
     I just started to play around with VMS::Queue and may be  I'm just
               (most probably even since I've got a  bad cold). I try
something like this:

use VMS::Queue;
%entry_cond = {jobname=>"BATSER"};
@entries = VMS::Queue::entry_list(\%entry_cond);
for ($i==0;$i<=$#entries;$i++) {print $entries[$i], "\n"};

\%entryprop = VMS::Queue::entry_info($entries[0]);
print \$entryprop{"jobname"},
foreach $prop (keys(%entryprop)) { printf "%s: %s\n", $prop,

               Which works fine in the first part (i.e. finds the correct
queue entry for job
               BATSER), but does not give the  properties of the job in
part 2. Does
               anyone maybe have a working example using VMS::Queue to
enlighten me?

                              Thanks a lot, Martin

P.S. OpenVMS Alpha 7.2.1, Perl 5.6.0, VMS::Queue 0.56

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