Re: Sunny[wanita-muslimah] Re: Bolehkah suami memperkosa istrinya? - TNI

2009-08-14 Terurut Topik Dwi Soegardi
Sudah jelas kita berdiskusi tentang suami memukul istri,
dikomentari tidak jelas juntrungannya.

Sebuah pameran ketidaknyambungan diperagakan tanpa malu-malu.

Kalau engkau tidak malu, berbuatlah (berkomentarlah) semaumu. (al-hadis)

2009/8/14 jano ko
 Latif :

 Issue utama adalah kata kata pukulah istri mu, sebaiknya di tukar dgn kata 
 kata; tinggalkan istri kamu utk beberapa hari


 Janoko :

 Ngajak bubrah ini namanya.

 Pukul yang bagaimana dulu dong. Lama - lama nanti Olah Raga Badminton akan 
 dilarang oleh si Latif karena sering setiap ada pertandingan badminton ada 
 kata  smas ,  pukul  dll.

 Semua Perguruan Beladiri juga akan menjadi sasaran si Latif karena didalam 
 semua perguruan bela diri pasti ada pelatihan semua badan sehat, kuat 

 Tentara Nasional Indonesia, baik itu Angkatan Laut, Udara, Darat pasti juga 
 ada femalenya ( wanitanya ) dan mereka tidak lepas dari kewajiban ikut serta 
 beladiri tersebut.

 Pertanyaannya, kalau kemudian beladiri dilarang oleh si L itu, lalu bagaimana 
 kwalitas tentara kita sebagai pasukan yang melindungi Negara Indonesia ?

 Mules aku


[wanita-muslimah] KELAS EKSEKUTIF “Manajemen Pendidikan Islam”

2009-08-14 Terurut Topik khairi_rm
Manajemen Pendidikan Islam

Pembicara: Prof. Dr. Mujamil Qomar (Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang)

Erlangga Learning Centre (ELC)
Jl. Adhiyaksa R-12, Lebak Lestari Residence, Lebak Bulus-Jakarta Selatan
Sabtu, 29 Agustus 2009 
Pukul 08.00 – 13.00 WIB

Kelas eksekutif ini membahas:
*Manajemen komponen-komponen dasar pendidikan Islam (personalia, kesiswaan, 
kurikulum, keuangan, serta sarana dan prasarana)
*Manajemen komponen penyempurna pendidikan Islam (layanan, standar mutu, 
struktur organisasi, resolusi konflik, dan komunikasi pendidikan)
*Kepemimpinan (pengambilan keputusan dan peningkatan produktivitas)

Biaya Pendaftaran: Rp.200.000,-
Fasilitas Peserta: 
-Sertifikat seminar
-1 eksemplar buku Manajemen Pendidikan Islam
-Menjadi member ELC

Bonus acara: Perkenalan metode Al-Bayan, Cara cepat belajar membaca Al-Qur'an 
oleh Ustadz O. Surasman. 

Novi: 0858 800 50084 
Dwi : 081311183442, (021) 8717006 ext. 162, 144
Khairi :  (021) 8717006 ext. 159

Re: Sunny[wanita-muslimah] Re: Bolehkah suami memperkosa istrinya? - TNI

2009-08-14 Terurut Topik Wikan Danar Sunindyo
mungkin mas jano mikirnya ada suami TNI-AD istrinya TNI-AL
lagi latihan karate/pencak silat
jadi pukul-pukulan
well, imajinasinya kejauhan


2009/8/14 Dwi Soegardi

 Sudah jelas kita berdiskusi tentang suami memukul istri,
 dikomentari tidak jelas juntrungannya.

 Sebuah pameran ketidaknyambungan diperagakan tanpa malu-malu.

 Kalau engkau tidak malu, berbuatlah (berkomentarlah) semaumu. (al-hadis)

[wanita-muslimah] Ba'asyir leads hero's funeral for two slain suspects

2009-08-14 Terurut Topik sunny

Ba'asyir leads hero's funeral for two slain suspects
Suherdjoko and Blontank Poer ,  The Jakarta Post ,  Sragen   |  Fri, 08/14/2009 
2:11 PM  |  Headlines 

The bodies of terror suspects Air Setyawan and Eko Joko Sarjono received a 
hero's welcome from hundreds of hard-line Muslims as they were laid to rest in 
Sragen, Central Java, on Thursday. 

Chanting Allahu Akbar (God is great), supporters in the 200-vehicle-strong 
convoy departed with the bodies from Brengosan village in neighboring Surakarta 
at around 9:30 a.m. 

By contrast, residents of Samparo village in Kuningan, West Java, had protested 
the burial of another terror suspect, Ibrohim, in the village, forcing his 
family to bury him in Jakarta on Wednesday. 

Ibrohim was shot dead by a police counterterrorism squad during an overnight 
siege on a farmhouse in Temanggung, Central Java, on Saturday. 

Samparo villagers said Ibrohim was a disgrace to their home village, and a 
migrant, not a native, to boot. 

Police shot dead Air and Eko during a raid on a house in Jati Asih, Bekasi, 
early Saturday. 

The officers uncovered hundreds of kilograms of explosive material in the 

The police later announced they suspected the materials were meant to be used 
to bomb President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's private residence in Cikeas, 
Bogor, West Java. 

The convoy for the bodies of Air and Eko was led by Abubakar Ba'asyir, a 
hard-line Muslim cleric who was once jailed for his role in the Bali bombings 
in 2002, in which 202 people were killed. 

We should pray for Eko and Air to be rewarded and forgiven by Allah, although 
the way they embraced jihad was different from how it should have been, said 
Ba'asyir, founder of the Ngruki Islamic boarding school in Surakarta, when 
leading the funeral prayer. 

He added the two suspects had died as martyrs because they fought for Islamic 

Air and Eko were buried side by side at the Muslim Kaliyoso public cemetery in 

The land for the cemetery was donated by Surakarta businessman Soeparno Zainal 
Abidin, who built it specifically for Muslims who performed the obligatory 
prayers five times a day. 

The entry gate to the cemetery proclaims it as, The Special Cemetery for Those 
who Perform Prayers. 

The bodies of the two terror suspects had earlier been taken by ambulance from 
Jakarta to their hometown in Brengosan village, Surakarta, arriving at around 
1:25 a.m. Thursday.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Religious fanaticism and terrorism

2009-08-14 Terurut Topik sunny

Religious fanaticism and terrorism
Ahmad Fuad Fanani ,  Jakarta   |  Fri, 08/07/2009 10:14 AM  |  Opinion 

These days, terrorism is usually related to religion, more precisely Islam. 
Such perceptions are difficult to deny because terrorists like Osama bin Laden 
and Noordin M. Top cite verses of the Koran in justifying their acts. 

Some experts also state that the misinterpretation of religious text can 
provide the background for terrorism. For example, Abu Bakar Ba'asyir and his 
students at the Ngruki pesantren often say that their first obligation as 
Muslims is to preach and promote Islam to others. 

On the other hand, Andrew Lacy stated in his article The Root Causes of 
Terrorism (The Bark Network, that most terrorist activities 
today come from three main roots: imperialism, capitalism, and religious 

Terrorism is the result of imperialism. We can see this in the fact that 
terrorists in Northern Ireland are former members of the army that fought 
against the British Empire. The rise of al-Qaeda is similarly the result of 
ideological war between the US and Russia, as it tried to colonize Afghanistan 
in 1979-1989.

Capitalism is too important to the rise of terrorism. Capitalism is the 
dominant ideology, which, like democracy, was exported by the West to 
developing countries. Capitalism systematically seizes the rights of minority 
and the poor groups. 

Meanwhile, religious fanaticism is a crucial factor in many terrorist 
organizations today. Religion is not so important in the formation of 
terrorists groups, but in the justification of their violent acts. For example, 
Osama bin Laden relates the concept of jihad with martyrdom in his anti US 

Mark Juergensmeyer states that in the post-cold war world, religion seems to be 
connected with violence. For example, the World Trade Center bombings, the Bali 
bombings, suicide attacks by Hammas in Israel, just to name a few, were all 
related to religion. 

