In the test to see what happens if you try to create a file with the same name as a directory, catdir is used to create the file specification instead of catfile.

The operation is expected to fail usually.

However on VMS, directories and files can appear to have the same name, especially when VMS is reporting filenames in Unix syntax.

So this test should be skipped on VMS.

Personal Opinion Only
--- /rsync_root/perl/lib/File/Path.t    Thu Dec  4 15:49:40 2008
+++ lib/File/Path.t     Sat Dec  6 03:40:52 2008
@@ -341,7 +341,9 @@
 # see what happens if a file exists where we want a directory
 SKIP: {
-    my $entry = catdir($tmp_base, "file");
+    my $entry = catfile($tmp_base, "file");
+    skip "VMS can have a file and a directory with the same name.", 4
+        if $Is_VMS;
     skip "Cannot create $entry", 4 unless open OUT, "> $entry";
     print OUT "test file, safe to delete\n", scalar(localtime), "\n";
     close OUT;

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