nikolai Weibull [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  As you've probably all noticed the completion menu flickers when you
  move through the items rapidly.  Why is this?  Is it really necessary
  to redraw the whole completion menu when it really only should require
  redrawing the item previously selected and the item selected now [1]?
  Anyway, would this be possible to implement?
  Also, here's a set of mappings that make the digits move their value
  number of items down the completion list (if displayed):
  for digit in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9]
execute 'inoremap silent ' . digit . ' C-R=pumvisible() ? ' .
  repeat('\ltC-N', digit) . ' : ' . digit . 'CR'
  (I guess this could be extended to include -n, for 1 = n = 9, which
  would move n number of items upward.  Any takers?)
  It flickers like mad, but at least it goes a lot faster than holding
  down CTRL-N or CTRL-P.
  [1] Excepting the case where one begins to scroll in the menu, when
  all items need to be redrawn, as they move up or down one step - which
  leads to a second question, wouldn't it be a lot more economical to
  scroll like half a menu or something, so that scrolling wouldn't
  require so many redraws?  Or at least utilize the terminal codes that
  enable scrolling in a buffer to be done with only redrawing the first
  or last line when scrolling by a single line in a buffer?
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avoiding unneeded buffer scrolling

2006-11-05 Thread mzyzik

It bothers me how when switching between tabs (gt) or switching between
buffers (:bn, :bp), sometimes a buffer will end up being
shifted/scrolled up/down within its window.

For the occasions that I want to shift the buffer I have keys like zz
to do this manually. I don't want this to happen automatically. Is there
any way to avoid this automatic shifting that I'm talking about?


P.S. There is a shift that frequently happens when closing the second to
last tabpage. The last line of the newly active window will scroll to
the bottom line of the window.

Re: getchar() trick with recursive expr map

2006-10-20 Thread mzyzik

Yeah it always bothered me that there's no way to monitor every keypress
unless you map every key, which is quite ugly.


On Thu, Oct 19, 2006 at 11:26:53PM -0700, Hari Krishna Dara wrote:
 I remember someone posting a patch to add a new event called GetChar to
 receive an event for every keypress. This trick is not as powerful and
 flexible as that, but it can be very useful for a plugin, and is
 supported in Vim7.0 with no patches.
 Often there are questions on this list on how to capture every key press
 from a user, and the answer is that it can't, unless you map all keys.
 But even if you map all keys, it is not flexible enough. Here is a trick
 with recursive expr maps and getchar() to get all keys pass through
 your function. You can do whatever you want with the keys, swallow them
 or pass them to Vim.
 Here is a demo that shows how to use it in insert mode. What the
 function does is to double every key you press, except Esc and C-C,
 when it breaks the loop.
 imap buffer silent expr F12 Double(\F12)
 function! Double(mymap)
 let char = getchar()
   catch /^Vim:Interrupt$/
 let char = \Esc
   exec BPBreakIf(char == 32, 1)
   if char == '^\d\+$' || type(char) == 0
 let char = nr2char(char)
   endif  It is the ascii code.
   if char == \Esc
 return ''
   return char.char.\C-R=Redraw()\CR.a:mymap
 function! Redraw()
   return ''
 You can do almost eanything that you can do normally in an insert mode,
 press BS, C-U etc. Hope someone finds this useful.
 I will also post this as a tip.
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Re: Searching for selected text

2006-09-30 Thread mzyzik
I don't like this one more, but it's a good alternative:

Also, I feel that one day  might do something in visual; at least
visual line mode.