Although religion is only a small part of the terrorist actions, Mark 
Juergensmeyer states that by spiritualizing violence, religion gives terrorism 
remarkable power. The reverse is also true: terrorism can give religion power. 
He found the relation between the religion and the radical movements.

Radical religious movements around the world have three common stances. 

First, they reject compromising religion for liberal and secular values. 

Second, they refuse secular society that restricts religion to private spaces.

Third, they try to create a new form of religiosity that rejects all forms of 
religion that they think damage their religion's origins. 

To reduce religious fanaticism that supports violence and terror, we should 
consider pursuing three agendas. 

Firstly, we must promote interpretations of religion that support social 
justice, global peace and social harmony. 

Secondly, we need to enhance awareness of the grassroots society with campaigns 
that show terrorism is an enemy of all religions. 

Thirdly, we should emphasize that the best method of jihad is helping each 
other and keeping peace in the world. 

The writer is a Muhammadiyah Youth Activist and Researcher at the Centre for 
Religion and Civilization Studies (PSAP)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Hidup Menjadi Bermakna

2009-08-14 Terurut Topik muhamad agus syafii
Hidup Menjadi Bermakna

By: Prof. Dr. Achmad Mubarok MA

Hidup menjadi bermakna sangat erat hubungannya dengan pandangan hidup yang 
dianut. Jika seseorang memiliki pandangan hidup (way of life) yang benar, maka 
peluang untuk membuat makna dalam hidupnya sangat terbuka. Sebaliknya pandangan 
hidup yang keliru akan membuat keliru juga dalam mengambil keputusan yang akan 
berakhir bukan saja hidupnya menjadi kurang atau bahkan tidak bermakna, tetapi 
ada kemungkinan justeru merusak, merusak dirinya dan merusak orang lain.

Manusia adalah makhluk psikologis yang menganut suatu makna.  Dalam psikologi 
komunikasi ada ungkapan world don’t mean, people mean; kata-kata itu tak 
memiliki makna, manusialah yang memberi makna. Manusia adalah makhluk yang 
mampu memberi makna terhadap obyek. Obyek yang sama mungkin diberi makna 
berbeda-beda oleh orang yang berbeda.  Senyum biasanya dimaknai sebagai 
keramahan, tetapi bagi orang yang sedang sakit hati kepada seseorang, maka 
senyuman orang itu bisa dimaknai sebagai penghinaan atau ngeledek. Senyuman ibu 
tiri sering dimaknai buruk oleh anak tiri, berbeda dengan persepsi anak 
kandungnya. Senyuman yang sama berdampak menyejukkan bagi seseorang, dan 
mungkin berdampak menyakitkan bagi seseorang yang lain.  Apa makna sesuatu 
bergantung kepada persepsi tentang fungsi dari sesuatu itu. Mata dipandang 
bermakna jika berfungsi untuk melihat, telinga dipandang bermakna jika 
berfungsi untuk mendengar, mobil dipandang bermakna jika berfungsi
 sebagai kendaraan, suami dipandang bermakna oleh isterinya jika ‘berfungsi’ 
sebagai suami, presiden dipandang bermakna oleh rakyat jika berfungsi sebagai 
pemimpin. Begitulah seterusnya segala sesuatu, tingkat bermaknanya bergantung 
kepada tingkat fungsionilnya

Manusia hidup di muka bumi memiliki berbagai fungsi, bagi dirinya, bagi 
keluarganya, bagi masyarakatnya, bagi bangsanya, bagi dunia dan bagi alam 
sekitarnya. Ada orang yang merasa dirinya bermakna tetapi tidak dipandang 
bermakna oleh orang lain, sebaliknya ada orang yang merasa dirinya bukan 
apa-apa dan bukan siapa-siapa, tetapi orang lain sangat menghormatinya.

Ada orang yang tinggal berada dalam suatu lingkungan dalam waktu yang lama, 
tetapi kehadirannya tidak berpengaruh apa-apa bagi lingkungan masyarakatrnya 
maka ia tidak dipandang bermakna, hadirnya tidak membuat genap, dan absennya 
tidak membuat ganjil.   Sebaliknya ada orang yang hanya melintas sebentar dalam 
kehidupan masyarakat, tetapi karena kehadirannya membawa perobahan besar kepada 
tatanan masyarakat maka sepeninggal orang tersebut namanya masih selalu 
disebut, gagasannya masih selalu didiskusikan, pendapatnya masih selalu dirujuk 
orang. Waktu yang sebentar tetapi fungsional dalam membawa perubahan, maka 
kehadiran sebentar itu dipandang sangat bermakna, sehingga mungkin nama orang 
itu diabadikan dalam nama jalan atau gedung, atau bahkan banyak bayi lahir yang 
kemudian diberi nama dengan nama orang itu.

Hidup menjadi bermakna sangat erat hubungannya dengan pandangan hidup yang 
dianut. Jika seseorang memiliki pandangan hidup (way of life) yang benar, maka 
peluang untuk membuat makna dalam hidupnya sangat terbuka. Sebaliknya pandangan 
hidup yang keliru akan membuat keliru juga dalam mengambil keputusan yang akan 
berakhir bukan saja hidupnya menjadi kurang atau bahkan tidak bermakna, tetapi 
ada kemungkinan justeru merusak, merusak dirinya dan merusak orang lain. 
Pandangan hidup dipandu oleh konsep budaya dan oleh keyakinan agama. Budaya 
yang tinggi akan melahirkan makna penting dan besar, budaya yang rendah akan 
melahirkan makna yang rendah pula. Keyakinan agama yang lurus akan melahirkan 
kehidupan yang benar-benar bermakna, sementara akidah agama yang keliru atau 
sesat akan menyesatkan penganutnya pula dan berujung pada kehadiran yang tak 
bermakna atau bahkan merusak.


Senyum menyambut ramadhan, senyum kemenangan adalah senyum amalia. Yuk, 
berkenan berbagi senyuman dalam sebuah program 'Senyum Amalia.' Kegiatan 
program 'Senyum Amalia' adalah Obrolan Puasa (Opus), Tadarus, Berbuka Puasa 
Bersama, Paket Bingkisan Senyum Amalia, akan diselenggarakan pada hari Ahad, 30 
Agustus 2009 di Rumah Amalia. Kirimkan dukungan dan senyuman anda di, atau sms di 
087 8777 12431


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Kebiasaan Yang Indah

2009-08-14 Terurut Topik muhamad agus syafii
Kebiasaan Yang Indah

By: agussyafii

Ditengah melajunya taksi seorang penumpang menepuk bahu Pak Sopir dengan maksud 
untuk berhenti. 'Mas, maaf kiri ya?' tanpa disangka sopir taksinya terkejut dan 
tanpa sengaja menginjak gas. Beruntunglah mereka selamat tidak terjadi 
kecelakaan apapun.

Setelah taksinya berhenti, Pak sopir mengatakan kepada penumpangnya, 'Pak, lain 
kali jangan tepuk bahu saya, sungguh pak, saya terkejut.' Kata Pak Sopir dengan 
wajah pucat.

'Memangnya kenapa Mas?' tanya penumpangnya.

'Masalahnya saya baru malam ini jadi sopir taksi,'jawab Pak Sopir Taksi.

'Memangnya sebelumnya kerja dimana Mas?' tanya penumpangnya kembali.

'Sebelumnya saya sopir mobil jenazah Pak..'  Jawab Pak Sopir Taksi yang masih 
nampak ketakutan.

Begitulah kebiasaan membentuk kepribadian seseorang. Kebiasaan yang baik akan 
membuat hidup kita menjadi indah. Demikian halnya kebiasaan yang buruk akan 
membuat hidup kita menjadi penuh kemalangan.

Pembiasaan adalah salah satu cara untuk mendidik diri kita dan juga mendidik 
anak-anak kita. Begitulah kami, di Rumah Amalia selalu mengajarkan kepada 
anak-anak Amalia agar berpikir positif, bertutur yang baik sehingga melahirkan 
tingkah laku yang penuh cinta kasih bagi sesamanya.

Bukankah hidup ini menjadi indah bila kita saling menyayangi?


