VMS::Queue example ?

2000-12-22 Thread Martin Zinser


 I just started to play around with VMS::Queue and may be  I'm just
   (most probably even since I've got a  bad cold). I try
something like this:

use VMS::Queue;
%entry_cond = {jobname="BATSER"};
@entries = VMS::Queue::entry_list(\%entry_cond);
for ($i==0;$i=$#entries;$i++) {print $entries[$i], "\n"};

\%entryprop = VMS::Queue::entry_info($entries[0]);
print \$entryprop{"jobname"},
foreach $prop (keys(%entryprop)) { printf "%s: %s\n", $prop,

   Which works fine in the first part (i.e. finds the correct
queue entry for job
   BATSER), but does not give the  properties of the job in
part 2. Does
   anyone maybe have a working example using VMS::Queue to
enlighten me?

  Thanks a lot, Martin

P.S. OpenVMS Alpha 7.2.1, Perl 5.6.0, VMS::Queue 0.56

Re: VMS::Queue example ?

2000-12-22 Thread Patrick Spinler

Here's two of my peices of choppy code (QUEUETEST, ENTRYTEST) back from
when I was figuring out VMS::Queue myself. 

Obviously, they aren't the prettiest, but they do exercise a lot of
VMS::Queue, which may help you figure it out.

Also, here's the module I was really wanting to get when I was messing
with the two examples (SUBMITJOB.PM).  In it a provide to perl subs, one
to submit some random DCL to a queue, and one to submit some DCL, and
wait for it to complete.  Parameters are the DCL to submit, and then
optional queue name, optional user to submit as, optionally specify a
temp file name to use, and optionally specify a log file.

I really should have coded these routines to take a sparse hash (e.g. 
  submitjob ({CMD="$ show date", LOGFILE='sys$scratch:foo.log'}) 
instead of using positional parameters, but I was still learning perl at
the time.

-- Pat

Martin Zinser wrote:
  I just started to play around with VMS::Queue and may be  I'm just
(most probably even since I've got a  bad cold). I try
 something like this:
 use VMS::Queue;
 %entry_cond = {jobname="BATSER"};
 @entries = VMS::Queue::entry_list(\%entry_cond);
 for ($i==0;$i=$#entries;$i++) {print $entries[$i], "\n"};
 \%entryprop = VMS::Queue::entry_info($entries[0]);
 print \$entryprop{"jobname"},
 foreach $prop (keys(%entryprop)) { printf "%s: %s\n", $prop,
Which works fine in the first part (i.e. finds the correct
 queue entry for job
BATSER), but does not give the  properties of the job in
 part 2. Does
anyone maybe have a working example using VMS::Queue to
 enlighten me?
   Thanks a lot, Martin
 P.S. OpenVMS Alpha 7.2.1, Perl 5.6.0, VMS::Queue 0.56

  This message does not represent the policies or positions
 of the Mayo Foundation or its subsidiaries.
  Patrick Spinler   email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Mayo Foundation   phone:  507/284-9485

package Submitjob;

use Exporter   ();

# set the version for version checking
$VERSION = 1.00;
# if using RCS/CVS, this may be preferred
# must be all one line, for MakeMaker
$VERSION = do {my @r = (q$Revision: 1.00 $ =~ /\d+/g); sprintf "%d."."%02d" x $#r, 

@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT  = qw( );
%EXPORT_TAGS = ( ); # eg: TAG = [ qw!name1 name2! ],

# your exported package globals go here,
# as well as any optionally exported functions
@EXPORT_OK   = qw(  submit_job submit_and_wait );
use vars  @EXPORT_OK;

# non-exported package globals go here
use vars  qw($status);

use strict;
use diagnostics;
use English;
use File::Copy;
use POSIX qw( cuserid getpid );
use VMS::Priv;
use VMS::Stdio qw ( tmpnam );
use VMS::Process qw( process_list get_all_proc_info_items );
use VMS::Filespec qw( rmsexpand vmsify unixify );
use VMS::Queue qw( queue_info submit entry_info entry_bitmap_decode );
use File::Spec::VMS q( catfile catdir );

#==[ submit_job ]==
# Submit a DCL string
# --- parameters ---
# String containing cmd file to submit (eg, my $cmd = q{$ write sys$output hi"};
# Optional string containing queue to submit to, SYS$BATCH if blank/empty
# Optional string containing name specification where command string
#will be written to
# Optional string containing log file specification
# Optional string containing user to submit job as
# --- return value ---
# Ref to entry_info() hash on success
# Throw a die() on failure

sub submit_job
my ($cmdstr, $queue, $cmdfilespec, $logfilespec, $user) = @_;

$queue = 'SYS$BATCH' if (!defined ($queue) || $queue eq '');
$cmdfilespec = tmpnam() . ".com" 
if (!defined $cmdfilespec || $cmdfilespec eq '');
$user = cuserid() if (!defined $user || $user eq '');
$logfilespec = '' if (!defined $logfilespec);

if (cuserid() !~ m/$user/i)
my %privset;
tie (%privset, 'VMS::Priv');
$privset{"CMKRNL"} = 1;
die "Error $!:$^E setting needed privs" if (!defined $privset{"CMKRNL"});

print ("Submitting to $queue as $user with log $logfilespec\n");
print ("Commands in $cmdfilespec\n");
print ("\n$cmdstr\n\n");

my $entry = 
"QUEUE" = $queue,
if ($user ne cuserid()) {$entry-{"USERNAME"} = $user;}
if ($logfilespec ne '')
$entry-{"LOG_SPECIFICATION"} = rmsexpand ($logfilespec);
$entry-{"NO_LOG_DELETE"} = 1;
$entry-{"NO_LOG_SPOOL"} = 1;
my $entryfile = 
"FILE_SPECIFICATION" = $cmdfilespec,

open (OUTFILE, "$cmdfilespec") || die ("Error $!:$^E opening $cmdfilespec");
print OUTFILE $cmdstr;

Re: VMS::Queue example ?

2000-12-22 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 12:55 PM 12/22/00 +0100, Martin Zinser wrote:

  I just started to play around with VMS::Queue and may be  I'm just
(most probably even since I've got a  bad cold). I try
something like this:

use VMS::Queue;
%entry_cond = {jobname="BATSER"};
@entries = VMS::Queue::entry_list(\%entry_cond);
for ($i==0;$i=$#entries;$i++) {print $entries[$i], "\n"};

\%entryprop = VMS::Queue::entry_info($entries[0]);
print \$entryprop{"jobname"},
foreach $prop (keys(%entryprop)) { printf "%s: %s\n", $prop,

The docs are misleading for some of the calls. entry_info returns a hash 
reference, which was what I was trying to indicate in the summary, but it 
really isn't at all clear. (Plus it's syntactically meaningless...)

Change that to:

$entryprop = VMS::Queue::entry_info($entries[0]);
print $entryprop-{JOBNAME};

and I think you'll find it works better.

I'll update the docs and see about getting a new version on CPAN soon. 
(And, FWIW, I found out why none of the VMS modules show up on 
search.cpan.com--that might get fixed soon)


--"it's like this"---
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk