The EV Gray Motor, Plasma Fusion

2005-06-22 Thread Christopher Arnold
Is there a connection?

Chris Arnold__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

OFF TOPIC Fake News circa 1862

2005-06-22 Thread Jed Rothwell

140 years before Jon Steward and the Daily Show, reporter Mark Twain (Sam
Clemens) filed the following news report in the Virginia City Territorial

OUR STOCK REMARKS. - Owing to the fact that our stock reporter
attended a wedding last evening, our report of transactions in that
branch of robbery and speculation is not quite as complete and
satisfactory as usual this morning. About eleven o'clock last night the
aforesaid remarker pulled himself upstairs by the banisters, and
stumbling over the stove, deposited the following notes on our table,
with the remark: S(hic)am, just 'laberate this, w(hic)ill,
yer? We said we would, but we couldn't. If any of our readers think
they can, we shall be pleased to see the translation. Here are the notes:
Stocks brisk, and Ophir has taken this woman for your wedded wife.
Some few transactions have occurred in rings and lace veils, and at
figures tall, graceful and charming. There was some inquiry late in the
day for parties who would take them for better or for worse but there
were few offers. There seems to be some depression in this stock. We
mentioned yesterday that our Father which art in heaven. Quotations of
lost reference, and now I lay me down to sleep, c., c.,

Re: Golka video: Ball Lightning in lab. WHAT?!!!!!

2005-06-22 Thread Stephen A. Lawrence

Christopher Arnold wrote:

Wonderful information. For another Plasma video of a man-made plasma 
event go here.
I was told by a plasma expert that his estimate of the current 
required for this event would be at least 2000 amps. Tests indicate my 
device draws under 100 watts per hour (miliamps)

What is a watt per hour?

And why would the device's limited total _power_ draw show that the peak 
plasma _current_ must be any particular value?

something else must be happening to produce such a violent plasma event.
Chris */


Re: Space Elevator Progress

2005-06-22 Thread Standing Bear
On Wednesday 15 June 2005 13:08, Terry Blanton wrote:
  From: Jed Rothwell
  But is it strong enough for a space elevator? The article does not say.

 The article is also two years old.  That's what I get for not checking the
 year.  sigh

But the article is copyrighted at the bottom in 2005.  That is this year, and 
this is the month of June.a typo perhaps?!

Standing Bear

Re: Big CF breakthrough reported

2005-06-22 Thread Standing Bear
On Monday 20 June 2005 22:24, John Coviello wrote:
 Professor Peter Hagelstein mentioned the iESiusa development at the MIT
 Cold Fusion colloquium last month.  He said a group associated with iESiusa
 had secured a South Korean patent for a cold fusion technology and that he
 expected commercial developments in the near future.  iESiusa also put out
 a press release in recent weeks stating that their co-founder and Chief
 Technology Officer had moved to their offices in Canada to help with the
 commercialization of their energy technology.

 It remains to be seen if iESiusa is just blowing hot air or has something
 real.  Being from Las Vegas certainly gives me pause about iESiusa.  Lots
 of sharks in Vegas.  I am reserving judgment on iESiusa until they
 demonstrate something significant.

 iESiusa definitely deserves a field trip by cold fusion advocates to see if
 they seem legit.

Dunno, but their web site only hands out old PDFs.  Don't have the patience
on a slow connection to get PDF's that will probably turn out to be not on
subject.  The PDFs they now hand out are old and not on subject.  Our 
subject anyway.

Standing Bear

Re: Big CF breakthrough reported

2005-06-22 Thread Jed Rothwell

Standing Bear wrote:

Dunno, but their web site only hands out old PDFs.  Don't have the patience
on a slow connection to get PDF's that will probably turn out to be not on
subject.  The PDFs they now hand out are old and not on subject.  Our
subject anyway.

The PDFs and other info at the iESi website have no useful information, but 
information about the claims is reportedly available, in the form of 
patents and technical papers by other researchers, including Irina 
Savvatimova, as I mentioned. I do not actually have any of these patents or 
papers yet, but I am starting to look around for one in English.

