Re: [wanita-muslimah] Israel's ID/Permit System

2010-06-08 Terurut Topik Wikan Danar Sunindyo
hidup Gus Dur


On Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 6:28 AM,
> Indonesia pernah melakukannya untuk keturunan China.
> KM

Re: [wanita-muslimah] Israel's ID/Permit System

2010-06-07 Terurut Topik
Indonesia pernah melakukannya untuk keturunan China.

Original Message
Date: 08/06/2010 8:15 
Subj: [wanita-muslimah] Israel's ID/Permit System

Catatan: Bukan tipe saya mengirim artikel yang tidak 
relevan dengan
misi milis ini,
tetapi dengan tragedi kejahatan kemanusiaan berupa 
pembajakan flotilla
untuk bantuan kemanusiaan oleh rezim brutal Israel,
ada baiknya mempelajari ID/Permit System di Israel:
segala sesuatu pakai ijin, dan menunjukkan kartu ID.

Penulis Stephen Lendman menjelaskan bagaimana sistem ini 
betapa buruknya sistem ini, lebih buruk daripada apartheid 
Afrika Selatan,
dan mirip dengan bagaimana Nazi memperlakukan bangsa 
dan bagaimana Amerika memperlakukan suku-suku Indian.

Untuk selanjutnya saya akan membatasi diri
dalam memberi komentar untuk topik-topik seperti ini,
dan saya berharap serupa kepada anggota-anggota milis ini.
Masih banyak milis lain untuk isu seperti ini.



Israel's ID/Permit System
Note the similarity to how the Nazis treated the Jews, and 
how the
United States treated native Indians.

by Stephen Lendman
Thursday, 13 May 2010

On April 23, Arizona's racist immigration bill became law. 
"Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhood Act," 
it requires
proof of legal entry or citizenship or face arrest, fines, 
and/or deportation.

Under South African apartheid, pass laws segregated blacks 
whites, restricted their movements, required pass books be 
carried at
all times, and produced on demand or face arrest and 
Evolving from the 18th and 19th century until their 1986 
repeal, they
restricted entry to cities, forcibly relocated blacks, 
denied them
most public amenities and many forms of employment, and 
apartheid's most hated symbol.

Under Israeli military occupation, repression is worse 
than South
Africa's. It's a sophisticated form of social, economic, 
political and
racial discrimination, strangulation, and genocide, 
incorporating the
worst elements of colonialism and apartheid as well as 
dispossession, displacement and state terrorism to 
Palestinians from their land and heritage, deny them their 
civil and human rights, and gradually remove or eliminate 

Apartheid is the worst form of racism. Israeli militarized 
is the worst form of apartheid, incorporating violence, 
incursions, land theft, home demolitions, targeted 
murder, mass arrests, torture, destruction of agricultural 
land, and
isolation - measures amounting to genocide, including 
starving Gazans
under siege.

The ID/permit system is one of many elements designed to 
make greater
Israel an ethnically pure Jewish state.

Israel requires all permanent residents and citizens over 
16 to have
color-coded ID cards (called te'udat zehut) for West Bank 
and Gazan
Palestinians, East Jerusalem ones, Israeli Arabs and Jews.

For Palestinians, they dictate where they may live, work, 
and move, or
be allowed through West Bank checkpoints, to Israel or 
Gaza. Doing so
requires hard to get permits, easily cancelled without 
notice. More on
them below.

Jews have blue IDs, Palestinians either Israeli-issued 
orange ones (in
Hebrew) or nearly identical Palestinian Authority-issued 
green ones
with a PA seal on top, that include the following 

name and ID number;
father and mother's names;
date and place of birth;
marital status;
gender; and
Prior to 2005, ethnicity was also included. It's still 
available on
request from state registrations.

A separate document includes:

current and previous addresses;
previous names;
citizenship, including for permanent resident citizens of 
other countries;
name, birth date and ID numbers for spouse and children; 
electoral polling stamp.
Since the 1993 Oslo Accords and follow-up agreements, West 
Palestinians are prohibited from accessing Jerusalem 
health and
educational services, the Separation Wall adding more 
impediments for
thousands of residents on the West Bank side and others in 
the Seam
Zone - the area east of the Green Line and west of the 
Wall. They also
lose services, and for Jerusalem residents, access to the 
city and
their residency.

Worse still, Seam Zone residents face possible land 
annexation to make
way for settlement expansions and new ones. They need 
permits to live
in their homes and till their fields. Others in East 
Jerusalem living
west of the Wall must cross barriers and have permits to 
access other
parts of the West Bank.

