Messages by Thread
Perl 5.34.1 binary kits available
Craig A. Berry
Compile perl 5.32.1, 5.30,3, 5.28.3, 5.26.3, 5.24.4, 5.22.4 and 5.20.3 on a DS10 OpenVMS 8.4
Oleg Pyzin
Experience installing on Alpha VMS 8.3
Miller, Edward S.
VMS-Perl and VSI-Java
Jouk Jansen
Perl 5.28.1 binary kit for OpenVMS I64 available
Craig Berry via vmsperl
Perl 5.26.2 binary kits for OpenVMS available
Craig A. Berry
Perl 5.24.2 binary kits for OpenVMS available
Craig A. Berry
Trying to build PERL 5.22.3RC1 on OpenVMS VAX V7.3 with some issues...
Jonathan Belanger
Perl 5.24.0 binary kits for OpenVMS available
Craig A. Berry
Perl 5.22.1 binary kits for OpenVMS available
Craig A. Berry
Perl and privileged vs. nonprivileged users
Brian Schenkenberger, VAXman-
DECC$features question
Brian Schenkenberger, VAXman-
Excel::Writer on OpenVMS
Brian Schenkenberger, VAXman-
VMS::Lock 1.03 available
Craig A. Berry
perl for VMS 7.3-2 on VAX (or rather the SIMH)
Dr Eberhard Lisse
Perl 5.22.0 binary kits for OpenVMS available
Craig A. Berry
Error Building OpenVMS perl 5.20.2
Eric Robertson
contact info for Brad Hughes?
Craig A. Berry
Perl 5.20.1 binary kits for OpenVMS available
Craig A. Berry
RE: Q: Can anyone explain this curious behaviour.
Q: Can anyone explain this cursious behaviour.
VMS:: modules on 5.20
Carl Friedberg
Perl 5.20.0 binary kits for OpenVMS available
Craig A. Berry
Re: Hey, congratulations!
rmdir('/unix_path/to/dir') not working with 5.18.1?
John E. Malmberg
RE: Your details
Perl 5.18.2 binary kits for OpenVMS available
Craig A. Berry
utils/perldoc.Com vs utils/perldoc
Nicholas Clark
Perl 5.18.1 binary kits for OpenVMS available
Craig A. Berry
Any news on porting PDL to OpenVMS?
Jovan Trujillo
regression test filesystem assumptions
Nicholas Clark
- runperl() exit oddity
Nicholas Clark
test PCSI kits for Perl 5.18.0
Craig A. Berry
perl 5.18.0 RC1
Carl Friedberg
VMS (was RE: status of WinCE Perl port in 2012)
Carl Friedberg
Bizarre copy of unknown
Thomas Pfau
5.16.2 build
Thomas Pfau
VMS::Time module
Thomas Pfau
perl 5.16.2 build problems - dynaloader
Thomas Pfau
perl 5.16.2 build problems
Thomas Pfau
perl on vms website
Thomas Pfau
BASH 4.2.39 available for OpenVMS.
John E. Malmberg
Looking for perl script synchronize with VMS
John E. Malmberg
Current version of Perl for OpenVMS ?
Jeremy Begg
building modules that use Module::Install
Craig A. Berry
Parrot on VMS
Vorländer , Martin
print statement froces new line at 132 chars?
Carl Friedberg
Re: scp to VMS
Larry Bohan
RC2 on the HP Opensource cluser
Nicholas Clark
HP hobbyist license
Nicholas Clark