A couple of days ago, Ludwik Kowalski uploaded summaries of two Russian 
papers  describing replications. See:

He wrote: [Fig. 1] shows a loop in which oil is forced to circulate under 
pulsating pressure. Numerous technical details (pump rpm, pressures, 
frequencies, etc. are provided. But he did not translate the details. If 
someone here wishes to try the experiment, I expect he would be happy to 
provide more details, and images from the paper. People who have replicated 
recommend the use of oil instead of double distilled water. Both are 
dielectrics, but oil is easier to work with and it can be used many times, 
whereas the water quickly becomes conductive so it can only be used once 
(in one pass).

Ludwik's address is [EMAIL PROTECTED] If anyone here is 
thinking about testing the iESi claims you should definitely contact him.

This gadget seems to be related to the Griggs and Stringham gadgets, which 
is reason to think it may be real after all. Nothing in the iESi website 
gives us any confidence, but these other experiments do. If Irina tells us 
she replicated it, I would be inclined to believe her, although I would 
want to know why she dropped it in favor of glow discharge, if it works as 
well as claimed. Perhaps she replicated an older, less-impressive version, 
not the 20:1 miracle machine.

- Jed

[OFF TOPIC] Atlanta in the news again!

2005-06-22 Thread Jed Rothwell
I often watch the 7:00 NHK television news from Japan. Last night they had 
a long segment on the 40 million credit card numbers that were recently 
stolen. They showed the headquarters of the company that leaked the data, 
CardSystems Solutions. It is just down the street from me, in a pair of 
weird looking buildings I call the gembaku-dome (The Hiroshima atomic 
bomb memorial dome -- which they resemble).

So Atlanta is in the national news again! As alert newspaper readers have 
probably noticed, we have been plagued by court room murders, runaway 
brides, and would-be suicides lately. Not much happens around here normally.

- Jed

Re: [OFF TOPIC] Atlanta in the news again!

2005-06-22 Thread Terry Blanton
 From: Jed Rothwell 

 Not much happens around here normally.

Not before the Olympics, anyway.

[OT] Universal Overunity Checklist

2005-06-22 Thread not used account
Hello Everyone,

The Universal Overunity Checklist:

When a person claims o/u with his or her new device,
we can now simply point them to the UOC (universal
overunity checklist) form and ask if they have
answered YES.


If they come back with a positive score (YES to 5
questions), then we can continue on listening to the
o/u claim.

If they can't say yes to the 5 simple questions, then
we may have just saved hours and hours of reading
nonsense posts.

Probably not much posting will go on in this UOC
group... Who knows...

Thoughts anyone? 

I guess the more people in that group will help
reinforce the 5 questions, and whole concept.



ps - I don't know why it says account not used on my
I use this account:)

Yahoo! Sports 
Rekindle the Rivalries. Sign up for Fantasy Football

Golka Ball Lightning video

2005-06-22 Thread Stephen R. Lawrence
I downloaded the 30Mb file but when 
I play it I get sound but, tantalisingly, a completely blank screen. Is 
this something to do with too much bandwidth being required? Can someone help?

Many Thanks!
From: Stephen R. Lawrence, 8 Supanee Court, French's Road, Cambridge, 
England, CB4 3LB.  Tel/Fax +44 1223 564373

More on the iESi Cold Fusion Technology

2005-06-22 Thread John Coviello

White Paper On Plasma Heat and Hydrogen GeneratorBy Dr. 
Norman L. Arrison
iESi has acquired the most significant technology of the 21st century through 
Dr. Hyunik Yang and his team from around the world. Their technology draws on 
the energy of the atom and converts that energy into useful energy in the form 
of heat in one device and the splitting of the water molecule into hydrogen and 
oxygen in another device. Dr. Yang's team has varied in size and composition 
over a ten year period of research. The consistent aspect of the team has been 
their international stature and dedication to hard work under the leadership of 
Dr. Hyunik Yang. Dr. Hyunik Yang is 47 years of age and has a distinguished 
record beginning with his B.Sc. in Engineering from Korea followed by his Ph.D. 
and post doctorate degrees at Columbia University in New York. He then had a 
successful career with Hyundai where he was contracted out to NASA and where he 
won the Eastman Kodak Award for the best paper and an ASME conference. Dr. Yang 
then went to Russia where he became a member of the Russian Academy of Science. 
With the distinguished scientists Dr. Yang had worked with, they decided to 
build a unit to produce power for mankind based on the energy in the 
atom.The approach they used was brilliant. They used resonate harmonic 
frequencies to expose the nuclei of atoms so they could put the nuclei together 
to obtain the energy from the fused product. Their system is inexpensive, safe, 
and easy to operate and construct. The first plasma device will produce heat by 
taking water and converting it to steam. This device is expected to be working 
by late 2004 and an early prototype is already functioning. the early prototype 
produces 14 times the energy put into it and the final product is expected to 
produce 200 times the energy going into the unit. The second plasma device is 
expected in early 2005 and it will use it's energy to split the water molecule 
into hydrogen and oxygen. This device is already working in an old prototype 
which produces the hydrogen and oxygen and immediately recombines the two in a 
hot hydrogen and oxygen flame. The old hydrogen-oxygen device was the first 
proof that the team had successfully tapped the energy of the atom. It only 
produced 50% more energy out than went into the device but showed that the 
energy of the atom was being drawn upon.iESi got control of this 
technology through the special relationship which exists between Dr. Hyunik Yang 
and Mr. Patrick Cochrane the founder of iESi. Mr. Patrick Cochrane is married to 
a Korean attorney and through her got to know of Dr. Yang's work. Mr. Cochrane 
was so fascinated with the technology that he helped Dr. Yang with his funding 
which up to that time had been carried by Dr. Yang and his immediate family. 
Because of Mr. Cochrane's assistance for Dr. Yang's work, a close relationship 
blossomed which has resulted in the formation of iESi as it exists today. We at 
iESi feel very proud that we are the ones bringing this historical changing 
technology to the world. Plasma heat generation alone guarantees that the cost 
of electricity will be stable for all mankind. The hydrogen and oxygen producing 
technology guarantees a clean planet for humanity. The result is that iESi 
should be the most significant company of the 21st century.Quoting a 
well know cold fusion researcher Clem wrote: “he had reason to believe that a 
commercial cold fusion device would be marketed within a year by a group out of 
Edmonton, Canada.” I am not surprised that a person from that town is so excited 
about what is going on. In a 6/14/05 message another contributor (Panthom) 
wrote: “Since the MIT CF Colloquium, both Professor Peter 
Hagelstein and Martin Fleischmann have personally witnessed this cold fusion 
technology in the facility in Edmonton where IESI has their scientists 
sequestered. These two men are providing the unbiased proof the world needs that 
what they claim at IESI is true. But Patrick Cochrane at IESI is in legal 
trouble with the securities authorities in Alberta, so he's being forced out of 
the company by their investors, which can only help the 
company.”I do not know how reliable this information is. But, as 
some cold fusion researchers know (from a recent e-mail message sent to them by 
X), Martin Fleischmann was invited to participate in the demonstration of the 
device. The author of that message, X, was also invited. I would be happy to 
append a description of the last week Edmonton demonstration.

neutrino ripples

2005-06-22 Thread thomas malloy
Do you of you people subscribe to Nature? I got these two links from 
their newsletter. I'm going to have to contact them and inquire which 
links, if any, I can get more information on.

Universal lumpiness is imprinted in mysterious particles.
17 June 2005

One can only speculate what neutrino ripples are

For protons, fourteen is the new magic number.
15 June 2005

Dido for fat silicon.

Is Big Brother watching?

2005-06-22 Thread thomas malloy
An E E took his new computer apart and found a chip which appears to 
been placed in the circuitry by Home Land Security.

Re: The EV Gray Motor, Plasma Fusion

2005-06-22 Thread thomas malloy

Is there a connection?

Chris Arnold

Ev Gray, now there's a name I haven't heard in a while. One of my 
friends invested in his company and swore that it worked. I 
interviewed two academics who helped in the development of the power 
supply, one said that it would work, the other that it wouldn't.