
2012-12-26 Thread George Baldwin

Re: [Vo]:OU Miracle Tube

2007-09-16 Thread George Baldwin

The company is saying one thing but Eccles himself
said in his patent application:

A plasma discharge is generated in the electrolyte to
release energy by
fusing the atoms together.


- Original Message -
From: Terry Blanton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Sent: Sunday, September 16, 2007 4:20 PM
Subject: [Vo]:OU Miracle Tube



 The system - developed by scientists at a firm
called Ecowatts in a
 nondescript laboratory on an industrial estate at
Lancing, West Sussex
 - involves passing an electrical current through a
mixture of water,
 potassium carbonate (otherwise known as potash) and
a secret liquid
 catalyst, based on chrome.


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Re: [Vo]:Cheap solar a couple years away?

2007-07-20 Thread George Baldwin
Greetings Vorticists!

Regular as clockwork, here I am with my biennial

That Horace, he done hit the spot. Done remind me of
that stuff that ol' RC serves up in that so-called
saloon: don't taste too perty but it sure done hit the
spot!...and after a few more it done don't matter whut
it tastes like

Why should the solar collector field not obey the same
rules as say IT or Mobile phones? The prices will come
down as more manufacturers realise the market
potential and all the other factors that apply

These guys aren't doing it for amusement:


More and more will follow...quite soon;

Ne gardez plus qu'une seule adresse mail ! Copiez vos mails vers Yahoo! Mail 

Re: What's The World Coming To?

2005-06-11 Thread George Baldwin
 Everyone's gone to the moon

Not *everyone*, the writer of the song just went inside for a bit.



- Original Message - 
From: Jones Beene [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: vortex vortex-l@eskimo.com
Sent: Saturday, June 11, 2005 4:40 PM
Subject: OT: What's The World Coming To?

 What's the World Coming To?

=Big Snip=
 With apologies to a group that has been to the moon, or at 
 least that high, many times 

Re: The Invisible Man

2005-04-11 Thread George Baldwin

Alas, both Claridges and God are not what they used to be; not seeing the
customer being just one of their foibles.


- Original Message -
From: Michael Foster [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Sent: Monday, April 11, 2005 6:46 AM
Subject: The Invisible Man

 Ok, Vorts... Since this list has disintegrated into an over the back
 fence discussion group concerning theology and things that go
 bump in the night, here's one you might find interesting.  I often
 become the Invisible Man.  No, really.

 When Bill posted that bit about the disappearing coffee stir stick,  I
 had to chuckle.  That sort of thing happens to me so frequently that I
 hardly notice it.  It happens to others in my presence.  Things
 disappear for months or years anywhere within arms length of me.
 My employes just make sure there are lots of whatever I need
 around just so when something necessary disappears for a while,
 there's another one to use.  I have no control over this and really,
 it pretty embarrassing.

 That's  just a minor aspect of what I have come to call the
 Invisible Man Syndrome.  It's become worse over the last 30 years
 or so.  I have no control over it, and it's very real.  You older Vorts
 might remember The Shadow, an old radio program where Orson
 Welles announced, The Shadow knows, the Shadow who has the
 power to cloud men's minds so that they cannot see him.  That's me,
 except for inconvenience of not being able to make it happen when
 I want.

 It started with fairly minor episodes in restaurants with incidents
 that probably happen to everyone to one extent or another.  A
 waiter would take everyone's order at the table but mine.  Or a
 waiter would take my order as well, but only deliver everone else's.
 My family and friends would just usually say that I wasn't being
 assertive enough or some such.

 Then, it began to get worse, but still minor restaurant stuff.
 A waiter would deliver everone else's order, return with my order,
 offer it to everyone else at the table and then leave.  I would then have
 to chase the waiter down.

 Then things began to get dangerous.  People began to run into me on
 the street. They would just walk right into me as though they couldn't see
 me.  In fact, they couldn't see me.  The range of responses to this was
 fairly amusing.  Usually  just, Sorry, I didn't see you.  But sometimes
 would get, Where the hell did you come from?  One time I was
 knocked down while standing on the sidewalk talking to a business
 associate and then stepped on and tripped over by others who
 apparently couldn't see me,  but then looked around wondering what
 the obstruction was.

 After that, I had several incidents in parking lots where I was nearly
 run down by drivers who were clearly looking right at me, but
 just couldn't see me.  I was actually struck one time, but fortunately
 was not injured seriously, ending up on the hood of the car right
 on the windshield in front of the driver.  Finally, she saw me, got out
 of her car and simply said, I'm so sorry, I didn't see you.

 This went on for years, with everyone I know continuing to say that
 it's just my imagination, I should assert myself more, it couldn't
 really be true, it's just bad luck, it's just a coincidence, etc., etc.,
 Incidentally, these invisiblilty episodes happen irregularly, for no
 apparent reason. I can usually tell when one is coming on, when
 minor incidents occur with increasing frequency.

 Finally, one invisibility episode happened with numerous witnesses
 and was so dramatic that no one could explain it away.  I was
 staying at Claridges in London with my family.  Claridges is renown
 for its service, but I could tell a major episode was coming on when
 I could get no service in any of the restaurants there.  I won't bore
 you with the details.

 My family and I went to Waterloo Station from the hotel to take the
 Chunnel back to Paris.  For those not familiar with the setup there,
 when you are going to take the Chunnel, you have to go through
 security similar to getting onto an airplane, or at least you did at
 that time.

 Not thinking, I walked through the metal detector without emptying
 my pockets.  Not a beep, not a blip.  I had at least a pound of Euro
 coins and various British coins in one pocket.  In another pocket was
 a camera that is basically a metal brick.  Just behind me was my
 mother-in-law, who set off the metal detector with her wedding ring
 and a small bracelet.  I walked on, looking back at my family, all of
 whom were being disassembled by the security personnel.

 I walked back to other side of the metal detectors because I could
 see this was going to take a while.  I walked through again out of
 curiosity.  Nothing.  So I walked on ahead of everyone else past the
 passport control booth, which is basically a glass booth with an
 official inside, flanked by two military types with machine guns.
 I walked by the booth not thinking about it.  I stopped