Re: [Vo]:Allais Effect

2017-07-16 Thread Terry Blanton
Is anyone on the list aware of an experiment using ring laser gyroscopes
positioned in different planes (horizontal, vertical, angled, etc) to
detect the Allais Anomaly?

One of my crackpot buddies thinks the Sagnac effect will be affected by the
dynamic gravity anomaly.  How does the magnitude of the gravity anomaly of
Allais compare to those detected recently by LIGO?  Do you think a full
eclipse over LIGO would be detectable?

Re: [Vo]:Allais Effect

2017-07-13 Thread Terry Blanton
On Thu, Jul 13, 2017 at 1:19 PM, <> wrote:

> Terry—
> Do  you know that the Allais Effect is predicted in some manner by
> Munera”s theory involving the concept of an aether in 3D space, or is you
> comment merely conjecture?
> If not conjecture, what is your basis for the comment about proving an
> aether exists?

Basis?  No basis, merely opportunity.  This August total eclipse ranges
from the Pacific Northwest to the Southeast giving most experimentalists
the opportunity to do what they do.  If you read the wikipedia article, you
will see that there are many which still are trying to explain the anomaly.

If you are not an experimentalist, I urge you to seek out the shadow snakes
during the eclipse.  This phenomenon is also known as shadow bands and I
personally had the pleasure of observing them during the eclipse of, what,
1979.  My best friend, standing right next to me missed them.  It was like
a moire pattern of shadow and light that undulated like it was alive.  They
are difficult to photograph but, I think a high frame rate camera might be

So, join me in Pendleton, SC at the Holiday Inn Express with my Kit and my
Pendulum for luciferous aether and shadow snakes and cocktails.  We will
have a jolly time!

Re: [Vo]:Allais Effect

2017-07-13 Thread ROGER ANDERTON


Munera paperInterconnection of all Forces of Nature via the Energy and momentum 
equations for a fluid aether


or a better copy of the paper can be requested from him
Munera in my view does hedge his bets how a fluid aether would fully fit Allais 
effect. But the fluid aether goes back to being based on Boscovich's 
point-particles (18th century) and this was the basis of modern physics leading 
to quantum mechanics. Stoiljkovic talk in Serbia:
>From Boscovich's theory to modern quantum theory: Prof Dragoslav Stoiljkovic

|   ||


>From Boscovich's theory to modern quantum theory: Prof Dragoslav Stoilj...
 "From Boscovich's theory to modern quantum theory": talk by retired Professor 
Dragoslav Stoiljkovi...  |   |



My talk this year is that Einstein's relativity has been mistranslated and is 
thus really based on Boscovich theory.
Einstein misunderstood and mistranslated
Provisional ANPA 2017 Speakers and Attendees – Alternative Natural Philosophy 

|   |  
Provisional ANPA 2017 Speakers and Attendees – Alternative Natural Philosophy 
   |  |


So whole basis of modern theoretical physics has been based on a false 
narrative that has omitted work of Boscovich when taught to physics .students.
Boscovich statue

Many more people now writing on Boscovich


On Thursday, 13 July 2017, 18:20, "" 

 #yiv0615342847 -- filtered {panose-1:2 4 5 3 5 4 6 3 2 4;}#yiv0615342847 
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{margin:0in;margin-bottom:.0001pt;font-size:11.0pt;}#yiv0615342847 a:link, 
#yiv0615342847 span.yiv0615342847MsoHyperlink 
{color:blue;text-decoration:underline;}#yiv0615342847 a:visited, #yiv0615342847 
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1.0in;}#yiv0615342847 div.yiv0615342847WordSection1 {}#yiv0615342847 Terry—   
Do  you know that the Allais Effect is predicted in some manner by Munera”s 
theory involving the concept of an aether in 3D space, or is you comment merely 
conjecture?   If not conjecture, what is your basis for the comment about 
proving an aether exists?   Bob Cook   Sent from Mail for Windows 10   From: 
Terry Blanton
Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2017 3:15 PM
Subject: [Vo]:Allais Effect   In August you will have a chance to prove the 
aether exists.    


RE: [Vo]:Allais Effect

2017-07-13 Thread

Do  you know that the Allais Effect is predicted in some manner by Munera”s 
theory involving the concept of an aether in 3D space, or is you comment merely 

If not conjecture, what is your basis for the comment about proving an aether 

Bob Cook

Sent from Mail<> for Windows 10

From: Terry Blanton<>
Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2017 3:15 PM
Subject: [Vo]:Allais Effect

In August you will have a chance to prove the aether exists.

Re: [Vo]:Allais Effect

2017-07-12 Thread ROGER ANDERTON
Boscovich aether was never disproved.

Unified field theory from the classical wave equation: Preliminary application 
to atomic and nuclear structure 
  Héctor A. Múnera1,2, a)
AIP Conference Proceedings 1753, 030015 (2016); doi:
AbstractIt is postulated that there exists a fundamental energy-like fluid, 
which occupies the flat three-dimensional Euclidean space that contains our 
universe, and obeys the two basic laws of classical physics: conservation of 
linear momentum, and conservation of total energy; the fluid is described by 
the classical wave equation (CWE), which was Schrödinger’s first candidate to 
develop his quantum theory. Novel solutions for the CWE discovered twenty years 
ago are nonharmonic, inherently quantized, and universal in the sense of scale 
invariance, thus leading to quantization at all scales of the universe, from 
galactic clusters to the sub-quark world, and yielding a unified 
Lorentz-invariant quantum theory ab initio. Quingal solutions are isomorphic 
under both neo-Galilean and Lorentz transformations, and exhibit nother 
remarkable property: intrinsic unstability for large values of ℓ (a quantum 
number), thus limiting the size of each system at a given scale. Unstability 
and scale-invariance together lead to nested structures observed in our solar 
system; unstability may explain the small number of rows in the chemical 
periodic table, and nuclear unstability of nuclides beyond lead and bismuth. 
Quingal functions lend mathematical basis for Boscovich’s unified force (which 
is compatible with many pieces of evidence collected over the past century), 
and also yield a simple geometrical solution for the classical three-body 
problem, which is a useful model for electronic orbits in simple diatomic 
molecules. A testable prediction for the helicoidal-type force is 
suggested.Unified field theory from the classical wave equation: Preliminary 
application to atomic and nuclear structure: AIP Conference Proceedings: Vol 
1753, No 1

|   |  
Unified field theory from the classical wave equation: Preliminary application 
to atomic and nuclear structure: AIP C...
 By Héctor A. Múnera   |  |


Ruggiero Boscovich - Rudjer Boskovic (1711-1787) has a memorial plaque in Milano

|   ||


|   |  
Ruggiero Boscovich - Rudjer Boskovic (1711-1787) has a memorial plaque in M...
 Ruggero Boscovich - Boskovic has a memorial plaque in Milano  |   |




On Thursday, 13 July 2017, 0:15, Terry Blanton  wrote:

 In August you will have a chance to prove the aether exists.


[Vo]:Allais Effect

2017-07-12 Thread Terry Blanton
In August you will have a chance to prove the aether exists.