On Sat, Sep 30, 2006 at 01:37:59PM +0200, Bram Moolenaar wrote:
 Sometimes people ask me for a command to search for the text that is
 currently visually selected.  You could add a mapping for the '/' key,
 but then you lose the possibility to extend the visual area by
 searching for a pattern.
 Since we might need more commands in Visual mode later, and we only have
 a few keys left to be used, we need to use two key combinations for
 new commands in Visual mode.
 I think we can start using the '' key.  Currently it doesn't do
 anything.  For now we could add the commands:
   /  search for the Visually selected text forward
   ?  same, backward
 Is there a good alternative?
 Any resemblance between the above views and those of my employer, my terminal,
 or the view out my window are purely coincidental.  Any resemblance between
 the above and my own views is non-deterministic.  The question of the
 existence of views in the absence of anyone to hold them is left as an
 exercise for the reader.  The question of the existence of the reader is left
 as an exercise for the second god coefficient.  (A discussion of
 non-orthogonal, non-integral polytheism is beyond the scope of this article.)
   (Ralph Jennings)
  /// Bram Moolenaar -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --   \\\
 ///sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
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  \\\help me help AIDS victims --

Re: Vim BOF session

2006-09-03 Thread mzyzik
On Sun, Sep 03, 2006 at 01:21:06PM +0200, Mikolaj Machowski wrote:
 Dnia sobota, 2 wrze?nia 2006 12:36, Kim Schulz napisa?:
  Omnicompletion is a great new feature, but I would like to see it
  become even stronger. The intellisense plugin for gvim on win32 has
  some of the features I would love to see in the generic omni completion:
  quickhelp for items in list if available:
  parameter help in tooltip:
  Some of this might be possible to make with scripts, but it often tend
  to become slow if not natively implemented. (and please kill the pink
  color - it is really ugly)
 You point can be split in two:
 1. Intellisense plugin is tied to widget system. It could mean that
popup system had to be written each time for each GUI. Monstrous
effort for writing and maintaining.

But the current popup system in Vim does not require intense rewrites
for each GUI.

 2. Info provided by intellisense can be provided by current
implementation of omnicompletion. Problem is efficiency and size of
data. For example inclusion of built-in functions in PHP
omnicompletion caused that phpcomplete.vim has almost 300K. Adding
help would easily explode that file to few M [1]. Parsing of PHPdoc is
also possible but it could take time (phpcomplete is already

pythoncomplete.vim is about 20K and seems to return a wealth of info.

Also, I'm more interested in plugins that 3rd parties might make, that
won't be included into Vim. Those 3rd party plugins might require people
to download megs of xml data files or something of the sort; and who
cares, it's not bundled with vim.


 [1] Hmm. It could be done by external manual and dependency on `lynx
 -dump`. OK, done (1h), but it is unusable because scrolling
 of info window is practically impossible.

Re: tab split scrolling problem

2006-06-25 Thread mzyzik

Can someone please try this out and confirm:

On Tue, Jun 20, 2006 at 09:18:40PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I mentioned this problem once on the list before; however, the issue
 wasn't reproducible. Now I found a way to consistently reproduce it.
 1. Open a new plain vim in a terminal.
 2. :h to open a help window.
 3. :wincmd o to close all other windows except the help window.
 4. G to go to the last line.
 5. c-e a few times (around 5) to scroll down.
 6. :tab split to open a new tab.
 7. :tabclose to close the new tab and return to the previous.
 After all of this, the space generated by scrolling (via c-e)

Re: tab split scrolling problem

2006-06-25 Thread mzyzik

Can someone please try this out and confirm:

On Tue, Jun 20, 2006 at 09:18:40PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I mentioned this problem once on the list before; however, the issue
 wasn't reproducible. Now I found a way to consistently reproduce it.
 1. Open a new plain vim in a terminal.
 2. :h to open a help window.
 3. :wincmd o to close all other windows except the help window.
 4. G to go to the last line.
 5. c-e a few times (around 5) to scroll down.
 6. :tab split to open a new tab.
 7. :tabclose to close the new tab and return to the previous.
 After all of this, the space generated by scrolling (via c-e)

tab split scrolling problem

2006-06-20 Thread mzyzik

I mentioned this problem once on the list before; however, the issue
wasn't reproducible. Now I found a way to consistently reproduce it.

1. Open a new plain vim in a terminal.
2. :h to open a help window.
3. :wincmd o to close all other windows except the help window.
4. G to go to the last line.
5. c-e a few times (around 5) to scroll down.
6. :tab split to open a new tab.
7. :tabclose to close the new tab and return to the previous.