Senyum menyambut ramadhan, senyum kemenangan adalah senyum amalia. Yuk, 
berkenan berbagi senyuman dalam sebuah program 'Senyum Amalia.' Kegiatan 
program 'Senyum Amalia' adalah Obrolan Puasa (Opus), Tadarus, Berbuka Puasa 
Bersama, Paket Bingkisan Senyum Amalia, akan diselenggarakan pada hari Ahad, 30 
Agustus 2009 di Rumah Amalia. Kirimkan dukungan dan senyuman anda di, atau sms di 
087 8777 12431


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: Sunny[wanita-muslimah] Re: Bolehkah suami memperkosa istrinya? - TNI

2009-08-14 Terurut Topik sunny

Tentu sangat seru bila mereka berdua main karete lawan pencaksilat.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Wikan Danar Sunindyo 
  Sent: Friday, August 14, 2009 9:39 AM
  Subject: Re: Sunny[wanita-muslimah] Re: Bolehkah suami memperkosa istrinya? - 

mungkin mas jano mikirnya ada suami TNI-AD istrinya TNI-AL
  lagi latihan karate/pencak silat
  jadi pukul-pukulan
  well, imajinasinya kejauhan


  2009/8/14 Dwi Soegardi
   Sudah jelas kita berdiskusi tentang suami memukul istri,
   dikomentari tidak jelas juntrungannya.
   Sebuah pameran ketidaknyambungan diperagakan tanpa malu-malu.
   Kalau engkau tidak malu, berbuatlah (berkomentarlah) semaumu. (al-hadis)


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Indonesia's Muddy Justice

2009-08-14 Terurut Topik sunny

Indonesia's Muddy Justice

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] IBRAHIM ISA – Berbagi Cerita - Joop Morrien dan Dua Bukunya Tentang INDONESIA

2009-08-14 Terurut Topik isa
IBRAHIM ISA – Berbagi Cerita

Jum'at, 14 Agustus 2009

Joop Morrien dan Dua Bukunya


Joop Morrien, sahabat lamaku, mengingatkan aku bahwa, di waktu yang lalu 
ia menulis a.l dua buku, ditulis dalam bahasa Belanda yang bersangkutan 
dengan SEJARAH INDONESIA. Ini dikemukakannya padaku setelah ia dengan 
seksama mengikuti tulisanku berjudul: 'KITLV dan Seratus Tahun Sutan 
Sjahrir' dan 'Buku Sejarah Indonesia di Reigersbos'.

Benar, aku ingat Joop Morrien, wartawan kawakan yang sudah pensiun itu, 
tidak sekali berkunjung ke Indonesia pada periode Presiden Sukarno. 
Lagipula banyak menulis artikel dan laporan tentang Indonesia. Ketika 
Indonesia masih di bawah rezim Orba, Joop ketika itu aktif sebagai 
anggota pengurus Komite Indonesia-Holland yang pendiri dan ketuanya 
adalah Prof Dr W.F Wertheim. Tulis Joop kepadaku, bahwa ia pernah 
menulis buku bersangkutan dengan sejarah Indonesia, berjudul 'INDONESIË 
LOS VAN HOLLAND'. Dengan subjudul – De CPN En De PKI Hun Strijd Tegen 
Het Nederlandse Kolonialisme' -- Amsterdam, 1982. Kemudian sebuah lagi 
berjudul 'INDONESIË LIET ME NOOIT LOS' – Vijftig Jaar Antikoloniale 
Strijd, Amsterdam 1995. Buku-buku Joop Morrien mengenai Indonesia itu, 
ditulis ketika Indonesia masih dalam periode Orba. Kiranya para 
peneliti, sejarawan, Indonesianis, atau, siapa saja yang berkecimpung 
dengan sejarah Indonesia, kiranya mengetahui keberadaan buku-buku 
tulisan Joop Morrien tsb.

* * *

Yang khusus patut mendapat perhatian ialah buku Joop Morrien, berjudul 
INDONESIË LOS VAN HOLLAND. Judul itu adalah sebuah varian dari salah 
satu semboyan yang disahkan oleh Kongres SDP, Sociaal Democratische 
Partij di Nederland. SDP kemudian mengubah namanya menjadi CPN . Dalam 
tahun 1914 SDP mengangkat semboyan : “Indië, Los van Holland”. Dalam 
bahasa Indonesia 'Hindia Lepas dari Holland. Pada waktu itu SDP telah 
mencantumkan di dalam programnya, masalah perlawanan terhadap 
kolonialisme Belanda di Indonesia.

Menjadi jelas, bahwa sejak awal, SDP, sebagai suatu partai politik 
Belanda yang beraliran Kiri Marxis, telah mengambil posisi yang jelas 
dan tegas menentang kolonialisme Belanda di Indonesia.

Joop Morrien dengan rinci menguaraikan saling hubungan antara SDP-CPN 
dengan gerakan buruh di Indonesia, serta dengan PKI. Kedua gerakan 
Marxis tsb, Belanda dan Indonesia, erat bersolidaritas sampai 
tercapainya kemerdekaan Indonesia, lepas dari Belanda.

Untuk memperoleh sedikit gambaran umum, baik dikemukakan di sini susunan 
buku Joop tsb sbb: 1. Hindia lepas dari Holland dalam program SDP. 2. 
Watak revolusi Indonesia di negeri-negeri kolonial. 3. Indonesia, 
kebangkitan nasional dan pan-islamisme. 4. Pemberontakan Indonesia tahun 
1926. 5. Kamp konsentrasi Boven-Digul/Liga Anti-kolonial. 6. Kongres 
Ke-6 Komintern. Wijnkoop dan De Visser. 7. CPN, SDAP dan 'debat 
kesegeraan'. 8. Ancaman fasis tahun tigapuluhan. 9. Proklamasi Republik 
Indonesia. 10 Linggadjati dan perang kolonial perama. 11. Perundingan 
Renville/Provokasi Madiun. 12. Perang kolonial kedua dan Persetujuan 
KMB. 13. Pemilihan umum pertama di Indonesia. 14. Nyaris Perang kolonial 
ketiga mengenai Niews-Guinea. 15. Perebutan kekuasaan Suharto, diktatur 
militer. 16. IGGI dan perlawanan.

* * *

Dalam bukunya itu Joop Morrien menunjukkan dengan tegas, bahwa 
penguasaan terhadap Indonesia oleh kapital kolonial selama berabad-abad 
adalah suatu penguasaan politik, militer dan kulturil. Imperialisme 
Nederland memperoleh posisi dan arti internasionalnya – dari 
'pemilikannya' terhadap salah satu wilayah kolonial yang terkaya di dunia.

Di fihak lain, penguasaan kolonial Indonesia oleh Nederland menimbulkan 
saling-pengaruh terhadap masing-masing negeri tsb dan tumbuhnya 
keterjalinan sejarah antara Indonesia maupun Nederland. Hal itu telah 
memberikan stempel pada pertumbuhan kapitalisme di Nederland dan 
pengaruhnya terhadap pelbagai aliran dalam gerakan buruh Nederland dan 
terhadap perutmbuhan kesadaran politik klas buruh Nederland. Dan bahwa 
situasi tsb juga memberikan stempelnya pada situasi ekonomi di 
Indonesia, pada lahirnya klas buruh Indonesia, pada kebangkitan 
kesadaran nasional dan terhadap perjuangan untuk menbangun negara 
sendiri yang merdeka.

Suatu pengertian terhadap sejarah masalah Indonesia adalah penting 
sekali. Oleh karena dari situ banyak yang bisa dijelaskan dan difahami 
dalam kaitannya dengan masa sekarang dalam hubungannya dengan 
negeri-negeri berkembang. Demikian Joop Morrien, antara lain dalam kata 
pengantar bukunya itu.

* * *

Bukunya yang berjudul 'INDONESIË LIET ME NOOIT MEER LOS', 'Indonesia tak 
pernah melepaskan saya' – Limapuluh Tahun Perjuangan Antikolonial, Joop 
Morrien menyatakan sbb:

'Indonesië Los van Holland Nu' – Indonesia Lepas Dari Holland Sekarang', 
adalah semboyan CPN sebelum meletusnya Perang Dunia II. Bahwa sejak 
lahirnya, CPN menyokong perjuangan antikolonial bangsa Indonesia.

