Re: [Vo]:Padua University not Siena made the analysis

2011-12-01 Thread Jed Rothwell
Jones Beene wrote:

The lies and double-talk, from both DGT and Rossi are too bizarre for words.

I cannot tell which side is lying, but I agree the double-talk is bizarre.
It sure is! And as I said, the fact that Defkalion has allowed this dispute
to fester for months, when they claimed they could demonstrate a device, is

I told them that. They did not want to hear it.

I tell many people in this field things they do not wish to hear. So does
Krivit, but I am much more polite about it, I hope. Plus he makes stuff up,
as far as I can tell.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Andrea Rossi responds to Defkalion Hyperion technical spec release

2011-12-01 Thread Mary Yugo
On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 7:09 AM, OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson wrote:
 From MY:

 From Rossi:


 I made the mistake of browsing through my filter pile. I found this from MY:

 I'm confused.  Megawatt nuclear fusion plants are certified
 (or don't need certification)?  In what country and which
 universe?  Who will provide liability insurance for [Rossi's eCats]?

 Of course Megawatt nuclear fusion plants need some kind of
 certification. It is only natural to also speculate that the
 technology pertaining to Rossi/Defkalion gadgets will probably need
 some kind of certification too, particularly since they all claim a
 nuclear process is involved.

We agree on that.  Yet Rossi says he sold a megawatt gadget that uses
some sort of mass to energy conversion and he didn't seem to get any
certification -- not any he showed or talked about anyhow.  In fact,
he implied that because this device is industrial grade, it doesn't
need it!

 MY seems to live in a universe where she seems to think she is the
 first person who has just realized this issue.She seems to have
 conveniently ignored numerous posts from Mr. Rothwell who has already
 discussed the ramifications of this very issue numerous times. Yes, it
 most likely WILL be a prickly issue.

Rossi says he sold 12 more of his so-called plants.  How does that
work without certification?  And IIRC they are supposedly going to the
US where regulation is especially strict.

 Meanwhile, it is interesting to note that lately MY seems to have
 shifted her arguments from the premise that Rossi's eCats are most
 likely a scam operation to speculation that while they might actually
 be for real nobody in their right mind will want to certify them.

Not at all.  I am pointing out that there is *yet another* inherent
contradiction in Rossi's writings on his blog.  I still think it's
most likely a scam operation.  Rossi implies in the text he wrote
which I quoted that he can get away without certification for a
megawatt plant.  He implies that he can do that because it's for
industry rather than for the home.  But that's nonsense.  People who
spout nonsense repeatedly like Rossi does, usually are scammers.  Or
do you really believe he had a large nuclear fusion heater warming his
factory for a year and do you really believe he enriches nickel
isotopes on the cheap and do you really believe he has a self destruct
device in every E-cat module?   That's what he's said and much more

 IOW, the line in the sand has been redrawn. I suspect the line in the
 sand will be redrawn several more times before this is all over.

The line in the sand hasn't mover a millimeter and it's always the
same :  INDEPENDENT TESTING by a credible source.  That's all.  Just
once -- either for Rossi or Defkalion -- it's low risk (black box),
cheap, quick and fairly easy.  And they won't do it.  And before
someone chides me for repetition, it seems the believers tend to
forget that bottom line.

Re: [Vo]:Defkalion's changing stance on whether this is cold fusion

2011-12-01 Thread Peter Gluck
And the description is more similar to Piantelli's understanding of the
ptocess as described in the
Pontignano Poster and/or WO 2010/068288.

*Chemically asssisted* LENR seems to show that the added chemical (both
Rossi's and their) is enhancing in some way the Ni-H reactions.


On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 9:15 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:

 This is a minor issue compared to the rest of the brouhaha, but I note
 that Defkalion appears to be changing their tune regarding whether this is
 cold fusion or something else. In their white paper released in June, they

 The field of energy research known as 'cold fusion' has positive and
 negative connotations. It is also called LENR. Hundreds of man-years of
 research have been committed to cold fusion, hoping to achieve the ultimate
 energy dream: limitless energy. However, overall, a stigma has created
 ambiguous feelings that the researchers aim to reach the end of the
 rainbow. The science behind the products of Defkalion is not related to
 cold fusion, even though it is identified as such in current media

 When I read that I thought: Who are they trying to kid? Of course it is
 cold fusion. I base that on what McKubre calls the conservation of
 miracles. I assume they were trying to avoid the negative connotations of
 cold fusion. Their statement is understandable . . . but lame. I regard
 this as doubletalk. I agree with Jones Beene that it is annoying.

 Now they say:

 Defkalion’s scientific RD team have successfully managed to trigger and
 monitor Chemically Assisted Low Energy Nuclear Reactions caused by Nickel
 and Hydrogen nuclei. Following extensive experimentation on the
 preparation, cleaning and degassing of Nickel clusters and atomic Hydrogen
 systems, valuable knowledge has been gained. The data was obtained from
 conventional, non-specifically designed for LENR instrumentation, such as
 mass-spectrometer, gas-chromatographer, Wilson camera, SEM spectra and

 That's more like it.