After all of this, the space generated by scrolling (via c-e)


Re: completion question

2006-06-18 Thread mzyzik

I'm curious to know peoples' opinions on this matter, especially Bram,
since he's back.
The issue is about whether the completion popup menu should disappear
when the user hits backspace all the way back to the initial
pre-completed state. Right now, the popup window disappears.


On Mon, May 15, 2006 at 12:00:26AM +0200, Martin Stubenschrott wrote:
 On Sun, May 14, 2006 at 05:24:35PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  If I hit c-n on an empty line to do keyword completion ('completeopt'
  is set to longest,menuone), and I type a few chars, then hit backspace
  all the way up to the beginning of the line; the popup window at that
  point disappears. The behavior used to be that the popup window would
  stay up. I think it's inappropriate to have the popup window disappear
  just because you arrived at the initial state when the popup window
  appeared. Couldn't the behavior be that the popup window disappears when
  you go yet passed this point?
 I also agree with your point.
 Often after pressing c-xc-o to do context senstitive completion, I
 press one character to narrow things down.
 When I then see, that the narrowed matches don't make sense, I want to
 press backspace to get all the previous machtes back.
 E.g. often I don't know if it's .length() or .size() to get the length
 of an array. Then I press array.c-xc.o and a 'l' - if this
 doesn't show me a .length() parameter, pressing bssc-n to complete
 .size() would make sense.

commandline window

2006-06-01 Thread mzyzik

Is there an elegant way of checking if the current window is a command
line window other than seeing if the buffer name is command-line ?


Re: VIM script replacement question

2006-05-25 Thread mzyzik

The one line :%s way that was posted before is the truly elegant way of
solving this problem. However, I found that macros are especially
appropriate in this case. I was able to execute the whole task in 15
seconds by recording a macro for the first line, and then playing it
back 26 times. Remember q is for recording macros.


On Thu, May 25, 2006 at 05:26:16PM +0300, Nikolaos A. Patsopoulos wrote:
 Hi all,
 I've got a series of files in the following format (tab delimited):
 I want to transform them in the following format:
 1 0
 0 0
 0 0
 0 0
 In detail:
 1.I want in front of the number in the first column to add  # , then  
 change line after the value
 2. change line after 3rd column
 3. change line after 5th column
 4. repeat all three steps
 Any ideas??
 Thanks in advance,

Re: [vim7] a strange behavior of completeopt

2006-05-16 Thread mzyzik
On Tue, May 16, 2006 at 08:57:57AM -0400, Benji Fisher wrote:
 On Tue, May 16, 2006 at 04:06:27PM +0800, Linsong wrote:
  Hi, all
 I encounter a strange problem when use vim7, the following steps 
  will reproduce the problem:
 1. run vim with command: vim -u NONE -U NONE
 2. set the follwoing options:
  :set nocompatible
  :set completeopt+=longest
 3. input some text into the buffer like this: bet better
 4. then input foC-P, fo will completed as foo, that is expected, 
  input '.b' after foo, now  the text becomes  foo.b, then press 
  C-P, it will become fo.
 Is it expected or maybe a bug?  Any explanation is welcomed!
  Best regards,
  I can confirm this.  It looks like a bug to me.  I have run into
 similar problems before, but have not figured out how to reproduce them.
 Thanks for the reproducible example.
 HTH   --Benji Fisher

I can confirm the same as well. Probably a bug. Difficult to catch
because normally people get out of completion mode. If, at foo.b, one
presses c-e to exit from completion mode, the following c-p will
work appropriately.


Re: Vertical splits

2006-05-15 Thread mzyzik
You can always do a :vertical before the command, and whenever there is
a split inside the command, the split will be vertical.


On Mon, May 15, 2006 at 05:27:29AM -0700, Salman Khilji wrote:
 Regarding my previous post, I would like to change teh
 default behavior of VIM to prefer vertical splits
 instead of horizonal splits.
 I not only want to change C-W ] command, but all
 commands that have to split a window.  Whats the
 quickest way to make this change?
 I am thinking along the lines of editing the VIM
 source code and searching for somehting like
 vertical_split() and horizontal_slit() functions
 and interchanging them.
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Re: Is there a way to move tabs around via the mouse?