Re: Sunny[wanita-muslimah] Re: Bolehkah suami memperkosa istrinya? - TNI

2009-08-14 Terurut Topik jano ko
Mas Wikan :

mungkin mas jano mikirnya ada suami TNI-AD istrinya TNI-AL

lagi latihan karate/pencak silat

jadi pukul-pukulan


well, imajinasinya kejauhan

Janoko :

Lumayan dach masih ada yang bisa ngimbangin janoko.

Maklum aja dech, di Amerika sono, dimana Bung Dwi berdomisili tidak ada TNI 
Female, jadi bung Dwi belum bisa memahami janoko.


--- On Fri, 14/8/09, Wikan Danar Sunindyo wrote:

From: Wikan Danar Sunindyo
Subject: Re: Sunny[wanita-muslimah] Re: Bolehkah suami memperkosa istrinya? -  
Date: Friday, 14 August, 2009, 3:39 PM


  mungkin mas jano mikirnya ada suami TNI-AD istrinya TNI-AL

lagi latihan karate/pencak silat

jadi pukul-pukulan


well, imajinasinya kejauhan




2009/8/14 Dwi Soegardi soega...@gmail. com:

 Sudah jelas kita berdiskusi tentang suami memukul istri,

 dikomentari tidak jelas juntrungannya.

 Sebuah pameran ketidaknyambungan diperagakan tanpa malu-malu.

 Kalau engkau tidak malu, berbuatlah (berkomentarlah) semaumu. (al-hadis)




  New Email addresses available on Yahoo!
Get the Email name you#39;ve always wanted on the new @ymail and @rocketmail. 
Hurry before someone else does!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: Pro achmad Chodjim[wanita-muslimah] Re: Bolehkah suami memperkosa istrinya? Dimana Hak wanita?

2009-08-14 Terurut Topik abdul latif
Kalaulah ulama2 fundamentalis Syiah dan wahabi berpendapat seperti anda itu 
baik sekali,bpk sangat menyokong dan tdk setuju dgn bentuk2 hukuman jahillah 
Potong tanga, cambuk, gantung kepala utk hukuman mati.

Kalau kita masih mempertahankan harus ada saksi 4 orang, itu sudah tidak 
mungkin sekali,sdr achmad? kasihan kita wanita yg di perkosa laki2 tanpa ada 
penghukuman terhadapat pelaku2 kriminal..enaknya laki2 Saudi dantidak ebak bagi 
oleh karena itu perzinaan atau perkisaan di negara2 Arab dan saudi tidak 
kelihatan di permukaan, karena wanita takut, malu dan tidak bisa menghadiri 4 
wanita2 yg diperkosa menyerah kpd nasib.inilah kelemahan2 hukum al quran,kalau 
ulama2 tidak mengikuti ilmu2 science dan technologi. tetap terbelakang.

kami dari islam berpaham liberal akan mencoba merobah bentuk hukuman itu dgn 
membuktikan dgn kimia,DNA dll. Agar pelaku kriminal harus di hukum segera.

Terimakasih sharing ilmunya.Wassalam

--- On Fri, 8/14/09, achmad chodjim wrote:

From: achmad chodjim
Subject: Re: [wanita-muslimah] Re: Bolehkah suami memperkosa istrinya? Dimana 
Hak  wanita?
Date: Friday, August 14, 2009, 10:35 AM


  Pak A. Latif,

Tanpa harus ada stigma terhadap cap ke-Islam-an, seperti liberal maupun 
fundamentalis, kalau kita benar-benar mengkaji perilaku sahabat besar Nabi ada 
benang merah yang bisa ditarik dalam menegakkan ke-Islam-an kita. Jadi, dalam 
hal bentuk hukuman bahkan HUKUM para sahabat Nabi begitu cerdas dalam 

Misalnya, pampasan perang, tidak lagi dibagikan kepada tentara yang ikut perang 
pada masa Umar bin Khaththab. Juga, masalah hukum potong tangan, ternyata Umar 
lebih memilih menyejahterakan masyarakat daripada memotong tangan si pencuri. 
Bagi Umar, hukum potong tangan bisa dilakukan APABILA kesejahteraan seluruh 
warga terjamin, tetapi koq masih ada yang mencuri. Dengan cara ini, tak ada 
pemotongan tangan selama pemerintahan Umar.

4 saksi untuk berzina justru lebih manusiawi daripada tes DNA. Hikmah di balik 
4 saksi adalah kita tidak mudah menuduh orang berzina. Artinya, damai-damai 
sajalah. Bila seorang istri atau suami memergoki pasangannya berzina, ya ambil 
jalan tobat bagi pezinanya; dan kalau tidak bisa tobat ya cerai. Intinya, tak 
ada manusia dicambuk gara-gara berzina, apalagi dirajam. Itu pentingnya 
kesaksian 4 saksi. Lha, kalau tes DNA kan lebih menyakiti karena membongkar 
aib, padahal tujuannya ada tobat dan tidak berzina lagi!



- Original Message - 

  From: abdul latif 

  To: wanita-muslimah@ yahoogroups. com 

  Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2009 4:16 AM

  Subject: Re: [wanita-muslimah] Re: Bolehkah suami memperkosa istrinya? Dimana 
Hak wanita?


Kalau kami dari golongan Islam yang berpaham Liberal berpendapat bahwa;hukuman 
potong tangan, cambuk dan hukum gantung boleh di tukar dgn hukuman 
kurung.Karena substasi sama, yaitu menghukum orang2 yg berbuat perbuatan2 
kriminal yg merugikan pihak lain.

Sedangkan  Islam Fundamnetalis baik wahabi, maupun syiah, masih menggunakan 
hukuman2 primitif jahiliah...bahkan hukuman lempar batu seperti hukuman di 

Juga pembuktian zina, kami dari gol Islam Liberal mengikuti ilmu Scinece dan 
technologi baru,disesuaikan dgn perkembangan pradapan umat. Dulu belum ada 
alat2 canggih, dan kimia, perlu membawa 4 orang saksi.Ini sudah tidak mungkin 
sekali membawa 4 orang saksi dalam zaman sibuk ini. Sekarang dgn alat2 kimia 
dan DNA mudah membuktikan siapa2 pelaku zina itu.


--- On Thu, 8/13/09, achmad chodjim chod...@gmail. com wrote:

From: achmad chodjim chod...@gmail. com

  Subject: Re: [wanita-muslimah] Re: Bolehkah suami memperkosa istrinya? Dimana 
Hak wanita?

  To: wanita-muslimah@ yahoogroups. com

  Date: Thursday, August 13, 2009, 5:57 PM

Cuma menambahkan saja, bahwa rajam adalah hukum jahiliyah. Dalam Alquran, zina 
dihukum dengan cambuk! Dus, bila di Timur Tengah masih dijalankan hukum rajam, 
berarti mereka masih menjalankan hukum jahiliyah!

Mengapa dalam hukuman terhadap zina, orang tak mau sami'na wa atha'na terhadap 



- Original Message - 

From: L.Meilany 

To: wanita-muslimah@ yahoogroups. com 

Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2009 1:41 AM

Subject: Re: [wanita-muslimah] Re: Bolehkah suami memperkosa istrinya? Dimana 
Hak wanita?

Setahu saya kalo yg dirajam itu kalo ketahuan berzina

Kalo selingkuh saja nggak pake berzina mosok sih dirajam.

Lantas juga kriteria-batasan pengertian selingkuh itu yg seperti apa kan 
tergantung dari kesepakatan pasangan itu.

Saya punya temen perempuan sangat jengkel sama suaminya [ diam2 saja] karena 
nggak boleh ber fb ria, nggak boleh ngeblog.

Milisan boleh tapi milis yg 

[wanita-muslimah] Saudi for Saudis? Why not?

2009-08-14 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi: Supaya dipahami oleh non-Arab bahwa Saudi for Saudis.

Tuesday 11 August 2009 (20 Sha`ban 1430)

Saudi for Saudis? Why not?
Ali Saad Al-Musa | Al-Watan,   
ANUMBER of Saudi youth are struggling to make Saudi Arabia the 
homeland of Saudis under the slogan Saudi for Saudis. They have gone to 
extreme lengths with a website bearing the same name. They are on satellite TV 
advocating this dream, which is not possible to attain.