 - Jed

Dr. Peter Gluck
Cluj, Romania

Re: [Vo]:Cyclone Power turbines

2011-12-01 Thread Alan Fletcher
That burns  (various) fuel ... making 1200F steam in the coils.  No good for 

- Original Message - 

[Vo]: seen question (in french) on areva forum

2011-12-01 Thread Alain dit le Cycliste
I've seen a forum question to Areva on their forum, askin if they have
research on LENR
It's written in french,

Someone ask also them their opinion on E-cat and hyperion, and alerting if
they have legal data about fraud.

Sure if they can prove it is a scam they will tell to the public...
if not... hum... I don't think they can admit it works.

Re: [Vo]:Defkalion's changing stance on whether this is cold fusion

2011-12-01 Thread Jed Rothwell
Craig Haynie wrote:

 Whenever I've read of people studying this effect who've disavowed 'cold
 fusion', it wasn't that they were disavowing a nuclear reaction . . .

In this case they have disavowed any connection to other research: The
science behind the products of Defkalion is not related to cold fusion,
even though it is identified as such in current media coverage.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:I urge Defkalion to allow a third-party test

2011-12-01 Thread Mary Yugo
On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 1:55 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:
 This is an exercise in futility but I copied part of a message I posted here
 to the Defkalion forum:

Thank you, thank you, thank you.  Excellent.

Re: [Vo]:The market price for a 45 kW water heater is about $5000

2011-12-01 Thread Terry Blanton
On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 5:16 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:

 A Hyperion resembles this. This is the market price for such a device.

Ah yes, but only 98% efficient.  Much less than 3500%, eh?  ;-)


Re: [Vo]:Cyclone Power turbines

2011-12-01 Thread Horace Heffner

On Dec 1, 2011, at 10:31 AM, Jed Rothwell wrote:

Someone at the Defkalion brought this up. It looks promising. See:

- Jed

Sterling engines have much promise.  Perhaps now that the cost of  
photovoltaic is less than solar thermal, the sterling engine  
manfactuing capacity aimed for that market can be channeled toward  
other applications.


Here is a most interesting quote: Our new Traveling Wave Stirling  
engine has only one piston and no displacer. Frankly we aren't sure  
why it works. It's new, it's exciting, and there is no obvious reason  
(even to us) why it works. The main cylinder is made from quartz  
glass so you can see everything that's inside.

With only one piston, we aren't really sure why this works. It's  

Our Price: $2977.00

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Cyclone Power turbines

2011-12-01 Thread Horace Heffner

On Dec 1, 2011, at 10:31 AM, Jed Rothwell wrote:

Someone at the Defkalion brought this up. It looks promising. See:

- Jed

Infinia has a nice small unit for home use:

These systems use about 95 percent of the energy contained in the  
natural gas, or other fuel, dramatically reducing the need for grid  
electricity, which is delivered at an average efficiency of about 30  

They use much higher temperatures though.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Lenard tube... Rossi style

2011-12-01 Thread Kyle Mcallister

Whatever side of the aisle you fall on with regards to Rossi, you got to admit, 
given his slap-it-together plumbing style, a Lenard ray tube built from a booze 
bottle, kitchen foil, and hardware store crap is right up their alley.

Gotta admit, Clagwell's is much prettier, but the above has, I'm told, a 
certain Sanford and Son charm to it. 

Warning: if the bottle you use contains an alcoholic beverage, the experiment 
is a FAILURE unless you consume said contents previously, simply on general 


Re: [Vo]:Rossi clarification on Bianchini

2011-12-01 Thread Giovanni Santostasi
No, this is a good one but I think that if you are addressing an
international audience to use dottore as doctor is misleading. The old
itian laurea, allowed you to call yourself a dottore, but laurea is not the
equivalent of a doctorate.
So it is very misleading.
From wiki:
The term *dottore* is frequently used in Italy to refer to any person with
a university *Laurea*: thus, a person with a *laurea magistrale* uses the
title dottore magistrale and a person with a *laurea triennale* uses the
title of dottore. Those unfamiliar with the Italian university system or
the Italian use of titles should note that a *dottore* or *dottoressa*
in an Italian context does not necessarily hold a Ph.D. Holders of the*
dottorato* acquire the title of *dottore di ricerca* (doctor of research)
also abbreviated to Dott. Ric. or Ph.D..

On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 7:42 PM, Akira Shirakawa

 On 2011-12-02 02:38, Giovanni Santostasi wrote:

 Rossi needs to stop to call himself a Doctor.
 This is one of the things that shows me how fake he is, exactly as his

 So, is this degree fake?**incoming/article3197200.ece/**