In theory, Jerusalem Palestinians may move freely within 
the city and
through most of the West Bank. In practice, harsh security 
prevent it as well as their right to work in Israel, pay 
taxes, and
get national insurance benefits. In addition, their 

[wanita-muslimah] Israel's ID/Permit System

2010-06-07 Terurut Topik Dwi Soegardi
Catatan: Bukan tipe saya mengirim artikel yang tidak relevan dengan
misi milis ini,
tetapi dengan tragedi kejahatan kemanusiaan berupa pembajakan flotilla
untuk bantuan kemanusiaan oleh rezim brutal Israel,
ada baiknya mempelajari ID/Permit System di Israel:
segala sesuatu pakai ijin, dan menunjukkan kartu ID.

Penulis Stephen Lendman menjelaskan bagaimana sistem ini bekerja,
betapa buruknya sistem ini, lebih buruk daripada apartheid Afrika Selatan,
dan mirip dengan bagaimana Nazi memperlakukan bangsa Yahudi
dan bagaimana Amerika memperlakukan suku-suku Indian.

Untuk selanjutnya saya akan membatasi diri
dalam memberi komentar untuk topik-topik seperti ini,
dan saya berharap serupa kepada anggota-anggota milis ini.
Masih banyak milis lain untuk isu seperti ini.



Israel's ID/Permit System
Note the similarity to how the Nazis treated the Jews, and how the
United States treated native Indians.

by Stephen Lendman
Thursday, 13 May 2010

On April 23, Arizona's racist immigration bill became law. Called
"Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhood Act," it requires
proof of legal entry or citizenship or face arrest, fines, jailing,
and/or deportation.

Under South African apartheid, pass laws segregated blacks from
whites, restricted their movements, required pass books be carried at
all times, and produced on demand or face arrest and prosecution.
Evolving from the 18th and 19th century until their 1986 repeal, they
restricted entry to cities, forcibly relocated blacks, denied them
most public amenities and many forms of employment, and became
apartheid's most hated symbol.

Under Israeli military occupation, repression is worse than South
Africa's. It's a sophisticated form of social, economic, political and
racial discrimination, strangulation, and genocide, incorporating the
worst elements of colonialism and apartheid as well as repressive
dispossession, displacement and state terrorism to separate
Palestinians from their land and heritage, deny them their rightful
civil and human rights, and gradually remove or eliminate them

Apartheid is the worst form of racism. Israeli militarized occupation
is the worst form of apartheid, incorporating violence, military
incursions, land theft, home demolitions, targeted assassinations,
murder, mass arrests, torture, destruction of agricultural land, and
isolation - measures amounting to genocide, including starving Gazans
under siege.

The ID/permit system is one of many elements designed to make greater
Israel an ethnically pure Jewish state.

Israel requires all permanent residents and citizens over 16 to have
color-coded ID cards (called te'udat zehut) for West Bank and Gazan
Palestinians, East Jerusalem ones, Israeli Arabs and Jews.

For Palestinians, they dictate where they may live, work, and move, or
be allowed through West Bank checkpoints, to Israel or Gaza. Doing so
requires hard to get permits, easily cancelled without notice. More on
them below.

Jews have blue IDs, Palestinians either Israeli-issued orange ones (in
Hebrew) or nearly identical Palestinian Authority-issued green ones
with a PA seal on top, that include the following information:

name and ID number;
father and mother's names;
date and place of birth;
marital status;
gender; and
Prior to 2005, ethnicity was also included. It's still available on
request from state registrations.

A separate document includes:

current and previous addresses;
previous names;
citizenship, including for permanent resident citizens of other countries;
name, birth date and ID numbers for spouse and children; and
electoral polling stamp.
Since the 1993 Oslo Accords and follow-up agreements, West Bank
Palestinians are prohibited from accessing Jerusalem health and
educational services, the Separation Wall adding more impediments for
thousands of residents on the West Bank side and others in the Seam
Zone - the area east of the Green Line and west of the Wall. They also
lose services, and for Jerusalem residents, access to the city and
their residency.

Worse still, Seam Zone residents face possible land annexation to make
way for settlement expansions and new ones. They need permits to live
in their homes and till their fields. Others in East Jerusalem living
west of the Wall must cross barriers and have permits to access other
parts of the West Bank.

In theory, Jerusalem Palestinians may move freely within the city and
through most of the West Bank. In practice, harsh security measures
prevent it as well as their right to work in Israel, pay taxes, and
get national insurance benefits. In addition, their Jerusalem
residency isn't guaranteed. If they live outside the city for seven
years, it's revoked, or if Israel wishes, revocation by military order
may come.

Israeli Arabs are citizens, their ID cards identifying their religion.
Again theoretically, they have free access to the West Bank and