The dream slogan calling to make the Kingdom the homeland for its 
sons and daughters does not mean we should close all doors before the others. 
It does not also, necessarily, mean that we should dispose of all experts and 
the sweat of foreign manpower. However, this openness toward the other should 
not be made a pretext to dump the country with necessary or unnecessary foreign 

Today there are more than 10 million foreigners in the Kingdom. I 
can safely say the country will not be affected if we deported half of these 
people overnight.

How can Saudi be for Saudis if we come to know that unemployment 
among foreigners is double the unemployment among Saudis? How can the country 
be for its people if we come to know that unemployment among unqualified 
illegal overstayers is 10 times the unemployment of Saudi citizens? How can 
unemployed Saudi youth compete against a long line of foreigners?

How can our country become for us when all the decisions to apply 
Saudization still remain just ink on paper? How can Saudi be for Saudis when 
Saudi citizens constitute only about 5 percent of the manpower of the top 100 
Saudi companies? How can we call these companies national Saudi companies?

How can the homeland be for its people if we come to know that we 
have half a million unemployed in the strongest economy in the heart of the 
G20? How can we dream to achieve the slogan if we realize that the Saudis make 
cubic zero the business of pharmacies, foodstuffs, trans-world companies, 
foreign aviation companies, private factories and import companies?

How can Saudi ever be for Saudis if the only opening available for 
Saudis is security guard for the offices and housing compounds of foreigners?

How can the country be for its own people if the only breakthrough 
achieved by people responsible for employing is to make Saudi women housemaids?

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Tribute to a truly inspired mind

2009-08-14 Terurut Topik sunny

Tribute to a truly inspired mind
Former President APJ Abdul Kalam addresses at the concluding day of National 
summit on 'National value crisis and redressal' in New Delhi on Wednesday.

Dr APJ Abdul Kalam, Hindustan Times
August 15, 2009
First Published: 02:51 IST(15/8/2009)
Last Updated: 03:07 IST(15/8/2009)

I am happy that Hindustan Times has brought out the India Inspired series 
showcasing innovations and creative thinking, which can transform the lives of 
many in the country.

Such innovative spirit has to become a part of life of every young mind in the 
nation. I would like to present to the readers two great minds who have 
nurtured creativity and innovation even in the most difficult circumstances and 
both of them are remembered for their work.

Birth of Creativity in a difficult situation Mario Capecchi had a difficult and 
challenging childhood. For nearly four years, Capecchi lived with his mother in 
a chalet in the Italian Alps.

When World War II broke out, his mother, along with other Bohemians, was sent 
to Dachau as a political prisoner. Anticipating her arrest by the Gestapo, she 
had sold all her possessions and given the money to friends to help raise her 
son on their farm.

On the farm, he had to grow own wheat, harvest; take it to miller to be ground. 
Then, the money which his mother left for him ran out and at the age of four 
and half years, he started sometimes living in the streets, sometimes joining 
gangs of other homeless children, sometimes living in orphanages and most of 
the time hungry.

He spent the last year in the city of Reggio Emelia, hospitalised for 
malnutrition where his mother found him on his ninth birthday after a year of 
searching. Within weeks, Capecchi and his mother sailed to America to join his 
uncle and aunt.

He started third grade afresh and studied political science. But he didn't find 
it interesting and changed into science, became a mathematics graduate in 1961 
with a double major in Physics and Chemistry.

Although he really liked Physics, its elegance and simplicity, he switched to 
molecular biology in graduate school, on the advice of James D Watson, who 
advised him that he should not be bothered about small things, since such 
pursuits are likely to produce only small answers.

His objective was to do gene targeting. The experiments started in 1980 and by 
1984, Capecchi had clear success.

Three years later, he applied the technology to mice. In 1989, he developed the 
first mice with targeted mutations. The technology created by Doctor Capecchi 
allows researchers to create specific gene mutations anywhere they choose in 
the genetic code of a mouse. By manipulating gene sequences in this way, 
researchers are able to mimic human disease conditions on animal subjects. What 
the research of Mario Capecchi means for human health is nothing short of 
amazing, his work with mice could lead to cures for Alzheimer's disease or even 
Cancer. The innovations in genetics that Mario Capecchi achieved won him the 
Nobel Prize in 2007. The message we learn from Mario Capecchi:

When you wish upon a star, Makes no difference who you are Anything your heart 
desires Will come to you

A genius well ahead of his time, Ramanujan, born and raised in Erode, Tamil 
Nadu, first encountered formal mathematics at the age of 10. He demonstrated a 
natural ability at mathematics, and was given books on advanced trigonometry by 
SL Loney.

He mastered this book by age thirteen, and even discovered theorems of his own. 
He demonstrated unusual mathematical skills at school, winning many awards.

By the age of seventeen, Ramanujan was conducting his own mathematical research 
on Bernoulli numbers and the Euler-Mascheroni constant. He received a 
scholarship to study at Government College in Kumbakonam. He failed his 
non-mathematical coursework, and lost his scholarship. Srinivasa Ramanujan 
lived only for 33 years and did not have formal higher education or means of 

Yet, his inexhaustible spirit and love for his subject made him contribute to 
the treasure house of mathematical research - some of which are still under 
serious study and engaging allavailable world mathematicians' efforts to 
establish formal proofs.

Ramanujan was a unique Indian genius who could melt the heart of the most 
hardened and outstanding Cambridge mathematician Prof G H Hardy. In fact, it is 
not an exaggeration to say that it was Professor Hardy who discovered Ramanujan 
for the world. Professor Hardy rated various geniuses on a scale of 100.

While most of the mathematicians got a rating of around 30 with rare exceptions 
reaching to 60, Ramanujan got a rating of 100. There cannot be any better 
tribute to either Ramanujan or to Indian heritage. One of the tributes to 
Ramanujan says that, 'every 

[wanita-muslimah] Kabarduka

2009-08-14 Terurut Topik heri latief
Kabarduka: Telah meninggal dunia Bapak Joesoef Isak, wartawan senior, mantan 
Pemred Harian Merdeka dan pendiri Hasta Mitra, Sabtu dini hari, 15 Agustus, 
pukul 1.30. Rumah duka Jl.Duren Tiga No.36, Jakarta Selatan, Sejajar dengan 
Hotel Kaisar. Tolong sebarkan SMS duka ini kepada handai tolan. Info hubungi 
Bonnie Triyana, nomor HP 0856 894 1078.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Hamas battles Islamist group

2009-08-14 Terurut Topik sunny

Saturday, August 15, 2009 
01:22 Mecca time, 22:22 GMT

Hamas battles Islamist group

Abdul Latif Musa, centre, demanded that Hamas implement a stricter 
interpretation of sharia [AFP] 
Clashes at a mosque in the Gaza Strip that left at least 16 people dead have 
spread to the home of an imam who had called for the territory to be made an 
Islamic emirate.

Hamas security forces seized control of the Ibn Taymiya mosque in Rafah on 
Friday after hours of clashes with fighters loyal to Abdul Latif Musa, a local 
religious leader.

But several fighters holed up inside managed to escape to Musa's home.

Hamas security and the military wing of Hamas were able to take over the 
mosque, but [amid] the fighting several fighters loyal to the sheikh and 
members of his armed group fled to his house, Al Jazeera's Ayman Mohyeldin, 
reporting from Rafah, said.

We believe that is where Hamas security forces chased them ... and that is 
where the standoff is currently taking place.

There are reports that they may have detonated explosives around the house and 
there is also a belief that there may be a tunnel that has allowed some of the 
fighters to escape.

Scores of people were wounded in the fighting, several of them critically, 
medical officials said. 

Sharia demand

The clashes began after Musa, a local imam and leader of Al-Jamaa al-Salafiya 
al-Jihadya in Palestine (The Jihadist Salafist Group in Palestine), called for 
the establishment of an Islamic emirate in the Palestinian territories. 

The group seeks a Palestinian legal system based purely on the sharia - Islamic 
law - and accuses Hamas of being too liberal. The group is said to have 
threatened to burn down internet cafes and to demand greater modesty on Gaza 

  We are today proclaiming the creation of an Islamist emirate in the Gaza 

  Abdul Latif Musa, leader of Al-Jamaa al-Salafiya al-Jihadya in Palestine
We are today proclaiming the creation of an Islamist emirate in the Gaza 
Strip, Musa had told worshippers at a Rafah mosque earlier, according to 

Musa said that if Hamas were to implement sharia he would immediately instruct 
his followers to comply with the movement's instructions.