2006-05-14 Thread mzyzik
On Sun, May 14, 2006 at 03:28:23PM -0600, Eric Arnold wrote:
 I've uploaded the patch.  It's at proof-of-concept stage.

Eric, I noticed you've made a few patches. I especially like the one
where you introduced the GetChar event. This is a fantastic idea
because the getchar() function itself is very limiting, disabling
normal Vim behavior during its use. Something like this GetChar event
will allow some extremely powerful plugins to be made.
Have you proposed the patch to Bram?


P.S. Maybe a GetCharPre/GetCharPost scheme would be useful, since
because of mappings and what not, you might not know what's going to
happen when the char is processed. You could use GetCharPost to see what
happens after it was processed. Just a thought.

Re: :bd should NOT close the Window

2006-05-12 Thread mzyzik
You can try my short script which does exactly what you want:


On Fri, May 12, 2006 at 08:38:24PM +0300, Yakov Lerner wrote:
 On 5/12/06, Salman Khilji [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 When you have a window split, issuing a :bd command
 closes the buffer AND one panes of the split window as
 I like to have my maximized window split vertically in
 2 panes all the time and would NOT want the :bd
 command to close any of the panes.
 Can it be done?
 You can't make :bd a total no-op. But. You can try the
 following trick to make the deteled buffer *re-appear*.
 Buffer will flick but won't go away if you work out all
 details of this.  Here is the idea:
   1. hook the BufDelete autoevent.
   2. for your undeletable buffer(s), set some b:
 variable, say b:undeletable to true. (you probably
 won't want to make all buffers undeletable, only some).
3. In BufDelete event, check b:undeletable
 flag. If the flag is on, then
4. create new buffer with same size, position,
 contents,  setting, and proper cursor position.
 I didn't try it, but i think it can be made to work.
 You'll need to resolve many small details along
 the way, like how to restore position, contents,
 cursor, and settings of the deleted/restore buffer.
 Note than undo history of the restores buffer
 will be inevitably lost.

Re: [Maybe Off Topic]: To Bram: About your paid job

2006-05-10 Thread mzyzik
 Working for Google is indeed a great honor, and they probably gave you 
 an 'offer you cannot refuse'. I hope you can spend some of the time you 
 work at Google to develop Vim, I know they let their workers do so (this 
 is something you know better than I am).
 Any way, if you do want to continue developing Vim as a full time job I 
 hope you will be able to do so. It is indeed an amazing program, by now, 
 it is the only text editor I can use.

I know several big companies that use Vim internally. Maybe Bram could
continue to work on a free Vim, but charge for support.


Re: cursor shape in terminal vim

2006-05-05 Thread mzyzik
I use urxvt (rxvt-unicode). It supports cursor shape and blinking.


On Fri, May 05, 2006 at 11:27:52PM +0200, Bram Moolenaar wrote:
 William O'Higgins Witteman wrote:
  How do I set vim in the terminal to use the pipe character for the
  cursor when in insert mode?  This seems to be the default behaviour for
  gvim, but I am happiest in my terminal window (or the console) and would
  like this to work there.  Any suggestions?  Thanks.
 In Vim 7 you can use the t_SI and t_EI termcap options.  See :help
 I don't think it is possible in Vim 6.4 or earlier.
 Time is an illusion.  Lunchtime doubly so.
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  /// Bram Moolenaar -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --   \\\
 ///sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
 \\\download, build and distribute --
  \\\help me help AIDS victims --

Re: completeopt: menu|menuone + longest = bug?

