[voyager] Re: Two small problems with last beta

2002-05-10 Thread Raynald Le Moing

MS And since sometimes, V doesn't close its screen anymore when
MS quitting.

MS This is (or used to be?) a race condition between the image
MS decoders and MUI - since the decoders need to be able to tell
MS which screen they're on, they lock it so it doesn't go away. When
MS MUI wants to close the screen, it finds that the screen is locked
MS and gives up. Sometimes, the image decoders unlock the screen
MS quick enough. Sometimes they don't.

MS It's nothing really quickly fixable.. 

Ok, thanks Matt, but ...

It never occured before and now (since about half a month) appens

Is there any other thing which can lock the screen ?

Raynald Le Moing. 

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[voyager] Re: Real Audio

2002-05-10 Thread Steve Turner

Sorry I sent this direct to Matt so I repeat here - Well I'm new to this
type of thing :)

On Thu, 9 May 2002 21:04:29 +0100 Matt Sealey said;
 V doesn't ignore the mime type unless you tell it to. There's a menu
 item, under Settings.

Just to make sure I just tried twice again. This has no effect on the

I do normaly have this set to ignore so that downloads go to my directory
choice (due to bad mime types). Thats correct still isn't it?

 As for where the file is, there'll be a file in your cache directory
 (check your prefs) called VViewTemp.n where n is a number from 1 to
 a zillionmillionbjillion.

Again I have just re-checked and no not in the cache, nor in the directory
given in the download window. The URL is however saved in the Ram Disc:
(that I have as default directory in the mime prefs).

 That's the file you downloaded.

I'm using .ram files at http://www.artbell.com/sound.html to test are they
good ?

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[voyager] Re: Real Audio

2002-05-10 Thread Franco Coccini

Ciao  Steve

On 09-Mag-02, you wrote:


 Having set up the latest RAPlay and StreamRA as instructions
 I have the same problem, If I set mime to 'view' nothing happens.
 If I set it to 'view and save' then the download window opens but I can't
 find anything on my disc nor do I hear anything :(
 V seems to be ignoring the mime type ?

some time ago, Olli explain me that RA doesn't work with Voyager because it change the 
suffix .ram
during downloading.
AWeb works perfectly.



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