An audience of several hundred men filled the mosque as Musa spoke, cheering 
and shouting in response to his address.

A spokesperson for the Hamas-run interior ministry dismissed Musas's comments 
and described him as mentally unstable. 

In a statement, the ministry warned that those violating the law would be 
pursued and dealt with by the law.

Everyone outside the law and carrying arms in order to spread chaos will be 
pursued and arrested, it said.

The ministry of religious affairs has previously asked Musa to resign his post, 
but he has repeatedly refused. 

Foreign fighters

Mohyeldin said: It is important to put this situation into the context of the 
discussion that has been going on here over the past week, and in fact for some 
time now.

  Heavily armed men accompanied Musa as he addressed worshippers at the 
mosque [AFP] 
There has been some criticism that Gaza has become a bastion or a safe place 
for a lot of foreign fighters ... and that is something that many here, in 
particular from Hamas, believe undermines Hamas's ability to rule.

Earlier on Friday, Ismail Haniyah, the de facto prime minister in Gaza, 
rejected Israeli allegations that non-Palestinians who had fought in Iraq and 
Afghanistan were crossing into from Egypt in order to set up bases in the 

Such groups do not exist on the soil of the Gaza Strip ... there are no 
fighters in Gaza except Gazan fighters, he said.

Sami Abu Zuhri, a Hamas official, said that Musa's group, which two months ago 
attempted horseback attack on an Israeli base, has no affiliation with foreign 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Venezuela changes education system

2009-08-14 Terurut Topik sunny

Saturday, August 15, 2009 
01:06 Mecca time, 22:06 GMT

Venezuela changes education system 
Chavez is accused by opponents of trying to impose a socialist 
agenda in Venezuela's schools [AFP] 

Venezuelan legislators have passed a bill on changes to the country's education 
system, in a move that critics say is aimed at indoctrinating students with a 
socialist agenda.

Under the law, which was agreed on Friday, school teaching will be based on 
ideas advanced by Simon Bolivar, a 19th-century independence advocate who 
called for self-determination and Latin American unity.

The government has said that the law, which also eliminated explicit provision 
for religious education in the mainly Catholic country, will improve education 

This law is needed for many reasons ... the curriculum, the functioning of 
schools, the incorporation of the community, Hector Navarro, the education 
minister, said.

But those opposed to the plan have said that teaching Bolivarian ideals in 
schools is an attempt by President Hugo Chavez to increase long-term support 
for his policies.

They don't use the word 'socialism,' but that's what they want to introduce in 
our schools, Ray Gonzalez, a 59-year-old engineer, said of the legislators who 
passed the law.

Opposition walk-out

National assembly members opposed to the bill's most contentious articles left 
the assembly hours before the final vote in protest.

  We decided to withdraw because they did not accept our proposals or 

  Juan Jose Molina, legislator opposed to 
  the education bill
We decided to withdraw because they did not accept our proposals or 
recommendations,'' Juan Jose Molina, a politician opposed to the bill, said. 
The 67-seat assembly was filled entirely with pro-Chavez polticians after his 
opponents boycotted 2005 elections.

A dozen legislators have since dropped their support for the president and the 
ruling Fifth Republic party, alleging that Chavez has become increasingly 

But supporters of the law say that students will learn to be socially 
responsible under the new curricula.

It is not about imposing a single form of thinking. On the contrary; it is 
about respecting the diversity that has characterized this country since 
colonisation, Yajaira Reyes, a teacher who heads a pro-Chavez group called 
Educators for Emancipation, said.

A day before the law was passed, rival demonstrators clashed outside the 
assembly building in Caracas, the Venezuelan capital.

Police in riot gear used tear gas and water cannons to break up the protests. 
At least a dozen people were hurt.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Understanding what is Sharia

2009-08-14 Terurut Topik sunny

Understanding what is Sharia 
By Dr Riffat Hassan 
Friday, 14 Aug, 2009 | 08:54 AM PST | 

What is Sharia is the subject of an intense debate going on not only in 
Pakistan but globally, both amongst Muslims and between Muslims and 
non-Muslims. This, while the majority of those who are engaged in the debate do 
not often know the original or the classical meaning of Sharia.

Given the importance of Sharia in the lives of millions of Muslims, it is 
critical that the term be correctly understood. Explaining this term, Dr Gamal 
Solaiman, a notable Egyptian scholar educated at Cairo's Al-Azhar University, 
observes that 'the word 'sharia' literally means a way leading to a watering 
place where people have access to indispensable life ingredients'.

He refers to Surah 21:31 which states: 'We made out of water every living 
thing.' As water is the essence of all living things, so Sharia represents what 
is essential for a human being's spiritual and social development.

Dr Solaiman has pointed out that the word is used in the Quran in three places. 
One reference is in Surah 42:13 which states: 'In matters of Sharia, He (God) 
has ordained for you that which He had enjoined upon Noah - and into which We 
gave thee (O Muhammad) insight through revelation - as well as that which We 
had enjoined upon Abraham and Moses and Jesus: Steadfastly uphold the (true) 
faith, and do not break up your unity therein.'

Here, Sharia 'stands for the essence of all revealed religions with regard to 
acknowledging God, being obedient to Him and guided by Him'.

A second reference is in Surah 5:48 which states: 'And unto thee (O Prophet) 
have we vouchsafed this divine writ, setting forth the truth, confirming the 
truth of whatever there still remains of earlier revelations and determining 
what is true therein. Judge, then, between the followers of earlier revelations 
in accordance with the Sharia that God has bestowed from on high, and do not 
follow their errant views, forsaking the truth that has come unto thee.'

A third reference is found in Surah 45:18 which states: 'And finally, (O 
Muhammad,) We have set thee on a Sharia by which the purpose (of faith) may be 
fulfilled: so follow thou this (way), and follow not the likes and dislikes of 
those who do not know (the truth).'

Dr Solaiman has pointed out that in the above-cited second and third 
references, 'sharia' 'is used to indicate the practical course for a human 
being's development and well-being, morally, socially, economically and 
otherwise'. Sharia is defined in terms similar to Dr Solaiman's by E.W. Lane 
who states in his monumental Arabic-English Lexicon that, according to the 
authors of authoritative Arabic lexicons, the Taj al-Arus, the Tadheeb and the 
Misbah, the Arabs do not apply the term 'sharia' to 'any but (a watering place) 
such as is permanent and apparent to the eye, like the water of a river, not 
water from which one draws with the well-rope'.

Explicating the above, a modern lexicon, Lughat ul-Quran, states that the term 
'sharia' refers to a straight and clear path, and also to a watering place 
where both humans and animals come to drink water, provided the source of water 
is a flowing stream or river.

It is extremely ironic that the term 'sharia', which embodies the idea of 
fluidity and mobility as part of its very structure, should have become the 
symbol of rigid and unchanging laws not only for non-Muslims in general, but 
also many Muslims in the world. The primary sources of the Sharia are the Quran 
and the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Historically speaking, the Sharia 
has been understood in general terms to refer to a code of principles which 
regulates the diverse aspects of a Muslim's life.

It is much wider in meaning and application than the term 'fiqh', which means 
jurisprudence. Though often the two terms are used interchangeably, they are 
different in meaning. Dr Fathi Osman has pointed out that the difference 
between the two terms is comparable to the difference between 'law' and 
'jurisprudence' in English.

With reference to the Sharia, Dr Osman has stated: 'God's laws are meant to 
remove difficulties and inconveniences and not create them.. Whenever certain 
circumstances make the implementation of a rule of Sharia result in mass 
difficulties or inconvenient pressures, the general principle of 'God does not 
want to place you in a difficulty' (Surah 5:6; Surah 22:78) and 'God does not 
burden any human being with more than he is well able to bear' . would apply to 
stop the public difficulty or to respond to the public necessity or need, and 
in such a case any legal detail can be suspended for the sake of maintaining 
the general goals and principles of Sharia.'