2006-05-01 Thread mzyzik
On Tue, May 02, 2006 at 12:13:37AM +0200, Bram Moolenaar wrote:
 Eric Van Dewoestine wrote:
   I know about this: When you type the . and there no complete
   match was inserted (showing the longest common text in this example),
   Vim assumes you are extending the text to reduce the list of matches.
   Thus the completion still starts at BlahBlah.
   You need to stop completion somehow, e.g., with a space and backspace.
   This is not a nice way to work.  I thought of having all punctuation
   characters stop completion, but that breaks completion of items where
   punctuation can be part of the match (e.g., () for functions).
  Ah, that makes sense.   What about an option for specifying what
  characters end the completion?
setlocal completedelim+=.
  or something similar?
 It's too complicated already, adding another option will mainly cause
 more users to get confused.  Also, I wouldn't know what to set it to for

It's not that confusing. This is not a good reason for not implementing
something like 'completedelim'. A better reason would be that nobody
feels like implementing it and documenting it. So far there are three
options starting with complete. This is complicated? I thought
Vim/Emacs are ultra configurable... and the menu/completion system is a
big feature.

If it were up to me, I would have an option for what characters end the
completion, and also what characters select the current completion and
then end the completion... or something like that. Maybe not. At least
something like completedelim.


 ARTHUR: I've said I'm sorry about the old woman, but from the behind you
 looked ...
 DENNIS: What I object to is that you automatically treat me like an 
 ARTHUR: Well ... I AM king.
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  /// Bram Moolenaar -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --   \\\
 ///sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
 \\\download, build and distribute --
  \\\help me help AIDS victims --

Re: probably known bug

2006-04-28 Thread mzyzik
On Fri, Apr 28, 2006 at 04:08:32PM +0200, Nikolai Weibull wrote:
 I found a bug related to syntax highlighting, although I wouldn't be
 surprised if people already know about this. Simply, the syntax
 highlighting sometimes gets messed up and I have to refresh the window
 (with c-l) in order make the highlighting correct again.
 I have been experiencing this for a while. Is there an effort to fix this?
 The syncing could probably be better, but this problem is sometimes
 unavoidable.  Knowing what filetype the problem occurs for would help
 in investigating the issue further.

I don't know if sometimes it's unavoidable, but definitely sometimes it
is avoidable. In my experience, it happened probably at least once with
every filetype I've worked with. Just off the top of my head, it
happened yesterday in a JSP file, and later in a Perl file. And it seems
to happen a lot in HTML files.


Re: swapping tab and escape

2006-04-27 Thread mzyzik
Yes... I, Matt, who recommended the tab mappings, do no advise mapping
tab this way for command line because of the lack of completion.

However, you can do a ctrl-d for a kind of completion.


On Thu, Apr 27, 2006 at 01:58:53AM -0700, Gerald Lai wrote:
 On Thu, 27 Apr 2006, Robert Cussons wrote:
 Hi All,
 Matt kindly suggested this mapping for the above
 inoremap m-i tab
 nnoremap tab esc
 vnoremap tab escgV
 inoremap tab esc`^
 but how would I add a mapping to make tab work as escape in the command 
 line, also is there any loss of functionality making this mapping, I don't 
 use tab in the command line, but does it do anything useful that I don't 
 know about?
 Tab is used as the completion key in the command line. This is
 extremely useful, IMHO. For example, (with cursor as _ underscore) typing
   :help dos-p_
 and then hitting Tab will produce
   :help msdos-problems_
 If you'd like to make Tab act as Esc in the command line, do
   :cnoremap Tab Esc
 HTH :)

gm command

2006-04-21 Thread mzyzik

I use gm, H, M, L commands often. I noticed that gm aims at
half the screenwidth, rather than half the line width. I realized that
if it aimed at half the line width, it would be more useful.
Could it be considered to change the behavior of gm. Is there any good
reason why it functions the way it does now?



Re: swapping caps lock and escape

2006-04-10 Thread mzyzik
On Mon, Apr 10, 2006 at 11:54:50AM +0200, Robert Cussons wrote:
 Thanks for the suggestions, at the moment I think, I like Gerhard's the 
 most. I have created the file, and I'll just have to see tomorrow 
 morning as I don't want to close everything and lock out and in again 
 just now.
 Thanks again for the help,

I do the following:

inoremap m-i tab
nnoremap tab esc
vnoremap tab escgV
inoremap tab esc`^

In this way, I use tab to do what escape does. It's great because it
works on every machine. I used to map caps to escape but then when I
went to work, I couldn't do the same on my work machine.