Dr Osman notes with emphasis that Sharia is 'meant to guard and protect the 
physical and moral purity and wholeness of 

[wanita-muslimah] Noordin plots more bombings on the run

2009-08-14 Terurut Topik sunny

Noordin plots more bombings on the run
Tom Allard in Jakarta
August 15, 2009 
As the frantic chase for Indonesia's most wanted man Noordin Mohammed Top moved 
into overdrive, Indonesian police came upon two men at a motorcycle repair shop 
in Temanggung in Central Java.

The men, Aris Susanto and Indra Arif, were, police believed, the terrorist 
bombmaker's look-outs. And they had valuable information to share. Noordin, the 
man allegedly responsible for the bombings of the JW Marriott and Ritz-Carlton 
hotels on July 17 - and terrorist attacks stretching back to the first Bali 
bombings - was hiding at a nearby farmhouse.

So began the 17-hour siege involving hundreds of heavily armed members of the 
police's elite Detachment 88 anti-terrorism and mobile brigade units. After 
countless rounds of automatic weapon fire, the detonation of explosive devices 
and use of high-tech robots, police hauled out a body last Saturday. They were 
giving each other high fives as camera crews recorded the celebrations.

There was only one problem. It wasn't Noordin. Rather, it was Ibrahim, the 
florist who worked at the two hotels and played the key role in smuggling 
explosives into the hotel.

Ibrahim's demise was an important scalp. But he was the only man in the house 
and he did not return fire during the siege. An unexploded bomb was reportedly 
recovered from the house after the siege. Questions are being asked as to why 
such a massive display of firepower was necessary. Could a nuanced operation 
have led to his capture alive, providing authorities with intelligence on 

Noordin's ability to avoid capture once again has highlighted the ongoing 
terrorism threat in Indonesia, and reveals something of his methods of evasion 
and the loyal servants who will do anything to protect him.

There are two possible scenarios behind his escape. He was in the house but 
managed to evade the huge police dragnet, with Ibrahim remaining behind to take 
on police and lay down his life. Or, more likely, he was never there and his 
look-outs gave false information to police to throw them off the trail.

Noordin is understood to travel with look-outs who are expert in creating 
diversions. They act as outriders, and the motorcycle helmet provides him with 
the perfect cover. According to Nasir Abas, the former Jemaah Islamiah leader 
who trained Noordin at the Hudaibiyah terrorist camp in the southern 
Philippines, Noordin is a master of disguise who relies on a wide network of 
sympathisers to hide him. ''Noordin hides by constantly moving from one place 
to another,'' Nasir told the Jakarta Globe.

''He takes advantage of people's friendly nature, and [sometimes] he wears a 
veil and a burqa.''

As Agus Widjojo, a security adviser to the Indonesian President, Susilo Bambang 
Yudhoyono, puts it: ''It's a Tom and Jerry game. The question is, is there the 
capability to cover off all of his avenues of passage? The answer is no. 
Indonesia is an easy place to hide.''

Asked if Noordin had friends in the police who were tipping him off, Mr Widjojo 
rejected the notion. ''I don't agree with that. He is the highest priority 
target. It's not something anyone in the police would risk.''

Indonesia's police have made significant headway in the past month. As well as 
Ibrahim, they have killed or captured eight others believed to be part of 
Noordin's network.

They have also uncovered an apparent plot to blow up Dr Yudhoyono this month 
with a car bomb, after a raid in Bekasi, near Jakarta, last Friday. As well as 
hundreds of kilograms of explosives, police uncovered detonators and a suitcase 
full of ball bearings and bolts that would have become deadly shrapnel. The 
plot, according to police, was conceived after the hotel bombings, as 
retribution for the execution last year of the three Bali bombers, who Noordin 
idolised and may have visited when he was incarcerated on the prison island of 

The intelligence came from Amir Abdillah, the man who checked into the JW 
Marriott's Room 1808, the nerve centre of the July 17 hotel bombing operation. 
He told police the car bomb plot was hatched at a meeting with Noordin at a 
safehouse close to Jakarta a few days after the hotel bombings. The fact that a 
plan to kill Dr Yudhoyono could apparently be organised so quickly highlights 
the ongoing risks.

Noordin still has the core of his group operational. His premier bombmaker, 
Reno (aka Tedi), has not been caught, along with several other key members.

In a nationally televised address yesterday, Dr Yudhoyono called on Indonesians 
to join together to fight terrorism. ''Let us protect our citizens and our 
youth from misleading information and extremism . and help security officers by 
giving information about terrorism actors who are hiding in our society,'' he 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Pak Ucup

2009-08-14 Terurut Topik heri latief
kabar duka dari jakarta, seorang pejuang kemanusiaan telah tiada, yang tua 
telah pergi, yang muda nongol di sana-sini, anak muda membaca jejak sejarah 
bangsanya, pencerahan terjadi akibat pergesekan ide demi perjuangan kaum yang 

pak ucup terkenal sebagai wartawan senior, pendukung bung karno dari lingkaran 
yang pertama itu biasa duduk santai dekat pintu di pojok kantornya, yang 
katanya bekas kamar mandi dan wc itu adalah markasnya hasta mitra, penerbit 
buku-buku yang dilarang.

pak ucup punya hobi ngerokoknya seperti kereta api bumel yang asapnya mengepul 
di udara, perokok asli yang punya nyali melawan kekuasaan kejam tirani orba itu 
selalu oke aje jika diajak berdiskusi, bila ada perkara yang ruwet banget, 
kawan tua kita pasti punya jawabnya, kerna ia juga ensiklopedia soal politik 
pers indonesia, jangan heran jika mendengar cerita tentang penjara dan siksa 
dalam resep anti pengkhianatan, walau pun badan habis tersiksa, jangan pernah 
menjual cita-cita..., demikian kata pak ucup sembari menghembuskan asap 

selamat jalan pak ucup, god bless you!

heri latief
amsterdam, 15/08/2009


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [wanita-muslimah] Pak Ucup

2009-08-14 Terurut Topik achmad chodjim
Turut berduka cita. Semoga keluarga yang ditinggalkan Pak Ucup tetap tabah 
karena Pak Ucup hanyalah meninggalkan sementara untuk berganti baju.

Semoga Pak Ucup tetap terbimbing selama dalam perjalanannya kembali ke rumah 

Selamat jalan!


  - Original Message - 
  From: heri latief 
  To: SP ; ; ; PT ; 
  Cc: ; la luta ; 
  Sent: Friday, August 14, 2009 6:14 PM
  Subject: [wanita-muslimah] Pak Ucup

kabar duka dari jakarta, seorang pejuang kemanusiaan telah tiada, yang tua 
telah pergi, yang muda nongol di sana-sini, anak muda membaca jejak sejarah 
bangsanya, pencerahan terjadi akibat pergesekan ide demi perjuangan kaum yang 

  pak ucup terkenal sebagai wartawan senior, pendukung bung karno dari 
lingkaran yang pertama itu biasa duduk santai dekat pintu di pojok kantornya, 
yang katanya bekas kamar mandi dan wc itu adalah markasnya hasta mitra, 
penerbit buku-buku yang dilarang.

  pak ucup punya hobi ngerokoknya seperti kereta api bumel yang asapnya 
mengepul di udara, perokok asli yang punya nyali melawan kekuasaan kejam tirani 
orba itu selalu oke aje jika diajak berdiskusi, bila ada perkara yang ruwet 
banget, kawan tua kita pasti punya jawabnya, kerna ia juga ensiklopedia soal 
politik pers indonesia, jangan heran jika mendengar cerita tentang penjara dan 
siksa dalam resep anti pengkhianatan, walau pun badan habis tersiksa, jangan 
pernah menjual cita-cita..., demikian kata pak ucup sembari menghembuskan asap 

  selamat jalan pak ucup, god bless you!

  heri latief
  amsterdam, 15/08/2009

  [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: Pro achmad Chodjim[wanita-muslimah] Re: Bolehkah suami memperkosa istrinya? Dimana Hak wanita?

2009-08-14 Terurut Topik achmad chodjim
Pak A. Latif,

Saya justru membedakan antara perkosan dan perzinaan. Yang ada di dalam Alquran 
--sesuai dengan zamannya-- adalah perzinahan. Perkosaan adalah tindakan 
sepihak, sedangkan perzinaan adalah tindakan kedua belah pihak.

Kalau perkosaan tidak bisa disandarkan pada kesaksian 4 orang, tetapi 
disandarkan pada pengaduan. Orang memperkosa pasti dilakukan dengan cara yang 
amat sulit untuk dapat disaksikan. Nah, pengaduan tentunya memerlukan alat 
bukti, dan itu boleh menggunakan tes DNA. Dan, tentunya pelaku pemerkosa bisa 
dijatuhi hukuman mati karena pemerkosa telah menghilangkan hak hidup orang yang 
diperkosa. Hanya saja, perkosaan tidak dapat diidentifikasi semata-mata dengan 
hasil uji DNA. Sebab, yang diadukan adalah TINDAKAN memperkosa.

Dalam kasus perzinaan, ada solusi sesuai dengan Q. 24:3, yaitu pezina laki-laki 
menikahi pezina perempuan. Sedangkan dalam perkosaan --yang selama ini 
kebanyakan dilakukan oleh lelaki terhadap perempuan-- perempuannya dipaksa 
untuk melayani nafsu laki-laki, sehingga yang dihukum adalah pemerkosanya, dan 
bukan perempuan yang diperkosa.

Jadi, dalam berzina laki-laki dan perempuan sama-sama dijatuhi hukuman. 
Sedangkan dalam pemerkosaan, hanya pemerkosanya saja yang harus dihukum 
--termasuk hukuman terberat yaitu hukuman mati.

Dengan demikian, kalau kita betul-betul memperhatikan isi Alquran, maka ada 
kejahatan yang pada waktu itu belum ada, seperti korupsi dan narkoba. Oleh 
karena korupsi itu kejahatannya lebih besar dari pencuri, maka hukuman korupsi 
pastinya lebih besar daripada pencuri. Begitu juga narkoba, kerusakannya jauh 
lebih besar daripada mabuk-mabukan dengan minuman beralkohol, maka pengedar 
narkoba harus dihukum lebih berat daripada pengedar/penjual minuman beralkohol.

Di situlah hukum selalu berkembang karena ada kejahatan yang timbul jauh dari 
masa diturunkannya kitab suci. Seperti perbudakan di masa Alquran diturunkan, 
bukanlah tindakan kejahatan. Tetapi, pada zaman sekarang perbudakan adalah 
tindakan kejahatan.



  - Original Message - 
  From: abdul latif 
  Sent: Friday, August 14, 2009 10:07 AM
  Subject: Re: Pro achmad Chodjim[wanita-muslimah] Re: Bolehkah suami 
memperkosa istrinya? Dimana Hak wanita?

Kalaulah ulama2 fundamentalis Syiah dan wahabi berpendapat seperti anda itu 
baik sekali,bpk sangat menyokong dan tdk setuju dgn bentuk2 hukuman jahillah 
  Potong tanga, cambuk, gantung kepala utk hukuman mati.

  Kalau kita masih mempertahankan harus ada saksi 4 orang, itu sudah tidak 
mungkin sekali,sdr achmad? kasihan kita wanita yg di perkosa laki2 tanpa ada 
penghukuman terhadapat pelaku2 kriminal..enaknya laki2 Saudi dantidak ebak bagi 
  oleh karena itu perzinaan atau perkisaan di negara2 Arab dan saudi tidak 
kelihatan di permukaan, karena wanita takut, malu dan tidak bisa menghadiri 4 
  wanita2 yg diperkosa menyerah kpd nasib.inilah kelemahan2 hukum al 
quran,kalau ulama2 tidak mengikuti ilmu2 science dan technologi. tetap 

  kami dari islam berpaham liberal akan mencoba merobah bentuk hukuman itu dgn 
membuktikan dgn kimia,DNA dll. Agar pelaku kriminal harus di hukum segera.

  Terimakasih sharing ilmunya.Wassalam

  --- On Fri, 8/14/09, achmad chodjim wrote:

  From: achmad chodjim
  Subject: Re: [wanita-muslimah] Re: Bolehkah suami memperkosa istrinya? Dimana 
Hak wanita?
  Date: Friday, August 14, 2009, 10:35 AM


  Pak A. Latif,

  Tanpa harus ada stigma terhadap cap ke-Islam-an, seperti liberal maupun 
fundamentalis, kalau kita benar-benar mengkaji perilaku sahabat besar Nabi ada 
benang merah yang bisa ditarik dalam menegakkan ke-Islam-an kita. Jadi, dalam 
hal bentuk hukuman bahkan HUKUM para sahabat Nabi begitu cerdas dalam 

  Misalnya, pampasan perang, tidak lagi dibagikan kepada tentara yang ikut 
perang pada masa Umar bin Khaththab. Juga, masalah hukum potong tangan, 
ternyata Umar lebih memilih menyejahterakan masyarakat daripada memotong tangan 
si pencuri. Bagi Umar, hukum potong tangan bisa dilakukan APABILA kesejahteraan 
seluruh warga terjamin, tetapi koq masih ada yang mencuri. Dengan cara ini, tak 
ada pemotongan tangan selama pemerintahan Umar.

  4 saksi untuk berzina justru lebih manusiawi daripada tes DNA. Hikmah di 
balik 4 saksi adalah kita tidak mudah menuduh orang berzina. Artinya, 
damai-damai sajalah. Bila seorang istri atau suami memergoki pasangannya 
berzina, ya ambil jalan tobat bagi pezinanya; dan kalau tidak bisa tobat ya 
cerai. Intinya, tak ada manusia dicambuk gara-gara berzina, apalagi dirajam. 
Itu pentingnya kesaksian 4 saksi. Lha, kalau tes DNA kan lebih menyakiti karena 
membongkar aib, padahal tujuannya ada tobat dan tidak berzina lagi!



  - Original Message - 

  From: abdul latif 

  To: wanita-muslimah@ yahoogroups. com 


Sunny[wanita-muslimah] Re: Bolehkah suami memperkosa istrinya? - TNI

2009-08-14 Terurut Topik Mia
Bukan imajinasi Pak Wikan, tapi fantasi.  Bahkan bukan fantasi untuk kasus 
Janoko, tapi ilusi, zhan, suuzon.  Imajinasi nggak pernah terlalu jauh/dekat, 
imajinasi nggak kenal boundary, imajinasi mengundang inovasi, inspirasi, ilham, 
wahyu.  Sedangkan ilusi mengandung kepalsuan, dan kesemuan itu ditiup angin 
sedikit saja hilang.

Bayangkan, Janoko 24 jam around the clock di milis ini, dan postingannya ilusi 
dan suuzon melulu.  Karakter macam apa yang dia mau bangun untuk dirinya 

Lebih dari itu, Janoko berkarakter pengecut.  Kerjanya sabotase postingan orang 
lain melulu, sama sekali nggak fokus pada yang dibicarakan temen diskusi. Bukan 
sekedar nggak nyambung loh, tapi ada unsur kesengajaan di situ, sayangnya 

Coba bandingkan dengan banyak temen2 yang diskusi di sini. Banyak beda 
pendapat, tapi mereka menunjukkan kesantunan dan tanggungjawab personal dalam 

Pak Abdul Latif kuperhatiin banyak kemajuannya dalam berdiskusi loh, tapi kalo 
boleh dianjurkan, dikotomi fundamentalis-liberal bukan pendekatan yang baik, 
sebaiknya hindarkan.   Memang ada perbedaan dan ada kelompok liberal 
fundamentalis, tapi jangan terlalu naif bersemangat menonjolkan perbedaan, itu 
sama sekali nggak menjual.


--- In, Wikan Danar Sunindyo wikan.da...@... 

 mungkin mas jano mikirnya ada suami TNI-AD istrinya TNI-AL
 lagi latihan karate/pencak silat
 jadi pukul-pukulan
 well, imajinasinya kejauhan
 2009/8/14 Dwi Soegardi soega...@...:
  Sudah jelas kita berdiskusi tentang suami memukul istri,
  dikomentari tidak jelas juntrungannya.
  Sebuah pameran ketidaknyambungan diperagakan tanpa malu-malu.
  Kalau engkau tidak malu, berbuatlah (berkomentarlah) semaumu. (al-hadis)